• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,339 Views, 485 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 38: Connected

Raven Sundown walked the halls of Canterlot Castle. The night guards nodded to her as she passed checkpoints and she courteously nodded back. They all knew her and only needed see her glowing opal to know she was exactly who she appeared to be. The slight limp, as annoying as it was, also served to authenticate her identity.

Normally, at such a time of night she would have been working over the last of the day’s paperwork to file away and prepare to meet with Isabella just before dawn. However, with court still on hiatus, there was little paperwork to do. So, she strolled. Of course, she had an ulterior motive as well. She was waiting. She did not know exactly when her guest would arrive, but she did know they would. Raven had inside sources on such matters now.

The PAAL stopped and turned her eyes to a shadowy corner. The eyelids to her optics blinked, as they were programmed to, and there was a shape standing in the corner that had not been there before. The pony shaped creature under a black cloak looked up and smiled at her, pearly white fangs reflecting in the low light. The creature threw her hood back, her mane still as red as ever, short, and brushed mostly to the left side of her part. Honestly, she did not look that different than she once had beyond the glowing white eyes that did not bother Raven in the least. Raven had lost count how many times she had seen Sunset’s eyes glow. Magic creatures and glowing eyes were just a thing. You get over it.

“She’s coming.”

“Thank you, Sable,” Raven said with a nod. “You should go if you wish to stay out of this. I do not want to get you in trouble.”

The thestral reaper barked out a laugh that was dark, yet bubbly and soothing. “No way, sweet thing. Besides, she won’t hurt me. Worse thing she could do is send me back below I imagine.”

Raven gestured for her cloaked friend to join her then. Sable Nimbus brushed the cloak aside and pulled Raven in with a leathery wing side hug followed up with a friendly nuzzle. “You know, I’m okay with my new job and role, but it’s kind of awesome that I can touch at least one old friend just like before and not have to worry about accidentally killing them. I mean I can touch my Mistress, but that’s… you know what, I’ll keep that to myself.”

“Please do. I am the curious sort, but we are expecting…”

The dark corner of the third floor corridor flashed bright with light that was seen through windows across half the castle. No doubt guards inside and out saw the disturbance and were moving to investigate. Raven had anticipated this scenario. She connected to her crystal network that was spread throughout the castle and surrounding compound and spoke.

“All lunar guards, this is Chief Coordinator Raven, return to your posts and patrols. The light was from an expected arrival. All is well.”

Captain Fog Gauge, who had been standing watch from Luna’s old tower glanced to the nearest ocular crystal. “Are you alone, Chief Coordinator? Do you require assistance?”

“I am not alone, captain. Remain at the observatory and as you were. I have control of the situation.”

Raven and Sable turned their eyes to Aine who seemed confused by where she was and then scowled down at the pair, suspiciously. “A reaper and Sunset Shimmer’s machine. Neither of you has the power to change the course of my teleportation. How is this possible?”

“You are correct, sister.” The corner flashed once more, albeit much smaller. “But I can.”

Aine grimace sourly and sighed. “Of course, you. Never mind. I have waited as long as I can. If the mortals do not have a plan in which to save the world by now then they will simply have to improvise. However, we cannot wait any longer for Void to continue to fortify.”

“You know, for an immortal who has existed since the beginning of time, you are strikingly impatient.”

“There is a time for patience, machine, and a time for action. Our time grows short as the sands dwindle and fall.”

Raven nodded and gestured for Aine to follow. “Nevertheless, dawn is in two hours. That is when the princesses will be roused and the operation can begin in earnest. Those were Sunset Shimmer’s explicit orders. In the mean time we have a few things to discuss with you and show you the plan that will also be taking place, simultaneously.”

“There is no more time to waste, they must be awakened now.” Raven glance to Harmony, then to Sable. The three pony-like beings all began to giggle and whisper quietly to one another. Aine’s brow began to twitch at their foolish antics, fraying her patience and cracking her practiced veneer. “Is there a joke that I am missing, creatures?”

“In a way, yes. But let me just say, Sunset was right, you really do have a ‘snooty face’ is all.”

Aine groaned and rolled her eyes. “I keep forgetting I am in the presence of children. Fine, we will wait for the sun. Pray tell, what part of this plan requires a reaper? Your powers are useless against a god. Luna should know that.”

“It does not. Sable is an old friend and just stopped in to say hello. Plus, she channeled a bit of her dark power in conjunction with Harmony’s to funnel you to where we wanted you to arrive as opposed to where you wanted to be.”

Aine stopped walking. “You laid a trap for me? You dare?”

“Oh, don’t take it so personally, Your Worship. We just didn’t want you messing with Sunset Shimmer anymore than you already do.”

