• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 107: The First Leader

It was a peaceful day in Ponyville. Now that our group of heroes had a bit more info on why Duel Monster spirits were appearing, they began to work on a plan to get rid of them. The only problem was they didn't know where to begin; the piece of parchment that was found at the Summer Sun Celebration didn't contain much information other than that statement. Sure there was a map of Equestria, but it didn't help much as there wasn't any significant locations. The only thing that was drawn on the map was drawings of the head figures but they were in crayon. So all in all, it was back to square one, which to Isaac wasn't all that bad.

"Well, nothing we can do." said Isaac as he sat back in the chair he was sitting on.

"Really? You're not even gonna look another time." shouted Twilight.

"Spike." called out Isaac.

"We've been searching the library and doing research for about 5 hours, going on 6." stated Spike.

"Exactly, my point. If we can't find anything, nothing to do but try again later." said Isaac as he let out a yawn.

"But don't you want to be prepared."

"Look, Twilight. I get wanting to make sure you know what threat you're dealing with, but when you're at a dead end and you can't go any further, then there's 3 reasons. One, you don't have the resources; two, you're missing something, or three, you just can't." exclaimed Isaac.

"What about never giving up?" fired back Twilight.

"That doesn't apply to this situation." stated Isaac. "Look, Twi. We've been at this for hours, and I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. In fact, I'm so hungry I could eat a... a... well I can't really say horse. What's the equivalent of that in this world?"

Twilight just rolled her eyes at Isaac as it brought a smile to her face at his goofiness. "Alright, we can pick it up later. So, who wants takeout?"

"Really? Hayburgers, again?" said Isaac as he gave the princess a look.

"Well, I mean, they've got a new sandwich I've been meaning to try." said Twilight as she was embarrassed at Isaac calling out her eating habits. "Okay, I get it. I need to cut back on the junk food."

"I didn't say that, I'm just really amazed that you are in love with that kind of food. Plus, it doesn't seem like you gain any weight when you eat that kind of stuff, so it doesn't mess with your perfect figure." complimented Isaac.

"Well, I do have a way of keeping myself in peak condition." said Twilight as she gave Isaac a flirty look. Isaac then shot a similar look to Twilight both just stared at each other.

Spike was looking between the two as he was trying to figure out what to say. "So... are we gonna eat or what?"

"Oh, yeah." said Isaac as he got snapped out of his gaze. "Any new recipes you wanted try to make, Spike?"

"Actually, there is." said the little dragon as he began to walk out of the library as he headed towards the kitchen.

"I suppose you might be right." stated Twilight as she walked alongside Isaac.

"Of course, I'm right. Besides, you can't think on an empty stomach."

Twilight let out a small laugh at Isaac's comment. "Listen, I was thinking about tonight..."

"Again? That's the third time you asked me to be your snuggle buddy in a row." said Isaac with a sly smile.

"Well, I..." Twilight was now stuttering her words.

"I'm joking, it's fine." said Isaac as Twilight perked up in an instance at Isaac agreeing to her request. With that both ponies then headed over to kitchen.

The days rolled by as the group was still trying to figure things out. During that time, Isaac and Sunset did their thing as they patrolled the town and kept things in check. Even Princess Celestia and Luna were having their guards and spies look all over Equestria as they searched for anything suspicious. However, it seems they found nothing. So for the time being, it seemed that things were rather quiet.

Isaac was outside of the castle as he laid down on the ground and looked at the sky. "Been a while, since I've done this." said Isaac. As much as he enjoyed being in this world, he still missed his home. He knew that he couldn't abandon these ponies until he completed his mission. "The sky, it's the same as back home. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky. One sky. One destiny." stated Isaac as he tried to ease his mind.

"I get it. You miss home." said Sunset as she stood over Isaac as her shadow covered over Isaac.

"How did you do it? You're from here and yet you call our world your home. Didn't you ever get homesick?"

"Plenty. But don't forget, I was bitter when I arrived. All I could think about was getting my revenge and since Duel Monsters was the way people expressed themselves, I took all the emotion and anger into making sure that people feared my power. But despite, all that, there were times that I did feel lonely. And not just because I didn't have any friends, but because I was trying to reflect on my past mistakes and try to mend my relationships." said Sunset.

"Huh?" was all Isaac said.

"But in a way, I found a new home. A place where I'm much more happy, especially cause I have friends who will always have my back." smiled Sunset as she leaned her head down and rubbed her muzzle against Isaac's as he was stunned by her actions. "Not to mention I found a favorite boy toy to keep me excited."

"Still, I miss home. But you're right, these ponies need our help and we can't just abandon them." Isaac then sat up as he put on a determined face as he looked at Sunset. "So let's make sure that we do our job."

"Glad to see you're back to your usual self." smiled Sunset. "Though, if you don't mind me asking, how have you've been treating the princess?" said Sunset with some slyness to her voice.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Isaac was now a bit nervous at what Sunset was implying.

"Don't play dumb with me, boy toy." said Sunset as she used her magic and grabbed Isaac's hoodie as she pulled him closer to her. "I know about you getting cozy with Twilight."

