• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,330 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 40: Kashmir

Fog Gauge, Captain of the Night Guard took a deep breath. Proper breathing was the key to many things and he had to focus. He had a mission, an important one to fulfill. Still, watching all the princesses disappear alongside those alicorn gods made him uneasy. Setting off instinctive alarms to his being as a guard. He wanted to watch their backs. It was his job, his duty, but where they were going he could not follow. Or so they said. Still, Fog hated the idea of not being there. He wanted to guard them all. Especially Sunset Shimmer. Be safe, my princess. Come back to me.

“You seem distracted, friend.” Fog glanced at Clover the Clever, narrowed his yellow eyes, and grunted. “Ah, yes. Not friends. Colleagues? Comrades perhaps?”

“Associates at best,” said Fog Gauge, finishing the fresh coffee he had made for himself and replacing his lunar guard helmet.

Clover nodded. “You are quite attached to the princess. That much is obvious.”

“Protecting her is both my job and privilege. It is what we thestrals train for years to do, without question or hesitation. However, I would give my life for any of the princesses of Equestria. If you are insinuating more than that it is none of your concern.”

Clover nodded and lifted his slider necklace, his horn beginning to glow. A moment later a bolt of energy arched from the necklace and a hole opened to another reality like a glowing circular mirror large enough for both of them to walk through. “I did not mean to offend. Love is love. I have no right to judge. Luck and good fortune to us and it hopefully will not come to the need of having one pony sacrifice themselves for the others.”

“One can hope.”

Clover jumped through the gateway first. Gauge, hesitating for only a moment, was two steps behind. Both ponies felt the changes to their bodies the moment they crossed the threshold. Clover stood up and found himself in a humanoid body that he had seen before. His cloak now accompanied by a full set of clothes. Clover turned to help Fog stand, but the thestral waved him off. He remembered being bipedal and adapted quickly, standing on his own.

Fog glanced down at himself and found that his armor had changed. It was similar to his guard attire, but now also included an underlayer body suit and his hoof shoes had been replaced by heavy boots and armored gauntlets. Fog double checked his weapons, stretched, and popped his joints signaling Clover he was ready to begin.

The first thing Fog noted was the smell and wrinkled his nose. It was easy to forget how pleasant Equestria smelled. Even though other countries and territories in the world were different and occupied by different species none of the smells were truly horrible. At least that he had yet to experience. But where they were now it was certainly foreign. The air smelled stale, artificial. Everything had an oily or acrid scent that would have been grossly out of place in Equestria, but certainly not in this city.

The buildings were tall, made of glass and steel. Everything was glass or steel for that matter, Fog noted. Nothing organic, nothing natural, no stone or dirt, or grass, or trees. It was horrifying and Fog had only seen this one tiny part of it. Perhaps it was better elsewhere, but his current view was not enjoyable in the least. Fog shook his head. Best just to focus on the mission and get home to his wife and foals as soon as possible.

Clover threw the hood back over his head. “Luck appears to be with us. We are near our first destination.” Fog grunted again. The sandy unicorn, now sandy human sighed. He was not going to get much back and forth from the conversation it seemed. Just as well. Places such as these were dangerous to the inattentive.

"I need to know why."

Clover paused and glanced back at the guard, who was only a few steps behind with his eyes constantly scanning about. Perhaps the stoic guard would be decent company after all. "I am afraid you will have to be more specific, captain."

Gauge grunted before moving to walk beside the unicorn in human form. "Why did you chase Datura for so long? Why did you not end her when you clearly had opportunity? And why did you take up blood magic to survive so long if you were not going to finish your mission?"

"Ah," said Clover, clearly discomforted by the inquiries. Gauge took no pleasure in the discomfort, but his patience would only keep for so long. Clover sighed. "Three difficult questions that do deserve answers. I owe you and your wife that much."

"Yes, you do."

"Very well. I know where to begin. First and foremost, you must understand, as I know you do, that I loved my wife. I loved her so much that it blinded me to her many, many faults. But I still tried to stop her. I wanted to bring her in alive for fair trial, but my companions were not thinking such was possible. After she opened her first portal, I found myself in a world with no magic and a body just like this one. As you can imagine that was quite the shock."


When the light subsided and the spots began to clear, Sunset Shimmer found that they were all once again standing near the maze garden and Celestia’s mausoleum on the outskirts of the palace grounds. Whatever hole they had torn through the fabric of reality had been sealed as quickly as they had made it. That was comforting in all honesty. The last thing they needed at this point was for another horrifying creature to slip through the barriers that separated the dimensions.