Aine scowled darkly at the reaper and her tall, white furred body seemed to crackle with barely contained power, eyes glowing like the heart of the sun. “I am not ‘messing’ with anypony and you do NOT have the clout to attempt to funnel me like some sort of lab animal in a maze. If I wished it, I could have you reduced to atoms and scattered across all the stars so thoroughly it would take an eon or more for you to reassemble assuming you could at all.”

Sable shrugged, completely unfazed, which only seemed to irritate the goddess more. She leaned closer, pointing her nose as high as she could to meet the significantly taller alicorn’s gaze. “You’re right, you could, and I would not be able to stop you. But it would reeeeeeally piss Mistress Luna off and, as I understand it, she’s pretty much on par with you as far as power level these days. I imagine the goddesses of life and death duking it out hoof to hoof, horn to horn, would be rather catastrophic to the universe. I bet Void would be absolutely thrilled to watch that happen. Don’t you think?”

Aine sneered and snorted, turning away from the reaper. “For the sake of diplomacy and to not displease my daughter, I will pretend this conversation did not happen. That, I feel is best. I will be in the library if you wish to inform me what this additional plan going about is and if not, then I will read until dawn. At which time I will collect all those I require. Without delay.”

Raven placed a hoof upon Sable who turned and smiled. “Well, with that drama over I should get back. Good luck you two.” Sable flipped her hood back over her head and melted into the shadows.

Harmony turned to Raven. The MAU nodded and the pair followed after the Alicorn of Creation who had wasted no time walking away.

Sunset Shimmer was awake. She did not want to be awake, but she was. Sunset had felt a presence nearby and the magical turbulence had disturbed her. Nothing exploded and no alarms were raised, so all must be well. She tried to snuggle back into Twilight, who responded with a pleasurable groan and pressed her back further into Sunset’s enveloping hooves. Still, sleep evaded. At least she was comfortable and it was soothing listening to Twilight's heartbeat and even breathing. In and out. A steady, calm rhythm.

Eventually, Twilight’s horn began to vibrate ever so subtly, her alarm spell to remind herself to get up to raise the sun when too tired to wake up on her own. Sunset felt it too and sat back while Twilight stretched and rolled. She was both surprised and pleased to find warm teal eyes waiting for her.

“You’re awake?”

“Something woke me earlier. I think Aine is around... somewhere. Makes sense. I know she wanted us to go after Void.”

Twilight nodded. She bit her lip and Sunset immediately picked up on the hesitation. A small zap from Sunset’s horn into Twilight’s both surprised her and sent a pleasant tingle straight through her body. Twilight smiled and sent a small shock back. Sunset smiled and held onto the moment for as long as she could before having to return to the business before them.

“Something on your mind, babe?”

“The In Between. I know you have described it before and I can imagine such horrors, but to actually see them… possibly have to fight them to reach our goal. Can we do this?”

Sunset smirked and waggled her brow. “Of course we can. We are tough and we’re not going in alone.”

Twilight did not share in Sunset’s bravado as she looked away. “That worries me as well. Our friends, our family will be with us. If we lose anypony…”

“Hey,” Sunset turned Twilight’s face back towards her, purple eyes glassy with concern. It set Sunset's heart ablaze to see those eyes filled with worry. “We are going to make it. We are going to bring that rat bastard back here and we are going to save everypony.”

“I wish I had your confidence on matters such as this. This is not my first battle, not even close, but… I just feel like a helpless little filly again when faced with such a potential as painful death. Or worse, losing somepony else instead of me.”

“It’s not confidence, not really.” Sunset rolled out of bed and moved to the balcony. Twilight was quick to follow. She nuzzled Sunset, encouraging her to continue. “I’ve… we have both lost so many friends and family already. Some just to the passing of time, others, like Celestia, taken from us. There is nothing I can do about time, but I simply refuse to let the other happen again. And I know you feel the same way. It hurt. Lordy, it hurt a lot at the time, but I understand why Sable and the others gave their lives to save me. They did it for you. So that you and I could stand right here, right now.”

Sunset gestured towards the horizon, her horn already glowing a soft red. Twilight lit her horn and the moon slipped away as the sun rose once more. “The sun must always rise the next day. No matter the cost.”

Twilight was not sure she completely agreed with the sentiment. Others could find a way to raise the sun, she was not as confident about being put on a pedestal even after more than a hundred years of rule, but for now, they had each other and all was right with the world for a fleeting moment.

Twilight turned to the love of her life, who was already staring at her. Her earrings were sparkling in the new dawn light. The symbol of their love. It was a magical sight to behold and it made Twilight's heart swell with love. Then, a mischievous grin spread across Sunset’s face. “You wanna have morning sex?”