"Uh, you're misreading, Sunset. She's a princess and I'm just a regular colt. I'm nothing special." said Isaac as he was sweating a bit.

"You're lying, besides..." Sunset then leaned in as she whispered into Isaac's ear. "I know about your snuggles."

Isaac felt red from both Sunset figuring out and feeling her hot breath on his ear as it tingled a bit. "Uh... well..."

"Relax. I'm not judging," Sunset's reaction changed from sweet to sultry, "that is... if you let me get in on some action." Sunset was now giving Isaac the bedroom eyes as it caused Isaac to sweat even more.

"I... I... I.... well... you see..." Isaac was at a lost for words as he tried to wrap his head around what Sunset was implying.

"Just think about it, boy toy." said Sunset as she turned around and started to leisurely walk away. As she turned, Sunset's tail playfully smacked Isaac in the face as she swayed her hips taunting the colt. "Besides, if you remember, Twilight said she was willing to share her boyfriend." With that Sunset left, as Isaac fondly rubbed the spot where Sunset's tail struck him as he turned several shades of red.

"Is this suppose to be a good thing for me?" asked Isaac as he was questioning whether or not he found himself in a good or bad position with these two mares.

It seemed Isaac would get the answer to his question in the form of the two mares pulling him back and forth between the two with their magic as they were arguing over who Isaac should snuggle with more. Twilight never thought she would ever act like this, but somehow she was being possession of Isaac as she almost felt jealous of Sunset. Sunset knew she wanted to mess with Twilight and this was the most effective way to do it, plus she really did want to snuggle with the stallion.

"Sunset, who said you could interfere in our business?" said Twilight as she pulled Isaac close to her.

"Come on, Twilight. Isaac likes when he has a hooves on experience." smirked Sunset as she pulled Isaac closer to her.

"That doesn't mean you can butt in." said Twilight as she pulled Isaac back to her.

"Isn't the princess of friendship suppose to spread the ideals of friendship to everypony? Well, one of those ideals is being generous." said Sunset as she pulled Isaac back to her her.

"It's also about being loyal." stated Twilight as she tugged Isaac to her side.

"Show some kindness." stated Sunset as she tugged to pull Isaac.

"What about honesty?" countered Twilight as she yanked Isaac.

"You need some laughter in your life." replied Sunset as she yanked the stallion back to her side.

"Uhm, girls? Do I get a say in this?" asked Isaac.

"NO!!!" shouted both mares in unison as they looked at Isaac briefly before going back to staring at each other.

"Sharing is caring, Twilight." stated Sunset as she pulled.

"It's my home and my rules." said Twilight.

"Possession is nine-tenths of the law." countered Sunset.

"Well, I know Isaac better." replied Twilight as she pulled.

"I've known him longer." said Sunset.

"Girls, stop! Please!" said Isaac as all the tugging they were doing was making his head spin.

"He wants to snuggle with me!!!" shouted both mares.

"Enough! Mahad!!!" called out Isaac.

"Yes, master." stated Mahad as he appeared.

"Get me out of here!" shouted Isaac.

Mahad heard his master's command as he teleported the both of them away.

"Isaac!!! Get back here!!!" shouted both mares.

Mahad had managed to teleport them to Isaac's room. Isaac then got to work on locking his door and window to avoid both girls trying to break in.

"Thanks, Mahad. I'm glad you're my loyal servant."

"Just doing my duty, master. Though I must ask, what was Ms. Sunset and Miss Sparkle doing with you just now? From what it looked like, they were trying to stretching you? Or is it that 'tug of war' game you described to me once?" asked Mahad.

"Yeah, that... well... let's just say that it was a girl thing. Best answer to go with." said Isaac as he didn't want to explain to this to his partner.

"Oh, I know exactly what they were doing." said Mana as she appeared. "And let me say that they're both wrong, cause they forgot about me. Don't forget, I'm the one who's been with you the longest. So technically, that makes you, mine." said Mana as she picked Isaac up and started to hug him as she rubbed his head. "You're so cute, it warms my heart."

"Well, at least this I can tolerate." said Isaac as he was used to Mana doing this as it was her way of showing that she cared about him.

"What a cute little pony." said Black Arts Trickster as she made her appearance and started to pet her master as well.

"It's Isaac." stated Mana.

"Makes sense, he's still a cutie. Now he's ten times as adorable." said Black Arts Trickster as she fell in love with their master's new form.

"Master, can you give me a ride?" asked Mage Annette as she appeared in front of Isaac who was still in Mana's arms.

"Annette, I told you, you don't have to call me master." said Isaac.

"Can I still get a ride?" asked the little mage as she gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"So... we're bonding over ponies? Super." said Black Robe Mentalist in a typically modern goth teen voice.

Soon all of Isaac's other female magicians/spellcasters all appeared as they started to pet Isaac in his pony form. Isaac just folded his front legs with an unamused look on his face as he let his monsters have their fun as he waited for it to be over. Soon Isaac broke free from Mana's arms as he gave the order for them to leave. With that they all nodded and obeyed their master's command as they disappeared back to the spirit world. Black Robe Mentalist just gave a peace sign while Mana and Black Arts Trickster gave a kiss to Isaac as they all left. Mahad was the last one as he gave one final bow to Isaac as he too returned home.

