• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,329 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 39: Liberi Fatali/Swordland

Isabella Windsong was a griffon. That was stating the obvious. She had chocolate brown feathers over most of her body along with more bluish black feathers around her head. She was told her golden amber eyes were 'breathtaking' by more than one would be suitor. She had dismissed the compliments but appreciated the effort.

Beyond aspects of her physique, Isabella considered herself an oddity among her kind. She loved Equestria and ponies and everything in between from the food to the lifestyle. She imagined had she wanted to date or attempt to fill that part of her life that they would very likely be a pony. She certainly had not found enough in common with other griffons to say otherwise.

That being said, there was one thing about Equestria that gave her pause and the smallest consideration of resigning and heading back to Griffonstone and her partially estranged family. That thing being alicorns. And when Isabella thought about it, it had nothing to do with Twilight Sparkle. She loved Twilight and while she got along just fine with Cadence, all the other alicorns she had now run into had caused Isabella no shortage of stress or trauma or both.

Luna, for all her years of service and knowledge of protocol and procedures, had on more than one occasion caused public disturbances that required political damage control. In addition, her “nighttime” activities had required constant monitoring to try and limit the rumors from becoming more and more distracting or scandalous.

Sunset Shimmer was a general pain in her tail and that had been when she was only visiting. Now, as diarch, it was a daily concern. Isabella had a number of professional attire tops retailored or enchanted to be fire resistant as a precaution. Flurry Heart had been a brat on the best of days and also required damage control monitoring. Not to mention she once, though possessed at the time, broke every bone in the griffon’s body.

Then there were the Athanatoi, who, thankfully short lived, had killed and rampaged mercilessly. Now, she was surrounded by alicorn gods and goddesses. One who, just seconds ago, used magic to splice herself with her dear friend, Raven. Now, like Luna, Raven was bonded with a god and it disturbed Isabella greatly. Still, for Twilight’s sake and the good of the country, she bit her tongue and soldiered on. It was all she could do.

“Isa?” Twilight’s soft spoken words broke the griffon’s trance and she blinked and lifted her head to meet her princess’s gaze.

“Yes, Your Highness?”

Twilight smiled and took a moment to give her loyal assistant a hug. Isabella did not resist. She quite enjoyed Twilight’s wing and foreleg hugs. They were warm and smelled nice. “We are going to be heading out here promptly. I have no idea how long this will take, but hopefully not too long. I need to you work with Spike and keep everything moving smoothly. I know that will be harder now since our bureaucratic staff has shrunk once again, but I know you two can handle it.”

“I have others I can call upon if need be. However, I would once again like to point out how bad of an idea it is for ALL our alicorns to go on a mission together. We would all be in a great deal of trouble should the worst come true.”

“I know this is not going to come as a comfort, but if we don’t make it back, just… just find somepony, anyone, actually to hold on tight to until the end.” Isabella considered Sunset Shimmer’s words, but found exactly zero comfort in them. If not for the sober, honest look in the goldenrod alicorn's eyes she would have scoffed and ridiculed the sentiment.

“I would prefer you not speak of failure, my princess,” said Fog Gauge as he gave one last double check to his prepared guard equipment along with the empty saddle bags he finished strapping down to his withers. “I would be quite disappointed to not see you again.”

Sunset smirked. She gave her guard captain a side hug, including draping a wing over him before planting a small kiss on his cheek. “We’ll be fine. You concentrate on your own mission. Then you, me, Twilight and Tempest are having a night off together. I don’t care what, double date, sitting in watching movies on the projector with takeout, anything. But we are making it happen, you hear me, captain?”

Gauge nodded and smiled. “Orders received and understood, my princess. I look forward to a night off snuggled up with three beautiful mares.”

Sunset smirked and knew she was blushing. Dammit! How does he always fluster me even when I’m the one trying to get a rise out of him! You did good with this one, Tempest, you did real good. Fuck me sideways, Raven was right. He really is an amazing stallion who could turn my brains to a gooey puddle.

“Come,” said Aine, shaking everyone from their thoughts. “It is too delicate and confining in here to breach the barrier.” The large alicorn lit her horn and all the alicorns in the room disappeared in a flash. Discord glanced about before pouting. He snapped his claw and disappeared as well.

Clover the Clever, who finished checking his own preparations let out a deep breath he had been holding. “I guess that means it is time for us to begin as well.” Fog, grunted in response. His playful and flirty behavior having been completely suppressed in an instant.

Isabella glanced over to the robot pony body that had once been Raven’s means of getting around, still standing lifeless where she had left it. Isabella gulped, hoping that was not a metaphor for what was to come. With nothing else to add, she exited to room to go see about her own duties. "Ancestor of all, protect them."

When Sunset blinked the flash from the teleport out of her eyes, she, like all the others, found herself out near the maze garden and her mother’s mausoleum. Sunset’s eyes naturally fell upon the grand white stone memorial. A moment later, she felt a wing slide across her own withers and turned to find Twilight standing by her side. They smiled at one another.

“I know I’ve said this a thousand times before, but she was so proud of you.”

Sunset nodded. “I know, but it is still good to hear from time to time.”

Discord appeared and scowled at the large alicorn goddess. "You did that on purpose." Aine completely ignored him as if his words had been addressing someone else.

“Form a small circle, please,” said Aine. The other alicorns moved as instructed without argument. Still, Aine grimaced and it did not go unnoticed. “I will admit, taking ten individuals, even alicorns and one chaos spirit, into the In Between will draw considerable attention. Perhaps we old gods should follow Harmony’s lead and bond with others as well to consolidate our power.”

“Is it reversable?”

Cadence was the one who spoke first, but clearly the question had been on all their minds since witnessing Raven and Harmony bonding. For Sunset, she had wondered that ever since Luna had taken hold of her sword and impaled herself and Samael. Sunset recalled her small adventure inside Aine's mind. The vastness of the mental plane had nearly destroyed her own mind. To be permanently bonded to such a creature would be... overwhelming at the least.

