• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,339 Views, 485 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 29: New Divide

Silence was never actually quiet.

Unless one found themselves in the complete vacuum of space or a special room designed to dampen all noise there was always some ambient sound. In addition, the quieter a room was the more sensitive ears were to the little noises. Picking up on heartbeats, breathing noises, every tiny shift or movement. Silence, after all, was deafening.

After what felt like a year, but was likely only a minute of dumbfounded silence, the Saddle Arabian prince, Alsame Aldhahabiu, stood and wrapped his hoof on the table twice to break the silence. “Both sides have been presented. It is now up to those present to decide which side of this issue you wish to stand upon. I suggest a small recess.”

There were numerous calls of agreement and the nations dispersed to different corners of the spacious room. The guards and advisors quicky swarmed their leaders with questions, opinions, and possible options. Flurry Heart and Cadence naturally joined Sunset and Twilight in their corner. Isabella, Spike, and Raven quickly joined them as well with Tempest and a few other guards standing by watching the other nations.


Sunset Shimmer heard her name. She was certain it had been Twilight who had called to her. When she glanced up however, her attention went straight for Cadence. Without a word Sunset wrapped herself, forelegs and wings around the Empress of the Crystal Empire. While Cadence was only a little bit shorter than Sunset, the pink alicorn had always had a lithe and lean build, the envy of super models for more than a generation. Sunset, however, was tall, strong, and clad in heavy armor.


“I’m sorry,” Sunset whispered. It had nothing to do with the glomping hug, but Cadence already knew that. After a moment to adjust, Cadence leaned back into the embrace. “I’m so, so sorry, Cadence. I, I didn’t know.”

“You were on the other side of the mirror when it happened,” she whispered, “and we did not speak even after Twilight built a new one. You wouldn’t have known.”

“I know, I know. It’s just… even though I know what it is like to bury a child, mine were grown, not foals. Oh Celestia, the pain, the heartbreak. I just... I'm so, so sorry.”

Cadence returned the warm hug again and nuzzled her cousin. “It… was painful. It hurt Shining and I... Let me just leave it at that. But thank you for your kind words and your understanding.”

“I hate to break the tenderness of this moment,” said Isabella, her beak stoic and decidedly turned downward, “however our position has weakened immensely because of this... revelation.”

“How so?” asked Sunset. “I was never a law student, but I understand most of the ins and outs of Equestrian legal doctrine. Even with that document, signed by Celestia. Thanks for leaving this one hanging over my head, Mom. I mean, it agreed to only a courtship, not a guaranteed marriage. Not to mention, as the diarchs, either Twilight or I could have that agreement annulled right here and now.”

“Yes, you are correct, on both accounts,” Isabella agreed, but did not brighten her demeanor.

“I feel a ‘but’ coming on,” said Flurry with a grimace.

“The issue is compounded with the death of the prince on our lands.”

Sunset turned to her PAAL. “Raven?”

“I am afraid I have not studied Equuis international law and doctrine enough to comment. If you give me three days I could probably make a sizable dent in the archive here.”

“No, you wouldn’t,” said Twilight. “I have literally SWAM in the amount of documents stored here. Many are so old that current leaders would likely not know even a tenth of a fraction of the information on record here. However, there are some universally accepted doctrines and laws that were adopted and accepted across borders. The one the grand vizier is referring to has to do with the guarantee of protection and safety for a visiting dignitary or envoy.

“It is the duty and responsibility of the hosting nation to keep all such visitors safe from harm. Failing to do so is not only seen as a national embarrassment, but is expected to be followed up with harsh fines and penalties as restitution for the failure as a gracious host.”

“Wait,” Cadence gasped, “You are saying that they are within their rights to ask for the head of a princess for a royal death on Equestria soil?”

Isabella nodded. “Yes, in a theoretical sense. The failure was committed. The wounded party asks for said restitution price. Then the two nations deliberated on if the price is fair. However, we have now brought other nations to the table as witnesses and arbiters to our dispute.”

“Meaning that if the other nations consider the price reasonable and we DON’T agree to it, we weaken our own standing and position worldwide. We risk being seen as dishonorable and disrespectful for not following along,” spat Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight groaned and facehoofed, she could feel her anxiety spiking and fought it down internally. “If war breaks out and another nation suffers as a secondary effect, they could possibly see it as their right to either join the fight against us or try to sue for claims because of their own suffering. And any nation that stands with us could become a fair target as well for aggression.”

“Okay, that’s bad and all, but are we forgetting that, hello? We’re alicorns,” said Flurry, spreading her wings as emphasis. “War is bad, I get that, no doubt, but they have to know we would obliterate them, right?”

“And what part of that is better, Flurry?” hissed Sunset. “We fly out there and burn line after line of innocent creatures just following orders just like," Sunset shuddered, hard, "just like Aethon did in the Empire? Not to mention, as tough as we are, we can’t fight an entire nation on our own. We are not invulnerable or all powerful. They would know that. Which means we would have to take guards and conscripts to war with us just to draw some of the fire and some of them would die as a result. Death, madness, chaos. Is that what you want?”

Twilight blinked.

Then she blinked again.


“Babe? You okay?”

“It… it can’t be… He's our friend... he wouldn’t… but… SHE would.”


“I’m so confused right now,” whispered Flurry.

“Twilight,” said Sunset clomped her hooves lightly in front of Twilight’s wide eyes that were seeing something else. “Talk to me, what's going on in that big brain of yours?”

Twilight turned to Cadence. “Death. Madness. Chaos.”

Cadence gasped and shuddered as well. “Malice. Oh, Celestia. How? I thought Spike destroyed her power sources and she was effectively impotent.”

“I did what?”

Twilight gently pushed Spike and Tempest aside and focused her eyes across the room to the Saddle Arabians, taking in all their opulent accessories, looking for something that would look familiar. “Spike defeated a dark spirit of malice named Cosmos by devouring the source of her magical power, six star gems. It rendered her impotent, powerless, but she did not die. Discord just threw her out onto the moon and left her there. I completely forgot she existed after so long.”

“That’s the second time that name has dropped. Who is Cosmos?” asked Sunset.

“A powerful chaos spirit like Discord, but far more malicious and violent.”

