• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,338 Views, 485 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 42: Into the West

Clover the Clever did not speak as he worked, tinkered, and hummed. He knew he had an audience, but he also knew that all their thoughts were elsewhere. It was just as well, he thought. Better to stay busy so as to not think about the rest.

“I feel like I should be doing something,” said Princess Flurry Heart.

“Well, you did help me carry this into test position,” said Clover, crawling out from under the device. The base was cubicle with several dials and two different sized leavers upon one side with tubes, wires, and conduit coming out the back that wrapped around near the top. Said top was nearly as tall as the average minotaur with what appeared to be a dish pointing upward.

“Pfft, that was easy,” Flurry dismissed.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” said Cadence, comforting her daughter. “I’m worried about Twilight and Sunset too.”

The air nearby popped from a teleport. All the eyes along the plateau turned to find the Solar Diarch, Princess Twilight Sparkle standing there. She turned her eyes back to the tall spire towers of Canterlot Castle, which could be seen peeking over the ridge of the Canterhorn even along the backside of the mountain range. She did not say anything for nearly a minute. She just stared.

“Twily?” Cadence dared to speak, “Are you okay?”

Twilight turned back to the other alicorns and smiled warmly. “I’m fine, thank you. Just… adjusting to everything.”

“Where is Sunset Shimmer?” asked Cadence, not bothering to hide her concern. “She asked us all to leave while you did… something with Aine.”

“I…” Twilight scrunched up her brow. “She pressed her soul blade into us. Aine took my hoof…”

“You and Aine are now joined,” said Luna without joy or rancor. She remained perfectly neutral while continuing to sit under the tree in the shade. “I can see her power surrounding you. All throughout your very existence.”

“As can I,” added Raven, not bothering to hide her concern and distaste of the revelation. “Why did you agree to this?”

Twilight frowned, her ears flat and wings sagging. Everything felt too bright, too sensitive. She shook her head and concentrated on breathing. “It was the only way… Clover only brought enough material for five devices. With Aine’s help and power augmenting my own I can control the power flow from the crystals and guide the energy to all of you. You will be monitoring and controlling the relay devices. Plus, I needed her to show me where we are going. I needed to do this to save every creature. I... I'm sure this was the right thing to do.”

“And you think this is what is best for you? And for Sunset?”

Twilight hesitated before lifting her eyes to meet Cadence’s concerned expression. “I want to believe so, yes.”

“Your Highness,” said Clover, raising a hoof to bring the attention back around to why they were out on the cold rocky plateau to begin with, “we are ready to begin the test.”

Twilight cleared her thoughts and shook her head. “Yes, Clover. Please proceed.”

“I am not needed here for this,” said Raven. Before any could object the cream colored alicorn with the crystalline coat teleported back to Canterlot Castle. Harmony sent soothing, reassuring vibes to Raven and they did help considerably with controlling her roiling emotions. Otherwise, they might have teleported into a wall. Raven was still new to magic even with a close friend teaching her how to do everything at the speed of thought.

As an advanced AI with countless journals and documentation on human behavior, Raven understood what acute emotional reactions were, but her real world perspective on such was still limited. Raven’s concerns and reactions in the past were based on stimuli and were situational, algorithms she had learned while observing others, primarily her user, Sunset Shimmer. She understood those reactions in the past as programed triggers to simulate human emotion and help her user. Now, her body was mostly organic, her thoughts, though structured, were still buzzing with sensations and feelings she had not experienced before and had to recategorize and reprioritize it all. It was invigorating to experience, but also frightening.

Upon returning to the castle, Raven dismissed all of the new feelings and focused on the only thing that mattered just like she would have done as a PAAL unit. On the task at hand(hoof). She needed to find Sunset Shimmer and check on her mental and physical wellbeing.

Finding Sunset would be easy. With Harmony’s help, Raven found that not only could she access all her ocular crystals around the palace compound but many, many more magical crystals across the entire country. Such access and power could easily be abused. It was probably just as well Raven did not have time for something as trivial as spying on all of Equestria.

With her horn glowing a sliver hue, Raven was able to pinpoint Sunset Shimmer in a matter of seconds. Now the only thing that was stopping her was a familiar wooden door with Sunset’s cutie mark emblazed across the sturdy material. Raven had a number of ways she could have broken past the spells that were currently on the door, but it was easier to just knock and see what happened. Much to Raven’s relief, the door opened from the inside.

After she entered the same red aura closed the door behind her and resealed it. Raven found Sunset sitting on one of the lounge sofas with a photo album and tall bottle of alcohol that Raven recalled was labeled, ‘Fire Water.’ What was surprising was that the wax seal on the bottle appeared to still be intact.

“You know, I never really understood or appreciated how nice it is to have photo albums until they were gone.” Raven came and sat next to Sunset and waited quietly for her to continue. “These are, of course, the ones I gave to Celestia. Mine are gone or are collecting dust in my old house, which pretty much means gone. Who knows for sure. But there is something different about actually seeing and touching the printed photo versus just a digital one on the screen. It’s not that it is more real it’s just… I don’t know. Tactile perhaps? I mean, I have a perfect memory, but seeing these again just brings it all back. My friends, my babies, Twi… so many good memories.”

“How are you, mother?” Sunset eventually shrugged and held out her hoof that was glowing red with a prepared spell and waited for Raven to take it. After a moment of hesitation Raven did take the offered hoof and two things happened. One, which was what Raven had expected and wanted, was to test Sunset’s vitals. They all felt within expectations with no detectable stress anomalies. The second…

Sunset Shimmer stepped back after rubbing the spots from her eyes and only Twilight Sparkle was left across from her where two alicorns had been. Sunset waited for Twilight to say something, do something, anything to indicate her wife was still in control.

“Did it work?” Twilight asked only for her nervous and curious expression to flatten to neutral and then say, “Never mind. It worked… I can… wow.”


“I am me, Sunset. I… it’s… different and I can feel… this is so… huh… amazing.”

Sunset felt her heart sink. She had hoped that Twilight would have a freak out meltdown and she would have to find a way to ‘cleave’ them apart… as long as she could do it without hurting Twilight. But clearly, Twilight was fine with the change or Aine had convinced her it was fine. Either way, her quirky, anxious wife was gone and the new true immortal Goddess of Creation was born. Sunset wondered if Twilight understood that or if she ever would.

