• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,330 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 10: Master of Puppets

Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes and immediately realized she was not awake. She recognized the stardust path before her having walked it many times these last few years. This was Luna’s domain where she observed the dreams of all those sleeping in Equestria. It had been a long and trying day and Sunset had retired early hoping for rest. If she was here and aware of it, it meant she had accidentally activated the spell to cross over or she had been summoned in a waking state.
Sunset sighed as she looked about for her aunt.

After listening to Clover tell the story of how he first ended up in a land completely foreign to him, that Sunset later confirmed was mirror world Earth, Clover explained how for a time he and Datura traveled together as husband and wife once more. Learning the secrets of how to unlock cross dimensional travel. Sunset had paid close attention to Clover's body language as he spoke. He had been happy to retell his stories, and often gestured with his forelegs, a smile gracing his face. It was diverting and not especially helpful, Sunset concluded.

The grand vizier had been completely enthralled by the stories. Sunset, on the other hand, (hoof) could only wonder how many other lives had been taken that the great Clover the Clever had not been aware of or worse yet, had simply turned his back on. Just because the pair had not been on Equuis did not mean she was not the same ruthless killer.

Twilight had dismissed herself early after only eating a small portion from dinner and went to visit Spike in the hospital. He was still unconscious, but his vitals had stabilized. The doctors were confident that he was not bleeding in his brain, but he still was in bad shape. She later checked in on Flurry Heart as well who was still bed ridden and not too happy about it. Sunset had agreed to oversee all preparations and allowed Clover to retreat to the library by his request, under guard observation, of course.

When there was nothing else that needed overseeing Sunset retreated to her and Twilight’s room where she found her fiancé already on the bed mostly asleep. Sunset climbed into bed and wrapped herself around her love without a word as nothing else needed to be said. Twilight simply pulled the other alicorn’s forelegs around her and snuggled into the warm embrace. All things considered. Not a bad way to end a night... or so Sunset thought.

“Good evening, beloved niece.”

Sunset Shimmer turned and smiled at Luna, resting on a cloud made of midnight stardust that twinkled like Christmas lights. The dark alicorn smiled serenely, looking quite comfortable in Sunset’s personal opinion. “Hey. Did I zap myself here on accident? I mean, it’s always great to spend time with you, but no offense I was really not up for dream walking tonight.”

“I completely understand. However, I needed to speak with you this evening and I fear it could not wait, so I summoned you here for a moment.” Luna paused to gather her thoughts. “I had hoped to use my realm to gleam some hidden or insightful information from either Datura or Clover while they slept. Unfortunately, it seems that they either do not sleep as other ponies do or have found ways to block their sleeping minds. Both are possible and quite unfortunate.”

“I thought you said it was immoral to skim the minds of the sleeping for information.”

Luna bowed her head shamefully, but eventually lifted her eyes, they were dry and adamant. “I stand by said statement. It is a gross violation of another and I would never ask you to commit such an act. However, you know as well as I that moral high ground means little when friends and family are hurt and dying because you did not do more while having the power to do so. I will live with the consequences of my actions. That is not what I am asking of you. I need you to awaken and seek out Clover in the castle proper. It has been… Truthfully, I do not trust my old friend as I once did.”

“You, Celestia, and him must have been close. He called you ‘little moon.’ That wasn't just a slip of the tongue.”

Luna nodded. “And as you observed, he called Celestia, ‘little sun.’ I honestly found the pet name annoying in my youth, but allowed it since it was all in friendly jest and I had so few friends in those early days. Celestia found it… endearing. She was at that age, as you can imagine, and found Clover quite comely. To receive a playful nickname from a handsome stallion and hear it from his lips caused her cheeks to flush more than once i observed. A fact that was likely noticed more than once by Datura. For as much as I hate and despise her, she was quite the genius with senses of observation sharper than any blade.”

Sunset chewed her lip, but finally nodded. “Odd little aside, but okay. What exactly do you want me to do?”

“Speak to him. Speak about you mother if you must as a means of bringing ease and loosening lips, but find out if there is anything else he is not telling us. Anything that will help defend or anticipate how she plans to attack next because rest assure, if this Void is anything like MY mother he will not accept Datura simply giving up and running or she would have done so already.”

Sunset’s eyes open again and she found herself in bed, wings and hooves wrapped around a sleeping Twilight Sparkle. Slowly and carefully, she untangled herself and slipped out of bed. Sunset waited for a minute to see if Twilight would stir, but the stress of the day had apparently taken more out of her fellow princess than even she had anticipated. She rounded the bed to gaze upon Twilight's sleeping face in the low light, a calm and serene splendor. If she was having dreams they were at least not distressing. Sunset gently placed a kiss on the side of her muzzle and, without a sound, exited their room.

Judging by the feel of the pull of the moon, it was past midnight, but still hours from dawn. The entire city should be asleep with the curfew in place other than the lunar guards and a few third shifters who were needed to keep the utilities going. Sunset nodded to the guards who had been stationed at the end of the hall that led to hers and Twilight’s room. After a few more groggy steps, Sunset concluded she had no idea where Clover was at the moment. But she knew who did.

With a flash of her horn a small piece of tech materialized in her teleportation magic and she placed it in her ear. The earpiece activated by her touch. “Raven.”

“Good grief, woman. Why are you awake?”

“Got too much going on in my head. Needed some fresh air.”

“I’m sure that is a half truth. How can I help, mother?”

“I need to talk to Clover. Do you know where he is?”

Sunset could practically feel the condescending eye roll. “Of course. He is an unknown quantity with potentially compromised, alien tech grafted to his bones. It’s not that I do not trust the lunar guards to do their job, they are capable and aware of his location, but I prefer direct observation of a threat. Not to mention Harmony does not trust him either.”

“The tree hologram Harmony?”


Sunset shook her head and shrugged. “Huh. What did she say about him?”

“That he is no longer as harmonious as he once was and that she worries for your safety. There is foulness about the land, old foulness. Her words, not mine.” Sunset stopped walking and turned her eyes to a window and the night sky. “Do you wish me to accompany you? I can be there in minutes.”

Sunset turned her eyes to the nearest ocular crystal she knew Raven was watching her from and nodded. “I think I would like some time with you, actually. Even if we are still on the job.”

Raven disconnected the line and Sunset stood by the window both admiring the peaceful night and carefully watching for any unusual changes. As promised, the cream colored mare joined her two minutes later, her wig mane hanging loose but brushed to the right side of her neck. Sunset wasted no time pulling the AI powered MAU into a hug. The illusion flickered for a moment before restoring.

“Well, that was weird. Is your stone running low on power?”

