• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,569 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 95: The Gamemaster

Author's Note:

Happy Easter, everyone.

So to recap, Rainbow Dash had managed to defeat the Gamemaster and pass the last challenge. At the same time, the rest of the group had managed to find her and were glad that she was safe. So now that they were all reunited, they just needed to find the exit to escape this virtual prison. Only problem was that the pick-up truck and the motocross bike that Sunset drove on where nowhere to be seen. It almost seem like they vanished into thin air.

"Well this is just great." said Isaac sarcastically.

"Seems the Gamemaster has decided to give us one last task." said Spike as he sat next to Isaac in one of the empty seats of the stadium.

"I should have figured that given that we beat all of the Gamemaster's challenge, it wouldn't be easy to be granted the exit." Isaac then leaned back in his chair as he hung his head.

"Well, nothing where we looked." said Sunset as she was accompanied by Pinkie.

"Same thing, darling." said Rarity as Twilight was next to her. They were in the section above the four of them.

"I don't get it, we beat all of the challenges. So, why doesn't the Gamemaster just let us out?" asked Twilight as she leaned over the railing looking down at them.

"You really expect somebody like the Gamemaster to play by the rules?" said Spike bluntly.

"Looks like we didn't have any luck on our end." said Applejack as she and Fluttershy were on the bottom level of stadium as they shouted out to them.

"So, what do we do now?" said Sunset.

"Any ideas, Mahad, Mana?" asked Isaac as his two magicians appeared.


"Sorry, master."

"Not even your magicians can help us." said Spike as he saw the two of them.

"I hate to say it, Twilight. But this situation is dire indeed." said High Priestess of Prophecy.

"Yeah, you're... wait a minute?" Twilight was now blinking in disbelief that one of her monsters was actually next to her.

"Uhm... Rarity?" said Twilight as she tapped her shoulder.

"What is it? Uhm, Twilight?" said Rarity as she slowly back up only to bump into something.

"Woah, watch it there. Wouldn't want to mess with my fur now?" said Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat.

Now Rarity and Twilight had the most scared faces as they couldn't believe that their monsters were talking as if they were actually real.

"What's going on?" shouted both of them.

"Really? You're just noticing this now!" shouted Spike. "Me and Isaac figured that out after we entered this place."

"What?" said Pinkie and Sunset.

"Just look next to you." said Isaac as he pointed.

Sunset and Pinkie then looked to their sides as they saw their monsters from their decks. For Pinkie she saw her Madolche Puddingcess and Queen Tiaramisu floating next to her as they had a couple of their treats in their hands. Sunset looked to her side and saw her Red-Eyes Baby Dragon flapping his wings really hard as he tried to stay airborne. Red-Eyes let out a cute roar and said 'Momma' as he snuggled Sunset's cheek. Applejack and Fluttershy saw this and when they looked behind them, there was Thunder Unicorn and Ronin Raccoon as they made their way to their beloved princess. Applejack then felt something on her boot as she saw her Predaplant Spinodionaea and Ophrys Scorpio near her feet.

"What's going on?" shouted all six of the girls.

"In this virtual world, our monsters can interact with us. Basically, you're doing what Isaac does on a regular basis with him and his magicians." stated Spike as Baby Dragon appeared next to him as he gave him a pet on the head.

"Can they talk?" asked Rarity.

"Some of them can." stated Isaac.

"That's so cool. Hi, little guys." said Pinkie.

"We love you Pinkie." said her little Madolche monsters in a cute little girls voice. They then had her some dessert as she smiled and ate them.

"That's impossible!" shouted Twilight. "This defies all scientifically logic."

"Twilight, you really need to open your mind a bit more." said High Priestess with royal voice. Even she thought her master was a bit skeptic. "Perhaps this book on Magical Properties could serve as a reference guide." High Priestess snapped her fingers and a book levitated in front of Twilight as her brain still couldn't process what was going on.

Rarity was having trouble on how she should approach her Crystal Beast. Amethyst Cat just simply licked its coat before walking towards its owner and sniffed her hand. Once she got her scent, she then licked Rarity's hand as she started to nuzzle it while letting out a calming purr. Rarity was taken aback by this, but soon she was comfortable as she bent down and petted her huge kitty.

"My, you are such a beauty, my dear Amethyst. You look lovely as ever." said Rarity.

"My pleasure, dear." said Amethyst as she snuggled her head into Rarity's chest as she brought her arms around her monster for a hug.

"Aren't you both just so adorable." said Fluttershy as she was petting her Thunder Unicorn and giving her Ronin Racoon a scratch behind his ears as he was sitting on the horse's back.

"Guess, this virtual place has one upside. We're not alone." mentioned Applejack as she bent down and petted her Predaplants.

"Momma." said Red-Eye Baby Dragon as he snuggled in Sunset's arms.

"I love you too, my baby." said Sunset as she rubbed her dragon's cute little head.

Isaac was watching how all of his friends were interacting with their monsters. It brought a smile to his face as he was glad they got a chance to actually bond with them. Eventually his magicians also had saw the same scene as they too had a smile. Soon he looked around and noticed something.

"Hey, has anybody seen Rainbow Dash?"

"Hey everyone!" shouted Dash as she was on the stage where she was competing as she called out to them. "Guess what I found!" Rainbow then began to run in the direction from where she came from; the others thought it might be something useful so they all started to follow after her with their monsters disappearing.

The group all made it to the floor level as they saw Rainbow running to another part of the backstage area of the stadium. They then turned the corner and saw what appeared to be a door.

"While I was searching through the backstage, my U.A. Midfielder appeared and he pointed me in this direction." stated Rainbow. "So we followed the energy source and well this door magically appeared."

"Well, the good thing is that you didn't just blindly open it yourself." said Applejack with a smirk.

"Hey!" sounded off Rainbow as she felt insulted.

Isaac then stepped forward as he approached the door.

"You think that this is a good idea?" asked Fluttershy.

"We don't have any other options." stated Sunset.

"Whatever happens, stay behind me." Isaac then took a deep breath as he placed his hand on the door handle. He then turned it as he opened the door. A bright light appeared as it caused everybody to shield their eyes.