“We should really get to work on those other generators as soon as the test is complete. I can’t imagine we have more than a few days. Not from what I can see of the spreading darkness above.”

Sunset glanced to the lab ceiling, imagining the blue sky above and beyond. “Yeah, sounds important. You go ahead, I’ll catch up with you. I need to... I need to rest up a bit after that last spell. I feel drained.” Sunset did not give Twilight a chance to protest or question and teleported away.

Raven blinked the light from her eyes. “As I suspected. Aine has consented to Twilight being in charge, but she is not lying dormant. She has a level of control albeit subtle.”

“Do you think there is a way to separate them again? I mean, I can see she is there, but it's not just her. The movements, the mannerisms are all just a little off.”

Raven nodded. “Even the strongest and hardest diamond can be cleaved given enough time and effort. The trick will be if it can be done safely and if the pony you want will ever be the same. She had not just touched the mind of a goddess as you once did, she has her power and sees what Aine can see of the universe. That is not something many would jump to relinquish. It is nearly beyond words to describe, like the taste of music or the scent of a mathematical equation.”

Sunset sighed, nodded, and cracked the seal on the bottle without second thought. She then grabbed the bottle with her magic and took a large swig. Raven was about to protest when, to her surprise, Sunset pointed the bottle towards her. Raven arched a brow in a Sunsetesque fashion.


“Are you offering me a drink?”

Sunset rolled her eyes and smiled warmly. “You’re a big girl now and we have too much still to do for me to get completely shit faced. But there is no way I am going back out there without at least a shot or two. I can’t see her like that. Aine wearing a Twilight coat.”

Raven glanced at the bottle, “I am not entire sure that is a fair assessment. I also think you swallowed twenty five percent of the original contents in one gulp.”

“Okay, so, it was a big shot. I’m kinky like that.”

Raven narrowed her eyes. “Have I ever told you, you have a perverted mindset?”

Sunset laughed, it was a genuine, joyous cackle and Raven smiled at her chosen mother for it. “Yes, you have. But it’s still good to hear.”

With nothing else to add and a piqued curiosity, Raven took the bottle and drew herself a cautious sip. Her brown eyes went wide before screwing shut and the new alicorn coughed, each deep hack causing her coat to glow and shimmer. Raven quickly set the bottle back down on the table so as to not drop it and gasped.

“Holy fuc… Are you certain that is not gasoline?! I want to run an analysis because I believe that is in fact gasoline!”

“Yeeeeeah, got a bit of a burn to it. I would say it puts hair on your chest, but we’re ponies. We already have hair everywhere!” Sunset laughed at her own terrible joke.

Raven was about to chide Sunset when she turned her eyes to the door. A motion that did not go unnoticed. Sunset glanced as well and was unsurprised by a hoof knocking on the wooden entrance. Sunset sighed, her wings sagging.

“Mother,” Raven started, “you don’t have to-”

“It’s okay.” Sunset opened the door and standing in the entryway was Twilight Sparkle. “Pretty sure I told you I was getting some rest.”

“I know… but that was an hour ago and I went to our room to spend time with you, but you were not there.”

Sunset kept her eyes on the photo albums on the table, refusing to turn her head. “Needed some me time. Aren’t you supposed to be helping Clover? We can’t both walk out and make him build all those things by himself. That would be rude and lazy of us.”

“Sunset… Sunny, have you been drinking?”

“She has had only a single shot,” said Raven defensively. “I had one too. Frankly, it was awful.”

“Don’t worry. I made you a promise to curb the bad habit. I’m not going to be so drunk that I can’t do my part in the grand magical machine and die heroically according to the tapestry or something. Most likely I'll end up in the belly of a space worm… or black hole… probably both. Would I even know the difference?”

Twilight glanced between the two of them and quirked her head to the side, jaw hanging open slightly, unsure what to say to that. She quickly shook it off. “Sunny… I know you are upset at me, but we both came to the same conclusion that this had to be done. I need to you to know I’m not done looking for a way to save you. I swear it!”

“I know,” Sunset said, softly, turning the page in the album. Silence lingered.

“Sunset,” Twilight said with a pleading quake to her voice, “I’m still me. I’m still your Twily, your wife, and I love you.”

Sunset Shimmer closed her eyes, fighting to keep her breathing steady. “I know.”

“Sunny, please look at me.”

After another couple of deep breaths, Sunset finally turned her head. She felt that last straw of resistance break in her heart. There was cruel wrongness to the universe once more. Twilight was crying and once again, she was the cause of it. In the end it will be better that I’ll be dead. I won’t cause her so much heartache every damn day by just being here. Besides, what does a Goddess of Creation need with a partner anyhow?

“Yell at me, Sunset! Tell me I was wrong! Tell me how stupid it was for me to do this even if it logically made sense, just… say something to me so that I know you are still fighting! Please! Show me the fire in your heart! Show me the passionate mare that I love so damn much so I can see that you have not given up on life! Sunset Shimmer never gives up!”

Sunset sighed. She closed her photo albums and with great care walked over to the bookshelf and returned them to their slots. Before Sunset could turn around, wings and forelegs wrapped around her. A wet muzzle buried into her back whispering between sobs, “I love you. I love you so much! Please don’t give up. Please! I promise I’ll save you. I... I promise...”

Gently, without turning around, Sunset pulled away from Twilight grasp and stepped over to the door. Raven was already there waiting. Sunset followed Raven’s glance and she turned her eyes to the ceiling and sighed again before finally turning back to the large purple alicorn still standing by the bookshelf as if paralyzed and turned to stone.

“Hey.” Twilight blinked twice and looked up, eyes still glassed over and pleading. “You know what you need?” Twilight shook her head ever so slightly. “A mane cut.”

“I... wait? What?”

Sunset summoned a pair of magical construct scissors. “Seriously. The 'over the eye' Celestia look was interesting at first, you wear it well, but Twilight Sparkle should look like the bookish nerd at the library checkout counter even when she's in charge of a nation. Twilight Sparkle needs to look smart, studious, and without all this hair blocking half her face from what she's reading.”

“I… wha?” Twilight repeated.

Sunset grinned, mischievously, though the smile did not quite touch her eyes as the magical scissors made a snapping sound. “Just hooooold still.”