"Well, at least my female magicians don't see me as personal property." said Isaac. He then let out a yawn as he got ready for bed.

The next morning came as the sun rose high into the sky. Isaac felt the rays hit his eyelids as it caused him to open them. He let out a yawn as he turned to his side and noticed a blob of purple. He blinked for a few seconds when he realized that Twilight was next to him, Isaac let out a surprised gasp when he felt something against his back. He then looked to his other side and saw Sunset who was also in his bed as he was positioned in between the two of them.

"Okay, what the hell is going on here!?!" shouted Isaac as he woke the two mares.

"Oh, you're up." said Twilight in a chirper mood.

"Keep it down, boy toy. " said Sunset as she too sat up and yawned.

"Alright, everypony out!!" yelled Isaac. "Out!!!"

Both Sunset and Twilight were pushed out by Isaac as he slammed the door behind them shut. Both girls then began to argue with one another as they tried to blame each other for making Isaac angry. Isaac let out a stressed sigh as he leaned against the door. Soon his Dark Magician appeared as he heard him shout.

"Everything alright, master?" asked Mahad as he checked on Isaac.

"Just peachy." said Isaac with an uninterested look.

After that stressful wake up call, Isaac was eventually able to get his mind focused as he got dress and headed towards the kitchen. There was no one there as he was thankfully, he then started to eat some breakfast. Soon he made his way to the map room as he noticed both of the girls were talking amongst themselves; both Twilight and Sunset tried to put on their best innocent smiles, but Isaac just shot them a nasty glare at them as he sat down in another chair that was far from them. Seems the message got through as both mares had their ears flop down. And as for Spike, it seems Rarity had needed his assistance as she had a huge order that needed to be completed so he left early.

After a tense situation between all three, Isaac decided to head out on patrol. Before either girls could say anything, Isaac gave one last dirty look as it caused the mares to sit down. With that Isaac headed out the door as he needed to destress from all this.

"Why? Why can't they just give me some space?"

"Cause the girls find you adorable." said Mana as she appeared beside Isaac.

"Mana, don't start that." stated Isaac. "I don't mind you doing it, cause that's just how you show your affection to me, plus it's because I'm pony and girls like cute small animals."

"Your right, speaking of which." Mana then grabbed Isaac once again in her arms and gave him another loving hug. Isaac just had a straight face with his hooves crossed as he waited till Mana finished. "Alright, I'm done." said Mana as she had her daily dose of hugging her master.

Isaac fixed his clothes as he looked at his magician girl who had a smile on her face. Isaac just rolled his eyes and returned a smile back to Mana. At least, she knew understood Isaac and knew when to give him space during all the affection she showed her master. With that Mana disappeared as she gave Isaac one final kiss as he continued on his patrol. During the time, Isaac met Applejack and Applebloom as they had their apple stand set up and he purchased a couple. Soon he made his way to the outskirts of the town as he checked for anything usual; he quickly looked in the direction of the Everfree Forest as that night came back to him in an instance.

So much pain and he almost was responsible for the princess being hurt or worse. Isaac then touched the spot where he had hurt himself as he could still hear the point of impact when he broke his bones and when he heard Twilight calling out to him from her prison. His mind then changed as it showed what happened after that and how Twilight had helped to heal him. How she had taken care of nursing him back to health, even though it was his fault for letting her get captured in the first place. Still that moment, he shared with the princess and how they stared at each other; it brought back some memories for Isaac. He then put it out of his mind as he returned back home. All seemed good as he was walking in the marketplace when he was almost squashed by a rock.

"Woah! What the hell!?!" shouted Isaac as he barely managed to get out of the way of a giant boulder being thrown that nearly landed on top of him. Isaac then looked up as he saw the thing responsible for this. Tents were being knocked down and stands were being destroyed. Ponies were scared as they were running for their lives, the mothers were grabbing their kids as they all ran for cover. A little filly had fallen down as she noticed a Duel Monsters about to strike, Isaac leaped into action as he used his magic and fired a blast that caused the creature to be distracted long enough for him to grab the little filly and get her to safety. He then turned around as he came face to face with several Battleguards, but unlike the ones he encounter at the Summer Sun Celebration they were much smaller.

"Guess, they must be the minions." said Isaac as they charged towards the colt. Isaac blasted a couple with his magic and was able to dodge their attacks. Once he disposed of the first wave, he then saw tons more coming at him as there was thousands of these little creatures. "Time for action, guys." said Isaac slide on his duel disk and slotted his deck in. "You know this seems unfair, well at least for you all. So about I even the playing field, Gamma, Beta, Alpha!" stated Isaac as he had his magnetic warriors come out. They saw what was coming and with a flash they knew what their command was.

All three magnetic brothers then started to take out the little Battleguards as they engaged. Eventually, they took care of several waves when they encountered the commander in charge as he swung his weapon and knocked all three as they collided with each other and were destroyed. The creature in command was none other than Battleguard King who let out a loud roar.