Sunset groaned. “Great, another powerful monster bent on world destruction. Isabella was right, I am a magnet for destruction.”

“They are all just jealous that you do it better and with more style than they do,” quipped Raven, earning a snort from Sunset that briefly relieved the tension.

“I… don’t see anything on either of them that resembles one of Cosmos’s stars, but that doesn’t mean she does not have control over them.”

“We can’t accuse them of being magically manipulated even if it is possible,” said Isabella, cautiously. “Our political position is already weakened. If we start throwing out accusations of outside manipulation without evidence, we appear desperate and floundering at best.”

“Then, what do we do?”

Isabella sighed pinching the top of her beak. She could feel a headache coming on. “What I had hoped we would not have to do. Stall for time. There are other pressing issues that are to be address this afternoon with the two… what do we even call them?”

“Pains in the butt?” offered Sunset. Flurry snorted and nodded. Raven rolled her eyes.

“Just call them what they basically are. Gods,” said Twilight, still clearly offput by the chance that another old foe has returned at such a critical time and infiltrated the ranks. Like Sunset, she had had her fill of dealing with powerful enemies for a good, long while.

“The two gods. We tell the assembly we need time to discuss and deliberated the new information and will deliver our counteroffer or argument tomorrow. I doubt we could ask for more time than that, but it should give you breathing room to conduct a quiet investigation.”

“I don’t think that will enough,” replied Twilight. The Saddle Arabians had returned to the table and once again the prince beat his hoof on the table to call a return to order.

“It has to be.”

The assembly reconvened. The various members and representatives returned to their seats. This time, it was the grand vizier who stood. “Have the Equestrian princesses had sufficient time to come to a conclusion or offer a counter argument to our demands?”

Twilight stood, let out a deep breath.


The purple princess glanced down to her wife and smiled. She put as much confidence as she could muster into the gesture. When she looked back at those assembled, she was Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Solar Diarch and most powerful alicorn in the world once more. “In light of the unexpected new evidence that SHOULD have been presented upon our first meeting in Canterlot, we request a hold on this issue to debate a proper response in private and will deliver our counter argument or concession tomorrow.”

The grand vizier gestured and bowed. “A most reasonable request and we see no reason not to grant it. Does the assembly have any objections?” There were none.

Cadence stood. “Very well. If there is nothing else to add at this time there is a scheduled break that we can adjourn to early and then all parties can rest and enjoy pleasant conversation and lunch before we return for the afternoon session in the LGP auditorium. Objections?” Once again, there were none.

Twilight immediately pushed her chair back and headed for the grand vizier. The horse turned and arched a brow at the purple princess, clearly surprised that she would come straight for him instead of retreating to their own sanctum. All the guards along the wall visibly tensed as did several of the other creatures. Sunset turned her eyes to the prince who seemed just as surprised and curious as the other dignitaries.

Muhasib was of average size for a Saddle Arabian. Taller than all but the most stout ponies, but still a head and half shorter than Twilight Sparkle. He blinked while he sized her up. They both knew that if it came to blows he would be nothing more than a stain on the floor, but they both also knew that was not her style or reputation.

“Yes, princess? Did you have a question?”

Twilight took in every piece of jewelry she could, daring, hoping it was just that easy. She considered a passive scan, but the grand vizier was a unicorn horse. He would notice even the slightest use of magic upon him, especially if he was possessed. Without even a smidge of a reason, her hooves were tied.

Twilight instead smiled and leaned in close to whisper, “I don't know if you will understand me or not, but know this. When we shoot for the stars, that is when we find out how far we can fall from the cosmos.” The grand vizier narrowed his eyes a bit, but he had no other visible reaction that she could see. Certainly not recognition that the mind and body stealing chaos creature was found out. With nothing else to add and no easy evidence to obtain, Twilight turned and quickly walked away. Sunset waited until Twilight passed her before breaking eye contact with Prince Alsame.

Once back behind a closed and sealed door, Twilight groaned angrily. She took her crown off and tossed it harshly into a chair. Sunset was about to comment when she found herself enveloped by Twilight’s wings and forelegs much like how Sunset had done to Cadence earlier. Sunset wrapped her own forelegs and wings around Twilight without hesitation.

“Um,” Sunset glanced back to the others, “could we have a few minutes before we get into the review of the play by play?”

“I will go speak with Belldandy and Chaz,” said Isabella. “I need to make sure they have a plan on what they want to say and that this all doesn’t just decent into a doom and gloom madhouse theater.”

“I’ll be just outside with the other guards,” said Tempest. Raven nodded and joined the commander. Spike nodded as well and closed the doors with a reassuring smile on his face.

While the others found something else to do for a few minutes the two diarchs just held one another quietly. Once Sunset was sure they were alone she cupped Twilights chin, beckoning her to look up.

“Talk to me.”

“You first,” Twilight retorted sternly, but without venom. “Why do you dive into alcoholism when things get tough?”

Sunset cringed. She really did not want to air out her demons at the moment... or ever, really, but if it made Twilight feel better then she would try. “Okay, ouch. I deserve that and you deserve an answer. I’m... not one hundred percent sure where it started. I drank a little in college, but my tolerance was pretty high even then. That was more social. I never got wasted in public, not even once. I know I began using it as a crutch after we lost Aroura, but I recovered. Twi helped keep me clean. I think it's safe to say I really got bad after Twi died. There were nights I could not sleep unless I drank the nightmares away. I have an eidetic memory and... I can't remember much about that first year after her death because I was so wasted. I would have likely died without Raven. That's fair to say.”

Twilight wanted the truth and it tasted as bitter as she had expected. “There are healthier ways to deal with sorrow and stress.”

“True,” Sunset conceded, “but there are also a lot more self destructive ways as well. Regardless, like I said I needed it then just to get to sleep at night for a long time. I didn’t have Aunt Luna to help me over there. When I got back here, well, obviously that habit followed. Though habit is the wrong word. It’s an addiction, a disease. In the human world they have a program that helps people who crawl inside a bottle to deal with their problems. They tell them the truth. There is no cure. An alcoholic is always an alcoholic. You just have to take it one step at a time and if you are lucky, your loved ones will be there to help you when you make a mistake. And that is one thing mom and I really have in common. We make a lot of mistakes.”

