• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,322 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 17: Veteran of the Psychic Wars

Datura swore. She swore in multiple languages and cursed multiple gods who may or may not actually exist, but at least the names sounded good when screaming with a burning hot chain wrapped around one's neck. She could not believe what had just happened. Datura felt her body shifting back to that of an equine and she cursed again. When she hit the ground, she immediately rolled and charged Luna. The dark alicorn had to recall her chain, returning it to an axe in order to defend herself. Had Datura required air to breathe she would have likely passed out from the choking chain, but it had simply annoyed her and left burn welts on her once immaculate neck.

Luna deflected the attack, but only just barely. Datura, growled, raised one hoof, and fired a blast at Clover. The blast passed through his cloak as grazed his back as he leapt to the side. Flurry Heart levitated a large blob of the sleep potion water over and dropped it on the witch. She crowed in success, but all it succeeded in doing was making her gasp and then growl more. Datura fired at Flurry Heart as well. The large alicorn danced about, finding cover behind one of Twilight's shields.

"I just want you to know, I HATE ALL OF YOU SO VERY MUCH! I was just trying to run away peacefully, but nooooooo! That was too much to ask for!"

“Sunset!” Sunset Shimmer glanced down at Raven. “This is not working! I tried to tell you this earlier! She has centuries of fighting experience, a near limitless supply of energy, and her body will not tire unlike all of you proper meat bags! If you do not come up with a better plan she will kill someone! Most likely you!”

Sunset took a deep breath. The voice of logic had spoken. The harsh knock upside the skull advice she had come to appreciate and need from her technological friend and surrogate daughter. Datura was like a machine now. They could pound on and injure the body all they wanted, but she had the power to heal it as fast as they could damage it. The only way to win was to cut off her power supply and that meant distracting the driver long enough to do so.

“Okay, I know what we need to do. Twilight! Luna!” Both alicorns spared Sunset a glance. “Finish what we talked about before.”

“Sunny, what are yo-”

“I’m going in!”

Sunset Shimmer teleported to place herself behind Datura. She anticipated that, but that was what Sunset wanted her to think. She disappeared again as the witch turned her head and instead reappeared directly below Datura. Before she could change her mind on how many ways the plan could go wrong, Sunset Shimmer focused on her empathetic connection spell that she had used before to connect to Twilight. With a grunt and a wiggle, Sunset reached up and pressed her horn to Datura’s, both their eyes ignited and were glowing bright white.


Sunset Shimmer felt herself drawn in. The sensation was similar enough to when she entered a dream walk that she did not panic… at first. However, when her chosen mindscape of the Canterlot City amphitheater park did not manifest she knew something was wrong. Sunset did the only thing she could do and reached out with her senses to get an idea of where she was.

The response was immediate and the endless black shifted and churned, uncomfortably reminding the alicorn of her time in the in-between except if half the sparkles and lights had burned out. Sunset turned and turned again. She could feel her anxiety rising and fed more life to her lightsaber sword to increase the light output and push back the darkness. That was when the cackle passed through her. Not over, but through. Every nerve cell screamed and a small part of her brain sounded like a red alert battle klaxon.

“Oh, I did not think you would try something this incredibly stupid, princess.” Sunset heard the voice from all around making it impossible to locate the direction. “You really are just a foolish, naive child with too much power at your horn tip.”

“Oh yeah? At least I put my power to good use instead of treating others like playthings.”

“Noble, if foolishly sentimental. Because while using those, ‘playthings’ as you called them, I learned much. Especially when it comes to the power and architecture of the mind. I killed my foster parents when I was little more than a filly by taking control of their minds. I took your fiancé’s mind, if albeit only temporarily. The mind and all things regarding it is my special talent. When first we met, I could not penetrate your mental defenses. They were designed to protect you so that creatures such as I could not take control of Celestia's special little tool. But now, you willingly stepped out from around those defenses and presented your soul to me like a sacrificial lamb to slaughter. This place, where we now stand? This is MY playground, princess. And you are now going to die very, very badly. Not for Void, but because I do not like you and you have vexed me so verily.”

Sunset felt around with her senses. They were not inside Datura’s mind, but some sort of bridging ‘no man’s land’ that was completely under her control. Sunset tried to manifest a door to escape back to her own body and the defenses it provided. The door was blown up into particles the moment it appeared.

