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Group Admin

In which shameless self promotion is going on...

I am shocked, appalled, and gleefully surprised that no one has promoted themselves yet. Let me fix that for you.

I'm Sunchaser, and my writing is pretty boss. Even when I intentionally make it terrible, it's still pretty boss. Arguably, I'm predestined to enter Fimfiction royalty; bookplayer predicted as much the very night I published my first story ever, and I'm inclined to say she called it right. I mean, we might as well be honest about it.

The only flaw in this inevitable meteoric ascent of mine is that I don't write as much as I should/want to. I'm not like shortskirts, for example, who apparently bangs out an average of ~2,000 words a day. I'd like to be, I would! But I don't have someone standing behind me with a whip.

In summation, I'm pretty awesome, but it's a sporadic kind of awesome. We'll see how the future goes.

(You may notice I'm also very good at being smarmy when so invited.)

Group Admin

Hello. My name is KitsuneRisu.

That is not my real name, but that doesn't matter because no one will remember me either way.

I do not write. The things I put out can barely be considered writing of any kind, form or purpose. It is drivel of the most intense kind, of which gets no attention, no favoritism nor appreciation. This is because I am a terrible, terrible author with a terrible imagination.

I have no friends, no sense of humour, and no social skills whatsoever. My abilities in bragging leads me to self-depreciation from which there is no salvation.

Everyone reading this should proceed to my stories page and look at every single thing I've done just to know and understand how bad I am.

You too will agree, there is nothing redeemable about my style, ability, or creativity.

My romance fics are drivel of the worst kind. They seek to betray the emotions and cause the heart to break, making the rain of the eye water. Only truly dark-souled individuals such as I would ever do something to make grown men cry.

My horror stories, even though critically acclaimed by EqD pre-readers, and is among some of the mod's favourite fics ever, shall never see success or appreciation due to their banal abuse of mood, atmosphere and subtle narrative techniques that seek to cause true fear rather than gore-based shock fics that instantly cause emotional response. They are horror fics for readers who love being invested deeply, and enjoy a much more immersive piece of work. They do not rely on sick descriptions or excessive blood and guts and that is why I will never have the fandom that I so cravenly wish for.

I also write the poon, of which I am not proud of.

Finally, in the ultimate shot to the leg, I also write deep, insightful character-based narratives about OC ponies. Surely, this is the thing that I should be hanged for. Even though my OC ponies have been lauded as actually having depth and not being mary-sues, and even though my characters have been called the best OC characters ever written, and even though the story focuses more on the concepts of friendship in a manner befitting the world but in a gritty and realistic environment with actual, real characterizations rather than empty templates... well, they're still OC ponies and I should be strung up and beat to death for my horrendous sins.

Oh, and I also wrote this, which some people seem to think is funny, like Tchernobog and DPV111, but they're pretty crazy and they have no idea what sort of a crapfest this is.

So yeah.

I suck.

Thanks for reading.

Perfect Prime
Group Contributor


Group Contributor

So, life sucks, and it never gets better. Get used to it, and find the one thing that makes it all worth living.

For me, apparently that is writing stories based off of situations and people found IRL. Crazy, right? :pinkiecrazy:

So, if you're looking for average stories about average events, involving average people, come see what I've got. Or not, you don't really have to.

Or, you might just be looking for a prereader, I do that, too. Averagely. Very averagely.

In fact, even though I seem to have achieved a small fanbase, and a great story, everything about me is average. I'm nothing special, and neither is my only story, which isn't even worth mentioning at this point, because it's so average.

Give me an A! Give me a V! Give me an E! Give me an R-A-G-E! What does that spell? Average!

(Somewhere inside, I have a little voice screaming at me to brag about myself, but I just can't seem to do it properly. I listen to the other voices instead. Like the average one. It's not self-depreciation, it's just realizing that I'll never be anything special. I am not a writing god, no matter who tells me so. Even if it's bookplayer. And Church just does it to make everyone feel better about themselves, because they can't reach his god-like status.)

Group Admin

585203 HEY!

I don't even have anything anywhere close to a god-like status! And I don't hand out likes and tell people that stories are great willy nilly. I do it because the person deserves it. SO THERE.

Group Contributor

585249 Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure people would disagree with that statement. People think you are a god, whether you believe it or not. (People have said that to me, and I don't believe it. Maybe it's just a writer thing.)