"Who dares to get in the way of my conquest?" shouted the king.

"I don't know somepony who doesn't smell like a yak's hide." snickered Isaac.

"I have no time with your quips, pony. I'm here to conquer all of this land and to avenge fallen breadthen; I will find the one responsible for defeating my brothers. They will pay, and these ponies shall be no mercy till they know the pain that I've felt."

"Well, I'll save you the trouble of looking." stated Isaac.

"You!?! A mere pony? A pony is responsible for taking down my comrades?" said Battleguard King as he looked around him and saw his minions having beaten defeated and disappearing. "So, you're the one who took my brothers away from me."

"Hey, to be fair, they crashed a party. They did provide some entertainment before I almost died of boredom." chuckled Isaac.

"AHHH!!" shouted out Battleguard King. "Time for you to suffer, and once I get rid of you; I'll turn my attention to conquering all of Equestria."

"So... I'm guessing you're one of the five leaders trying to compete against the others to conquer this land? Well, the good thing is that I can tell Twilight that we didn't have to look too far." said Isaac as he turned on his duel disk and projected a gold card tray. "Then let's settle things."

"I won't stop till I put you six feet in the ground!" shouted Battleguard King as he ordered all of his forces to create a circle around them all.

"Then prepare yourself, it's time to duel!!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Battleguard King's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"Looks like I'll start, so here goes. I'll summon Obnoxious Celtic Guardian in defense mode. And since there's a level four or below monster on field, I can summon Mage Annette also in defense mode." Isaac now had two monsters on his field as his little girl magician appeared. "Thanks to Mage Annette's ability, I can draw a card when she's summoned. With that I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Battleguard King

"My turn and time to put a hurting on you." said Battleguard King as he drew his card. "To start, since you control monsters and I don't, I can summon Big Piece Golem(2100/0). Then I'll play the spell card, Feast of the Wild LV5. This allows me to summon two level 5 monsters to the field, so long as I negate their effects. So I play Backup Warrior(2100/0) and Earth Armor Ninja(1600/1200)." Battleguard King now had three monsters on his field as he looked to get his revenge on the caramel stallion.

"Now Big Piece Golem, take out his Obnoxious Celtic Guardian." state Battleguard King.

"Hate to break it to you, but my monster can't be destroyed by monsters with 1900 or more attack points." Celtic Guardians took the giant rock fist as he held it off with his sword as it broke.

"Then, I'll just have my Earth Armor Ninja take care of him." Ninja then ran forward as he dashed and delivered the second blow that took out Isaac's monster. "And then Backup Warrior will take out Mage Annette." Backup Warrior then pointed its weapon at Mage Annette as he fired it off as Isaac's magician exploded in an explosion.

"You were able to avoid a direct damage due your monster's ability, but that won't happen again. Now when I have three monsters all set to strike. So now I'll play Pot of Greed to draw 2 more cards and end my turn."

Turn 3: Isaac

"My turn, I'll play Graceful Charity, so now I can draw 3 cards and discard 2." Isaac then picked up his cards as he looked at his hand and then sent his cards to the grave. "Now, I've drawn Watapon and since I did, I can summon him. But he won't be around for long, cause now I'm going to sacrifice him so that I can play Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac now his female spellcaster come out as she took her position.

"Seems she's far too weak to take out my monsters."

"Alone, she may be. But with this spell card, the tale is a bit different. I play Dark Burning Attack! So now my Dark Magician Girl can destroy all your monsters on the field."


"Do it, Mana." said Isaac. His magician then pointed her wand at Battleguard King as she took out his entire field. "And with your field gone, my Dark Magician Girl can attack you directly! So take a chuck out of his life points!" Mana heard Isaac's command as she took flight and dealt a massive hit to Battleguard King.
Battleguard King's Life Points: 6000-

"With that, I'll lay card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Battleguard King

"My turn, now I'll play my Barrier Statue of the Drought(1000/1000) in defense mode. Thanks to this monster, neither person can special summon monsters except Earth monsters. Then I'll play the spell Double Summon, so now I can play my Granite Battleguard which in turn lets me special summon my Boulder Battleguard." Battleguard King now had three monsters on his field. "With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn." As long as that Barrier Statue is out on the field, I can't special summon my monsters. So the first thing is trying to get rid of it. "Now I play my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4) in attack mode. Then I use my Mentalist ability, now based on how many monsters there are on my field, I can then look at that same number of cards from the top of my deck and add one of those to my hand." Isaac then picked up two cards as he selected the one he wanted to take. "Now I'll have my Mentalist attack your Barrier Statue of the Drought and Dark Magician Girl will take out your Granite Battleguard!" shouted Isaac. Black Robe Mentalist used her dark powers as it took out Barrier Statue; Mana then raised her wand as she looked to take out her target.

"I activate the effect of my Boulder Battleguard, now I can negate the attack of your monster against one of my 'Battleguard' monsters once per turn." Boulder Battleguard then stepped in front of his comrade as he repelled Mana's spell.