Raven examined herself to ensure that her opal broach and ferronite sleeve cuffs were where they were supposed to be. “I have no means of measuring the power level of the stone. Much to my annoyance. However, I have shaken hooves with many since the last recharge and had children wrapped around my legs without any disruption. Perhaps you emit a magical radiation that interferes?”

Sunset shrugged. “Something to worry about later. So, where is he?”

“Clover is in the guest quarters not far from your old room.” Sunset gestured and Raven lead on.

By design, the honored guest quarters were not far from practically everything. A short walk to the dining hall, the Hall of Heroes that lead to the throne room, any number of state rooms usually reserved for dignitaries or meetings with the nobility. They were inconspicuous, easy to defend, and fire resistant… mostly.

Sunset spared a glance at her door, pleased to see it properly secured as it should be. She touched her horn to the wooden molding and her cutie mark appeared on the center of the door as the spell locks disappeared and the physical lock clicked open. Raven paused, arching a brow in a way much as Sunset Shimmer was known for.

“Ask him to come join me here.” Raven nodded in understanding and continued down the hall. Sunset opened the door and found the room exactly as she had left it last.

Calling it a ‘guest quarters’ was practically an insult. The room had been appointed and furnished like a large, one bedroom apartment. To her left was the kitchenette that had everything a single or pair of guests needed for a long term stay including a pantry and magically imbued refrigerator that kept everything cool and in suspended stasis.

To her immediate right was the living room/sitting area that had a rather comfy red couch and matching love seat around a small yet sturdy coffee table. There were still a few books on the table, one was a photo album of Sunset, Twi, and their daughters. She had digital copies of all the pictures, but it was still nice to share the album with a trusted few when the subject came up.

The back wall contained a small work bench with tool storage and three book cases of books that, while important, were too much to cram into hers and Twilight’s shared room. To the right led to both the bathroom and bedroom. They too should have been clean and just as she had left them. It had been several months since she had check on her room. It was nice to see it again as well as the art and photos that were tastefully hung about. Everyone needed a personal space all their own, after all. A gentle knocking at the door that was not fully closed alerted Sunset to pull out of her reminisce and put back on her princess face.

Raven entered and stepped to the side. A moment later, Clover followed. Sunset took mental note of the fact that he did not appear as if he had been roused from a sleeping bed. Something to possibly comment on later.

“Princess? You wished to see me? The moon is high and it is quite late.”

“I know, but one of the reasons I chose to be the steward of the moon instead of taking my mother’s throne from Twilight, which I totally could have done, was because I actually find myself more of a night pony as fate would have it.” Sunset gestured to the sitting area. “Please sit. Can I get you anything? I have a few hard ciders or wine and of course water.”

"Just some water if I could."

Clover saw no reason to disagree and swiftly chose the smaller, love seat of the two places to sit. Sunset took the larger couch with Raven dutifully moving to stand near the kitchenette counter that was both out of the way and easier to access refreshments in the refrigerator.

Once Raven set the glass down and retreated back to her spot Sunset dove right in. “It is late and we don’t know what tomorrow will bring so, I will get right to it. You told some nice little stories this afternoon, they were touching and likely meant a lot to you, but from a tactical point of view did not add up to a whole lot of usefulness. Which was what I was more interested in.”

“I’m not certain I understand, princess.”

Sunset sighed. She could do this one of two ways. Let’s try this Mom’s way first.

“Clover, you and my mom, Celestia, were pretty good friends, yes?”

“I think so, yes. She was an excellent student of Star Swirl’s and was committed to being a great leader, which as I understand she turned out to be. As I said earlier, I am terribly sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you. And yeah, she was for the most part. She never forgot you. To be honest, I was told she had a bit of a crush on you. She even took the playful nickname you gave her and bestowed it upon me. I, was Celestia’s ‘little sun’ from the day I was born.” That brought a small smile to Clover’s face. “I loved my mom. Even when we were not on the same page and arguing about what was best for me or Equestria I never stopped loving her. I don't regret as much as I once did, but I do miss her something terrible. She died trying to save everypony.”

Clover bowed his head. “I have overheard a few of the finer details, but it seems even years later to still be too fresh for many to discuss.”

Sunset nodded and fought down her own anger and anxiety that, as usual, threatened to burst forth. However, she swallowed it, forced it to the back burner, and pushed on. “The truth of it all is that she died because we were blindsided. Ancient alicorns crafted from primal elements created by Aine, the Goddess of Creation, ambushed us. They took control of Flurry Heart and we were not ready. It was bad. A lot of ponies died.
We all barely survived.

"Now, I’m not just saying this for your sympathy. Yes, thank you for your condolences, but I’m telling you this because the general consensus is that Datura is going to come back, she’s going to come back smart, and I do not want to go through burying more friends and family because you held back some crucial piece of information that would give us an advantage over her. So, I ask as a friend and a princess, is there anything you would like to tell me? A weakness, a vulnerability that we can exploit to stop her before she kills again?”

Clover rolled his jaw as he mulled and considered all that had been said. The hesitation only served to make Sunset wish all the more to just skim his mind to find what she wanted to know, morality be damned. “Until yesterday, I had not seen Datura with my own two eyes in nearly two hundred years.

"When she enters a dimension, it sends ripples through the different layers that my scanner can detect. She knows I have ways to find her, often too late, but find her I do. However, she also can hide where I cannot follow and forces me to wait her out. Depending on how much power she has stolen, she can hide between dimensions for a considerable length of time. In the past I would have told you my resolve and desire to finish the mission and see her brought to justice sustain me, but truthfully, I grow tired of the gaps.”

“How is that possible?” Sunset had to pause to reel herself in and lower her voice back down to some-what calm. “You mentioned before about the In-Between and I brushed it off. But I’ve been there, it nearly killed me. It takes the power of an alicorn or equivalent to be able to hold a shield long enough so the place doesn't eventually transform you to dust. How can she stay in there for centuries?”

“It is a horrid place. A dead universe that grows with each fallen dimensional layer. How she can stay there? By making herself as unnoticeable as possible, perhaps? I do not know the specifics of how she survives, but I suspect I do know the power source she uses to defend herself. When you saw her, did you notice a bottle at her side?”

“Yeah, like a wine bottle. it had a greenish aura and some sort or organic movement to it.”

Clover grimaced and sighed. “That, I am afraid is the source of much of her nefarious power and what I suspect gives her the ability to either repel the monsters of the In-Between away or mask her own life from them. It is a special flask that holds the souls she has stolen. Much of her spells and experiments require a great deal of power. Life force power she steals from others.”

