• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,579 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 31: Field Trip

The next day was once again another annual meeting for the school. As always Isaac had to act as Celestia's representation due to her not being able to attend. This time he was trying to stay awake as the head of the mathematics was going over this month's percentages.

".... as you can see, this month has seen an increase in activity by 12%. I dare say that we're on course for next month to see a possible 30% overall in all areas."

Isaac had his elbow on the table and he rested his chin on his hand as he tried to stay awake.

"What do you think, Mr. Champion?"

"Huh?". Thankfully, Isaac had caught himself before he hit his head while dozing off.

"I'd expect as the champion, you to have more focus on stuff like this. Not to mention that you're Celestia's representative when we conduct these monthly meetings."

"Sorry, it's just when you explain stuff like that I can't help but doze off. I'm not a big fan of over explaining stuff when it can be simplified with fewer words. For example, you could have just said that we've been seeing more people dueling. That would have saved time and got the message much clearer. No sense in having to sound practical when it's not needed." A few of the other people gave little responses that they agreed with Isaac.

"Well then, I guess I could say the same about dueling. You seem to explain more about what the card does rather than just play it. It would save time if we could see and not hear about it." said the math representative who had a smug look on his face.

"That is definitely not the same. For one dueling is way more fun than statistics. Plus if you don't explain what a card does, then it could create confusion between duelists. Also you would take all the joy out of Duel Monsters if you didn't keep your opponent on their toes by explaining how a card works. In general, dueling explains complicated stuff by using simple words." Isaac had a smile on his face, as the person just sat down and grumbled at how Isaac responded to him.

"Not that the boring stuff is out of the way. Pinkie, what's next?"

"Glad you asked, big bro."

"Again, I'm not your actually brother." Isaac kept trying to remind Pinkie of that.

Pinkie still didn't get the message. As she continued with her speech. Thankfully, Pinkie knew Isaac didn't like a long winded conversation so she did her best to keep it short and simple. Ultimately, they finished 10 minutes early, which was a delight to Isaac. After that Isaac headed to his locker and as luck would have it there was Fluttershy standing by his locker as she was waiting for him. Isaac was hesitant in approaching Fluttershy, but he knew that they would have to eventually talk about it, especially since their friends knew about the two hanging out. So Isaac prepared himself as he made his way over to Fluttershy.

"Good morning, Fluttershy."

"Good day to you, Isaac. Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, I also wanted to talk to you about something. Look about what happened, let me say that I'm sor..."

"Don't be!" Fluttershy had interrupted. "It was me who did what I did. I'm the one who should apologize; I did something that I should have asked your permission for. I understand if you're angry." Fluttershy then put her head down.

Isaac then lifted up Fluttershy's head so that he can look at her. Isaac just had a smile on his face. "I'm not angry, Fluttershy. In fact, it kind of felt good. I'll admit I was caught off guard by what you did, but I wasn't against it." Isaac had a slight red on his face.

Fluttershy too had a bit of red as she was listening to Isaac. "Oh, then we're good?"

"We're good."

With that Fluttershy then gave Isaac a quick hug and then departed for her class. Isaac then did the same after he grabbed his stuff.

Celestia and Luna were in their office going over some final paperwork. They had just finished when they got a call. Celestia answered it to see who it was; once the call had ended she then turned to her sister who also overheard the conversation that had taken place. She then instructed her to round up the students to discuss the phone call she had received.

"Are you sure this is the right decision, Tia?"

"I'm positive, Lulu. I think this might be a good idea for us to take a breather". With that Luna then went to make preparations for gathering all the students.

Isaac was hanging out on the roof of Canterlot High as he was watching the front of the school. Today was one of Isaac's free period, so normally he would be helping out with the Ms. Cheerilee's class. However, she told him that he didn't need to come as she had prepared them a test based on the things she gathered on him teaching them. Also she felt that Isaac needed a little break from all the things he did to help the little ones. With that Isaac headed up to the roof as he looked to get some peace and quiet. As the days passed, the weather started to get a bit colder. It wasn't cold to were snow would start falling, but more so, that it got a bit more windy. Nevertheless, the hoodie that Rarity had made him also served to keep him warm; of course he knew that once winter started it would do little to no effect on keeping him warm.

Isaac wasn't alone as always he had the spirits of his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl to keep him company. Isaac was currently telling them about his date with Fluttershy to which they both had different reactions. Mahad just simply had a stern face as he listened to his master as he regaled his tale; Mana just simply was smiling the whole time she enjoyed the juicy details provided by Isaac.

"And then she just basically kissed me after I gave her the gift."

"Well, it seems you made Lady Fluttershy a happy women."