“I’m not going to tell you not to drink. That would be overbearing of me. But I am going to ask you that if you think you can’t stop to please tell me so I can be there for you.”

Sunset nodded and nuzzled her wife. “I think that’s fair and I can promise that. Now, you going to tell me what is really bothering you?”

“Yes, but I think it would be faster and easier to explain if you just join me,” Twilight pointed at her head, “in here.”

Sunset blinked a few times. “You want me to dive into your mind again?”

“It was an intimate experience, plus, since the time moves slower in our minds I can explain it more thoroughly. I’m sure my mind palace will offer visual aids, which in this case would help you understand why if it is Cosmos, why this is a very bad thing.”

Sunset shrugged. “Okay, well, you know the drill. Just relax and let down your defenses just a bit so I can…” Sunset’s horn lit with a little glowing ball on the end of it. She touched her horn tip to Twilight’s and both their eyes began to glow white.

The couple found themselves in Twilight's grand mental library once more. With the help of a few books that flew off the shelves, Sunset was able to see a feline-ish monster that did remind her of Discord in that she had mixed parts, though more streamlined and a perchance for chaos and destruction. Sunset gasped as she watched Twilight become possessed and forced to fight against her friends as she was then transmorphed into an even larger and more grotesque form along with Celestia, Luna, Cadence, a zebra named Zecora, and Apple Jack's brother, Big Mac.

It had nearly all gone completely sideways if not for Spike and their friends, and yes, even Discord helping to destroy six mulberry colored star gems that were concentrated sources of Cosmos’s power. A result of combined magic including the Elements of Harmony.

With the horror slideshow out of the way, Sunset and Twilight then discussed theories on how and why the document the grand vizier had presented had suddenly surfaced and the possibility that either the sultan, his son, or both were possessed by Cosmos and how it may relate to Void. It felt good to be able to discuss it all without concern of what was going on in the real world. It was of course, then that Twilight recognized that mischievous glint in Sunset’s eye.


“You know, since it’s just the two of us in here and we have plenty of time… I was thinking I’d like to see what it feels like to… you know…”

“Yeeess??” Twilight egged on with a grin of her own.

Sunset quickly tackled her wife to the mind place floor. Their lips connected...

Flurry Heart quirked her head to the side. “They are smiling now.”

Cadence snickered. “Those are not just smiles, sweetie. Those are love making smiles. Somepony is being a bit naaaaughty.”

Isabella turned away embarrassed from the two alicorns in the middle of the floor, sitting side by side with wings draped over one another. “Wait, they are… fooling around… inside their own minds? Now?! Is that even possible?”

“If I were the gambling type I would bet this was Sunset’s idea,” said Raven without a hint of amusement or rancor.

“That sounds about right,” both Spike and Tempest said simultaneously.

Isabella groaned, massaging her temples. "Uggggghhhh..."

“Soooo, how long do we leave them like this? It’s already been, what? Ten minutes?”

Before anyone could answer Flurry Heart, both diarchs shook their heads and blinked the light and dryness from their eyes. They both also turned bright shades of red as they realized there was a viewing audience.

“Oh, um…”

“Heh,” Sunset smiled cheeky, “I guess we got carried away.”

“If you two are done with your second honeymoon we still need to prepare for the next meeting,” said Raven.

Isabella smoothed her feathers and spun back around. “Yes. I have a basic rundown of the information that Chaz and Belldandy will be presenting. If you would like to discuss it, princesses.”

Twilight nodded, quickly regaining her composure. “Yes, let’s do that.” She retrieved her crown from where she had discarded it earlier and took a moment to glance to her wife. She mouthed the words, 'thank you'. Sunset smiled brightly and blew her a kiss before straightening her own crown and settled, far more relaxed than she had been before.


Sunset was behind Twilight when they entered the presentation conference hall. Unlike the ballroom, where they had been before, the LGPR was designed in a lecture auditorium/theater style with many seats facing the stage, staggered at different heights so that all could easily see and hear the presenter(s). The sections had already been assigned and there were name plates for each creature so that none fussed over fighting for a good seat. Not that any of them were bad to begin with.

Sunset’s eyes immediately searched for where the Saddle Arabians were to be sitting. The section was currently empty. They were two rows down and nearly on the opposite side of the room. She concluded that was probably safer for everyone at the moment.

“Gotta say, you two,” Twilight and Sunset turned to their addressee, Ember the Dragon Lord. She was grinning and seemed to be fairly amused by the entire undertaking, “I figured this whole conference was going to be a boring wash and wax and we’d all get to clap as the two of you came to some sort of boring trade deal. But if these stand up pony gods are legit, well, this might be interesting and worth my time after all.”

“You may not feel the same way when this is over,” grumbled Sunset, crossing her forelegs. Ember narrowed her eyes as the smile retreated from her snout. With no further information provided, Ember moved to her table.

Once all the representatives and assistants were seated, servants directed Belldandy and Chaz to the stage. Chaz had his sister’s hand on the crook of his arm as he helped her up to the center spotlight. They stood about, unsure how to begin.

“Are we expected to bow?” shouted the yak prince. “I do not want to bow to strange stand up pony who still has not proven he is a god.” There were a few grumbles of agreement.

“No, no bowing, please,” said Chaz. “However, if you would like some proof I could recite your entire royal lineage for the last seven hundred years. Before that your lands had a different royal family, but they were... conquered. Your ancestors claimed to be related, but that was actually a clever and well hidden lie.”

“You dare call my dead ancestors liars and thieves?!” Prince Tarmont jumped to his hooves and was about to smash the desk he was seated behind when he felt himself freeze. Try as he might, he could not slam his hooves down. Or sit down for that matter. His eyes were once again on the stage, as were all the others.

Belldandy had stepped forward, her hand raised, horn glowing, unfurled wings seeming to shimmer with a rainbow sheen. With a simple point of her finger the yak was forced back into his seat. Sunset Shimmer smirked at her level of control. “I will not pretend to know all the nuance and subtlety that goes into your mortal political theater. And quite frankly, right now I do not care. My brother and I, at great personal risk, came to this world to warn you and hopefully help you prepare for what is coming.”