"I'll just end my turn."

Turn 6: Battleguard King

"My turn, now I activate Card of Sanctity so now we both must draw till we're holding 6 cards in our hand. Next I play my Battleguard Sorcery, since you control two or more monsters and I have a 'Battleguard' on the field. I can take control of one of them, so I choose your little lady over there." said Battleguard King as he selected Dark Magician Girl who appeared on his field. "My, do you look pretty." said Battleguard King as he tried to flirt with Mana.

"Keep dreaming." said Mana as she didn't like this situation. "Isaac's the only man for me."

"Thanks." said Isaac in a blunt tone.

"Now, I'll sacrifice my Granite Battleguard to call upon a familiar face. Appear my brother, Lava Battleguard(1550/1800) in attack mode!" Lava Battleguard came out as he saw Isaac and he had a furious look on his face. "Time to little payback, first I'll have your own magician take out your monster."

"Sorry, about this girlfriend." said Mana as she pointed her wand at Black Robe Mentalist.

"Great." said Black Robe Mentalist in her goth voice as she was destroyed.

"It's alright, Mana. Cause now my when my Black Robe Mentalist is destroyed, I can place her in one of my empty Pendulum zones." Isaac then placed his monster on the right side of his card tray as she appeared in a column of light and had the number 7 in front of her.
Isaac's Life Points: 7700-

"Now I'll have my Lava Battleguard attack you directly!" shouted Battleguard King. The creature then made contact with Isaac as he was flung back as he dug his heels in to keep from falling.
Isaac's Life Points: 6150-

"And then Granite Battleguard will also take a hit." commanded Battleguard King.

"Not this time, I'll reveal Defense Draw. So now the damage becomes zero and I get to draw a card." said Isaac as he had a wall of cards appear before him as he added one of them to his hand.

"Lucky break, I'll set two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn, and first I'll activate my Black Robe Mentalist's pendulum ability, so now I can take control of one of your monsters. So come on back, Dark Magician Girl." said Isaac. With a flash, Mana returned to Isaac's side as she was thrilled to be back with her master.

"Oh thank you, Isaac. The odor was almost enough to kill me." said Mana as she grabbed Isaac in her arms and began to nuzzle/pet him as she gave him a kiss.

"Mana, can you do this after we win?" said Isaac as he reminded his magician that they were still engaged in battle. With that, Mana let go of Isaac as she took her position. "Now then, I'll play the Magic Formula card and give Dark Magician Girl an extra 700 attack points. Then I'll set my Rune-Eyes Illusionist in my other pendulum zone." Isaac then placed his second pendulum card on the far left side of his card tray as his monster appeared in a column of light as the number 3 appeared in front of him. "Now, I'll set two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Battleguard

"My turn, now I'll reveal my facedown, Call of the Haunted. So now I resurrect my Big Piece Golem, but then I'll sacrifice my Golem so that I can summon Swamp Battleguard(1800/1500). And now since I have both Lava and Swamp Battleguard on my field they each gain 500 extra attack points!" With that all monsters let out a cry as they looked at Isaac.

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 9: Isaac

Great, now he's got his buddies back. And as long as Boulder Battleguard is out on the field, he can just negate my attack. "My move, so here goes something." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now then since I have my pendulum all set, I can summon monsters from level 4 through 6 all the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monster's ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hoof into the air as giant portal above him opened up. "Time for the master of decks to start his show, appear Sleight of Hand Magician(2100/1500, Scale 2, Level 6)." Out came Isaac's other pendulum card as he appeared with several decks levitating around him.

"So, what are the chances of us winning, Isaac?"

"I say very slim, if can't deal with that Boulder Battleguard." stated Isaac.

"That bad, huh?" said Sleight of Hand Magician as he did a couple of card tricks.

"So what's the plan then?" asked Mana.

"Let me think," Isaac was looking at his hand as he was trying to figure out how he was going to handle this problem. Soon a lightbulb went off above his head. "I think I've got it." said Isaac as he informed his monsters. "I'm activating Book of Effect so that I can negate your Boulder Battleguard's ability."

"What!?!" said Battleguard King.

"Now I'll have my monsters attack. So Dark Magician Girl take out his Swamp Battleguard and Sleight of Hand Magician take out his Boulder Battleguard." shouted Isaac as his two magicians took to the field. Mana took out her target with ease as she casted her spell; Sleight of Hand Magician snapped his fingers as he had a wall of cards start to surround Boulder Battleguard and when he snapped his fingers again, the wall disappeared as Boulder Battleguard was nowhere to be seen.
Battleguard King's Life Points: 4700-

"I'll activate my facedown, Battleguard Rage. Now my remaining Lava Battleguard now gains 2000 extra points, so now it has 3550." stated Battleguard King.

"Well, now I'll end my turn."