“Hmm… strange.”

Sunset glanced about. They were all accounted for. They had left with ten members to their party, they had returned with ten members. That was by all definitions a total victory. If not for the space monster Sunset was sure she would have been raiding the special reserves cellar... she still might. Aine was standing away from the group staring at Celestia’s tomb, her expression flat and unreadable. Luna was near the old oak tree in the shade, just leaning against the bark, seeming lost in thought and fatigued. Chaz and Belldandy were quietly speaking with one another, no worse for wear. Raven stood between everyone, glancing about, relief clear as day in her finally relaxed features. Twilight, Cadence, and Flurry Heart were huddled together near Sunset, but she had stepped away, moving towards the lone draconequus that had spoken and was currently examining his claw and paw.

“What’s strange?” Sunset asked. Discord blinked a few times and glanced up. The sclera of his eyes were still as sickly yellow color, but the red irises were now different colors depending on the angle you looked at them. As far as physical changes, considering what Luna went through, that was pretty mild.

“Oh... I was just thinking, isn’t strange how when a dragon and a pony have a child that they produce a kirin. Such interesting creatures they are. Improbable if you really think about it. For example. A pony and a donkey can have a mule and a pony and zebra can have a zony, but both of those, while so similar in origin, are both sterile and can never reproduce and yet… kirin can create new kirin together. How beautifully chaotic is that?”

Sunset shrugged and smirked. “Honestly, that is pretty wild when you think about it. And yeah, beautifully chaotic in the best kind of way.”

Twilight stepped up to Sunset and did not hesitate in the least to plant her lips upon her wife’s. They eventually separated and rubbed their horns together while smiling serenely. A moment later, Twilight turned to Discord and asked, “How are you feeling?”

“To be honest, I’m a little underwhelmed by the entire process as a whole. I know I am more powerful. I can see so much more and yet… I still feel like me. I guess I just expected some grandeur. A, 'Congratulations, you are now a true God,' shirt or commemorative plate. Hmm, I suppose no one really collects those anymore.”

“Do you not hear Void speaking to you in your mind?” said Luna from her resting place between the trunk root grooves of the oak tree.

“Oh absolutely. He is there, but he is pouting. He knows he is powerless unless I throw him a bone, so to speak. I am not sure he will accept my friendship or any enlightenment I can bestow upon him on such matters. More’s the pity I say.”

“So, this means we won, right?” said Flurry Heart. “I mean we still got the other problem to deal with, but Sunset said she had a plan.”

All the eyes once again turned to Sunset Shimmer. Her cheeks suddenly felt hot and Sunset flapped her wings a bit at suddenly becoming the center of attention. She quickly recovered and cleared her throat.

“Right… so, two things I think need to happen once we are ready. First, we need to address the nation if not the whole world about what’s coming. That... probably won't be much fun, but it needs to be done. We owe them the truth and sugarcoating it won't help any creature. Secondly, I need to let the rest of you in on the black hole thing, how it’s going to happen, and what might happen in the process. How much of that we share with the public, well, that we can debate on.”

“Black hole thing sounds like the name of an awesome band,” said Flurry Heart.

“And that sounds like more than two things,” said Cadence.

Sunset turned to find mother and daughter grinning childishly at her. There was something about those smiles that made her want to groan painfully but also to give them tight, grateful hugs. Sunset shook her head and smiled in return, which had likely been their plan all along. The levity was appreciated considering all the things that had happened and still needed to happen. As Pinkie would have said, it was important to remember to smile.


"Sunny, I think that's actually derogatory."

“We should return to the castle,” said Raven, casually interrupting the exchange. “Before we left, I asked Isabella to work on a speech to address the nation. Obviously, you will need to go over and possibly edit it and add any new information you feel must be presented. Also, I imagine she and a number of our friends would be most appreciative to hear we did not die.”

“Speaking of business, there are things I must attend to below. I will rejoin the rest of you this evening,” said Luna before bowing politely and melting into the shadows, disappearing.

“I think I would like to stay here, for the time being. I have much to think about and process. I would appreciate the alone time.”

Neither Twilight nor Sunset had any objections to Aine’s request.

“Well, I want to hear the big speech and how Sunnybuns plans to save the world!” commented Discord, popping up between the diarchs and hugged them to him. “It’s been a trying day and I need some quality entertainment!”

