• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,329 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Part 2: Omega Beast-Chapter 20: Miracle

Part Two: Omega Beast

Everything was going according to plan… Which means something needs to go wrong eventually.

That dreadful thought replayed through Sunset Shimmer’s head for the hundredth time since she had set the moon and Twilight Sparkle had raised the sun that morning. Sunset had tried to pull her fiancé back to bed afterwards for some cuddles, but Twilight had slipped her cuddle clutches. Understandably so, but still. Sunset had groaned and played at whimpering pathetically. Twilight was having none of it. She rolled her eyes and giggled with a bounce to her step as she hopped to the first task on her list, which was tacked to the wall next to her side of the bed. Sunset could only grumble into her pillow, unable to bounce in such a fashion so early. She knew why Twilight was so excited, but still! Cuddles!

Today… was the day, after all.

After more than a year of planning. A year of lists, samples, more lists, tastings, florists, entertainers, more samples, an entire small forest of lists that, thankfully, were recyclable, and, of course, an undead lich witch who had mind raped, killed, ransacked both Canterlot and a half of Ponyville costing countless lives, sleepless nights, numerous political and diplomatic incidents that were still unresolved and the life of one princess of the night, Luna. Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, diarchs of the thrones of Equestria were finally getting married.

Sunset Shimmer now stood as still as she could before a half circle set of mirrors that had been set up in her temporary dressing room for the day's big event. She had suggested just using her private room in the guest’s quarters, but apparently it was not of equal distance to the room that had been set up for Twilight’s dress and preparations. So, for the sake of meticulous planning and staying in step with ceremonial timing to the prepared music and events, Sunset capitulated. Twilight had at least thanked her with a kiss for going along with it all.

Two temporary prep/changing rooms had been established for them and all the necessary materials including scent infused baths, mane and tail brushings, the clothes they would be wearing for the ceremony, and professionally applied cosmetics. All of which Sunset had, quite reluctantly, relinquished control over to a team of experts on such preparations and beautification. In Sunset's case her team consisted of two kirins (likely for outbursts fire control reasons) and a pegasus pony. She had heard Twilight's team had two ponies, a unicorn and an earth pony, and two griffons. One of which was related to Isabella Windsong... somehow. Sunset had only been half paying attention at the time when the final teams had been vetted and selected.

Even with a hearty breakfast and two cups of coffee the entire undertaking had been strenuous. Sunset had not seen Twilight since the purple alicorn had bound out of their room earlier, shortly after sunrise. Sunset knew where she was, going through the same treatment she was. And they had already been at it for hours. It had felt slightly strange, Sunset thought, if albeit incredibly relaxing to have a team of beauticians bathe every inch of her, infuse her fur with her favorite scents of strawberry and peaches. Followed by a full body massage, careful wing preening, and hooficure that put a shine so glossy Sunset could actually see her face in the final work. While Sunset felt she could have easily dressed herself, the team had once again done all the work and now they were on the last step. The finer details.

During the rehearsal, which had been held over the last two nights, Sunset’s makeup expert, the pegasus pony on her team named Sky Powder, had agreed with the princess's initial assessment that less was more considering Sunset had been blessed (possibly through magical intervention) with some of the most perfect hair and fur coloring complexion she had ever worked with.

After brushing out Sunset’s mane, that fell in waves just before her shoulders, she had once again allowed it to wave like an ethereal flame. Though it was probably a huge breach of professional protocol and Sky Powder had huffed at them, both kirin assistants, Akai Burashi and Riri, asked if they could run their hooves briefly through Sunset's mane. Sunset laughed it off and happily obliged. She laughed again when their eyes lit up with awe at how it felt to touch celestial enchanted hair.

Though Sky Powder had tried to remain professional she too had been fascinated by how the princess’ manes could move with such constant rhythm, but it had been necessary to calm her mane and tail in order to get a brush through them. When the reddish kirin, Akai, finally asked Sunset how it worked she simply shrugged and said, “magic my mom taught me.” They all bowed their heads in polite deference for a moment and carried on.

As far as wedding attire, Twilight had chosen a dress that was pure white with frilly gold accents, a simple yet elegant head piece with a small veil that mostly just fell over her eyes, golden shoes, and a train that was probably pushing the record for the longest one ever worn in the history of the nation. Thankfully, it had a detachable section for when the ceremony was over and the dancing and celebrations were to begin.