“Ah, ah. No running away, princess. You wanted a fight. Well, now you have one.”

The murky background shifted and churned, Sunset felt herself land on something solid. It immediately turned to sticky muck that tried to crawl up her legs. With a gasp and a growl, she sliced and blasted her way free but had to constantly keep turning.

“Grah!” Something fast and sharp slashed across Sunset's face and she felt the sting much as she would have in her body. With a thought the gash closed. This place was not real, per se, but her soul was and this nightmare hellscape could kill her just as well as a blade to the heart. That thought brough exactly zero comfort.

Finally, Datura showed herself, standing on a black pillar, her form anthro-humanoid with hands and human proportions, but with hooves for feet, a tail, and a pony-like head. Datura’s red glowing eyes flashed. Sunset flapped and jumped as the floor became a valley of spikes. When she looked back Datura was grinning like a mad woman. “Welcome to my world, baby.”


“Now’s our chance!” Flurry Heart moved in to smash the bottle only to bounce off an energy shield.

Twilight, Luna, and Clover approached with more caution. Flurry signaled she was fine while shaking the disorientation and ringing from her head. Upon closer inspection, the outer layer was a simple barrier. Twilight surmised she could break that easy enough. But her keen eyes spotted additional layers going up over Datura's body and the bottle itself. Each more complex than the last. Her eyes next focused on Sunset’s face that was contorting in anger and… pain?

“Oh, brave niece. Why must you be so stubbornly bold.”

“What’s happening to her? asked Spike, rolling the soreness from his shoulders.

“We must separate them with the utmost care. Sunset Shimmer has slipped herself into Datura’s controlled mind space. Quite possibly the most dangerous battlefield of them all. Even as seconds tick by here, hours are passing in there.”

“Then we need to get in there to help her!” shouted Twilight.

“We need to destroy the bottle as well. It is quite possible both their souls are inside of it now. As well as that of Captain Tempest Fury,” said Luna after a scan spell failed to reveal much information.

Clover nodded and threw aside his ruined cloak. “Go, little moon. I will decipher and break her spells over the bottle. With luck it will only be hardened and enchanted glass.”

“It is not.”

All the eyes turned to see the sparkling, translucent projection of Harmony as young Twilight. The specter approached and with a hoof, shattered the first barrier without trying. She then retrieved the PAAL from Sunset’s bandolier and looked down at it, stroking the side of the case with compassion and care.

“Hello? Who's there? What’s happening? I can feel my orientation shifting, but I cannot see. Where is Sunset? My camera is going through system restart after that last flash blinded me.”

“Your mother is in terrible danger. She fights for her very soul on the mind plain where I have no power or reach. You must get her back to her own body and quickly. Before The Red Clover gains the upper hoof and destroys her very essence."

"Okay, but how?" blurted out Flurry Heart before any of the others could.

"The bottle at the Red Clover’s side is made from a piece of the magical city of Elysium itself and is indestructible to mortal weapons or magic. At least, from the outside. The alicorns must go into the bottle and constructed mindscape within and save Sunset Shimmer while Void is too occupied to interfere further. I will help from here and save this world.”

Twilight needed no other motivation. She stepped forward and willed herself much like how Luna had instructed her in the past when attempting to dream walk. The moment her horn came in contact with Sunset’s her body went rigid and eyes flashed white. Luna spared one last glance at Harmony and Clover. "May the light of the Sun and Moon watch over us all." With nothing else to add, Luna dove in herself.

“If the bottle can’t be smashed what do we do? Grrrr! Why can’t it ever be the easy way!” Flurry pounded the ground leaving a divot. She was pleased her strength was returning but she still could not hold a complex spell for longer than a few seconds. The entire situation was frustrating her to no end. The large alicorn still unused to being so powerless.

“Life is not meant to be easy. Growth requires adversity, challenge. The trees grow, the vines climb, all that lives competes for the finite resources or the world. Most in a complex dance of harmonic coexistence, but always with some level of struggle.”

“As much as I enjoy our philosophical conversations, dearest, I think now would be a good time to elaborate on how we help our friends defeat the witch.”