“And what is coming, Miss… Belldandy, is it?”

“Understand this one, very important, fundamental fact about yourselves and the wider universe as a whole. You, all of you, every single creature on this planet is but a tiny speck of what is out there beyond the stars. As important as you think you are with your crowns and jewels and harems and whatever you think gives you power, you are all, in fact, no more than children treading upon the land where gods once roamed.”

The uproar of objections and counter arguments were silenced seconds later when the light gray alicorn raised her hand again and every creature that jumped from their seat or began to shout found themselves encased in a stasis field, unable to move.

“I have pulled the very threads of destiny since your ancient ancestors stopped mulling around in the dirt and were first gifted souls by my sister, the Goddess of Creation. The same alicorn who formed the world you are currently standing upon. If you think I am going to stand here and let you, any of you, interrupt me while I am still speaking on such grave and important matters you have foolishly miscalculated.” When she released her hold, those that had tried to interject fell back into their seats without a sound.

Twilight noted that some were clearly shaking at how easily they had been overpowered. The grand vizier included. It was then that she noticed something peculiar. Twilight nudged Sunset and whispered, “Where did the prince go?”

Sunset followed Twilight’s gaze, her expression darkening. She had been trying to keep an eye on the Saddle Arabians just to gauge their reactions to everything, but apparently Prince Alsame had used the earlier distraction by the yaks drawing all the attention to quietly slip out. Why, was the real question. Sunset touched her ear with her right hoof and called up Raven on her earpiece.

“Is everything alright?”

“We have a possible issue. The Saddle Arabian prince slipped out and I don’t know where he went,” Sunset whispered. “Can you find him?”

“I do not have access to my ocular crystal network here. I could physically look around if you wish.”

Sunset scowled. Her instincts were screaming at her and she knew to trust them after this many years. “No, come to us. I want you to take my seat while I sneak out. In the low light it might fool a casual glance that I’m gone.”

“I could, of course, just come along with you.”

“I can veil myself, you can’t, and using the illusion on top of your existing illusion would just make the spell go funky.”

“Is this going to give Isabella a coronary?”

“I’ll be discreet.”

There was a notable pause. “Now, I’m scared.”

Sunset loved bantering back and forth with Raven, but now was not the time and instead just cut her connection.

“What’s going on?” Twilight whispered.

“I don’t know, but we need to find out. When Raven gets here I’m going to go invisible and see if I can find Prince Alsame. Maybe he just needed a restroom break, but I have a bad feeling about this.


“Just make sure the grand vizier doesn’t look our way. That should buy me at least a few minutes. Cause a diversion if you have to.”

Sunset could tell Twilight just swallowed whatever she was going to say and nodded instead. “I love you. Be careful.”

Sunset winked and smirked.

It was not unusual for aids to quietly and discreetly leave the lobby or waiting area to pass on information to their leaders. While a few looked up at Raven’s approach, none spared more than a glance. Part of that might have had to do with the fact that Chaz and Belldandy had just described the omega beast as a giant, planet eating worm or snake. Twilight could sense that the others around them were becoming skeptical once more. It was the perfect opportunity.

“Could you generate an image or illusion of what the creature looks like? Not to scale, of course. That should help get your point across I think,” said Twilight over the murmuring of others.

Chaz shrugged. “I never got a detailed look at the thing in the dark of space as it tried to eat my magic… and my arm for that matter, but I will give it my best.”

Chaz’s horn lit up and began to form the image of a long body serpent. He did not know if it was smooth of scaley, but he remembered the face, the massive maw of teeth that led to only a dark, unpleasant death, and the glowing eyes. An orange yellow color, at least four pairs, maybe five. Upon completing his rendering, the crowd began to chatter more, along with a few screams and gasps. Twilight chose that moment to send a pulse of power up into the overhead mage lights.

Twilight’s magical EMP caused the lights to flicker and go out briefly leaving a room full of scared dignitaries in the dark with only a large glowing monster overhead as a means of seeing. Sunset used the perfect distraction to disappear behind her own spell. Raven jumped into the chair next to Twilight as the lights stabilized.

Chaz glanced around sheepishly and canceled his illusion. “I’m sorry, did I do that?”

Sunset Shimmer had quickly leapt off the aisle staircase and glided to the floor, darting to the exit the moment the lights came back on. The guards, who had been stationed outside rushed in at the sound of screaming. While it had taken some quality hoofwork, Sunset had managed to dance around a griffon and one of her own lunar guards and through the exit.

For a brief moment, Sunset paused as Tempest Fury stopped just outside the auditorium and began to search around, most likely sensing the mana shift from Sunset’s illusion. The goldenrod alicorn was impress the commander was still that sensitively attuned to magic with her broken horn. It likely meant that her thaumalogical neural pathways were still in good working order and her great grandmother’s battle helm was helping with control and focus as it was deigned.

Tempest narrowed her eyes in Sunset’s direction before huffing and turning back to the conference room. With that problem out of the way, Sunset moved onto the next most difficult part of her improvised plan. Actually finding the horse she was looking for.

Following logic, Sunset moved to inspect the nearest restroom facility. She waited outside the door for at least five minutes, but no prince came out. With confidence that she was not intruding, Sunset peeked in and found the facility empty as expected. That only left two likely places the prince could have gone.

While the Saddle Arabians had their own suite, like all the other representatives, part of the terms of the peace summit agreement was that the east annex building on the plateau had been reserved exclusively for them. The advantage of such a demand was questionable at best. If they had wanted the extra privacy all they had to do was cast their own privacy spells, which their unicorns were more than capable of doing. However, Tempest had pointed out upon arrival a tactical application of the building. It was the perfect place to secretly stash an extra company of soldiers if one was planning a surgical attack and not an outright occupation of the temple. For diplomacy and privacy reasons, no other nation had inspected the facility next to the airship docks once the Saddle Arabians had claimed it under their banner. Sunset Shimmer weighed her choices and decided to check the annex first.

