• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,330 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 24: Send Me an Angel

“That is not going to work, Chaz.”

Chaz huffed, glared at his sister again, and then proceeded to kick the loom… for the thirty-seventh time. The dark grey alicorn’s hoof did not even leave a dent. The object was more immortal than even he was, apparently. Fingers touched gingerly at his bottom lip. The cut he had suffered from when Void had struck him was gone, as was the blood in his saliva, but he still remembered the impact, the taste, and the pain. It was the first time he had ever felt such things.

Chaz snorted and threw his hands to the air, his wings flapping a few times out of frustration. Perhaps if he shot it with a magic blast? The ponder was quickly dismissed since the tapestry was still attached to the loom and far too precious to risk damage. It would burn his very soul if anything were to happen to his life’s work.

“Well, I’m out of ideas.”

Belldandy rolled her eyes. Or so she assumed they rolled. She could not see the physical world and with the threads not moving she was having difficulty seeing the metaphysical world as well. She was truly blind and it was frustrating and frightening. Still, doing nothing was not an option. That much was certain.

“Get up,” said the light grey alicorn, crossing her arms.


“Because we need to do something.”

“I already said I was out of ideas, so I guess now it’s your turn.”

“Fine. We need to fine Aine and talk to her.”

Chaz groaned like a colt told to eat his broccoli. “I hate talking to Aine. She always acts all pompous and snooty. ‘I do not know what you want meeee to do, I just create things and step away because ooooh, look! A new, shiny thing I made!’ Or something to that degree.”

Belldandy slow blinked, her lips a thin line. “Are you done?”

“I could go on.”

“Will that be helpful?”

“Probably not.”

“Then we have two options from where I… see it. We talk to Aine or we talk to Sunset Shimmer. Since it was her cutie mark you said was the last thing to come out that must mean that all of this is tied to her somehow.”

“There is usually some accompanying context that I have to help interpret what I am seeing so that I can retell the story correctly. But this,” Chaz said, indicating the final material still hanging from the loom, “it is just a large recreation of her mark, exactly as it appears on her flank. I have to assume since it takes up the entire width of the tapestry it must mean that something she did or will do will affect the entire world as a whole. At best I can say, her destiny is at hoof. Her final fate is before us, written and sealed as the fate of all Equuis. Whether the loom moves again or if this is the end is now in her hooves.”

Belldandy raised her cloudy eyes to the star and cosmic dust filled universe beyond their colonnade. She had been told it was beautiful beyond words. She could only imagine. Void did something, something out in the real world that caused this. They needed to find out what. “Then I feel it is most important that we speak with Sunset Shimmer.”

“I fail to see how that will help. Let’s be honest with ourselves, she is probably far more likely to attack us than to offer any insight considering how our siblings have treated her over the years.”

“It is a risk worth taking, but I do not disagree. We need a mediator whom she will not attack on sight.” Chaz waited, arching an eyebrow. “We shall speak with Luna first.”

Chaz sighed again but did not argue. “Well, I did want to know what it was like out there. Guess it’s time to try once more to see if we can step away from this place.”

“We can.”

“Oh? How are you so certain?”

Belldandy turned to where she knew the threads were, but could not feel the life in them. They had stopped and a part of her was just as stuck as they were. “Because I think this is OUR destiny and our final fate as well.”



Sunset Shimmer had to admit, as she walked side by side with her wife, that The History of the Crystal Empire was not what she had expected. The clean buildings made of crystal, the mineral rock and crystal streets, the smiling ponies whose coats would shine like crystal when they were happy… imagining it all under the oppressive hoof of a pony who was a monster. It was a lot to take in. Especially since that monster was named Sombra. Just like her father.

Throw in shadow ponies called Umbra, evil changeling infiltrations courtesy of a young Chrysalis, and, of course, being time blipped for a thousand years, and it was amazing that the crystal ponies survived at all let alone thrived. Thinking back to her fight with Aethon not long ago, Sunset remembered how the crystal ponies fought valiantly against a fire alicorn that was slaughtering them by burning them instantly to ash and yet they never gave up. They were a tough bunch, Sunset concluded.

“Thanks, Spike. I’m really sorry to pull you away from your family again,” Twilight said into her SunLight crystal that was floating next to her ear.

“A multi-national peace summit to negotiate an iron clad settlement and avoid a possible world war? Of course I’ll be there! I would have been totally insulted if you left your number one assistant and Friendship Ambassador behind for something like that.” Sunset overheard Spike say through the crystal. Twilight didn’t have it on speaker mode either, he was just that loud. “I’ll leave to meet up with you in the Empire as soon as I can, but with the weather teams working this afternoon I don’t think we can head out until morning.”