Soon the light died down as the group found themselves in a different place, they now found themselves next to the side of some road as their was a street. They found themselves to be next in some kind of desert/canyon hybrid. Overall they were glad to be out of the stadium. But they had no idea on where they were now.

"Seems like we're just getting further and further away from the exit." said Twilight.

"We'll never get out!!!" shouted Rainbow as she kicked a pebble.

"And it will stay that way!!!!" shouted a voice from the heavens.

"Who's there?" shouted Twilight.

"Me!!!" Soon a pillar of light came down as it struck the ground in front of the group. Soon several different monsters stepped out as their eyes glowed red. The light died down and standing in front of them all was the Gamemaster as he was now speaking through all the different forms of monsters that it used to battle the group.

"Get us all of here!"

"Listen, Isaac! There's only onw way this all ends, and that's when I defeat you. For too long, you've been the bane of existence and I thought trapping you here would be the solution to my problem. However, you proved to be more of nuisance than I thought. So it appears that if I want to get rid of you, I must take some even more drastic measures." stated the Gamemaster. "And this time, the odds are firmly in my favor!"

"Alright, tell us what we have to do to get out of here!" shouted Isaac.

"Why, duel me one last time! Win, and you all escape. But should you lose, I trap all of your minds here forever." said the Gamemaster all the monsters stepped forward. "Now... let's duel Isaac!" The Gamemaster then had a duel disk appear on its arm.

"You're on! But on one condition, to make it a bit more fair, why don't I choose one of my friends to battle alongside me." suggested Isaac.

"Tell me, why I should let you do that?"

"Cause if you're so confident that you'll beat me, then it shouldn't matter if another person joins our battle."

"And risk the possibility of losing?"

"Oh, so you actually admit that you could lose?" snickered Isaac.

"Fool! I'm the all powerful Gamemaster and the only reason you and your friends have bested my challenges is because you'll cheated. Very well, if you're so insist, I'll grant you your wish."

"Then let's do this!" said Isaac as he turned on his duel disk and projected a gold card tray.

"Then tell me, who is your partner gonna be?" asked the Gamemaster.

"That's easy... Spike. Come on down."


The girls and him were both surprised at Isaac's choice. Not to say that they didn't support their animal friend turned human; it was just so out of left field. But given how confident Isaac was in his decision, they felt like he made the right call. Spike then stepped forward as he had his duel disk ready to go as it projected an orange card tray.

"You sure about this?" asked Spike.

"Absolutely." Isaac gave a thumbs up to Spike to show he had nothing to worry about.

"Now, since this battle will two against one... the only way for justice to be served is for me to start with 16,000 life points while you two begin with 8,000. Win and you'll be reunited with the real world. Lose and you all belong here!" stated the Gamemaster as it laid down the rules for this duel. "Are you two ready to lose!?"

"No! 'Cause you're fighting' da dream team!" said Spike as he tried to sound tough.

"That's a bit of a stretch, Spike. Still, love the confidence." said Isaac as he tried to be more realistic.

"Let's get down to business. Choose your virtual decks!" stated the Gamemaster as the card database appeared in front of the boys as they began to select their cards. "You'll need all the help you can get!"

Both Isaac and Spike had finished selecting their cards as a deck appeared in their hands.

"Now! It's time to choose your Deck Master!" stated the Gamemaster.

"I choose this monster-- Dark Magician!" said Isaac as he called forth his most powerful ally.

"Don't worry, master. I'll protect you with my very life." said Mahad.

"And I'll take Flame Swordsman!" said Spike as a fierce warrior appeared next to him.

"Were those good choices?" asked Fluttershy.

"I mean, Isaac won't have his ace monster on the field to perform all of his special summons like he normally does. And as for Spike...", Sunset was a bit worried about the monster that Spike chose, "well, it doesn't seem like it's gonna be useful."

"As for me, since I have several monsters, I'm going to be rotating my Deck Master! So we'll start with this... my Legendary Fisherman!" stated the Gamemaster as all the other monster vanished and all that was left was the monster chosen by the Gamemaster. "A strong investment!"

"How is that fair!?!" shouted Rainbow.

"It's not, partner. The Gamemaster can make up whatever it wants." stated Applejack.

"Let's hope that Isaac and Spike can win us our way out of here, darlings."

"Then get ready, it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as both he and Spike slotted in their decks.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

The Gamemaster's Life Points: 16,000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Spike's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: The Gamemaster

"I'll begin!" said the Gamemaster as it drew its card. "HA! First things first. I'll play this magic card! A Legendary Ocean!" Soon the entire field was starting to change.

"Oh no!" shouted Isaac as he realized what was happening.

"Time to flood the market!" said the Gamemaster as a city appeared underneath all of the water that was surrounding them. "And now, I'll summon Deepsea Warrior(1600/1800)!" Out came a warrior that had fins and wielded a trident-like weapon as it dove under the water.

"Hey! Hold on!" shouted Spike. "You have to sacrifice something first to play that card! It's too powerful to summon to the field in your first move!"

"With his magic card he can!" said Isaac.

"Right. It's all true. A Legendary Ocean changes my five-star monsters to four! I'm afraid this simple fact allows me to summon them directly to the field without sacrificing another monster!"

"Be careful, Spike!" warned Twilight.

"Twilight's right. As long as that card's in play, he's at a dangerous advantage!" said Isaac.

"Don't worry, Isaac. We'll dry up his ocean in no time!"

"You'll sink long before that!" stated the Gamemaster.

"You take the next move, Spike. And remember the Gamemaster can't be trusted, so try to stay on your toes!"

Turn 2: Spike

"All right, watch this..." Spike then drew his card as the girls looked on wondering what he was going to do. "I summon Alligator's Sword(1500/1200) in defense mode!" Out came an alligator that wore armor and wielded a sword as it stood on its hind legs. "That's all for now! But this is just the beginning!"

Turn 3: Isaac

"It's my move now!!" shouted Isaac. "And I summon Gazelle, The King of Mythical Beasts... in defense mode! With that I'll call it."