While not opulent by any means, it was more exquisite than Sunset had expected given Twilight usually preferred things simple. Cadence had expressed her joy and slight jealously when the final design had been presented for approval, which led to retelling stories of her own wedding. Sunset had heard some time ago about the disaster that had been Cadence and Shining Armor’s wedding, but never in such detail. It only further added to Sunset’s anxiety jitters now that the day had arrived.

To contrast Twilight's dress, Sunset, by request, had chosen to go with a dress/suit combination that had been very similar to the one she had worn for her first wedding. The reminder of said first wedding to Twilight Sparkle’s cross dimensional twin sister had caused a small incident of animosity, but after showing her bride-to-be the pictures of the formal wear and explaining how their friend Rarity had designed and tailored it to match a dress/suit from an anime movie, Twilight agreed it was beautiful and relented on condition that the new suit dress was not an exact replica. Sunset whole heartedly agreed to the condition. Sunset had no desire for her new wife to feel as if she was just being ‘replaced.’ Especially on one of the most important days of her life.

With that in mind, Sunset worked with her own designer and made sure that there were new color accents and obvious needed modifications since one had been made for a human while the other was for an alicorn. While Sunset was not a fashion designer, she could draw and that helped streamline the process.

The suit jacket top was a black long sleeve coat with gold cufflinks, a deep v-neck plunge that Sunset filled with the golden peytral regalia that her mother, Celestia, had worn often during her reign. She recently added a black lace choker with a crescent moon charm that which helped fill the aesthetic space. It also held sentimental value because it had previously belonged to her friend and former personal assitant, Sable Nimbus, and reminded her of the one who gifted it out of love, her Aunt Luna.

The undershirt was eggshell white and was fluffy at the collar and cuffs with red trim. The cummerbund matched the jacket that wrapped her waist and was embroidered with her cutie mark. The bottom of the jacket passed over her withers and rump becoming a dress that ended just before touching the ground, trimmed in frilly gold that matched Twilight's dress.

At her waist was also a sword belt that included a ceremonial blade Celestia sometimes used for award ceremonies that was probably dull enough it could not cut butter. It was a nice accent piece and was necessary since Sunset’s preferred weapon would have set everything on fire. A concern many had, so, the entire suit was enchanted with fire resistance spells just in case. Best of all, it was breathable and comfortable to wear.

Sky Powder climbed up her small ladder and gently brushed the front of Sunset’s mane back so that she could pin it to the side with a small black tiara crown that was embossed with Luna’s cutie mark. It matched the choker necklace and was meant to symbolize Sunset's status as the Lunar Diarch, but it was also a painful reminder that her Aunt Luna would not be attending and no longer need it.

“Please, princess, try not to cry. You will smear your makeup.”

“Sorry, sorry. Just… a lot going through my head right now.”

“I completely understand. This is not my first wedding, dear.”

Sunset nodded and took a few deep, meditative breaths. “I have no doubts about this or about Twilight. I want to marry her. But I still feel like I’m waiting for the other horseshoe to drop. Cadence just haaaad to tell again me about her Changeling Attack wedding.”

“That is perfectly natural, princess. So much goes into any wedding you are bound to feel like you forgot a detail or that something will not go according to plan. But Princess Twilight will be happy as long as you two are together at the end. Let the details fall where they may, dear, and let us, your loyal and loving servants, handle the rest.”

A heavy armored knock on the door cut Sunset off from any sort of follow up. Sky shouted, with her heavy Trottingham accent, “It’s open, luv!”

A unicorn thestral lunar guard poked her head in to check before stepping in entirely. She removed her helmet and bowed respectfully. “Princess Sunset, the path is clear, all guards and security staff are in place, and I am to inform you that the music and presession is to begin in exactly two minutes per Chief Coordinator Raven.”

“Thank you, Whisper,” Sunset said with a nod. The guard bowed again, stepped just out of the room, and took up her assigned position at the door for when the march began.

Sky Powder stepped back, smiled and nodded approvingly. “You are ready.”

“Sweet Celestia, I hope so.”

“You are. In all the ways that matter.”