Turn 10: Battleguard King

"My draw, I'll begin with Pot of Greed to take two more cards. Then I'll activate my Battleguard Commander spell card. Thanks to this, since you control two monsters, I can summon a monster from my deck who's attack points are lower than your highest monster. So since your Dark Magician Girl has 2700 attack points, it means I can summon a monster with fewer than that. And I choose to summon my Shaman Battleguard(2000/3000) in defense mode. Then I'll use my Shaman's effect, so now I can take control of your Dark Magician Girl once again." Mana then appeared on Battleguard King's side as she had a disgusted look on her face.

"Say, I'll forgive you if you allow this smoking babe to come with me." offered Battleguard King.

"As if!" shouted Mana.

"Yeah, sorry buddy. Unfortunately, she's already committed to someone." said Isaac as he gave Mana a wink.

"Well, then let's see how you like it. I'll have your Dark Magician Girl attack your other magician."

"I reveal my facedown, Magical Cylinder. So now your attack is negated and you get slammed with the same amount of attack points as Dark Magician Girl." Isaac then had two cylinders appear as one absorbed the attack and fired it out the other as it shot Battleguard King in the chest.
Battleguard King's Life Points: 2000-

"AHHH!!!" growled Battleguard King as he was furious to which Isaac and Mana just laughed. "Well, you won't be so lucky this time, Lava Battleguard attack his Sleight of Hand Magician!" commanded Battleguard King as his monster took out Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 4700-

"Now the effect of my Battleguard Rage activates which means the monster I just destroyed goes back to your hand. And then I'll reveal my facedown, Battleguard Magic. So now any monster that was sent to the hand this turn, I gain life points equal to half of its attack points." stated Battleguard King.
Battleguard King's Life Points: 3050-

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 11: Isaac

"Time to see what I can do." said Isaac as he drew his card. "To start, I'll use my Black Robe Mentalist pendulum ability once again. So now I can gain back control of my Dark Magician Girl. Then, I'll play Sage's Stone. With that, I can now summon my Dark Magician!" Isaac now his ace magician appear as he took his position. "Next, I'll play Dark Magic Twin Burst which gives my Dark Magician a power boost equal to my Dark Magician Girl. So now my Dark Magician has a grand total of 5200 attack points." Mana then casted a spell as Mahad felt the powerup.

"Now I'll play Diffusion Wave-Motion, so by paying 1000 life points, my Dark Magician can attack all of your monsters!" shouted Isaac. With that Mahad was able to clear the entire field.
Battleguard King's Life Points: 1400-

Isaac's Life Points: 3700-

"Now, I'll end my turn."

Turn 12: Battleguard King

"Time to end this, I play Premature Burial so I give up 800 life points to revive my Lava Battleguard. Then I'll also play the spell Monster Reborn to bring back Swamp Battleguard." Soon both monsters rose as Battleguard King was looking to end this duel.
Battleguard King's Life Points: 600-

"It's time, now my brothers lend me your strength and together we shall wipe this pony out of existence. I sacrifice my two monsters to call myself. Battleguard King(3000/1100)!!!!" A bright light appeared as Isaac had to shield his eyes, once it died down there stood Battleguard King himself as he looked to end Isaac's life.

"Now I get to attack two more times and that's enough to end you." Battleguard King then brought his huge club as it took out Dark Magician.
Isaac's Life Points: 3200-

He then took out Dark Magician Girl as Isaac shifted his weight to keep himself from flying as he moved a couple of inches from the impact of the attack.
Isaac's Life Points: 2900-

"Since Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points." said Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 3900-

"Even so, I still have one attack and you don't have any monsters left to hide behind. Time to feel the wrath of my fallen brothers." shouted Battleguard King as he swung his club as it connected with Isaac as he was flung onto his back and tumbled in the dirt.
Isaac's Life Points: 900-

Isaac took a deep breath as he collected himself from the attack. Thankfully he was able to make sure that he didn't suffer the same result as he did last time as he protected his bones. He was still a bit rocked as he had a couple of scuffs on his face and his clothes as he looked back at his opponent.

"One more attack, and then I'll put you down for good."

"Yeah, I heard." said Isaac as he wiped his mouth of some dirt. "Too bad, I don't know when to give up." stated Isaac as he got back to his feet and prepared to take his turn.

Turn 13: Isaac

"My turn," said Isaac as he took a deep breath as he looked at the field and his hand. "Alright, I'll reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul. So now my Dark Magician is back. Then I'll play Pot of Greed to pick up some more cards." said Isaac as he looked at the cards and had a smile on his face. "Alright, time to send you packing, I've drawn the Eye of Timaeus. So now I'll combine, Timaeus with my Dark Magician and with I fusion summon Amulet Dragon!" shouted Isaac as a brand new monster came out.

"Even that dragon doesn't have enough attack points to defeat me." stated Battleguard King.

"You're right, that is, unless I activate my monster's ability. So by removing every spell card in my graveyard, my Amulet Dragon gains 300 attack points for each one I banish. And I count 8, so my dragon now gains 2400 attack points which raises his attack to 5300!" stated Isaac.

"No!!!" shouted Battleguard King.

"Now Amulet Dragon, finish this duel!!!" commanded Isaac. Amulet Dragon then opened its mouth as Mahad pointed his staff and together they combined their attacks as it collided with Battleguard King as he went down and his life point counter dropped.
Battleguard King's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Well, it's over." said Isaac as he collapsed on the floor as he was a bit tired.