Turn 4: Gamemaster

"And that's all?" snickered the Gamemaster. "Please, I'd expect better moves from you Isaac. Now... I'll activate my Deck Master's ability, now I'm free to bypass your defense and go straight for your life points. So take aim." The Gamemaster then had its harpoon appear in its hand as it threw it at Spike.

"Ahh!" said Spike as he put his arm up.
Spike's Life Points: 6150-

"Spike!" shouted the girls as they were concerned.

"Consider that a little payback for what you did to me, mutt. You nothing more than a lapdog; you are a sidekick!! You are someone comfortable being on the sidelines!! And that is the role that you should've stuck to!!!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"I'm fine, girls." Spike then shook off the attack as he noticed that the Gamemaster had now switched Deck Masters.

"Ready!?" said the Gamemaster as they were now Abyss Soldier.

"Come on guys!" shouted Twilight. "Crush that walking can of tuna! I already beat that him and so can you." Twilight was doing her best to cheer the boys on.

"Now my field spell, raises the attack points of all underwater monsters by 200! Here we go! Deepsea Warrior, attack Isaac's Mythical Beast now! It's all about the numbers boys! And your number's up!" Deepsea Warrior then took out Isaac's monster with ease as he didn't have anything to save it. "And next, I summon Catapult Turtle(1000/2000) in defense mode!"

"He played another five-star monster!" said Spike. "And thanks to that card of his, he didn't have to make a sacrifice!! Not good!!" Spike wiped his forehead as he was sweating from worriedness. "We gotta get rid of his Legendary Ocean card or we can say goodbye to our minds forever Isaac!"

"I end my turn."

Turn 5: Spike

"I'm up." Spike picked up his card. Sweet! It's Kunai with Chain. That's definitely a good start! I can use this little baby to reel in his Deepsea Warrior, hook, line, and sinker! "Now I place one card facedown."

"That's your big move!?" stated the Gamemaster as he was unimpressed.

"I'm not done! And now, I summon Cyber Harpie(1800/1300)!" Spike now had a female monster on his field as it had talons and claws. "And next... I switch Alligator's Sword into attack mode! And that ends my turn!"

Turn 6: Isaac

"And starts mine!" shouted Isaac. It's time for me to pick up where Spike left off! This doesn't look good. I don't have anything in my hand that can stop his Deepsea Warrior from attacking! Wait! Spike's facedown card! It could be my only hope! "First I summon Mystical Elf(800/2000) in attack mode!" Isaac now had a women who wore a robe on his field as she was deep in prayer. "Now let's see what you can do, Gamemaster!" said Isaac as he ended his turn.

"Attack mode? Why would Isaac do that?" asked Fluttershy.

"Hmm... I think I know why." said Rainbow as she realized the same thing Isaac thought of.

Turn 7: Gamemaster

"And noooooow... say goodbye to your Mystical Elf!" said the Gamemaster as he drew his card. "Behold! Deepsea Warrior attack!" commanded the Gamemaster.

"Not so fast!" shouted Spike as he tapped his screen. "I activate my trap card! Kunai with Chain!" Spike's card then wrapped around Deepsea Warrior as it stopped its attack and fell into the warrior as it dropped its weapon.

"Excellent move, Spike!" said Isaac.

"Hey, why da long face?" taunted Spike. "Don't tell me you're upset just because your Deepsea Warrior got a little tied up! Here he comes right now!" Deepsea Warrior then reappeared on the Gamemaster's side as it had the chain wrapped around its leg. "And thanks to my chain he can't attack while my Cyber Harpie gets even more powerful! Oh well, and things were going so good for you, too! Maybe now you know who you're up against!" said Spike with a smirk.

How could I let him do this? That little mutt is nothing but an inferior duelist and he made a mockery of me! Well he won't get me a second time, that's for damn sure!!! "I'll conclude by placing one monster facedown in defense mode. And one card facedown to end my turn!"

"Way to go guys!!" shouted Pinkie.

"Soon we'll all escape and go home!" said Applejack.

Turn 8: Spike

"Here we go again, look out!" Spike then drew his card, "Bingo baby! Now! It's time for me to dry up your ocean, Gamemaster! Cause I activate my Harpie's Feather Duster!" Soon a big wind came in as the water started to create some waves. "This card sweeps away every other cards on the field in your backrow, including your Legendary Ocean!"

"Huh?" The Gamemaster was surprised at what Spike just did.

"Now Cyber Harpie, attack his Deepsea Warrior!" Cyber Harpie then took flight as it used her claws and did a swipe that took out Deepsea Warrior. "Oh yeah! Watch this! My next victim is that facedown mystery monster of yours!"

"No, Spike! Don't! It's too risky!"

"Risk is my middle name, Isaac." said Spike as he was full of confidence. "So check this out! Alligator's Sword, attack his facedown monster!" Alligator's Sword then swiped down as it destroyed the Gamemaster's monster.

"You just triggered my Magician of Faith's special effect! Thank you, mutt! Now I can bring back one magic card!"


"I'll give you one guess which card I choose!" said the Gamemaster as he quickly turned it over. "Time's up!"

"Oh no! I was afraid of that! A Legendary Ocean! Sorry about that Isaac."

"You fools are making this way to easy! You're defeating yourselves!" chuckled the Gamemaster out loud.

Turn 9: Isaac

"Calm down Gamemaster. This duel is still on! My move! Now--"

Since my Legendary Ocean card is back in my hand, I can activate it in my next turn! Then I'll play Monster Reborn and bring back my Deepsea Warrior! It all adds up! I'll be right back where I was before! My chances of success are 99%!

"All right Gamemaster. Now... it's about time someone put you in your place."

"Go ahead!"

"I'll play Kuriboh in defense mode. Next I'll activate Card Destruction! Too bad!" shouted Isaac as the Gamemaster was unhappy by his move. "Now we must throw away all our cards which means your Legendary Ocean card is gone again!"

"Awesome! I knew I could count on you, Isaac!"