Sunset turned back to the mirrors one last time, her eyes drawn to the large ruby gem in her left ear. Soon it would be accompanied by a golden chain and a smaller amethyst gem signifying the bond. Sunset concluded it would look spectacular and smiled. The door opened again, signifying it was time to begin.

“Okay. Let’s do this.”

Sunset knew that Twilight Sparkle was going through the exact same ritual that she was… possibly with some extra, “Twilinanas” antics. She would find out more on that later. However, Twilight's personal assistant, Isabella Windsong, was there by her side to help keep things on schedule.

Sunset heard the music start and fell into step. By the rehearsal, Sunset would meet Twilight at the end of the hall junction and they would step down the central staircase together. Photos would be taken by authorized journalist all along the way, of course. From there it was across the foyer, to the west yard where a stage was built and many, many guest were waiting to the backdrop of the soon to be setting sun. There were even supposed to be seats on airships moored and in holding position that when described made Sunset think she was about to step out into an Earth mega sports stadium.

All the previous thoughts and concerns fell away when she spotted Twilight Sparkle. Nothing else in the world mattered as their eyes met. Sunset felt her smile grow and she had to fight down the happy tears that threatened to fall. She knew what the dress looked like. She had been there for Twilight’s final fitting, teasing the tailor about making sure it was easy to take off. But now, seeing her lover wearing it with everything already in motion on this, the big day. It made her heart pound and emotions surge with devotion and overwhelming love.

As per the ceremonial plan (Much of which they had to make up themselves since Cadence’s wedding had been smaller and far more traditional) the two rulers bowed to one another when they reached their markers. They next each accepted a single rose that a waiting staff member had passed to them. Sunset’s rose to Twilight was red with yellow flecks while Twilight’s rose for Sunset was purple with indigo. Using their telekinesis, they set the flower behind the other’s right ear and fastened it to their mane with a provided clip. Nothing needed to be said. They smiled brightly at one another the entire time, enjoying the moment and all it meant.

Next, they fell into step side by side and carefully stayed that way. It was more difficult than expected and had to be practiced numerous times over the last two days given that Twilight was taller and had a longer natural stride. It had been discussed and agreed upon that the equality aspect was important since any perceived superiority one way or the other would be interpreted by the news and media and spun with endless accusations and assertions. That went with everything from the color patterns to the number of solar versus lunar guards used who lined the path towards the double doors where both captains waited.

On the left, just outside the door in his finest dress uniform stood Captain Fog Gauge. It was the same uniform he had worn for Sunset’s coronation, but with a few new color additions of red and gold along the lapels and the trim to match the princess he proudly served. The dress jacket was still primarily black and sharp as an obsidian blade.

On the right stood Captain Solid Walnut adorn in his new solar guard white dress uniform that was trimmed in purple and topped with his new captain's star epaulets. The uniform was nearly as stiff as he was considering he had recently been promoted following Captain Tempest Fury’s voluntary change in position.

The requested change had shocked Twilight even though she had more than one indicator it was coming. Twilight had asked her dear friend and confidant to take more time to recover, but Tempest had made up her mind and at the same time pitched a proposal while laying out all her thoughts and reasons. It was not a resignation, as Twilight had feared. Tempest had not left the guard service. In fact, she took on a new role that the princesses themselves had no idea how badly the guard needed.

While logically both Twilight and Sunset knew many of the guards were married and had foals, they had not run the numbers of how many of them there actually were. And after such a horrific battle in the city, combined with the guard losses over the last several years there were more than a few single parents in the guard. While there were no shortage of foal caretakers in the city none had the empathetic, personal understanding and experience that a former captain of the guard had in regard to doing the honorable and sacred duty of serving the princesses while also taking on the equally important task of raising a child.

So, Tempest took it upon herself, along with a hoof picked staff of all former guards who could either no longer physically do the job or had resigned for good reasons, to look after and educate said foals of all ages while their parents were on duty. Because Tempest was still listed as active duty, she was given the unique rank of commander of her position, which placed her just below both captains in the chain of command, while serving as caretaker, educator, and in some needed cases, as a recruiter for new potential guards who came to see what the life was like. The daycare was built onto the guard primary recruiting center in the city not far from the embassies since there had been unused space available. The project was met with overwhelming approval and the morale and efficiency of the guard jumped exponentially in just a matter of weeks.