Sunset gently pushed the Lord of Chaos away. “Well, I guess it’s nice to see you haven’t changed, but this is serious. We have to tell every creature that a planet eating monster is coming for us. You know this is not going to go well.”

Twilight tapped at her chin. “You’re right. A speech is not enough at this point. We need an entire conference. Questions and answers given and taken. Nobles, press, scientist, all of it. We need to get all the national leaders on their crystals as well so as to get their input. As many as we can.”

Sunset groaned and shook her head, giving Twilight the side eye. “You know this is going to descend into an absolute shit show, right? There is a word for what is about to happen.”

Discord grinned at the perfect setup for him to serve. “Chaos!”


It was humbling, Sunset thought, that even as one of the most powerful beings on the planet and co-ruler of one of the most wealthy and prosperous nations as well, that she still could not get every other world leader to drop everything for her. Nor should they, she thought. They had their own problems and issues. No one outside of Equestria should bow to the princesses. Celestia wanted it that way. That is the way it will be for as long as I sit in one of the big chairs.

It had been an impossible task to get every leader who had a SunLight Crystal, the Canterlot press, and most of the nobles all on board for a major announcement on such short notice. Even with her and Twilight's magnificent staff it just was not going to happen. Given that fact and that neither Twilight nor Sunset wanted to be unprepared,(Isabella approved) they had informed all parties that a major announcement would be given just after breakfast the next morning and they were highly encouraged to attend or tune in with their crystals. What had caused the speculations to run completely wild was that the princesses also had Isabella inform them that the conference would also be going out live across ALL the SunLight crystals. Such a feature was only used in an emergency.

When the network was formed and stress tested, Sunset had wanted to include a way to get information to all users everywhere in a hurry. An emergency broadcast function that would override all user controls temporarily so that all would be able to hear the message live or in a recording was included within all SunLight crystals. Twilight loved the idea and it was sold to the public on the fact that it could only be used for short term limits. That was a little white lie. Sunset had explained to her fellow princess that if they wanted they could seize control of all the crystals for as long as the units had power. For obvious reasons, that information was withheld from the public.

It was never used for such before and a crystal user could always just hang up on the speech if they wanted to, but nevertheless, the clear and present danger was real enough that such a breach of trust and control was deemed necessary. It was likely, once it was over, every creature would have a lot more to worry about than their crystal’s privacy controls. Such were only some of the thoughts running through Sunset’s mind as she poked at her waffles with a fork.

“Sunny,” Sunset glanced up at Twilight who gave her a reassuring smile. “It will be okay.”

“Will it? We still have not heard back from Clover and Gauge and we have no way of contacting them. We should have whipped together some sort of interdimensional transceiver even if it was just beeps and boops or one way. Anything would have been better than nothing. I’m worried about him, I know Tempest is as well.”

“I spoke with her while you were freshening up this morning. She is worried and is aware of everything we know thus far. She is keeping a level head and positive attitude, focusing on her foals and their needs. As far as Captain Gauge, I trust him completely and so should you.”

Sunset forced herself to eat more even though she did not feel like it. It would do none of them any good if she started to get angry due to hunger in an hour. Self care was important, after all. The food was quickly chased by a large gulp of coffee. “I do trust him. It’s Clover I don’t trust.”

“He will be fine.”

Sunset turned her eyes to Raven who smiled warmly in turn. A few of the staff had seen Raven’s transformation already, but soon so would all the others. It was slightly frightening how she could still stand as quietly as a patient robot, but now had a perfectly brushed, cream colored coat that had a crystal shine to it. The long, impressive unicorn horn, taller stature, and large wings were hard to miss as well. Sunset had wondered if Raven was going to resign her position considering the change, but she had resumed her duties of staying by Sunset’s side without question or fuss. Perhaps she just wanted to spend as much time as she could with Sunset before the call of duty to do whatever it was that a Goddess of Harmony did. Discord certainly made it look easy on the other end of the coin. What was going to happen to them once this was over with? It was something that needed to be discussed, but could come later once they assured there WAS a later.

Sunset smirked at Raven and pointed her coffee mug at the cream colored alicorn. “Know something we don’t? Can you see into other dimensions with all those crystals?”

Raven shook her head. “I can see much, all across Equestria. Everywhere harmony touches and crystals are available. However, through time and space are beyond even me. To my knowledge, only Aine has ever been able to see over that horizon and only under specific circumstances. I just have confidence and faith in the good captain because I have seen him in action and should he and Clover fail to return in time we are all thoroughly fucked. So have faith, mother. Or bend over and kiss your big golden rump goodbye because that is where we are at the moment.”

