• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,329 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Epilogue: Resolution/I Am Alive and I'm Not Alone

Tempest Fury and Fog Gauge had their forelegs wrapped around one another with their two foals between them. Their eyes were shut tight against the blinding light that shined through closed lids and bowed heads. The rushing of air was so loud it was a solid buzzing sound, droning and painful. But that was not the worst of it. If asked, and many later would, the worst was the shaking.

The top of the mountain exploded, the light spread to every corner, and world was changed forever that day. It was known for many, many years later as The Great Flash.

None knew for certain how long the flash had lasted. Some said it went on for hours while others swore it was only a minute. Given the properties of magic and perception, it may have been both depending where one stood at the time. Regardless, it did eventually end and the results were immediately known.

The ground stopped shaking. The wind died down. And slowly, the creatures of the world dared to raise their collective heads and see that the sky was once again full of stars, completely devoid of a planet eating monster. It was also devoid of alicorn princesses. No one knew if the sun would ever rise again. Some had seen the great orb in the sky move and strike the closing beast of darkness that had been descending upon them. Many had said it was Princess Celestia, shrouded in holy flames, back from the dead, that had taken the sun and struck down the creature. Many had questions, speculations, but none had answers.

Some clouds eventually drifted by across the stary night. None really paid attention to that at first, that they were moving on their own. Unaware of the implications of that or that everything was actually moving on their own. There were too many other immediate concerns. First and foremost were concerns for any injuries sustatined. Next were concerns of communications, that all the SunLight crystals were no longer working. Third, was the fact that when pegasi tried to fly it was incredibly hard requiring many more flaps to get off the ground than before. The unicorns next found themselves in a similar situation that their magic was weak and difficult to summon. They were all drained. Even the world seemed to groan as if it felt tired as well.

That was, of course, when the panic and shouting began.

Tempest Fury checked her foals one more time, then confirmed with her husband, who nodded in silent agreement. She knew what she had to do.

Tempest Fury put her hooves to her mouth and let loose a piercing whistle. No magic required for that one. Her aunt taught her how to whistle like that and it always got the attention of others. “All right, that's enough! I don't need magic to crack skulls. We knew this was a possibility, so every pony… creature just calm down, take a few breaths, and take stock of what supplies we have on hoof. Until we get some more light it is best to just stay calm, stay put, and take care of each other. See to those youngest first who can't take care of themselves.”

“How do you know the sun will come up at all?” shouted some stallion.

“How is the sun supposed to come up without the princesses? Do you know where the princesses are?”

“I can’t live forever in the dark! I hate the dark!”

“ALL RIGHT, I SAID STOW IT!” Tempest shouted. “No, I do not know where the princesses currently are. They could be on the other side of the world or hurt or… but what I do know is that Twilight Sparkle is my friend and she and Princess Sunset Shimmer promised to get us through this and we did! We are alive, thanks to them. I have faith that the sun will rise in the morning because they did not go through all this and put us through all this just to let us die in the darkness. Have faith in your fellow pony, your fellow dragon, your neighbor, your friend, your family. We are all in this together and together is how we survive.”

The words were strong. They all needed strength. They needed a lot of strength. It was the beginning of a new era and for the first time in thousands of years there were no alicorns available to lead. Tempest was a tall mare. Always had been. In that moment, standing on a wagon of supplies in guard armor with a battle helm that had temporarily served as a crown on she was a radiant light in the dark. Tempest had led many before and with her thestral husband by her side she knew she could lead them through the night. After one night, who knows, but she could get them all through to the dawn. It was what Twilight would have done.

Tempest did not sleep that night. Neither did Gauge. Their foals fell asleep in the warm embrace of griffon wings as Isabella Windsong kept them calm and cozy. If the situation had been better she would have snapped a photo of it. But there were more pressing things to attend to. Fires were lit, food was distributed, every creature did something to help or at a minimum, stayed quiet and out of the way. Tempest knew Twilight would have approved and been proud of her. That thought kept the vermilion unicorn moving forward.

And, her faith and patience were rewarded. The sky grew brighter several hours later. Fog Gauge came to stand by her side as the sun slowly broke the eastern horizon, the first light of a new dawn. Many that had stayed up to see it cheered. Tempest did not cheer, but did not stop them either. Because while she had gotten them through the night there was still no sign of the princesses and when tired eyes turned upward to the top of the mountain where Canterlot should have been they saw only shattered rock, and a few bones of what had once been the most magical city in the world. The cheers grew silent soon after.

