• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,338 Views, 485 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 41: Burning Bright

“Good afternoon, Sunny,” said Twilight Sparkle fairly chipper and awake. Sunset Shimmer sat down in her chair and blinked several times at the stack of papers that were taking up half their dining table. Sunset distinctly remembered a conversation they had had several months ago about clogging their private spaces with work. The open forum meeting they had the day before in the throne room had seemed like a good idea at the time. Sunset felt at the end of session that they had most of the public and the press on their side. The energy of the room felt positive.

When Flurry Heart had allowed a close up of the three containment crystals the ‘ooooohs and ahhhhhs’ that had gone around the room had felt like a plus to their favor. Cameras flashed near continuously for nearly two minutes of reporters wanting to capture them from every angle. It was easy to become intrigued by the beautiful crystals that would be put to task gathering and holding the magic of the world. Sunset, Twilight, Flurry, and Cadence had answered every question they felt they could. It had gone on for hours without any breaks.

Finally, Isabella had ordered the guards to begin slowly ushering creatures out, becoming concerned about the royals’ wellbeing. It had been grueling and exhausting, but at least at the time it had also felt productive.

“What the hell is all this stuff?”

“Starting off as chipper as ever, I see.” Sunset glanced over to Raven who set down a coffee gently in her silver magic aura. The cream colored alicorn smiled her coat sparkled brighter for a moment. “Sleep well, mother?”

Sunset took the coffee and drank heavily from it. After a moment of enjoying the burn as it landed safely in her stomach where it belonged, Sunset sighed. “First, it is only just BARELY afternoon by like, what? Two minutes? Secondly, you know I didn’t sleep well because I came to bed late due to all the nightmare dreams thanks to our meeting with the public and press yesterday. Everypony is scared shitless, which I guess they should. Thirdly, thank you for the coffee, but you know you are an alicorn now, you don’t have to bring me coffee.”

“I am still me, Sunset, just more magical and squishy on the inside now. I am most efficient and at my best when I am helping you and my other friends.”

“And to answer your question, “Twilight said, “this stuff are all official complaints from lords, merchants, and political office holders from all over Equestria complaining about our revelation.”

“Well, that didn’t take long.”

Twilight nodded and sighed. “I’m sure some of them were locally transcribed since the mail is not THAT fast. Most are just minor complaints and request for emergency support to make ready for the possible ramifications of facing down the omega beast. Some are official protest that we are stirring unnecessary panic and will cause riots and possible property damage. In fact, the mayor of Manehatten has requested that we retract the statements made as stress induced nonsense and issue new statements that all is well because, and I quote, ‘This news is bad for business and I refuse to order any mandatory evacuations for citizens without proof of imminent danger.’ End quote.”

“He knows we can just make it a royal decree, right? I mean, sure he was elected locally, but we are the ones actually in charge of this country.”

Twilight grimaced sympathetically. “I think that’s part of the problem. Some ponies used to their own tiny grips of power feel threatened we are stepping on their tails and disrupting things for no good reason. It's a fairly universal constant that no pony likes a tyrant.”

“It’s not just Equestria,” added Isabella. “I’m getting early reports from agents and scouts that Griffonstone and city-states in the Badlands are having similar distrust issues. There are some who just do not want to believe what is coming. They find the statement that god-like beings walking among us is a fabrication, despite proof of testimonies from numerous Mount Metazoa witnesses, and that all you are doing is going to disrupt commercial trade and the normal order of business.”

Sunset sighed and growled into her coffee mug. “Ugghhhh! Politics.”

“All part of the joy of being us,” said Twilight. Sunset Shimmer grimaced and stared into her cup. It was good. The castle staff had made it. She could tell by the taste. It was just not as good as the ones Gauge made. She had no idea what he added to give it a delightful little kick as well as hint of spice. “You know, you could go back to bed. I’ve got things pretty much covered here and Cadence, Flurry, and Spike are out trying to smooth things over in the local townships. We did not want them to wander too far since we don’t know exactly when Clover and Captain Gauge are supposed to be back.”

“That’s why I’m awake. I had a dream about him.”

Twilight arched a brow, flashing a quirky smile. “Should I be jealous?”

Sunset chuckled slightly. “I said a dream, not a fantasy. Seriously, I’ve had ones like this before. Where they feel so real and something shocks inside me. They feel like premonitions instead of just simple dreams. I think I need to go talk to Tempest about it. I may have accidentally been tapping into her worries and concerns too.”

Twilight nodded. “Then you should. I know she’s worried about him. You two talking out your fears and concerns will be good for both of you.”

Sunset was about to comment further when she caught sudden movement out of the corner of her eye. Raven had turned to the window.

“There is a disturbance… I sense mixed magic.” Raven closed her eyes. "There are guards scrambling."

Sunset and Twilight both stood. Sunset was the first to ask, “Where?”

“The guard training compound.”

“I’m going to go check it out. Twily?”

Twilight beckoned Isabella over. “I’ll contact Tempest. Keep me informed and stay safe.”