And the whole point of this was sarcasm. SO THERE, to you, too. I'm sorry that I'm such a sarcastic person, it just so happens to be my one fault. :derpytongue2:

Group Contributor

I have no right to even post in this thread, but Imma do it anyway. I only have one story, but I think it is done well...maybe, the views aren't telling me it is though. :rainbowlaugh:

Well I will start off with my name I am Zachedwrad94 Zach for short and yes there is a typo in my name.

I Only have one story on the internet and that one is called Fluttershy's Love It is about the gorest story out there.:pinkiecrazy: It is just gortastic and most readers say that it is very well writen even though the ratings may say otherwise.:fluttershysad: Some say that it is gore for the sake of gore and I disagree with this since it actually has a story throughout the fic.:applejackunsure:

Shortly I hope to get my next story up which will have no gore in it and will actually be a comady. It is about me and my IRL friends going to the pony world. Some of my IRL friends are actually against being a brony so they are kind of pissed off that they are a pony. Chapter one is done right now but I want to get chapter two done before I put it up just so that I have some backup just incase it takes longer then I think to post a chapter.

I would also like to add that I am a master level boss and pretty awesome.

Sorry for misspellings this computer has no spell check.

Group Contributor

Since everyone is doing it I should do too. Uhh let's see...

I'm called barbeque around here, but I guess you had guessed that much already. So what else? Well not much. I haven't written anything for this fandom (yet, although I think it's better that way), but I have written something on some other fanfiction website some time ago, and while, looking back at it, I could probably have done better, I got a lot of positive reactions on it, and I'm quite certain it's (a lot) better than the average garbage out there.

I am also the best at parties. Dat feel when you partied so hard you can't walk for the better part of a week, and are thus resigned to relive it again by constantly stalking YouTube for new videos, and to see if you're in them. And countless games of Klondike/Patience/Solitaire...
I was also the 42nd person to join this group. Therefore I am the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

I was also the ... person to join this group. therefore I am the answer to life the universe and everything

That is what I got out of the last line can you please explain the ...

Group Contributor

42nd (I made the text a little bigger)
Apparantly, it's a big thing (no I'm just blowing it up), but I mentioned it in the Socializing Thread somewhere (yeah I should really do better things with my life than counting members), and everyone agreed I am 42nd so now it's a fact.

Well 42 is a good number seeing as 2 is half of 4 and I like numbers like that but three is a better number in my opinion

Group Admin

42 is the answer to everything. But 3 is the magic number.

..... fight.

Group Contributor

Well, I guess disobeying Kitsune is no good so... IT'S ON!
But how is this going to work? Will it be some sort of challenge, where each of us has 2 hours to make a story about characters an independent referee assigns, while having a 10 hour YouTube video open in the background? And the winner will be the one who has written le most random story? (o god, I just realized this might backfire on me....)
tldr: can I win by default anyway?
(Regardless, if someone would challenge me this out of the blue, I would probably accept it. On the condition that if I succeed, then I get to challenge you something in return...)

I say who ever can find the cuties picture of a pony of their choice wins since I think that will be great and it is really hard to cheat at.

i have had only 41 views on my best story Life Goes On. please read, like, favorite, and comment. at least comment.:heart:

Please check out my story The Little Things. it's a little short, but otherwise a great romance story.

If this is shameless self-promotion, I'd say working thread necromancy on a thread that's been dead for over a year would be pretty shameless, yes?
(In my defense, this is linked in the Index, so I--crap! Trying to excuse myself isn't shameless! Shameless, shameless... er--)

This is will be the best story featuring a pony named Pansy that you will ever read!

How Not to Woo a Fluttershy is a oneshot featuring poor Fluttershy being stalked by a red-and-black alicorn. The catch? He's a little kid with a puppy crush. Awkward...

I like tacos.

Hey, everypony.

You like big-breasted women in bikinis? Well, I am now hosting a contest for clopfics about them and if you interested in competing, click on the link below. This contest will guarantee a major increase in amount of big-boob fics as well as paizuri, and I would love it if you gave it a try.

Fun In The Sun

And here's pictures of scantily-clad women just for clicking on this link:

I'm kind of late to the party, but here it goes.