Now that we have a routine started and no pony is in danger of starving or disease I’ve decided to start a journal. I’m not sure if it is for my own sanity or to catalog what happened and where we are. Maybe someday somepony will find this and go, “Wow, look what they went through, that Tempest Fury was one awesome mare!” Or something like that.

Anyhow it is now Day 10. This is our sit-rep and what we know so far.

Global SunLight communications failed when the castle and at least three quarters of Canterlot fell from the mountain top. Scouts who trekked back up the mountain said all the buildings sustained some level of damage and even those still standing are wrecks. None of the city can be saved without heavy rebuilding and that would require lots of magic. The rest is scattered along the mountainside all the way down into the valley. That is where we guess most of the castle is, since it was perched on the edge. Just for personal note, I always though that was a stupid, if picturesque, decision.

Speaking of which. Mana flows have improved, but are sporadic. No creature is back to 100% that is the general consensus. I haven’t even needed my helm to stabilize my surges which is nice, but it also means that we are all still weakened. Tactically, I find that disconcerting, but I figure the whole world is like us, so it should be fine. Some scientist from the university have stated that mana flows around the valley and likely beyond are low and will likely remain so for quite some time. The reason why still blows my mind and really sends chills down my spine.

An astronomer had said that all the stars were wrong. Different stars, low magic, the wind blowing freely enough to move clouds, the sun rising and setting, the moon passing by all without pony help. They say that other planets do that out in space. They say it's how the world turns. It means we really did move the world. I can't believe it even with all the evidence. They pulled it off. However, ten days and no princesses tells me that the plan was a success and a failure. They saved us, but very likely lost their lives doing so. I'm still trying to cope with that fact. I may have lost my best friend and that hurts. A lot. I loved her. Twilight and Sunset both had been born leaders and we really need that. Many are looking to me for answers I can't give and the surviving nobility are starting to realize I don't have it all the answers. The goat lickers are watching and it is making me uncomfortable.

Day 16

We were all awakened to the sound of a BOOM and witnesses reported seeing something falling from the sky! A scouting party set out immediately. My initial hope was that maybe an alicorn had crash landed. Heck, at this point I would have taken Discord because that would have given me hope for the others.

It took several hours but the crash site was located and it left a heck of a crater. Sadly, no alicorns, but something close. The three containment crystals that had been used to gather our magic! If they survived and fell to the ground then maybe, just MAYBE Twilight could still be out there just limping her way back here! I will keep that hope alive in my heart until there is just no hope left.

The crystals were undamaged and it brought calm and peace to the entire encampment just seeing them. We felt it. The harmonious nature of coming together made all of us feel stronger. I can’t prove it, some of the nobles (I can’t believe they ALL survived) scoffed that our friendship makes us stronger, but I know better. I’ve seen first hoof what the power of love and friendship can do. When I focus on it, when I believe in it, I can feel my mana grow stronger. Heh, strong enough to need my helm again in fact. Never thought I'd be so happy to slip that thing back on. I think the sight of it gave the neigh sayers some pause. Good.

For now, we in the guard are keeping the crystals safe and guarded. I’m less worried about a dragon snacking on them and more about the looks the nobility are giving them. Like they see the pieces as some sort of crown or symbol of authority. Authority is increasingly becoming a problem. So far, everypony has been fine with myself or my husband giving the orders, maybe the occasional noble chipping in since we are all supposed to be working together. But I can see the dissatisfaction in the eyes of some of the nobles. They are not happy sleeping in tents or damaged buildings. They want their mansions back with their fancy whatever. I had forgotten or rather, taken for granted how important it was that the alicorns, embodying all three tribes not only made them big it also made them symbols of that authority. They led because they did not value one tribe, one species over another. I’m seeing the cracks in that system daily and others are as well. We need to keep it together.

Day 21

Outside contact was made. Patrol scouts found refugees from Baltimare and Manehatten. Apparently they had accidentally found each other with the same idea. Head to Canterlot. Makes me wonder how many others are trying to do the same. They were lucky. They had ponies with them that knew how to travel and how to survive off the land and avoid dangers. Unfortunately, their arrival did not bring hope. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

Manehatten, a massive metropolis of glass and steel is gone. More accurately, it's still there, but was now under water. According to witnesses the island fractured from the shaking and sank. The mayor refused to give a mandatory evacuation order and only those that listened to the princesses to move inland were accounted for. There is no telling how many died.