Upon approach, Sunset knew something was happening. The Mount Metazoa Hall of Unity temple had numerous protection spells to help preserve the sacred neutral ground from time and wear, but also defenses built in to prevent accidental discharge of powerful magical energy by presence alone. Having so many magically charged creatures in a single location, especially indoors, accidents did happen. There were numerous grounding rods and electrical charge interchangers incorporated into the structure. The fact that Belldandy had been able to cast multiple stasis spells without breaking a sweat gave a hint to any skilled mage at how powerful the Alicorn of Destiny really was. Regardless of that fact, being outside allowed Sunset to really open up her senses where they had been slightly dulled before.

Through the windows along the top of the annex, Sunset could see intense color changes that meant either there was a major rave clubbing party going on or multiple unicorns were casting at once. The fact that she could sense the magic being gathered for a powerful, complex spell made the clubbing far less plausible. What kind of spell she did not know, but was going to find out. With her mind made up, Sunset trotted down the steps formulating an impromptu plan on approach.

Okay, I see six guards in front of me and at least four on the deck of that airship schooner over there. If they have any inside they are probably too busy watching the show to pay attention. I also have not seen the prince, but my guess is he is inside either watching or giving the orders since he doesn’t have a horn. Or this is some alchemic magic and I’m about to really step in it. Shit. I really should go get Tempest, but if I do that will they finish what they are doing and put Twilight at risk? Grrrrrr... tough call.

Sunset narrowed her eyes and dropped her veil while simultaneously calling forth Godslayer.

“Can’t risk it.”

The Al Haras were, according to all reports, highly elite guards. While Tempest and Gauge would say the solar and lunar guards were likely better, they spoke of the Saddle Arabian royal guards with a level of deference and respect that was not afforded to the regulars. The fact that said guards did not fumble, stumble, or bumble when Sunset revealed herself was a testament to their quality training and reaction time. It was too bad they were facing off against a fire maned demigod. Otherwise, they may have had a chance.

The six at the front door of the annex shouted out a warning and war cry, alerting the others. Sunset hefted her burning sword in her magic and layered a shield forward as she charged. It was fundamental to not cause any deaths. Injuries could be explained or easily delt with, but loss of life, even for a guard who was willing to throw their life away for duty would create more political blowback to an already tenuous situation. It was also possible Isabella would strangle Sunset in her sleep because of it. A cartoonish image of the griffon attempting to do so popped into Sunset’s head and she laughed out loud while she slashed clean through the weapons the first two guards had brandished. Without slowing down, Sunset shoulder bashed the guards and kept on going like an all-star running back.

“Aieee! Iinaha shaytan!”

The next set of guards were unicorns. She could see their horns charge up as they prepared attack spells. Sunset spread her burning wings and jumped up and then teleported to land behind them as they fired into the air at nothing. With just enough force, Sunset blasted the next four in quick succession on the backs of their heads so they would fall unconscious.

The guards from the airship were now on the ground and approaching fast. That was when the annex door was blown off its hinges. Sunset's eyes went wide and she slashed upward, the door was cleaved into two burning sections. Standing at the door was an absolutely MASSIVE horse clad in black cloth with black armor plates along his shoulders, body, and flank. Sunset let out a long whistle. He was taller than her. Taller than Twilight. He might have been as tall as Aine, but that did not matter. What did matter were the two short swords he had in his magic that were clearly rune enchanted ferronite and if she had to guess, so were the armor plates.

“Well, you certainly are one fine example of a stallion. I’ll give you that.”

“I am the obsidian rock for which you will be broken upon. My orders are only to not kill you. That is for my sultan or my prince to decide later.”

Sunset smirked, raising her flaming sword to attack position. “Awww, that’s adorable.”

The obsidian guard fired a blast that struck the ground between them and a thick, hazy smoke spread between them. Sunset took a step back, but not before sucking down a deep breath that caused her eyes to water and lungs to burn.

“Shit *cough* should have left the shield up.”

While blinking the burn from her eyes a hoof caught Sunset across the muzzle as two blades dug deep, attempting to try and find gaps in her armor. If he had been ordered not to kill her he was still trying his hardest to severely injure her, she concluded. Sunset fired her own horn blast and slashed. Godslayer slapped the two blades away, but did not destroy them. The runes flashed as they absorbed the excess energy.

*COUGH* “Gotta… concentrate…”

“Just give up, Princess of Equestria. I have been trained to deal with ponies like you since I was a foal. I have planned for this battle for years. Dreamed of facing down Equestria's best and most powerful champion. You are strong, beautiful, dangerous, but all ponies have weaknesses. Even alicorns.”

Sunset wiped her face and was not surprised to find that she was bleeding. His hoof guards had sharpened edges. The time for fun and games was over. “Maybe so. But you’ve never faced a monster like me before.”

Sunset’s wings snapped out, thinning out the toxic, gaseous cloud. The Saddle Arabian had to shield his face as the heat washed over him and the finely manicured grass under their hooves blackened and smoldered. Sunset’s eyes began to glow red and the gems on her armor hummed and smoked as they absorbed the ambient power. Godslayer’s flame became focused, the black blade beginning to glow yellow like the sun itself. Sunset took a cleansing breath of fresh air, her burning wings remained unfurled and on full, intimidating display. “What is the prince doing in there?”

“Whatever he chooses or the sultan’s bidding. That is all that matters to me.”

Well, at least he confirmed for me the prince is in there. Would have felt pretty silly going through all this for a bunch of guards, even a big sexy one.

Sunset continued to stare down her larger opponent, aware that there were others trying to surround them for either flanking strikes or to watch what would happen next. They would certainly get a show they would not forget. “Loyal. I can respect that. My own captain would do the same. You’d like him I think.”

“If you are trying to flatter me it will not work. While you are as much of a goddess as my prince described, I will not be swayed by beauty and honey coated words.”

Sunset smirked. “Maybe not. But the laws physics don’t care how stout your resolve is.” Before the guard could comment, Sunset Shimmer flapped and leapt into the air. Then, she began to flap harder.

Being an alicorn was more difficult than most creatures truly understood. When Sunset Shimmer had first stepped hoof back in Equestria after Twilight rebuilt the Lunar Lock Mirror she had already been an alicorn for more than twenty years. However, that had been an alicorn in a human body on Earth. As a human, Sunset Shimmer stood at nearly two meters tall and was by most definitions an amazon goddess. On the Equestrian side of the mirror, she had grown as well and stood slightly taller than her Aunt Luna.

