• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 7,874 Views, 271 Comments

Trapped - I am not a Dalek

The Wonderbolts are performing in Ponyville, but things don't turn out the way any of them had expected at all.

  • ...


Chapter 13- Perfection

I am unable to fall back into the warm hooves of sleep again, for I fear the nightmares it may bring. So, here I am, sitting in the hospital bed as I continue to read the Daring Doo book in attempt to take my mind off things.

A knock on the door startles me and causes me to jump in surprise. My heart begins to race when I see the light blue Pegasus hovering in the doorframe. Why do I feel this way? Why is my heart fluttering like this? I try and stop the feeling, but it is no use and, I actually like this feeling. I feel safe.

I open my forelegs wide and motion for Soarin’ to come over to me, desperate to feel his fur against mine, the warmth from his body making me feel safe and warm as he makes me forget all the nightmares and fears I have ever had.
Soarin’ flies over, a goofy grin across his face, as he wraps his hooves around me. I hold him tight as I bury my face in his mane, holding back the tears that I know are trying to escape. I can’t, I have cried more in the past two days than I have in the past ten years, and it’s embarrassing.

We sit there in silence for a few moments. Sweet, blissful silence. Then Soarin’ pulls away reluctantly as he takes a seat on the chair at my bedside.

“So did you find Twilight in the end?” I ask Soarin’ in attempt to make small talk.

“Yep, very nice house you’ve got there, Miss Dash.” He grins at me, causing me to flush the same colour of my eyes.

I glance at him through the corner of my eyes and shoot him a glare. “What about the pie? Did you enjoy it?”

The Wonderbolt nods and his face turns nostalgic as he remembers the pie he ate only last night. “It was amazing! The best pie in Equestria.”

I laugh at the love he feels towards food, however, I do have to admit that is the same love I feel towards napping, so I can’t really judge him on it. Soarin’ laughs alongside me, his eyes glistening with joy. I am so happy to see him smile again, all that time in the cave we had lost all hope, I thought I’d never see the normal Soarin’ that I love again.

A pony walking into the room distracts us both from our laughter, causing us both to look up and find that there is a doctor standing at the end of the bed. I frown slightly since he’s rudely interrupted a perfect moment that I fear will not happen again for a long time.

“Miss Dash, we have been monitoring you very closely for the past few days and feel that you are now in a fit state to be discharged from the hospital in a few hours time.” The doctor says as he reads my notes. “We will need to remove your drip and get you to sign the discharge forms, but other than that you will be free to go when you wish.”

My mouth drops open in shock and I turn to look at Soarin’. The doctor nods towards him before walking out of the room in silence.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I get to go home!” I grin and bounce up and down in the bed.

Soarin’ smiles at my excitement, “Do you want me to tell every pony the good news?”

I kiss Soarin’ on the cheek quickly before looking into his emerald eyes. “Yes please, that’d be perfect.”

“I’ll meet you outside in an hour then, Dashie!” Soarin’ smiles goofily at me before he hops down off the seat.

“Okay, thank you, Soar,” I whisper as he flies out of the room, leaving me alone as I smile to myself like an idiot.

I’m free, I’m free, I’m free! I can fly again; I can feel the wind in my mane and my feathers. I have missed that, quite a lot actually.

I gaze out of the window as I long to be in the sky again, flying alongside Soarin’. The colt whom I care so much about.


An hour later and I have finally gone through the whole discharging procedure. It took a good twenty minutes to get through all the forms, then another ten to get all the tubes and wires out of me. I then had to pack the saddle back which Twilight Sparkle left me the other day in case I was discharged. The egghead is always thinking ahead, isn’t she?

I trot outside into the fresh air, smiling widely as I feel the wind caress my face. Stretching out my wings, I close my eyes and allow the wind to run through my feathers, shuddering as the sensation causes my whole body to tingle.

I am interrupted with a loud cheer and the explosion of a party cannon, and open my eyes to find my fellow Elements of Harmony, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Wonderbolts all standing outside the hospital to welcome me.

