• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 7,874 Views, 271 Comments

Trapped - I am not a Dalek

The Wonderbolts are performing in Ponyville, but things don't turn out the way any of them had expected at all.

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Interlude- Joining Forces (Edited)

Interlude- Joining Forces

The five Elements of Harmony watch their sixth member fly into the avalanche of boulders, her rainbow tail darts furiously between the falling death traps, towards the Pegasus whom she cares so much about.

The five girls stand safely away as the Element of Loyalty grabs Soarin’ the Wonderbolt, saving his life. Sighs of relief are heard from each of the girls, but they are soon enough replaced with horror when they see that their friend and the Wonderbolt, are both gone.


Spitfire zooms over to her fallen teammate to find that he, fortunately, escaped with just a gash on the forehead. She looks behind her at the fallen debris within the Gorge, and realises that since the Wonderbolts had technically caused this disaster, they have to help with the search parties. Hopefully there are not too many missing ponies, and hopefully there aren’t any who are too close to her heart.

The captain blows the shrill whistle to call all of her crew to stand before her, as she does a headcount. She finds that one member is missing, the one with the goofy smile, the one who loves pie, her best friend. Soarin’.

“Where’s Soarin’?” She shouts urgently, knowing that she jinxed herself.

Behind the Wonderbolts, pounding hoofsteps are heard, and they all turn to find five ponies running towards them. Spitfire recognises them all, and she places the purple unicorn with the name Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Celestia. She recounts again and again, and realises that the one and only Rainbow Dash is missing.

Twilight steps towards the Captain with fear evident in her eyes. “Rainbow Dash flew in and saved Soarin’ from being crushed, but we don’t know if they got out alive or not, there was too much happening, I couldn’t see what happened!”
Murmurs of shock come from the Wonderbolts and Misty Fly steps forward, placing a wing around Spitfire in a form of comfort.

“If he’s with Dash then he’ll be fine,” Misty says reassuringly.

“Yes, but if they’re trapped they won’t have a supply of food or water and will last three days, tops.” Twilight Sparkle says, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Pinkie Pie is sitting back slightly, her mane deflated and hanging limp around her face. Rarity is sitting beside Pinkie, attempting to get some sort of reaction from her at all, but gets no luck. Fluttershy and Applejack are hugging each other as they cry hysterically.

As for the Wonderbolts, they are all standing quietly, the pain evident in their eyes but not in their military stance. Ponies around them have begun to disperse and return home after experiencing such a traumatic event. Police ponies and ambulances have arrived to assist those with missing friends or families, or help those who are hurt. Overall, the atmosphere of the Gorge is just depressing.

Spitfire looks out into the Gorge, which is being barely lit by the moon. “Okay,can you point in the vague direction you saw them flying?” She looks over at Twilight, who seems to be the only one out of her friends in a fit state to talk.

She lifts a purple hoof and points it towards the back of the Gorge shakily. Spitfire takes a mental note of the area before lifting off the ground.

The Wonderbolts captain flies over the Gorge, taking mental snapshots from each angle, figuring out every possible place they could be. Spitfire tried to keep her cool, but all she could think about was the fact that her best friend and future rookie were trapped on the brink of death.


The Soarin’- Rainbow Dash search party was waiting patiently at the edge of the gorge, each looking nervously down the cliff which now had Celestia knows how much debris, and possibly even bodies.

Spitfire steps forward, taking control of the situation. “Right, Fleetfoot and Misty you will search the back section there, make sure you keep digging through rocks, they may be far in so don’t give up after a few noses.” She turns to Rapid Fire and a bandaged up Wave Chill. “You two will search on the far left. I will search on the far right side with Twilight here. The rest of
you buddy up, and dig. Call for them, listen out for them.”

So the search party begins. Ponies from all of Ponyville are searching desperately for missing ponies. A few bodies are found, none are living.

Morale is low throughout the Gorge as the night turns to morning and the morning turns to afternoon and the afternoon turns to night, completing the day cycle. More and more bodies are found, but none are those belonging to Rainbow and Soarin’. Spitfire reluctantly calls it a night, informing everyone that tomorrow will be the same routine as today was, but this time we must find them since time is running out.

“Okay crew, into the center! Half of us will dig through the pile of debris at the back wall, since that is where they were seen last, maybe there was a little cave in the side where they found shelter. The rest of you will continue the search as we did today. We have to do this guys, it is important-“ Spitfire is cut off by a baby dragon stumbling into the clearing, calling out Twilight’s name.

The dragon pauses for a moment and looks as if he’s about to be sick, before he belches a green flame, producing a neatly rolled scroll next to Twilight’s hooves.

Twilight levitates the scroll, her face sunken with sadness. “Thank you, Spike.” She whispers and begins to read out the message in the scroll:

“My Dearest student Twilight,

“We have been made aware that Rainbow Dash has gone missing in the terrible accident in the Ghastly Gorge. Luna and I would like to send our condolences. However, I do have some good news for you. As you may be aware, Princess Luna has the ability to walk through ponies dreams as long as the pony is asleep.

“Fortunately, Rainbow Dash was asleep, and she spoke to Luna through her dreams no less than half an hour ago. She told her that she is stuck in a cave at the far end of the Gorge, and she has Soarin’ with her. They are both supposedly ‘fine’ but they will not be for long.

“I wish you the best of luck Twilight Sparkle, don’t give up the search. “ Twilight finishes reading out the scroll, leaving silence throughout the group of ponies.

They all gaze out towards the far end of the Gorge where their friends are trapped and dying. A small trickle of hope fills each of them as they now know where exactly they need to search, and also they know that their friends are actually still alive.

“Okay every pony.This is good news, we can't give up hope yet, we will find them!” Spitfire yells out confidently, receiving a cheer from each of the ponies around her, including one from the normally timid Fluttershy.

The search party breaks apart as each member goes to their designated spot, before they start, they discuss allowing one person to take a thirty minute break so that no pony passes out from lack of energy. Once all is agreed, the search party begins their search again, this time more enthusiastic and hopeful.

Down below, trapped in a dark cave is Soarin’ and Rainbow Dash, who are hanging on to their last thread of life holding on with all they’ve got, hopeful that they will be found. Soon.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for the chapter spam! I just had to write this! This isn't actually a chapter, it's just like a small break between two parts of the story, hence the name Interlude. I also wanted to give a bit of look on the outside world, so here it is!
Next chapter will be back to Rainbow Dash point of view and whatnot!
I kind of ballsed this one up (well the previous copy of it) but hopefully I fixed it all now... -.- I'm such a fail, so yeah! Sorry guys!
The next story I update will be my Replacing Scootaloo one, so this story may not be updated until monday!
Anyway, if you see any fails, are confuzzled or just wanna say hi just drop a comment!
Until next time!