Baltimare suffered a similar fate. The costal town was smashed by massive tsunamis that reshaped the land and dragged most of the buildings and ships and those who might have been in them out to sea. At this point we have to assume that such damage was widespread and equally catastrophic. The hope and harmony we had been building was shattered. I could feel it. I… I cried. I cried hard and a lot. I only let Fog see it, but I just could not hold it in anymore. The air felt colder today. We are not sure if it is from the news and discontent or the now spinning world. We may need to assume the seasons will be changing soon all on their own like everything else.

Day 25

I have mixed feelings about the events of today. Airships from Vanhoover arrived with not just more refugees but also with supplies. That was a much needed shot in the foreleg. The news about the city itself was about what was expected as well as the bird’s eye scouting report.

The land of Equestria that we knew and had many maps of has been fundamentally changed. The geography is broken everywhere along with most of the rail lines. From the air the scouts recorded some rivers were wider, lakes had emptied, massive fissures opened up. That was bad. And the final straw for some.

Spike, who has been a tremendous help in keeping the calm and other creatures content, has decided to lead an expedition to the Dragon Lands to check on things there. His wife, Smolder is going with him along with all the other dragons in our group. It’s a good idea in that we need to know what is going on and he has dragon fire in order to communicate, but none of his letters to Ember have been returned. Maybe she just doesn’t have a way to return them. Or maybe they blame us for this. After all. The gods responsible for this were ponies. We don’t know.

In addition, a large group of others are heading north on two of the airships to further scout and map with plans to check on the Crystal Empire. From there, others will move on still to Griffonstone and maybe over the straits to Saddle Arabia. I thought Isabella may go with them, but thankfully she is staying here to help me. Celestia, was that a relief. I will need to show my thanks to her somehow. Without her I would have likely thrown a military coup and had all the nobles executed. Not exactly harmonious of me and yet… I think Raven would have approved. That brough a small smile to my face.

I thought about Raven a lot today. And Twilight and Sunset and Luna. I think it was because of Gauge. Sun and Moon, he is my rock and he has been so strong for me, but I can see his strength ebbing. His heart is broken. He thinks he failed Sunset just as I think I failed Twilight somewhere along the plan. We know it’s not true, they were going to save us no matter what. I just wish… I guess it doesn’t matter what I wish. I have a job to do and foals to take care of. That is all that matters. We'll get through this, together.

Day 30

It has now been one lunar cycle. Maybe a little over one, I was never very good at judging that. However, I have been told by those astronomers that the moon in the sky is Luna’s moon. They used a telescope to compare the craters of all things and said they were a match. Guess we should have all gone to the moon. It would have been a smoother ride. Foggy laughed when I told him that. It was so good to hear him laugh again. Isabella watched after Saber and Dawn for a bit so we could have some time to ourselves. Sweet sunshine did we need that. We made love for the first time in a cycle and it felt so damn good.

I know Twilight is gone. They all are. But that’s okay. Because we are alive. I’m sad, I feel like I’m going to cry even writing this, but it doesn’t hurt as much anymore. Being a guard and a soldier we accept that sometimes we all don’t come home from a mission. All give some, some give all. I think that mentality has helped me cope. That and staying busy. Anyhow, I feel good and not just because of the fantastic sex. I feel like we are going to make it.

The earth ponies have confirmed we have food. They are seeing to the harvest and planting for next year just as they always do. Pegasi have mostly regained their flight if still a bit strained, so none want to risk rebuilding Cloudsdale just yet. However, they are more than happy to scout and scavenge for materials to use. We need new shelters so that is what many have been focusing on. A place to live. The unicorns are putting their powers to rebuilding. Many in the encampment now feel confident enough to return to areas around Equestria they came from and want to start to rebuild even if it means a new town from scratch. That kind of resilience and tenacity puts a smile on my face. It tells me that we will get through this.