Sunset blinked. Then blinked again. She knew her jaw was hanging open, bit no words would come out. Raven chose that moment to save some of Sunset’s dignity by speaking up. “Hold a moment. Are you saying that she discovered a way to steal souls from sentient creatures?”

Clover at least had the decency to appear ashamed and disgusted. “Yes.”

“That…” Sunset gulped and pressed a hoof to her chest just above her heart. “That is the most horrific, monstrous thing I think I have ever heard. Ours souls are… who we truly are. They pass on after we die to Elysium to live in happiness with those that went before us and then eventually return to the heart of the universe itself.”

“Yes, I have heard this story before as well.”

Sunset stood and glared down at Clover, the temperature in the room spiked for a moment and Clover flinched and sat back. “It’s not just a story, Clover. I’ve stood on the shores of the first river and seen it with my own eyes. If she is stealing souls to power her dark magic then she is interrupting one of the most basic functions of our universe itself. Death himself told me that our souls return to the Well so that a small piece of what we are can be born again in a new life. To kill another sentient being is bad enough, but to deny some innocent pony or creature an afterlife of rest is… a sin beyond comparison. I have no other way to word it.”

“I agree, but sh-”

“No,” Sunset interrupted, unfurling her wings causing the sandy stallion to press further into the cushion, “there is no, ‘but’ here. There is no excuse to justify something so… wrong! I wanted to understand her and her reasons. An attempt to empathize with her, but that… that is so beyond fucked up. How… how can you not see that? How long have you known she was doing that? And to even TRY to make an excuse for her?”

“Datura is a scientist, probably the first TRUE scientist Equestria ever had. She just… she needed me to establish boundaries, limits to her ambition. Much of this is because I was not there to help her maintain a moral compass.”

Sunset scowled and knew her eyes were likely glowing given that Clover was now gawking at her. “That is NOT good enough! I was married to a scientist for many, many years. Princess Twilight Sparkle is a scientist and they both made leaps and bounds of discoveries and research all without compromising moral integrity or staining their legacies in the blood of innocents. We’re not talking about some sort of grey area here. These are lines no sane being would cross! EVER!”

Clover sighed. “I know you are right. I do. Even her lesser creations and discoveries are all forever tainted. A failure on my part as her partner and husband.”

“No, you got plenty of your own blame to carry, don’t try and carry hers as well. All relationships have strange quirks or challenges that have to be overcome or you walk away because of them. I've seen it with others, or experienced it myself, trust me. You are going along all happy and in love and then you find out that your partner has bad gas when they eat too much cheese or is lazy and doesn’t like to clean the bathroom you share or, has a hidden stash of furry porn in the closet. Those are all pretty minor things that can be worked out if you want to deal with them. But your wife KILLS creatures and steals their souls! That is not just a deal breaker it’s exactly what Luna said. IT'S PROFANE.”

Clover sat quietly occasionally fiddling with the necklace he wore. His water long since abandoned. Sunset briefly considered scanning the device to see how much soul crushing dark magic went into its creation, but she was honestly terrified of the answer and was too tired to deal with more poisonous drama tonight.

“I apologize for dragging you out of your room just to lecture you, but… I do hope that when the time comes and you have to choose between Datura and doing what is best for Equestria that you make the right decision.”

Clover took the lingering silence as his cue to leave. He nodded once to Raven who simply blinked and let himself out. A moment later after the door was closed Sunset stood and headed to the bathroom of her suite.


Sunset paused, glancing back at Raven. “I’ll be just a few minutes. I need a shower to clear my thoughts after… that. No way I’m getting back to sleep now.”


Datura strolled along the mountain road that led to Canterlot. She had to admit that moving the capital to the top plateau of the Canterhorn was a bold choice and in truth, she approved. The old Canterlot had been built around a basin in a particularly harsh forest for several reasons. First, because the archmage Star Swirl and several others noted that the location sat on a quite unique crossroads of several major magical ley lines. Which tied into the second reason, the forest was quite wild and grew sustainably without need of any pony assistance. It was home to many beasts that, when avoided, added to the city’s defense from intruders. And third, it was a good central location to establish new trade routes for farther expansion of the growing kingdom.

From what Datura had gleamed from the memories of others, that city was long gone. Destroyed and abandoned in a battle between Luna and Celestia. Datura laughed out loud. Oh, that must have been quite the sight to have seen! Luna had finally had enough and had been pushed to the point of attempting to dethrone if not outright kill her older sister.

Transformed to a literal nightmare incarnate. The thought of fat nobles and useless common ponies running for their lives as their demigod leaders fought for control of not just the throne but control of the very heavens! The thunder clash of powerful spells, the meeting of two alicorns in the sky and upon the earth. Enough to damage the city and the castle to the point it all needed to be abandoned and forgotten. Glorious!

Luna lost and was imprisoned for centuries. A shame, but unsurprising. Celestia had been the less warmongering of the two, but by far the more conniving, manipulative, and strategic. Datura could respect those qualities even in a false god. They allowed Celestia to rule unopposed for centuries. Not that she was the TRUE power of the world, but for the mere mortals she was enough. Forever cementing her name and legacy long after her passing. Perhaps before I depart this place I will stop by her memorial and pay my respects. If the body was well preserved in her tomb maybe I could even take it with me for additional study. Or perhaps just use her as a walking corpse servant. That would be entertaining. Waste not, want not as they say.

Datura paused her musings as she stopped before a shield barrier that had been erected over the entire city. Upon passive inspection it was not so much designed to keep creatures out as much as it was to alert others that something had come in. She shrugged and set her bag down with her supplies. Carefully she retrieved one of three vials of dark red and purple liquid that pulsed under the magically sealed corks that barely kept them from spilling forth.

“Well, this is either going to work as I theorize… or it is going to make my body explode into a billion pieces. Which would be quite inconvenient even if a good lesson learned.”

"And what are you hoping it to do?"

Datura had not felt the chaos god following her but was unsurprised when he spoke just to her right. “It will hopefully augment my power and finer control for a time, over the whole city and perhaps even the surrounding countryside. Though they are irrelevant, the ensuing chaos is what we are going after. Then, it’s just a matter of walking up to the ones I want and dealing with them. My horde of slaves should keep any protected guards or those immune or strong enough to resist busy. Plus, I have a second dose if this one wears off. I'd rather not use all three tonight if I can help it.”

"Ensuing chaos is music to my ears."

“Darling, if that is the music of your soul prepare for the greatest concert performance of your entire life.”

"Begin. I will deal with Discord when he inevitably shows himself."

“Before I do this, is it asking too much for you to assure me Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are in fact where we want them to be? There are no do overs.”