"That's all you have to say Mahad? No wonder no girl ever took a liking to you; you always put your duty above everything else. I think you made Fluttershy feel like the happiest girl in the world. Now the question is what's next?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I mean, other than her I've also gone out with Rarity. However, I don't know if any one of them feel like they want to go on another date. From what I've researched, when two people genuinely like each other they tend to go on more outings. However, neither Rarity or Fluttershy seem to be in rush, so I can only assume that they're waiting to see what happens next. To be honest I'm kind of glad, because it gives me more time to sort out these feelings I have."

"Well whatever you decided, know that we will always be here for you, master."

"Thanks, guys."

Just then Rainbow came running up the stairs as she had a frantic look on her face. She had been searching all over the place for Isaac.

"Isaac, you got to head to the auditorium. Apparently, Principal Celestia has a huge announcement and she wants us there. " With that she dashed away down the stairs and left Isaac to ponder what she said.

Isaac's monsters also heard this and had a concerned look on their face. Isaac didn't have time to figure out what Celestia's message, so he made his way as fast he could to the place where everybody was gathering. The whole students body had gathered around as they were waiting to see what Celestia had in store. Isaac meant up with the girls and even they were shocked as they were in the middle of the class when they heard about the announcement. They didn't wait long as both Celestia and Luna had made their way onto the stage.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm sure most of you are wondering why all of you have been called here? Well, it's actually a good thing. This morning I received a phone call from a close friend of my at Everton High. He's been recently impressed with how you'll have been performing in terms of dueling. So much so that he has invited us to attend Everton High as he plans to unveil something new he's been working on. So let me be the first to say that we'll be going on a little field trip."

All the students were excited as it meant that they wouldn't have class for the next couple of days. It also meant a field trip which was always something to look forward to. Before the students started talking amongst themselves, Luna then started to address any concerns they may have.

"Before you start planning, let me explain some ground rules. This field trip will last for a total of three days as we will be traveling to Everton City. In addition, we will give you forms for your parents to sign as we will need their permission to allow you to go on this trip. Also we will be guests while we're visiting our comrades, so it's expected that you be on your best behavior and don't do anything that will besmirch the name of Canterlot High or me and my sister. Is that understood?"

The students agreed and with that Celestia and Luna then passed out the forms for them to give to their parents. Luna also said for the students to pack a small bag full of necessities as they would be there for a while. As they were leaving the room, Celestia had managed to pull Isaac aside and was talking with him privately.

"What did you want to talk about, Principal Celestia?"

"Isaac, you've been somewhat of an extraordinary student. Since you first walked through these doors, I saw that you had the potential to reach the summit of Duel Monsters. And you proved that suspicion right when you won the Fall Formal and were crowned champion. I've also seen the influence you have off the duel field; you've inspired everybody here to step up their game as they all want to take a crack at you, not to mention the reports I've been getting from Ms. Cheerilee about how the little ones are taking your lessons to heart. You've proven to be the face of Canterlot High in terms of dueling and I couldn't be more proud."

"Hearing you say all that out loud, it seems I've done a lot in the short span of me attending CHS. I just don't think about it too much because I don't try to focus on my accomplishments because I feel it's bragging in a way."

"Well you shouldn't think like that. You should be proud of what you've done in the time being here. You've had one of, if not the fastest rise in terms of stardom here at Canterlot High. It makes me proud to know that I had a student who came a phenomenal sensation not just for himself but for the people around him."

"Alright, enough with the sentiment talk. What's the real reason you wanted to talk, Celestia?"

"Right, how silly of me to get lost in the moment. Well the call that I received from my friend had something pertaining to Duel Monsters. He didn't mention all of the details, but that he called it 'Dimension Dueling'. He said that he would put on a demonstration but asked that I pick someone to volunteer for his demonstration. So I was wondering if you would like to partake in it?"

"I'll be honest I don't know what to expect, but if it involves dueling then how can I turn it down. I'll agree to it."

With that Celestia was ecstatic with Isaac's decision and merely reminded that he should pack his duel disk and deck. After that Isaac made sure to grab a permission slip from Luna as he made his way out and caught up with the girls. They asked where he was and he just merely told them that Celestia had wanted to talk to him. He told them that she didn't say much other than that there was something called 'Dimension Dueling' demonstration that was going to take place when they visited Everton High. They left it at that and then headed home to pack for their trip. The following morning came and everybody was shown in the parking lot waiting for the bus to show up. Almost everybody had their backpack and a small luggage bag as they prepared for the little rest and relaxation they were about to go on. Of course almost all of them brought their duel disk and decks. Once the coach buses had arrived, the students put all their bags into the lower compartment and then made their way on board with their backpacks. Once everybody was settled in, Celestia and Luna then made sure everybody was here before that told the drivers to go. Some of the students brought some stuff to keep them entertained like headphones, video games, etc... Isaac was currently listening to music on his phone as he had one of the headphones in his ear. He also pulled out his deck and was looking through it; from what Celestia had told him this demonstration could open a whole new possibilities for Duel Monsters. Eventually Isaac decided to kick back and relax as he put his hands behind his back and looked out the window.