Harmony nodded. “Inside the bottle are trapped souls, many souls. These souls are sources of great power. In truth, they are the greatest magical energy reactors in the universe. Hence why Datura was harvesting them. However, the Red Clover made a critical mistake and it may be our only chance to end this without sacrificing more lives. One soul in particular she harvested has much to live for and beats with significant power. With our help, this soul can break her shackles and reach the alicorns, shattering the prison from the inside out. Once destroyed, the Red Clover’s hidden phylactery will be revealed. The spells protecting it are more simple, since she never anticipated any mortal creature breaching the bottle.”

Clover’s horn was glowing brightly while he regularly checked the screen on his foreleg. “I am about to reach the bottle’s defenses. How do we contact this powerful soul inside to assist our friends?”

Harmony gestured to the Lunar Guard Captain who had been overseeing the perimeter and assisting his soldiers with the townsfolk who were recovering from Datura’s mind control now that all her attention was occupied elsewhere.

“Captain Gauge!” shouted Flurry Heart. The thestral turned and trotted over to her, taking a long, blatantly worried look at Sunset and the others with glowing eyes and connected horns.

“Is it over? Have they subdued the witch and we can free my wife?”

Flurry bounced her hoof off her head. “Oh! Of course! That's what she means! I forgot that you and Captain Fury were married!” Gauge arched a brow. “Well, not forgot, forgot, just temporarily forgot with… It’s been a rough few days, okay?!”

Gauge nodded. “I understand completely, princess. How can I be of assistance?”

“You must reach out to your wife’s soul. Call to her as only you can.”

Gauge turned to Harmony and cocked his head to the side. “I... do not understand.”

“The prison must be broken from the inside out. That is the only way to breach the sanctum where Datura’s soul resides and to end this travesty. You and Tempest Fury are connected beyond just simple vows. Your souls are in harmonious, loving balance with one another in a way that shines brighter that the sun itself. If you could see what I see...” Harmony gestured for Gauge to approach Datura’s side. He did so with great caution even though none of them had moved more than a few twitched since connecting horns.

“Close your eyes and reach out to her with your heart. You have the unique ability to manifest and control foggy cloud formations and mist. In her current state, Tempest Fury’s soul is in a gaseous state of matter. Because of your connection, she will feel you searching, reaching out to her. With your help, she can break her binding chains. Please do this and quickly. Our friends are in ever growing danger.”

Gauge glanced back to the princesses and could see how painfully strained and contorted Sunset Shimmer’s face was becoming, sweat beginning to drip from her chin. She was fighting for her life. All their lives. All three were. He had not been there to protect Sunset when she had been near fatally stabbed. He had not been there to save Tempest when the witch had stolen her soul. He was here now and he would do whatever was necessary to save the mares he loved.

Fog Gauge closed his eyes as instructed and reached out with his old pegasi senses. He could feel air currents like all flyers could. He, as part of his own special talent, could also feel the moisture in the air and how to manipulate it into a foggy mist. Gauge focused on the bottle and the atmosphere within. He felt the movement of the clouds inside and how they ungulated on their own organically. He closed off his ears from the rest of the world and listened only to those clouds. After a few seconds, the thumping heartbeat in his ears was accompanied by another, beating in sync with his own.

“My heart, my love. Hear me.” The others watched as the clouds swirled more violently and finally the bottle jumped as if something had moved inside. Spike, embarrassing as it was to admit, jumped back when two angry eyes appeared along the side of the greenish glass. They were furious eyes that Fog Gauge knew well.

Harmony removed the thestral’s helmet and pressed her glowing hoof to his forehead. With a gesture of her other hoof a formation of crystal emerged from the ground and the moment Clover removed the last outside barrier it wrapped around the top of the bottle. Gauge gasped and went stiff, his eyes suddenly glowing white.


Sunset Shimmer cursed again, dodged, blocked, slashed, blasted, and spun to keep an eye on Datura, but since the mindscape was of her design there was no telling where she would come from next. Sunset huffed and wiped the blood from her nose. It may not have been real blood, but her mind decided it should bleed after getting punched square in the face from something that felt like a rock. It certainly hurt like a rock to the face.

“Are you having fun yet, darling?”

“I’ve been bloodied plenty of times. This the best you got?”

Datura laughed yet again. Sunset was going to have nightmares about that sound, she was sure of that. Dark lances that were nearly impossible to see launched at Sunset from every direction. “Oh, I can do this all day and I can make it so much worse. Tell me, beautiful daughter of Celestia. Have you ever had your dignity stolen from you? Your body violated against your will? Found yourself pinned to the ground and lacking the physical or magical strength to do anything about it and all you can do is ride it out until they have had their fill and leave you leaking and crying in the dark? Well, I have. I have heard many say it is a fate that they would not wish upon their worst enemy, but for you, I will gladly put your through that horror so that I can hear you weep and scream for mother after all the trouble you have caused me.”