"This isn't over!!!" shouted Battleguard King as he slowly got back to his feet. "You may have defeated me, but I didn't say that I would keep my word. Kill him!" said Battleguard King as he pointed at Isaac. His minions heard their command as they started to surround Isaac as they prepare to strike.

Isaac forced himself to stand up as he noticed he was surround. Soon they all started to charge at him as Isaac pulled out some more cards. Both Black Arts Trickster and Dark Magician of Chaos came out as they started to defend their master. Despite, being small, there was tons of minions that were still coming. Isaac summoned out his Magician Boy and Queen's Knight as he hoped to give his monsters some help. It worked as they started to mow down the waves, even Magician Boy who had trouble lifting his weapon was able to spin in a circle as he fired his spell before he fell on his back.

"Not looking good, Isaac." said Black Arts Trickster as she used her magic to defeat several foes in front of her. "At this rate, we might not last long."

"We... have to." said Isaac as he was still a bit worn out from his duel and the bumps he took. "Can't let them... harm the others."

Some of the minions had managed to sneak behind Isaac as they looked to launch a surprise attack. They then jumped as Isaac noticed at the last possible second. A blast then hit them as it caused them to disappear; Isaac looked to where the blast came from as it turned out to be Twilight who used her magic. Standing next to her was Sunset who had her Red-Eyes Black Dragon behind her.

"Red-Eyes, let's give Isaac a hand!" shouted Sunset. Red-Eyes heard her command as he took flight and started to blast some fireballs as they landed in front of Isaac's monsters as it took out some more minions.

"Thanks for the assist." said Isaac as both girls appeared next to him.

"Can't have my boy toy be killed, how else would I have fun." said Sunset with a smirk as she helped Isaac to stand up.

Twilight then casted a spell as it allowed Isaac to regain his vitality back as he was no longer tired. "That should do the trick. How do you feel?"

"Like a million bits." said Isaac as he was able to stand up without exhaustion. He then looked at their monsters and saw that they were still struggling. "How about we give our monsters a hand?" stated Isaac as both mares nodded.

"Gearfried, Red-Eyes Baby Dragon, Black Metal Dragon!" said Sunset as she called out some more monsters.

"Mahad, Mana, time for round two." said Isaac as he his two loyal servants appeared and started to lead the charge against the horde.

The three ponies were able to use their magic as they blasted any monsters that got close to them while they had their monsters push forward. Battleguard King was furious as he saw his forces starting to diminish rapidly. Mahad and Mana were back to back as they fought off the minions; soon they heard a loud growl as they noticed Battleguard King was bringing his weapon down on them as they got out of the way in time. They then retaliated by pointing their wands and blasting him. Despite being weaken by their master in the duel, Battleguard King was still standing as he tried to hit Mana and Mahad as they kept dodging.

While Isaac was taking care of his own little wave, he saw his magicians having trouble with the big beast. He then looked at his other monsters as they were working with Sunset's creatures as they were starting to reach the end of the remaining forces. He then got any idea as he raced forward.

"Where's he going?" asked Twilight as she blasted another creature.

"Don't worry, I think Isaac has a plan." stated Sunset.

"Almost there, everybody." said Black Arts Trickster as she informed the whole group.

"Keep it up, guys." said Isaac as he raced towards them. He then used his magic as he picked up his Magician Boy and placed him on his back.


"Hold on tight, little buddy." said Isaac as he started to race forward with his tiny magician on his back. Soon they were heading in the direction of Mahad and Mana as they were still trying to take Battleguard King off of his feet. They were getting closer as Isaac told his magician his plan. "Alright, on my signal, blast him with everything you've got."

"Yes sir, Isaac." said Magician Boy as he gave a tiny cute salute to his master.

"Steady, steady..." Isaac was just about under the great beast as Mahad and Mana noticed their master. "Now!!!" shouted Isaac. Magician Boy heard Isaac's command as he struggled to pick up his staff, he then aimed as he focused his shot and pull out of his magic into his staff as he fired his spell which almost knocked him off of Isaac's back.

The spell shot by Magician Boy was heading straight for Battleguard King that he didn't noticed the attack until it was but inches from his face. Soon it collided with him as he stumbled from the attack as it caused him to drop his club, that allowed Mahad and Mana the opportunity to point their wands as they hit Battleguard King in the chest.

"Nice shot, little guy." said Isaac as gave a smile to his Magician Boy.

"Thanks." said Magician Boy as he gave a thumbs up.

"Mana! Mahad! Finish this!" shouted Isaac.

"Right!" shouted both.

"Ready, Mana?"

"All set, Mahad!"

"Twin Dark Magic Attack!!!" shouted both of them they combined their staffs together and created a massive ball of energy. They then let out a cry as they unleashed everything they had into the spell as they fired it. The ball of energy headed towards Battleguard King at rapid speed that it got there within seconds as he let out a cry of defeat as a bright light appeared.