Sometime had passed and Isaac had closed his eyes. This proved to be a perfect opportunity for someone. Rainbow Dash who had been sitting behind Isaac with Fluttershy saw how vulnerable he was and decided to pull a prank on him. Fluttershy was nervous as she didn't want to disturb Isaac's slumber.

"You sure this is a good idea, Rainbow. I mean maybe we shouldn't disturb Isaac's nap."

"Please, Fluttershy it's nothing more than a harmless little prank. Lighten up and have some fun. Pinkie, whip cream please."

Pinkie then appeared from behind Rainbow as she handed Rainbow a can of whip cream. Rarity who was sitting next to Pinkie saw how poorly mannered Dash was acting; she was against the idea of such poor taste but felt a bit compelled to see what would happen. Applejack and Sunset who were sitting in front of Isaac turned around and saw what Dash was doing and were getting their phones out to record what would happen. Dash had managed to move one of Isaac's hands from the back of his hand and positioned it in front of his face. She then shook the bottle of whip cream as she sprayed some on Isaac's hand; she then took out a feather and began to wiggle it in front of Isaac's nose. Isaac began to feel something as he felt his face twitch a little. Rainbow then did it again as she leaned over a bit more and wiggled the feather in front of his face. Isaac's hand then moved but instead of hitting his face, he got Rainbow dead set as her face was covered in whip cream. It was so fast that Rainbow didn't know what hit her until it was too late and she fell back into her seat with a face full of cream. All around everybody was laughing at how Rainbow's prank had backfired. Even Isaac was laughing as he opened his eyes and gave a cunning laugh/smile at how Rainbow got pranked. Sunset/Applejack had recorded the footage and were dying inside as they were pleased that Rainbow got a taste of her own medicine. Pinkie had a finger and was tasting a bit of the cream that was on top of Rainbow's head, while Fluttershy and Rarity were helping to clean her off.

"Word of advice, try to be a bit quieter when pranking someone. Also whip cream, try to think of original prank Dash." Isaac was then given a clean cloth from Rarity as he cleaned his hand. Isaac was happy to give Rainbow a bit of payback as she knew not to try to mess with him. He also made sure to ask Applejack to send him the video she took so that he could watch it again for later. The rest of the ride was too long as they were beginning to enter the city. Similar to Canterlot, it had lots of buildings and places for people to go. Eventually they arrived at the place where they would be staying which wasn't too far from the school. Everybody then got off the buses and grabbed their bags as they meet up in the lobby where they waited for Celestia to check them in. Once Celestia finished, she then returned and gave Luna a couple of key cards as they distributed them among the students. The only policy was that the boys and the girls would need to be separated and that anybody caught past curfew would be in serious trouble. With that everybody grabbed their key cards and headed to their rooms.

Thankfully, there were fewer boys than girls which meant most of them would be getting their own room which luckily for Isaac he was one of them. The girls however, were split up with two of them sharing a room. Rarity was going to be sharing a room with Fluttershy, Applejack had the privilege of bunking with Pinkie Pie, which left Sunset to be Rainbow Dash's roommate. Luckily for them all their rooms were next to each other. Once they all settled in they then began to explore the different things each had in their room. Each of the girls had their own bathroom as well as their own closet/dressers to put their clothes away. They also had their own TV as well as their own bed to sleep in. Isaac on the other hand had similar accommodations, however, apart from the TV he also had a gaming system which would make Rainbow Dash feel jealous. Once he put his bag down, Isaac opened up the curtains to his room and walked out onto the balcony. He had a nice view of the place and could see a few buildings in the distance. He then walked back in and began to lie down on his bed. After an hour or two, Celestia and Luna had sent a message on the student's duel disks to signal them to come down for dinner.

The students then gathered together as they meet in the lobby and Luna led them to the dining room. It was a sight to behold as it was filled with lots of wonderful smells and sights. There was a salad bar, a grill area where there were burgers being cooked, and even a dessert section which Pinkie was just drooling over. Not to mention a soda machine that had several different flavors. Everybody then started to gather their plates and began to pile them on as they sat down. Isaac had filled his plate with a cheeseburger, fries, a piece of grilled chicken, a few veggies, and filled a cup full of soda. He then sat down and took a bite of his burger which was cooked to perfection. Eventually the girls, took a seat by Isaac as they began to talk. Soon everybody had their fill; the only thing they had to do was keep Pinkie from going crazy by tasting almost every dessert that the chef put out as they feared of angering the chef. Once dinner was over, Celestia then told the students that they had to be ready by 9 in the morning. So if they wanted breakfast then they needed to get up at 8 or should they choose to sleep in then they needed to get up at 8:30. With that she dismissed everybody as they had an hour before curfew started.

