• Member Since 1st Aug, 2019
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Revel Montaro



This story is a sequel to Gods and Monsters

Many years ago, Princess Celestia granted Discord a boon for helping rescue Sunset Shimmer when she was trapped between worlds. He was given the power to declare one day a year as Discord Day. A day in which the draconequus was allowed to pull out all the stops as long as no creature came to harm in the process.

For personal reasons Discord ceased holding the even for decades and the concept fell into obscurity, all but forgotten.

Nearly a year has passed since the attacks by the Athanatoi and the tragic events that followed. Sunset Shimmer, now a coronated princess and diarch to the Equestrian Thrones has fallen into her role for the most part and begun to find her groove as well as further explore her relationship with her fellow diarch, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Tempers will be tested, shenanigans will ensue, surprises, twists, and more as Discord Day is reborn!

Sex tag for numerous adult topics and conversations.
Narcotics tag for copious amounts of alcohol consumption.
Profanity for... Sunset's foul mouth.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 39 )

Always appreciate more from this lovely universe, great job.

Exalant and funny story

Yes, I've been waiting eagerly for this. The Discord narrated intro was a nice touch, as was this:

Discord fell over backwards laughing. “I see, drinks and debauchery it is! Then I shall leave you and your soon-to-be guests to it before this story requires an M rating.” Luna waved him off casually while bringing the straw to her lips. A few minutes later half a dozen thestrals landed at the edge of Luna’s tower and bowed respectfully.

nice fourth wall break.
I sense some pinocchio vibes with Raven at that last part. Question is, is it temporary and Sunset gets her PAAL pal back, or is Sunset not gonna need Sable to run as many errands as before?

Sunset in that picture looks like she's already done with this.

All will be revealed... at least as far as this plot goes.

That's what I was going for.

As a eldritch abomination beyond such petty concepts as morality and transient things as existince once said;

Chaos dimension!

Why do I have the feeling that Sunny's going to need therapy by the end of the day. And if that last scene is anything to go by, so is Raven.

Therapy, electrolytes, and aspirin. Also depends on who was screaming. *Wink*

Well, that was mostly a rhetorical question as I knew it would be revealed eventually, but that doesn't stop me from being curious.
And I see Discord is giving the newest princess the get-under-your-skin treatment

Since when is Celestia Sunset's mother?

i would have expected Sunset to get at least some answers lol. glad to have another great story to read now

technically, she got the last one right, but remember the host was *ahem* cheating.

Well, things just got from bad to worse.
I had supspicions from the last chapter that something was going on between Discord and Twilight but I didn't think he'd pull something on her (and considering it's Discord, I dont know what I was expecting)
I'm sensing a bit of a parallel between Discord and Flurry Heart, but at least the Flurry had the excuse of being influenced by the Athanatoi. This is practically Make Friends But Keep Discord all over again.

Yeaaah I don't really care for Discord here.

Learned way more about the reproduction traits of your thestral take then I needed, Luna might want to tweak her spell a bit. Also thestrals aren't just bat ponies neat, what’s the Earth pony variant like?

At least Raven is enjoying herself, I was worried about everything stored on her, and Sunny gets to be a mum again for a while.

Also Discord keeping an eye on things or not the idea of every doctor being off duty is kinda alarming.

EDIT: Actually re reading that last sentence of mine it's extremely alarming.


Yeah, I thought it might've been Discord giving Sunset the get-under-your-skin treatment that he gave Twilight all those years ago (What about Discord? comes to mind), but now its evident it's jealousy.
And regarding thestrals, I believe the bat ponies were based on J. K. Rowling's thestrals (despite the MLP versions being quite literally more fleshed out), and the unicorn equivalent is just the author's take (y'know, creative license and all)

Well, that went wrong in a spectacular fashion.

Thanks but I already know they’re named after the Harry Potter creatures and that its just Revel’s own take on them

Sorry if I made you twitch at hearing about thestrals "Fun Time" Keep in mind what happened with Gauge and Tempest is like a one in a million chance. That's why they are all stumbling about believing an out of season breeding was just a rumor.