Fog Gauge could recount clearly the number of times he had been scared for his life. Sure, he had been terrified for others plenty of times. Terrified for his subordinates, terrified for his wife, his foals, and of course, his princesses and mistress. But Fog was a thestral. His life belonged to his princesses and his mistress of the night. For the protection of Equestria and its citizens. He did not fear death in the face of service.

However, those he served whole heartedly were not currently here and he was running for his life while also trying to protect a pony he frankly did not care for and their questionable goods. At least they were currently in their true forms as opposed to that last dimension they had been in. It helped… marginally. He could certainly run faster on four legs than two and protect the questionable items in his saddlebags.

“I honestly did not think they would get this angry.”

Fog hissed at Clover the Clever and shoved him forward to the dark alley ahead before slamming the sandy pony into the wall and having to reel in his anger while forcing his breathing and emotions to normalize. Though it would not serve them well for long, Gauge thought. Their pursuers could probably see better in the dark than he could, given their nature. Still, the only plan he had was to just keep moving. To stay in one place too long was to invite death and Fog had no desire to die anywhere other than in the forelegs of his wife, old and frail.

“They said the item was rare and hard to come by,” Gauge growled. “You knew they would react badly and yet you stole it anyhow!”

“I offered fair trade! The gold bits we had are nearly eighty percent pure! Trust me, I have traveled far and wide and gold is a constant sought after in every realm I have ever visited. It is universally used for many applications in industry and technology. It ha-” Gauge rammed his hoof into Clover’s mouth not in the least bit gently. The older unicorn understood the message, he was rambling. He nodded and the guard retracted his hoof.

“Regardless, we needed the energy source or the generators would have to have been completely redesigned and I did not think we had time for that.” Clover glanced down at his dimensional slider. “Speaking of energy sources.”

Gauge narrowed his yellow eyes at the unicorn. “You must be joking.”

“Datura had refilled it when she tried to escape during the last fight, but had used quite a bit of said blood magic trying to force the gate open and then I countered it, causing it to burn more energy. The fact that we have made three jumps already without having to refill it should tell you how much it could hold.”

"You just stated we have a precious energy source. Can we not just use some for a substitute?"

Clover shook his head. "That was not how she designed it and life blood is far more abundant."

Fog held up his hoof as he heard steps, metal on metal grow louder. Their small stature had made slipping into tight spaces invaluable given the massive scale of everything else around them. A world designed around living machines that towered over them. But such an advantage was fleeting against superior technology. They needed to escape.

Fog leaned in close to Clover. “That thing is an abomination, as was she. If we did not need it, I would destroy it like I destroyed hers. The fact that it does not remotely bother you anymore only further cements how far you have fallen in your detached indifference to such horrors.”

Clover bowed his head in shame. “I know. And some day I will drown for eternity in the same pit my wife's soul currently resides. At least we will be together paying for our sins. Until then, I will serve.”

Gauge growled, unsatisfied, frustrated, but unwilling to continue discussing such a topic. “How much blood does it need?”

“For one final jump home, not much. But it will need more later if the princess does wish to create a catastrophic failure and implosion.”

“A problem for you and Princess Sunset to work out later.” Gauge offered up his foreleg. “Do it. Just get us home.”

“Not here. We need open space for the slider to properly function without risk of anomaly.”

Gauge tightened the straps of his saddlebags, double checking that everything was secured. “There was a clearing in that direction we crossed before entering the market. Will that suffice?” Clover nodded. Gauge found some debris and tossed it the opposite direction they wished to go. “Let’s get out of this nightmare.”

Their pursuers moved to the sound of the decoy. Clover and Gauge wasted no time with stealth and ran out the opposite end of the alley. Clover was trying to calculate in his head how much time they would need, how much power they would need, and how to get everything done in the little time they had bought for themselves. Gauge was focused solely on the clearing around the next few bends and seeing home again.


Clover nodded and came to a sliding stop. He threw his hood back and borrowed the captain’s staff for a moment, using the sharp end slice a gash across the thestral’s foreleg. Gauge turned his eyes away, holding in his grunt. He did not want to see how much blood was leaving his body. He could feel the effects well enough as his heart sped up and he shivered with a sudden numbing chill.

A moment later Clover hovered the staff back Gauge. “Give me a moment to find home and power it up."

Gauge growled and hissed, shaking the light headed feeling away. He dared a glance to see that the fresh cut had been magically sealed leaving a small pink scar that would fade. “I assure you, we only have a moment.”

Clover’s horn lit and the orb at the center of the necklace burned with renewed life. The orb began to spin one direction while the orbiting rings spun about. Energy shot out and a small tear in reality opened and sparked as it grew larger. He opened his eyes and recognized the Canterlot Palace grounds.

“It’s open!”

“GO!” Gauge shouted. He unfurled his wings and began to flap them rapidly, drawing in the little surrounding moisture and condensing it. They needed cover, even if for only a few seconds.

Clover turned and saw the massive aliens approaching. They were brandishing weapons he had come to know and fear over the years. Particle rifles. Heated plasma energy weapons as deadly and powerful as even the most dangerous horn blasts. Difficult to block, nearly impossible to dodge. The angry robots opened fire the moment they were in range.