"Now, it's time for all of us to re-draw a brand new hand... right Gamemaster!" Isaac had a sly smile on his face. Soon everybody got rid of their cards as they got a new hand. "Lastly, I'll switch my Mystical Elf into defense mode. I'm through for now."

Turn 10: Gamemaster

"All right, you brats!" It's time to lay a little judgement on these fools! "Abyss Soldier has been dismissed kids, please welcome Fire Princess." said the Gamemaster as they changed Deck Masters once again.

"They switched again!" said Fluttershy.

"Well it seems to be workin'." said Applejack.

"What do you mean, darling?"

"You see, this duel is beginnin' to take it's toll on Isaac and Spike! But the Gamemaster keeps rotatin' players to keep itself fresh!" stated Sunset. "This isn't gonna be easy!"

"Time to bring you to justice! When you two lose this duel, you and your friends will be sentenced to an eternity in this digital dungeon."

"You're the one who's going down, Gamemaster." said Spike.

"Now then... my first maneuver should seem familiar to you. Well, at least for Sunset. I reveal my Firestorm Rage card."

"Oh no, not this move!" stated Sunset as she remembered her duel.

"Oh yes! First I'll give up 1000 of my life points. Now time for things to be engulfed in a roaring inferno." said the Gamemaster as her card then caused a huge fire to appeared as it caused all the monsters on Isaac's and Spike's field to be completely empty.
Gamemaster's Life Points: 15,000-

"All four of our monsters are gone." said Isaac.

"But that's not all I've done. Next you both lose 500 life points for each monster that I've crushed." snickered the Gamemaster.
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

Spike's Life Points: 5150-

"And now that I've cleared the field of your monsters, it's time to work on your life points. I call upon my Darkfire Solider #1! And now... I think our spectators are really going to enjoy this next move. Now, Darkfire Soldier #1, attack Spike's life points directly!" Darkfire Solider then brought its sword as it did a diagonal slash at Spike.
Spike's Life Points: 3450-

"Now I remember why I'd loved being a dog." said Spike as he clutched himself.

"If you loved that one, just wait till my next move. Darkfire Soldier, use my Catapult Turtle's special ability to launch yourself at Spike once more!" Darkfire Solider then was launched as it collided with Spike as he lost even more life points.
Spike's Life Points: 2600-

"Spike! Are you alright?" asked Twilight as he was thrown onto his back.

"That jerk. Spike's life points are almost gone!" said Sunset.

"Come on, sugar, get up!"

"Are you sure you're all right, Spike?" asked Isaac.

"I've been better." he said as he got back to his feet.

"Tell me, Spike, are you beginning to understand my dueling strategy or do you need a hint? I plan to destroy the weaker link first. Then I'll concentrate on Isaac. And then when the time is right, I'll take you both out in one fell swoop."

"Is this the part where I'm supposed to be scared?" said Spike as he didn't let the Gamemaster's comment get to him.

"Ha, don't flatter yourself. I place one card facedown. And then I play the card, Fountain of Wishes!"

Oh no! Thanks to that card's effect, after three turns, the Gamemaster will be able to play any card from their deck! That will allow them to automatically summon a really powerful monster to the field! Isaac looked at Spike with a slight bit of concern.

"That's all."

Turn 11: Spike

"Good, about time. Now... all right. This'll help." said Spike as he looked at his card. "I summon Rocket Warrior!" This little guys packs a pretty strong punch, but I'm gonna boost his strength even more. "Now I'll activate my Deck Master's ability and give my Rocket Warrior an extra 800 attack points from his own stats. And now, Rocket Warrior, attack her Catapult Turtle!" said Spike as his monster transformed into rocket mode and destroyed the Gamemaster's monster.

"I activate Revenge Sacrifice!"


"This card allows me to sacrifice the monster you just attack me with. So consider your Rocket Warrior dismissed. And I'll use it to summon a new monster." laughed the Gamemaster. "So please welcome Cyber Dragon(2100/1600)!" A machine-like dragon then came out as it led out a roar. "The decision is unanimous! You two don't stand a chance!"

Turn 12: Isaac

"All right, Isaac. Finish this guy!" said Spike.

"I'll try." said Isaac with a nonchalant tone as he looked at the cards in his hand. All right, I need to play Des Volstgalph, but in order to summon it to the field, I need to sacrifice another monster first. And I have no other monsters! Not yet, anyways! "It's my move, so here goes!" This is just what I needed! It's the Rock Spirit monster card! But in order to use it, I first have to take a monster out of my graveyard and remove it from the game. Isaac looked at his duel disk screen as he looked at all the cards in his graveyard. I was forced to send Buster Blader to the graveyard before, so I guess I'll take him out of play. "First I'll remove my Buster Blader from the game in order to summon The Rock Spirit(1700/1000)! But I'm afraid that's not all, Gamemaster! I'll sacrifice my spirit to summon this! Des Volstgalph(2200/1700)!" Isaac then switched out the monster on his card tray with the one in his hand.

What, is he serious? thought Spike.

"And now I'll place a card facedown and end my turn." Isaac had the smuggest of smiles on his face as he looked at the Gamemaster.

"Hmm?" Even the Gamemaster was confused by Isaac's move.

The Gamemaster's onto Isaac's trap. That move was too obvious! Even for someone like me. Spike then began to do a serious of charades as he tried to warn Isaac. "It'll never work!" Spike said so that only Isaac could hear him.

The girls were watching from behind them as they all raised their eyebrows at how Spike was acting.

"Don't you think Spike is acting kinda weird?" said Rainbow.

"I think maybe a bumble bee flew down his pants." stated Fluttershy.

"No, he's tryin' to warn Isaac about somethin'."

"What?" said the rest of them.

"See, y'all. Isaac played a weaker monster. Then he put a card facedown, which is a really predictable move." The girls all gasped at Applejack's explanation. "He wants the Gamemaster to attack him."

"Really?" said Pinkie.

"That doesn't sound like something Isaac would do. He knows better than that." stated Rarity.

Meanwhile, Spike was still doing his cartoonish charades as he tried to get Isaac's attention. Isaac still had that smug smile on his face as he stared at the Gamemaster as he was looking to intimidate them.