Twilight Sparkle was still having difficulty processing what was going on. One moment she was throwing herself pleadingly at the hooves of her wife to yell at her and the next she was being attacked by magical construct scissors. Wait, how long has she not liked my mane?! I've had this style for decades! Why didn’t she say anything before now? Twilight felt Aine roll her eyes in the back of her mind. It was odd knowing that was exactly what she had done.


Twilight blinked. “Wha?” The scissors vanished and Sunset conjured a mirror to show Twilight. Purple eyes blinked several more times. It had been years, decades in fact, since she had had her bangs so short. They looked neat and in a strange way, she felt more youthful. The back of her mane still billowed rhythmically to the cosmic ether, but the bangs just swayed ever so slightly while mostly staying put.

Come to think of it, Twilight pondered, it was quite similar to how Sunset’s mane moved. The back of her wavey red and yellow layers flickered but that little red tuff that wrapped around her horn remained always right where she wanted it. Twilight smiled genuinely. It was a good look. It was classic. It had been done with love and care by the most important pony in the world to her. Twilight could still feel the rift between them like a chasm through her heart, but it did not feel so impossibly wide now.

“Thank you.”

Sunset nodded and turned back to the other alicorn in the room. “Raven, where are Clover and the others now?”

“Upon successful completion of the test, Clover requested additional workspace to begin construction of the other four devices. Upon Luna's suggestion, Royal Guard storage depot number four was cleared out for him. From what I can see, Cadence, Flurry, Belldandy, and Chaz are with him though they appear a bit at a loss.”

Sunset turned back to Twilight. “Let’s go, we have work to do.”

“Sunny, are you sure you’re okay?”

Sunset Shimmer smirked, but Twilight could tell it was heavily forced for her benefit. “Let’s just focus on what needs to be done. Everything else can wait.”

Raven stepped closer to the two diarchs and teleported the three of them to the desired location. Sunset blinked her eyes a couple of times before being glomped once more by surprise. This time by a snuggly pink alicorn with tri-colored mane.

“You had me worried!”

Sunset patted her cousin’s head. “I’m… I’m as good as I can be. All things considered.”

“Hey, whatcha got there?”

Sunset glanced to what Flurry was pointing at and realized that she still had the kirin Fire Water in her magical grip. Sunset chuckled. You know, it’s probably a sign of alcoholism when you forget you are even holding the damn bottle. “A little something to toast with I suppose.” Without hesitation, Sunset took another drag from the bottle before offering it to Twilight. Hesitantly, Twilight took a shot and immediately regretted all her life decisions as she coughed and wheezed.

“Gaaahhhhh! Pffffft! Bleeeeah! YUCK! Whhhhhhhy?! Why would you voluntarily drink something like that?! I... I can't feel my tongue! Is that normal?!”

Flurry Heart giggled and also took a shot, her eyes going wide and she too coughed repeatedly feeling like she had lost all sensation on her tongue as well all the way down to her stomach. “Sweet Sunset’s flaming butthole! That buuuuurns sooooo baaaaaad!”

“You… you turned me into a swear phrase?”

Flurry coughed and smiled. “I’m testing them out.”

Cadence took the bottle and downed a considerable portion. Raven took note that the bottle now appeared less than half full. Cadence blinked a few times, smacked her lips, and then shrugged. “Not bad. Spicy, but with distinct juniper berry aftertaste and a hint of rose I think?” Sunset nodded, impressed by Cadence once more.

“How did that not affect you?”

Cadence waggled her brow at her daughter and grinned. “Not the hottest or thickest thing I’ve had in my mouth to swallow, sweetie.”


Sunset took the bottle back and walked over to Clover who had paused his work to observe the royal family’s exchange. She offered it to him with a nod. After a moment of hesitation, he accepted. Clover winced and hissed, but mostly held his composure. “Potent. I would recommend against further libations until later so as to not impair senses.”

“What can we do to help speed things along?”

“I have the designs laid out on the table. I mostly just need help with small component pre-assembly before combining all the smaller pieces into the larger unit. Every little bit helps and saves time. Naturally, all the units must be tested as well.”

Sunset nodded. “Twilight and I can do that. In the mean time, Flurry Heart, I need you to take eight SunLight crystals and make wearable lanyards or even earpieces for them that we can have Raven network for the alicorns and Clover. Since we are all going to be in different locations over long distance we will need to stay in constant communication with each other for as long as we can. I know you are an excellent crystal sculptor you might even be able to make improvements on my design.”

Flurry nodded. “I can do that. Mom, think you can help with the delicate rune work?”

“Absolutely, but you get started first. The mention of SunLight crystals has reminded me I need to check in with my staff and council in the Empire and update them to everything going on here.”

“Don’t run off too far,” said Sunset, her voice hollow and expression dangerously neutral. “I still need the two of you and Belldandy and Chaz for…”

“For combining our power to theirs like you did with Aine,” Belldandy finished. “I can see my sister’s aura all about Twilight Sparkle. Her soul is wrapped around your wife’s like a blanket. It’s… strange, but distinctly different than Luna and Samael or Discord and Void. It’s quite beautiful in a way, to be honest.”

“Does different mean it can be undone?” Sunset asked.


Sunset nodded and offered the two alicorn gods a chance to sample the bottle as well. Given the different reactions they had just witnessed, both declined. Sunset turned back to find Twilight smiling brightly at her, hope and confidence glimmering in her slightly glowing eyes. I guess it really is too early to give up. Alright then. “We’ll put a pin in that and talk about it later. We have work to do.”

The fire water was resealed and set aside. Sunset picked up some pieces and began to follow the directions.


“Not that I mind the help,” said Tempest Fury helping her husband through the door of their home, “but don’t you have bigger, more important things to be doing?”

Sunset Shimmer set the box she had been carrying down on the floor and lifted Dusk Wind out of her carry harness and into her play pen. The pegasus foal giggled as Sunset swooped her around a few times before bringing her in for a soft landing. “Not really. We finished testing the last of the generators yesterday. In a few hours Flurry Heart, Cadence, Discord, and Raven will be heading out to their locations to set them up and then… we wait. At least that's the plan. In the mean time, I can help you two pack what you need to be out of Canterlot in a hurry and in case you need extra supplies.”