"I sense both in the castle proper behind meager defenses. They are yours for the taking."

Datura shrugged and nodded, uncorked the glass and drank the mixture. It had no flavor or at least not one she could detect. Perhaps her tastebuds were just dead. Then, she felt a growing burn inside her. She had not felt pain in quite some time thanks to a particular ritual. She could only imagine how bad it would have felt had her senses not been dulled. It was not a welcomed sensation, but it soon passed and all Datura felt then was POWER.

It surged throughout every fiber of her body and for a moment she feared that her poor mortal vessel may in fact explode. The large, pink alicorn’s blood had power in spades and all of it was surging through a body not meant to contain such magical energy. Datura quickly tapped the additional power she had in her bottle, pulling forth a greenish cloud that she condensed while chanting a spell. The cloud made a faint crying noise as it was used, abused, and destroyed to counter-balance the surge inside her body.

Two glowing greenish black wings emerged from Datura’s back and her horn grew longer and jagged also burning with an unholy hellfire. When she opened her eyes the irises were red and miasmatic energy bled from the corners. A smile crept across her face. She could feel with her tongue that several teeth were now jagged.

“Time to have some fun.”

Datura touched the barrier with her horn and it completely shattered. Let them know she was coming. There was nothing they could do to stop her now. A second later her horn burned and a dark green-black cloud spread from it out across all of Canterlot, and down the mountainside.


Luna was near the end of the stardust path. It had been difficult to focus on her sacred duty tonight, but it had also been a welcomed distraction. Thankfully, most were having pleasant dreams and did not require much of her intervention. She had reluctantly set Sunset Shimmer to task in dealing with Clover the Clever some time ago, but his mind had not revealed itself and much to her disappointment neither had her niece’s.

“Hmm, perhaps she is still speaking with him. Despite his controversial decisions in dealing with Datura he no doubt had countless tales of adventure to places I can scarcely imagine. Such things might be of some fascination to a traveled mare such as she.”

Luna was about to turn to leave when she felt a chill pass over her mind. It was dark, chaotic, evil in pure, concentrated form. Even when Scylla had offered Luna dark power that transformed her to Nightmare Moon had she never felt so much undistilled darkness. It was like staring into the deepest pit in Tartarus and feeling as if she were drowning without the luxury of dying.

Luna gasped and nearly fell out of the dreamscape. She recentered her power and focused on what had caused such a tremor. Then, like a quickly festering wound she saw it. Living blackness was spreading from mind to mind. It was driving some to madness others to bloodlust and many more to complete loss of control that they gladly became willing thralls just to make the pain stop. There were hundreds of them, nearing thousands. She recognized many of them from experience. They were all in Canterlot. The Red Clover was stealing the minds of all the creatures in the city!

Luna tried to protect the mind of a foal that was crying, trying to fight back the darkness only for the expanding cloud to slap Luna so hard across the face that she suddenly found herself sprawled out in the center of her tower with a painful, blistering welt at the point of contact. Her ears were soon met by the sound of screaming. Hundred, thousands of ponies and other creatures were violently destroying their homes attacking one another be they under the influence of the spell or not.

The pain in her cheek was quickly forgotten as Luna scrambled to her hooves and immediately summoned her armor, taking extra care to ensure her helmet was on tight. The four thestrals that always stood guard while she dream walked were upon her and awaiting orders.

“Contact the guard captians and sound the general alarm! Make ready to fight and possibly restrain the citizens and thy fellow guards who are not protected! Only use lethal force if no other option remains. These are our subjects and they know not what they do. If nothing else, we defend this castle and the princesses with our last breaths if we must!” The guards saluted and made ready to follow Luna as she dove from the tower.

Twilight was jolted awake and gasped. A chill passed over her and it felt as if something had been attempting to probe her mind and body. She heard a whisper inside her head, felt the tendrils start to take hold, but fought back and awakened.


Twilight looked about their room, but the other alicorn was nowhere to be found. She quickly donned her regalia and opened the chamber door to find Isabella storming down the hall, securing her daggers and attempting to smooth her ruffled feathers. “Isa! What’s going on?”

“The entire city has gone mad! The switchboard was getting calls from all manner of creatures about their loved ones, friends, neighbors all screaming bloody murder and rioting. The citizens are destroying the city and fighting any and all including each other! Those that are not under the influence with wings available have already fled or are trying to. I imagine many others are trying to barricade themselves in.”

“It’s her. It has to be.” Twilight paused, examining her griffon assistant and dear friend. “Isa, how do you feel? Do you feel as if you are in control?”

Isabella grimaced before finally nodding. “There was… a moment where it felt like a set of claws had wrapped around my neck and began to choke me. I… I couldn’t breathe. It was then that I noticed it was my own two talons. I screamed and quickly splashed water on my face. Once I got a good look at myself in the mirror I focus on just me. I, I, saw magic, some sort or cloud around my head. It… whispered to me. It wanted me to kill any I saw. Then, I touched my daggers and the cloud cleared.”

“Enchanted ferronite blades,” Twilight said with a nod. “So, with a strong mental will the metal only needs to make contact. Maybe we can use that help free others. Press bars to their fur and skin and give them a chance to regain themselves.”

Isabella nodded. “Or safely restrain them. It certainly is worth a try. I will spread the word.” She reached into her pocket to activate her SunLight crystal only for it to explode. After she shook the sting from her claw the griffon sighed. “Looks like we are doing this the hard way.”

“TWILGHT!” The alicorn and griffon looked up to find Sunset Shimmer running towards her. Sunset quickly examined Twilight, checking her lover's eyes for any sign of meddling or malicous magic. Sunset sighed with relief. “Thank Celestia, literally. I had hoped you had gone through some of the same mental defense training I had gone through.”

“I felt it pass over me. It tried to get in, but I didn’t let it in. It felt sickening, demented.”

“Cold,” added Isabella.

Sunset nodded. “I need my armor. Shit, we all need armor… and helmets. Gauge is having the castle guard on duty muster at the throne room. Those already out on patrol are pulling back to the palace grounds until we come up with a better plan that doesn’t involve suicide or we find that bitch and cut her heart out!”

Twilight shuddered at another chill, willing it away. “Go get dressed. I’ll meet you there.”

Sunset nodded and ran into their room to her armor stand and began assembling the pieces of her black and gold ferronite armor. Given the nature of the material it was extremely difficult to lift all the pieces in levitation at once. As always, the ferronite resisted her magical grip when she did so and they felt twice as heavy as they actually were. Only the fasteners were made of light weight steel that she could easily latch down with telekinesis. Sunset took a moment to confirm all the pieces were in place, the ruby in the center of her circlet helm began to glow with charged power, before marching back out of their room. She could have teleported, overpowering the interdiction crystals around the palace, but did not want to waste the additional mana to do so. She had a feeling she would need all the power she could get.