Turn 13: Gamemaster

"If you think I'm going to fall for that move, you're sorely mistaken. Even a little kid could do better than that." stated the Gamemaster as they looked at Isaac. "Time for me to rewire this duel and it starts when I switch my Deck Master, so welcome Machine King! Prepare to lose!" said the Gamemaster as they drew their card. That fool Isaac has played a monster weaker than my Cyber Dragon and a facedown card. It appears he has constructed quite an amateur trap, and I think he knows I'm on to him. "You look a bit nervous." said the Gamemaster as they could see Isaac sweating.

The Gamemaster knows his plan! Isaac may as well be wearing a sign that says "I set a trap, so attack me!"

"First thing I'll do is rid the field of your facedown card. So sorry, but take this! Heavy Storm! It destroys all your magic and trap cards on the field." A giant wind then blew in Isaac's face as it showed his card before being destroyed. "Mirror Force was your facedown card."

"That's right." said Isaac as he gritted his teeth at how his plan failed. "My plan was to reflect the attack of Cyber Dragon right back at you, Gamemaster."

"Come on, Isaac! That's the oldest trick in the Duel Book! And even I haven't had much experience dueling and yet I could see that from a mile away." stated Spike.

"It was worth a try."

"Worth a try?" said Spike as he was in disbelief that Isaac would do such a risky move. "There's too much at stake here to try a lame move like that, Isaac."

"All right, kid, it's time to dismantle you. First the effect of my Deck Master's ability activates. So now my Machine King gives all my machine monsters an extra 100 attack points for every machine on the field, including itself. So now it gains 200 attack points. Go, Cyber Dragon! Attack now! Disassemble his Des Volstgalph!" communed the Gamemaster. Cyber Dragon then unleashed a powerful beam as it headed straight for Isaac's monster.

At that very moment, Isaac's smug smile was now the biggest it had been. "Thank you!"

"What?" shouted the Gamemaster.

"Looks like you fell for my real trap, Gamemaster!"

"What trap? You have no more trap cards left in play!"

"You're obviously unaware of Des Volstgalph's special abilities so allow me to explain. When you play your Heavy Storm card, you increased my monster's attack strength by 200 life points, giving it a total of 2400!" True to Isaac's word, his monster powered up. "And now, Des Volstgalph, attack!" Des Volstgalph heard Isaac's commanded as it retaliated Cyber Dragon's attack by firing a beam of its own. Soon both attack collided as Isaac's monster pushed back the attack and destroyed Cyber Dragon.

"Lucky break, kid." stated the Gamemaster. "Now I'll get rid of my Firestorm Rage card, to draw one card from my deck."
Gamemaster's Life Points: 14,900-

"And my monster has one more effect. When it destroys your monster, you lose 500 life points, Gamemaster." stated Isaac.

"I'm not impressed. 500 points is nothing. I still have plenty of life points left."
Gamemaster's Life Points: 14,400-

"Hey, ah get it!" said Applejack as she snapped her fingers.

"Get what, darling?"

"See, Isaac just tricked the Gamemaster into attackin' him instead of attackin' Spike."

"You mean cause Spike is down to his last few life points?" asked Pinkie.

"So that means, Spike would have been one step closer to losing this duel." said Fluttershy.

"That's right. Without any monsters on the field to protect him, Spike would have been crushed by Cyber Dragon!" informed Sunset.

"So that's why Isaac set such an obvious trap!" stated Twilight. "He was looking out for Spike." Twilight was now smiling at how her boyfriend had managed to keep her dog/friend safe. She couldn't help but smile as she looked at Isaac with a lovestruck look on her face.

"The Gamemaster was sidetracked, so he forgot Spike!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

"Nice one, Isaac!" shouted Twilight. "Way to protect Spike!"

"Your acting was key." said Isaac with a sly smile on his face as he gave the boy a thumbs up. "That made it convincing!"

"Eh?" Seems like Spike was the very last one to realize what Isaac's plan was.

"Ah, so Spike knew!" stated Rainbow. "He was just playing along!"

"Well, ah'm impressed. He managed to fool me!" stated Applejack.

"Hey Rarity, maybe Spike can give you some acting lessons?" said Fluttershy.

"Good acting, Spike." cheered Pinkie.

"Way to fake 'em out, Spike!" exclaimed Sunset.

"Uh, yeah, that was no sweat at all for me, guys." said Spike as he nervously laughed. He quickly turned around as he realized what had occurred. That was close. If it weren't for Isaac, I'd be a goner for sure.

Turn 14: Spike

"That won't happen again!" stated the Gamemaster.

"All right, you're outta luck, pal. Cause other than that walking junkyard you call a Deck Master, it looks to me like you're out of monsters, leaving your life points wide open. Here goes!" Spike then drew his card in hopes of getting a monster he could play and attack with. Aw, yeah, Panther Warrior, baby! Wait... he can't attack unless I sacrifice another monster first. And I'm fresh out! Maybe dueling the Gamemaster with all those different Deck Masters at the same time wasn't such a good idea. Cause if we lose, we'll have all of our minds trapped here. I barely made it out alive in my last duel, if it wasn't for Isaac to give me some confidence, I would be a goner by now. "I summon Panther Warrior(2000/1600) in defense mode!" Least I can do is protect myself. "Now I'll wrap things up by placing this little number facedown. It's all you, Isaac."

Turn 15: Isaac

"Right. And I know what I need to do." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now, Des Volstgalph! Attack his life points directly!" Isaac's monster received its command as it opened fired on its target as it made contact.
Gamemaster's Life Points: 12,700-

"Now I summon Big Shield Gardna in defense mode! That's all for now, Gamemaster."

Turn 16: Gamemaster

"All right, say goodbye to this pathetic robot. Time for new venous predator to take root." said the Gamemaster as it switched out Machine King as Gigaplant was the one appearing on the dueling field. "Now, I'll draw."

"Not quite!" shouted Spike. "You triggered my trap. Sorry, Gamemaster, meet Drop Off. My card sends the card you just drew to the graveyard!"

