• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 7,865 Views, 271 Comments

Trapped - I am not a Dalek

The Wonderbolts are performing in Ponyville, but things don't turn out the way any of them had expected at all.

  • ...

Escape Attempt

Chapter 10- Escape Attempt

Pinkie Pie has been here for a long hour, babbling on about some new recipes that she’s been trying out.

After the agonisingly long talk with the pink party pony, there is a knock at the door, which indicates that her time is up. I sigh in relief as Pinkie jumps up from her seat (which she only just settled down in- she had been bouncing around the room in excitement for the most part of this visit.) and she bounces out of the room.

“Bye, Dashie!” She calls back cheerfully as she disappears down the hall.

I shake my head and look up to find Spitfire hovering by the door with a roll of parchment in her mouth. My heart lifts as she trots towards me and I realise that the letter is from Soarin’.

“So,” The Wonderbolt’s captain says as she floats over to me. “I take it I’m going to be your personal mailmare?”

“Yes Ma’am, if that’s okay with you, Ma’am.” I instantly reply with the military formalities that had been drilled into us at the Wonderbolt’s Academy, in hope to get on Spitfire’s good side.

Spitfire laughs, a laugh that is so warm that it fills every corner of the room causing me to relax slightly.

“Of course it’s okay, Rookie.” She rolls her eyes. “Soar would kill me if I didn’t anyway.”

I sigh with relief as Spitfire passes me the letter, it smells slightly of apple pies, I smile slightly as I open it up.

“You have ten minutes then visiting hours will be over, your other friends want to apologise, they all wish to see you but there’s not enough time,” Spitfire frowns as she watches me read the letter in my hooves.

“Tell them I said it’s fine, there’s always tomorrow,” I say absentmindedly as I put all my attention towards the letter.

Hey Dash,

I know, it sucks. I have been asking if I can go to see you every ten minutes, but they still refuse. It has gotten to the point where they answer me before I even have a chance to ask the question, I have asked that many times. They also refuse to tell me of your wellbeing, they just say that you’re stable, that’s all I have been told so I’m relying on every pony else to tell me what’s going on.

I’m in a ward with a few other ponies who were injured in the accident so I don’t have as much privacy as you do, still, I know how lonely you are. At least I can have as many visitors as I want... When we get out of here we definitely must spend some more time together. How does that race sound to you?

Before you ask, Spit said I can have a month’s leave since I need to recover. If you don’t mind, can I stay with you? Obviously I’d sleep on the couch. Obviously.

I have heard talk about me being discharged tomorrow, so hopefully that means I will be free to see you!

Anyway, see you soon Dash.


PS. I won’t tell anyone about your letter writing, I don’t want to risk my flank. I may be a dope but I’m not that stupid.

PPS. Twilight Sparkle said that she was going to get you the Daring Doo book for tomorrow.

I laugh softly at his reply before taking a piece of parchment and scrawling a quick reply across it, knowing that I only have a few minutes left before the hospital kicks Spitfire out.

Hey Soar,

I don’t have long to reply since there is only five minutes until visiting times are over. But, of course you can stay with me you big dope. I have a spare room so there is no need for a couch.

It is very lonely, so I do hope that I get out of here soon, have you heard anything about my discharge yet? Or at least when I’ll get moved into an open ward?

I look forward to racing you, you best be prepared to get your flank kicked in that race as I leave you behind coughing in my rainbow dust.

Thank you for asking about the book! I am bored out of my mind here, but I do admit, I feel quite weak, don’t tell any pony I said that though, I will never get out of here otherwise. But I’m pretty sure I’m being fed through a drip, either that or they’re starving me.


I roll up the parchment and pass it over to Spitfire. She smiles and turns to leave but a thought crosses my mind and I have to know the answer.

“Spitfire?” I ask warily.

The Wonderbolt turns around and looks at me in question.

“Are Wonderbolts allowed to date?” I flush as the words leave my lips. Spitfire laughs.