Two thestrals armed with heavy repeating crossbows saluted Sunset as she approached the throne room. They opened the door for her and closed it the moment she was through. Sunset spotted Luna talking with Gauge and Tempest. Twilight was farther back, by the dais speaking with Isabella, Raven, and Clover. Sunset sighed once more, thankful that Raven had followed directions when she told her to grab Clover and drag him to the throne room and await further orders. She had just jumped out of the shower and had not fully dried off when she felt the chill of dark magic pass over her and, thankfully, bounce completely off her mental defenses.

“Niece.” Sunset refocused on Luna and stepped up to a fully armed and seething General Luna. Sunset had to admit, she was a terrifying sight to see decked out in blued steel armor with a large double sided battle axe across her back. “How does thee fair?”

“Wish I had grabbed a coffee, but adrenaline will have to do for now.”

“Verily,” Luna agreed. “Even with troops at battle ready and physical defenses we are greatly hobbled and disadvantaged to take on our own subjects.”

Sunset waited for Luna to continue, but instead Tempest growled, “The witch has a way to cause your SunLight crystals to explode when we try to use them so we are back to communicating through runners. From what we can tell she cast a spell over the entire mountain. Even the Cliffside Hopsital and outposts have been affected. Creatures of all types other than dragons and kirin are under the influence of the spell and are just…”

“Anarchy,” Luna finished. “I do not know how she can cast such a massive range spell, but it has driven much of the populous mad and those that are unfortunately closest to her are completely under her direct control. A patrol that reported in confirmed that she is in the center of a mob heading this way.”

Sunset growled as well, shaking her head. “How do we stop them?”

Tempest pointed towards Isabella. “Apparently having cold iron just nearby wards off the madness, so I sent a platoon to recover all the raw material we have in the armory. The raw material is stored as ingot bars. We are going to try, as kindly as possible, just club the thralls back. That will work for some we hope."

Luna nodded. “Those under her direct control will likely need to be knocked unconscious or disabled in some manner or another. That will be hard with her so close. However, nearly all unicorn guards know some form of knock out spell. As soon as all able body guards return to shore up the castle defenses I will lead the counterattack.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Sunset was surprised and vehemently annoyed when her declaration was met by three sets of hooves placed upon her armor.

“Nay, brave niece,” said Luna

“We are the guards, this is our job,” said Gauge.

“Yeah, that’s not happening,” commented Tempest. “I guess you forgot, you’re the one she wants dead. Not going to let you go out there and serve yourself up to her.”

“Grrrr. Fiiiiine.” Sunset snorted then glanced back over to Twilight. “Need to get her some armor too. Luna, do you have a spare set?”

“Like you, I only have the one. However, my sister’s armor was placed in storage in the armory and would likely fit Twilight with little to no adjustments needed.”

“Can I go do that at least?”

Luna hesitated to answer. Tempest however nodded. “It’s not a bad idea, on two fronts. We keep you moving she won’t know where you are. Plus, it’s driving me nuts too that Twilight is just standing there in a crown and not much else. I’ll go with you.”


The solar captain glanced at her husband, concern and just a hint of confusion in his eyes. She rolled her jade colored eyes and whispered in his ear, “Those are your thestrals out there fighting and dying. They need to see you and Luna for their own sake. My troops are barely at half strength. I can look after the hot head.”

“If we have a plan there is no more time to dawdle.” Luna cleared her throat and called out. “Clover, thou shall accompany thy forces. Mayhap thou can offer assistance or counter spell to such foul magic.”

“I have seen her cast many spells, but the power required for such as this? She must have expended much of her stored resources. Even with that in consideration I know not how she maintains so much control over so many.”

“Then let us go meet the she-devil horn to horn and ask for ourselves.” Clover grimaced but nodded and followed Luna out the door.

Gauge took a moment to kiss his wife. “Stay safe. Keep her safe.”

Tempest nodded. “Fight smart. Don’t let the bitch sneak up on you.”

They did not feel the need to be cliché and profess undying love for one another. Some things were self-explanatory. They could see it in each other’s eyes along with the natural anxiety of worry that was common before an engagement. Nothing else said would bring calm or comfort to such a dire situation. Both were enlessly thankful their foals were far beyond the witch’s reach. That would help keep them focused. Fog Gauge turned and followed after Luna and Clover. Other thestrals and guards falling into formation as they marched. Sunset trotted over to Twilight and their gathered aids.

“I’m going to start layering reinforced barriers over the palace as soon as our guards move outside. That should buy me some time to better analyze this spell she cast.”

“I would focus on trying to break the spell and not waste energy on the barriers. Raven has eyes all over the palace grounds that should hopefully still be working.”

“So far, yes.”

“I’m going with Tempest to go dig out mom’s armor for you.”

Twilight’s ears laid back and she put a worried hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “I’d rather you stay here. You can help me break the spell.”

“It won’t take us long. We grab the crate and bring it back for you. Once I know you are safe I can start tearing into her magic with you.” Twilight did not agree, but nodded and gave her fiancé a quick peck on the cheek. “I love you.”

Sunset smiled. “I love you too.”

Twilight watched with Isabella and Raven at her sides as Sunset and Tempest exited and the throne room doors were once again sealed. For some reason, the sound of the heavy wood slamming together sent a stab of pain and dread through Twilight’s heart. She heard the whispers again and fought them back. Having to shake her head to clear the fog. She would not fall to such magic, not without a fight.


Sunset Shimmer teleported herself and Tempest to the barracks armory entrance the moment they were out the front door of the palace. The ambient glow of city wide fires caught Sunset’s attention before she fell into step behind the captain. Two guards were still standing by the armory door as they were supposed to be when they approached. Tempest pointed back to the palace.

“We need you to shore up the palace defenses, meet up with Luna at the outer gate.”

“But what if the armory falls, captain?”

Tempest growled. She hated when guards questioned orders even when they had perfectly reasonable points doing so. “The armory won’t mean a damn thing if we lose the palace grounds! Now go!” Their eyes turned to Sunset who nodded before they both saluted and flew off. Tempest and Sunset entered and made sure to secure the door behind themselves.

“Do you know what crate they stored mom’s armor in?”

“Not the exact one, but I know where it SHOULD be.” Tempest paused and lifted one of the spare lunar guard helmets off the rack and examined it. It was sized large for a pony, but probably would fit a griffon well. “You think this will fit Isabella?”