Hello everypony, I'm Frost. Author of Stories such as When Lightning Strikes..., The Flames of a Phoenix, and Of Magic and Machines. I'm mostly a writer in the Displaced theme, but also gets random ideas for just about a lot of things. I hope to enjoy my time here with all of you as much as possible!

Not to be overly dramatic but wow how did I miss this group? Anyway, introductions. As a huge Anime fan there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to do a Anime inspired Alternate universe where the Mane six used something different instead of the elements to defeat evil. However I was shocked and appalled when I searched for a JoJo's Bizarre Fanfic that nobrony even bothered to put up a FanFic worth more than a few chapters.
Introducing My Little Pony Bizarre Adventures! A fanfic where ponies with Psychic powers fight ponies with psychic powers over stones that grant psyches powers. Expect updates every Saturday and Friday and expect them for a while because I'm in this for the long haul!
Read it and weep from tears of Awesomeness.

Pirates, lasers, cults, and sh*t here.

Only have one story, and it's pretty ballin'.

HHHHEEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO every pony. Behold me and be amazed!

Brag About Yourself

You wouldn’t believe the effort I put in the story that I just published!

These are just some of the tools I used on it:

I also reread it more than 100 times, trying to polish it as much as I could.

The cover art was drawn specifically for this story.

I’m very proud of it.

So, what is the thing I’m actually talking about, you ask? ‘Tis this:

Celestia Visits Nightmare Moon

My username is DarkstarWolf53 and I've written quite a number of fics on here (though only 6 are currently out). They all take place in the same AU. This alternate world ("AviaVerse") is much more dangerous and has much more diverse kingdoms and cities than the show.

Main AviaVerse stories:

Kingdom of Avia- Avia is a warrior kingdom of wild horses that has just crowned a new queen. She has no idea what is in store for her reign. All through the Wildlands and kingdoms, dark forces are awakening and danger is drawing near. Avia will need all the help it can get just to survive.

The Eighth Sea- sequel to Avia. The Lord of Evil has awakened, and his lesser demons swarm the lands. All magic that would normally stop this madness has been corrupted. And it's up to a ragtag band of travelers to find their way to the treacherous Eighth Sea to find the crystals at the Heart of the World, the only things that can stop the horrors on the mainland.

(There is a third main AviaVerse story in the works, but I'm not putting it out til I finish the previous 2).

AviaVerse Origins series:

I plan on doing origin stories for all the OCs in the AviaVerse main stories, but none are ready yet.

Survive the Everfree is the closest to an AviaVerse Origins story at the moment. It's about the first mission of a bat pony named Noctis, who's one of the main characters in The Eighth Sea.

(Also plan on doing an "AviaVerse Histories and Legends" series so I can talk about the history of the kingdoms in the main AviaVerse stories, but none are out yet).

And lastly:

Just-For-Fun AviaVerse-based stories:

Most of these were done because either A) I was bored or B) I got an idea from a show episode. These aren't really meant to be serious like the AviaVerse main stories and AviaVerse Origins/AviaVerse Histories and Legends stories.

Dr. Bobtail- the result of watching too many "A Moment with Dr. Wolf" videos with the bronyanalyst Dr. Wolf. I wondered how a psychiatrist would respond to my less-than-nice AviaVerse characters and this story was born. However, I made Bobtail the "anti Dr. Wolf" if you will- Bobtail hates his job, his patients, his hometown, and pretty much everything else- he's supposed to be a jerk/should never have taken the psychiatry job. Hopefully, Bobtail has good insurance and knows a good therapist- he needs one.

Thieves' Gala- brought on after watching "Make New Friends but Keep Discord". I wondered how my scrappy bounty hunter character would do if she were at the Grand Galloping Gala, and then I went ahead and brought in the AviaVerse version of Discord at the same Gala- he and my character don't like each other very much. And in this story they have to team up. It goes as well as one would expect.

Bad Luck for a Bad Manager- After watching "The Mane Attraction", I felt Svengallop got off too easy for his jerkish behavior, so I wrote this story. But since it's an AviaVerse story, there's a twist. Svengallop isn't just a jerk, he has a hidden agenda. Which makes his punishment much more fitting.

Feel free to read these stories and maybe comment as well!

I created a group, and it got into Trending Groups box. :moustache:

If I could actually read, I would verify whether my name falls under the definition of "Boss Sass Brunet" in the dictionary.