Sunset smirked, finished the last of her breakfast, and upturned her mug so that not a single drop of morning elixir could escape. She considered calling it black gold but that title went to oil usually and in some cases, something more sexual. Twilight had groaned and blushed while covering her ears when Sunset had started to explain that particular meaning while grinning the entire time.

A knock at the dining room door drew the attention of the two princesses and Twilight was quick to beckon them to enter and change the subject. The door opened and Spike and Isabella were standing at the threshold. They both bowed respectfully and gestured. Nothing else needed to be said. It was time to prepare. Twilight was the first to stand and greet their friends and staff. She hugged Spike as was expected. He happily returned the gesture. Her purple eyes turned back to Sunset who gently set the mug back down and stood, stretching her limbs.

“Ready?” Spike asked. Twilight nodded confidently.

Sunset met Raven’s eyes, the brown orbs now glimmering with cosmic rainbow power from time to time. She smiled and gestured for her mother and friend to lead the way. One last adjustment to her crown and peytral and Sunset nodded as well. “Let’s do this.”

The chosen presentation location had been the throne room. It was ideal for large gatherings such as these while also safe, secure, and limiting on how many could be present at one time. It was also politically strategic. No matter where one sat the thrones were front and center and commanded attention. That was, of course, why it was called the 'throne room.'

The nobility had tried to take their usual seats, but a number of said spots had been reserved prior for Canterlot press as well as number of other reporters from nearby cities that made the trip to Canterlot overnight. There was even a section along the walls for first come, first serve commoners. A small reserved section in the front row between the nobility and the commoners had seats for Cadence, Flurry Heart, Spike and Commander Tempest Fury and her son Saber Knightly. Tempest elected to just hold her young daughter, Dusk Wind, in her carry harness. It was going to be a full house of maximum allowed capacity with all the guards on alert along the perimeter.

However, for once, Isabella Windsong was less concerned about an assassination attempt and more concerned about mob hysteria once the news officially broke. The griffon glanced to Raven who nodded and sent out a pulse through her horn that chimed like bells several times. The whispers and murmurs settled even if the wide eyed stares did not go away. After all, there was another alicorn standing before them just below the dais that had not been there before.

“All rise and pay respects. The Solar and Lunar diarchs of Equestria.”

Raven gestured and Sunset and Twilight stepped up to their individual thrones. Every creature within the throne room bowed to one degree or another, some more respectfully. Others skirting the line of defiance. If the crowd had been smaller such things would have been addressed. Today however, they had more pressing concerns. Both princesses sat.

“Please, be seated,” said Twilight. “As many of you have likely suspected, because of our short notice call for this meeting that we have a major announcement to present to not just all of Equestria, but the entire world.”

Twilight gestured to Sunset Shimmer and she nodded. Sunset closed her eyes and lit her horn sending an energy pulse throughout the castle to a room in the basement where the large central hub crystal for the entire SunLight Network was located. The massive blue quartz crystal was floor to ceiling and took up the majority of the room itself. It was not moved to said location but was instead carefully grown by Twilight with the help of some crystal pony specialist until it was the perfect size and shape for their needs and then refined and tuned.

The pulse triggered a code sequence that Sunset Shimmer had entered last night before bed. It activated the emergency broadcast mode, tied to the conference room crystal that Twilight had been developing, which had been placed between the two thrones by staff that morning. Raven examined the crystal and nodded to confirm that it was networked and online. Then, she paused, quirked her head to one side. Sunset caught this gesture before continuing.

“Everything okay?”

Raven nodded. “Yes, I just see now a way that I can improve your communication with a select few.” Raven lit her own horn and gestured with a hoof. The conference crystal began to glow internally with several colors and finally projected above the thrones images of Seneschal Fire Sapphire, Sultan Alsame, Prince Tarmont, Ember the Dragon Lord, The Deer King, Briar, the Griffinstone steward, and an Abyssinian that may or may not have been a part of the Badlands Union.


They did not have a centralized government. Sunset and Twilight both sat slack-jawed at the unexpected additional visual effects. Fire Sapphire glanced about, equally as surprised. She regained her composure when she spotter her empress waving happily at her.