Sunset shrugged. “If not, I can make it fit even if she protests.”

“Better you than me. That girl sharpens her claws regularly.” Tempest hooked the helmet to her armor and hurried to the back of the storeroom. She lit her horn with a light spell and began searching rows and rows of wooden crates. Though it felt like an hour it was only a few minutes when Tempest spotted a large crate marked with Celestia’s cutie mark.

“Why was this put in a crate and not on display in the library or a museum?”

Tempest scoffed. “Seriously? Okay, first, because we would have had to guard it round the clock to avoid theft from, well, who wouldn’t want it? Secondly, beyond the raw material value and bragging rights of saying they have Celestia’s old battle armor in their private collection, from what I was told by armorers who examined it before setting it in storage, it has enchantments and unique magical enhancements out the wazoo. Unlike your set and my great grands, this predates our discovery and usage of cold iron. Whatever it's made of is old and specialized.”

“Okay, fair enough. Why didn’t anypony ask if I wanted it for me?” Tempest opened the lid to confirm the contents was exactly what she was hoping it was and gestured for Sunset to come take a look. Sunset peeked inside and immediately stuck out her tongue. The all golden plates of armor were dust free and polished to a parade shine so flawlessly that Sunset saw her reflection like a funhouse mirror in all the different curves.

The helm had a three-pointed crown built into it and chainmail that was either mithril or dragon scales at the neck. The nose guard and both flank guards were emblazoned with Celestia’s cutie mark so perfectly rendered they looked like they had been painted on yesterday. Sunset’s eyes lingered on the chest piece that had three empty insets as if enchanted gems were supposed to be there, but were currently missing. It was gaudy and dated and not subtle in the least. “Oh, that’s why.”

“Yeah. Audacious and ugly. Probably why she didn’t wear it unless she had to even if it could have… I’m not going to finish that sentence.”

Sunset growled and nodded. “Probably best. I’m not in a good mood as it is.” Sunset returned the lid and lifted the entire crate in her magic. The wood container seeming to negate many of the magical resistances of the armor. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Let me go first, just in case.”

Sunset nodded when she felt her ear piece vibrate. Raven was trying to call her.


Luna stood mid-center before the outer gates of the palace with more than one hundred lunar and solar guards before her and another fifty along the walls or in the air above. To her left stood Captain Fog Gauge and to her right Clover the Clever. Upon her back, and hopefully there it would remain until she laid eyes upon her real target, The Equalizer, her beloved double edged battle axe ready to assist. Luna recentered her mind as the mob approached. The continued destruction and screams could be heard growing ever louder.

“Remember,” Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice, “These are our charges, our citizens. Stun spells, disarming blows, wound and disable where possible. Do not risk your lives needlessly and above all, keep your helmets on no matter what! Especially if you know the face of those who wish to do you harm. We are the first line of defense. We shall not fail the princesses! We shall not fail Equestria!” The guards all smacked their armor simultaneously and shouted a whoop of acknowledgment.

“Keep sight of your squad sergeants and lieutenants!” Shouted Gauge, his words repeated by his sub commanders. “Communicate any changes to the battlefield or unusual shifts. The network is down so be prepared to relay information by word. Break a light crystal only if the mob penetrates your defense line.”

“Left flank ready!” shouted Sable Nimbus from her command position.

Right flank ready!” shouted the solar guard Lieutenant Walnut.

“Air support ready!” shouted the thestral in command of the flyers.

“Spell support ready!” shouted the unicorn in charge of the mages and field medics.

Gauge nodded. “Center column ready, mistress.”

Luna nodded in turn. “If you see me charge forward it is because I have spotted her. Do not follow, no matter how much I know you will want to, captain. Leave the Red Clover to me.”

“I could try and speak to her.”

Luna glared at Clover. “The time for talking ended the moment she slapped me out of my own dream realm and laid siege to the minds of foals. She is unredeemable. There is nothing left to say on such.”

Clover sighed, but nodded.

The moment the mob exited the alleyways they broke into a run across the wide boulevard heading straight for the palace gates. Unicorns stepped forward between the gaps in the defenses made available to them and began to fire stun bolts and sleep spells. Luna bit down on her lip hard enough to draw blood as her heart broke at the sight of the battle before her. Sister, forgive me for the sins and horrors I must commit this night.

Luna spread her wings and hovered just below the pegasi and thestrals above. She lit her horn and fired upon the crowd.


Datura smirked as she felt her many minions clash with the guards in the streets above. So far, the young alicorn’s blood was still working to augment her powers of control. She was not sure for how much longer before she would need to dose again, but the results had been quite extraordinary so far. Her range of manipulation had grown at least three to four fold. Her range of direct control and number she could control was doubled. Their minds all belonged completely to her and no matter how much they fought back or attempted to resist they did what she told them to do no matter the mental trauma. Many had bled out and died from their untreated wounds and had been left cold in the streets. Now they charged armed guards and Luna herself without hesitation. Many would die. Not that she was concerned.

Datura had what she needed from them. A distraction. While the bulk of the defenders held the gate and waited for her no doubt, she was casually strolling through a secret underground tunnel that the maintenance workers and occasional restoration staff or lone patrol used. Surrounding her were another dozen and a half thralls that were guinea pigs to disarm any traps, spells, or other defenses as needed. So far, Datura had found few enough that she was greatly disappointed by the castle defenses.

“Honestly, did they really think I was just going to charge right through the front door?” Having skimmed the minds of those that knew all the ins and out of the palace had given her complete access to the entire layout top to bottom and from the guards she also commanded she had a reasonable guess where the princesses would likely be. It was just a matter of getting to them before they tried to flee.

The maintenance tunnel door to the basement east wing opened with seldom used rusty hinges. Datura sighed at the poor upkeep. She had no doubt that a guard or somebody heard such a racket. The sorceress pushed her way to the front of her thralls and scanned the hallway. She was about to be further disappointed that the basement was left unguarded when she heard hooves approach, stop, and a young stallion cursed.


Datura had raised her hoof, deployed her cannon, and fired. She was not confident it had been a kill shot but her thralls would finish him. Datura glanced down at the cannon and reminded herself she needed to use the weapon sparingly because Clover could detect the energy signature with his own omniscanner. Soon it would not matter but for now every second was precious.

With a shrug Datura passed over the dying guard, noting that he was not one of the bat ponies but did have a helmet on, before making her way towards the stairs at the end of the corridor. There would likely be a guard station nearby. The cannon fodder could take it first.