“That’s fine. We have time… I hope.”

“Hey,” Sunset nudged Twilight and smile, “we got this.”

Twilight smiled in turn and nodded. “We’ll see you soon, Spike.” Twilight ended the call and sighed. “I’m sorry. When I planned to be museum tour guide I didn’t think I would have to keep running out and field calls from some of the other leaders. I guess Cadence has been busy. I still feel like I ruined our outing though.”

“You didn’t ruin anything, babe. I can read, ya know. Even Lieutenant Sprocket was getting into some of it,” Sunset said, gesturing to the guards that were following them from a respectable distance. “Plus, this summit is going to be huge and we only gave ourselves a short timetable.”

“I just hope it works. From the sound of Isabella’s voice I’m worried the sultan and crown prince have already made their decision and this is just a big, wasted formality.”

“If we get all these other nations to support us and show what a mistake war would be and the cost of it in materials and lives I can’t imagine the Saddle Arabians would go through with this.”

Twilight grimaced. “You are being optimistic. Hoping that pride can be reasoned with. I want to believe that too, but…”

“The alternative is worse. Much worse. I watched humans do horrible things to each other every day for some of the most petty and ridiculous reasons. I had to learn about their bloody and violent history. Some nights I would refuse to sleep because of the nightmares of atrocities and violence. And though we are not squeaky clean by any means, we try to be better. We try to do the right thing... most of us, at least.”

Sunset Shimmer paused and turned her eyes to the blue sky above with streaks of color permeating from the top of the crystal palace spire. Loving energy generated from the citizen, channeled through the crystal heart and up and across the surrounding lands. A visible example of how love and hope could overcome long odds and change the world. Her eyes turned to Twilight, who was still mulling, lost in the thoughts swirling around inside that beautiful, ever-active mind of hers.

“I don’t think I ever told you, but over there, I had more than one opportunity to start my own business or run a company, just like Twi did." Twilight's eyes focused on Sunset, piqued in curiosity. "I was certainly smart enough to do so and had plenty of money to get one off the ground. A much better starting place than most. But I didn’t want that. I was happy as a part time artist and working as a sound engineer for a good company. I liked my boss. He was good to me and his other employees. The tough but fair type. The fact of reality was I never wanted to be in charge, the queen bee of it all again. I never wanted to deal with this crap, corporate or political.”

Twilight frowned and glanced down at her golden hoofshoes, digging one lightly into the ground. “And then I made you a princess… I’m sorry.”

Sunset smiled and lifted Twilight’s chin. It never felt right to have a pony as tall as Twilight feel like she was just a tiny, shamed foal. They stared into each other’s eyes for nearly a minute, not having to say a thing until their lips met. The guards came to a stop and pretended to look elsewhere.

“It’s okay, Twily. I didn't tell you that to make you sad. I just wanted to be honest with you. I could have said no to all of this and run away like I usual did, but I wanted this because I wanted to make mom happy and more so, I wanted to be there for you. There are rough days, but honestly, it’s not such a bad job. It’s not so lonely at the top when you got somepony by your side.”

Twilight nuzzled Sunset, who happily returned the gesture, their horns sparking a bit as the slid along one another. A few locals stopped to watch them, but most understood it was a private moment and just carried on. The guards glared when one pony made to take a picture. He flattened his ears and scurried along.

When the diarchs returned to the palace, guards directed them to the large assembly conference room. While Twilight knew Cadence had her own team of advisors and ‘council’ that helped her run the empire she had not taken the time to remember their names since they rarely crossed the borders for international summits. Isabella probably knew them though, Twilight pondered as an afterthought.

Sitting at the U shaped table in the center were Cadence, her seneschal, Fire Sapphire, and four other crystal ponies. Sunset nudged Twilight and pointed at the stout pony with his mane cut as short as the rest of his fur. “That’s her Captain of the Guard.”

Twilight nodded. “Right. Granite Core. He’s pretty good from what Tempest told me. They conducted cooperative drills and sparring matches and he nearly pinned her.”

Cadence looked up from her report and smiled brightly at Twilight and Sunset. She gestured to a set of nice chairs that had been set out for them. The members of the council bowed respectfully as they approached. “Good news. I spoke with the sultan and convinced him to send his son to the summit. He will of course be under significant heavy guard and has requested the entire east annex for himself and his retainers.”