“Huh. How about that,” said Sunset. She quickly shook her head, cleared her throat, and stood. “Well, this actually ties in partially with what needs to be presented and disclosed here today. Let me begin with by thanking all of you, on behalf of Twilight Sparkle and myself, for coming on such short notice. We know many of you have… well, many questions and we will try to answer what we can. But first...”

Sunset paused and then gestured to Raven to approach her throne. “This is Raven Sundown, my trusted and beloved assistant and close friend. To be honest, I think of her more as a daughter but that is a story for another day. Up until recently, Raven was just an earth pony and Chief Coordinator within the royal bureaucracy. As you can see, that is no longer the case. Some of you no doubt already heard about appearances of alicorn 'god ponies' making an appearance at the peace summit at the Hall of Unity on Mount Metazoa recently. Princess Twilight and I have kept quiet about addressing these rumors because we were dealing with the reality of it and what it all means. Raven, through her own actions and growth as a pony, has moved beyond what she once was and is now the Alicorn of Harmony.” Sunset paused as the murmurs traveled about the gathered crowd. Many were in awe, some were harsh, but it was difficult to make out the individual words. Sunset glanced over to Twilight and she stood before her throne as well.

“Long ago, before Equestria as we know it was founded, ponies worshiped a godly being also known as Mother Creation,” said Twilight. “She was one of six original alicorns from time before we simple creatures could speak, or write, before the Roaming Period. She was the shaper of the sun and moon, the granter of souls, her name was… is Aine." Twilight paused as the murmurs grew again before settling.

"Those of us who have studied the ancient lore from long ago believed the stories to be simply legends, but I stand before you to say that they were not. Aine is real. As are the other alicorn gods. However, not all of said old gods were benevolent. By their very nature, they were opposed to Aine and her creations and so conflict was inevitable.”

Twilight paused again, taking a moment to step closer to Sunset and wrap her hoof around her wife’s. Their eyes met for a few, precious seconds before returning to the crowd before them. She needed that warmth and strength of having Sunset Shimmer by her side. Her best friend, lover, and wife. “These gods were always there, throughout time, in the background of all our lives. They did not interfere unless necessary... until recently. In a fit of anger, Void, the Alicorn of Chaos reached across the veil of the unknown and allowed a monster into our reality. A massive creature that has the ability to destroy and devour worlds… and it is coming for ours.”

As was expected, the crowd grew louder as they whispered back and forth and speculated. There were head shakes and many were skeptical while others knew there were great horrors out in the world. Twilight gave them a moment before tapping her hoof upon the dais a few times to return order. “Please understand, we have a plan, it… it is in reality, quite a desperate plan, but it is the only one left to us. Other creatures tried to fight the monster, the omega beast, and they died doing so. With that in mind, fleeing is the only chance any of us have at surviving.”

And with that, the throne room erupted in panic cries and angry shouts of questions and accusations. It took considerably more time to calm the room than it had before, which began to make the guards nervous. Before anyone did anything stupid or careless, Sunset Shimmer lit her horn and created a small facsimile of the omega beast similar to the one Twilight and Chaz had made at Mount Metazoa. She waited for the shrieks to settle, stomping her hoof several times before continuing.

“The plan is simple in idea,” said Sunset, having to raise her voice, “but it will take all of us and all the power and technology we can muster together to make it even remotely possible. We are going to teleport the entire world to somewhere else as the omega beast comes for us. In our wake we are going to leave behind a massive space anomaly known as a black hole. It will draw the beast in and suck it down into such thorough nothingness even light cannot escape its pull. Yes, we are doing this, no, there is no other way and more so, there are additional risks and dangers, but to do nothing is to put the entire world and all who live upon it at unacceptable risk.”

Twilight picked up immediately after Sunset. “We do not take this path lightly. As Sunset said this plan comes with incredible risks, not the least of all being that it could reshape our entire world as we know it. A teleportation on this scale will cause the entire world to shake, violently. Buildings will collapse. Infrastructure will break, oceans will slosh violently with tsunami waves, active volcanos will likely spew lava and ash. The ground itself may split open and… the true extent of the damage is incalculable… and yet… it is our only chance at survival. And still yet, that is not the greatest sacrifice. In order to power the machines that will make the teleport possible it will take magic. All of our magic, all working together.”

Twilight brought the boxes that Flurry Heart had cared for to the front and opened them, levitating the three crystals inside up for all to see. “These three crystals have been crafted and designed to absorb the magical energy of not just ponies, but all magical creatures, all of us. They will act as foci allowing us to power the teleportation and the jump to safety. With luck and the power of love and friendship harmoniously working together, our powers will return to us in time, but there is a chance we will all be greatly weakened, perhaps for a generation or more.