Raven had stood perfectly still appearing to stare at nothing when in truth she was rapidly switching between several ocular crystals around the palace compound both inside and out. She had watched Sunset and Tempest enter the armory where she did not have a crystal. She watched the front gate from three different angles. No matter the view it looked brutal and guards were doing their best to minimize the casualties. Then, her attention was diverted to a guard station near the first level basement access.

There had been three guards near the door. One had gone down to the basement level where she, for some reason did not have any eyes. Raven made a note to speak to Sunset later about correcting that. A few minutes later the basement door was flung open violently and the remaining two solar guards had been violently assaulted. They fought back with hooves, but were overwhelmed and their helmets forcefully removed. After some thrashing about they stopped moving only to rise again, but clearly not to return to duty.

“We have a problem.” Twilight and Isabella turned to Raven. “Unauthorized creatures, more than a dozen ponies, at least two griffons and an abyssinian have emerged from the basement level.”

“How did they get pass the outer defenses?”

Raven shook her head as she continued to observe. “There are tunnels beneath the palace. They may have used them.”

“Most of those tunnels are a maze of old water, sanitation, and mining shafts. How could they have-”

“Is she with them?” interrupted Twilight.”

Raven waited. Her ocular crystal went blurry for a moment before refocusing on a sickly yellow mare in a cloak with metallic forelegs. “Yes.”

Isabella’s head crest fluffed out immediately. “We need to get you out of here, now!”

Raven ignored the statement and instead reached out through her network. “You do not belong here, witch.”

Datura arched a brow at the unexpected voice. She scanned about until her eyes locked on the crystal above. “Are you Princess Twilight Sparkle? No, your voice sounds different than before. A caretaker or servant then?”

“Guards have been alerted to your presence and you no longer have the element of surprise. Give up or flee. Either is acceptable to me.”

Datura’s burning ethereal wings spread and the ghostly glow around her eyes intensified as her horn began to glow as well. “No, I do not think I will, dear. But if you wish to send more poor souls to die before me that is on you not me.” Datura released the spell she had been conjuring.

Twilight gasped as she felt the magic pass over her and had to shake the momentary disorientation away. “What happened? What did she do?”

“Unknown,” said Raven.

“It does not matter. We need to move. Princess, teleport out of the palace and head for the armory. Sunset and Tempest should either be there or about to return from it. It is easily the most fortified position on the grounds.”

Twilight nodded. “Come closer. Obviously, I’m not leaving you two behind.”

Begrudgingly, Raven stepped closer. She disliked teleports. The magic always temporarily disoriented her gyroscope stabilizers and sent her reactor core into diagnostic mode to check for errors. That ate precious processing power, which always made her feel sluggish. Regardless, she fell into step next to Isabella.

Twilight lit her horn and then stumbled back with a painful yelp. She shook her head and then cautiously lit her horn again to scan the area. Purple eyes went wide. “Dear Celestia! She enhanced the interdiction crystals! I can’t teleport out!” Twilight gasped again and the three scanned about as the entire palace shook, causing the mage lights to flicker and the glass to rattle. Above, in the skylight windows along the vaulted ceiling, Isabella noted that the glass was covered in a green magical sheen.

Twilight fired a tight beam blast at one of the skylight windows. The glass gave way, but the blast ricocheted and came back to scorch the floor.

“Did… did she just shield us?”

Twilight stood slack jawed. “She locked us in. With her.”

Nothing was said for more than a minute. Twilight began to pace before the thrones as she struggled to come up with a plan. Don't panic! Think! Luna, Sunset, and the others are outside, Flurry Heart is still too weak to help or be a threat… can, can I lead her on a chase until help arrives? Do I even want help to arrive since help would likely be Sunset Shimmer and she’s the one Datura wants? What do I do?! Should I try to break her shield? I probably can if I concen-

Raven grimaced. “She overran another guard station. Two more casualties and three more guards have fallen under her control.”

“We need to get out of here!” shouted Isabella, clutching her daggers tightly.

“And go where?” Twilight countered. “She’s using our own defenses against us. Even if we ran she obviously knows all the passages and corridors now and everypony we lead her to will try to defend me only to also fall victim.”

“Break the shield! Fight our way out, SOMETHING!”

“And the city falls and thousands die or are left as mindless husks." Twilight countered. "There has to be a better way! I can't just leaver every creature to die!”

Isabella began to hyperventilate. Her feathers were all standing on end and she could hear her own heart pounding like a jackhammer. She felt ghost sensations of all her bones being broken, wings pulled from her sockets, the final sickening snap of her spine being twisted like a breadstick. She began to shake so hard she almost could not keep grip of her blades.

“It’s happening again,” Isabella whispered. “This is how Celestia died.”

“Isabella,” called out Raven, but the griffon did not register it. Falling deeper into her panic attack.

“She tried to run, tried to stop the Athanatoi possessing Flurry and she wound up here too, in the throne room. She died gasping, pleading, a hole in her heart and tears in her eyes. And… and… I… I was broken. Flurry broke every bone in my body. I can STILL FEEL IT!”

“Isa,” Twilight pleaded.


Raven backhoofed the griffon across the beak. Wide, bloodshot eyes focused on the robotic pony with one talon gently rubbing the point of contact. “Isabella Windsong. You are suffering from a post traumatic stress induced panic attack. Focus your attention on me and the sound of my voice. Now, take a deep breath and listen carefully.”

Isabella did as instructed and took a deep, shuddering breath and growled, her beak throbbing from the painful strike, “It’s easy for you to be calm, you have never known pain and suffering.”

Raven nodded and took a step closer, staring directly into the griffon’s amber gold eyes. “You are half right. I have never FELT physical pain because I have only had a living body one time for a few hours. But I KNOW suffering. I KNOW fear. I know it to the most basic code of my programing. I have feared for my friend and caretaker, Sunset Shimmer. I watched her suffer day after day for two years in anguish and despair at the loss of her wife and I have seen such on numerous others in my short life. And though this body is not who I am my PAAL unit is still connected to it. That makes me as vulnerable as you in your flesh and blood. I have no backup server here, and no way to preserve my core programing matrix. If my hand unit is destroyed then, just like you, all that I am is lost. I can die too. I live with that fear everyday just like you.”

“I… I did not consider…”

“No, you didn’t, but that is okay. Just know that I am scared too, but right now we need to focus and be prepared to fight back as best we can and hope that it will be enough until help arrives. So, get your shit together or so help me I will ram my hoof up your tailpipe and swing you around like a griffon flail if that is what it takes to get us through.”

A hard smack against the throne room door and the shield Twilight had erected over the threshold ended the discussion. Raven turned her attention back to the ocular crystal in the hall and found Datura staring right at her with a wicked smile. “They’re here.”

