• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 7,875 Views, 271 Comments

Trapped - I am not a Dalek

The Wonderbolts are performing in Ponyville, but things don't turn out the way any of them had expected at all.

  • ...

This Isn't Too Bad

Chapter 3- This Isn't Too Bad

It’s so dark. Why is it so dark? Where am I? The last thing I remember is falling into a cave with Soarin’. Maybe I dreamt it. Maybe-

“Dash, Dash, wake up!” A voice whispers and my body shakes.

I groan and open my eyes slowly and painfully, to find Soarin’ sitting beside me, his face centimetres from my own.

“Wh- huh?” I mumble and push myself up to a sitting position. “How long have I been out for?”

Soarin’ looks at me in concern as he places a hoof across my forehead gently. “Only a few minutes, but you hit your head pretty bad.”

My head begins pounding, as if Soarin’ had just reminded my body that it is supposed to be hurting right now. I groan and put my head in my hooves, I grit my teeth until the pain slowly fades out again.

The cave is damp and barely lit, so all I can see of Soarin’ is an outline and the shine of his Wonderbolt suit. That must be really uncomfortable to wear, and he’s just done a show so it would be soaked with sweat. Not that I mind or anything, but surely he’d freeze in it.

“You should take off your suit before you freeze.” I say as I glance at the Wonderbolt.

Soarin’ chuckles and he gives me his infamous goofy grin through the darkness. “So, you want me to strip down, huh?”

My cheeks heat up at his comment, and I am thankful that the cave is dark because no pony ever makes me blush. Ever. I reach over and give Soarin’ a gentle shove and he replies with a sarcastic “Ow.”

“You know I can hit harder than that,” I mumble, “And you also know what I meant when I said that, so stop being so horrible to me.”

Soarin’ laughs again and I roll my eyes, even though he cannot see. Although we are trapped in this cold, damp cave, I am not too worried. This may sound selfish but I get to spend some time with Soarin’, not the Wonderbolt Soarin’. Just Soarin’.

“So, how long do you think we’ll be stuck in here?” I ask as I shudder unknowingly.

“Probably a few hours, maybe a bit longer. Outside probably looks horrible so they’re going to have to throw a search party looking for a load of ponies, not just us.” Soarin’ sounds distressed, he doesn’t know if his fellow Wonderbolts escaped the falling boulders, and if they did they have probably began to think that Soarin’ has been squashed to oblivion.

“I’m sure they escaped Soar, I saw Spitfire helping some other ponies to safety, and they took Wave Chill out before he could get even more hurt, so he’s okay too.” I move closer to him and put a hoof around his shoulders.

Soarin’ nods and leans into my touch, something which I never expected to happen, I thought he would pull away.

“Thank you for saving me, Dashie. That’s the second time in a row now, and you saved my pie as well!” I can almost hear the smile in Soarin’s voice.

“Well actually, my friends and I have saved the whole of Equestria a few times as well, so I’ve saved you more than twice,” I say jokingly but my voice changes to a serious tone quickly, “But, you’re welcome, I would never forgive myself if I didn’t save you, I could see that you weren’t going to make it.”

Soarin’s grip tightens around me and he pulls me closer. “Well, thank you, really...” He trails off as if he's realised something else, I wait patiently for him to continue. “Wait, you saved Equestria? More than one? When?”

I gaze up at him. “You didn’t know that I’m the Element of Loyalty?” I ask in confusion, “I thought every pony knew.”

“I thought it was just a legend... Wow, so you’re the fastest flier in Equestria and the Element of Loyalty. You’re some Pegasus, Rainbow,” he laughs and I can feel it rumble against my side, giving me a warm feeling in my stomach.

I look up at Soarin’ and do something I have never done before, I giggle. No, this isn’t right. I’m supposed to be Rainbow Dash. The coolest, most awesome Pegasus in all of Equestria, and I just giggled? That is so lame. In attempt to cover up my lameness, I cough and laugh nervously. I bet that Soarin’ has one of the goofiest smiles in all of Equestria plastered across his face right now. What is wrong with me?

“I’m not the fastest flier, I’m sure Fleetfoot would beat me by a long shot, and so would you,” I say before Soarin’ can comment on the noise that just escaped my mouth.

Luckily, Soarin’ is smart enough to move on without saying anything about it. “No way, you are faster than Fleetfoot, believe me. I tell you what, when we get out of here we’ll race.”

I jump up to my hooves in excitement, ignoring the pain that has now shot through my head. “Really? That is so awesome! I’m totally gonna kick your flank!”

“Well, we’ll see about that. Anyway, after this, we’re bound to have at least a two week break from shows and training, so maybe we can hang out. I’ll teach you a few Wonderbolt tricks if you teach me the technique you use for the Sonic Rainboom?” I laugh in reply to Soarin’s question.

“Sure, I can teach you the Rainboom technique, but I already know most of the Wonderbolts tricks, but maybe you can help me perfect them?” I grin as I flutter my wings excitedly and fly around the cave.

Soarin’ laughs and pulls me back to the ground as I fly over his head. “Okay, it’s a date!”

“Awesome,” I say coolly, hiding that I’m dancing around inside at the fact that I have a date with Soarin’. “So do you have a place to stay? I have a spare bedroom if you don’t.”

“Well, where do you live? Is it away from the town?” He asks, and my heart begins to pound.

Maybe because my house is set off to the side, away from all ponies, he’ll want to stay. My home is the only cloud home in Ponyville, my parents bought it for me on my eighteenth birthday, since they wanted me to get away from Cloudsdale, and I have never been more thankful for it than I am today.

“It’s the only cloud home in Ponyville, you’ve probably seen it on your way in.” I say nonchalantly, pretending it’s no big deal.

Soarin’s smile shines through the cave as he says, “Sure, that’s perfect!”

We sit in silence for a few moments, listening to a quiet dripping noise coming from somewhere in this cave. It is probably pushing onto midnight now, so outside seems to be quiet as well. They will probably start the search parties tomorrow, hopefully.

The cave is beginning to get colder as the night progresses, causing me to begin to shudder uncontrollably. I hear a zipping noise come from my left and then the sound of fabric being pulled at. After that, there is nothing for a few moments, just silence again; all that is heard is the dripping noise and the chattering of my teeth.

I feel a soft wing curve around my shoulders and pull me towards the warm fur of another pony. Glad to have heat, I wrap both my wings around Soarin’ and somehow I end up sitting on his lap. Still, neither of us mention it since it is so cold, and we need to share all the heat we’ve got. So I stay there is the safety of Soarin’s lap, as he cradles me in his wings.

Never have I felt like this for another pony before, never have I felt safe in the wings of another Pegasus. Yet, I am now suddenly feeling all of these things. I am beginning to realise that maybe, just maybe, it’s not good to do everything on my own. I mean, I may be awesome, but it would still be nice to have a special some pony to hold me, and fly beside me, and race with me. Strangely enough, when I think of that special some pony, Soarin’ is the only one who comes to mind.

How is he doing this to me?

Author's Note:

Hey guys! So I am really enjoying writing this story! I hope I'm not disappointing you with any of the content!
30 likes already? That is a shock! Really, thank you all!
Anyway, if you spot a fail, or are confuzzled or just want to say hello, just drop a comment and I will reply ASAP!
Thank you all for your support guys!
Stay awesome!