“That is beyond kind of you, my princess, but Tempest speaks truthfully. You have an entire city if not more than one you could be overseeing,” said Gauge, grunting with every step while using his crutch.

“Yeah well, you two are special and I wanted to help… and give you something special. Besides the prosthetic in the box, I mean.”

Tempest glanced to husband. He made that face that she both loved and hated. She rolled her eyes but nodded. Tempest reached out and gently turned Sunset’s face back towards them. “Again, we appreciate the help, but could you explain why you are avoiding Twilight? And, well, everypony really.”

Sunset sighed, causing her to pause her rummaging through her bag. “Of course she noticed and told you.”

“Twilight gets consumed by things sometimes, might not have noticed that you didn’t come to bed two days in a row, but you also ducked out of meals together too and don't have the excuse of court sessions. Then, Princess Cadence came asking about you while I was talking to Twilight and well, kind of hard not to notice the pattern.”

“Been busy helping others, like I’m doing for you two.”

“Sunset,” said Gauge softly, “we know about the… joining? If that is an appropriate name for it. I cannot imagine this has been easy for you.”

“Actually, it has been super easy. I pull out a magical glowing sword, press it forward into my loved ones and the ancient alicorn gods standing next to them and then, BOOM! WHOOSH! WHAAA! Bright light, ethereal wind and they are all merged. Like squishing two colors of playdoh together…” Sunset’s bottom lip began to quiver and her eyes glass over. “Two colors becoming one new one… not impossible to separate but extremely hard and time consuming and may not be the same afterwards. Yeah. So. I’m good! Real good. I'm sober too, if that was a concern.”


“Look, just…” Sunset paused, to regain her composure and tone of voice. “I know what needs to be done, because it all makes a screwed up kind of sense when you think about it, but no pony said I had to like it. Over the last two days I have turned my wife, my cousin and my… step niece-in-law slash second cousin… I think that’s a thing, into all powerful, true immortal goddesses that will live forever just to make this whole blasted undertaking remotely survivable.

“Sure, they all tell me they are fine and they look, mostly, the same, but they are not. The others are there and extend control whenever they feel like it. Cadence’s eyes sometimes completely grey out. I think that’s Belldandy trying to see through her with that weird, not-sight far sight that she has. Flurry Heart gets this child-like look at things that I know she is familiar with and that’s probably Chaz reaching through. And Twilight… she’s the hardest to tell most of the time, but then I just feel this coldness when she is near that is NOT my Twily. Dammit all the hell, I love her so much, but I know my grandmother is looking through those eyes too.”

“Okay, yeah that would be a little creepy.”

“Foals in the room,” added Gauge, glancing to his son who rolled his eyes as only a child could do.

“Mommy says, ‘dammit’ all the time when she thinks I’m not listening.”

Sunset and Gauge both turned to the commander who was currently turning a darker shade closer to her great grandmother's mulberry. “Not ALL the time!”

Sunset smirked knowingly. “Anyhow, I figure if I just keep busy doing little things I don’t have to think about, well, all of it. And when the time comes… I will just do what I have to do.”

“You mean die,” said Gauge flatly, devoid of emotion to the point he practically spat the words.

Sunset sighed and moved to the box and opened it, deliberately dodging the statement. She removed the magically augmented foreleg prosthetic and held it up in her magic. Under most circumstances, getting a newly crafted replacement of such quality took time. Putting in a work order while everything was hectic and on the verge of a citywide evacuation order was practically impossible. However, when the Lunar Princess orders a rush job for her captain and throws a bunch of bits at it things tend to get done.

The leg was clearly fake and there was no point hiding that, but they had painted it to closely match the captain’s fur at Sunset's request. The joint couplings were painted Lunar Guard blue and there was even a silver crescent moon embossed on the front of the hoof. Gauge had seen other ponies with such prosthetics, but this one seemed more cutting edge than most. Considering what she had paid from her personal stash it was worth it.

“So, as you can see, I had them pull out all the stops. The nice thing about this particular design is that in addition to the normal snug connection it has a temporal connector. You just put the leg on like usual and then press this small disc to your fur just behind your ear. Nice and out of the way. It picks up on the bio-electrical signals that would have been sent to your limb and transmits them to the prosthetic. Once calibrated, it should move much like a normal limb. Or so that's how it is advertised.”

Gauge nodded. He only grunted a bit, still sore and sensitive where the amputation took place despite several rounds of magical healing. It would take time to get used to the new normal, but he would endure it to serve his princess.

Once the straps were tightened and everything was snug Sunset pressed the temporal disc to just behind his right ear, sorely tempted to nibble on it, but reminded herself to behave. After only a few minutes of minor mechanical and magical calibrations the captain was moving the highly articulate limb around at will and able to trot across the room with only a slight awkwardness that would lessen with practice. His son clapped his hooves together. Happy to see his father mobile again. Dawn giggled and drooled while copying her brother.

“Now, you will need to have it calibrated every few weeks. I can do it. I can teach Tempest how to do it too. And, of course, a qualified unicorn doctor familiar with this setup can always do it. It's pretty tough and sturdy too. It has a ferronite layer to make it strong, but light, and resistant to outside magical attacks. Now that I see it in action, I even like the color.”

“Thank you, princess,” Gauge said with a grateful nod. He turned his attention back to Tempest and the two stared at one another for several seconds in silent conversation before she finally nodded.

“Saber,” Tempest called out, “let’s go pick out some toys for bath time, okay? It will give you a chance to practice some levitation as well.”

Sunset took that as her cue and started packing the excess padding back into the box to leave, but was surprised to feel a hoof touch her chin and pull her attention back to her guard captain. Sunset arched a brow. Fog Gauge hesitated for only a moment before pulling Sunset Shimmer into a tight embrace. Sunset blushed, smiled, and returned the warm hug.

It had been days since she had been touched or hugged and she was admittedly having a bit of spiraling intimacy withdraw. Twilight and the others kept trying to be personable with her, tried to show her it would be all right, but Sunset shied from their affection and was not in the least bit subtle about it. In her heart, Sunset knew that was a mistake and that it was likely hurting them as much as herself when they needed to be in sync, they needed to feel harmonious, but…

“My guards have told me you have been running all over the city trying to help with possible evacuations or disaster preparedness with little time for yourself.”

“Well, there is a lot to do.”