"I know that is asking a lot, in both terms of belief and sacrifice. However, even with what we have said and what we are going to do, we, and I speak for all the princesses, are not tyrants and we will not take your magic by force. We, Sunset and I, Flurry Heart and Mi Amore Cadenza, we can only ask, implore, beg you to lend us your power when the time comes so that we can save this world and all those we love.”

Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes and bowed deeply to all those gathered, bending a knee and nose nearly touching the floor. Sunset joined her a moment later. Flurry Heart and Cadence stood, moved to the base of the throne dais and joined their family in bowing to the crowd as well. Nothing was said for more than a minute. Until finally, one pony dared to speak up.

“You must be joking?! You cannot possibly expect us to believe this... this malarky?!”

The crowd absolutely erupted in combative shouts and all the princesses raised their heads. Commoners along the edges looked stone cold frightened and unsure what to do or say. The reporters behind the nobility were trying to shout questions but were just interrupting one another and shouting louder. The nobility were in absolute disarray. Some talking quietly to one another while others shouted and scoffed. The guards were becoming increasingly restless awaiting orders on what to do. If there was anything they even could do given the numbers. Tempest locked eyes with Twilight briefly before having to try and comfort her foal who began to cry because of the cacophony of voices that were drowning out all intelligent conversation.

“Well, that went about as well as expected,” said Discord, appearing next to Twilight with what appeared to be a margarita. “I thought it was a decent pitch and to the point, but banked a bit too hard on voluntary cooperation. Tirek, for his many, MANY faults knew this and well... no reason to go down that memory lane.”

“We can’t force every creature to help us! How does that make us any better than Sombra or Tirek if we just take their power and free will?”

“I admire your principles, dear Twilight, as I always have, but I think this calls for a heavier hoof.” Discord glanced to Sunset and winked.

Sunset sighed and rolled her eyes while growling, “Fine, I’ll be the villain.” She turned her attention directly to Tempest Fury. “Cover the ears of the foals.”

Tempest did not know what exactly was about to happen, but she knew how to follow orders and encased herself and her two foals in a soundproof bubble shield. Twilight arched a brow and raised a hoof. “Sunny, you don’t hav-”

QUIET!” Sunset shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice that rattled all the windows and shook the walls. She added a pulse of light energy to jar the senses for good measure. Flashbangs. Works every time. Every side conversation ceased immediately. “I guess that’s what we get for appealing to the better nature of all. Wonderful example all of you set for the younger generations.
Fine, here’s the long and short of it. We need magical power to fuel the devices to make the teleport possible. No power means no teleport and that means you won’t need to worry about your properties or rents or vast fortunes of who the hell knows what because we will ALL BE FUCKING DEAD! ARE YOU LISTENING TO THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?! DEAD!”

“Well, that got their attention,” quipped Flurry Heart after the room fell deathly silent.

Sunset stepped off the dais with Raven a step behind and to the side. She strolled up to the front row where all the most wealthy and prestigious noble families always insisted on sitting. Sunset stared down each one and each wilted under her burning gaze. Teal eyes glowing with barely contained contempt and disappointment. Finally, Sunset finished scanning the crowd and her eyes settling on Tempest and her foals who were all waiting for what would happen next. Sunset let out a breath and smiled warmly at the foals. Saber smiled back, eyes shining with wonder and awe. She flashed him a wink.

“We are asking this of you, all of you, because it is the right thing to do. Harmony flows through all living creatures, all species, all cultures across our entire world. It is part of the ebb and flow of the universe itself. It is magic within magic, deeper than our mana wells and it binds us like a force unseen. And this creature, this monster is consuming all of it without pause or remorse. I try not to speak in absolutes, but I can assure you, without a doubt this thing is coming and it will kill us all unless we do this.

“Believe me, I know my own reputation. I know I am not liked among many of the powerful and wealthy and I am seen by some as much as a threat as I am a benefit. But I love my homeland and I love this world and the friends and family I have here. I would do anything to protect them and all of you. We, your princesses, do not take this power lightly and will gladly see it returned, but without you, we are not strong enough. Gods, demigods, no matter what we are called we are powerful without question, but we are nothing compared to the power that all of you can generate in your hearts and souls and it will take all of us to make this work.