“A reasonable demand all things considered and we would be happy to accommodate if it makes him more comfortable,” said Twilight. “Also, Spike will be joining us and he is sure Ember will attend. So, who does that leave us with?”

Cadence held up her list. “So far, we have… Saddle Arabia, Seaquestria, Yakyakistan, The Thicket Independency. The Badlands rep I spoke to said they needed to talk it out, but they will likely send a representative so as to not be overlooked. Not bad for short notice and a single day of work.”

“So quickly? That is phenomenal, Cadence!” Twilight said happily, a huge weight suddenly feeling lifted. They were willing to meet and talk. There was still hope of avoiding bloodshed. Twilight’s stomach gurgled loud enough for all to hear. She smiled sheepishly as her cheeks reddened.

“I guess lunch would be a good idea at this point.”

Right on cue. The guards opened the door again and allowed the staff to wheel in two carts full of fresh food choices. The servants worked quickly and efficiently plating for all the ponies present and what they wished for including the massive mound of mashed potatoes that Sunset asked for. Twilight flashed her a quirky smile when she kept asking for more as they spooned it out. Sunset just shrugged off the looks from the others. She did not care. She knew what she liked. After several minutes of quiet eating Cadence cleared her plate and resumed their earlier conversation.

“So, with all of this in hoof and nothing else to do but wait while arrangements are made, what do you plan to do for tonight’s honeymoon activities?”

Twilight and Sunset both turned their eyes to the mischievous smile plastered on the other princess’s face. Cadence then, quite blatantly, waggled her brow and winked. Sunset glance to the crystal pony council who were apparently immune to their empress and her not so subtle innuendos.

Twilight glanced to Sunset then back to Cadence. “Honestly, we should probably try doing some additional research on Saddle Arabia and see if we can find a clue as to why they would push so hard for an arrange marriage and princess foal. They have never been so aggressive for such in the past even after Flurry’s… diplomatic incident.”

Sunset glanced about, ashamed she had not noticed the missing alicorn earlier. The girl is the size of a tank, how did I NOT notice? “Where is Flurry anyway?”

“Still seeing to Discord.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “He didn’t sneeze on her and turn Flurry blue, did he? Steal her wings? Convince her that sugar and salt are interchangeable and the dispensers all should be swapped?”

“Not that I have been made aware, but she knows my health shield spell just in case and as to the others... really?.”

“I'm sure she's fine. Probably." Sunset shrugged. "So, another night in the library or should we just have the books brou-”

“LIBRARY!” Twilight shouted with a wide, toothy grin.

Sunset sighed and shook her head. “Why did I even bother asking.”


Chaz, like his brothers and sisters, was as old as time itself… as far as he knew. His first memories were a blinding light followed by a black sky filled with stars. He remembered floating and then… he felt it. It called to him. He looked down and his hooves clopped on the stone of the stardust colonnade. It could have been compared to a palace or a temple. Sometimes though, it just felt like a fancy, beautiful prison.

He heard clomping next to him, erratic, lost. He had turned to find another alicorn looking about. He knew her even though he did not know her name. In fact, at that time, neither of them had names. Just a calling. He was compelled to move forward, but he ignored it and turn to his sister. When he reached her, he found that she was blind. He did not understand what that meant at the time, only that her eyes were clouded over and that she could only see blackness. Or so he thought at the time.

The calling returned, it called to them both and so they walked further into what they thought was an empty space that just happened to have structure. Where had it come from? Had their brothers and sisters made it for them? Perhaps their creator? If such a creature existed and had a name it never said so or gave any instructions.

Regardless, an object had formed and taken shape. He had no idea what it was, but the moment he reached out with a hoof to touch it his eyes blazed bright white and energy surged through, eventually culminating into a mark that formed upon his flank. It was a scroll or tarp, he thought at the time. Now he knew better. It was the Tapestry of Fate.

Much as he had done, Belldandy had also stumbled until she touched the spools of thread that had materialized. The moment she had, a similar occurrence had befallen her as well. The spools were unlimited, constantly being replenished with the Threads of Destiny. The spools and threads appearing upon her flank. Belldandy was still blind to the world around them, but then suddenly, she could see things that no other creature could.