A pop of teleportation magic caught Twilight’s attention as a wooden door appeared a meter away. It opened slowly as Discord stood there before an open void, straining to keep said door open. “Twilight!” he said between clenched teeth. “You are in incredible danger! Quickly, hop in before he f-”

A massive ethereal golden claw tore through the air and closed around Discord, destroying his doorway in the process.


“Oh… my…” The claw disappeared with the draconequus as swiftly and freakishly as it had appeared leaving Twilight and Isabella gaping in confusion and fear.

“DISCORD!!!” Twilight searched where her friend had just been only to find all the dimensional tears sealed with no trace to scan for. The throne room doors shook again, the sound of wood splintering echoing for a moment. Twilight took a deep breath and let it out slow. She would have to deal with what happened to Discord later.

Carefully, Twilight opened the damaged doors inward while maintaining her shield bubble over the throne room. The cloudy eyed thralls stepped aside to allow Datura to the threshold. She examined the shield thoughtfully and nodded her genuine approval. Red glowing eyes locked on the alicorn front and center.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight held her ground and stared back, mane billowing, wings unfurled regally. “Yes.”

“Impressive barrier. One of the finest I have ever seen. I would say even better than the one I erected over the castle. I see no flaws, no gaps, the energy flow is perfect in every way. You have my respect. You are indeed as powerful as I was told.”

“What did you do to Discord?”

“Hmm? Oh! The chaos spirit. I did nothing. However, I was warned he may try to interfere and that his father would be waiting for him. I am pretty sure they are going to have a nice long talk about, well, probably everything. Being predictable can be such a personality flaw, after all. Take you, for example. All your power and brilliance and here you are, in the back of your pretty little castle. Just like a princess.”

“If you are after Sunset Shimmer you are too late. I sent her away.”

Datura smirked. “Even if that were true, she will return. In the mean time I have you to play with.”

Isabella squared her posture and readied her blades, once again prepared to fulfill her role as assistant and protector. “You are not touching the princess.”

Datura tapped the barrier with her hoof and it sparked. “Well, on that you are correct. This shield is so well made I could blast and slash at it for hours and probably not cut through as fast as she could fix it. But I do not have that kind of time or patience. So, let’s test the limits of those personality flaws, shall we?”

Raven paged her short range ear piece that she knew Sunset had with her. Once she felt the connecting go live despite the static from electro-magical interference Raven said quickly, “Get back to the throne room right now. We’re in trouble.” The signal cut out before Sunset could reply.

Datura stepped to her left and called a guard forward to stand next to her. “Lower the shield, princess, so you and I can discuss what happens next or Corporal Cherry Vine here dies.”

“What?! You can’t d-” Datura lit her horn and shot the guard in the head point blank. The mare fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming under her. Twilight’s eyes grew twice as wide. “YOU MONSTER! Why would you do that?! She, she has a three year old daughter!”

“Oh, I know. That’s why I picked her first. Now you know I am completely serious in my intentions. Let’s see… Oh, how about little miss proper here. One of the cleaning staff, Prim Poise. Just married a month ago. Cute as a button too.”

“No! Please don’t!”

“Then lower the shield or she is dead. Then the next and the next. I will cut down every creature in this city one by one if I have to and I will make you watch if you refuse to let me in.”

“Twilight, you can’t!” pleaded Isabella. Raven stood scowling as she tried over and over again to reconnect to Sunset’s earpiece.

Twilight hesitated, looked down at her hooves as they shook. Another horn blast discharged. Twilight growled a screamed, a tear staining her fur. “DAMN YOU!”

Datura, simply shrugged as if all she had done was drop an egg while inspecting it. “Let’s see, who do we have next… Oh! Look at this handsome young stallion.”

“STOP!” Twilight cried. “Just… just stop, please.”

“Lower the shield.”

Hesitantly, praying that Sunset would return at any second, Twilight sucked in a breath and lowered the defense. She had been prepared for the mental assault that was sure to follow and it hit her mind like a freight train. Raven stepped back as Isabella screamed and tried to press the blades to the sides of her head to repel her own mental invasion. The griffon fought a battle she had no chance of winning so close to the source. After several seconds of agony, Isabella’s eyes clouded over and she fell into step next to the other thralls.

Twilight reeled and back pedaled. The darkness was pressing in from everywhere, the whispers, the oily sensation of something creeping across her very soul where it did not belong. She had never suffered such a mind assault as this and fought to raise a shield over herself one again.

Datura spotted the glow to Twilight’s horn and fired a simple kinetic blast to disrupt the conjuring. Twilight yelped and lost her legs, falling to the floor. The ethereal tendrils came at Twilight from all sides while she was disoriented. The Red Clover’s smile was predatory. There. Well hidden. A flaw in Twilight’s mental defenses. Someone had invaded her mind before and left a backdoor unguarded.

Twilight Sparkle screamed in agony as the tendrils raped her senses. She was assaulted without mercy and became a prisoner in her own mind as darkness clouded everything. Not unlike what Discord had done when they first met. Just like Accord later and Cosmos through her star relics. Twilight tried to focus on her friendships, her loved ones. She felt the counter spell glow within her only for it to be drowned in dark oil, choking Twilight’s very sense of personal self. A moment later the screaming stopped and so did Twilight’s thrashing. Datura smiled wide knowing she now had the alicorn of magic as her pawn.

Raven’s processor began to heat up as she tried to compute what she was seeing. The most powerful magical being in the world had just fallen... And was rising again, but changed. Twilight’s coat had grown a few shades darker and her wings had turned so purple they were practically black. When Twilight opened her eyes the sclera were a cloudy blue and the irises a reddish pink. Worse yet was her smile. The kind, benevolent smile of harmonious friendship was gone and what remained was a fanged tooth mouth of a mad mare. And her eyes… ALL their eyes had turned to Raven.

“Well,” Datura said with a sultry smirk, “aren’t you an interesting thing.”

Raven felt Sunset’s earpiece connect. “Mother… help me.”

Author's Note:

Good evening and hello weekend. I'm going to go ahead and post this tonight since I need to be on the road Saturday and internet will be spotty on Sunday. Going through this again and what I have coming in a few chapters I can imagine some people will be a little disappointed at how easily Twilight was overwhelmed and fell. I would say keep this in consideration, Twilight was not at her best. She had a hole in her defense she was unaware of and she was beginning to panic in regard to how fast Datura was moving. Then add the cold blooded murder of her own thralls and Twilight was having a hard time thinking straight. And that's true to life, it is difficult to handle any emergency in a panic. Rule one is always Don't Panic. Easier said than done, but still good advice.

Have a great weekend all and have fun, but be safe.

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