The girls said their goodbye to Isaac as they parted ways. Eventually they all changed into their pajamas and had a slumber party in Sunset's/Dash's room. Meanwhile Isaac had taken a shower and was planning to play a bit of video games before calling it a night. The morning came and everybody was getting ready to meet in the lobby and make their way to the institution. Isaac had gotten up a bit early as he wanted to get some breakfast before they left. If there was one thing Isaac loved more than dueling it was food. Once everybody was accounted for, Celestia and Luna then took position as they began walking to the school. The building was a bit bigger than CHS and had tons of fields both outside and inside. It also had its own parking space for students. The group was amazed with what they saw as Celestia began to address them.

"Now class, remember we're here as guest. So I implore. that you're all on your best behavior and that..."

"Say is that Principal Celestia? My don't you get lovely with every visit." Said a voice as she turned her head towards the entrance.

"Glad to see you haven't changed, Mister Turner." Celestia turned to address a man who was about her age and had a bowler hat and glasses. He then walked to Celestia where they shook each others hands. He then greeted Vice-principal Luna before turning to the class.

"Class, this is Mr. Turner. He's an old colleague of mine from way back. It's been too long since we've last seen each and yet you're still the charmer that I remember."

"Please, it's been but 2 years, and I can't help if I have to give a women a compliment every once in a while." Mr. Turner had given a bow and took off his hat when he said that to which Celestia just giggled. He then turned to the group. "But as your principal said, I'm in fact a friend of hers. We used to meet in our teen years when we were classmates. Since then we've kept in contact with each other and updated on how our schools have been. In fact, she recently told me that you all have been doing exceptionally good, especially in Duel Monsters. Well I'll have you know that here at Everton High we too find ways to encourage our students to duel. As a result, we've incorporated it into our school curriculum. Want to take a look?" With that the whole group was lead by Mr. Turner as they made their way inside.

"Here at Everton High, we feel that dueling is a sort of like a way of life. So we figured why not have it as part of our school program? We have ton of classes from intro to Duel Monsters, to spell/trap tactics, to even excelling in a a summoning method. Here we teach the three different methods: Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz summoning. Normally, each of our students chooses one to master in, but there are a few of our students that choose to excel in 2. Of course, we've yet to have someone attempt all 3 as it would take too much time/effort to study them all. In addition, there are also different classes that are offered for each summoning method. Tell me Celestia, how do you encourage your students to duel?"

"Well, unfortunately due to our current financial status. We don't have the means/resources to teach our students; in fact, most of these kids have some sense of the different forms of summoning based on what they discover in their own free time." Celestia kind of felt ashamed that she couldn't offer her students the same thing that Mr. Turner had done for his school.

"I see. Well no matter, if they've done it on their own then I'm sure you've got a couple of diamonds in the rough." They were currently walking by a gymnasium that had a big wide area where students were practicing their dueling; they got to witness people who were a bit above them battle. They then stopped by some of the classrooms and got to listen in to a couple of lectures on what the students were learning. The students of Canterlot High were invested as they were listening to stuff about dueling.

"Now can anybody tell me what the strength and weaknesses of Fusion Summoning are? Anybody?" A teacher was asking her class for the answer to her question. Suffice to say that none of them knew the answer; seems the group themselves didn't know either.

"Well now, seems we've still got some more instructing to do. Come along now." Mr. Turner was starting to lead them out when the teacher was still looking for an answer from her students.

"Seriously, does nobody know this? The answer is..."

"Fusion Summon's main weakness is that it suffers from you having 'Polymerization', meaning that a player's ability to Fusion is usually limited by the number of 'Polymerization' they have. In addition, the more monsters used to fusion means the less flexibility in choosing which monsters to be used in a Fusion Summon. However, the key advantage Fusion Summoning has over Synchro and Xyz Summoning is that monsters in the player's hand can be used as Fusion Materials, thus removing the need to spend more resources summoning those materials in most cases. In addition, many Fusion Summon oriented archetypes have their own versions of 'Polymerization'; most of which can be searched and recycled, allowing the player to reuse them multiple times and perform more Fusion Summons."

Everybody was shocked at the person who had answered it. Celestia too was surprised but then had a smile on her face, as well as, Mr. Turner.

"That's correct, young man. Now take notes class, as this will be on the test." The teacher then went back to speaking, as some of the class thanked Isaac for his explanation as they understood what he said.

Isaac was then starting to join the rest of his class when he saw they all had their mouths hanging open. Isaac just merely gave them a shrug as he walked past them and they all continued with the rest of the tour. While they were walking. Mr. Turner was able to briefly talk with Celestia about Isaac's actions.

"Seems you've managed to gain star pupil. That answer he gave shows that he knows his stuff."

"I hardly call it that, Isaac is someone who's just passionate when it comes to Duel Monsters. In fact, he's been one of the top duelist at CHS. Still I do happen to see him as my personal student." Celestia had a smile on her face when she quickly looked at Isaac.