My writings appeal to some but not all. Some people love the way I wrote my fan fiction here, and some even like my writings posted elsewhere. :trixieshiftright: Others think my writing is pretentious, but only pretentious people feel the need to remark on how pretentious writings are. I'm pretty sure people just think this because I have a classical composer as my profile image, though. I just really like the guy's music; I don't mean to put on airs, and I frequently make fun of people's assumptions when I promote stuff elsewhere by stating that I have authority to comment on others' and my works because of it.

I often don't know what to think of what I do on the internet, for my writings and audio readings have been received with vaulted approval and visceral disgust, not to mention silence. Some think I'm scum of the earth for my comments on group threads, whereas others have decided to become great friends with me because of them. Truly, what I do on here and elsewhere must be a real spectacle if people react to it in sharply different ways. I do aim to entertain, and I guess I'm not bad at it to have succeeded as well as I have on the recession of the fandom. Despite my faulty kairos, I have done reasonably well by this fandom so far in general although I am certainly not generally recognized.

This promotion is not for me but is just as important.

We all know how important stories are. Sometimes, however, you have a great idea that you have no time to write. You don't want someone to write it for you, but it'd be nice to have some help.

That's why a friend of mine has created This Group. We're 4 members away from being featured so please join it. It would make both of us really happy.

I've successfully hosted a collaboration. It bore fruit:
Kung Fury in Equestria

I'm the best pony-shaped robot author on this damn site! That's right folks, step right up and marvel!
So far, I have written three stories and all are massively successful!
You can read them here! (All are in the Insanity-[multi]verse as I like to call it secretly.)
Read them please, I'm so alone and desperate. ;-;

568083 I'll just copy this from my blog...


Attention, ponies, my name's Summer Dancer,

I'm a pegasus made with lots of pink and lots of cool!
If you need proof, then look at my feathers because they're wearing sunglasses and it clearly means I rule!

My cooking skill's unrivaled when it comes to spaghetti with sauce and pasta noodles, extra long.
And not a single creature has survived a slurp!
Eagle: But eLLen walked right past us!

It takes a special my little pony just to match what Pinkie is without ever having tried!
And that's why The Flood wants me to snuggle him!
Eagle: But isn't he like, married?
Well, that doesn't mean I LIED!

So if you think that we can be pals, then you'd better be prepared for IMMENSE AMOUNT OF FUN!
....Unless you're a brony, then I'm afraid you'll be CAPTURED--
Eagle: But you kind of snuggled with one!

My group is in the trending groups list. It's about science and changelings.


TSupernova Daybreak
The sun is going supernova. Is there a way to save Equestria from the looming inferno?
Bad Dragon · 4.4k words  ·  62  31 · 2.4k views

This is the story I’m trying to win a writing competition with. I want to make sure the story is as perfect as can be. If you read it and believe it can still be improved upon, please let me know about it. I like any and all feedback, so don’t hold back if you have anything to say.

Shameless promotion? Look no further than the GRRREAT AND POWERFUL LLLLLLLLLEONDUDE!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Now that introdutions are out of the way, please do feel free to read this story I wrote. It's about redemption, it's got a really good antagonist, and most importantly, it's funny as Tartarus!:

I'll try to win another contest with this story that I published just now:

TAlicorn Princess
Your memories make you who you are. But what’s left of you when they are stolen?
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  71  23 · 2.6k views

Feedback appreciated.




Are my favorite things, and they are what I try to provide in the stories I write.

Hello, Everypony! I am Petal Chatoyance, and I am here to sell you on reading my stories.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, 'A lot of writers desperately want my eyes, what makes this upstart worth bothering with?' Please allow me to answer that question with this:

I don't just write, I also draw too. I do all of my own art. Now look at those two up there. Who are they? What are they doing in a bathroom? What's that strange device on the human woman's arm? What is going on here?

Those are two characters from one of my many novels. The pony is currently named Millicent Nguyen, but she will eventually take the pony name of... well, that's a secret. The human has already named herself 'Sunshine Laughter', and she is waiting her turn to become a pony and go live in Equestria.


Because the world is ending.

See that bubble there, the one devouring the earth? That is the hyperdimensional cross-section of another universe passing through our space, sometime in the future. The other universe? It's called Equestria.

I write science fiction stories of cosmic catastrophe, all backed with solid science. How can a human become a pony? Well, nanotechnology is part of it...

But so is thaumatic energy.