Twilight snorted and snickered. It would have ruined the moment if it was not just such a Sunset Shimmer thing to say. “I would absolutely love to have morning sex with you, but…” a knocking came from the front chamber door, “duty calls.”

Sunset groaned and pouted, Twilight giggled again and slapped her wife gently with her tail as she moved away. Sunset remained by the window and watched her wife leave. With a little magic, Twilight opened the door and found Isabella standing there with Captain Walnut.

Isabella blinked twice and nodded. “Ah, good. You are awake.” Sunset entered the main room a moment later. "Both of you, even better."


Isabella glanced to Sunset and shook he head. “Nothing we, your staff could not handle. But it could potentially be an issue.
Apparently, Aine arrived before the dawn. Raven has been keeping her distracted from disturbing you in the library.”

“The guards had to cordon off the building because word spread fast that a ‘real goddess’ was gracing our presence and the rumors have only spiraled since then. That's impressively fast even for Canterlot I have to admit,” said Walnut, his displeasure evident in his voice.

“She couldn’t have done the decency of staying invisible?” Sunset grumbled.

Isabella huffed as well. “Apparently not. There were some small commotions, nothing serious… yet.”

Twilight nodded. She retrieved her crown and placed it upon her head while also doing the same for Sunset. “We needed to tell them the truth eventually. Sooner rather than later.”

Isabella, reluctantly agreed. “Raven and I had this same thought last night. I have a first draft of an address you will need to review and add your own touch before using it to address the nation.”

“Thank you, Isa. You are always my lifesaver when it comes to keeping things up to date for me. Give us five minutes to ready ourselves and we will be out.” Both servant and guard bowed and closed the door as they waited.

Sunset groaned as she ran a hoof down her face. “What exactly are we going to say to the world?”

Twilight stared at her reflection in her peytral and for just a moment thought she saw Celestia instead of herself. “I’m still working on it.”

“Well, that’s as honest an answer as anything.” Sunset paged Raven to tell Aine they were up and ready to hammer out the final details of the plan. That part went without issue. However, instead of teleporting back to the castle, Aine strolled out of the library, through the gathering crowds, and straight through the front door. The guards had to form an impromptu corridor back to the castle for Raven to follow. Aine parted the crowd by presence alone.

Twilight sat waiting before the grand staircase, back straight, regal as ever. Sunset was rubbing her temples next to her helm, growling under her breath. “She is doing this on purpose. She can make herself invisible or teleport pretty much anywhere, but nooooo. Instead, she just strolls along letting the whole damn city see her. I'm telling you, she’s doing this on purpose.”

“At least she has not bothered to stop and answer any of their questions,” Raven added using her earpiece. Sunset agreed with a grunt.

The moment Aine and Raven entered the foyer, the large double doors were closed behind them, the guards doing their best to gently push the gathered creatures back. Sunset scowled at the self satisfied, smug expression that graced the large alicorn, before she returned to her practiced neutrality.

“It is good that you have awakened, both of you.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

Aine glanced to Sunset. “Do what?”

“Oh, you queen bitch. You know damn well wh-”

Twilight clamped Sunset’s lips with a telekinetic grip. “Let’s move on from this. Is Clover still in the lab?”

“Yes, Your Highness,” said Captain Walnut. “We’ve been monitoring him and his movements… or rather, lack thereof. He had food and drink brought to him, but never left the lab.”

“Good thing Twilight had a bathroom added in the design. You know, for late night creative sessions,” said Sunset Shimmer just loud enough for the others to hear. Raven flashed a quick smirk while Isabella shook her head. Captain Walnut, ever vigilant, kept his face neutral. Twilight’s cheeks however began to glow pink.

“Yes, good thing, forward thinking. That’s me! Right. *ahem* Lead on, please,” said Twilight slightly higher than usual.

The group arrived at the door to Twilight’s lab a few minutes later. There was a guard standing watch outside the door. Unsurprising, given the location and the high priority guest inside. What was a surprise was that said pony was Captain Fog Gauge.

Sunset stepped around to meet her captain first. “Hey, you. You know the sun is up. You should be heading home by now.”

Gauge bowed. “I would like to say that I could not leave until I have seen the beautiful face of my princess, but I am in fact waiting until the crowd outside calms and the scheduled replacement arrives to guard this corridor.”

Sunset smiled and winked at Gauge who smiled back. “Ohhhh, you are such a sweet talker. But seriously, we got this now if you want to head home.”

Gauge glanced around Sunset Shimmer and directly at Aine. He swished his tail a bit, but otherwise held his emotions in check. “I think it would be best if I joined you inside. For at least a little longer.”