We survived and we will continue to survive and eventually, we will thrive again. As long as we keep the hope of a better tomorrow in our hearts and work together, we have the power to move forward. Together. I will keep journalling when I feel the need. I hope my foals read this someday and they pass it on to others as lessons of what we went through to get to this point and how Equestria and the world of Equuis beat the apocalypse. And I hope as time goes on that every creature will remember Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Sunset Shimmer and what they gave to get us all here. Not everypony made it and that’s a shame, but for those of us that did, for those of us that stand tall and greet the sunrise each day, I say, “Thank you princess. Thank you for all that you did for us.” And if you are out there, somewhere, I hope you are enjoying your rest. You’ve earned it.

From Commander Tempest Fury and Captain Fog Gauge, we love you and miss you.

It was late. The night had a frigid bite. The days were still warm but they were growing shorter, which meant the leaves would be changing color soon. However, that was a concern for later. On this night, few were outside or away from the fire pits that still warmed the encampment.

Some saw the shooting star. Others thought it might be another falling object like the crystals. Another search party could be formed in the morning. The object, however, fell far away. It spun end over end and burned like a meteor. When it struck the rocky mountain top it did not destroy it. Instead, it pierced the granite stone and imbedded itself upright.

After a few hours the object cooled and, quite remarkably, vines began to grow from the hole the blade had cut through the solid rock itself. The vines twisted around the black blade that was still quite sharp, sprouting a few leaves as it climbed higher. Soon after, flower buds appeared and they began to bloom even in the middle of the night. Had any creature been there to witness the event they would have assumed, and correctly, that it was magic at work as red and yellow roses bloomed intertwined with purple and indigo. They were immaculate roses, with thorns and all. The vines found their way to the golden cross guard where they slowed and settled. At the center of the cross guard was a jeweled emblem. The perfectly round and smooth ruby was surrounded by red and yellow sun rays and purple and indigo star bursts. The entire blade hummed with subtle power that could not be seen. Only felt. It hummed with life. Like two heart beats in sync.

If one were to be brave enough to approach the black blade trimmed in gold they would feel the energy radiating from it. Then, if they were truly brave and they looked closely they would see something in that red jewel. They would see a beautiful countryside, rolling hills and distant mountains. More than that, they would see two unicorns. One goldenrod, lying on her back relaxed, her fiery mane of red and yellow blowing every so slightly in the breeze and yet still looked perfectly well kept. The other, a purple unicorn lying upon the first, held in embrace, with dark indigo mane highlighted by two tone pink stripes. Their eyes were closed, smiles on their faces while they napped peacefully on what appeared to be a perfect spring day. No problems to attend to, no worries to disturb them. Just peace and quiet and the sound of their breaths upon one another while their hearts beat as one.

Raven Sundown stared down at the sword and smiled. She had been observing the combined soul blades for some time, waiting to see if something else would happen. When it did not, she nodded and finally turned away to find a familiar face standing a few paces away. She could have cracked a joke or poked fun at him, but something told her the timing would have been ill and not very harmonious.

“Problem, Discord?”

The draconequus made a sour face before finally sighing. “Several, but ultimately, I think what is most bothering me is I did not get to say goodbye. Not to Twilight or Sunset or even to Fluttershy. I feel a bit cheated by this.”

“They are resting. They have earned it, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Certainly, but for how long?”

“For as long as needed. Perhaps forever. I cannot say. The world we knew has changed. The mana flows that were the life blood were all severed from the source and are healing strangely. The world revolves, the seasons change, not unlike the world I knew before on the other side of the mirror. In short, Equuis is becoming a world of random chaos, completely out of mine or any alicorn's direct control. There is no telling what changes will occur over a long enough period of time. Ponies and other creatures may even evolve in different ways to the changes in environment. Their cutie mark's magic may be different if they make themselves known at all. Perhaps dragons will discover chaos magic? The future is unwritten, unknowable.”

"Cadence and Flurry Heart might have something to say on that front since the tapestry is apparently moving again."

Raven grimaced, the shine in her coat dimmed as she turned her eyes to the clear, stary night. "At least they yet live. It is too early to say if that is good or bad since they are still bound to Fate and Destiny. Luna has sealed herself away and there is still no sign of Aine."

"Oh, I'm sure that plump chicken giraffe will show up, eventually. I'm not sensing her around the area so somehow, she got away from Twilight. You mentioned chaotic changes before. Are you trying to give me ideas, dearest Raven?”

Raven sat down not far from the sword and took a deep breath. Her coat continued to dim and she appeared deathly tired, Discord noted. She glanced back at the sword again before lying her head down on the bare rock. He was about to reach a paw out to her but changed his mind.