Chaz had no idea how long they had stumbled about that place. Eons perhaps. Then, Belldandy reached out to grab the threads and her hooves fumbled with them. She reached out with magic, her horn glowing. He had no idea they could do that and he tried as well. That was also when he accidently shot her in the butt with a bolt of magic. Belldandy yelped and then shot him back. That eventually led to a battle in which they played and ran about the place shocking each other and learning what they could… and eventually could not do. Chief among them, they could not leave. When they tried, the calling drew them back. For what purpose, they did not know. Not yet.

Then it all changed when the first souls of the first creatures evolved and their children took their first breaths and the Well of the Universe granted the newborns a drop of its magic. From those seeds the first new souls bloomed and Destiny and Fate had purpose. And they fulfill that purpose every day since.

Chaz was not sure what to expect when he took his sister’s hand and they stepped off the end of their palace/prison. He had a rough idea where Luna resided, but not exactly. It was not as if they had exchanged addresses and he could only guess based on information he had skimmed.

With nothing else working and nothing to lose, the two alicorns fell from the heavens.


At terminal velocity.

Lucky for all, they landed in the ruined wastes that had once been the rocky valley and mountain that had been called Tartarus. While they had been spotted by astronomers and traveling observers, no creature knew what they truly were beyond just fast moving falling objects that were sure to leave pretty massive craters.

Which they did. Two of them.

Chaz dusted off his fur and stood up. At first, he felt panic because he could not see his sister. He had let go of Belldandy’s hand just before he hit the ground so as to cast a shield below his hooves in case it hurt. He barely felt a thing and suffered more from the dust kicked up. It caused his lungs to burn and eyes to water. Two new sensations he had only ever skimmed but never experienced.


“Over here!”

Chaz flew out of his crater and looked down, finding another crater not far from his own. In it, sitting down peacefully was Belldandy. He landed near the edge and lifted her with his magic.

After dusting one another off, Belldandy having to slap his hands away from fondling her body just a bit more than she was comfortable with, they looked about the waste. Belldandy huffed and swished her tail in frustration.

“Well, this is annoying.”


Belldandy turned to where she heard and smelled her brother. “I was hoping I would perhaps be able to see or at least feel my way about with my magic, but my eyes are completely useless here. Without the threads I have no far sight. All I see is blackness.”

“Well,” Chaz scratched at his mane, letting more dust pebbles fall to the ground, “I CAN see and I have to say… there is nothing to see here. Just rocks, more rocks, some dirt over there and… hmm…”


“There is an unusal formation over there. I sense magic all around it.”

Belldandy lit her horn and turned. She blinked the irritating dust from her eyes even though she could still see nothing. However, she could FEEL the magic he was referring to when she focused her power. “Yes, I sense it as well. It’s old magic and has Samael’s touch. Cold, dark.”

With nothing else to add to it they walked over hand in hand to the large oblong rock that was sticking out of the ground. Chaz inspected the rock and was more certain than ever there were spells woven into it. He glided his hand over the smooth face and a crescent moon appeared.

“We are definitely in the right place.”

“You are.” Chaz and Belldandy turned to the sound of a new voice from behind them. Neither jumped or took a defensive posture. “The question is, why have you come?”

Chaz smiled and waved. The cloaked alicorn just stared, most of her face hidden by the hood, but they did not need see her to know who she was. “Hello bro… er, is it sister now?”

“Call me Luna. It is easier and more comfortable for everypony that way. I ask again, why are you away from the loom and tapestry? Who guides the threads in your absence?”

Belldandy placed a hand on Chaz’s shoulder and stepped forward. “The threads have stopped calling to me and the loom no longer seals the fates of all for him. Both have ceased.”

Luna narrowed her black eyes at them. “Impossible.”

“Well, you are more than welcome to come see for yourself. That is one of the reasons we are here, in fact. The other being that we need to speak to Sunset Shimmer, but strangely, I… have no idea where she is, to be honest. How is that possible?” said Chaz spinning a few times to try and reach out towards the horizon with his senses. While his eyes could only see as far as any other creature, his power allowed Chaz to see the unique energy signatures of all sentient creatures unless they were actively shielding themselves from him. Not a small feat.

Luna narrowed her eyes and scowled at the pair. “A weapon is not useful if every potential enemy knows exactly where to find it. Or in this case, find her. In addition, my beloved niece has been through a great deal of physical and emotional trauma since returning to Equestria. She deserves what happiness she has managed to find through dark days and thus it is in all our best interest to let Sunset Shimmer be for as long as possible. Why do you wish to speak with her?”