The thestral flapped harder, but not to fly. Like many, he had a gift, a special talent. For some it was dance, others the ability to grow things or build objects. His wife, Tempest Fury, had an exceptional talent as a strategist and soldier, proficient in combat spells. For Fog Gauge, he could generate a thick fog bank from almost nothing. The space between the approaching machines and two ponies became suddenly thick with blinding fog and difficult to see through. Gauge spun on one hoof and retreated, shoving Clover through the portal home. The ground began to explode around them in puffs of dirt and hot fragments as the pursuers fired blindly. Fog leapt for the portal. A searing sensation passed through Gauge’s body and the bat pony cried out as he tumbled through the portal, landing badly but quickly rolling off to the left to avoid further hits. Warm wetness splattered Gauge’s helmet and muzzle, he tasted copper and everything was starting to go numb. Gauge's vision went fuzzy, slowly fading to black. Clover rolled as well, particle blast gouging the ground around him and one passing through his cloak, but missing his body. He released the spell and the portal began to close rapidly. A large robotic hand reached through and tried to grab Clover only to be severed off at the forearm when the portal sealed.

Ponies began to scramble to their location immediately. Clover quickly assessed their location and realized that he had in fact dropped them in the middle of the guard training grounds. Clover let out a sigh and then scrambled to Fog Gauge who was still on the ground and had stopped moving. He rolled the guard over and gasped.

“I need medical help over here!” A powerful teleport of heat and flame broke the air in a thunder clap, throwing Clover back and off his hooves.

Through heavy eyelids Fog Gauge saw the blurry face of an angel, head ringed in a red and golden halo of billowing fire. Had the reapers come for him again? Was this how he died? Gauge felt himself being lifted evenly, effortlessly. Then, he passed out.


Fog Gauge blinked his eyes. They felt heavy, crusty, and it hurt to move even a tiny bit. He groaned and his fluffy ears twitched as his stirring alerted others. He was in a room that was not his home or the officer’s barracks. The smell… he knew that smell.

“Hey, don’t move too much.”


Fog smiled as his crusty, slightly blurred vision was greeted by a vermilion muzzle that nuzzled and then kissed him. He took a deep breath of her scent, the familiar armor polish and hints of mango from her shampoo calming him immediately. Gauge tried to sit up, but found that it was far more difficult to move than he anticipated. Everything hurt.

“Foggy, seriously don’t move.” Tempest paused and Gauge had to blink. Is she about to cry? Why? What could cause…

Gauge blinked again to finally clear his vision and despite the pain, turned his head to examine himself. As he had suspected, he was in the barracks medical ward. He was also clearly heavily bandaged. It took only a moment to understand and recall what had happened. “How bad?”

Before Tempest answered a doctor Gauge did not recognize as well as Sergeant Cotton Grove, the ranking field medic for the Solar Guard, entered and began to examine Fog Gauge’s charts and current state. The thestral eyed all three of them before repeating his question.

“Honestly, captain,” said Sergeant Cotton, “I’ve seen much worse, but it was still a bad hit.”

Gauge turned to Tempest, who had steeled her emotions in front of others. Her face had become stoic, like any good commanding officer. But he knew her little tells. Her jade eyes told a different story, one that spoke of how glad she was that he was alive even if not in one piece.

“Hello, captain, I’m Doctor Stitches. Yes, that is my actual name. My parents wanted me to be a doctor and here I am.”

“Charming,” Gauge replied flatly.

“Sorry. Sometimes it relieves the tension. Anyhow, we were able to get the bleeding stopped quickly and the good medic here got you stabilized from the shock damage not long after you passed out. They did everything right, you should be proud of their quicky thinking and training put to use.

"So, with the compliments out of the way, let's talk straight. In addition to blood loss you suffered severe burns where the shot passed through your shoulder guard before deflecting slightly to exploding on impact at the elbow joint. There was not much left of your lower right foreleg that was severed. We had to amputate another seven centimeters above the impact site because of physical trauma. The burn scars will likely be permanent even if the fur grows back in patches. I'm sorry about that. There was some concern about possible nerve damage, but so far nothing unusual has come up on our monitors. So, good news there.”

Gauge turned his head, which still hurt to do so and realized that was why he could not sit up. His right foreleg was almost completely gone. Gauge turned his eyes back to his wife and let out a breath. They held one another's gaze before he turned his yellow eyes back to the doctor and asked, “What are my options?”

The doctor coughed and nodded. “As long as the remaining foreleg does not become infected or suffer from further deterioration you should be able to be fitted for a prosthetic. It will take some getting used to, but many ponies have come to be able to move just as well as they could with their original limb over time.”

“Will I be able to fight?”

Sergeant Cotton Grove grimaced. She had expected the question, just not so soon. “It is possible. There are a lot of factors that have to be considered including the quality of prosthetic that is available. You will have to see how comfortable you are with such after extensive rehab and recovery. That is the most honest answer I can give, sir.”

Gauge nodded. “Was the mission a success? Did all the items survive?”