Sunset had been on the defense since the moment she had foolishly entered Datura’s mindscape and had, at least in her opinion, been doing well. All things considered. It was certainly not as overwhelming as being in the mind of Aine, but Datura did not lack for a horrid, twisted imagination and apparently did not need a break. Only a few of the many, many attacks had gotten through Sunset's sword, magic, or armor. Sunset had done her best to try and land a few hits when an opening presented itself. She had altered her armor, augmented her weaponry, even tried switching to human form just to throw Datura off, but none of it had been profoundly successful. No doubt after more than two millennia the witch had seen stranger things.

Sunset was back in her alicorn form, her wings still burning bright golden light, but she could feel herself getting tired. Even the mind needed a break and she had no idea how far along the other were at when it came to cutting the witch off from her power source considering the time dilation of the mind. Or if she could even find her way back to her body after this was over. Such thoughts were a nagging distraction and one she could not afford.

“More or less, I've been there. I consented to my abuser in exchange for something I needed at the time. But you're right, no pony deserves such treatment. Though if you are looking for sympathy you shouldn’t follow up your statement by being a hypocrite and threatening to rape somepony else.”

Datura laughed. “Oh, I don’t mind being a hypocrite, but all I really wanted was to distract you.”

Sunset dodged and slashed downward only for a dozen more spikes to stab into her back from above. The blackish tentacles slithered up and grabbed each of her legs and pulled Sunset spread eagle, her joints and sockets felt like they were about to wretched free. One slimed its way up her back and wrapped around her neck, constricting like a snake. Sunset’s Wings began to lose their golden glow and her sword fell and evaporated.

Datura smiled wider than what seemed possible, teeth elongating into several sharp fangs. It made Sunset feel like she was staring at an insane cartoon face and not another pony. “Now, dear, I’m going to violate you so thoroughly that you will BEG ME to consume your soul just to make it stop. This will not be enjoyable, for you.”

“I… won’t… break…”

“Yes, darling, you will.”

Sunset screamed through clenched teeth as the slithering tentacles began to climb all her legs. None reached their intended targets as magenta horn blasts surgically severed them. Datura jumped back just as a dark blue missile wielding an axe slashed downward where she had been hovering.

Sunset fell for a second only to be caught in two powerful purple forelegs that helped regain her bearings. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”

Sunset Shimmer sighed and smiled her wings instantly regaining their golden shimmer. She resummoned her sword and flapped to take a flanking position around the now surrounded undead witch. “While I’m glad you guys are here to save my bacon, I was hoping you were focusing on destroying the bottle.”

“Hahahahaha!” The three alicorns returned their focus to the ochre anthro pony before them. “This is like a dream come true! You could not beat me in the real world with all your magic and power. What makes you think you have a chance here in MY world? Destroy the bottle you say? The bottle cannot be broken by mortals, even false god alicorns! It is made from a piece of the Golden City itself! Designed by the Lord of Death himself to contain the power of souls and you three have flown right in like flies to a sweet smelling carnivorous plant.”

Sunset did not wait for her to continue her, ‘villainous monologue’ and fired her horn. She had already had 'hours' of it. Luna and Twilight quickly followed her lead. Datura vanished, but her cackle continued to echo all around. Luna motioned for the other two princesses to back up towards her so that none of their flanks were exposed.

“Do not fear her or her mind tricks. This place has the same principles and properties as the dreamscape. You are in control of you.”

“Yeah, but we need to change things up. I’ve been fighting her for what feels like days and haven’t slowed her down an inch. She’s still powered up by the souls she stole and is growing crazier by the minute.”

Twilight closed her eyes and sent a soothing, familiar magical energy to Sunset and Luna. All three of their bodies began to glow with shimmering auras. It was warm, comforting, and invigorating. Sunset recognized it immediately as Twilight’s love and friendship, her true magic and inner strength.

“We can do this, because we are not alone. Believe in each other and the power we hold together.”

“Oh, silly, young, naïve princess. Inside our hearts we are all truly alone. Love is fleeting, friendship situational, but power is POWER. It cares not for how it is used. Intention and conviction decide if it is good or evil.”