“Raven and Harmony’s bond was mutual and consensual. Under such conditions I would believe, in theory, they could be separated if they chose to be. However, I have never experimented with such magic before. I was not entirely certain it was going to work to begin with.”

“That’s not comforting. I don’t think it would be a good idea to do such if we can't undo it,” said Sunset.

“What’s the matter, ‘little sun’? No sense of adventure? Or perhaps you don’t want ANOTHER voice whispering in your ear.”

Sunset glared at Discord. “You are not allowed to call me that, I’ve told you that before. And I already occasionally get another voice in my head, as you implied. It’s crowded enough in here.”

“Ten will be fine,” said Raven, cutting off any further retorts. “We each have our balance. Life to Death, Destiny to Fate, Harmony to Chaos, Mother to Daughter, Lover to Lover. While challenges will arise in the battle to come, remember to focus on staying positive and when the opportunity presents itself, surround Void to restrain him. The rest will be up to Sunset Shimmer and Discord.”

“And keep your personal shield up,” Sunset added. “This place is pure chaos. It tries to rip you apart any chance it can.”

“True enough,” Discord agreed. He had donned a military dress uniform with far too many medals, ribbons, and stars, a ruck sack in claw. “Just like going home to face the parental unit after a long hiatus. Ohh, rah!”

“It’s okay. We are here for you and each other,” said Twilight with a confident smile.

Aine nodded. Her horn lit up brightly. “Remember to stay within sight of one another and be prepared for anything from any direction.”

Aine’s power arched across each alicorn and one draconequus. The blue and gold lightning crackled and sparked. Sunset winced as the tingling began to grow in discomfort with each passing second. Before it became unbearable, reality tore away and she felt a sense of falling as their world of Equestria gave way to a familiar corridor of swirling colors. Sunset immediately raised her personal shield as no doubt the others had done as well.

When the colors stabilized Sunset found herself in the place she hated more than any other. The dreaded In Between. It was as she had last seen it. A void of nothing with a few floating remnants left over from collapsed dimensions. No up or down, just a sea of occasional floating islands and mixing colors. Sunset’s instincts screamed at her she was in danger the moment they had all arrived. Without a second thought, Sunset materialized her sword and spun around. That was when she found herself being completely swallowed by a horror that was the size of a house.

“SUNSET!” Twilight screamed as her wife was gobbled up whole behind rows of sharp teeth and a writhing tongue that had wrapped around the alicorn. The mouth closed. The dark umber colored creature had only one large reddish yellow eye above the mouth that looked pleased with itself and ungulated every which direction from its countless squirming tentacles.

Horns lit up and soul blades were formed in preparation for rescue. Twilight spread her wings, her horn ablaze with magenta fire. She flapped once when the monster suddenly exploded outward, covering her and the surrounding with green and orange bits. In the center of what had been a creature was a huffing and glowing eyed goldenrod alicorn with two burning wings.

“Sunny! Are you o-”

“We are NEVER talking about what just happened! I was in that THING'S MOUTH! Its writhing tongue touched my... everything! And... that was just… UUUGGGHHHHHHH! Grossgrossgross.”

“A beholder minion,” said Belldandy, scowling. “Likely a sentry or scout. There will be others nearby. They likely line the perimeter of our quarry and have been left here waiting for us I think.”

“Then it is as I feared,” said Aine. “Void has laid defenses knowing we would come for him.”

Discord dropped some of the creature bits into a waste bin that disappeared. “A minor nuisance of a creature. But in a swarm, they could be a problem. Like the furry said, there will be more, lots more.”

“Which way?” Aine asked, insistently. Discord began searching about. “Quickly, before we are ambushed.”

“You know this is a trap, yes?” said Twilight, magically removing the gore that thankfully had only struck her shield as well as some from Sunset. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who can see this is a trap?"

“Well, I’m already covered in saliva, gore, and gods knows what else. No point going back now.” Twilight lit her horn again and continued to clean her wife without hesitation. Sunset smiled and nodded her thanks.

“I will take point,” said Luna, materializing her scythe. “Discord, find me the head of the one we seek so that I may hold my blade to it and make him beg for mercy.”

Discord looked left then right, tapping his furry chin. “Hmm… I am not entirely certain which direction we need to go if I am being completely honest.”

“Are you kidding me?! Dude, you had one job!” snapped Flurry Heart.

Sunset growled and nodded. “My thoughts exactly. We jump through the barrier right into a trap and now our chaos expert can’t locate who we are looking for in a place that could literally take us EONS to search. This is not by any definition a good start to the campaign.”

“Calm yourself, granddaughter. This was always a possibility,” said Aine, still scanning the unending horizon. “However, Void has not anticipated everything.”

“If you have a plan, this would be a good time to share with the group, for diplomatic and harmonious reasons,” said Cadence, never letting Flurry or the rest of her family out of her sight.

Aine glanced back before nodding. “Harmony, do you prefer your name or do you prefer your new name you now share?”

“Call me Raven.”

Aine visibly grimaced, but nodded once more. “Very well. Raven, seek out with your power the greatest pull of chaos upon your very intertwined souls. Once you have it, press your horn to Belldandy’s.”

Chaz’s eyes lit up. “Oh! I see what you are going to do. Clever, but comes with its own risk.”

Twilight scratched at the side of her head. “I’m confused. What risk?”

“Ditto. Need the info,” said Sunset.

“Harmony or Raven, as she says, has been fully restored and is an equal to Void in power and balancing orbit. However, in this place of so much conflict and random chaos, it is difficult to see the paths to travel. Up, down, distance, even time do not always move accordingly. Our eyes can deceive us and one can get easily lost or travel in circles without a guide or point of concentration. But Belldandy does not see as we do. She sees the In Between as energy, the ebb and flow of mana and where it gathers. Once pointed in the right direction Belldandy can find us the path through this primordial soup.”