"Trust me, trust Princess Twilight, we have run the numbers over and over again. It is necessary. And if you think that your princesses are just going to sit back and reap the rewards of your suffering think again. We are going to be right in the thick of it and if this goes badly, we will be the first to die. The threat is real, the danger is real, the sacrifices are regrettable, but necessary, but we will endure them together. Stand or fall, we will do it all, together.”

Slowly, starting in the commoner’s section, hooves began to stomp and clop together. The clops became whistles and cheers. Even Tempest, careful to not scare her daughter, also joined in with a few clops. Sunset smiled and bowed her head in appreciation. She glanced and Raven was smiling as well, her coat sparking bright with the power of harmony.

Twilight remained standing before her throne, ready to jump in and assist Sunset, but thus far, it had not been necessary. Twilight had no doubt in her heart that Celestia would be proud of how her daughter had grown so much. They had been such tremendous shoes to fill, but Sunset had done so. A tugging at her mane drew Twilight’s eyes just to the left where she found a tiny Discord literally surfing her hair in a wet suit with a
banana shaped surfboard. “You know, the little pyromaniac knows how to stir national pride and whip a crowd into coming together better than I would have expected. You might just pull this off after all.”

“She’s amazing,” Twilight whispered, “and I love her with all my heart. I will do everything in my power and beyond to see her live through this.”

Sunset finally raised a hoof and the crowd settled down. “Now, I know many of you have questions and concerns and we will answer what we can for as long as we can. Let’s try to give everypony a turn.”

Hooves and shouts went out in renewed pandemonium. Sunset glanced back to Twilight and she nearly laughed as her wife’s smile grew too wide and forced. It was going to be a long conference.


Luna had returned to the Underworld, melting through shadows like a teleportation gate. Everything was still as she had left it and there were no anomalies along her shoreline or in the golden city itself. This was her home and domain now. That thought did not bother her as much anymore. Luna was unsure if that was good or bad... it simply was. Regardless, it was the way of things. There was little she could do to help topside until Clover and Gauge returned and she had duties of her own to see to as the keeper of souls. Thankfully, she had plenty of servants who gladly kept things in order during her absence. That thought made Samael scoff and roll his metaphorical eyes. He had preferred to stay below and keep his hooves on everything. Luna, however, was not so cynical Or micromanaging. She liked entrusting others with responsibilities. Especially her most trusted reaper.

“I assume all is well, Sable?”

“All souls are where they should be and we have had no intrusions or escape attempts. The pit is secure and the new small cavern you crafted for Cerberus is holding nicely. Granted, it's not an entire mountain hollow, but he doesn't seem to mind as long as he's out of the rain.”

Luna nodded, then smiled slyly at her favorite reaper and lover. “No escape attempts other than yourself you mean. I understand that you played a small role in corralling my mother to a location in the castle not long ago. She tattled on you, of course.”

Sable shrugged and grinned. “A necessary act… and was funny too watching her and Raven verbally spar. It all worked out in the end and no pony was blown to dust. A win-win in my book.”

“I concur.” Luna took a moment to nuzzle and kiss her lover. The low light and soft sound of moving water was always slightly romantic even in the land of the dead. A brief, pleasant moment of bliss before returning to business. “I am going to go speak with my sister. Keep the other reapers in line a bit longer, will you?”

“Orders received and understood, Mistress. It was said, so it shall be done.”

Reluctantly, because she did truly enjoy spending time with Sable Nimbus, Luna stepped away and flew the short journey across the river Lethe to the shores of the Golden City of Elysium. She did not have to wander aimlessly, she knew exactly where her sister was. It was one of the benefits of being the Goddess of Death. Luna could see and track all the souls under her care no matter where they were.

Luna found Celestia sitting in her favorite chair overlooking a park where many creatures were sitting, talking, or roaming about. It was her favorite place to relax. Sombra was meandering in the distance chatting with a couple, a friendly smile never leaving his face. He enjoyed talking with every creature and Celestia enjoyed seeing him smile. The chessboard was right where they had left it in the center of the table. No one would dare disturb it knowing who the players were. It was still Luna’s move. Much like when they were both in the world above it could take months to play a game of chess. It was difficult to outwit an opponent that knew you so well. Most games ended in stalemate, but sometimes…

“Knight to F Six.” Luna lit he horn and made the move, releasing the piece and committing to it, a confident smile on her face.