The air outside the room popped with the sound of a teleport. The door, which had been left slightly open was thrown out of the way and nearly off its hinges. Sunset Shimmer came to a skidding stop at the foot of the bed. “Celestia’s sunny white plot, you’re okay! You’ve been out for hours!”

Gauge tried to shrug but it hurt and he winced, trying to play it off as a wink. None of them bought it. “I am… alive. Okay might be a bit of a stretch to admit yet, my princess, but certainly alive from how much my body is hurting at the moment.”

“I tried to visit you earlier, but they told me I was in the way.”

“You were,” said Tempest matter-of-factly. “We both were.”

Sunset nodded and smiled sheepishly at the honest statement. “I still had to check… I had to know. Shit… this is all my fault. I… I mean, Twilight made the suggestion, but I went along with it… I should have said no, dammit!”

“Princess,” Sunset paused her rant, glassy teal eyes locked with the calm yellow irises before her, “was the mission a success?”

“Um… well, we are still going over all the parts and pieces and construction has begun on the devices needed. It looks like it will work, at least in theory. I don't completely understand all of it. So, yeah, I guess it’s safe to say it was a success.”

Fog Gauge held out his undamaged left hoof that both Sunset and Tempest took a hold of. Both mares eyed each other for a moment, but then turned back to Gauge when he cleared his throat. “My body, my life, my purpose is to serve Equestria and it pleases my heart that I succeeded in my mission. Death before dishonor.”

Tempest smiled, her own eyes glassing over despite her best efforts. “You bull headed, stubborn, glorious pain in the rump.”

“What she said,” Sunset added. “Oh, and we love you and are glad you’re home safe.”

Gauge nodded. “Thank you, both of you. Tempest, tell the foals that daddy will be fine and that I will be home as soon as I am able. My princess, please return to working with Princess Twilight. I know she needs you in this trying time and that we are short on time. I need you to ensure that my sacrifice was not in vain.”

Sunset dried her damp eyes and nodded. “Yeah, you're right, I do need to get back to it. I’m just… damn you scared me. When I heard the yelling and I saw you there I…” Tempest extended a hoof and touched Sunset’s shoulder. The two mares smiled genuinely at one another. “Right. Work to do, save the world. Got it.”

Sunset trotted back out of the room before teleporting away.

“It’s getting late and I need to go get the foals before Whisper thinks I’m abusing her kindness to watch them.” Tempest gently hugged and nuzzled her husband again, whispering in his ear, “She’s not wrong. I was scared out of my mind too. I was so worried when they told me you were here. I thought… just rest up. We can talk about everything else later. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, my fury storm.” Tempest chuckled lightly. He had come up with that nickname years ago, she thought it was lame, but had slowly gotten used to it. Thankfully, he did not say it often.

Fog watched his wife go and then sat back down. He sighed and focused his mind to dull the fatigue and pain.

“You’ve got good friends, captain.”

Gauge nodded. “The best.”

When Sunset teleported back to Twilight’s lab she wobbled a bit and had to lean against the wall to keep from shaking. Both Twilight and Raven quickly noticed the movement and stopped what they were doing.


“I’m okay… I’ll be okay.” Twilight dropped the papers she was looking over and immediately wrapped her wife in a wing and hoof embrace. Sunset sniffled a bit, but mostly kept herself composed, nuzzling into her wife. “Raven was right, he just woke up. He’s… he lost most of his right foreleg, some burns and a buttload of pain, but he’s alive. That’s… that’s what’s most important.”

“I am sorry he became maimed, but it is relieving he will live,” said Clover, taking a moment from his welding, goggles perched just above his horn. “The good captain saved my life and our items which will, truthfully, save the rest of our world.”

Sunset scowled at Clover and briefly considered ringing the unicorn’s neck for the seventh time that day. She refrained… barely. “Just… just make it all work. We owe him and his family that much.”

Clover nodded. He held up a canister with glowing liquid inside. “This was the final component that could not be replicated on our world… not without great sacrificial cost that none of us were willing to ask for. It is the fuel needed to power the devices while the magic gathers. Without it we would have all been doomed.”

Twilight examined the substance in question once again. It had a slightly pinkish magenta glow to it and she could feel, even through its containment vessel, that it held great energetic potential. “What is it again? I may have asked before but we were all busy.”

“It has many different names. Energon, liquid star heart, quintessence, and so on. The creatures of many dimensions do not know of its existence let alone how to harness it. Ultimately, it is all the same thing. Life energy distilled down to its most fundamental, concentrated form. This, is what is believed to be at the bottom of the Well of Souls. Pure, unfiltered mana energy. The fundamental building block and catalytic spark to life, the universe, everything. It was said long ago in my time that the gods were born from the blood of Faust, the ancient word for the universe itself. This, this is cosmic magic that flows from one universe to another carrying with it the seed of souls and unrivaled power. In short, this is the life blood of the multiverse itself.”

All the eyes in room turned to Luna, who had remained quiet in the shadowy corner and away from accidentally touching anyone. She sensed their looks and took a moment to approach and examine the canister herself. She nodded and set it back down carefully. Her eyes turned completely black for a moment before the whites returned.