“And the risk?” asked Cadence.


Sunset and Twilight turned to where Luna was looking. More one eyed, tentacle creatures, floating formless blobs, and some sort of skinless horse monster with a humanoid body attached to it were approaching. The last reminded Sunset of a nuckelavee that she had seen in a book on myths and legends many years ago. The reality before her was as nightmarish as the paintings had been. Focus, Shimmer.

“The more harmonious we are, the more we attract attention of those that wish to consume it. And the harder we look for Void, the more likely he will know where we are as well and what direction we are coming from.”

“No more time for talk!” shouted Luna, raising her weapon and charged.

“We need a better plan than just ‘kill everything that moves!’” shouted Twilight. “We will get exhausted or separated! That's what he wants!”

“We just need to keep them off Raven and Belldandy until they can point us in the right direction,” said Sunset. “But I agree with Twilight. We need to keep moving and minimize mob contact like this.”

Aine materialized a long, golden spear that appeared to be made of lightning. “Agreed. We cannot risk becoming bogged down and surrounded by a horde.”

Chaz materialized a polearm axe. “Go. Discord and I will guard these two.”

“Oh, I like how you volunteered me for rearguard without asking. I’ll have you know while I am not one to wield burning blades or death, I have plenty of my own tricks, stand up pony.”

“Our biggest risk right now is harming one another. We can’t all be out front.” Discord had no counter argument and simply crossed his arms and waited.

The fight only lasted seconds. When Chaz and Discord looked back, Sunset and Luna were stained with the most gore, that dripped from the shields that were protecting their bodies. A little had struck Twilight, but she was quick to wipe it away in disgust. Aine, Cadence, and Flurry Heart were clean.

“I’m still having trouble materializing a soul blade,” said Flurry with a growl under her breath. “I just can’t get over the fact that it burns up some of your life by using it. That freaks me out and Aunt Sunset uses hers A LOT. Like, way too much to be honest.”

Twilight also nodded. “You really should slow down, Sunny. I know Aine said it was incremental, but you are not immortal… I worry about you. About our future.”

“I know, babe. But losing a few years or even a decade or two is a small price to pay right now.”

Twilight nodded, but continued to chew on her bottom lip. “Just… Sunny… I love you. Please, don’t push too hard and burn yourself out.”

“Especially not in this forsaken place. We still need you to deal with the omega beast. If you have gotten over your fear to self sacrifice, that is the place it will need to be done.”

The loving smile Sunset had given Twilight fell instantly as Aine inserted herself into the conversation. Twilight’s horn began to glow and her eyes burned with rage. Sunset knew her wife was about to explode. But the intervention was unneeded as Belldandy drew all their attention.

The blind anthro pony gasped, her cloudy eyes glowing pure white. She raised a hand and pointed. “That direction. He is not far and he is waiting. However, there are many minions and other creatures. Some feel quite large.”

“Of course he is waiting,” spat Luna. “He has nowhere to run and wishes to watch from a throne of corpses to see if we perish horribly, screaming as we choke on our own blood as our entrails are feasted upon before dying eyes.”

“Oh, will you please stop with that, Lulu,” groaned Discord. “I swear, between you and Sunbutt junior this story is going to be rated Mature before we are done.”

“Right, let’s all just ignore the fact that this is still a trap,” Raven deadpanned. "Oh, I have an excellent idea! Let's all charge in with some bagpipe music and slap on face paint! Who wants a kilt? I bet Discord can make us some kilts! For fuck's sake, can we keep it together? Happy, harmonious thoughts of love, friendship, and family, please? That is what binds us, strengthens us."

Flurry began to snicker. "I like the way Raven says, 'fuck.' It sounds funny and cool at the same time." Sunset began to laugh as well, and soon Cadence and Twilight did as well. Their tempers cooled and their hearts felt lighter once more.

“Regardless, we need to move quickly,” said Aine, ignoring the outburst. “Luna, please take lead with Belldandy. You cannot harm her life if you come into contact. All others fall in behind me. Move!”

Sunset was not particularly keen on Aine being in charge, but she was the largest and likely had the most powerful mana well. Someone had to lead and as long as she did not put Twilight or any other members of their family in unnecessary danger Sunset chose to stay quiet on the issue and follow.

Minutes passed, perhaps it was hours. It was difficult to tell and everything looked the same. They had not been attacked again as they move swiftly through the floating nothingscape of colors and occasional land masses. Sunset Shimmer kept her eyes shifting every direction, staying alert for anything that might be hostile. Flurry Heart approached carefully, making sure Sunset knew she was there and not an enemy.

“Hey, I think I need some help with this. I understand the spell to summon the blade, but I… what am I doing wrong?”

“If I'm being honest with observation I would say a lot of it is in your head. The thing scares you... for good reasons, but it still does. Personally, calling the thing just a ‘soul blade’ is a bad label. It's more than that. It can be reshaped into different kinds of weapons as well as shields for defense. Like Aine wanted, it can also be reshaped into other things like chains. You just have to reach inside, summon the power, and use your imagination to shape it to what you want. The rest is just that first leap.”

“But that’s the thing. I don’t know what I want.”

Sunset risked turning her eyes to Twilight’s niece. “You are overthinking it. Just feel what is most comfortable to you like reaching for your mana but dig a little deeper. It's like a warm light in your heart. That's the best way I can describe it. Then, once you grasp that light you use your mind to give it shape. If you want something to cut imagine a sword. If you want to smash, think of a hammer. It really is that simple. This magic is raw, primal. It's like puddy in your hooves and you are a sculptor.”

“Okay, but why swords then?”