“Luna, you of all ponies should know that life is not about what one deserves. We are all bound to the threads and the call of our destinies.” Chaz let the dopey grin slip from his face and held out his hand to Luna. She eyed the appendage as if it were some sort of afront. “As far as why? It… would be easier to show you while I explain. I’m sure you know much of what Samael knew, but he had not visited us in quite some time. Mostly because we asked him not to, but still.”

Luna stared down at the hand, huffed, and shifted a bit. She finally concluded the discussion in her mind and nodded, holding out her hoof, which he then grasped. Chaz then took Belldandy’s closest hand in his other.

“I was hoping to visit more of the world before heading back.”

“I have a feeling, dear sister, that this mystery is only just beginning and we shall return.”

"Perhaps next time leave fewer holes in the ground. There are more efficient methods of travel that do not damage the world." The trio disappeared in a multi-colored flash of light.

Luna was quite familiar with teleports. She was an alicorn and had a deep mana well, which was one of the key requirements for teleportation. The other major key was knowing where you wanted to end up. That had been the most difficult part about her last major teleportation journey that had found her on another planet that her mother was busy reforming to her desires. Even though she had not said it at the time, but a part of Luna had been worried that she would not have been able to find her way back home given the amount of energy she had expelled to make the journey.

For their current trip, Luna could feel Chaz and Belldandy combine their power to ease the burden, but also, she could feel that the journey was not as far. At least in terms of distance. Luna could feel the cluster of lives below them, like a tugging on her heart, and knew it was the world. And yet, where they stood was not visible to the naked eye nor a telescope. Pocket dimensions were funny that way.

While Luna had technically been to the temple before ‘SHE’ had never seen it with her own eyes. Only through Samael’s memories. In her honest opinion, while it was beautiful and framed by a breathtaking cosmic background, it also seemed quite lonely. Reminding Luna of her old tower in her first castle before her banishment. One of the reasons she changed some of her visitation policies with her thestral guards the second time around.

Luna took a moment to peer over the edge of the circular colonnade and was impressed with the view below. As she suspected, though it was likely through a dimensional window, she saw the world of her birth and her beloved moon as well as Celestia’s sun. Even if the celestial bodies were not hers or Celestia’s anymore, it was how she always viewed them and always would.

With the sightseeing concluded, Luna turned and marched over to the loom. As the twins had stated, neither the device nor the spools were moving. As she approached, she saw the tapestry hanging there and a familiar image sewn across the width of the fabric. Centuries of ingrained diplomatic protocol forced Luna to turn back to Chaz and wait for his permission before touching the item in question. He smiled at the courtesy and nodded his consent.

Luna removed some of the tapestry from the box at the floor and examined it. While she did not fully understand what she was seeing, she was able to surmise what some of the code meant. Especially the bloody clover that was chained into a pit with horrors all about ready to pounce. Despite her best efforts, Luna smirked at that one.

“Do you know what you are looking for?”

Luna glanced up from the tapestry to see Chaz looking on curiously and Belldandy just picking at her fingernails. “Not exactly. I was searching back to what may have caused this to stop feeding, but I cannot see a reason. You said it would be easier to show and explain. Do so now.”

“Yes. You see, not long after you and Samael merged, Void paid us and unexpected and unannounced visit. It… was unpleasant.” Chaz touched his lip again even though it was fully healed. “He screamed about like a mad horse and lamented what he called Samael’s death even though he is no more dead than you are.”

Luna nodded in understanding. “Continue.”

“I said as much to him and Void struck me. Drew blood too. That has never happened and I did not like it.”

“I have had worse. Get to the point, please.”

“Well, apparently, he did… something.”

Luna waited for an elaboration. None came. “Something?”

“What Chaz is trying to say, poorly, is Void did something out in the world that caused a major cataclysm or at least started us on the road towards one. I felt our universe literally tear open from beyond and then all I could see were the threads that eventually created the mark you now see before you.”

“This is Sunset Shimmer’s cutie mark.”

“Yes,” Chaz said, “but more than that, it is perfectly rendered with no additional clues or modifications to indicate why it was made and it spans the entire width, which would lead me to conclude that it effects every creature currently living.”

Luna gently returned the tapestry to where it was hanging from the loom and the rest back in the box. “If I am understanding you both then what you are saying is Void, threw a temper tantrum about what happened to Samael and did something that now effects all life as we know it and it is up to Sunset Shimmer to either save or destroy every creature.”

They both nodded.

“Her Destiny is called upon,” said Belldandy.

“She, who was for so long unbound is now tied to the Fate of all,” added Chaz.