"Guess again."

"Hmm?" Spike's trap card was then destroyed. "Now way! What gives? How'd you destroy my trap card?"

"Thanks to the ability of my Rose Archer, since I control a Plant-type monster in my Deck Master, I can send Rose Archer to the graveyard and negate/destroy your puny little card!" snickered the Gamemaster. "Now I play Pot of Greed allowing me to draw two more cards." The Gamemaster then picked up the cards as they smiled. Excellent.

"Ha, you just played a magic card which triggers my Volstgalph's special ability! So it gains 200 attack points!"

"Now is that so? He won't be around for much longer, anyway. For I summon my Fairy Lily(400/1500)!" Out appeared an angel as she had a nurse's outfit and had a big needle.

"Ha! Looks like she's only got 400 attack points, Gamemaster." laughed Spike.

"Looks can be deceiving, Spike." Isaac did his best to warn Spike about Fairy Lily as he knew about its special ability.

"I give up 2000 life points to increase her power!" shouted the Gamemaster. Fairy Lily then gained 3000 more attack points as it raised its needle up and took aim at Isaac's monster. "Lily, destroy his Des Volstgalph!"
Gamemaster's Life Points: 10,700-

"That maneuver cost you more life points than it cost me."
Isaac's Life Points: 6000-

"Not exactly! Cause I'm about to restore mine with my Sebek's Blessing card!"

"What's the deal with that card?" asked Spike.

"It increases the Gamemaster's life points by the same number of life points I just lost."

"Exactly." Soon tiny sparkles appeared as they showered the Gamemaster's field. "And if my math is correct, that gives me 1000 more life points! And finally I'll place one card facedown. Soon I'll beat you and the all of your minds will be trapped here forever."
Gamemaster's Life Points: 11,700-

"Isaac, we gotta do something and fast!" shouted Spike.

Get ready, boys... to have your minds tapped here! The Gamemaster then touched their duel screen to activate a card. "I just activated Gravity Bind, which stops all monsters with four or more stars from attacking. That includes everything except my Fairy Lily!"

Turn 17: Spike

"My turn," Awesome. "Now I sacrifice Panther Warrior so I can summon this! I summon Jinzo!" Spike now had a powerful monster on the field as he hoped to clear the way. "All right, Jinzo! Destroy his trap!" Jinzo then shot a power beam from its eyes as it got rid of Gravity Bind. "Oh yeah!"

"Celebrating so soon?" asked the Gamemaster.

"Yeah, why?" responded Spike.

"You may have destroyed my trap card, but my Fairy Lily is still the strongest monster on the field, Spike. Once I power her up again, she'll wipe out your Jinzo and soon the rest of your life points!" The Gamemaster's comment caused Spike to be scared for a bit.

"Spike, the Gamemaster is right!" stated Isaac. "Her special ability allows him to raise her attack points higher than any other monster on the field!"

"Oh yeah..."

"But then again... attack points aren't everything, are they, Spike?" said Isaac with another sly smile.

Wait a sec. Isaac's trying to tell me something. There is a way to crush that monster before it crushes me. Even though the Gamemaster can raise its fairy's attack points, her defense points stay pretty low. Spike then picked up another card in his hand, "I play Block Attack! This card switches your fairy from attack to defense mode."

"You can't!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"I just did." responded Spike. "Jinzo, do us all a favor and send that little monster back to fairyland, will you? Cyber Energy Shock Attack!" shouted Spike. Jinzo had no problem as it took out Fairy Lily. "Well, that's all from me, Gamemaster. Now back to you, Isaac. Pound this poser!"

Turn 18: Isaac

"Right. Time to take you down!" Isaac then drew his card as he started to implent his plan. "And I have just the card to do it in my hand. So I'll sacrifice my Big Shield Gardna so that I can summon my Dark Magician Girl! Come forth, Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac now had his best female spellcaster as she appeared before her master. "Give me a hand, Mana?"

"Anything for you, Isaac." smiled Mana.

Isaac nodded as he looked back at the Gamemaster. "Your life points are wide open! Dark Magician Girl, attack him directly!" shouted Isaac. Mana then pointed her staff as she shot off a powerful attack.
Gamemaster's Life Points: 9700-

"Awesome! He just lost 2000 life points!" cheered Spike. He then gave Isaac a thumbs up as he returned with a nod.

"It's your move." said Isaac.

Turn 19: Gamemaster

The Gamemaster had a sly smile on its botanical face. "The time has arrived, my young friends, to reap the benefits of my magic card!"

"Say what, dude?" Spike was confused on what the Gamemaster was babbling about.

"Wait, he's right!" said Isaac. "It's been three turns since he last played Fountain of Wishes. Now he can summon almost any monster he wants!"

"You are correct!" smiled the Gamemaster as a card was picked up from the deck. Soon the Gamemaster began to laugh evilly.

"What's so funny, Gamemaster?"

The Gamemaster continued to laugh manically as it got louder as it cause both boys and the girls to be a bit worried.

"That's getting real annoying."

The Gamemaster then stopped laughing as it addressed Spike's comment. "If you were me, you'd laugh too!" Seems that was enough to cause Isaac to have his eyes widen. "For in my hand, I hold the most powerful creature! Say goodbye to your minds!" The Gamemaster let out another manically laugh.

"This doesn't look good guys!" said Rainbow.

"You couldn't begin to imagine what monster lurks in my deck."

"Tell me!" demanded Isaac.

"Oh, you'll find out. I'm about to summon it. But first time to rotate to my last Deck Master. So say goodbye to Gigaplant and hello to Top Runner!" said the Gamemaster as they changed forms. "Now thanks to my Fountain of Wishes, I can summon any monster I want, ignoring its summoning conditions!"

"What?" said everybody as they never heard of such a card.

"But before I do, I'll play Dark Hole and with it all monsters on the field are destroyed!" shouted the Gamemaster as they managed to wipe the field clean and leave Isaac and Spike defenseless. "Now it's time I summon my all-powerful Five Headed Dragon!"

"Wait, I must be missing something, cause even with the summoning conditions ignored! You still need to sacrifice two monsters to play that card." said Spike.