Sunset shrugged. “I can’t speak for everypony. But for me, a sword just feels natural. It’s sharp, elegant, dangerous, and beautiful all at the same time. I relate to that.”

“Huh. I can see that.”

“There is something ahead,” said Raven, narrowing her eyes.

“There is a structure. I can sense Void’s presence and magic all about but...” Belldandy said hesitantly. “We must move with caution.”

“Discord, we could really use a tactical analysis right about now,” said Sunset. When she heard no response she turned to find him missing from the group. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me.”

Twilight was about to comment when she felt a tugging on her mane near her ear. “Pssst. Don’t be mad, Twilight, but I needed to make myself scarce. Trust me, it's for the best.”

“I don’t understand, why?”

“I think we know why, babe,” growled Sunset. “Because he’s scared.”

The tiny Discord voice next to Twilight’s ear spoke again only loud enough for her to hear. “Homicidal Nuclear Firecracker is not entirely wrong, but I also know Void. He is too smart to just wait for enemies to march right up to him. I will remain hidden. Once I see an opportunity I promise on my love for Fluttershy that I will be there to save you.”

Twilight did not particularly like how Discord neglected to say, ‘save everyone,’ but she let it slide. They had more pressing concerns than word choice.

The horizon in the In Between was not so easy to define. With no point of reference for up or down and no real gravity it was difficult to tell beginning from end and was highly disorienting if one stared into space too long. When a particularly large land mass passed by the group suddenly another, larger structure appeared in the not too distance between. It was clearly sculpted unlike all the other chunks floating about. Jagged symmetrical points that were far too structured for a place of pure chaos, smooth steps like risers to a throne dais, and near the top center sat a being that radiated with an eerie glow all to himself.

For Sunset, she saw Void as a serpent with the upper torso of a minotaur and large horns that swept forward then up and back. She did note the out of place, nasty burn scar from his nose traveling just under his left eye. Twilight saw something that was strikingly similar to Discord, a mix and match of many creatures but darker, and far more menacing. She too took note of the scar as well and assumed it was from Sunset’s sword. Regardless of his shape, they all paused their approach when the master of the realm slowly stood before his craggy throne.

“If you have come in peace to wait for the beast to finish its work then you are welcome in my home. If you have come to drag me back to that wasted creation you will find I am not inclined to do so. So, state your intentions, friend or foe?”

“Brother!” Aine shouted, “You violated every rule we set forth, even those beyond the game. You let the Outsider creature into our universe and then you ran like a coward! My first children died screaming in the belly of a beast because of you!”

“I do not feel like pointing fingers or hooves at who broke the rules first. It no longer matters. The game is over and you have clearly come for a fight.” Void raised his claw and hoof forming a ball of swirling light. “A fight is what you shall receive!”

Sunset readied her blade. The others were quick to do so as well. The hairs on the back of Sunset’s neck prickled. Her extra senses were yelling at her and none of it was good. Sunset dared to glance back. She was not the only one.

The swirling colors became spotty, then patchy, and finally sparce as hordes of monsters approached from multiple directions blotting out the colors beyond. Many were small, but had numbers, others were the size of buildings. Quite a few dripped while others drooled and screamed horrific, bone chilling sounds. There were teeth, claws, tentacles, and many, many eyes all focused towards the alicorns standing in a line.

“Ahhhh, shiiiiiit.”

Flurry Heart groaned and stretched her neck muscles. This was going to be a workout. “I recall somepony saying this was a trap.”

Cadence gasped, eyes wide and visibly shaken, “Sun and Moon... There’s so many!”

Aine’s horn crackled with lightning as she took up her spear and spread her wings, which also discharged power. “Find a way to restrain him! That is the quickest way to end this and go home! I will delay these creatures!”

Void leapt from his rocky throne straight for Luna. The dark blue alicorn gasped and growled, blocking the initial strike from a glowing dagger, but then felt a sharp, familiar pain pierce her side from the spike at the end of his tail. Luna snarled and brought her scythe around only to strike empty air as her target disappeared. Sunset and Twilight moved to assist only to be blocked by the throne rock itself. Sharp rocks and boulders began to break away and fly like launched projectiles. Twilight doubled her shield to defend the two of them. Flurry Heart and Cadence had to quickly do the same. Belldandy and Chaz stood in the middle of the barrage, caught flat hooved on what to do and who to help.

Luna shook off the pain from the strike, quickly searching for her target, her eye sockets had gone completely black as she gnashed her teeth.

“Behind you!” shouted Raven, firing a horn blast.

Void snarled and vanished. He reappeared next to Raven and raked his claws deep down her side and neck. Raven scream and rolled, blood floating from the wounds in globs not unlike they would in space.

“RAVEN!” Sunset Shimmer exploded in golden light, crossing the distance like a ballistic rocket. She raised her sword to strike downward just as a floating island came up from below and collided with her. It was too large to cut through and the inertia movement caused Sunset to tumble across the jagged, rocky surface. By the time she had regained her bearings Sunset was bruised and lacerated, but up on her hooves again.

Void’s eyes flashed red as he vanished again before she could relaunch her assault.

Luna gasped and dodge at the last second as a dagger slashed upward, snagging on her cloak and shredding it. Luna twisted and discarded the tattered cloth, spreading her black wings that smoked with her fury. She could feel Samael anger inside her at the damage to his ancient covering. The mutual displeasure keeping them both focused. Luna growled and glanced around, but could not see or sense her adversary. The chaotic environment was making it difficult focus even with her horn blazing with power, scanning about. Claws from nowhere raked across Luna’s back, between her wings, drawing a torrent of blood. The midnight blue alicorn screamed. Luna hissed as she moved away to heal the damage.

Void reappeared, once again upon the rocky throne. Sunset had finished healing her wounds, sword glowing in her magical hold. She was about to attack again, but Void was smiling too much. It was never good when a foe smiled too much during a fight. It was then that Sunset noticed the glowing red ball again in his… was that a griffon claw now? It was not an attack spell, it was a complex area effect spell. GET CLEAR!