Sunset leaned in closer, her lips and warm breath tickling the bat pony’s fluffy ear causing it to twitch a bit and send a delightful sensation firing down his spine. “If you just wanted another chance to stare at my rump all you had to do was say so.” It was difficult to make a thestral blush, especially her night captain. Had they been on Earth and just ordinary people, Sunset would never have dared to speak so flirty to a coworker or employee. Especially with her wife stand right nearby. But as a crowned princess, and the fact that they both knew nothing would come of it, Sunset relished the opportunity bring a little color to her captain’s cheeks. Alas, he knew this game well and was not so easily flustered even by a mare as tantalizing as the one before him.

“As you say, my princess.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, placed a hoof on Sunset’s backside earning a playful whinny, and shoved the goldenrod alicorn through the door that opened with a magenta aura. “I know you are in a mood, dear, but I need you to stay focused now.” Sunset stuck her tongue out at Twilight and giggled. “Captain Gauge, please go to the coffee maker in the corner and make my wife a cup so that she will wake up and force her brain to return to where it belongs.”

“At once, Your Highness.” The thestral saluted and moved to his assigned task.

Aine watched the exchange with curiosity and scrutiny. Once halfway down the steps to the lab floor she felt the need to express her thoughts. “Granddaughter, are you not married? Why did you so blatantly tease that stallion? Is there something about your relationship with your wife I am misunderstanding?”

“She is happily married,” said Twilight, pointing to her earrings, “but she’s still Sunset Shimmer.”

“I am confused by that declaration.”

“It’s really not that hard to understand, oh, Goddess of Whatever,” said Raven, carefully descending the stairs last. “Sunset loves Twilight unquestionably and Twilight is mature and confident enough in their marriage bond that even when the horny doofus flirts with her captain, which is quite often, that nothing will change how they feel for one another. Sunset Shimmer is an intelligent, tall, beautiful mare and a shameless flirt. Captain Gauge is a stoic, powerful, handsome stallion of excellent breeding stock and could literally fuck Sunset’s brains into a gooey puddle before going back in for seconds, but he won’t because he is happily married as well. So, they shamelessly tease one another to get a reaction and for fun because they know they can. The end.”

Isabella’s jaw dropped as she glanced between all of them wishing she had a magic spell to erase the last minute or so from her mind. Twilight rolled her eyes, but smirked. Sunset began to cackle and almost fell to the ground laughing. Gauge continued to brew a cup but nodded his acknowledgment of the assessment. Aine, however, just arched a brow and looked like she had just bitten into a soured orange that tasted of bile. The expression made Raven feel triumphant, but she kept her poker face just the same.

Clover sat up from where he had been sleeping on the sofa, glanced about at all the faces, and scratched at the side of his head, completely at a loss. “I appear to have missed the joke.”

“So did I,” muttered Aine before finding a place to sit and wait for the others to gather. “If there is nothing else on this unnecessary subject that needs to be said, we should begin.”

“Well, not yet,” said Twilight, coming to sit not far from Aine. “We still need to wait for Cadence and Flurry Heart to return.”

“I spoke with both princesses last night,” said Isabella. She consulted a small notepad before placing it back in her pocket. “They should be leaving the empire soon if they have not already.”

Aine’s horn took on a bright golden glow. “I anticipated that concern and possibility.”

A moment later, the room flashed, then flashed again. When the spots cleared from Isabella’s eyes, she, like all the others, found the lab considerably more crowded. Cadence, who appeared just as surprised as everyone else glanced about with Chaz standing next to her. Flurry Heart, who appeared to have been sleeping, stirred and stumbled a bit as she became aware that she was no longer in the train sleeper car and that Belldandy was standing next to her.

“What the what?!” Flurry was about to shout more when Cadence moved to rub her daughter’s back. An old, but still effective means of settling the large, pink alicorn’s volatile emotions. After a few deep breaths, she nodded. “Thanks, Mom. But, how did we get here? I was on the train and now… yeah.”

“I had the twins standing by for when we needed to gather. I assume we are now ready to depart?”

“Well, we still need to hear the plan,” said Twilight.

“Oh! Plus, I need to show everypony these.” Flurry Heart opened the saddlebags that she had not dared remove from her sides. She levitated three small boxes out onto the table in the center of the room. One by one, the lids of the boxes were removed and inside, sitting upon velvety cushions were three crystals.

One was a perfectly round diamond, clear as glass on top and cut to absolute perfection along the sides, practically humming with harmonious attunement. Even the mage lights of the lab fractured upon the tiny prisms and threw small rainbows about the table.

The second was a soft jade color, flaring outward from the pointed tip and layered like feathered wings with a large, round opening in the center. The third, which was the smallest, was a spear tip shaped pentagon that was royal blue in color and was beveled with just the slightest motif of horn spiraling. No matter which way you looked at it, the center had a glow to it and when held in hoof it felt pleasantly warm.