"I can assume he's the one you chose to help out with my presentation later. I look forward to seeing what he can do." Mr. Turner then continued on with the tour as they stopped by more classes that were teaching about Duel Monsters. They also had a chance to check out their academic side and they had tons of amazing gadgets and gizmos that CHS didn't have. Not to mention the sports team that all competed on a national level and had a couple of trophies and achievements. Overall, the group found themselves loving something that Everton High had to offer. They had made it to the cafe where Mr. Turner had ended his tour.

"And that concludes our tour of our fine school. I hope that you'll have found something of interest here. Now what do you say that we break for some lunch and then we'll make our way to the stage to witness the presentation I have planned for you all. With that the entire CHS group broke off into sections and began to eat. Isaac was with the girls who were still mesmerized with the answer Isaac gave to the teacher.

"Dude, how did you do that? I mean, I know you're an egghead when it comes to dueling. But even I wasn't expecting that answer."

Isaac just simply rolled his eyes at Rainbow calling him an 'egghead'. "Well thanks for the uplifting comment, Dash. But I just simply answered the question that was asked, nothing more."

"Still, darling. The fact that someone from another school was able to answer shows that you have more knowledge than all of us combined."

"Like I said, it's no big deal. Now come on, let's get some grub because I'm hungry. Plus I don't want to miss whatever presentation Mr. Turner has to show us."

With that Isaac then made his way to get some food with the girls following behind as they knew it was fruitless to push the issue with Isaac anymore. Once everybody had gotten their fill, they then joined up with the adults as they were lead to the stage where the demo would take place. Mr. Turner then pushed open the doors and they saw similar amount of student that were also in a group as they began to take their seats. Celestia and Luna then lead their students to their seats while Mr. Turner meet up with his team. Together they made their way onto the stage to begin the demo.

"Greetings, one and all. I'd like to welcome all of you to our first showing of a new generation of Duel Monsters. For years, Everton High has prided itself on finding new ways to show off dueling and see if we can't up the level at which Duel Monsters is played at. Well, I've been working on a new way to play the game with the help of some student assistants. Let me introduce y'all to Mayflower, Briny Stone, and Wiz." Mr. Turner had introduced 3 students with two of them being female. "They've been helping me closely and it's safe to say that we've made some progress; in fact we're hoping to show our fellow peers and our adoring visitors what we plan to add to the game in the near future. But I've been talking for long enough, time to show you all. Now then would the volunteer from CHS, please join me on stage."

Celestia then looked at Isaac who knew that it was his cue to go up on stage. So both Celestia and Isaac walked on stage as they joined Mr. Turner and his assistants. The students of Everton took a glance at Isaac and had mixed opinions on him; some felt like he was nothing more than an amateur while others didn't think he could handle what Mr. Turner was asking him. There was a small fraction of girls that saw Isaac and thought he looked a bit cute, especially with his outfit. The assistants of Mr. Turner then began to look Isaac through as they inspected him closely with the females touching his face and opening his mouth.

"Hmm, what do you think May? He seems like a fine specimen; got the cute factor down I'll admit." said the girl named Wiz.

"Well, he's not the most athletically fit. In terms of looks, he's not bad. Still I doubt he can handle what's going to happen."

The girl named Mayflower just simply let go of Isaac's jaw as she walked towards Mr. Turner. Briny Stone then stepped forward and gave Isaac a piece of equipment which he told him to put on his eye. Isaac put the device on his eye and it transformed into a piece of eyewear when turned on. Celestia then returned back to her seat as she wanted to see the presentation. Mr. Turner talked with his assistants to run some last minute tests; once everything was good, he then grabbed a similar piece of eyewear and made it to the stage and across from Isaac.

"Impressed so far, the device you have on your eye is called a duel gazer. It essential for the demo and for what's about to transpire. Now all that you need to do take out your duel disk and then slot in your deck. Once you've done that then put your hand on the podium over there for the final step."

Isaac then took out his duel disk and turned it on; he then slotted in his deck as he was walking to the podium.

"Seems you've got one of the newer duel disk. I guess Canterlot High has some means of funding." Mr. Turner's comment caused some Everton students to talk about how CHS had managed to get these kinds of technology despite not having lots of money.

Isaac had walked up to the podium and it asked him to put his hand on it. The machine then began to run a scan of Isaac's hand as it transmitted some useful information into the system and it was collected on the computer that Mr. Turner's assistants were watching. Mr. Turner also was receiving the information on his duel gazer as he looked over it and read it.

"Name: Isaac"
"Sex: Male"
"Age: 17"
"Rank: Champion"
"Deck: ....."