The ball exploded and swirling black and red tendrils struck, Twilight, Sunset, Flurry, and Cadence. The tendrils wrapped around their legs despite their shields and reshaped into chains, securing each pony painfully to the small floating islands that formed beneath them.

“Shit!” Sunset cursed and tried to pull free. The harder she fought, the tighter the chains felt, cutting into her fur and flesh. Her sword fizzled and faded away as she lost concentration. Sunset tried to draw power to her horn to blast free, but the familiar sensation of burning mana upon her horn never came. It was being blocked or drained away.

“I can’t… something is preventing me from gathering my magic!” shouted Twilight. Flurry and Cadence were having similar struggles.

“Sunset!” shouted Luna.

“No! Stay back!” Sunset Shimmer tried to warn, but it was getting harder to speak, taking all her remaining focus just to maintain her aura shield against the pressing chaos.

Void had already created a new ball of pulsing energy behind his back, one that was glowing a mix of black and gold. New tendrils struck Raven, who was still recovering from the previous attack, and clamped her to an island as well. Luna raised her scythe, splitting the tendril intended for her in half. The two halves fell away only to turn back and clamp Luna’s hind legs before she could strike again or teleport free.

The tendrils sizzled and smoke, nausea overtook Luna and she dropped her weapon. One hoof held her head while the other touched a new island, a chain quickly forming to clasp her foreleg. She tried to pull free only to feel weakened by her efforts. “This… this is not possible.”

“Oh, little Luna. If you consult with poor gelded Samael I’m sure you will understand that with blood magic, almost anything is possible.”

“Blood magic?!” Sunset and Twilight said in unison.

Void turned his serpent eyes towards Aine, who had been so preoccupied slaughtering the hordes of minions that she had not noticed that nearly all her allies had been restrained. Void lit his horn and fired a shot at Aine’s back. The large black and white alicorn easily blocked the incoming shot with a shield. It was then that she did a double take and noticed all the others chained before the base of the throne and Void himself. A rogue tendril snuck up on Aine and struck across the back of her neck, forming a shackle and chain, pulling Aine down, face first to her own island. Try as she might, the Goddess of Creation could not break free either.

“This… you fused the blood of harmony with death to bind me?!”

“To bind all of you,” Void chuckled, licking the blood remnant from his claws. “Not an easy thing to do, I might add, but I’ve had some time to think about what would work best. It’s not enough just to wear you down and we could fight hoof, claw, and blade for centuries and never expend enough energy. But sapping your strength, using your own harmonious magic in your blood to make the bindings stronger against you? Oh, that was a stroke of genius if I may compliment myself.”

“And yet you have left Belldandy and I unbound,” said Chaz, clenching his polearm tighter. “Why?”

Void barely spared Chaz a glance, floating from his throne base to where the mortal alicorns were bound and still struggling to wiggle free. He took perverse pleasure in seeing them all shackled beneath him. Void reached down and grasped Twilight Sparkle by the chin, stroking the side of her face with a sharp claw. The bindings bit deep and Twilight cried out from the pain. The gesture only caused Sunset to growl and struggle harder despite her own pain. He expected as much and planned to fully exploit that weakness in a moment. Sunset deserved punishment for her interferences. Oh, he thought, I can think of so many horrific ways to make this worse for you. Void glanced back and smiled at the enraged, goldenrod alicorn still struggling and further injuring herself to break free.

Sunset ignored her pain. She was certain she was bleeding again. However, the way Void was touching Twilight was far too similar to the way Sombra had been touching Celestia all those years ago. As if to drive the deja'vu home, Void glided his dripping serpent tongue over Twilight's muzzle. She struggled and squirmed against the cold, wet sensation. "Don't touch her!"

“Your pain and fear taste delicious, princess,” Void said, his attention returning to his brother and sister. “It's quite simple really. You two are no threat to me. You are weak, little brother. You barely have a will of your own having been bound to the tapestry for so long and your only true desire is to be close to Belldandy at all times. Adorable and pathetic at the same time. As for Destiny, she is blind even when she can see. For example, as I make no move against either of you, you are left conflicted, hobbled by your own design on what to do. Forever bound by your constant neutrality to all things. It is your nature, the geas placed upon you by something even we do not understand. Cruel, is it not?”

“Could really use a save about now, Discord,” grumbled Sunset Shimmer.

Void floated back over to the goldenrod alicorn, placing one of his hind legs on the back of her neck and pressed down as he grinned. “Oh, he is here… somewhere. I can smell him. But he is far too afraid to once again find himself in your position. I’m sure he told you what I did last time he and I were having a little chat together.

“Are you really just going to do the cliché villainy thing and monologue the whole time? It's been done and honestly is annoying as hell.”

“Uh, Sunset, sweetie,” said Cadence. “Are you sure you want to make the God of Chaos mad? All things considered?”

“Mad?” Void said with a cackle. He skated his way to Cadence's island and seized her horn, pulling her head back so as to look up and into his glowing red-orange eyes. “Such and interesting word, yes? Am I mad? Madness and chaos go hoof in hoof, claw in paw after all. Look around you! What do you see but an endless sea of cosmic madness! This glorious conjunction of all possible roads and outcomes, where all energy of the multiverse meets, swirls about, and exits again. So much magic of all kinds. Chaos in its raw, pure form. This is not just madness, its art!

"You know, I will let you in on a little secret of mine. I had always hoped to meet another like myself here, to bask and share in the splendor that is all of this... but sadly no. I have never seen one like me. They are likely only allowed to travel within their own space or back to whence they came. I cannot reach them, they cannot reach me. If they exist at all. Perhaps real gods are a rare thing and that only these mortal false gods are allowed to replicated and spread from reality to reality. Pity.”