Captains Walnut and Gauge both bowed deeply as the princesses approached and then fell into step back and to the side of their rulers as they made their way out the castle doors to the raised stage altar where a number of individuals of the wedding party were already waiting. And of course, to be seen by the gathered crowd beyond.

Despite keeping her face neutral part of Twilight’s heart panged longingly for the guests they had wanted to attend this day and were currently unable to. Luna, now taking on the role of the keeper of souls was supposed to be a part of Sunset’s precession while Discord, whose whereabouts were still unknown, was supposed to be in Twilight’s corner. Thankfully their friends had stepped in to support.

Tempest Fury and Smolder, both wearing matching star dusted red dresses, were standing across from Flurry Heart and Isabella, in star dusted purple dresses, next to Spike in a dapper purple coated tuxedo and top hat. Raven, also in a red dress, had to play double duty as the coordinator and then quickly take her place next to Tempest to round out the positions of royal honor guard. (None felt the title Maids of Honor really fit them.) Raven was, of course, also quietly taking her own pictures when the opportunity presented itself.

Front and center was the master of the ceremony of this holy matrimony. The one they both had immediately agreed upon and made the most sense to officiate and marry the couple. Empress of the Crystal Empire, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Better known as Cadence by friends and loved ones alike.

Twilight and Sunset came to a halt on their markers and the music stopped at exactly when it was supposed to. Candence smiled wide and giddily at them, about to burst with love and excitement even her horn shot out a few tiny sparks. She probably would have completely exploded in magical surge of love if not for the crowd and how hard her assistants worked on her appearance. Her mane had been done up and adorn with imperial crystals that shimmered and sparkled with each little movement. Her dress was more akin to an elegant toga, eggshell white with gold trim. It was beautiful, but intentionally not so much to outshine the brides before her.

Cadence quickly schooled her emotions and turned with practiced grace and ease. In her more than a century as the empress of the Crystal Empire, Cadence had presided over more weddings than she could honestly remember. Someone had a record of all them… somewhere. This, however, was her first royal wedding not counting her own. She would not have any trouble remembering today.

“Welcome all!” Cadence said happily, gesturing first to the members of the wedding party and then turning to include their guests as well. For which there were many. Her voice magically augmented to carry across the grounds and out to the airships beyond. “This is a rare and momentous occasion that many of us have been looking forward to not just for a year since the engagement was announced, not just since the coronation of my cousin and dear friend, Princess Sunset Shimmer, but for yeeeeeears! My sister-in-law took the throne of Equestria and stewardship of the celestial bodies one hundred and twenty five years ago this year. In that entire time I have waited and hoped for this day!”

Cadence waggled her brow at the crowd and gestured before turning back to Twilight. “How dare you make me wait so long!”

The crowd laughed and cheered. The joke had been Sunset’s idea and it had gone off exactly as they had hoped it would. Twilight bobbed her head and smirked, pretending to be sheepish and admonished, throwing a hoof in the air in defeat but it was all for show. They crowd ate it up.

“In all seriousness,“ Cadence continued, “we should all be so lucky to find a love as strong and enduring as the two ponies that stand before us. They have faced hardships of life and status that many of us can scarcely imagine. Adversity is said to make us stronger once we have overcome it. Like steel being tempered in the forge to grant it strength and flexibility. I can say with full confidence that the two before us are the strongest leaders, lovers, and servants of Equestria that our world has ever known."

Cadence waited for the cheers to die down before continuing. “I never knew my parents. I was found by a loving family of earth ponies and raised by my entire community in a small village in the far northeast. A pegasus among those who could not fly. But I knew love, I knew family. All the most important lessons in life that make me the pony I am today. I am proud to include Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer as part of my family. And it is my great honor to wed these two on this day before friends, family, and nation. Twilight Sparkle. Sunset Shimmer. I love you both and I am so, SO happy for the two of you!”

Cadence stepped aside for the crowd to cheer and for the next part. Twilight and Sunset stepped forward and turned to face one another. “Now, the diarchs wish to say a few words to one another, before the presentation of the tokens.”

Twilight quickly cast a spell on herself and Sunset to project their voices through the magically attuned speakers that had been placed around the yard so they would not have to yell with the Royal Canterlot Voice. Luna blew a raspberry at them several months ago and called it “cheating” when Sunset had explained how it would work.