As that last piece of info was relayed into Mr. Turner's computer, the assistants had to do a double take as they couldn't believe what they saw. They couldn't believe the card they saw and that it belonged to someone like him. Mr. Turner just had a smile on his face as he read that last bit of data; he knew that there was something special about this kid and he was about to see why. Isaac had just finished the scan as the podium got what it needed and then started to go down as it fit in place on the ground. Then the room around them started to change as even the audience were seeing the environment around them change; Mr. Turner then snapped his fingers as the selector on his computer stopped and it morphed the stage they were on into ancient ruins with stars being shown above them. Then a familiar voice came out of his duel disk.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel."

"Hope you're ready, Isaac."

"Prepare yourself, Mr. Turner. It's time to duel."

Mr. Turner's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"Hope you can keep up because in this duel you'll need to learn how things work and fast."

"Don't worry, I'm quick study. Draw." When Isaac drew his card, a message popped in front of him. Isaac read it and was surprised with what it said; everybody in the audience was seeing what the two were doing both on the stage and on the screen that was displaying the duel.

"What's this? I can summon my high level monsters without sacrificing?"

"That's correct, see we're not dueling normally in here we'll be Dimension Summoning."

"Dimension Summoning?"

"That's right, in this duel you can summon your high level monsters without tributing. All you have to do is select the card you want and summon it. However there's somethings you need to know like you won't be taking damage like normal; in fact how much damage you take is completely up to you and how powerful you make your monsters. You'll still be able to attack your opponent's life points if they have no monsters to defend themselves."

"Oh, I get it. In order for me to take damage it's equal to whatever my monster's attack is."

"Correct, what you choose to give your monster is entirely up to you, however you can't go over the limit of what it normally is."

"I think I understand now. Whenever I summon a monster, I can choose how much attack points to give it. Then when it's destroyed I take that amount of damage and its subtracted from my life points. I can see now why this requires a bit more strategy on the duelist; while you could take the early lead and summon out a monster with high attack, the downside is if that monster is destroyed then you run the risk of being dealt some serious damage. In the end it's sort of high risk, high reward. Well time to see if I can handle this, alright so I picked my monster. How do I summon it?"

"To summon it you must first infuse it with your spirit and then you can choose how many attack/defense points you want it to have also using your spirit?" said Mr. Turner.

"Seems easy enough, alright Mr. Turner. Time to show you and everybody here a monster that's bound to take your breath away. Come on out Dark Magician!" Isaac then played his card on his duel disk and used his spirit to summon his monster and boost it's stats till they were maxed out. As soon as Isaac's magician made his way onto the dueling field, nearly all the Everton students/assistants were shocked to see a student from Canterlot High be the owner of such a legendary card.

Mr. Turner finally got to be in the presence of such an incredible monster. It brought a tear of joy to his face that he was able to battle someone who held such a highly valued card. Isaac was happy that he managed to summon out his favorite monster on his first try. "I'll then throw 2 cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Mr. Turner

Mr. Turner took a moment to applaud Isaac; eventually all the other Everton students started to clap as well. While most believed that Isaac couldn't handle this new style of dueling, he was able to prove them wrong by successfully pulling it off on his first attempt. Not to mention that they got to witness a monster that was only a few knew and even fewer were the proud owner of.

"Well done, Mr. Isaac. I can see why you're rated as CHS's champion; Celestia must be proud to have a student like you attending her school. Now time to show you how we do it here at Everton, draw." Mr. Turner drew his card and then looked at his monsters. "First I'll summon out XX-Saber Boggart Knight(1900/1000)." Mr. Turner then played his monster and used his spirit to summon it out.

"Oh, no. Not this deck." Isaac had look of distress on his face as he knew he was going to be in for a rough time.

"Seems you know about X-Sabers, huh. Well then you'll know what I'm going to do. Now I activate Boggart Knights' ability, now I can special summon 1 level 4 or below 'X-Saber' from my hand and I choose my XX-Saber Fulhelmknight(1300/1000.) Then I can special summon my XX-Saber Faultroll(2400/1800) whenever I have 2 or more 'X-Sabers' monsters on my field." Now Mr. Turner had a trio of monsters that had appeared on his field.

Isaac still had disgruntled look on his face as he knew what Mr. Turner was about to do.

"From that look on your face, I think you know what comes next. I now tune my level 3 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight with my level 4 Boggart Knight! I Synchro Summon my X-Saber Souza(2500/1600)! But that's not all Faultroll's ability allows me to revive a level 4 or below monster from my grave, so I choose to bring back my Fulhelmknight. But she won't be sticking around as I perform a second synchro summon! I tune my Fulhelmknight with my level 6 Faultroll. I Synchro Summon my XX-Saber Gottoms(3100/2600)!" Just like that Mr. Turner now had 2 powerful monsters ready to strike.

Almost all of CHS had their jaws opened as they saw firsthand how Mr. Turner had managed to pull off such a complex move and be able to summon out 2 powerful monsters using only 3 cards. The students from Everton all had smiles on their faces as they knew their principal was a good duelist and they were waiting to show CHS how much better they were when it came to dueling.