“Understandable, but why are you returning to and locking yourself in your old room at night?” Gauge felt Sunset stiffen and try to pull away only for him to tighten is hold. He knew he realistically could not hold her, but it sent the message that he was not ready to let go. And... she truthfully did not want him to let go. Not yet.

“It's not nice to spy on me in my own castle, captain. I don't have a bed time and if I want to spend hours roaming the halls or mountainside in the dark then I will.” Gauge heard the edge in her voice and knew it to be dull. He just nuzzled into her more, hearing her breath hitch from the touch. He casually moved his hoof to stroke and massage Sunset intimately between the wings. She gasped and melted into the touch with a little moan.

“I do not want you to die.”

“Everypony, everyone dies. Even alicorns die. My mom gave her life for every creature. How can I do any less?”

Gauge sighed and nodded. “I understand duty, princess. I cannot argue against that. However, we as your friends need you to know, understand, and accept deep in your heart and soul that you are loved, Sunset Shimmer. Your friends and family have not given up even in trying times… especially in trying times. This family loves you. I love you. And even though Twilight now carries the soul of Aine, she loves you with all her heart as well and you need to be there for her so that she can be there for you. You are scaring your family with how… detached you are becoming. Accepting that death is the only outcome for you.”

“Did Raven snitch on me too?”

“Raven has been looking after you as she has always done. Did you forget you gave her eyes everywhere?”

Sunset snorted. “What a brat.”

“But a loving brat.”

Sunset sighed and stepped back, but only a little. Her muzzle was close enough to his that only a sheet of paper could have slid between them. She could practically taste his breath and it was a warm, pleasant scent. Alluring. Intoxicating. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

Gauge arched a brow but smirked. “That seems inappropriate.”

“Your fault for falling in love with me.”

“How could I not?”

Sunset pressed her lips to Gauge’s and leaned into him. It lasted for only a few seconds, but in the realm of the mind it might as well been hours. Their eyes both lit up with magical light from Sunset's empathic power. Sunset sent to her captain her feelings of love and respect. How much she admired his tenacity, ferocity as a soldier, and unquestionable loyalty to her and Equestria as a whole. She showed him her memories of how she saw him, how she felt and how those feeling had evolved, and even a few secret sensual fantasies that would never come true. In return, she also received how he felt for her. How he admired her fiery spirit, her generous compassion to do so much for others, and his utmost respect that bordered on heavenly worship. He too showed her his memories and what he had dreamed about more than once. A burning, lustful desire and fantasy that he knew his wife was aware of, but tolerated because it would never come to be. Perhaps in another universe out there it was real. Such was the way of things.

Sunset stepped back and the connection ended. Sunset knew she was blushing hard and her insides were smoldering with love and lust that was not entirely her own. “Wow. You have a VERY vivid imagination, you naughty boy.”

Gauge smirked and flashed his fangs. “You are called a goddess for a reason. More than one, in my opinion. Most importantly though, know that you are loved, Sunset Shimmer. Never forget that. And for your own sake and likely for the sake of our whole world, please, go spend time with the pony you love most. And when the time comes do what you do best.”

“Run away?”

Gauge shook his head and stepped forward, nibbling on his princess' ear before whispering, “Save the day.”

Sunset gasped and blushed harder, having to remind her tail to stay down, modesty nearly completely abandoned… not that he had not seen or smelled her before. Gauge brushed alongside his princess, as he walked away, making a delightful, deep moan sound. He greedily breathed in a whiff of her scent, smiling playfully at how he had once again gotten a successful rise out of her. Sunset smacked his face with her tail knowing it would only make it worse. Gauge continued to smile and pointed towards the door and the castle beyond with his chin. He then picked up his youngest foal to feed and take care of her and his fatherly duties. Sunset smiled back one more time before collecting the box and quickly leaving.

Sunset teleported first to the storage depot to make sure the devices were still secure. It was probably just paranoia, but it never hurt to check. Twilight was not present and the guards said Clover had retreated to the library to relax. That was not unexpected, but she had wanted to make sure. She nodded before teleporting back to the castle foyer. Sunset found the nearest ocular crystal and walked up to it.

“Raven, where is Twilight?”

Raven appeared behind Sunset in a flash of teleportation. “Hello, mother. Is everything all right? You have been... melancholic and I have been increasingly concerned."

Sunset chuckled a bit before pulling Raven into a foreleg and wing embraced hug. “Yes and no. I'm really all over the damn place emotionally, but I'm as good as I can be given the situation. Not much more I can ask for really.” Sunset hugged Raven tighter then smiled at the cream colored alicorn. “I love you.”

Raven beamed, her coat shimmering iridescently. “And I love you, mother. To answer your question, last I saw Princess Twilight she had retired to your shared chambers in the tower. I assume she is still there. I do not have eyes in that room… which I am perfectly happy with all things considered.”

Sunset winked and teleported to the hall just outside the royal suite. Sunset marched up to the door, the guards saluted and moved away without hesitation. Without bothering to knock, Sunset barged in and quickly closed the door behind her, locking it and sealing the room in a soundproof barrier. Sunset let out a breath to calm her racing heart and marched to the bedroom where she found Twilight lying on the bed, scrolls and books scattered throughout the room in the most un-Twilight like, disorganized manner she had ever seen. Twilight’s eyes were tired, and a bit puffy around the edges. She had been crying recently and probably had not slept well prior. The sound of the door opening and closing had startled Twilight from her lost stare at nothing.

“Sunset?” The goldenrod alicorn closed the bedroom door more gently than she had the chamber door but sealed it as well. “Are, are you okay? What’s going on herrPFFTMMMM!!!” Twilight’s words were muffled by lips being pressed into hers. Nothing was said for at least a minute while the two princesses reconnected, never disengaging their lips for longer than it took to suck in a quick breath of needed air. Sunset was not sure how much time passed. It did not matter. Nothing else mattered.

“I’ve been a bad wife,” Sunset finally said. “I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not. You are one of the most amazing ponies I have ever met and more so, had the pleasure to be with. I love you so much. This has been hard on all of us, but you have had to bear the lion’s share. And that’s not fair.”

“Heh, that last part rhymes.”