“Not intentional, but so it would seem.”

“Could be interesting, don't you think?”

“We shall see. I think for now, I will stay here and just rest myself.”

Discord nodded and gestured as if tipping his non-existent hat. “I think I will go find a cave to call my own since I appear to lack the power to return to my pocket dimension. One last question before I mosey off. Do you think this was all for the best?”

Raven closed her eyes, but eventually nodded. “Change is inevitable. One thing must end for something new to begin. Perhaps end is not the right word. I think renewal makes more sense to me. Time moves on, but the story just changes hands or hooves rather. Renewed, retold, always there for the next generation to take it up and make it their own. So yes, I think this was for the best and if the time comes and Twilight and Sunset find their way back to this world, I will be here ready to greet them.”

“Sounds boring.”

Raven simply smiled. “We shall see.”


Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone who has followed along since the beginning these last two years and thank you to everyone who hoped on board and enjoyed the ride. You are all the reason the creativity kept flowing to see this to a conclusion. I will have a wrap up blog and more to say there.

Raven’s Alpha and Omega Playlist.

Red Clover:

Overture: Orchard of Mines – Globus
No Better Feelin – CL
From Out of Nowhere – Five Finger Death Punch
Every Day is Exactly the Same – Nine Inch Nails
The Day the World Went Away – Nine Inch Nails
Bleeding Me – Metallica
Short Change Hero – The Heavy
Blue on Black – The Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band
The Perfect Crime – Faith No More
Dust in the Wind – Kansas
Master of Puppets – Metallica
Duel of the Fates – John Williams by the London Symphony Orchestra
Catch the Moment – LiSA (Performed by Ama Lee)
Bring Me to Life – Evanescence
Blurry – Puddle of Mudd
These Days – Foo Fighters
Battle Without Honor or Humanity – Tomoyasu Hotei
Veteran of the Psychic Wars – Blue Oyster Cult
Don’t Fear(The Reaper) – Blue Oyster Cult
The Chain – Fleetwood Mac

Intermission: Kefka – Nobuo Uematsu

Playlist 2: Omega Beast

Miracle – Shinedown
Gimme Shelter – The Rolling Stones
Sound of Madness – Shinedown
Fell on Black Days – Soundgarden
Send Me an Angel – Real Life
I Feel You – 3 Doors Down
Sound of Silence – Paul Simon (Performed by Disturbed)
Radioactive – Imagine Dragons
No Excuses – Alice in Chains
New Divide – Linkin Park
Dare – Stan Bush
Art of the Saber – JR Durban
The Other Side – Evanescence
Weathered – Creed
Fake It – Seether
Hemorrhage(In my Hands) – Fuel
Right Now – Van Halen
Starseed – Our Lady Peace
Connected - Hoobastank
Liberi Fatali – Nobuo Uematsu
Swordland – Yuki Kajiura
Kashmir – Led Zepplin
Burning Bright – Shinedown
Into the West – Annie Lennox
An End Once and For All – Clint Mansell and Sam Hulick
Resolution/I am Alive and I am Not Alone – Sam Hulick

Comments ( 16 )

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.

And so it ends. Been a very enjoyable ride. Curious to see what you have to say in the wrap up blog.

Definitely will be keeping an eye out for more stories by you. :moustache:

Wow. Incredible. This story (the whole series, really) was amazing. Great job!

Fantastic ride from start to finish. And I don't mean just this story, but the whole Incarnate-verse storyline!

Interesting how some of the Royals got promoted to godhood status like Flurry and Cadance, and like Luna took the jobs of their bonded gods, while Sunset and Twilight... kinda got demoted to regular mortal unicorns, while their kin are gods. (I'm gonna guess Sunny and Twily's lifespans got reset to before they both ascended.)

What I'm curious about is Luna, by sealing herself away is she merely isolating herself away from everyone? I mean, I would suspect she still has a job to do as the goddess of death and Elysium still exists with the rest of the world. But I don't blame her for sealing herself away. One of her nieces and her great niece became gods like her, her other niece and niece-in-law are in limbo in a pocket dimension recovering and her sister is... gone... just gone (at least before she could visit her soul in Elysium, now she can't even do that!) So yeah... I can understand why she'd be a total reclusive shut-in...