Sunset had been aware that she was stronger than the average human and had adjusted accordingly but had completely underestimated how that power translated to a quadruped body that was magically augmented. She broke a number of stone floor tiles that weekend and even broke a solid oak table in half slamming her hoof into after Luna told a hilarious dirty joke. Following that little incident, Sunset had been required to sit through a crash course from Celestia, Luna, and Twilight on how to control her power for future visits. Something that was easy to take for granted. With time and effort, she, like the other alicorns, had learned to make it look easy for onlookers to underestimate them and their capabilities.

The obsidian guard held up a hoof over his eyes, which were watering from the ferocious cyclone that he and the other guards found themselves in the center of. One tried leap through the twister only to be repelled back into his fellows, his one foreleg clearly broken. As a last ditch effort, the large unicorn threw both his blades at Sunset and fired a horn blast to distract her. None got anywhere close to her. The magic missile was absorbed right into the tornado and the swords, which he was controlling with telekinesis were slashed into several shards of metal slag, the rune enchantments failing instantly upon contact with Godslayer. The sword once again under her full control and cutting like it was supposed to.

Sunset reveled at the sight of his confusion and awareness of his situation. It was time to end this, because even alicorns grew tired from so much tremendous flapping. Plus, two of the airships just broke their moorings and crashed into one another. Something she was certain Isabella would end up screaming at her about.

Sunset’s horn flashed bright red and the entire cyclone caught fire all the way down to the bare soil, the grass having already been destroyed. The Al Haras guards screamed and huddled together quite unbecomingly. All except the large, jet black unicorn who, even through that hell storm, glared daggers up at her. Finally, after far longer than she had wanted to maintain the spell, they all passed out as the oxygen in the middle of the cyclone had all burned away.

Sunset landed a moment later and quickly checked to make sure they were all still alive. The obsidian guard grabbed her hoof as she started to move away and Sunset’s horn blazed to life once more.

“You… are… a demon.”

“I’ve been called worse.” Sunset slugged the large guard across the muzzle, knocking him out.

With nothing else to add, Sunset ran to the annex. There were no more guards in the vestibule or on the grounds that she could see. She scanned the inner sanctum doors for traps and found them only sealed with simple locking spells that she quickly overpowered and ripped the double doors from their hinges.

Five Saddle Arabian unicorns turn to look up at her. And one Saddle Arabian prince.

“Delay her. I must speak with my father.”

“This doesn’t have to get messy. We can talk this out,” Sunset said with as much calm as she could muster given the situation. The blood dripping from her nose probably did not help.

The prince crushed a glowing purple artifact under his hoof and all the intricate rune and sigil work on the floor lit up. “We shall see.”

A cloud formed around the prince before exploding upwards, through the roof. When the light died, the prince was gone and the runecraft was smoking.

“Where did he go? Was that a point-to-point teleportation gate? Did you ensure the other side was an exact duplicate? I’d hate to find out such a nice looking horse ended up turning himself inside out because somepony miscalculated pi. Seriously, if you guys would just work with me here we can make this whole thing go more smoothly.” The five unicorns all lit up their horns, prepared to attack. “Ugh! Fine.”

Sunset lit her own horn and fired two concentrated concussion blasts. They were probably not bad mages. But defending against two alicorn energy blasts after already being exhausted from an intricate, complex spell would have been difficult for any pony or horse. All five were thrown against the back wall along with half the books and alchemy container vessels, most shattered on the wooden floor. Sunset grabbed the one horse who appeared to be the oldest and dragged him back to her. He was dazed so she gently smacked his cheeks a few times until his eyes were focused again.

“What the hell is going on?! I want answers, dammit!”

“Kill me if you must, but I will not tell you anything. My soul is prepared! My loyalty to Most Holy unquestionable!”

Sunset sighed. “For the record, I tried to be diplomatic about this, but I don’t actually need your cooperation.” Sunset’s horn lit once more and she pressed her hoof to the side of his head. The alicorn’s eyes lit up briefly. A few seconds later she dropped him to the ground. The Saddle Arabian blinked rapidly, confusion and fear turning to startled realization at what just happened as he stared up at the goldenrod alicorn.

“W-what… what was that?! I felt you in my mind!”

“Long distance, point-to-point teleportation portal ritual. Similar to how the old journals used to work, but able to move solid matter and not just words. I’ve read the theories and math on it, but our mages always concluded it was too dangerous and costly material-wise over a long enough distance. The energy requirements alone… well, not like I have to explain it, you know.”

“You… you are a witch! It is a violation of international magical law to invade another creature’s mind!”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Technically, all I did was skim the information that was already sitting on the top of your thoughts, any deeper and it would have been a violation of privacy and not something I do without permission.” Sunset shook her head and narrowed her glowing eyes at the horse. “Besides, you are one to talk about violating treaties and laws, hypocrite. I KNOW where you sent him.”

With nothing else to add, Sunset turned and trotted out. There was no way her firestorm ruckus went unnoticed by other guards and representatives. As if reading her mind, Raven’s earpiece began to buzz. Sunset gently tapped it.


“The entire temple just finished shaking. Apparently, there was a tornado on the east side of the complex. A fiery tornado. Would you happen to know anything about that?”

“Rhetorical question is rhetorical. Hey, do me a favor. Warn Isabella I’m about to make a huge diplomatic incident.”

“You mean bigger than what you may have already done?”

“Ohhhh yeah.” Sunset could practically hear the alarm bells going off in Raven’s positronic network. “Oh, and have a SunLight crystal ready, please. I have a call I need to make.” Without bothering to elaborate, Sunset cut the earpiece connection.

Sunset marched back into the atrium and was met by Tempest who was about to grill her when she spotted the mostly dried blood and scuff marks on her face and armor.

“Did you get into a fight?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Rhetorical question is rhetorical.”

“Sunset, seriously, this is not…”

Guards of all kinds poured through the doors into the atrium lobby. They were soon followed by their ambassadors and representatives. Twilight managed to gently push her way to the front, her eyes going wide.

“Sunny, what happen- Oh, no! You’re bleeding!”