"I can see you're a bit stunned, Isaac. Amazed by how I pulled off such a move, well time to show you something else. Now go XX-Saber Gottoms take out his Dark Magician!" Mr. Turner then gave his warrior his command and then he leapt onto the battlefield as it was ready to bring its sword down on Isaac's monster.

"Don't think, my Magician's not going anywhere, I reveal my trap Magic Cylinder. Now I negate your monster's attack and then all the damage that you were going to deal me is then diverted back to you. Since you failed to destroy my monster not only will I not lose life points, but I redirected your attack so that it targets your life points. Which means you'll be taking a direct attack and lose points equal to XX-Saber Gottoms!" Just like that Isaac had managed to use his quick thinking and had taken a huge lead.
Mr. Turner's Life Points: 4900-

Mr. Turner had felt the force of his own attack as it took a huge chunk of his life points. When that happened, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face. His assistants couldn't believe what they witnessed as they were expecting their leader to be the one in command and this kid from Canterlot High was making them a bit like a couple of fools. Mr. Turner saw the determination on Isaac and his Dark Magician; he saw how in sync they were with each other and knew that the bond between the two of them was strong.

Well, Celestia wasn't kidding when she said Isaac was one of her top duelists. I see now why he's ranked as the champion. He's even impressed me, I'll give him this he's a quick study. Some of the things that I came up with took me weeks, months, if not years. But here Isaac has been able to discover all of that within the first few minutes of this duel. Not to mention that he's been successfully able to pull off Dimension Summoning on his very first try; not even my own students/assistants could accomplish that. It makes me wonder how much of a valuable asset he would be if he was a student here. "Well then it seems you caught me off guard, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

Once it was Isaac's turn, he let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. "Well I got through that without a scratch; however, now I got to be extra careful. My turn and draw. I'll summon my Apple Magician Girl. Then from my hand I'll activate the spell Dark Magic Veil, which means by using my life points I can special summon Dark Magician Girl from my hand. Come on out, and make your presence known."
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

Now it was Isaac who had a trio of monsters on his field; once his Dark Magician Girl came out, almost all the boys started to pay close attention to her which really pissed off the girls. Even the male students of Everton were losing their minds as they were smitten with how pretty she looked. Isaac noticed this and was glad that he was up here and not anywhere near them as it would probably have resulted in him getting hurt. Mana noticed this and just basically gave them a smile and a wave.

"You really know how to charm the crowd, Mana."

"What I can say, the crowd loves." She had a smile on her face as she looked at the audience.

"That's not the only thing they love." Isaac knew exactly why the boys were drooling over her, in fact, it was the same reason why almost any boy would fall in love with her. That's why he was always scared that he would have a horde of pissed off boys/men trying to kill him whenever he played her.

"Well, too bad for them you're the only guy who I belong to." Mana then gave Isaac a quick kiss on his cheek before joining her teacher and fellow magician on the duel field. Mahad just a look that said 'really' to which she just simply ignored by smiling. Isaac had gotten used to having his Dark Magician Girl kiss him as he knew it was her way of showing that she cared for him.

"Well now this is a wonderful sight. Not only do you possess the legendary Dark Magician, but you also manage to have his student the Dark Magician Girl. The fact that you have him is unbelievable, but to have both in your possession that truly is a feat in itself. My dear, perhaps you may consider attending Everton High? Your skills could really help to serve us."

"Thanks, but no thanks. Now back to the duel, I'll then activate the spell card Card of Sanctity. Which means we each draw till we hold 6 cards in our hand. Then I'll play a couple of spells: Magic Formula and Wonder Wand. Which raises his attack to 3700 attack points. Now my magician has enough to take out your XX-Saber Gottoms, so go my spellcasters take out his monsters and end this duel!"

"Not so fast, I'll activate my spell Saber Reflection! Now any damage I would take this turn I gain as life points, then you take the same amount of damage. In addition, I get to add 1 'Saber' spell/trap from my deck to my hand."
Mr. Turner's Life Points: 10,600-

"Not good. I'll then end my turn by throwing down 2 facedowns." Now it was Isaac whose own attack backfired.
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

Turn 4: Mr. Turner

"Props, to you son. Had that attack gone through you would have won the duel. Don't be too upset, not many people can pull off Dimension summoning and nearly beat the creator of it. That alone deserves some praises. But unfortunately for you, it's time to say goodbye. Draw." The kid put up a good fight, but it seems he still has a lot to learn. "Now I'll summon my XX-Saber Ragigura(200/1000); then I'll reveal my facedown Gottom's Emergency Call. Since I control an 'X-Saber' monster I can bring back 2 from my grave. So I chose to revive my XX-Saber Gottoms and X-Saber Souza. Then I'll activate my Ragigura's effect which means I can bring another 'X-Saber' from my grave to my hand. The one I choose is my XX-Saber Faultroll."