Twilight paused, running her words back in her head, and then giggled. It felt good to laugh again. It felt like that one silly joke had broken days worth of stress and self depreciative anguish. Her wife was back and she looked genuinely glad to be in the same room together. After just a moment to consider, Twilight readjusted herself and stretched out back across the bed, seductively patting the one side. Sunset licked her lips, feeling the heat build up inside once more, but then paused. Sunset's eyes darted to the left at a specific piece of furniture by the bed. She lit her horn and the dresser drawer on her side opened. Actually, she pulled it all the way out and it fell on the floor with a clatter. Sunset did not bother fixing it. She pulled out two small vials and some sealed materials. Sunset waggled the one small, unmarked corked bottle in front of Twilight.

“Drink this.”

Twilight blinked twice and took note that the label had been deliberately removed to conceal the name of the potion. She asked hesitantly, “What is it?”

“A gift you have been wanting and I want to give it to you right here, right now.” Sunset downed her own vial without hesitation, her eyes glowing slightly with power and barely contained lustful desire.

A hypothesis popped into Twilight’s head and she began to blush profusely. She was thankful that the other voice in her head sealed herself in the back recessed both out of privacy respect and not wanting any part of what she figured was about to happen. “Sunny, is this…?”

“Ohhhhh… woooow, that starts working faaaaast. I feel... so fucking hot now. Drink up, babe. And we’ll call for dinner to be delivered later because we are not leaving this room until morning.”

“Well, I do need to set the sun in about two hours and you need to raise the moon.”

“Two hours, yeah, we’ll take a break then.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. She took a sniff of the air and immediately recognized that familiar, potent smell permeating from her wife. “A… break?!”

Sunset grinned, climbing onto the bed slowly, like a stalking predator towards the stretched out Twilight Sparkle. “I take it back. I was not being a bad wife… but I’m about to be.”


Magical fields. Ley lines. Mana pools. They were all tied to one another by invisible strings that one could not see, touch, smell, taste, or hear. However, they could be felt on the inside by a sixth sense. Nearly all unicorns could sense these connections. Some better than most. Any creature with a touch of magic was capable of learning how and exercising that sense to become stronger. Sunset Shimmer had met zebra shaman that could wield power around her better than some unicorns all through trained internal connections. Alicorns, however, were especially sensitive to these delicate veins of power and any changes that occur to them.

Sunset Shimmer’s eyes flew open and she sat up gasping as if something had set off an alarm inside her brain. Her horn sparked and eyes glowed in the predawn light.

“Five more minutes, Sunny. Jus’ gimme fiiiiive moore…” *snooooore* Twilight gasped and suddenly sat up as well. “What was that?!”

Sunset jumped out of bed and moved to the balcony, looking up into the sky where deep blue was giving way to red and orange. The stars had all retreated as the dawn approached. “It’s close. I can’t see it, but it’s close. I can feel it. The emptiness. The… hunger.”

Twilight hobbled her way to the balcony as well and looked up. Thankful that her usually wild bed mane was now trimmed and out of the way. Wide purple eyes scanned the fading darkness beside her wife, fatigue and stiffness completely forgotten. “I can’t see anything, but…”

“It’s there.”

Without having to say anything, the two princesses lit their horns and the sun rose early and moon was not just lowered, but guided off its usual track to below the world, by the south pole. Many creatures on the other side of the world who probably had little to no idea what was going were going to find themselves under a moonless night with odd tides and no explanation.

They were out of time.

Canterlot, Ponyville, Vanhoover, Manehatten, all of Equestria and everywhere the SunLight crystals were active all awoke to the same blaring klaxon. It was a terrible sound, frightening, but it did its job. It woke everyone, everywhere, all at once.

“Citizens of Equestria and all creatures of the world that can hear my voice, this is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I wish I did not have to awaken all of you in such a way, but the day we have feared and prepared for has come. The Omega Beast is approaching.”

Sunset picked up on her prepared cue. Twilight thought it important to hear from both of them.

“Magically sensitive creatures will soon be able to feel a sense of tugging, then, as it approaches, every creature will feel it as a draining as the creature attempts to consume our magic. As was planned and proposed, we must gather as much magical energy into the containment crystals as possible before the beast is close enough to siphon it from us and destroy our world. It is imperative that all creatures young and old exit all existing structures unless they are specifically hardened to withstand heavy shaking and other major environmental hazards. Our experts believe the safest course of action is to find open fields beyond the cities and towns and shelter together. Those close to the coast should move inland, swiftly. Carry only life saving and necessary essentials such as food, water, and blankets, plus items for those younger who cannot look after themselves. Then, when called upon, please direct your attention to the direction of Canterlot.

“We have set up a device on the Plateau of Winter just south of Canterlot along the unicorn range. If you do not know which direction Canterlot is consult a map or just wait for the large beam of light in the sky. It will be hard to miss. This device will send the gathered magical power from the crystals to relays and back around, covering the entire world in a sphere that will allow us to move every creature to safety.”

“As was stated before, we can’t make you do this,” Twilight continued. “We do not wish to force you. But we ask all of you one last time to please help us save our world. Feel the power inside you and lend it to us for the sake of your neighbors, your friends, your family, and most importantly for those that you may never meet but are in need of your help. We have done all that we can to spread the word of what is at stake. In the end it will be up to those that are willing to save those that are not. Not for themselves, but for all…” Twilight reached down to place a hoof upon her abdomen. “And for those yet to come. We, the alicorns of this world, we are with you. Stand or fall, we do this together. And thank you all.”

Twilight nodded to Sunset and she deactivated the world wide broadcast. It just did not sound right saying, ‘good luck’ as she had written down.

“You okay?”

Twilight shook her head. “I was up until about ten minutes ago, but here we are.”

Sunset nodded. “Let’s raid the kitchen and load ourselves up. Going to be expending a lot of energy today. And since we just told all of Canterlot to evacuate no point waiting around to be served.”

Twilight cocked her head and examined Sunset carefully. “You are taking this all surprisingly well. Especially for first thing in the morning.”

Sunset grinned and waggled her brow. “I finally got a good night’s sleep after getting laid, like A LOT. Just need some calories and coffee hydration and I am ready to save the damn world.”

“Sunny…” Sunset paused and glance back. “I will save you. I swear it.”