“Serious,” Sunset growled. “Will you shut the FUCK up?! I am trying to think over here!”

“Sunset, you need to stop, please,” begged Raven, still struggling against her own bindings. She paused when a tiny Discord appeared on the end of her nose and held up a claw to his lips in a shushing motion. He spun about and was next wearing a bluish grey tactical 'sneak suit' with a long headband and began to slide around on his belly, carefully examining the bindings.

“I see you are in no mood to play the role of the good submissive pony, grandniece,” Void said with a snide smirked. He seized Sunset’s mane and yanked her head back violently, exposing her throat. “I could kill you in so many ways right now, daughter of Celestia. I could make it quick or agonizingly slow. I'm personally leaning towards making you watch your friends and loved ones die first. 'Cliche' as you said, but effective. Or, I could have you dismembered and feed you bit by bit to my minions while you watch. Are you familiar with flaying? That is a nasty one.”

“Yeah,” Sunset growled, her eyes glowing brightly, “I’ve heard of it. But I think you would rather gloat and talk us to death. That seems more your style.”

The smile retreated from Void's snout. “Understand this. You are going to die, Sunset Shimmer. There is no way around it. I have seen the tapestry as well. Your fate is now sealed. However here, before me, at this time and place, I am in control and I say you are going to die last. Because you are trying to annoy me and make me kill you first, for some reason. I will not give you what you want though. You are powerless. I have locked down your harmonious nature, the happy little mana well inside of you. You have no choice but to stand there and watch as I have my way with your beloved family.” Void released Sunset’s mane and gestured theatrically. “Keep your eyes open, little pony, for as long as you can.”

Two writhing tentacles erupted from the ground. One wrapped around Twilight Sparkle’s neck and the other around Flurry Heart’s. Both alicorns began to gasp and choke as they constricted tighter by the second. Cadence screamed and raged against her bindings, trying to tear herself free as she screamed her daughter’s name. Twilight’s eyes began to bulge bloodshot as she glanced to her wife with desperate fear, her horn sparking but not enough to form a spell.

“Since I'm on a roll here let’s start with the simplest, classic, and cliché thing to do first. THE CHOICE! I do not think I need to explain this one. Choose, Sunset Shimmer. One can die quickly of a broken neck, relatively painlessly. The other dies slowly, gasping, choking, cursing your name… or would. If they could speak.” Sunset closed her eyes and bowed her head. Void craned his neck, and rubbed his chin, curious what was going on in her mind. “Broken already, Incarnate? I expected sterner stuff from a weapons golem.”

“You know, it didn’t end so well for the last guy who tried to make me choose between two ponies I care about,” Sunset growled between clenched teeth.

“Oh, you mean Luna and Samael? I suppose that is fair to say. Considering it was the proverbial killing and neutering of my brother that drove me to summon the beast to begin with. However, I wonder, what will you do about it this time?”

Sunset Shimmer sucked in a deep breath. She was not sure if it was actual air or just the sensation behind her personal shield. Come to think of it, he could have just as easily broken those defenses and watched the chaotic energy tear them apart… or perhaps, he could not break them. There was a reason, she was not entirely sure what it was, but it was there.

Her first concern was to break her bindings. Not an easy thing to do. The spell was complex and attempts to analyze its nature had been futile because her horn was almost completely locked down. The more she tried to pour magic into breaking the spell the more it fought against her by siphoning that power away. However, when she did nothing the binding loosened a bit and the pain in her head cleared. Sunset also noted that her anger, did not weaken her, but feelings of concern for Twilight and the others did. Such thoughts and emotions made her feel drained and weak to the point of near blacking out.

Harmony. Harmonious power bound by a small death siphon courtesy of Luna's power. Not enough to kill us. Though it does weaken us like kryptonite. But there are other sources of power in the universe. This place... this cursed, chaotic cesspool of a wasteland is a convergence of all kinds of power. I just need to focus and tap into another source. And I happen to have the perfect tap always with me, whether I like it or not.

Oh? Is it time to come out and play?

Oh, yeah. It’s time, bitch. Out of the night that covers me, black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul.

“Ready to choose? Or would you prefer they both asphyxiate until I pop their heads off like corks?”


“Sunset! You have to do something!”

“Do not give in to despair! You must stand, niece! You MUST FIGHT!”

Sunset ignored their comments. She ignored Void, as best she could. She was concentrating. Feeling with her available senses. It was like trying to pick a lock, in the dark, while others tried to have conversations with you about the weather or sports and the toilet was backed up and stunk to high heaven. Still, she was Sunset Shimmer, daughter of Celestia, and she did not know the meaning of the words, give up. She was stubborn like that. Probably why the familiar poem was going through her mind over and over again.

In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed.

Slowly, Sunset Shimmer began to smile. The smile grew wide and she began to laugh. It was not a pleasant, bubbly laugh, but dark, maniacal, and dripping with vengeance. Void arched a brow at the unexpected behavior. The tentacles slowed their squeezing on his prisoners.

“Has madness set in? Did your fragile little mind collapse already, little pony?”

Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the Horror of the shade, and yet the menace of the years finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

“Oh, no,” Sunset growled, some of her teeth beginning to sharpen and grow longer. When she opened her eyes the sclera began to change to inky blackness making the glow of her teal irises all the more striking, “we’re all mad here.

Void blinked and jumped back as Sunset shot flames from her mouth. Her golden fur burned away to red skin, melting her bindings like wax in the process. Her entire body became shrouded in red flame as she reshaped into a tall, demonic bipedal creature. Two hands opened up forming fireballs in each palm. Demon Shimmer snarled and cackled as she launched the fire at Void who fled back towards his throne. Shimmer wasted no time giving chase, summoning her soul blade and slashing Flurry and Twilight's strangulating tentacles on the way. She tried to cut the other bindings as well, but only nicked them, shooting sparks about. That was frustrating, but not surprising. Too much power had gone into their creation and would take more than a quick slash to break them.