“It is a foreign source, but ultimately, yes. The assessment is correct. This is the life energy that flows through the multiverse. A small drop of it exists within all living creatures and flows through our very blood and souls. It is powerful magic and extremely dangerous if improperly used. This is what the beast truly hungers for. To feast upon an open vein of such pure power and grow vile and fat beyond comprehension. To bottle such a pure power and use in such a way is sacrilegious and a sin… even if a necessary one.”

“Well, good thing we have nine alicorns and an alicorn/draconequus on our side to wield it otherwise I might be worried about, 'oh noes, it's too much for me aahhhhh!' or something cliche like that.” Clover made a face, his eyes suddenly downcast. Sunset and Twilight both caught the expression and turned to one another. Sunset groaned and growled. “What now?”

“There will be no way to construct ten of these devices with the rare materials we have and I doubt we could go back for more. Not with the time we have.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset shouted. All the work in the lab came to a halt as they turned to the outburst. Flurry Heart nearly dropped the small device she was tinkering with. Sunset stalked up to Clover the Clever and snarled, baring her teeth, “Fog got his foreleg blown off to save your lousy backside and bring this stuff back and you are just NOW telling us there may not be enough?!”

Twilight placed a calming hoof upon her wife. It held the fiery alicorn at bay, barely. “I assume you took this into account when we began construction?”

Clover glanced at Sunset, still unsure if the other alicorn was going to attack him but nodded. “Ten would have been difficult even under the best of circumstances, Princess Twilight.” Clover moved to the chalkboard and drew a circle and labeled it, ‘Equuis.’ He drew a smaller circle under it and labeled it, ‘moon.’ He next drew five squares. One was on the moon below, the other four at, ten, two, eight, and four by clock coordinates. Clover drew one final circle with a familiar yin yang sun symbol above at twelve, directly opposite of the moon.

“There are a number of factors that must be considered for the space bridge to work. First, is that more devices are not necessary. They just have to be in the right locations to provide complete coverage of... well, in our case, the entire world. I estimate we only need five working in tandem to accomplish this. That will cover our world cross sectionally in an energy envelope. From these points the energy is drawn upward to the focus point as well as one here to drag the moon along.”

“What about the sun?” asked Twilight.

Clover tapped his hooves together. “We need to leave it behind.”

Sunset and Twilight both stood slack jawed. Even Luna arched a brow at such a statement.

“You know, if I knew we were going to get bucked this hard I would have called my coltfriend here,” said Flurry. Cadence smacked her daughter with a wing while trying to suppress her smile.

“I understand your confusion and concerns,” Clover continued. “but the fact is that the sun in our sky is not a true star. It is a magical construct. As its handlers you know this better than most.”

“We still need a sun or the planet will die,” Twilight countered.

“And you shall have one.” Aine, who, like Luna, had been present the entire time had remained mostly quiet and out of the way only offering her support in holding some objects up or organizing materials. Given the limited space, once the prototype was done they would likely need to move to another facility to construct the other devices, Twilight concluded. A concern for later. What was a concern for the moment was that Aine had agreed with Clover on leaving the sun, the one she had created, behind.

“I don’t understand," said Twilight.

“Me either,” added Sunset.

Aine unrolled a set of drawings that both Sunset and Twilight recognized immediately. They were the most up to date star charts the Canterlot Space Observatory had on record. Once she had their attention, Aine rolled them up again and tossed them aside.


“These will be of no use for where we need to go.”

Sunset growled at the unnecessary theatrics, her eyes starting to glow again. “You know, I used to think Discord was annoying as hell with his antics, but you are making him look like a subway station performer begging for change.”

Discord, ever the quick reactor, rattled his old tin cup with a small jingle sound while draped in dirty rags. “Alms for the poor?”

Aine ignored the draconequus. “You need to move the world far enough away to survive the cataclysm and at the same time place the world where life will continue to survive as before. You both are smart enough and have studied the cosmos in detail to know how rare life bearing worlds are. They require absolute perfection. Not too hot, not too cold and rotational, swiveling revolutions in order to create seasons and so much more. As it happens… unfortunately. I know a star system that has room in this tenuous zone for such a planet.” Twilight glanced to her wife and she grimaced. The anger in Sunset quickly subsided. They both knew exactly where Aine was referring.

“While you were speaking to the masses, I took the time to return to where my creation had been. I had to go far out of my way and around to do so. I could sense the beast, but did not wish it to become aware of me and change course. You should all know, it has… grown from what Luna and the twins described.” Aine shook her head. “Regardless, the rest of star system was unaffected by the beast’s attack. I cleared as much of the debris as possible and It is now ready and waiting. We need only reach it.”

“But how are we supposed to slingshot the world to a place we can’t see on the other side of the galaxy if not even farther away?” asked Sunset Shimmer. “You just said the star charts are useless. I have to assume this other solar system is beyond all our best telescopes.”