"I remember, as long as you control 2 or more than you can automatically summon it."

"Correct my boy, I'll then do just that. So come on out Faultroll. Then I'll use it's special ability to revive my Fulhelmknight."

"Now Mr. Turner has a whole field full of monsters and I fear that Isaac may not last much longer." Celestia was clutching herself as she was watching her student about to lose.

"Now I'll tune once more my Fulhelmknight with my Faultroll. I Synchro Summon XX-Saber Gottoms! Next I'll sacrifice my Ragigura to activate Gottom's ability, now I can send 1 random card from your hand to the graveyard. With that done, time to finish this attack my monsters!"

"Not so fast, I activate my Fighting Spirit Card. Now with this I can put the brakes on your attack, then I take damage equal to their total attack."

"What!? You would rather take the full hit than have your monsters be destroyed?"

"Not quite, since I played my trap I can now use this little buddy from my grave. I banish my Damage Eater, so that instead of taking damage I gain life points. All I got to is banish another card in my hand." Isaac's monster then came out as it gobbled up the attack and boosted Isaac's health. "Thanks for the help Mr. Turner, because of you I was able to his ability to stay in the game."
Isaac's Life Points: 10,100-

"Impressive, you were not only able to stop my monsters but you also gained some massive amount of life points. I'll then end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Now then, time to bring this duel to a close. Draw, sweet! I play the spell Dark Burning Attack, now since I control both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl I can destroy every card you have on the field." Isaac's magician then laid waste to Mr. Turner's monsters as they were caught in the explosion and evaporated. "Next, I'll summon my Dark Magician of Chaos. And when he's summoned, I can add one spell card from my graveyard to my hand." Isaac then selected the card he wanted.

"Good job, my boy. You may have defeated my monsters, but you still don't have enough firepower to beat me. Still A for effort. Ha!"

Isaac just had a smile on his face when he heard Mr. Turner begin to boast which caught his attention as to why Isaac was smiling. "Who said I was done with my turn, I'll reveal my second facedown Dark Magic Twin Burst now my Dark Magician Girl boosts my Dark Magician by her attack points."

Mr. Turner was getting a bit more nervous, but he still tried to hold a firm face. "Even with that power up, I'll still have some life points left."

"Then my last facedown will make sure that I do end this, I reveal my final card Megamorph. Now thanks to this card since my life points are lower than yours, I can select a monster on my field and double its attack! Which means, it's game over!" Isaac had a smug look on his face.

"No! There's no way!!"

"Now Dark Magician attack with Dark Magic Attack!" Isaac made sure to transfer all of his spirit/energy to his magician as they initiated their bond synchronicity and delivered the final blow to Mr. Turner who was blow off his feet.
Mr. Turner's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel was over and the system started to shut down as it collected the data from this duel and saved it into the system for later. Isaac took off his duel gazer and was welcomed to the sound of clapping and shouting from his fellow peers. Mr. Turner's assistants then rushed over to check on their principal to which he was fine as they helped him up.

"Are you ok, Mr. Turner? The system was functional throughout your duel and recorded some valuable data."

"Excellent work, Briny Stone." Mr. Turner then walked to where Isaac was talking with Celestia. "I dare say that was some fine work, my boy. You've shown me why you're regarded as CHS' champion."

"Well thanks for the praises, Mr. Turner."

"Indeed, then may I offer a proposition. How would you like to attend Everton High? Our vast dueling curriculum will really test you and could help you to propel to the big leagues. You've got skills/knowledge that most of upperclassmen are just learning, imagine how much better you could be."

Isaac looked at Mr. Turner and then at Celestia. Celestia just merely gave Isaac a smile that said she would support whatever his decision was.

"While I appreciate the offer Mr. Turner, I think I'll stay right where I am. Sure I could learn some new tips from a place like this but I've also gained some incredible relationships and that's something I can't replace. So sorry, but I'm turning down your offer."

"I understand, you chose to be where your heart will be happy. I can respect that from you; then here allow me to give this as gift and a token of my appreciation." Mr. Turner then pulled out a card from his back pocket and gave it to Isaac.

Isaac and Celestia looked at it and saw that it was Duel Monster card. More importantly, based on the card outline and the color scheme, it was a Synchro monster. Isaac thanked Mr. Turner and put the card in his deck. With that the presentation was over and everybody left back to their hotel rooms. Everybody was amazed with what Isaac was able to do with Dimension Summoning; the girls were so happy for their male companion that they suggested to have a party in Isaac's room. Isaac did his best to say that it didn't need to happen and that they should be in their room. That fell on deaf ears as Pinkie showed up with the rest of the gang as they began to invade Isaac's room much to the dismay of him. The rest of the night was party of celebration with Isaac having to pick up after them to avoid getting an earful from Celestia and housekeeping.

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