As rehearsed, Twilight had elected to go first. “Sunset Shimmer, when I first met you, it was under probably one of the strangest and awkward circumstances I could have imagined. The moon was high in the middle of the night and you had been skulking the halls of the Crystal Palace with the intent to steal my crown. A crown that, in truth, should have been yours had we both known better at the time. Regardless, it was NOT the best first impression. At the end of our little adventure, you ended up in a hole in the ground after my friends, who, of course, became OUR friends, rainbow sucker punched you to the face. But, let’s be honest. You totally deserved it.”

Sunset bobbed her head and nodded. It didn’t require much acting to concede to her past ill behavior. Plus, it earned a few more giggles among the crowd.

“But what I remember most about that night was not your defeat. No, when I think about that moment, seeing you in that hole, I think about the real you that pushed away pride and took my offered hand of friendship and emerged like a phoenix. Reborn. You finally realized you did not have try so hard to push others away and do it all yourself. You could have friends and share your life with those that cared for you. And once you did, you finally became the pony you were always meant to be. A strong leader, a fiercely loyal friend, a compassionate, caring defender of every creature. You are everything I could have ever wanted in a friend, a fellow ruler, and a life partner. I love you so much, Sunset Shimmer. I look forward eagerly to our life together. No longer just my life and your life, but OUR life. You and I as one.”

Sunset blubbered a bit, which had not been an act. She sniffed and quickly recovered her composure. “Heh, wow. You really make it hard to top that, princess. But, like you said, side by side."

Sunset took a breath and began her own speech. "Twilight Sparkle. We have been friends since you taught me the power and magic that is friendship all those years ago. You saved me when I probably did not deserve to be saved, but I am immensely thankful for it each and every day. In that time, I have had many wonderful friends, I was given a chance to live my life as I chose and experience what it meant to have family. Because of you, I was able to reunite and reconcile with my mother, Celestia…" Sunset's voice hitched and she fought down her tears that threatened to spill forth once again. "I truly wish she and my Aunt Luna could have been here with us today. But I know in my heart they are happy for us and bless what we have. I love you, Twilight Sparkle, and I am prepared to spend the rest of my life beside you, loving you, serving our subjects, and defending you and this land with every fiber of my being.”

Twilight and Sunset raised their right hooves and placed them on the chest of their partner, directly above their hearts. “Hoof to heart. We serve and shall do our part.” They smiled brightly at one another as the words that Twilight had written were said in unison.

Cadence raised her forelegs and spread her wings, signaling two young ponies to step forward. One colt and one filly. The colt, Saber Knightly, was Tempest and Gauge’s oldest and he was carefully carrying Twilight’s upper earring token while the filly, Golden Autumn, who was the daughter of the current owner/operators of Sweet Apple Acres and Applejack’s great, great grandniece, carried the one intended for Sunset.

During planning, when the job of ‘ring bearer’ came up Sunset had immediately asked if Saber would want to play a part. The colt had been unsure, but with a little encouragement from his father he had agreed. Twilight had many, many potential candidates for the ceremonial role, but had pushed all the requests and pleas from Canterlot elite aside and instead personally asked Blueberry Jam and Hearty Apple if their daughter would be interested. The filly squealed so loud one of the windows at the old farmhouse cracked.

The filly and colt came to a stop before the princesses and Saber smiled brightly at his mother who winked at him. Cadence lifted the earrings and chain in the air. “The exchanging of tokens between partners is a tradition as old as civilized society itself. Like farming the land, tending to the skies, and building the first permanent homes, marriage itself is a historical mark of the transition from the Roaming Period of our ancestors to our modern, civilized lives.

"It is a celebration of love, of coming together. A means of showing all in the surrounding community the maturity of the participants, their commitment to one another, and the bonds that bring families closer together. In the Zebrican tradition that our princesses have chosen for their tokens the stones represent the hearts of the wearers, matching and in balance to one another, connected by a chain, the metaphorical 'red string' that bonds the hearts and souls to one another. No length of time, no measurable distance, no fierce adversary or insurmountable challenge can break this bond as long as these two hearts are connected.

“Twilight, Sunset, please take your token and repeat after me. ‘You are my love, my heart, my soul mate. With this stone, I am bound to you as you are to me, consensually, happily, through all of life’s challenges until I am one again with the earth.’”