I imagine an Earth pony thestral as being much like their bat wing and smooth horned cousins. For them, the change in their characteristic is that they are bigger and stronger than most other ponies. Not quite as tall as an alicorn, but slightly bigger than Big Mac and built like a tank. Similar to how Rockhoof was imbued with magic making him bigger and stronger. Naturally, they still have bat ears and vertically slit eyes and fangs. I might introduce one in the future if I find the character needed.

Well, Twi obviously never saw Star Wars, or she would know that grate fun can be had by attacking friends with glowing swords!

Man, this is such a good chapter. Everyone involved is both kinda innocent and part of the problem. Twilight is totally justified in treating Discord Day as a means of catching a break. But in that pursuit of relaxation, she hasn't been treating Sunset and her feelings all that well. Discord is lonely and feeling insecure in his relationships with those around him, but that doesn't excuse his actions like at all. Honestly, Sunset is pretty much the victim in all of this haha. Sure, her anger has been rearing up but Twilight was pretty willfully ignoring how uncomfortable she was and Discord had malicious intent from the start. Sunset honestly doesn't really have anything to apologize for, especially to Discord.

Thank you for that, excellent observations. Hopefully you will enjoy where things conclude next week.

I wanted Raven to stay pony :'( :fluttercry:

“Oh?!” Luna lifted her sunglasses a moment before placing them back into place, more or less. “In that case, THE LIBATIONS SHALL BE DOUBLED!” Luna stole Sunset’s drink, not shuddering for a moment as she downed the amber liquor and slammed the upside down glass to the bar. Amazingly, the glass did not break. “ANOTHER!” The bar erupted into more cheers. Discord rolled his eyes. Guards were guards after all.

A certain Norse god would be proud

I was kinda expecting a proposal to accompany Sunset's apology, especially after Gauge's impromptu one, but I suppose it's too early for that yet.
But it looks like the Equestrian's taste of human music was very well recieved at least.
I have a feeling Discord is gonna still get under Sunset's skin in Discord fashion, but at least they have an understanding now, and can move forward in a friendlier fashion.

Been looking forward to this all day
Glad everypony talked about it after cooling down
Poor Raven
Honestly I expected Twilight to talk to Sunset about having a kid but since they’ve only been a couple for a year a personal student is also good
And the flaming sword of death finally gets a name :yay:
Did not expect the ending by a long shot :rainbowhuh:
Any way looking forward to the next instalment

I thought long and hard about it, but it is necessary for her to be as she is. I have plans.

Sunset did not want to steal the spotlight from Tempest and Gauge, plus she's not ready mentally to propose to Twilight. A certain pink alicorn may have to intervene in the future.

Don't feel bad for Raven, she had a great time and learned so much... just imagine all the uncomfortable questions Sunset is going to have to deal with the next day! Yeah, God Slayer is heavily influenced by Chaz from Sluggy Freelance in as far as power range. It's crazy dangerous. Also, glad I was able to deliver the unexpected for an ending! Go me!

Yes, undoubtedly, as Twilight said, Sunset's still grieving from her mother's death (and SciTwi's to an extent), on top of her princess duties, plus sorting out her feelings for Princess Twilight.
And once again, you got me interested!

oh i know i'd love to see what happens that night between them hehe

That was a nice conclusion to this little romp through the Chaos Dimension. Glad everyone got their relationship woes patched up.

Also, I'm betting Raven's going to be looking forward to next Discord Day, if only for the fact she'll get to be fleshy again.

Geez Discord! What a way to be a dick!

A good ending to a fun and crazy story. I hope there's more stories to come from this timline.

I just started the next one, could be a month or so before anything is ready to show. Thanks for reading.

Twilight nodded and shouted at the retreating form of her friend and captain. “Have fun!” Tempest disappeared quickly into the crowd without looking back. “That was odd. Maybe she left her stove on or something.”

More like she's checking if she really does have a bun in her oven that's what I'd say

“Oh, fuck me.”

F*** being the opportune word here 10 bucks says she's going to Luna's place to experiment with more as she put it "carnal desires"

Two words: Fluttershy onesie.

The line "The things i do for you woman" made me think of Vegeta for some reason.

Lol i was wondering if Raven was gonna get a body or something since Gods and Monsters.


Vegeta is a great character. Not a huge DBZ fan, but his complexity over time and the fact that he becomes a WAY better father than Goku really hooked me.

Yeah, Vegeta isn't a moron like Goku is, he has sense.

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