Sunset scanned the crowd for who she was looking for. Even in a crowd of some fairly large creatures, a Saddle Arabian in brightly colored silken robes was hard to miss despite trying his best to hide behind the half dozen guards. Sunset smiled at Twilight to try and reassure her wife she was fine then side stepped her. The gathering crowd parted, their questions unheeded as Sunset approached the Al Harras shielding their grand vizier. She stopped and glared at the guards.

“I need to talk to him, right now.”

“You do not make demands of-”

Sunset’s wings unfurled and she stabbed her summoned flaming sword down into the hardwood, breaking the tiles. The shouts of panic and discourse echoed loudly through the cavernous hall in an indiscernible cacophony. Through it all, somehow, Isabella Windsong managed to maneuver her way over next to Sunset.

“Princess Sunset Shimmer! You must restrain yourself! It is a violation of numerous signed treaties to at-”

“I’m not going to ask again.”

“You are going to start a war!” Isabella hissed.

Sunset glanced at the griffon and flashed her the least humorous smile she had in her arsenal. It reminded Isabella, to a frightening degree, of the smile Flurry gave her when she was possessed by the Athanatoi. Right before they broke every bone in her body. Isabella would have bet good money she saw Sunset’s eyes turn black for just a second.

“Grand Vizier, Muhasib,” Sunset addressed, loud enough for every creature nearby to hear. “I will gladly explain my actions this afternoon as soon as you can explain why the prince used a long distance teleport corridor to meet up with the sultan and his invasion force that is currently landing soldiers on the eastern shore of Equestria.”

Sunset learned two things in that moment. First, that just like in the movies, when you accuse someone of something criminally damning it really does send a crowd into a chattering frenzy. And two, that the grand vizier had a lousy poker face when caught off guard.

“You… you dare throw such accusations at us?! After you assaulted my guards and break into the east annex, which was granted to us as recognized Saddle Arabian sovereignty for the duration of this summit by Princess Twilight Sparkle! You had no business stepping a single hoof there! You should be stripped of your crown and all rights associated with it if not your very head!”

“Why is it every time I have a conversation like this everypony eventually say, ‘you dare?’ Do you, any of you, not know who I am at this point? I AM PRINCESS SUNSET SHIMMER! I AM THE DAUGHTER OF THE FUCKING SUN GODDESS, CELESTIA, AND I AM HER PERFECT FLAMING SWORD! I! DARE! MUCH! Now, before I ram said flaming sword right up your tailpipe and turn you into a Saddle Arabian shish kabob, why is the sultan in Equestria with an army?”

No one spoke.

Every set of eyes present simply shifted back and forth between the irate alicorn with the burning sword and the floundering horse whose guards looked like they were half a second away from soiling themselves. Being on the receiving end of the Royal Canterlot Voice in all its displeasure in a room with such powerful
acoustics had that effect on even the most hardened soldier. Especially when paired with two flaming wings and a sword. The dripping blood probably did not help calm matters either.


There was a pregnant pause. It lingered in the air along with the smell of burnt wood and singed fur. Sunset glanced to Twilight, the heart felt worry clearly etched on her face. Such love and concern cooled much of Sunset’s fury as nothing else could. She let out a calming breath and retracted her wings, but did not banish her sword. Not yet. “You have the floor and our undivided attention, Your Grace. It is rude to keep a captive audience waiting.”

“I… I wish to discuss this matter, privately. If you will allow it, Princess Sunset Shimmer.”

“Sure. But only if the yaks and their guards are allowed to keep an eye on you. Meet us in the conference hall. You have ten minutes. Do not make me come and find you.”

“That is acceptable,” sad the grand vizier with a bowed head.

Sunset dispelled her sword and turned, parting the crowd like water as the chatter began anew. Sunset’s eyes found Raven and the MAU immediately made her way towards her. “Do you have it?”

“Of course,” said Raven retrieving Sunset’s SunLight crystal from her saddle bag. “You do realize you have a deep laceration across your face, yes?”

“I got punched by a sharpened hoof guard. I’ve had worse. I’ll be fine.” Sunset activated the crystal and dialed the number combination she knew by heart.

“Sunset!” shouted Twilight. “Will you please slow down and explain what in the wide world of Equestria is happening?!” Much to Twilight’s concern and chagrin, Sunset stopped and held a gently placed hoof to Twilight’s lips. When she heard the line connect, Sunset’s focus returned to the crystal.

“I gotta say, Twilight,” said Ember, draping an arm across the purple alicorn’s shoulders and purring. Twilight was unaware the Dragon Lord was actually able to purr until that moment. Her thoughts swirled around the new information and wondered if Spike or Smolder could purr as well. “Your new wife is pretty scary when she’s angry.”

“Yes, she can be.”

“It’s kinda hot to watch.”

*blink* “Excuse me, what?”

“Oh, yeah. I love seeing a creature throw some serious fire and attitude around like you own the damn place. Like staking a claim or marking territory. Yeah, I DEFINIETLY like that. You think she might have some dragon or kirin in her blood?”

Twilight arched a brow and glared questionably at the blue dragon. “She’s Celestia’s daughter. That should answer your question.”

Ember purred louder, licking her lips. “So HOT.”

Twilight could only stare.

“My princess?”

“Gauge, I need you to muster all of C Company and commandeer a train, then get your bat winged plots up to Fillydelphia. Meet with the local authorities to gather as many able body militia ponies as you can. Then, move north along the coast towards Manehatten, but do so cautiously. Be sure to use stealthy scouts and when you find what doesn’t belong there wait for me. Do not engage.”

“It will be done, but if I may ask, what am I looking for?”

“The Saddle Arabians snuck a landing force in that vicinity. I wasn’t able to gleam the exact coordinates, but I remember a natural harbor with a rocky jetty. Cross reference a topographical map before you go.” Sunset could hear her captain hiss and curse under his breath.

“Sunset, if the Arabians already have hooves on the ground C Company is not enou-” Sunset held up her hoof to Tempest and she absolutely seethed at the gesture but held her tongue.

“Was that Tempest I heard?”

“Yeah. Here, you talk to her for a minute or two, then get it done, Captain.” Sunset passed her crystal to Tempest Fury and then tried to leave. She made it two steps before a large purple hoof blocked her path from the next hallway.