"Correct. You are missing something, Spike. Top Runner isn't my only monster, remember?"

"And what do mean by that, Gamemaster?" A lightbulb then went off in his head, "The other Deck Masters! That's right! They all count, too!"

"Yeah, but that doesn't seem fair at all..." said Twilight.

"Look, we've dealing with the Gamemaster since we all got trapped here and not once has it played fair. The Gamemaster will do anything to win. Who said it was fair?" stated Sunset.

"Now my Deck Masters, come forth! I call all of them to the field! First, the unstoppable Legendary Fisherman! Then, I summon the almighty Machine King! Followed by the cunning Gigaplant! Next I'll call upon her royal highness, Fire Princess! After that is the master of speed, Top Runner! And finally I'll call upon Abyss Soldier." All of the monsters then appeared on the field as a pillar of light came down from the heavens and struck them all. "Now listen to me, my monsters! I command all of you to join together to form a creature of unparalleled strength and supreme power!!!!" shouted out the Gamemaster as all of the monster were now having their powers transferred into the new creature. "Behold the ultimate monster, appear Five-Headed Dragon(5000/5000)!!!!" Soon a dark being was shown as it exited the pillar of light and with one step it shook the very earth that the group was standing on. Out came not one, not two, not three, but five dragon heads as they let out a fierce roar as the Gamemaster had now unleashed its true form and looked to end this duel.

"Bear witness to my ultimate form!!!!" said the Gamemaster as its voice came from the dragon. "I have the power!!!! Now I will have my revenge!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA!"

"Isaac? What do we do?" asked Spike.

"I don't know."

"Time to make sure that you remember my power, Five-Headed Dragon will attack Isaac directly!!! Time for you to feel all the pain and suffering you caused me!!!!!" With that the Gamemaster then opened all five of its mouths and unleashed a powerful attack that caused him to be thrown onto his back as he felt the attack.

"AHHH!" screamed Isaac.

"Isaac!!!" shouted Twilight as his scream made her clutch her heart.

"Isaac!" shouted Spike. "You okay, man?"

Isaac slowly moved himself as he tried to get back up. He was covered in some scratches and dirt as his outfit was now messy. It took a while as he was breathing heavily, he then tried to walk back to his dueling position as he fell for a second with Mahad catching him.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"Master!" said Mahad with the deepest concern.

"I'm... fine... Mahad... Let's finish this." said Isaac as he tried to gain his strength back.

"Master. I would advise against that, you just took a powerful attack and must rest. Please, I..."

"Mahad!!" shouted Isaac. "I'm fine. Now let me go." Isaac looked at his magician who still held him in his arms. "Mahad! That's an order!!!" Isaac was now commanding his magician, which caused everybody to stay quiet. "You say that your duty is to protect me, well guess what, I'm going to keep on fighting. So if you want to serve your duty, then you'll follow me into battle. Am I understood!!!" said Isaac with a clear authoritive tone.

"I understand, master." Mahad knew that Isaac wasn't going to back down; so he knew that wherever his master went he would need to be there to keep him safe.

"Thank you." said Isaac as he got back to his position. "I'm alright Spike, just taking a quick breather." joked Isaac.

Spike just smiled at how Isaac was able to push through the pain. "Look Gamemaster, we've got plenty of monsters in our decks, and it's our move!" stated Spike.

"There's one more thing you should know. It's immune to almost all attack!" said the Gamemaster as it smiled knowing it stacked the deck against Isaac and Spike. "It cannot be damaged by Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, or Darkness!"

"Oh no! That leaves only one type of monster, creatures of light!" said Twilight.

"It seems to me that your chances of escaping this virtual prison just got a whole lot slimmer! And I think you all know what that means. It means you all will be trapped here and I'll finally have my revenge!!!" stated the Gamemaster. "Good luck, gentlemen. Now use your last turn wisely!"

"What am I supposed to do? It's got 5000 attack points and only one kind of monster can beat it. Any ideas, Isaac?"

"We can do this Spike. Trust in your deck and in your Deck Master."

"My Deck Master?" Spike then looked at his Deck Master as he looked at the warrior. Spike just kept looking at the thing till an idea went off in his head.

Turn 20: Spike

"I think I got it." Spike then drew his card, "Come on... I was hoping for a monster card." said Spike as the card he drew wasn't the one he wanted. "All right! You'll never get me and my friends, got that, Gamemaster? Flame Swordsman, it's all you out there now." Spike turned to look at his Deck Master as it gave a nod. "I call my Deck Master to the field!" Spike now had his monster move front and center. All right, Isaac. It's risky but I know that we can do this together. "That's all for me!"

Turn 21: Isaac

"Good work, Spike. I know what I have to do. I just hope it works! It's my move! Here goes!" Isaac drew his card as he looked at it. "Now I call my Deck Master to the field! Dark Magician!" Mahad then moved from his place as he was now in front protecting his master.

"Woah! Isaac and Spike both called their Deck Masters to the field!" said Rainbow as she wasn't expecting this from them. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"If those monsters are destroyed they lose!" stated Sunset.

"Yeah, but since they have no other monsters on the field, that five-headed dragon would have smashed them to smithereens anyway!" shouted Twilight.

"You've made this too easy. Your Deck Masters can't touch my dragon. And the best part is, once I destroy them, you two lose and all of you are gone forever!"

"Hang in there. I'm here for ya." said Spike as he looked at Isaac.

Isaac just had his eyes closed as took a deep breath. "This duel's not over, Gamemaster, and it's our move. We'll show you want real teamwork can do!"

"Very touching, but I'd say five heads are better than two!" responded the Gamemaster. "How do you plan to defeat my dragon?"

"Like this! I play Polymerization! And I fuse together my Dark Magician with Spike's Flame Swordsman!" stated Isaac.

"What good does that do!?!" said the Gamemaster.

"By combining our two Deck Masters together, I Fusion Summon Dark Flare Knight(2200/800)!" A warrior that had purple and red armor came out as it wielded a sword and shield that had a fire emblem on it. "Take a good look, Gamemaster! This is the monster that will bring about your destruction and return us back the the real world!"