And so the saga ends, and a new world begins.

And the wheel of fate keeps turning.

RIP Twilight, Sunset and everypony/creature

I feel a quote from Tolkien is fitting for the end of this two year journey.
“Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the sea comes the end of our fellowship in Middle-earth. Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”-Gandalf, Return of the King

This series, these stories you’ve wrote have been some of the best I’ve read not just on the site but in general. They’ve gotten me through some tough times. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve rejoiced. To see it end, all I can say is thank you for the good times. I hope you stay on the site and continue to write stories here and also in general. “Go in peace.”

I should note. When the Vedrans moved their planet to Tarn-Vedra. She, too, has undergone serious changes and their society has also changed seriously (if anything, this is from the TV series "Andromeda"). The local Equestria, found itself in the same position.
Although I expected that everything would change like this and everything would become new.

Like I said: victory is no sweeter than defeat. This is also appropriate here. The world has changed dramatically. I think some races, like dragons or Changelings, could have been wiped out as a species altogether. With the first ones, it would even be clear why Spike didn't get an answer from Amber: there is no one to send, everyone is dead and perhaps those dragons that were with Spike may be the last of their race.

I read some other story related to the Crystal Empire and the 5 generation. Here is a link for you: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/504625/forgotten-the-frozen-north
I think something similar happened with this Crystal Empire.
And such as Saddled Arabia, repeated the end of the 12 Colonies of Kobol (from the TV series "Battlestar Galactica") and soon from them, there will be refugees looking for a new home.

It seems that Twilight and Sunset were able to survive, to send such a vile fate to the fuck, but the price was their alicornization. Although in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", they also paid a high price to avoid a sad fate.
Now they will be able to live their last life together and one day, they will be able to meet again all those they have lost.
One day one of the people said this: a reward for a hero, a long-awaited peace.
And now Sunset and Twilight will be able to live a relatively quiet life. Considering that one has no demon in her head now, and the other has Aina, everything will be fine with them now.

The Luna has now disappeared from radar, but it can be understood. Her sister reunited with Xel-Naga, her niece, is now mortal and will die one day, but she will live a quiet life, and Cadence does not understand what is with her at all now. The Luna decided to close down to get used to all this.
Aine disappeared. This was to be expected. She will wait for the moment and one day, she will start all over again and, by right of reality, will be able to call herself a Single Goddess. This one somehow confuses and saddens me that Equus has changed, but at the same time it will remain the same: you have no choice. Maybe the next "Reincarnation" will fix it.
Well, Raven, well, let's see how it ends for the Cylon Alicorn. He is like an organic machine, he will outlive his creator, as befits machines of any universe. And how everything will end for him, here it will really be interesting. But perhaps he will want to reconnect with the other world.

It looks like we'll never hear about another world of people again, although maybe it's for the best, but maybe Datura managed to alarm their world enough and who knows how it will end there, maybe even Fallout or they will start exploring other worlds and everything will end for them like from Half Life or DOOM.

You are the author of the campaign, you decided to stick to the whole 5 generation, and not just the movie. Since you said that surviving dragons can have chaos magic, as shown in the series.
Discord survived and now he wants to get rid of the crystals and in his position we can say that Void will rise up and want to finish Equestria one day.
Caydens and Flurry, perhaps further under the leadership of Chaz and Beldandi, continue to manage the relaunched tapestry again, which, by the way, he explains one of the YouTube series for the 5 generation. Tapestry will one day give us a new "Reincarnation" and we all know who it will be.
But at the same time, there are some changes. Your Canterlot was destroyed, and in the 5 generation it was abandoned. And Ponyville, did not become Maretime Bay, but turned out to be abandoned too.

But without the alicorns, we all know how it will end and begin. One day Sunset and Twilight will die, along with Tempest and Gauge. Without them, the hereditary surviving nobility will divide the tribes, take their crystals and magic will disappear completely for centuries, and then Opaline will appear (probably from another space) and want magic for herself, but the new Main 5 will resist her. There is nothing to think about here.
Since you have Greek mythology, then this quote "All this has happened before and will happen again" will be appropriate, because all this will happen again and again and again. The actors will be different, but the role will remain the same.