Clover began to tap his hooves together. Aine glanced to Luna, who had begun to take more interest in the conversation, questions forming in her mind as well. Then she glanced to all the other alicorns one by one. Cadence, Flurry Heart, Belldandy, and finally Chaz. Sunset’s anxiety began to spike as warning bells began going off in her brain. Sunset turned her wide, teal eyes to the chalkboard again.

Ten alicorns.

Five devices.

A yin yang sun at the top like a spearpoint… or scope sight. A means to aim.

“No,” said Twilight barely above a whisper.

Aine quirked her head and raised a brow. “I have not sai-”

“You want to combine us, bond yourself to another alicorn,” said Sunset, finishing Twilight’s line of thought.

“You said you were not certain if the bonding can be undone!” shouted Twilight. “If you bond yourself to Sunset she will become the new Goddess of Creation! She will be…”

Aine shook her head. “Sunset is Ignis Ferrum Incarnate. A weapons golem designed against such intrusions even by creatures as powerful as an alicorn goddess. She can be hurt, she can be killed, but her mind is all her own with only enough room for one soul that stubbornly refuses to budge from said body. Trust me on that one.

"Though fundamentally mortal, with mortal drawbacks, Sunset's physical makeup is complex with protective spells woven through every fiber of her being making her a hearty, robust defender capable of taking massive amounts of abuse. Something she can attest to. That is why she must be on point. However…”

Now it was Sunset’s turn to flatten her ears with wide eyes of realization where this was all going. “Oh, fuck no.”

Aine turned her attention squarely to Twilight Sparkle. “You are the element of magic, you are one of the most powerful alicorns to ever take up the mantle and you did so, finding the path to ascension of your own choosing. This gives you both a powerful mana well in which to draw upon to control the magic around you and the free will to choose this or not.” Aine pointed to the symbol on the drawing just below Sunset where the crystals would be gathering power. “Together, you and I, Twilight Sparkle, we can gather and regulate the power to all the others and send it up to Sunset Shimmer to fire out towards our desired destination. You have the ability to wield this great power, yours and mine. I have the location and the mental fortitude to prop you up and together, we can save this world.”

Nothing was said.

Twilight glanced to Sunset who was shaking with barely controlled emotion. Her first instinct was to go to her wife to comfort her before she exploded with rage. But Twilight wondered if she herself looked any better after such a proposal. Perhaps it would be best if they both stepped out and considered it all. Regardless, Twilight felt she had to get the situation under control.

“Sunny, are y-”

“I’ll be outside.”

Twilight blinked. Nothing else was said. Sunset Shimmer met her eyes for a second as she turned and they spoke volumes in that fleeting moment. Sunset’s mane fell still, no longer billowing with power. Her wings, which had been on the verge of igniting explosively, came to a sharp rest at her sides. Before any protest or concerned question could be launched, she stepped around the others and hastily exited through the door. Twilight regained her voice at the last second and called out to her wife, but Sunset had not raised her head or turned to look back.

“Sunny,” Twilight whimpered one last time.

“I’ll go talk to her. This advanced science stuff is not my thing anyhow,” said Cadence, finally regaining her senses after the stunned silence.

Aine rolled her eyes as the pink alicorn hurried to exit. She muttered under her breath, “We do not have time for this.” Twilight was tempted. She wanted to shoot Aine at point blank in the face with a horn blast. A strong one. Not enough to kill her, but enough to make it hurt. Maybe leave a painful welt for a day or so. Was she so detached and cold? Did she not understand? Aine glanced back to Twilight who continued to stare daggers at her. “You are wondering why I am so callous.”

It was said as a statement not a question.

Twilight grimaced but squared her jaw and stared the goddess down. She was only slightly taller than Twilight with a longer horn. Physically, Twilight had stared down creature larger than the both of them. Aine was just another antagonist, perhaps not a villain, but certainly not a friend. Twilight took a deep breath and said as calmly and diplomatically as she could, “The thought has crossed my mind more than once.”

“Do you understand ruthless calculus, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Enlighten me,” Twilight replied without skipping a beat.

“There are at this moment one billion, four hundred eighty-seven thousand, nine hundred and sixty-six sentient creatures with souls on this planet that are alive. In addition, there are an incalculable amount of non-sentient and various other forms of life as well on land or under the sea. I love them all to one degree or another. And they will all perish unless we do everything in our power to make this plan work. Because rest assured that this is the only viable option left to you. That device and the four others that need to be built, tested, and put into place will mean nothing unless we alicorns give everything we have to see it through.

“So, no, I do not care if my granddaughter hates me as long as she fulfills her role and we do our part as well. I, in all honesty, do not want to be bonded to you. I find the thought of it terrifying. Do you become true immortal? Do I become mortal? As you asked before, can it be undone? Questions I have no answer for at this time. However, if it increases our chances of success, I will do it. I will promise you that I will find a way to separate us, but it could take centuries. Centuries we will only have if we combine our strengths here and now to worry about the problems of tomorrow, tomorrow.”

Twilight wanted to argue, wanted to tell her she was wrong. She wanted to rage and scream that Sunset was not a tool to be used and discarded. But she did not. A part of Twilight hated that and she bit her tongue painfully because in part, Twilight understood what Aine was saying and that the big pain in the rump was right.