"You challenge me with that? Don't make laugh! He's much too weak!"

"Yes, Dark Flare Knight is a combination of our Deck Masters. Just as your dragon is a combination of yours and you. And both Spike and I have faith in our Deck Masters!"

"We do?"

"You fool! That new creature of yours is a creature of darkness and I can only be beaten by a creature of light."

"We'll see." responded Isaac.

"Yes, we will!" snickered the Gamemaster.

"Isaac's monster is so much weaker than that dragon, darlings."

"If he attacks, it's gone!" said Pinkie.

"Plus, it's their Deck Master. So if it's destroyed, they lose the duel!" shouted Sunset.

Oh, man... I hope Isaac knows what he's doing out there. This move is our last chance!

"Dark Flare Knight, prepare to attack now!" commanded Isaac. "Your target is the Gamemaster." Dark Flare Knight heard its lord's command as he lifted his sword up and a pillar of fire shot out of it as it headed toward the Gamemaster.

"Time to take him down!" shouted the Gamemaster.

It then opened all five of its mouths as it collided with the attack of Isaac's Dark Flare Knight. Both attacks met in the center and for a while it was even, but then it started to push back the attack as it destroyed Dark Flare Knight. A brief wind blew in the faces of Isaac and Spike as they experienced the after effect of battle. However the major thing was that both of the boy's life points remained the safe and they were still in the duel.

"How can you two still be standing?" asked the Gamemaster in a loud shout.

"We're unharmed because of Dark Flare Knight's special effects! First it prevents us from losing life points when it's destroyed. But that's not all it does, Gamemaster! Our Deck Masters are gone, but noticed that Spike and I are still in this duel!"


"I'm afraid so." A single ember was burning quite strong in front of Isaac as it awaited for his command. "Thanks to Dark Flare Knight's second effect. Whenever that card's destroyed... Mirage Knight(2800/2000) is then summoned to take its place!" Soon tiny bits of lights began to gather into the fire as if it was awakening something. Soon it all combined as out came a brand new monster that was being called on. Now the monster that was on the field was a knight that wore gold armor as it had long purple flowing hair and wielded a lance.

"That's your new Deck Master? Nice try, Isaac, but this knight's too weak also. So why did you go through all of this trouble just to bring that to the field? Unless... Mirage Knight has a special effect as well!"

"You're beginning to catch on, Gamemaster. Now Mirage Knight, attack the Gamemaster! Time to return home!" shouted Isaac. Mirage Knight heard Isaac's orders as he took flight and charged forward to the Gamemaster. "He may look weak... However, first impressions can be deceiving! So observe closely now, Gamemaster. The special ability of our Mirage Knight is about to seal our victory and get us out of here! You see, it's able to absorb all of the attack points of the opposing monster, giving our monster 5000 extra attack points! And there's one more thing you may want to know... Mirage Knight is a creature of Light, and you know what that means, Gamemaster! It's exactly the kind of monster I need to destroy you! And once it's wiped out, this duel will finally be over!"


"Mirage Knight, end this duel!!!!!" shouted Isaac.

Mirage Knight had its entire body glowed in a pure white light as it felt the attack point boost as it honed in on its target. The Gamemaster tried to fight back by unleashing all of its attacks in hopes of slowing down Isaac's monster. Mirage Knight just simply avoid all of them and even took an attack head on as he pushed through the attack with ease. Soon it was now above the Gamemaster's head as it brought its weapon down and did a slash that spilt the Gamemaster down the middle as bits of light started to from from the cracks. The Gamemaster could feel themselves being defeated as all the power it had was now gone.


The Gamemaster let out a defeated scream as the entire world around them started to flicker and soon the dragon disappeared as rainbow lights came out which soon transformed into a bright white light as everybody covered their eyes as it engulfed them all.
Gamemaster's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac and Spike

The white light lasted for a good few moments, soon Isaac opened his eyes and found himself on something soft. He felt the texture as it turned out to be a rug. He blinked at what he was feeling as he slowly lifted his head. Isaac looked around and saw all the girls were spread out lying on the floor next to him. But the main thing he noticed was his surroundings as he saw they were now back in Sunset's house. If he didn't believe it then he had another thing to confirm his theory as Spike was now back to being a dog and was in Twilight's arms.

"We did it. We're back." said Isaac.

Soon the others all woke up as they were coming to their senses. Twilight rubbed her eyes as she adjusted her glasses. Once she blinked, she noticed Spike sniffing her as he was now back to being a dog.

"Spike? Spike! You're back to being a dog." Twilight then hugged Spike as he licked her face.

"Yeah. And I can't tell you how happy I am to be one." he said.

"So... did we win?" asked Fluttershy.

Sunset looked at the TV screen as it had the word 'Victory!' in digital text as pixels of themselves were jumping up and down in a retro style. "Yeah, I say we're back in the real world."

"Well, that's a relief." said Applejack as she fanned herself with her hat. "Ah was beinnnin' to wonder if we were ever goin' to get out."

"Agreed let's never do this again, darlings." complained Rarity.

"Definitely!" they all shouted. They all let out a laugh as they enjoyed themselves.

"And by the way Spike, thanks. We make a good team, you and I."

"Pleasure to help. Besides, it was kind of fun being human for while. Especially, since I got to duel!" Spike was wagging his tail as he showed his excitement. "But I think I'm content with being a dog for the rest of my life."

With that everybody all decided to call it a day as they realized it was now Sunday. Guess what they say is true, time flies when you're playing video games.

A computer screen was now flickering on and off as it only displayed the words: "Error. System failed." The person at the keyboard was angry as they gritted their teeth. Soon another person entered the room they were in.

"So... how did it go?" stuttered the person.

"AHHHH!" screamed the person as they knocked over the monitor and smashed the set up. "I will have my revenge. I'll stop at nothing till I make them suffer!!!!!" The person then turned towards the person as they exited the room and slammed the door shut. The screen that the person punched flickered for a bit as it had a last bit of power as it showed a mark of a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams.

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