“Three crystals?”

Flurry nodded to Sunset Shimmer. “Now, watch.” Flurry Heart lifted all three in her magic and connected them together. Though they appeared fragile it was clear from the way Flurry manipulated them that they were stronger and more robust than one would assume. The pieces all fit perfectly and seamlessly, making small clink sounds as they touched. Then, they began to glow and thrum with mana. “Once connected, they are active and are capable of gathering all the magical power that is sent their way. Very important feature, they don’t steal power. It has to be given freely. Vise versa, they can also discharge that power, with the right spells, but won’t just explode on their own. Mom and the master sculptors were not sure how much power they can hold, but they were confident it should do the job.”

“They are beautiful,” Twilight added, “but like Sunset said, why three?”

“It was necessary, according to our chief crystallographer," said Cadence. "Since we are planning to draw power from different races from across the world a single crystal would have run a higher risk of shattering under the stress. Each of these is attuned to different kinds of magic.

“The diamond, extremely hard, strong molecular chain structure, the backbone of the apparatus if not the world itself. This draws in earth pony power, but also the power from other creatures on the ground like yak, deer folk, buffalo. The jade wings. Enveloping, powerful, the stone mixing and swirling within itself like a tornado captured in crystal. Pegasi and other fliers will contribute to this stone. And last, but certainly not least, iolite. Rare, precious, one of the most beautiful crystal stones in the world. Like magic in solid form. Even though it is small it is powerful and will hold raw mana from unicorns and other sources of pure magic.”

“They almost look like they could be formed into a crown with some modifications,” said Raven. Other’s nodded in agreement with her observation.

Flurry placed the stones back in their boxes and closed the lids. “So, those are ready to go when we need them.”

“Then it seems it is time for me to prepare to leave as well,” said Clover. “I have bags capable of holding all I need, however. I must ask a favor, princesses.”

“Which is?” Twilight asked first.

“I will need a guard or companion to accompany me. I do not anticipate any real danger, but I would rather spread the carry load just in case there is an issue and running becomes necessary.”

Twilight glanced to Sunset who grimaced. Under different circumstances, the diarchs would have both asked more detailed questions on where Clover would be heading and what constituted as ‘necessary running.’ Regardless, they had no shortage of guards who they could order to follow along, but those guards would require additional information on the idiosyncrasies of interdimensional travel and that it may include changes to one’s physical form. Not an easy thing to explain or prepare for when short on time.

While pondering the request, Sunset suddenly found a cup of coffee being presented to her. She perked up and inhaled deeply the warm, nutty aroma. “Mmmmmm yesssssss. Mmmm! Goddess, you are a coffee artist and a life saver sometimes. Sooooo gooooood.” Gauge smirked and bowed.

“You know,” Twilight started, rubbing her chin, “that is not all he is good at.”

“Well duh. Just ask Tempest. Though she usually turns tomato faced when I ask for details on that.”

Twilight arched a brow at her wife. “Not what I meant. Captain Gauge is a highly experienced guard and has traveled through the mirror with us. He would be able to handle the changes with ease and could protect Clover in a pinch.”

Sunset blinked. “Wait, you want to send MY guard captain to who knows where to tag along with Clover?”

“We could send somepony else if it makes you uncomfortable, but he would be the best choice in my opinion.”

As if to emphasize the point, Gauge saluted and bowed slightly without hesitation. “I will do as my princesses command. I only ask that I be allowed to inform Tempest first.”

“Are you well rested enough, captain? I know the night guard are usually preparing for sleep at this hour.”

Gauge narrowed his yellow eyes at Clover, not an ounce of humor to be found in his steady gaze. “I have pulled double shifts before, sir. We in the guard train for such eventualities. I will make another cup of coffee for myself just to be safe if you are worried about my reaction speed.”

“Good,” Aine said, an obvious irritated edge to her voice. “Then everything here is in order to deal with the beast as best as can be for the time being. We should leave b-”

“You cannot leave just yet.”

“Before there are more delays,” Aine finished, her ears flat, head sagging in frustration.

“You are not in balance. It would be dangerous and likely fatal if you leave in such a state,” said the glowing crystalline pony known as Harmony. As she was known to do, the glowing entity appeared without warning and spoke without preamble.

“Seed of Harmony. You are in no condition to help or lecture on such matters.”

“Actually,” said Raven, coming to stand next to the entity that still chose to look like a younger Twilight Sparkle, “we have been discussing that concern. Allow us to explain.”

Sunset arched a brow then glanced to Twilight whose curiosity was equally piqued. Aine groaned but gestured for the pair to continue. Raven nudged her companion and the crystal Twilight smiled, her glow shimmering even brighter for a moment.