They spoke in perfect synchronization while simultaneously fastening the new earring studs up higher on the earlobe and attaching the chain to the large stud already in place. The new stones corresponded with the opposite. Sunset gaining a small amethyst and Twilight a small red ruby. The connecting chains and gem casings were both near pure gold and enchanted with preservation spells to maintain clarity and durability. Once complete, Cadence continued.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, Solar Diarch of Equestria, do you accept Sunset Shimmer as your life partner, best friend forever, and wife?”

Twilight beamed and answered without hesitation. “I do.”

“Princess Sunset Shimmer, Lunar Diarch of Equestria, do you accept Twilight Sparkle as your life partner, best friend forever, and wife?”

Sunset grinned and waggled her eyebrow. “I do.”

Cadence stepped between the two and inspected the gem settings, as a Zebra shaman would do and then moved behind the pair so as to not block the view from the crowd. She raised both her forelegs and spread her wings once more. “The bond is made, the hearts are one life! I declare these two wife and wife!”

Cadence leaned in just a bit and whispered, “Now kiss already!” Not that they needed any encouragement. The two alicorn lips met and the crowd erupted.

On cue, Raven took over command of the surrounding speakers and played the first song on the selected playlist. Music poured forth and the party was immediately underway.

There had been a number of security concerns voiced by the guard captains, the personal assistants, and the often forgotten about, but still necessary, Equestrian Intelligence Service, in regards to how open the after ceremony party should be. However, Sunset and Twilight had both been adamant and unmoving on that the entire city and as much of the country as possible should be free to enjoy the event and festivities. A national holiday had been declared.

Such liberal celebrations and revelry were especially necessary in Canterlot, whose citizens had suffered greatly recently at the hooves of the undead witch, Datura. The infamous Red Clover. Her dark magic had slithered its way into many pony and other creatures’ minds and had made dream walking extremely tiresome for Sunset. With encouragement and plenty of coffee, Sunset soldiered through it while still fulfilling her other duties and being there for Twilight while they finalized the wedding all the way up to the last minute and detail.

Now that the formalities were seen to. It was time to have some much deserved fun.

Sunset immediately grabbed Twilight’s hoof and dropped down from the stage. Without having to explain anything to the suddenly surprised onlookers, the two began to dance to the provided music. Smiles spread across the faces of every creature and soon enough, every creature, from ponies to dragons, from deer to yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, and more began to break out all their own moves.

Gauge had scooped up his son. who squealed and giggled, placing him on his back and took his wife’s hoof before kissing it and leading her down to the dance floor. He knew she was still moving a bit slower than she had in the past, but it did not matter. She was alive and at his side. They bobbed and hip bumped while nuzzling one another which caused their colt to giggle more before making fake puking sounds at seeing his parents kiss. They ignored his protest and would pass him off to the grandparents later.

Raven stayed up on stage, her eyes scanning everything, the ocular crystals placed around the perimeter were all working perfectly giving her total view of the entire event. Her job was to keep every creature safe and the music playing. She was more than capable of doing both. Her eyes turned down to her beautiful red dress that was trimmed in gold and sparkled like little stars when the evening light hit it just right. The new opal broach choker around her neck hummed and glowed with power. Admittedly, Raven thought she absolutely rocked the dress. A small smile crossed her face as she watched the newlyweds dance.

The fast pace dance song ended and changed to one a bit slower. That was the planned pattern for the evening playlist that Sunset had compiled. Most of the planning and finalization had been Twilight's to approve, but the music, she had relinquished entirely to Sunset. Considering her expertise and how much music she had at her hooves, it had been a good decision. Raven consulted her power stats out of curiosity and nodded approvingly. She had more than enough internal power to see it through to the end.

“Miss Raven!” Raven sighed internally much how Sunset would have at the distraction. “You look wonderful this afternoon! I was wondering if I could have a word or two when you are free?” Raven turned her brown eyes to the merchant and lord and stared deadpan neutral at him. How dare he waste her valuable time. Today of all days.