An orange filly zooms into my forelegs and wraps her hooves around my neck. I stroke her dark purple mane with my hoof as she sobs quietly into my chest. I gently pick her up and rock her calmly. I promised her that I’d be her big sister, and that’s just what I’m going to do. That means I need to comfort her when she needs me too, and when it comes to Scoots, I don’t care how sappy I look because I care about her.

“They wouldn’t let me visit you Dash, I thought you’d left me.” Scootaloo whispers sadly.

“Hey, squirt, I’d never leave you. You were just a bit too little to come into the part of the hospital that I was staying in,” I say soothingly, “I’ll tell ya what, after school on Monday, Soarin’ and I will give you a flying lesson, okay?”

Scootaloo looks up into my eyes and her tears slowly disappear. “Really?”

“Really, we need to take it easy and I’ve missed flying with you. I hope you’ve been practising.” I carefully place the filly on the ground again.

Scootaloo nods excitedly. “I have, Dash!” She cheers as she runs off towards her friends.

I spoke to Soarin’ about my relationship with Scootaloo once or twice during the incident in the cave; he understood and accepted my offer to give her a flight lesson once we were free without a second thought.

Pinkie Pie is the next to hug me as she begins to excitedly talk about throwing a party tomorrow and that she missed me. Applejack and Rarity ended up pulling her away just as she began to talk about baking cupcakes with me at some point. I stare at them in confusion then turn to find Spitfire standing before me.

“Hey, Rookie,” the Wonderbolts captain grins at me and I salute at her with a smile across my face too. Spitfire continues talking, “So, it’s good to see you out, Dash. Thank you for what you did. Saving Soar and all that. He’s my best friend, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know what I’d do either, ma’am. No need to thank me, I would have hated myself for an eternity if I didn’t save the big dope,” I smile slightly to myself as I think about the Pegasus who I cared about enough to risk my life for.

Spitfire smiles slightly and steps to the side, I look up to see a nervous Soarin’ standing there, kicking his hoof in the dirt.

I cautiously walk over to him and touch his cheek with my hoof. Soarin’ looks up at me, his emerald eyes burning with a
passion I’ve never seen before. I gaze at him in wonder as he takes a step closer to me, so close that our bodies are almost touching.

“Soar-“I whisper but he cuts me off by placing a single feather over my lips.

Soarin’ slowly leans his head in and my heart begins to pound. Am I dreaming?

His lips press against mine and the whole world around us goes dark. All that is left is me and him. Our breathing is in sync and our lips move together. My whole body melts inside as I wrap my hooves around his neck, pulling him closer to me, never wanting to let go.

Perfect. Everything is perfect.

Author's Note:

So, this is it. The final chapter of Trapped!
But not to fear, the sequel is here! I took the time to actually write this chapter AND the sequel in one night, so the prologue of the sequel will be put through for submission straight after this chapter is posted. Keep an eye out, but Here is a link to Free to Fly! it should hopefully be up soon!
I will post a blog post which will be linked to this story when it goes live, so if you're following this story you will be able to see it!
Thank you all so much for the support, we reached 50 likes last night which honestly made me so happy, I never expected that at all. I hope I continue to please you all in the sequel, so stay tuned!

Comments ( 62 )

Great ending!

Off to read the sequel!

I also think you deserve a watch! ::trixieshiftright:

2571903 AWW! Thank you! Oh my gosh, you guys! You make me so happy! :pinkiesad2: The sequel is going through submission at the moment, hopefully it'll be up soon though :pinkiehappy: Thank you for all your support, you deserve a cookie! :raritystarry:

2571922 My pleasure. :ajsmug:

2571934 I hope I don't disappoint in the future then! :pinkiesad2:


Disappoint? Nonsense! You're writing is getting better! :pinkiehappy:

I've seen some bad stories, check out "My Little Sparkle"

... that is a story that really is a disappointment...:facehoof:

2571959 Well I'm glad to hear that I'm improving!
I'm always afraid that I'll disappoint my readers! I hate stories like that and don't want to be one of them! :rainbowwild:

2571968 I'm sure you won't. :pinkiesmile:

2571984 You're very welcome. :twilightsheepish:

Scootaloo nods excitedly. “I have, Dashie!”