“As you know, I gave of my body and soul to spread harmony through the world. My existence was shattered, but reborn as the Tree. I am nearly whole once more. Slowly reconstituting my being through harmonious interactions. However, a large piece of my core being still resides within Twilight Sparkle, for she is the last element bearer and the most powerful, Magic.”

“I’m sorry, are you saying I need to give you back a piece of my power to make you whole?” asked Twilight, her voice laced with obvious and justifiable concerns. She had never considered the possibility that part of her element was actually a piece of the goddess, Harmony.

“I did consider that, but no, I do not feel that would be best and could cause irreparable harm to your being. However, through observation and discussion, Raven and I may know a solution that will allow true Harmony to be reborn. I need only be bonded to a being who is in perfect harmony thus allowing me to synchronize and attune to them. We would become one just as Luna has become one with Samael.”

The hairs on the back of Sunset’s neck stood on end. “Wait, are you asking me to stab you and somepony else with my sword?”

Harmony nodded. “Yes and no. The stabbing would not be necessary, but we will require your soul blade. You, Sunset Shimmer, are the perfect flaming sword which cleaves.”

“Okay, so, then that begs the big question. Who is in perfect harmony that would be your ideal candidate to be bonded with?” asked Sunset. “Obviously not me. I certainly do not embody all the aspects of harmony.”

“While I would be honored to play host to harmony, I’m not comfortable with the idea of being permanently bonded to a godly spirit… unless it is absolutely necessary,” said Twilight.

“You are a good soul, Twilight Sparkle, and the keeper of some of my essence and magic, but like a severed branch, I have adapted and learned to do without that which I once had. No, there is only one among us gathered here that embodies all the aspects of harmony and is most comfortable in my presence.” Harmony turned back to Raven and smiled.

“Unexpected,” said Clover.

“Huh,” said Sunset. “Well, how about that. I have... questions, I mean, she is amazing, but how is this even going to work?”

“You cannot be serious,” said Aine exasperated.

“Raven is generous with her time and is always there for those in need. Especially her friends. She is honest to the point of brutal, finding little benefit to lying. She is kind and willing to do what she can for Sunset, whom she loves dearly, and Equestria as a whole. She is loyal, without question, and she always knows how to make me laugh.”

“What about magic?”

Harmony smiled serenely at Raven then pointed towards herself. “I have to bring something to the relationship after all.”

Sunset shook her head to clear the awe of what she was seeing and hearing. They were looking at one another the way she looked at Twilight. How did I not see that before? “Okay. Soooo, like I just said, how exactly do I do this? If it can be done at all.”

All the eyes in the room turned to Aine. The large alicorn schooled her expression and approached the crystal phantom that had once been her sister and the robot from another dimension. She eyed them both silently before finally nodding. “Perhaps it is just as well to test this possibility now. Do you both understand that it may also change your lives and state of being forever? I cannot say for certain it can be undone.”

“If I am to become bonded with one creature in this world, I can think of no other I would wish to be one with,” said Harmony with a smile.

Raven blinked. She glanced to Sunset, who smiled and winked at her. she turned back to Harmony and said, “I… have no response to that which is worthy of how much it means to me to hear. I am satisfied on any given day to fulfill my role and serve my owner who I have come to love and respect as she loves and respects me. But… to find a true love of my own and an intellectual equal who wishes to spend their life with me while I have so little to offer in return. There are no words.”

“You offer much, Raven, more than you give yourself credit for,” said Harmony, holding her hoof out to Raven, who gladly took it. Upon touching the glowing, crystalline hoof Raven's illusion fell away leaving the robotic MAU fully exposed. Flurry and Cadence both gasped, neither having seen Raven’s robot body in its true form. “You embody so much in what I desired for Equestria when my former self sacrificed her being to save this land.”

“Wow,” said Sunset, her heart fluttering a bit at the exchange and a tear falling from one eye that she quickly wiped away. Twilight nuzzled Sunset and she returned the gesture. “You know, that would have been one hell of a marriage proposal.”

“Personally, I would have preferred a declaration with more explosions. Perhaps some hidden confetti cannons?” said Discord, suddenly appearing next to Twilight and Sunset with popcorn and 3-D glasses on. “At the very least we need bit more unexpected drama or else the audience will become bored and start checking their phones.”

Aine groaned and shook her head in disgust at the draconequus' appearance. She scoffed under her breath, “It seems I truly am no longer in touch with this world.”

While everyone else gathered had their opinion, some having to fight down their knee-jerk reactions,(Sunset) only one openly laughed, mockingly. It went on for several seconds. Aine scowled at the latest arrival whose muzzle twisted crookedly and two glowing serpent slit eyes could be seen from the darkness of her hood, narrow and sardonic. “You are only just now realizing this?!”