"NO!!!!!!!" shouted Battleguard King as he felt himself disappearing. The bright light then died down as standing where Battleguard King once was, was a giant hole in the ground.

"We did it." said Isaac as he sat down from the running as Magician Boy was now sitting on top of his head.

"Score one for the good guys!" shouted Magician Boy as he was happy.

"My word, that was dangerous, master." said Mahad.

"Yeah, but it worked. It allowed the time you guys needed to get in position to hit him with your most powerful magic." said Isaac.

"Well, I for one am grateful." said Mana as she planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek.

"Isaac, the rest of the forces have been dealt with." said Black Arts Trickster as she appeared next to him.

"Good." said Isaac.

He then made his way back to the others as he still had Mahad, Mana, and his Magician Boy with him as they had just finished.

"That seems to be the last of them." said Twilight.

"So, who you did you piss off, this time?" asked Sunset.

"Just the first leader of the five figures trying to take over Equestria." said Isaac with a shrug.

"Wait, that was the first leader?" asked Twilight. "Why didn't you get us, or the others?"

"How the hell am I suppose to know this shit? The figures of the leaders are drawn in crayon. In crayon!!!" stated Isaac. "Besides, he was causing trouble so I just did what I normally do."

"Well next time, inform one of us. Better to have some back up." said Sunset.

"Yeah, well that would be a good idea. If you two weren't at each other's throats this morning." said Isaac as it caused both mares to look away as they remembered what went down in the morning.

"By the way, good shot, little buddy." said Isaac as he looked at his Magician Boy.

"Yeah, it was." said Magician Boy as he got off of Isaac's back. "Did you see the way, ow!!" stated Magician Boy as his back hurt when he fell on the ground earlier.

"I told you to be careful!" said Mage Annette as she appeared. "How many times are you going to ignore me?" Mage Annette was starting to give her best friend a stern talking at how reckless he was. "I'm not always going to be around to pick up after you. Now hold still." Mage Annette then opened her book as she started to cast a spell to heal her friend's back. "There, now don't do anything like that again. Or else I'm really going to hurt you!"

"Alright, Annette. I'll be a bit more careful." said Magician Boy as he put on his best sorry face.

"I just care about you, you're my best friend." said Mage Annette as her stern look then softy to a smile. She then did something unexpected as she planted a kiss on best friend's cheek. Magician Boy just had a dumbfound smile as he was trying to process what she just did.

Isaac then picked up both of his tiny magicians as he started to give them a pony ride as they had the biggest smiles on their little faces. The girls just watched as they saw Isaac having fun with his magicians as it warmed their hearts. Soon Isaac and Sunset called back their monsters.

"Thanks, both of you." said Isaac.

"Just doing our duty, master."

"By the way, thanks for saving me from him. I couldn't stand another minute being next to him." said Mana.

"You know me, Mana. I never leave my friends behind."

"And that's why I love you." said Mana as she picked up Isaac in her arms and gave her master a hug. She then looked at Sunset and Twilight and smirked. She then gave Isaac a kiss on his cheek as she did it in front of the mares; both girls were a tad bit jealous as they saw this. After a few seconds, Mana removed her lips from Isaac's cheek as she gave her master a wink. "That should help get the message across." said Mana. With that both of them disappeared back into Isaac's deck.

"Well, this was certainly an eventful day." said Isaac as he started to head in the direction of the castle.

"Isaac, wait." said Twilight as she stopped the colt. "We just want to say, we're sorry. We're sorry for making you uncomfortable with our fighting."

"I know I love to tease you, but I'll admit I went a bit far thinking I could just butt in to you and Twilight's personal business. I'm sorry, a true friend wouldn't do that." said Sunset.

"So... can you forgive us?" asked Twilight.

"I don't know." said Isaac.

"Please?" said both mares as they gave the puppy dog eyes.

Isaac looked at them with a stern look that it caused them to lose those eyes. His face then soften as he let out a sigh and then had a smile. "All is forgiven." Isaac's response got the girls to perk up. "Now how about we head home, I'm tired."

"Sounds like a good idea. And don't worry about cuddling with me, I'll let Twilight have you." said Sunset.

"Well, I mean... I don't mind sharing Isaac." said Twilight as she scrapped the ground with her hoof. "I'm willing to allow you to snuggle with him."

"Don't worry, next time you ask him. I'll let you two have your time." said Sunset as she gave Twilight a hug to show they forgave each other.

Isaac was slowing trying to sneak away, "It's good the girls are back to being friends, but I think I might need some alone time if they're constantly be snuggling with me." said Isaac.

"Isaac! Where are you going?" stated Sunset.

Isaac didn't say anything as he was gone in a flash as he raced back to the castle. The girls just giggled as they started to head back to the castle themselves. Isaac made it to the castle as he rushed to his room as he knew that the girls were like a pair of lionesses and he was the meal; so he prepared himself for what was about to happen. And it did as the girls teleported in his room and immediately tackled him to the floor as he tried to escape. The girls had their hooves around Isaac as he tried to escape, but they weren't letting him go as Isaac was forced to be between the two mares for the rest of the night.

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