“Of course, as long as they’re able to put up with the constant travel and hardly seeing each other then it’s fine. It also can’t affect your performance, if it does then you either have to leave the Wonderbolts or leave the relationship. It is allowed though. Why?” She looks at me with a smirk across her lips, causing me to flush even more.

“No reason,” I say nonchalantly, “So it must be easier to date a fellow Wonderbolt then?” I whisper, a hint of sadness enters my voice.

Spitfire shakes her head. “Unless a new ‘Bolt joins then there isn’t really any relationships between us, we’ve been together so long we’re all like family...” She pauses, “Hypothetically, though, it does work better if you’re both a part of the team.”

All hope drains out of me and I wonder why I feel so upset, it’s not like I was asking for myself, I was just curious since I had heard rumours that they aren’t allowed to date. Still, it hurts when I realise that I have no chance with Soarin’ at all. Why does it matter anyway? It doesn’t.

Spitfire smiles sadly at me before quietly walking out of the room leaving me alone in the cold silence.

I sit there for a few moments before muttering to myself: “Now I’m going to try harder than ever to get into the team.” Before drifting off to sleep.


A rustling sound wakes me up in a shock, and I look around in panic thinking that the roof is going to cave in. I sigh in relief when I find that I’m in the hospital and the sun is shining proudly through the window.

A doctor is reading through my notes, full concentration plastered across his face.

“Can I see Soarin’ yet?” I ask the doctor, causing him to jump in shock.

He looks up at me in silence before shaking his head, “You’re still not in a fit state.”

“But I’m allowed other visitors, why can’t I see him! He’s the only one who understands what I went through!” I say, my breathing growing heavier.

“I’m sorry, Miss Dash, but it’d be too traumatic for you.” He goes back to reading his notes as if the conversation never happened.

I glare daggers at him. “No. Let me see him!” I yell, tears filling my eyes.

Why am I crying? I hardly ever cry, although, these are partly angry tears. Nonetheless, I am still crying which is unusual.
The doctor begins to walk out of the room and I jump out of the bed before trying to run out, but I am pulled back by all the wires holding me back. The cannula gets pulled out of my nose from the force that I jumped forward, and everything begins to spin, I gasp for breath but still try to escape, I need to escape.

The doctor yells in shock and a group of ponies run into the room, I realise that they’re a few of the Wonderbolts. My vision goes blurry as I kick away the arms trying to hold me back, voices are muffled and my ears are ringing. Everything moves so fast, I don’t know what is going on; all I know is that I’m stumbling towards the exit, my mind set straight on getting out of here.

Without knowing how I ended up like this, I am on the floor with Wave Chill and Rapid pinning me down. Spitfire is sitting beside me, talking to me urgently, and trying to sooth me. I don’t listen to her, I can’t. I continue to sob violently, unable to stop. My breathing grows quicker and quicker as I sob.

“Dash, listen to me, it’s going to be okay, just relax,” Spitfire says to me. “Some pony get her other friends, now!”

Misty Fly runs out of the room and returns with Fluttershy, her face is soft and sweet, as always.

“Dash, I need you to relax for me. You’re going to be okay.” Fluttershy soothes and the doctor steps forward with a needle in his hoof.

I squirm under the two Pegasi’s firm grip, yelling at the doctor, telling him to get away from me.

“Rainbow, it’s going to be okay, he’s just going to make you sleep until you feel better okay?” Fluttershy strokes my mane gently and I look up at her with tears in my eyes.

I just want Soarin’, is that too much to ask? He’s the only pony who understands my constant fear of darkness, when the doctor puts me under I will be in darkness again. If Soarin’ was here he’d be able to tell them to stop, that it’s only going to hurt me.

Still, I listen to my old friend and stop squirming, allowing the doctor to stick the needle in my foreleg. I whimper in fear slightly as the darkness pulls me under, trapping me there.

Author's Note:

Hey guys!
Yay, this is chapter 10! There is probably only a few more left! :( it's sad! BUT DON'T WORRY, THERE'S A SEQUEL! YAY! :D
Anyway, if you see any fails, are confuzzled or just wanna say Hola, then drop a comment below!
Until next time!