“Daughter,” Aine said through clenched teeth.

“Ohhhh, now this is what I am talking about, quality entertainment! A classic mother/daughter confrontation that made Sunset Shimmer and Celestia look like afternoon tea! The reckoning is at hoof!” said Discord happily. He tilted his box of popcorn over to Twilight who paused for a second before finally shrugging and levitating some of the snack out into her mouth. She was still hungry after only having a cream cheese bagel for breakfast on her way to the lab not long ago. Sunset declined. More concerned for her aunt.

Twilight finished her snack and finally said to Discord, but loud enough for the others to clearly hear, “You do realize that if they fight it would only make things worse. Not to mention I had to turn down morning nookie because I was informed we were in a hurry, so I doubt we have time for this.”

Harmony let her inner glow flash brightly, bringing the attention of the room back to her. “Pointed barbs and sarcasm have their place, but if we are to work together and achieve our goal, we must be in balance. We must be able to work together or all is for naught. Cool the burning heart, find the connections that bind us, and for the love of Equestria, stop ruining the moment we were sharing.”

Aine sighed and bowed her head. “Wisdom is wisdom, no matter the source. Let us move on. Sunset Shimmer,” the goldenrod alicorn perked up when her name was called out, “please draw your sword and present it so we my proceed with the experiment.”

“Experiment?” said Twilight, her ears pointing straight up and her eyes wide. “So, you have no idea what will happen?! I need paper! I have to take notes!”

“Right…. just,” Sunset passed her coffee to Twilight, who took it without hesitation, gulped down the rest of it, and then summoned a quill and parchment with a giddy, too wide grin. “Let’s just be careful, okay? I’m not entirely comfortable with this idea and Raven may be a machine but she means everything to me and her personality matrix is not replaceable. She’s as unique as the rest of us.”

“That unique personality is exactly why this will work,” said Harmony matter-of-factly. “Her soul may come from another world, developed by different means, but it is as precious as each of yours. If you could only see, what I see.”

"I see it," said Belldandy. Then twins having stood to the side and simply observed all the exchanges had nearly been forgotten. "It is beautiful, sister."

Harmony smiled, her glow shimmering like a prism. "Yes."

Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing her eyes a moment before summoning her soul blade. The black long sword burst into red flames the moment it fully materialized. She held it horizontal before her and glanced between Aine and Harmony on what she should do next. Her eyes locked for a moment with Raven’s. That was when Sunset heard her earpiece click on to active.

“Mother, I just want you to know, that no matter what happens next, I have no regrets and it has been a privilege and honor serving you. You have shown me more than I could have ever imagined. A world beyond dreams and of endless possibilities. I would not have changed a thing. I feel alive, because of you, and I love you.”

Sunset shuddered and sniffled a bit, a smile spreading across her face as her eyes glassed over. “I love you too.”

Godslayer began to glow brighter, the red flames giving way to golden light. Aine came to stand next to Sunset and gestured for Harmony and Raven to approach while all the others just stood and watch, captivated. Even Luna could not hide her curiosity, though she did maintain her distance for the safety of the others.

“Very good, granddaughter. Focus on happy memories, positive feelings. Love, friendship, coming together. The ties that bind us and the universe as a whole.” Aine gestured to Harmony and Raven. “Approach, young ones. Place one hoof upon the blade. Do not fear, it will not harm you in its current state. Sunset is presenting you the light of her soul, see how it burns bright like the sun, but is a comforting, nurturing warmth that brings life to the world. This, is soul fire. The purest magic of all.”

Raven was the first to touch the glowing light. Her MAU sensors tried to take readings on the energy but could not process the information it was receiving, flashing numerous warnings and question marks across her optics. Raven ignored all of them and focused on what was in front of her. What was most interesting to Raven was that despite the fact that the blade was bright golden white like steel on the brink of melting it was no warmer than skin or fur of a living body. It was like Aine had said, it felt like a warm summer day under the noon day sun.

Harmony admired the blade, her eyes a kaleidoscope of colors as she stared. She could see things others could not and took it all in. The soul blade was a projection of one’s inner self. Harmony could see the love Sunset was projecting. Her love for Raven, for Twilight, for Luna, and many others. She could see the past scars of pain, the strife and challenges that shaped the alicorn’s soul. There were dark spots amongst the brilliant colors, swirling through and about the glowing light blade chaotically, but only to Harmony’s eyes. It was an elegant dance of light and darkness, the perfect balance and juxtaposition that was Sunset Shimmer, it was not entirely unexpected. Despite her many, many flaws, Sunset was a burning light of hope, a beacon upon the unknown darkness much like her mother was. It was beautiful to behold.