Scoots wouldn't call her Dashie, she'd call her Dash

2572011 I've read fics where she's done both so...ah I dunno :derpytongue2:

2572022 it doesn't sound right.
Scoots calling her big sis a pet name to be used between lovers/ Pinkie Pie

2572036 True, I guess I'll change it then. :rainbowwild:

2572011 <---This.

Cute story. It was a little quick for my tastes, but good story none the less.:ajsmug:

2572110 I have fixed that but yeah :rainbowwild:

Sorry for going so quick, I'm aiming to have longer chapters in the sequel so hopefully it doesn't move as quick! :rainbowwild:

That was... beautiful...

2572246 Ahh well the sequel is up (apparently) If you click on the link you can read it? I don't understand how that works but hey, take the opportunity! :raritywink:

2572313 Yay! :yay: and oh., right... You just earned a stalker xD

OH MY GOSH I CANNOT BELIVE IM SAYING THIS (i hate most love stories) BUT THIS WAS AWSOME:pinkiehappy: you must be really good if you got ME to like it!


Stalkers can be a good thing. Like if you get blamed for doing a crime you didn't do they can vouch for you... though that would involve them admitting that they stalk you...

2574306 Ah, I'm glad you liked it, it's an honour to know you feel that way :pinkiesad2:

2575171 True indeeed :raritywink:

2577239 Well, they'd have to pass on the family recipe, I'm sure Applejack can bake too... :rainbowwild:

That... was amazing. That's all I have to say on the matter.

2577926 Well I'm glad my story caught your attention, it makes me feel very special! :rainbowwild:

2577929 Aw, thank you! It's nice to know you enjoyed it! I hope the sequel leaves you feeling the same way!

2580871 ahaa, yeah, I've read a couple... It depends on the story though, I wanted Spitfire to like Dash so.... XD :rainbowwild:


Bravo! Now for the sequel!

>Story is finished, is sad :fluttershysad:
>Sequel :pinkiegasp:

2581343 Ah, well there is the whole thing where 'Hand' apparently isn't a terrible thing to say, in the same way that in some episodes, they say "Everybody" instead of Everypony... I do admit that it was an error though XD
Thanks for the help on capiche though, I never really wrote it before, only said it! :fluttershyouch:

2581364 Aha! I hope you enjoy it! :raritywink:

2646869 She wouldn't say it out loud, obviously, but I like to think that she's an egghead at heart so she thinks it... :rainbowwild:

What was up with the feather thing?

2657232 Wait, what feather thing? :derpytongue2:

2657289 Um, there are many feather things in this chapter, If you're talking about

I can feel the wind in my mane and my feathers. I have missed that, quite a lot actually.

Well, Pegasi have sensitive wings, and when the wind flows through their feathers it makes them feel good I guess?

Or if you meant

he cuts me off by placing a single feather over my lips.

Its like when someone is talking and you put a finger on their lips to shut them up... That's basically what he was doing but using his wing instead :rainbowwild:

2657320 Yeah, he's basically telling her to shut up, I mean I could of got him to use his hoof but... I don't know, in my opinion I prefer it when he uses a feather instead :unsuresweetie:

Long time no see sorry stupid school -_-
any way AWESOME chapter loved the whole thing:yay:

2670354 I know! It's been a while! No worries, I know the issue with school :facehoof: I'm kinda in the middle of it all myself!
Anyway, thanks, I'm glad you liked it! :twilightblush: If you ever have time check out the sequel. :rainbowwild:

2762476 Well, yeah but it's not obligatory to always refer to them as ponies, since they are people too, and also in the actual series they do say things like "everyone, person, ect." :rainbowwild: they have Personalities don't they? So I don't see why they can't be called people?