A manicured griffon claw came down on Lord Pattern’s back, firm but not painfully. He turned to find Isabella Windsong standing there still in her purple bridesmaid dress smiling brightly, showing more teeth than what was considered usual. “Chief Coordinator Raven has much she needs to observe and attend to this evening. Please, dance with me while we discuss what is on your mind.” The pony gulped at the predatory expression the griffon was flashing him. He understood the subtext that it was not a suggestion. As she ushered the lord away, Isabella winked at Raven who smiled in return. Her attention once again was on the perimeter and watching Sunset Shimmer dance crazy as the tempo sped up once more. And she has not had a single drop of alcohol yet. Go Mom.

By the fifth song the playlist switched to some soft orchestra music. This was the plan rest from dancing but was also the cue for the army of catering staff to move in and begin serving from the prepared buffet. Even with proper planning they had quite the job ahead of them, but they were up for the task. It was also the signal to bring out the massive, six tiered cake for the next wedding tradition.

Sunset brought Twilight over to their designated table and the two took their reserved seats. With a bit of finesse two slices of the chocolate and red velvet cake topped with silky buttercream were cut away and presented to the newlyweds. They lifted the slices and shared them with each other, only shoving the last few bites in each other’s faces with a laugh, but careful enough not to stain their clothes and risk the wrath of the ghost of Rarity.

Other slices were provided to friends, family, and dignitaries that wished to have some. Flurry Heart supervised the distribution of cake at her own request.

Plates of food were expertly snuck onto the table without disturbance, while many approached, paid their respects, and moved to their own meals. After twenty minutes Sunset was sugared up and practically bouncing to get back on the dance floor. Twilight, however held her wife down with a small spell on her rear hooves. Sunset arched a brow at such underhooved tactics.

“I promise, I’m all yours, all night. We just have to get through a few more important greetings and thank yous before you run off,” Twilight whispered. She punctuated the point by sending a small zap of energy through her horn down Sunset’s. The goldenrod alicorn shivered and grinned.

Though Twilight did not voice it out loud, she had a secret concern that she and Isabella were also keeping an eye out for. The Saddle Arabians had not RSVPed and as far any of them knew not a single representative had been registered upon the attending guest lists that morning. The implications were troubling, but Twilight kept it to herself for now. She would discuss it with Sunset tomorrow morning once they were on the train.

That thought brought a genuine smile to Twilight’s face again. A week away from Canterlot in the Crystal Empire with Cadence, Flurry, and the Crystal Library! Twilight glanced to her left. And my wife, of course. EEeeeeeeeeEEE!!!! I can say that now! I can say it all I want over and over again! My wife. Hello, this is my wife, Sunset Shimmer. Why yes, I am married and yes, she is amazing. Please, let me introduce you to MY WIFE, Sunset Shimmer! I’m married. Mom, Dad, Shinny, I finally found the one I was always looking for.

Twilight could feel the chain dangle and jingle ever so slightly when she moved her head. That would take some getting used to, but she was absolutely looking forward to it. The two gemstones shining brightly when the light hit them just right. Twilight eyes glanced to the horizon. They would need to attend to their royal duties soon, but that had also been planned into the timing of the festivities as they transitioned into the evening. There was to be a flyover by the Wonderbolts followed by fireworks. Everything was just how she imagined it. Just how she planned it. It was perfect.

Twilight glanced to her left again and Sunset heard or felt Twilight turn her direction and turned to meet face to face. Needing no permission or reason Twilight pressed her lips to Sunset’s and they melted into another long kiss. The camera flashes were seemingly endless but neither cared.

“I love you.” It was said together and no, it was no rehearsed.

From the shadows that fell long upon the castle a dark alicorn gazed down upon the crowd with her stardust mane billowing and long black cloak concealing the rest of her. The crowd could not see her. No creature could if she did not wish it. At least, that was what Luna thought until her gaze fell upon Raven who glanced up directly at her for several seconds before returning her eyes to the crowd.

Luna arched a brow, curious. Perhaps she would inquire about it later. For now, however, she only wished to view the momentous occasion taking place below, preserving every fine detail so as to relay it exactly as it was to her sister and Sunset’s father later. She wanted to join in, to greet others and speak with friends and family, to consume the vast array of foods and drink and be merry. But she could not. Luna examined her black fur covered hoof. She could change it, but it would always revert back to black once she stopped concentrating on it. A constant reminder that she was not simply a pony anymore. And that mingling and partaking in drunken revelry would be dangerous if not outright deadly for those around her and therefor was no longer an option for her. Sadly.