Sunset could feel both Raven’s mechanical appendage and Harmony’s semi-phantom, crystalline hoof. When they contacted the blade, she felt it as much in her chest as she did with her magic. It was an unusual sensation to say the least. Sunset could feel their presence in her heart. That was interesting, but what was more remarkable was she could feel an energy that pulsed like a heartbeat… no… two heartbeats! They were nearly in sync with each other.

“Focus and feel the energy flow. Let it guide you, together.”

Aine’s horn lit and her magic surrounded both Raven and Harmony, their bodies beginning to glow much like the sword. Sunset’s wings unfurled as she gasped, the feathers turning to brilliant golden light.


She recognized Twilight’s voice, but the room was bathed in so much white light that it could have come from any direction. The surrounding air grew warm before quickly cooling as the light faded. Sunset felt both sets of hooves leave her soul blade so she carefully lowered it and let her mental grip on it go. Once Sunset blinked the spots from her eyes, as many of the others were doing as well, she found only the MAU body standing before her with the internal LED lights off.

“Raven?” The MAU did not respond. Fear spiked in Sunset’s heart as she turned the robot’s head and inspected the PAAL unit, still attached to the back of her head beneath the wig that had remained attached. Sunset tapped the glass a few times, but it appeared to be off… or broken.

“Raven?” Sunset said once again, the fear and desperation leaking through her voice in a quaver. “What have I done?”

Sunset turned her eyes to Aine, who had not moved, her expression flat and painfully neutral. The goldenrod alicorn’s wings slowly began to extend again as the room's temperature also began to spike. Sunset’s lips curled back as teeth remained clenched. She was about to explode and snarl when a pearl white ball of light formed where Harmony had been standing. The light grew in size and intensity, spinning like a miniature planet bathed in a kaleidoscope of colors.

The ball erupted into white flame, forming a bodily shape. Four hooves touched the ground, crystals creeping up from the floor. A neck extended upward and a head formed, held high. Finally, two wings of light unfurled and hummed and flashed with all the colors of the rainbow. The pearl light gave way to a cream colored mare whose coat shimmered much like a crystal pony. Her brown mane and tail were loose and waved briefly in the magical wind before settling along her neck in gentle waves. A small, rebellious tuff wrapping around her horn much like how Sunset’s own mane had always done. Two honey brown eyes finally opened, pulsing with inner glow of magical power. They blinked a few times, taking in the room and all who were occupying it.

“Raven?” Sunset Shimmer dared to ask.

The new alicorn, standing as tall as Cadence, flashed smirk. “Hello, mother.” Sunset lunged forward and wrapped her forelegs and wings around the pony. Despite her crystalline shine, her fur felt soft, her body comfortably warm. Raven smiled more genuinely and returned the embrace.

“Harmony?” Raven opened her eyes again and looked up to Aine, who looked on in both hope and curiosity.

“She is here, with me. Since neither of us had an actual body we thought it best to stick with my preferred profile. I… I can feel her all through me. I can feel… I can see… “


“Everything. Every harmonic crystal in Equestria are now my eyes and ears. They beat in time with my soul.” Raven looked down and finally took in her own form. “How do I look?”

Sunset glanced over to the MAU that now stood deathly still and powered down. “Like you just voided my warranty.”

Raven cocked one brow and deadpanned. “Seriously?”

Sunset laughed and smiled. A smile that grew wider after Twilight wrapped herself around Sunset and also examined Raven, while continuing to scribble notes. “Seriously, that’s a hell of an upgrade. I can’t believe this was even possible.”

“Yes, I suppose I will no longer need to worry about upgrading my MAU… or software for that matter. My hybrid crystal structure is not that different from etched quartz storage drives other than I am far more… organic in my operation now. However, if you are worried about your saved material I still have all of it in me as well as a backup of all your photos, videos, games, and files on one of the standard tablets we brought back from our last visit in your workshop.”

“I appreciate you backing everything up, but you were more important to me out of all this.”

Raven smiled warmly again. “Thank you.” Raven turned her eyes to Aine and bowed her head. “I believe now, we are ready to go confront Void.”

Aine, smiled and much to everyone’s surprise, also moved to hug Raven/Harmony for a moment. “Oh, how I have missed you, sister.” A second later, she schooled her emotions and composed herself. Aine glanced over all the creatures in the room. They nodded and smiled. Their energy was high, their hearts filled with harmony and love. There would be no better time. Aine took a deep breath and nodded. “Let us begin.”

Author's Note:

Good evening, happy Friday. So, a number of things to unpack here. Raven just became an alicorn, the others are fresh and ready to go, Gauge and Clover are about to go on a side quest, and next week, The In Between.

I don't know what else to say here. Maybe some saw it coming, hopefully it was a surprise to most.

Four chapters left.

Questions? Comments?

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