Luna glanced back and forth between the two of them before sighing. “She is not going to be happy about that revelation, I assure you. I see why you wished to speak to me first. As it so happens, I spoke with Aine about this ‘game’ not long ago and asked if she knew how to find Void so that I might confront him and put a stop to it, permanently. She did not, nor did she seem interested at all in the affairs of Equuis as a whole. Too busy playing with her new world I suppose.”

Chaz snorted and elbowed his sister. "Told you so."

“Her new world is possibly no safer than the one below us,” said Belldandy, ignoring her brother and gesturing to the stars. “While there are no sentient souls there, I can feel a pit in my gut that has existed ever since the threads stopped.
Void did something horrendous and now no world is safe.”

“You suspect he seeks to end the game forever?”

Belldandy scowled, it was a dark and quite frightening expression upon the fair and usually quite smooth featured face. “Chaos is quite comfortable in the darkest corners of existence, but we are all still children of the first light. We know for a fact there are things on the other side of our light. A place of true darkness that expands with equal measure and has always sought a way through. I want to be wrong, but the more I think about it, the more I am sure he did the unthinkable.”

Luna searched Samael’s memories. Though mostly just a quiet, pouting ember in a corner of her mind, on this he was being helpful and directing her towards the reference Belldandy was making. The six of them had encountered it early on before Aine had even begun experimenting with her first world that was later corrupted and destroyed. It pulled at their souls and fed upon their magic. They had been lucky and managed to draw it into a super massive black hole. The gravity well pulled it into nothing… or perhaps back to where it had accidentally come from.

Even in that short span of time the creature had consumed much. It ate newly formed planets, their cores rich with fresh mana flows. It followed the mana veins like an ant on a trail of sugar. It never stopped, never spoke. All it did was consume and would have likely turned their universe into another dead expanse had they not worked together to intercede. The only time they had ever all fought as one.

They had called it an Omega Beast for it was a monster of enders.

“Would thou be so petty? So cruel as to destroy all that is known? And my niece? She is strong and possesses a power to slay gods. This is known, but this? The fate of all upon her shoulders? Nay. The universe asks too much of her.”

“Still hesitant on telling Aine what we suspect?” asked Belldandy, poking her brother in his ribs. He squirmed under her prodding.

“Aine must know, or will so soon enough,” said Luna. “Still, we must be certain. Come.” Luna marched to the edge of the temple and pointed at the darkness with her hoof, her cloak thrown back and black wings shimmering with midnight blue unfurled.

“Are you proposing we go looking for this thing? Just the three of us?! You did not see what the last one did. At least not directly.” Chaz’s voice rose a few octaves.

“We need information and we will protect each other, but I cannot be away from my duties for long. I require your additional power to augment my own so that we may move swiftly. If it is an omega beast we will retreat immediately and then begin to plan accordingly, which, yes, will include *sigh* talking with my mother.”

“Well, you wanted to see what else there was out there.”

Chaz glared at Belldandy’s whimsical expression. “I also wanted to try ice cream yet here we are NOT doing that.”

Luna ignored them. She was searching the heavens for anomalies. Their back and forth squabble was a comfortable if useless background noise. She knew all too well what it was like to bicker with a sibling and it felt nostalgic. Then, she felt a tug. It was far away, but there was something. Something that did not belong.

“Stay close to me.”

The two approached, but the anatomical differences in height made it difficult to wrap one’s arms or forelegs about. Finally, after a groaning sigh, Luna lit her horn and shifted her body so as to stand up just like Belldandy and Chaz. Luna examined herself and nodded. The body was similar to the photos she had seen in Sunset’s album of her and her human friends. The exception being that like the other two alicorns she kept some of her pony features including her head, tail, and hind leg hooves.

All three anthro alicorns interlocked their arms and extended their wings. They lit their horns and focus on the distant stars and then vanished in a flash of magic.

Author's Note:

Happy Friday. I hope everyone is doing well. So as I examine these two parts and their pacing I can see better why I originally had them in two parts. Red Clover has a much faster pace with fast highs and lows that culminates into a good one-two punch. Omega Beast is a sloooow building coaster. It's going up that hill and when it finally goes over the edge the pace is going to come at you hard and fast. Could they still have been two parts? Maybe. Then I would have needed more cover art.

On that front I have an idea for an Incarnate series art piece that would tie it all together. will work on that when I have time.

On the above. Luna is back! If you are wondering why Chaz and Belldandy act like children it has mostly to do with their lack of interaction with others. Spend the last several eons with only your sibling and see how you two act.

Questions? Comments?

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