Sunset growled, her sword glowing brighter. “And we all know your intentions.”

The drowning, oily darkness around them began to encroach, pressing harder upon the three alicorns to the point of claustrophobia. Though none of them were breathing air it still felt as if the foulness were toxic making their chests tight and difficult to focus. Briefly, Sunset wondered if this is what drowning felt like.

Sunset's crushing negativity was washed away when her slowly flapping wings touched Twilight's and Luna's. Each brief touch sent a memory to the forefront of her mind. Sunset saw herself sitting in lawn chairs at the top of Luna's tower, sipping coffee and talking about lewd, but enjoyable topics. Forever cementing her status as the "cool aunt." Sunset saw Twilight sprawled out on the bed of their hotel after their evening at Mount Havoc, staring longingly and lustfully up at her then marefriend who would become her fiancé... and with a little bit of luck, her wife.

Sunset felt the warmth and love wash over herself and felt her soul brighten, pushing back the darkness. When she opened her glowing teal eyes she glanced to the other two alicorns and sent memories of her own back to them that they saw and felt along with the love that accompanied them.

Luna held her axe firm and horn glowing at the ready. “I do not fear the darkness. I have stared into the abyssal abyss at the edge of known existence between realms and laughed at what resides there.”

“It is always darkest just before the dawn,” added Twilight with a glance to Sunset Shimmer. The diarchs smiled at one another. “As long as I have my friends by my side the sun will always rise. I will not fail.”

Datura rematerialized above the alicorns, half her body melded with the pulsating darkness that bubbled and oozed. “Poetic. As far as last words go, they were not bad.” Datura raised her hands, the robotic palms glowing with gathered energy.

“They were also the truth.”

All the eyes present turned to the sound of a familiar voice. Twilight brightened and her body glow increased in turn. Her smile was brightest of all. “TEMPEST!”

“How in the darkest, unholy depth did you get in here? You are MY property and should be in your hole!”

“If you truly knew my wife, you would realize she does what she pleases and she is no pony’s property,” said Gauge, emerging from the shrouded darkness, parting it like silk curtains to come and land next to the ghostly, glowing form of Captain Tempest Fury.

“Gauge?!” Sunset exclaimed. “How the… damn, it’s good to see you!”

The thestral flaunted his best ‘Sunset’ smirk before flashing his fangs angrily and hissing at Datura. “There is no power in this universe, in any universe, that can keep me from those I love and serve.”

Datura rolled her eyes and pretended to retch. “I beg to differ, as you will now see.”

Tempest touched her ghostly horn to the forehead of her husband and her body flashed brightly. She channeled that energy into her hooves, reared back, and slammed her hooves to the darkness. The discharge sent massive lightning bolt cracks through the shifting and analogous blackness.

Datura screamed in unexpected surprise. The concussion fracturing the platform she was on. “That… that is not possible! You are just a unicorn and you are in my prison!”

“Yup. Out there I’m just a regular little unicorn… just like you,” Tempest replied with a sly smirk, “but in here, I’m a soul. And my soul beats in time with the stallion of my heart, the princesses I serve, and the foals I brought into this world. My soul burns with the most power magic this universe knows and no glass bottle, not even one made from a piece of Heaven itself can hold me down, you arrogant, undead whores!”

Datura screamed and fired a blast of energy at Tempest. Gauge stepped in front of the blast. The energy ricocheted off a crystal kite shield that had formed over his extended foreleg. The facets shimmered with a rainbow hue and thrummed with harmonic energy. Gauge scowled, but it soon turned upward to a smug, fang toothed grin. Sunset, still floating off the side with her fellow alicorns, felt a smile creep across her own face. The tide had turned.

While Tempest Fury relished the panicked expression on the witch’s face. They needed to finish while she was still disoriented. She knew what to do and spoke with her loudest troop commanding voice. “Don’t bother attacking her, she just powers herself back up from those of us trapped in the bottle. Attack the bottle itself, like this!” Tempest slammed her hooves down again and sent more cracks spiderwebbing across the surroundings. "Focus all your love and magic into each strike and blow this place apart!"