Her eyes turned to the horizon. The sun was nearly in position and she could feel her old friend the moon moving along its orbit, prepared for the call to enter the visible sky and bring forth the night and the blanket of stars above. They were no longer her stars to oversee, but she could still feel them. She could feel so much of everything around her in the living world and understood why Samael had hidden below in his solitude. It was nearly overwhelming, the constant beating thrum of life, but Luna braved it for the sake of her niece and those she cared for. She wanted to witness such a historic event that had been years in the making. Besides, it was not all bad and brooding loneliness in the shadows.

Luna smirked when she felt the familar presence behind her. The smaller cloaked pony emerged from the blackness and pulled back her hood, glancing over the rail at the celebration below. “You know, technically you have a job to attend to.”

Sable Nimbus giggled, smirked, and flashed her fangs. “Technically, so do you, my love.”

Luna glanced back at the bat pony and nuzzled her and kissed her nose. “I could not miss this, both for mine and Celestia’s sake. We both know I would have had to listen to her drone onnnnn and onnnn about how much she would have given to be here right now. At least this way she gets it second hoof.”

Sable nodded. “I understand. They are my friends too and I loved them very much. I would have been saddened to miss this as well.” The batpony paused and just watched, her smile happy, but also melancholic. "They look happy."

"One would certainly hope so after all the planning and heartache that went into said event. It is often said that nothing is perfect, but from where I stand, I think this is as close to it as one could achieve," Luna said with a bit of sass.

"They should have kept the orgy you suggested."

"I agree! But it was never going to happen. Modernist prudes."

Sable giggled again and the very sound of it sent delightful tingles dancing through Luna's insides. She lifted her large, black cloak and pulled Sable next to her with a midnight black and indigo blue wing. Sable offered no resistance and extended her own, smaller bat wing that rested against the alicorn's side.

The former bat pony lunar guard chose to keep as much of her original form as possible. Mostly for comfortable familiarity. Like Luna, there were a number of little details that marked them both as no longer being simply ponies anymore. Luna turned away from the festivities for a moment and glided a black hoof down Sable’s neck to the edge of her own cloak. The bat pony purred as she leaned into the touch.

“You did not have to do this to yourself, Sable. You could have known peace and an eternity of relaxation in the Golden City.”

“You said as much, more than once, and I still chose to be one of your dark angel servants. I will always serve you, my mistress. You were my heart in life, you are my heart in death. Besides, eternity is boring unless you have those you love at your side to spend it with and I am far too young to retire. Ask me again in a few thousand years if I wish to go lay about the golden shores feasting on grapes or whatnot.”

“Sable, there is no going back. I informed you of such when you begged for this. You can only ferry the souls across, but never know paradise yourself. That is the price of your immortality and ability to leave Tartarus. If I were to place a label on such you are more demon than pony now. Only The Well awaits you should you tire of this role.”

Sable Nimbus smirked and winked at Luna, her white eyes reflecting like a cat in the pale moonlight. “Then I suppose you are stuck with me forever, mistress.”

Luna chuckled and felt her core warm. She was not entire sure if she had a heart anymore, but the magic that warmed her soul was real enough. It was a glorious feeling that she would be eternally grateful for. The two stood in silence for a few more hours watching their friends sing and dance. Sparkling wine had eventually been broken out and Sunset had shaken the bottles and began dousing a large number of the crowd with the bubbly elixir much to Twilight’s enjoyment and Isabella’s horror. All was right with the world. At least for tonight. Who knew what tomorrow would bring. Luna smiled one last time up at her old friend in the sky before finally disappearing. Melting into the evening shadows with Sable Nimbus, loyal as always, two steps behind.

Author's Note:

Annnnnnd we are back! I got chapter 25 finished and will keep pushing forward. I am excited to be publishing again and it was a great idea to step away. It let me catch up but also refine some of the missing details that will be coming up as we move towards the end of the line. Home life is good, work life is meh, but writing and other means of stress relief allow me to keep going through the BS. Such is life.

Anyhow, the wedding! I wanted to start of part 2 on a high note. I tried to go back through a few times adding little details and trying to pull it together without bogging down. Hopefully the mood and the magic of it all came across well. I borrowed from a few sources including some weddings I have attended that I thought would make it fun.

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