“I have to admit, this was not expected. Who exactly am I dealing with right now?”

Demon Shimmer slashed downward, carving a massive chunk of the throne away as Void rolled to safety. “I’m the bitch in the back seat you did NOT want to deal with!

Void spun away again and began to laugh. “A demon? You have been harboring a darkness within you this entire time! I underestimated you, Sunset Shimmer. You walk a razor’s edge between the light and the darkness, harmony and chaos, maintaining a personal balance. I wonder how long you can keep this up.”

Blah! Blah! BLAH! Again, with the talking!

Void grinned and disappeared, appearing before Demon Sunset and blasting her backwards. He gave chase, his claws glowing with gathered power.

“We have to break free while he’s distracted,” said Raven, once again struggling. “Sunset is no match for Void alone.”

“And here I thought you had more confidence in your beloved chosen mother,” quipped Discord, trying once again to break the binds. Frustrated, the draconequus tried kicking the chains to no obvious effect.

“Brute force is not enough. We have to neutralize the nature of the bindings like Sunset did.” Raven blinked rapidly. Harmony was whispering in her ear. “Discord, take some of my blood in your claw and then use your magic on the chain.”

“Now that’s simply unsanitary. Not to mention I do not practice blood magic.”

Sunset screamed in pain as she was batted around again, crashing through a section of the throne island and out the other side. Raven felt a stabbing burn in her heart to do more, hardening her resolve and steeling her emotions. She needed to focus. She needed to stay in control. “Listen to me. I am Harmony, you are Chaos. By mixing our powers they will neutralize one another. It may not work the same for the others, but it should break my binds.”

Discord shrugged. It was worth a shot. Hesitating for only a moment longer, he raked his claw across Raven’s foreleg, drawing blood that sparkled with tiny shards of crystal. He slathered the red liquid across the binds and focus his power on the point of contact. Discord imagined them transforming into worms and slinking away. He then snapped his paw and the shackles and chains broke. The remaining sections transformed into some sort or moles with fluffy fox tails that burrowed back into the baren island. “Hmmm. Not what I was going for exactly, but I’ll take it.”

“Quickly, find the combination that will free Aine and Luna so that they can rescue Twilight and the others.”

“And what exactly are you planning to do?”

“Sunset needs a pony in her corner and her wellbeing has always been my reason for existing. If nothing else, I can make a useful distraction or take a few hits to buy you time.”

Discord grimaced but did not argue. “Keep him busy.”

Raven nodded and unfurled her wings, leaping into the fray.

Void grabbed Sunset by the back of her head and smashed her face through another rock. He was becoming bored with the fight, but she refused to stop struggling despite her obvious disoriented exhaustion and was still slashing at him with blade and claw when she could. “This is getting old, just so you know. It really would be a mercy if I just killed you and it-” Sunset slashed again, forcing him to retreat.

I’m about spent. You ready to tag back in?

I’m trying. I just don’t know how to change back.

You stupid slut. Stop overthinking it! You just reach inside and find that glowing golden light. I’ll go hide back in my corner and rest and you ‘Daydream’ pony up and kick this fucker’s ass until he's choking on his own blood!

Sunset concentrated. She had access to her power again, but her anger was still burning strong. She needed something else. Something harmonious. Sunset's mind provided the key. An image of Twilight all snuggled up by the fireplace with a book propped up on her forelegs and a warm welcoming smile. Her amethyst eyes gestured to the space next to her, a wing raising up as an invitation to snuggle close. The image felt warm, it felt real, and Sunset felt her love and light begin to bloom. She was close, so painfully close. She just needed that last catalyst to make her power break free once more. Sunset spat blood from her mouth. Dammit! What am I missing?

“Why do you resist so much? You are bound just like all the others. Fated to your mortal end no matter how hard you struggle. It is inevitable. Submit to your fate!”


Sunset’s eyes widened.

Void turned to find Raven hovering just out of reach, her horn glowing a rainbow of colors, coat shimmering and pulsing to the fast beat. Suddenly, Raven’s voice changed as the lyrics began. However, it was not Sir Mix-a-Lot rapping. It was Sunset Shimmer.

Void just stared, slightly confused by what was happening.

Sunset Shimmer, however, began to laugh hysterically. She felt powerful energy surge through her every fiber of her being as wounds healed and glowing golden light enveloped her, transforming her back to an alicorn with golden wings, waving mane and tail, and a red stripe mask across her eyes. It was invigorating, rejuvenating, and like bouncing back into the ring fresh for round two.

One summer afternoon while gathered together during their college years Rainbow Dash had dared Sunset to sing “Baby Got Back.” So, naturally, Sunset took up the dare and Rainbow had recorded it and of course shared it with all their friends. Raven had accessed that recording and simply mixed in the original music. It was honest fun with a loyal friend. It was generous in its kind sincerity. It was magic of the moment between life long friends that would never be forgotten. Put simply, it was magic.

“It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate! I am the captain of my soul! I… am Ignis Ferrum Incarnate!

Sunset Shimmer flapped her golden wings and charged with a ferocious battle cry. Void deflected the strike, but only just barely. Taken by surprise at the speed of her second wind. Next, he fired a bolt at Raven to try and silence the music. Sunset quickly spun and fired her own bolt of magic, striking him in his ever shifting center mass, causing his strike to go wide. Void tumbled backwards grunting but teleported away to avoid Sunset's follow up strike. She cursed at her miss. She had gotten too ambitious and caught up in the moment. Sunset tried to correct her position that had left her back completely exposed. Sunset did not have time to finish her curse when a spiked tail caught her on the chin.