Sunset looked to her fellow princesses and they all nodded in understanding. With a combined war cry, they each launched themselves at a different part of the darkness. Sunset’s sword bit in deep and carved a burning, molten scar that further fractured the darkness, Luna’s axe shattered black tower after tower, and Twilight fired multiple beams in all directions that tore through the surroundings, revealing the greenish clouds beyond. Her thin white sword cut the blackness with laser precision leaving the retreating setting to burn at the ends with rainbow fire.

“Sunset, do you see it?”

Sunset nodded to Twilight. “We are in the bottle and it’s not strong enough to contain all of us attacking at once with everything we have!”

Datura fought to control the expanding fissures, but she was outnumbered and her power waning as the thestral channeled a power she did not know he had to pull the cloudy souls back and out of her grasp. Her mental link was collapsing under the combined assault. Datura glanced down at her metal hands that began to fade in and out.

“This… can’t be happening!”

“Oh, it’s happening, ‘darling.’” Tempest’s ghostly form slipped into that of her husband’s and the combined hoof that collided with Datura’s face was as painful and physical as if it had been to her body in the flesh. Her concentration broke and it sounded like shattering glass.

Spike, Flurry Heart, and Clover watched as the bottle began to crack, bolts of light spiderwebbing across the glass in every direction. Energy began to hiss and burn hot enough that it made the ponies near flinch and the grass turn black.

“Perhaps it would be prudent to step back,” said Clover.

Harmony lowered her hoof from Gauge’s head and the glow left his eyes. He quickly scanned the surrounding, realizing he was danger close. The lunar captain grunted and jumped towards his companions just as Flurry and Clover both erected layered barriers.

The bottle shattered like a bomb going off. Three large beams of light shot forth, red, purple, and blue, then curved back into the horns of the nearby alicorns. They each were thrown back, but none were in the direct line of danger from the explosion.

Greenish fire errupted from the point of contact at Datura’s side and spread quickly over her body. She did not have a chance to scream as fur, flesh, meat, and bone were consumed by the unholy flames leaving only ash to fall and spread about the ground outside the Castle of Friendship. The last things to fall to the ground were a small pink, glowing tracking stone, the dimensional slider necklace, and a glass vial no bigger than a test tube. The vial shattered a few seconds later and the floating ghostly form of Datura materialized from the cloud within.

The dying flames finished consuming the last of the ash and soon faded into clouds as well. More than a dozen other glowing lights formed into bodies of ponies. A familiar one floated over next to Fog Gauge and smiled down at him.

“My stormy Tempest,” Gauge said, with a relieved breath. He held out his hoof to her and she the same to him. Though they could not physically touch, small sparks passed between them and they both understood and smiled.

The echo from the explosion faded. The wind settled. Those that remained recovered from the blast and began to look about. After a minute many of the eyes turned to Datura who was still wide eyed and shocked. She just kept looking down at her hooves. No one quite knew what to do next.

“Um…” said Sunset, turning her eyes to Luna and scratching the side of her head. “Are we supposed to be doing something? I mean, the souls are free and Tempest still has a living body. Shouldn’t it… you know, go back to its home like ours did? Do you think the stasis field is interfering?”

Twilight examined each of the floating souls and they all seemed just as confused, trying to move about or go anywhere, but all they seemed to be able to do is float and spin about like foals treading water for the first time. Datura seemed especially concerned, glancing around and mumbling to herself.

Clover came to stand next to Twilight, his eyes never leaving the spirit of his wife. “I know that face. She only makes that face when there is something happening beyond her control, like an unexpected chain reaction from a mixture.”

Luna scanned about the night. She felt her stomach churn with a warning unease. A moment later Sunset Shimmer felt it as well and she shivered all the way to her core. “Something is keeping them in place.”

Author's Note:

Good evening and happy Friday. What to say here... First of all, this chapter I think had the most rework done on it as far as any thus far. I had to go back and go back again, changing, adding, moving trying to feel my way through exactly why and how every piece into place like it did. Ultimately what it came down to is yeah, Sunset Shimmer is tough, Twilight is powerful, Luna is experienced and well rounded, but all together, as friends, family, loved ones... they are unstoppable. Still, I want that little extra kick, that needed connection to the power of love and friendship and who they were fighting for. Tempest being in the bottle ended up being the key.

Of course... now that Datura has lost her shell... Whooooa soooooomebody is coooooming.

I don't want to spoil anything but I am VERY interest in seeing your reactions to next week.

Questions? Comments?

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