I understand that some could be insensitive, with long comments (especially the last one), but I express all my thoughts that I have when reading or listening.
You are the author, you have really revealed many perspectives that you can look at from a new angle and know that even your story would be a better linking of the 4 with the 5 generation, the completion of history for Sunset, Twilight, Cosmos, Celestia and the disclosure of the deeper world structure of Concordia space and its restructuring.
I knew in my heart that the local Sunset Shimmer would survive, but somehow she would pay for it. Considering all her circumstances, it would be a terrible end for her. Thank you. Let the Ancients take care of you in the following stories, if they certainly will. Because, I have already seen how the authors completed the stories and did not come out again.
But we'll all wait and see.

Good luck to you, the author and everyone else. See you on the other side of the world.
"One life ends and another life begins." quote from Jake Sully from the movie "Avatar"

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed.

*humbled* Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed.

Thank you. Adn yes, the way I imagine it with Twilight and Sunset was that they are both once again in their physical primes, but are currently in pocket realm stasis. Luna just lost her sister, again, permanently. She has to cope with that. And it is currently debatable whether she knows that Sunset and Twilight survived in a manner of speaking. I'll have to ponder on that, but either way she is grieving.

And turn it shall. Thank you for so much for everything. When I first posted Incarnate I did not know how to share the story to groups and you helped, so thank you for being along since the very beginning.

Not everyone is dead. The moral point I was going for was people survive so long as hope survives. The cataclysm I felt was necessary considering the state of the world we see in G5. So much had changed. This was the first step to exploring why.

Love me some Tolkien. Into the West was from the Return of the King soundtrack, btw. I am greatly humbled by your kind words and glad I was able to give you stories to look forward to and that they helped you when you needed it. That is one of the most complimentary things a person can say to an artist/writer. That the work touched your soul and you were uplifted by it, even if only for a time.

You know, I'll be honest, I have not seen many of the shows you reference. Never saw Andromeda, never saw Space Above and Beyond, never saw Agents of SHIELD, only saw a little bit of Galactica, the original and the newer(ish) one. I have seen all of B5 but only once, many years ago. And as far as G5 MLP I have watched the stuff on Netflix and a liiiiittle bit of the YouTube stuff (Don't really like Tell your Tale. Too slapstick, not enough world building.) Nearly all of the path choices of lining up with how the world will change had to do with the first movie.
I actually don't watch a lot of TV, rarely have time for it. Books are easier for me because they are portable. Still, I guess I should be flattered that you find comparisons as far as theme and character growth. There are bound to be similarities in any kind of storytelling. I guess as long as you enjoyed then that's a win for me.

Stasis, eh? So I take Twilight's budding pregnancy is on hold until they get out.

Well, thank you for being honest. Watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. sometime, I liked this show, maybe you will like it.
"Battlestar Galactica" can also be viewed. His similarity in MLP is that they both use Greek mythology, only the truth is in space (damn, even they have Elysium).
And for "Babylon 5", you respect the author. I watched it as a child. While someone was watching Star Trek, I was watching Babylon 5, it also has your similar notes: higher beings, destiny, apologists for Chaos and Harmony, life after death (from there I say, Beyond).

By the way, if you continue to write the history of your universe. Then it will be sequels, a story from the world of colored people?. Or will you start the story on the 5 generation?.
But on the other hand, time will tell what you decide.
Yes, I forgot to say in conclusion. That those who survived on Equus met "a new dawn, under a new sun" quote from "Interstellar". How they greeted the new dawn, it just reminded me of the end of this movie.

And yes, thank you for your universe. I had a lot to think about. We were able to awaken those emotions that I haven't experienced for a long time, namely: anger towards Datura (I personally would like to wring her neck, as DoomGuy does), worry about Sunset (I only had this for Asriel from GlitchTale), fear of the Omega Beast (in "The Expanse", there are similar creatures to the local ancient race, not as lucky as your Equestria and you had only one).

Well, in general, thank you for your creativity, maybe we'll see you again in the vastness of the universes. May the Ancients protect you.

I'm intentionally leaving it obscure because I may want to use that plot line for something.

I have followed your stories in this continuity and it has been a hell of a ride. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication that has gone in to these stories.

I hope one day this storyline will continue but if it doesn't everyone has gotten a good ending regardless.

Again, thank you!

Thank you. As of right now what comes next is up in the air.

So far, everypony has been fine with myself of my husband giving the orders, maybe the occasional noble chipping in since we are all supposed to be working together.

Small typo I noticed when rereading.

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