Then, another part of her also considered that with the power Aine was describing it might be possible to save Sunset Shimmer as well. Aine had the ability to craft entire worlds. How hard was it to scoop up Sunset at the last possible second and drag her along? Or, if nothing else, if Sunset was doomed to perish, then Twilight would see to it that she died as well and dragged the forsaken Goddess of Creation down to Elysium with her.

Cadence did not need to go far to find her fiery cousin. Sunset had not stormed off breaking every stone under hoof or needed to blow half a mountain top away to cool down. In truth, that would probably been preferable considering that was her usual means of venting. Instead, she looked far too calm and far too cooled off as it was. She was just standing there, staring at the wall. Not a piece of art or out a window. The wall.

Alarm bells went off in the Princess of Love's mind. Signs that she had seen on too many faces over too many years as a therapy counselor dealing with couples' issues or grieving for lost loved ones. To Cadence’s eyes, her special talent allowed her to gaze beyond flesh and could see the burning love and spark of life like an aura around every creature. It was why Chrysalis had needed to take her out first all those years ago. Cadence knew a changeling no matter their disguise.

Sunset’s aura, normally bright and shimmering much like her namesake, looked like a dying star layered in dull blues and graying smolder. It was wrong, off, that which had burned so bright but now had blown off its mass and energy and was nothing but a husk of itself. Lost. Hollow. Defeated.

“Hey you.” Sunset glanced to her right. Then back to starting at the blank stone and plaster walls. Cadence considered cracking a joke or poking at Sunset about some guard eye candy. None of it seemed appropriate. The direct approach would be best. “Talk to me, please?”

“Did you know Twilight wanted to have a foal?” Cadence had known that little tidbit of information for some time, but had not expected that to be the first thoughts on Sunset’s mind. “I did a little reading and research on the subject, you know, to make sure it was safe for alicorns, which as far as I could tell, it is. I honestly don’t think it’s a great idea given our lifestyles and long lives and how many baddies and monsters want to kill us all the damn time, but she wanted it so bad. Her eyes would do that wide, twinkly thing they do when she is about to explode with happiness every time I brought it up or we talked about it.

“So yeah, I brewed some heat potion not long ago. Didn't want to just buy it, you know. I'm OCD about that sort of thing.
It’s in my dresser drawer just waiting for the right moment. I made enough to put us both in out-of-season heats and horny as fuck. Then, you take this swab looking thing, mix it with this other conversion potion and… well there are a few different ways to do it after that, but it's basically like a magical, artificial insemination where I take my stuff and stick it in her stuff and then you roll the dice if it sticks. Boom, two mares making a foal.”

Cadence smiled warmly, her cheeks blushing a bit, but not from embarrassment, from happiness that such a thing had even been on the table for her cousin and sister-in-law. “I am aware of how it works, Sunset. We have similar potion makers in the Crystal Empire and I have counseled a number of mare couples on this very topic… including diagrams and slides. There is a reason Equestria’s female population outpaces males nearly four to one and yet still grows steadily. But why is that on your mind now?”

Sunset snorted bitterly and scowled, the temperature in the hall spiking for a second. “You think Twilight is going to care about her old dreams and desires once she and Aine are one? I’ve seen that bitch’s mind. At least a part of it. Even if she lets Twilight take the driver’s seat there is no way she won’t have one hand on the wheel ready to take over at a moment’s notice… Okay, you probably don’t understand that analogy, but just understand that it will not be like with Raven or possibly even Luna. Twilight will be changed forever with Alicorn Hyde constantly peeking over her proverbial shoulder, ready to take control of their shared body. The Twilight we know and love will be gone at that point.”

“And what about me? Or Flurry Heart? From what it sounds like they want us to bond with Belldandy and Chaz. Will we be changed as well?”

Sunset took a deep breath and sighed. “Probably. They seem more docile and less conniving than Aine and honestly would probably enjoy seeing your memories and riding along. You could come to consensus easy enough I would imagine. They spent a long time just working that tapestry and nothing else, but I could be wrong about all of this. And when I’m wrong about things it can be pretty epic. My whole damn family will be lost to me either way.”

Sunset shook as she fought to control her boiling emotions that threatened to spill over once more. “It’s… it’s happening again. I had a family on Earth and they faded away one by one. Old age took my friends. My daughters had kids of their own, but I never got to do much with my grandbabies because I was me. The ageless magical wonder. I even lost Twi eventually. I came back here and... Celestia's grace, I had family again. Heck, I even got a chance to mend fences with you, but then… I lost mom… then Luna… now I’m about lose all of you. I…”

Cadence gently touched Sunset Shimmer with her hoof only to be tackled by the other alicorn, wrapped in a tight hug that probably would have broken bones of a lesser creature. Cadence stumbled for a bit but recovered, patting Sunset with a hoof and rubbing her back a bit. “It will be okay. I promise, somehow it will be okay. Just tell me what you want to do. Tell us all what you want to do. The big mule was going on and on about how it is your decision and you choose if we live or die so tell me what you want, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset sighed again. She turned her eyes to the ceiling then back to the lab door. “It is my choice, but, it’s not really a choice is it? I keep thinking like a human. I keep forgetting that my destiny is not my own. My fate is tied to a stupid piece of cloth and I can drag the whole damn world down with me. That’s not a choice. Not really.”