Sunset Shimmer smiled serenely. She leaned over and kissed Twilight, moving her hoof to Twilight’s middle, rubbing it lightly over her belly. The potion and insertion was not a one hundred percent effective method, but the thought that it might have work still made them both smile. “C’mon, we have a lot to do.”

The first order of business was to get the devices moved. They had originally intended to have them moved days ago, but the distance became irrelevant after the others had merged with the god alicorns. They were more than capable of teleporting around the world with little to no detriment to their mana levels. Flurry Heart seemed especially happy about that.

Once that had been seen to, Sunset teleported Clover and the primary driver to the plateau and began anchoring it with bolts directly into the rock. It might blow up from an overload, but it would not fly off the mountain accidentally. Twilight stood behind them watching silently with the boxes containing the three crystals. After a startup test the last component, the glowing pink energon quintessence was inserted and the machine powered up to ready/standby mode. Clover stood back and shook for a moment.

“If you're cold and need a scarf or coat you better say so now because I can’t go back and get you one later.”

Clover glanced over to Sunset Shimmer. “I will be fine, but thank you.” His eyes next to turned to Canterlot. Even from a distance he could see the masses fleeing by train, airship, and many more retreating down the mountain path. It reminded Clover far too much of the exodus of Unicornia and it caused him to shudder again.

“Here.” Clover blinked as a thermos was hovered in his face. “Coffee will warm you from the inside and help with the jitters. I’ve had enough.”


Sunset smiled at Twilight before placing the soft foam covered crystal in her ear and the lanyard around her neck. “Testing, testing. Velveeta, Mike, Underwear am I coming in all clear, over?”

“What does that even mean?!” said Flurry Heart.

“Good morning! Sleep well you two?”

“Oh please, Cadence,” said Discord, “you are not fooling anypony with that sensual tone in your voice to what you are implying. Did you not see them before you left? They were GLOWING!”

Sunset chuckled. She glanced back to Twilight who was blushing and smiling. Clearly her receiver was working as well. “Luna? Raven? You on with us?”

“I am in position, Sunset.”

“As am I, beloved niece,” said Luna. “I am surprised, however. I thought I was to be setting up on the moon?”

“The drawing was not to scale,” said Clover, “If we were to setup at the poles or the moon itself the machines would fail due to the extreme cold. It was best to remain in temperate zones and not straight up and down. And once the gate is open, up and down will be irrelevant.

“As far as position, you will all be up high in the sky while having to maintain your altitude and hold onto the devices. Each channel booster relay has been fitted with a levitation charm that will allow you to focus most of your power on just staying airborne, but you must hold onto it. The more they move around the harder it will be for Twilight to regulate the power fluctuations. The more the power fluctuates the more the world will shake and there may be additional side effects as we progress.”

“Such as?” asked Raven.

“I honestly have no idea. I have never done this before. Just be aware and try to adjust accordingly.”

“Sounds simply chaotic!” chimed in Discord.

“Not reassuring,” grumbled Flurry.

“Well, he’s not wrong,” added Sunset.

“If we lose contact, which we might near the end, just keep focusing. Hold onto the device for as long as you can. Then teleport to the ground or some point of safety just before we jump or there is a chance you might get left behind or trapped in between space,” added Twilight.

Nothing was said for several seconds until Flurry spoke again. “Sooooo, what do we do now?”

“I am going to call Spike and a few others and see how the evacuations are going, but ultimately, we wait until we have visual. At that point we know it is committed and won’t turn away. We only get one shot at this.”

Clover turned back to Sunset Shimmer and removed his slider necklace. Sunset grimaced harshly at the device, recalling from a few days before he had explained how it needed to be refilled with blood magic if she wanted the catastrophic failure they were hoping for. Rather than ask for volunteers and sacrifices were completely out of the question, Sunset went to the guards and ordered them to give up a little. It was a horrible order to give, but they had done so with only a few asking why. The thestrals, not a single one questioned her. Some had even offered more if she needed it. That had made Sunset think of Sable Nimbus and she blanched, rapidly shaking her head. No one else was going to sacrifice themselves in such a way… Except maybe for me, but if it means everyone else sees tomorrow then so be it. Once full, the cursed artifact was returned to Clover for safe keeping until needed.


Spike stood in the center of town helping point citizens of Ponyville in the direction of the farms outside of town. There were plenty of open fields not currently in use and far enough away from the buildings in case they fell. Structures could be fixed, items recovered, but lives were more important. So far, nearly everyone understood that. From what he had been told by Twilight, not everyone was on the same page with the plan though despite the warnings. Ponyville was used to dealing with disasters and preparation. They had even gone as far as to drain half the water from the reservoir just in case the dam fails.

A buzzing and pulsing caught Spike’s attention and he glanced down at his belt. The pouch was glowing. “Hello?”

“Hello, Spike. I’m just checking in to hear how everything is going?”

“Hey, Twilight. So far, so good. Not sure how it is going to go once the overflow from Canterlot arrives. We have plenty of room, but, well, not like I have to explain to you how ponies of Canterlot view citizens of Ponyville.”

“I know, and I’m sorry for that. There are only a few towns surrounding Canterlot that the trains can reach quickly. The citizen on hoof will be lucky if they can make it down the mountain by nightfall as it is.”

“Do they even have that long?” The pause told him enough. “Well, I’ll try to stay in touch with the guard and Tempest Fury. I know they were overseeing much of the evacuation. Stay safe. Please?”

“We’ll do what we can. Spike… no matter what, remember, I love you and you will always be in my heart.”

Spike heard the call disconnect before he could reply. He sighed and turned his eyes to the mountains. “I’ll always be here for you, Twilight Sparkle.”


“How have the evacuations gone?” asked Cadence. She figured the others could hear her speaking but like Twilight, she had her own citizens that required checking on as well.

Seneschal Fire Sapphire paused to say something to another advisor or guard. Cadence was a little annoyed she could not see what was going on, but she got over it quickly. “Apologies, Your Highness. Unfortunately, our ponies have reacted slowly to the warning. We have drilled for disasters before, so things are progressing, but I fear many do not comprehend the magnitude of what you are describing. Many are retreating to their own personal shelters below ground. I know many are hardened, but should the earth shake and split open or the castle fall and we lose the power of the heart… I am not sure what would be worse. Braving the tundra to travel to safety with little to no supplies or starving to death trapped in a basement.”