2762489 Ah, ok.. I didn't notice that they did that.... :rainbowlaugh: Sorry 'bout that!

I do have to say, I :heart: your tale to pieces!!! I just love how it was so close to one ending, then in a split second, turn to another! (Trying not to give away spoilers :pinkiehappy:)

This really is a fantastic story... :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache: / 10 moustaches!!!!

Keep it up!

2763420 Don't worry about it, :pinkiehappy:

Aw thank you! I really appreciate that! It's nice to know that I've actually written something that people like! :pinkiesad2::heart:

2928680 ahaa XD I suppose they thought it was "Pinkie being Pinkie" and seeing Soarin' would remind her of everything that happened and... yeah XD But it does suck XD :rainbowlaugh:

This review was brought to you by Me. Jonah Fun. Oh, and it's also brought to you on behalf of the group Authors Helping Authors. But mainly me.
Name: Trapped
Grammar: 9
The romance is very believable, not only in premise but in practice also. (Considering that's the focus of the novel, well done)
The situation is a good idea
All the characters are written well.
It isn't scary enough: I feel like i should be scared with the characters but I am not, more emphasis is placed on the romance.
Soarin is a bit of a Mary Sue and we know jack about him other than he's a wonderbolt and he likes food.
I'm not buying that they allow a laws-of-physics-breaking, cannon-wielding madmare to see Rainbow Dash but not Soarin, who was her only friend for 2 and a half days.
Rainbow dash is a bit violent at points.
Notes and other stuff:
On the whole, you did a very good job of this. The focus is on the romance and it is one of the best I've seen. Yes, Soarin is a Mary sue but we've barely had anytime to get to know him outside of a cave. The other flaws are really just little nitpicks except for the scare factor, which really should've been there. I think you just needed to place a little more emphasis on the fear element that Rainbow would feel. It also didn't help that the interlude practically tells you that they're going to be okay; it would've been better if we'd have been left in the dark (no pun intended) about whether the rescue party were coming or not. Definitely worthy of a like, and i'll check out the sequel some time too.
Enjoy the review! Please (with apple pie on top) help me out by looking at my story: Pony tails
I apologize in advance if my story sucks.

2928842 Ah, thank you! You get to know the other characters more in the sequel! :pinkiehappy: Also, Pinkie is her best friend so... I dunno XD I just wanted to use that as a bit of a plot :rainbowwild:
I shall check out your story after this episode of Doctor Who :rainbowwild:

2928891Vary nice story it is grate vary well written and I hope to hear more from it. My rating is (:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:5 Out Of 5 Happy Pinkies).


Name: Trapped
Grammar: 9.5

Nice style with the first person. You make like you are RD.
Your grammar-I wish I had that grammar-is really nice.
Nice story with romance, I really like it.

Sometimes I feel like I need more… but, there is the sequel.
Sometimes I feel like the text is really light-of course a light tale is good-
I don’t know what to write here…

Notes Sections: A really good fic, indeed, I will read the sequel later. I wish I would work with you… but anyway. Good luck with your next jobs.

I wish you enjoy my review, and if you don’t mind, please help me out by looking at my story/this story: The Silent War

2935869 Ah, thank you! I shall check it out tomorrow since it's quite late at the moment :derpytongue2:

Finished this is one go, and I gotta say, this is really good.
Enjoyed every chapter and I think you captured Rainbow Dash really well.
I will read the sequel next. :twilightsmile:
Fave and follow :heart:

2940432 Ah thank you! I'm glad to hear that! :pinkiehappy: I hope you enjoy what I have of the sequel so far! :pinkiehappy::heart:

Dear writer,

I would like to thank you for writing this master piece. I :heart: it.

Aqua Shimmer

P.S. It's good to see your not a Dalek. Doctor Who is awesome!!!!!

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