“It’s not a fair choice, but it is still a choice.”

Sunset sighed. “I want to save the world. I want to save you and Flurry and Twilight. I want Saber and Dusk and Grunt to grow up along with all the other foals and hatchlings of the world. I want every creature to be safe and happy. But I especially want to make my wife the happiest mare in the whole damn world. And if I can’t have all of that. Then…”


Sunset clenched her jaw and growled a bit under her breath, fire smoldering in her eyes again. “Then a giant planet eating monster will be the least of Aine’s concerns if I live through this.”

“I think that’s true for all of us if we do this.”

Sunset shook her head. “There is no if, Cadence. We have to do this. Whether by chance or fate, we have to. I keep trying to fight this uphill battle against it all, but the fact of the matter is the path is right there. The road to the end. My end.”

Cadence felt a lump drop in her stomach and realized it was the pieces of her heart. “Sunset… you said there is a chance before. There is… there is still a chance, right? No pony wants you to just give in, lie down, and die.”

Sunset did not answer. She turned and slowly walked back to the laboratory door. From the top of the stairs she could see the entire lab. The room itself was never tremendous in size to begin with but was considerably more crowded and fuller than usual. Alicorns took up a lot of room even when just standing about.

Clover had returned to work on the frame structure while the alicorn gods stood around mostly just observing or whispering back and forth. Chaz seemed to show a genuine interest in learning about the devices. Luna appeared to be meditating while Aine was as useless as she always seemed to be, just standing about. Flurry Heart pretended to work by poking some of the components with her hoof, appearing as lost as Sunset felt. She next locked eyes with Twilight who looked like she too was lost on an open sea with no wheel and no rudder. Twilight should never feel lost in her own sanctum. Twilight Sparkle needed to feel in control and reliable.

“Clover,” said Sunset loud but not with venom or enthusiasm, “is the device safe to move?”

“I just need to attach these last few pieces and it will be ready for a small power up test actually. Need to check for any flaws, leaks, or missing components.”

Sunset nodded. "Take it out to the far side of the mountain, there is a plateau there. That’s a safe place to test away from the city in case there is an issue. Take everypony with you. I only need Twilight and Aine to stay for the moment.”

“Beloved niece?”

Sunset glanced to Luna, but did not wink or smile or translate any form of reassuring comfort. She next turned to Flurry Heart, who looked equally as concerned and worried. “Everypony out, please.”

“Sunset, I would like to stay. For your sake,” said Raven.

Sunset Shimmer shook her head. Her mane still lying lifeless, close to her neck instead of billowing on magical ether. “Thank you, Raven. But I need you to go with the others. You may need to erect crystal shields over that contraption in case there is a problem.”

Belldandy and Chaz assisted Clover in teleporting the device once Flurry explained where they were jumping to and collected the last of the pieces for assembly. Cadence placed one last reassuring hoof on Sunset’s shoulder before leaving as well. Raven also lingered before finally teleporting away, her coat dull and lacking the shine it had been moments before. Luna was the last to leave, staring daggers at her mother for a long moment before melting into shadows. Sunset sent a pulse of energy to locate Discord if he was hiding in the room. Then again, as a true god now, he still may have been able to hide from her. It did not matter. The ones she truly did not want to see what was about to happen were gone.

“Sunny.” Sunset descended the stairs slowly, with a lethargic, almost drunken sway. When she looked up, the comforting words Twilight had planned to give died in her throat. Her beautiful, beloved wife, who had risked life and limb for her and others and faced death down more than once was quietly crying. And yet, somehow, simultaneously, appeared stronger and more resolved than ever. It was a heartbreaking juxtaposition.

Sunset stopped before the two remaining alicorns, her eyes still leaking, but her chin was high, jaw clenched tight, and when she unfurled her wings they burned as fire for a second before turning to golden light. “Twilight Sparkle, I love you so damn much it hurts. Never forget that. Never forget what we learned together in the place where our minds joined, and know that no matter what, I don’t blame you for this.”

“Oh, Sunset…”

Sunset drew her soul blade before Twilight could finish, turned the flat side towards the other two alicorns, and pressed it forward. “Do it, before I change my mind and do something I might regret, like using this thing on myself.”

Aine lit her horn and pressed herself and Twilight into the burning blade. Their eyes blazed with brilliant white light that flooded the room beyond one’s ability to see. Sunset could only stand and frown, teeth clenched tight to keep her jaw from quivering as the tears continued to fall. Both alicorns melted into one as the light consumed them.

Life’s really not fair sometimes.

Author's Note:

We've reached the apex. One major chapter left and then the aftermath. Current plan is Chapter 42 next Friday and the Epilogue that following Sunday. Then an after action blog on all of this, thoughts and what I am going to do next. It's been a long road.


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