No, not 'magic', not some thing that works just because, for no reason. I take the concept of the magic of Equestria, and I write it as alien physical law, native to another universe based on different physical principles.

But, you may be thinking 'That's all well and good, but what about characters? I don't care about all that scientific mumbo-jumbo, I'm here for the feels!'

Well right you are. Try this:

"Great Celestia, Teacup! All I ever wanted is for ya to open up ta me! I've been worried sick about ya for a long time." It was a surprisingly open admission by the normally reserved Missus Provender, but the real weight behind her words was in her wet, shining eyes.

"I was... afraid." Teacup began to shake with emotion. "I was afraid that you wouldn't really want to hear, I was afraid that what I had to say would harm you somehow, I was afraid...because..." Teacup's tears fell onto the table " my heart, you are the mother I never had. I...I love you. I wish you were my mother. I would be so proud if you were. I am so grateful you took me in. I'm so grateful to have been allowed to stay here, to work here, for you to put up with me, and I just want to be here, on the farm, with you forever, I just, I just..." Teacup just couldn't speak any more.

"You jus' listen to me, Teacup..." Cornflower looked down at Teacup's new Mark "Teacup....Biscuit... Provender! I expect my fillies ta come an' talk ta me about anything, that's what I'm here for. Your sisters never gave me this kind 'a trouble, so I expect ya ta just stop that kind 'a nonsense from now on. Ya hear?"

'Teacup Biscuit Provender!' Teacup overflowed with emotion and she had barely enough strength left to put her head down on the table, sobbing from relief and joy. The tea spilled, but with all the tears, it didn't really matter. Cornflower laid her own head across Teacup's back, a mother's embrace, and nuzzled Teacup as though she were but a foal.

Once they leave the farm, really leave the farm, they don't come back - Cornflower recalled her own thoughts so long ago - except sometimes, Cornflower happily realized, except sometimes, when they do.

Now that's from a story called Teacup: Down On The Farm, and it's a story of a newfoal - that's a human turned pony - trying to find her place in Equestria. You see, Teacup there, she wasn't happy, and wanted to have her memories erased.

Goodness! What a thing! Why would any person want such a thing?

Well, that's her story, and as you can see, it is a very emotional one. I won't tell you if she has the erasure done or not.

Alright, you may be thinking - 'So you can draw, and you can write emotion. I like adventure!"

Consider this:

"Doctor... you're not... you're human. Nothing human can pass the barrier. You'll be..." an image of a tomato hitting a windshield passed briefly through Alyssa's pony mind, the closest it could now come to the image it would have generated for her but half a day ago "Can't we land, let you off, isn't..." her voice trailed off.

"We're over the ocean, Alyssa. A thousand feet up. There's a chopper chasing us." Pastern said, softly. "There is only one thing I can do. But..." Pastern seemed worried "It isn't going to be fun."

That's from Euphrosyne Unchained, and I can assure you that what happens next is both deeply horrifying - and tremendously wonderful - at the very same time. How can that be? Read it and see.

By now you have doubtless figured out that I do Conversion Bureau stories. Perhaps you have heard bad things about such stories? What you have heard are nothing but lies. But to know that, you would have to read - and think - for yourself.

But fear not, because I do not just write Bureau stories. I also create entire original genres such as...

Which is a story universe based on the works of Franz Kafka. Don't know who he is? You are in for a treat.

I also play in cybernetic worlds, such as the Optimalverse:

Among many other things.

In point of fact, I have written well over a million words of pony fiction, all of it challenging, unique, powerful and unlike anything else you have ever read here. That's a hell of a claim.

Take me up on it.

I guarantee that if you give my work a chance you will be almost certainly be excited, angered, amazed, fascinated, deeply disturbed, thrilled, upset, filled with yearning and despair, just for starters. The one thing you will not be, is bored.

So, if you can just cross the bridge to my worlds...

I think you will find something truly unique and powerful, something you have never read before, something you will be amazed could be done with colorful cartoon ponies.

I invite you - and challenge you - to read some dangerous fiction. My fiction.

I think you will feel awe... and wonder.

I wrote this.

TZipp Wears a Furtight Bodysuit
Zipp is forced to wear itchy, uncomfortable, clingy, entrapping, dumb fabric.
Bad Dragon · 2k words  ·  40  16 · 1.1k views
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