Celestia turned and smiled at her sister. Her bright pink mane, the same color it had been when they were young so long ago, no longer billowed, but still somehow seemed to have an ethereal cascade of its own with every movement. Luna concluded it was likely because of Celestia’s residual magic, which her soul still had quite a bit. Celestia examined the board, but made no countermove. Not yet at least.

“Hello, Luna.”

Luna nodded and smiled, taking her seat. “Hello, sister.”

“How is she?”

Luna knew exactly who Celestia meant, only slightly disappointed her sister had not started with the usual pleasantries of pretending to ask how she was. Sometimes even an immortal soul could be impatient. “As well as can be thus far given all that has transpired over the last moon or two. We were successful in subduing Void, t'was no small feat. For better or worse, Discord is now a chaos god instead of simply a chaos spirit. How he will handle the extra power at his disposal is still a waiting game. Twilight has faith he will remain mostly unchanged and able to control his father’s less desirable tendencies. Given that Harmony, the alicorn, was also restored should serve as a countermeasure should such be needed. I feel I should quite proudly point out that Sunset Shimmer saved us all in that dreadful in between place. That I can say with all certainty. It was extraordinary.” Luna went on to tell the tale of what transpired and what was in the works to save Equestria and the world.

Celestia smiled. It did not quite reach her eyes, which were downcast, but it was a smile nonetheless. “That’s my girl.” The silence lingered for a few breaths. Luna considered changing the subjects, but Celestia spoke again first. “Luna… is there anything I can do to help her? Anything at all?”

“I am afraid that other than words I can pass along there is nothing else that you can do. As I have stated before. You have lived your life. The rest is out of your hooves.”

“But I feel so useless in such a time of need! I have enjoyed this vacation, especially with my Sombra, but now the world is in peril.”

Luna frowned and sighed. “Tia, the world is always in peril of one degree or another. No matter what the history books say, your ‘Second Celestial Era’ was not a thousand years of peace and quiet. You and I both know that.”

“This is different and you know it! My daughter is on the chopping block! To be offered up to the wheel of fate for a chance to avert disaster. She deserves better! She has earned it!”

“I know, Tia. But she is what she is. She is the Incarnate, the sword and shield. There is nothing I can do but observe and offer small aid as any good aunt would.”

Celestia fought down her tears, steeling herself under centuries of well honed practice of emotional suppression. She took a sip of her tea and turned her hardened mulberry eyes on her sister. “I want to see her.”

“I have told her numerous times she needs to come visit. I will unlock the door for her. But it is not a simple journey down the street or easy for her to get away, as you well remember. We passed our mantles to Twilight and Sunset and with them the chains that bind them to the thrones. At least they have each other.”

“That is why I want to come to her. I have the time. Too much time, in fact.”

Luna sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “You cannot. If you were to leave there is no guarantee I could retrieve you before your raw soul became corrupted by any number of outside influences. Given that you retained your alicorn form and a great deal of your power you would be a formidable abomination of a demon should you take possession of a body or lose control entirely. That is why Samael had such rules and precautions in place. You are stuck here unless you decide to jump in the well. That is all that is left for you, Celestia. I am sorry.”

Celestia lit her horn and moved a piece on the chessboard. “Bishop to F Six. Bishop takes Knight.” Luna blinked and quietly cursed in old ponish. Celestia did not gloat or crow. She simply took another sip and turned her eyes to the ceiling above. “There is always another option, Luna. There is always another way. You just have to wait for the opportune moment to seize it.”

Author's Note:

Good evening, happy Friday. Welcome back. We pick up right where we left off. I thought about expanding more on Clover and Gauge's mission, but ultimately decided not to dive too deep into it because it would detract too much from the main story. And when I really thought about it from Gauge's view point he would have eventually tuned Clover out, growing bored with his excuses and just focused on keeping them alive and getting them home.

Then we have the throne room scene, That went pretty much how I imagined it would go. PANIC AAAAHHHHH!!! Good thing Mama Sunset knows how to keep them in line. Sometimes when dealing with a screaming, panicking child you have to remind them that you are bigger and can get louder. It does snap them out of it. (Like say when they start crying about a wireless earbud going lost in the couch and make you tear the couch apart only to find it in the cushions right on top.)

Then we come to someone we have not seen in a while Celestia. Even in paradise the sun princess cannot relax, not completely.

We are nearing the end. I am still running through chapter 42 trying to get it as perfect as possible. There is so much I want to happen.

Questions? Comments?

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