“No way. You are not dropping this mess on me and then walking off without an explanation.”

“Well actually, I was going to wash and heal my face then explain, but that’s fine, I get it. I made a mess of things, again.”

“To say the least,” grumbled Isabella.

“Anyhow, the short version. I got a gut feeling, I get these sometimes, to go check out the east annex after the prince disappeared. They seemed pretty adamant about having that building under their control. My guess now is that they wanted a facility outside the Hall of Unity and all its inherent magic defenses and early warning alarms. They brought a bunch more guards than any of the other nations along with a half dozen unicorn mages to set up a powerful and costly point-to point- teleportation port. I have to assume the other side was just as intricate and well made or the prince just turned himself into goo for no good reason.”

“And what is the reason?” asked Twilight.

“Well, that was what I was hoping we…”

Sunset stopped when she and the other Equestrians around her were interrupted by a yak throwing himself at their hooves.

“MY GREAT APOLOGIES!” the yak groveled. “The grand vizier and his guards slipped us.”

“Seriously?!” shouted Flurry Heart, smacking her face.

“They gathered near the door then threw some sort of smoke at us. We choked, two thought they would choke to death, but when it cleared the horses were gone.”

“Dammit!” growled Tempest. “We need to stop them! I want answers for this whole mess!”

“Heh, yeeeeah. If he thinks they are going to get away on their airships he’s going to be disappointed. I, uh, kinda broke those too.”

“Oh, sweet ancestors, give me strength,” muttered Isabella.

“And they call me a wrecking ball,” said Flurry with a slight giggle.

Despite it all, Sunset laughed a bit too. “Actually, they called me a wrecking ball and you a deadly tornado. You know, to clarify.”

“Huh. Nice.”

“No!” said Twilight, her anxiety and stress beginning to get the best of her. “Not nice. None of this is nice, or funny or makes any bit of sense!”

“Well, you’re right,” conceded Sunset. “That’s why you are going to go out there, drag the grand vizier back in here and squeeze him for every drop of information on why we went through this whole song and dance with grandstanding and ancient contracts to begin with.”

“Okay, but what are you… no.”


“Sunset, no. It’s too dangerous! You just had a drunken breakdown on feeling like the entire weight of the world is on your shoulders! Now you want to run off to intercept the sultan and his army alone?!”

“I just ordered my captain and a hundred of our best to go face down that possible army of a thousand plus warriors. They are not facing that without a princess by their side. More so, I… I have a gut feeling you might be right. That this whole situation is wrong top to bottom and maybe an outside force, be it Void or Cosmos or both, is pulling the strings. I can maybe, MAYBE stops this before anypony else gets seriously hurt. So yeah. I’m going. Right now. You can relay to me any new information you get from him.”


Sunset glanced to Raven to find the MAU frowning. She stepped over to her friend and surrogate daughter and hugged her. “It’ll be fine. I’ll see you and everypony else again soon.”

“Don’t worry, Raven, I’ve got her back.”

Cadence’s wings shot open and she violently shook her head back and forth. “No! Nononononono, no way, little girl!”

“Mom,” Flurry groaned and turned her eyes to her mother. “Sunset needs somepony to watch her back.”

“Not you. Baby, you got stabbed in the neck last time! You almost died!”

Flurry Heart took a deep breath and stepped up to her mother. She towered over her, nearly twice the size of the lithe, pink Goddess of Love. Blue eyes met mulberry, neither daring to blink. “Mom, I love you. I love you for everything you have ever done for me, even the stuff that pissed me off. But I’m not a foal anymore. You can’t stop me and more than that, you don’t want to stop me. Because Sunset Shimmer is my… aunt-in-law, second cousin-ish thing… She’s family! And family watches each other’s backs. No matter what. It has been a while, but I remember Aunt Applejack saying those words more than once.”

Cadence cried. She smiled, but she cried. And finally, she nodded and wrapped herself around her daughter. “My baby is… Oh, Flurry Heart. You are my everything and I love you so much! Please, please, please be careful. Both of you.”

Sunset turned back to Twilight. Her face felt warm as a magic healing spell was applied to the wound and it closed, leaving only a slight pinkish mark that would fade eventually. Even the blood was dried and whisked away. She touched the scar gingerly with a hoof and smiled. “Thanks, babe.”

“Why do you have to be so selfless? What happened to the greedy, power mad Sunset Shimmer I first met?”

“I’m pretty sure you put her in a smoking crater in front of a high school while wearing an absolutely adorable pink, poofy dress.”

Twilight choked on her sob and laughed. “I always did like that dress.”

“Yeeeeah. Me too. Maybe we can get it remade and reenact that night except after I steal your crown this time, I steal a dance instead and then your heart. What’d ya say?”

Twilight pressed her lips to Sunset’s “I say, I call it a date.”

Sunset nodded, tracing her hoof lovingly down the side of Twilight's muzzle. “I love you.”

“Be smart. Use that clever brain of yours and not just for blowing things up. I love you too.” Sunset smirked and winked and then turned to leave.

“Shimmer.” Sunset glanced back at Tempest. The commander hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and hardened her resolve. Sunset could see the guard was wrestling between her duty and her personal feelings, struggling to find the right words to say. “Keep him alive. I don’t care what you have to do or how, but bring him back to me.” Sunset required no elaboration. She simply nodded and made for the door with Flurry Heart a step behind. The hall was hardly silent, but none of the other princesses or their constituents knew what to say. Twilight sighed, regathered her royal resolve, and began to lead the group out to the docks to intercept the grand vizier before he could get his damaged ships underway.

“So, let me get this straight,” said Isabella to no one in particular. “If what Belldandy and Chaz said earlier was true, the one pony we absolutely must keep alive in order to save us all is about to fly off to face down an army where she will be outnumbered ten to one. Please, someone tell me I’m wrong about this somewhere.”

Raven, who had been walking beside the griffon arched a brow and then shrugged. “Well, we’re boned.”

Author's Note:

Not all is what it seems! What in the ever loving hell is going on?! Yeah, gotta have a few twists along the way. Rotten things are a hoof.

This ended up being longer than I expected but it just flowed too well to not break it in half.

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