“The crystal ponies are strong, Sapphire. Believe in them and they will believe in you. I… I am not sure if I will ever see the Crystal Spire again. I expect you to rule the Empire fairly and with respect as you have always shown our ponies.”

“I am unworthy of your throne, Your Highness.”

“As was I, when it was given to me. You will grow into it. I believe in you.”

“You know…” Discord began cautiously, “all these sentimental goodbyes and doom and gloom conversations are not exactly helping the harmony of the world. And this is ME pointing this out.”

“Then harness that chaos,” said Raven. “And be prepared to do your part to help me balance this uninspected carnival ride they about to take on.”

Twilight turned to Sunset whose eyes kept switching between the sky and the Canterhorn mountain. Twilight’s hoof touched her middle again. She could not stop thinking about last night. It was far too soon to know if it worked, but still… knowing they tried. That Sunset Shimmer wanted to give her the gift of life. It meant everything to Twilight, just like the pony herself.

“Sunny,” Sunset turned to Twilight, “I haven’t called Tempest or Gauge yet. I think they would both like to hear from us.”

Sunset nodded and smiled. “Yeah. I need to know they are not the last ones out.” She dialed Tempest’s crystal first and received no answer. Next, she tried Captain Gauge’s and also received no answer. That was worrying and made Sunset flex her wings in response.

“I’m sure they are just busy.”

“Too busy to answer calls from their princesses?” Sunset glared at Canterlot again. “I can zip over and check on them and be back.”

“Unrecommended,” said Clover. “Teleportation uses up massive amounts of personal mana. Even for an alicorn. We need to stick to the plan and conserve our strength. We know it is near. Your friends are guards, yes? They were given orders by you to see to the citizens first. Between the noise and likely confusion they may not be able to hear or feel your crystals.”

Sunset growled and flapped her wings a few times while pacing. Just when she was about to burst, when her crystal vibrated. “Hey! You okay?”

“I am fine, my princess, but we are having difficulty with a number of citizens who do not wish to leave so many possessions behind. They are concerned about looters. My guards have caught a few such suspects and tied them up for later transport, but it is slowing the entire process.”

“What about Tempest and the little ones?”

“They are leading the column down the mountain alongside Isabella. I… am probably going to be sleeping outside my tent and alone for a few nights after this.”

Sunset glanced to Twilight. She had her suspicions but took the bait and asked anyway. “Whhhhy?”

“Tempest did not want to be among the first out. She wanted to stay with the rest of the guard. I… pulled rank and ordered her to go.”


“She was SEETHING. If not for the foals I have a feeling she would have punched me quite hard for that. Still, I know they are safe and keeping the others safe and organized. I will take my due and pay the price when we reach that point. Was there anything else, Your Highness? I need to get back to it.”

“Just… when things start, and you will know when they do, get the hell out of there and to your family. I know you can fly, so fly. As hard and fast as you can. That is MY ORDER to you, got it?”

“Order received.”

Sunset could sense he wanted to add more. Perhaps he wanted to say, ‘be safe’ or ‘take care’ all of them would have felt hollow compared to what he truly wanted to say. It was not something he wanted to say in front of others, she imagined. But in her heart, Sunset knew what the words were. Words that would be left unsaid as she ended the call.

“Tempest is heading down the mountain. Gauge is still leading the guard efforts in the city. He won’t leave any creature behind until it starts. I know him.”

Twilight nodded. “Then let us hope we have enough time.”

Similar calls were placed to representatives and office holders throughout Equestria. Clover sat by the machine, occasionally consulting his foreleg computer for diagnostics as well as something that Sunset suspected was a game to pass the time while she and Twilight continued to check in and monitor the situation across the country.

Hours passed. The three sat down and paused to break open the snacks that had been hastily packed while conversing over the crystals with the others. Just small talk mostly, but then Sunset Shimmer had a nagging thought and question that she did not want to leave unanswered.

“Hey, Aunt Luna.”

“Yes, niece?”

“What do you eat in the Underworld?”

Twilight perked up. “That’s a good question! I mean, while standing here I felt hungry, which I assume means that you and all the others get hungry as well.”

“I think I know the answer,” chimed in Discord. “Do I get a prize if I’m right?”

“And here I thought you were always full of your own ego and horse shit,” said Raven.

Flurry Heart snorted.

“I DO hope you were referring to Luna with that slander, dear Raven.”

“You know whom I was speaking of, Lord of Chaos.”

Twilight flattened her ears excepting things to descend into an argument, but she then glanced to Sunset who had a grin on her face. It was heartwarming to see and gave Twilight tummy flutters. Somehow, Sunset could tell that Raven was just poking fun. As if to confirm her suspicions, Discord began to cackle a moment later.

“Oh, you certainly are the perfect foil to my hot plate, my friend!”

“Wrooong kind of foil,” mumbled Sunset.

“To answer your question, only to bring things back around. Yes, I do eat. I suppose not often. I am not entirely sure I or any of us even need to, but it is a habit and a desire so I do so. Mostly, as I imagine Discord was going to guess, I simply conjure it myself. Or, on a few occasions, I quietly pluck it from others when they are not looking. Not unlike what my sister would do right before a noble would cry, ‘somepony has swiped my cake! Servant! Bring me another!’”

Sunset giggled, smiling at the thought of her mother and her never sated sweet tooth. “I can see why that makes sense. Being a god pony would not make a whole lot of sense if you could just starve to death like the rest of us. After all, the world changes. The environment changes. I would guess immortals are supplemented by magic itself. You basically eat the magic and mana of the world.”

“Well, that explains why all my peanut butter sandwiches taste like Raven’s anus. Too much Harmony!”

“Annnnd how would you know what that taste like?”

“I… completely set myself up for that one.”

Flurry Heart and Cadence absolutely lost it. Sunset could imagine them rolling on the ground, hopefully not about to fall off the mountain or plateau they were resting upon. She also imagined Raven’s smug victorious smile not unlike her own. Thank you, Discord, for taking one for the team to keep it light for as long as possible. I really am going to miss all of you.

Author's Note:

So, for those that do not follow along on the blog. Chapter 42 needed to be split in half. It was pushing 20k words. However! Things are done so here is 42. 43 will be out Friday and the Epilogue out Sunday. Enjoy the ride, keep hands to yourself, and tissues are available upon request.

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