Sunset tumbled and smashed into another floating boulder, her sword sliding out of her magical grip. Void raised a massive ethereal blade that burned with blackish green fire. It was ridiculously massive, cartoonish even, and could probably cut a car in half. Sunset had no doubt it was his soul blade. Void did not bother with final words or a parting shot. He simply brought the weapon down to cleave Sunset in half.

Or he would have, had three kite shields not come together forming an impenetrable barrier against even a god’s unholy weapon. Sunset Shimmer looked up and blinked twice to find Twilight, Flurry, and Cadence all standing above her, each with a glowing shield attached to their forelegs emblazed with their cutie marks. Twilight looked down at Sunset, smiled and winked, a tear of joy and relief falling from her eye. Cadence extended her free hoof to Sunset who took it without hesitation.

“More false gods dare to challenge me directly?”

“We may not be gods,” said Twilight Sparkle, not a single quake or wavier to her voice which hummed with power, “but we have something you don’t. A power you would not understand because you have forsaken it and abandoned all those who would have extended it to you. The magic of friendship and the love of one another!”

Void pretended to gag. “Now who is monologuing? Honestly, who needs friendship when you have armies of minions to command!”

Flurry pointed back over her shoulders. “I hope you don’t mean that horde of burnt and carved up baddies back there because they are like totally and ridiculously dead.”

Sunset raised her sword high, the blade once again glowing brightly with renewed strength and resolve. She looked at each of her family and they all nodded in turn, smiles spreading across their faces. Sunset’s eyes turned back to the chaos god before her and she shouted, “Together!”


Cadence faked a high attack and went low. She smashed her kite shield into Void’s left shin. He wailed in pain at the unexpected strike. Twilight caught Void under the chin as he bent over to cover his wounded leg. A few teeth flew from his mouth, his entire body bending over backwards. Flurry Heart went for the exposed middle, her shield reshaping into a war hammer as she struck what she was hoping was his solar plexus. It was difficult to tell since his form kept shifting, but she had fought enough monsters to know that the middle was often a weak point. Hunch or otherwise, the chaos alicorn cried out as the weapon connected and sent him reeling in agony.

Sunset Shimmer held her ground, sword still at the ready, and waited. She could have easily stabbed him, it might have even killed him, but that was not why they had come. They came to drag him back. Sunset could sense the movement of the others as they quickly approached. Void likely could as well, but it was too late.

Aine leapt over her granddaughter and wrapped her glowing chain around Void’s right arm. Luna, a second later did the same to his left. Belldandy and Chaz, broken from whatever funk or spell had paralyzed them, wrapped their chains around each of his legs. Lastly. Raven wrapped a chain around Void's neck and came to stand next to Sunset.

Sunset smirked at her former PAAL. “You just had to embarrass me by playing that, didn’t you?”

Raven spared Sunset a glance and smirk while she struggled to hold Void in place with the others. “You’re welcome.”

Sunset nodded. It was not over yet. She flapped her wings and raised herself to eye level with the struggling chaos god as he attempted to break free. She waited until he took noticed of her. Godslayer glowing with bright golden light in her hooves. “It’s over.”

“It is not over until I have turned you into a red paste to repaint my throne with!”

Sunset glared, her eyes glowing bright teal. “Look me in the eye, Void. Be honest with me, with all of us. Can you fix the harm you have done? Can you banish the omega beast back to the place it came from? We don’t have to be enemies if you can just fix this. No one wants to die.”

Void growled, golden serpent eyes boiling with hate. “As I told the twins, it cannot be undone. Even if I could, I wouldn’t. You, pathetic, insignificant mortal worms who are little more than toys of Aine are a disease upon the universe as a whole. You should never have been created! You certainly did not deserve to have souls and higher thought processes. Maker of us all, I spit at thee!”

“And so, we come to the inevitable,” said Discord without an ounce of humor or playfulness in his voice. Perhaps a twinge of sympathy, but Sunset was not certain about that. “I know what must be done, but a small part of me wishes it was just over. Is that so wrong of me?”

“Discord?” The lord of chaos turned to Twilight, whose wide eyes were filled with concern. “It doesn’t... we can try and find another way. Maybe we could…”

“There is no other way!” shouted Aine, struggling to keep her limb in check. “We cannot hold him forever! Do it, Incarnate blade! Do what you were created for!”

Discord sighed. “It was always going to end like this, dear Twilight. Chaos is what it is. Chaos does not go quietly into the night.” Discord turned his tired eyes to Sunset Shimmer who grimaced. “I see you understand.”

“How do you want to do this?” asked Sunset soberly.

Discord disappeared and reappeared directly behind Void. “With conviction and as quickly as possible.”

Sunset Shimmer nodded. Raven pulled Void’s head back, as he snarled and tried to bite anyone he could. With nothing left to say and time of the essence, Sunset plunged her sword into Void’s chest and through to Discord. The alicorn of chaos appeared to revert to his original form before Sunset’s eyes, a dark brown and white pony with two large, membrane bat wings. His wide red eyes were full of fear. Of that she had no doubt. It was hard not to be afraid when you had a flaming sword shoved through your heart. Sunset knew that well. Void tried to speak, but nothing came out. He simply gaped like a dying fish out of water. The In Between erupted in blinding light.

Author's Note:

Happy Friday once again. If the chapter title is confusing it is because for this event I combined two songs back to back for inspiration and appropriateness. Was Sunset's card up her proverbial sleeve a cheat? I don't think so, no. I have established in other stories that Sunset and her demon get along relatively well even though they are opposite ends of the spectrum. Demons Shimmer is exactly what she is, an angry ball of hate and rage and that power is not harmonious, but Sunset is able to wield it due to the dichotomy of her very nature. Everything with her is a balancing act like the swirling sun symbol upon her flank.

Anyhow, I hope everyone enjoyed as we march towards the final chapters. 3 to go... plus the epilogue, of course.

Questions? Comments?

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