• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 14: A Gem of a Time

After Rarity had departed from her friends, she began to do what she sent out to do. Although, she didn't consider herself competitive due to her devoting most of her time to her fashion dreams. She still knew how to handle a deck and could handle herself if she got involved in a duel. Nevertheless, while she rather be shopping right now she knew her friends were counting on her. Once they defeated Sunset, she could spend all her time shopping/buying to her heart's desire. Some time later, Rarity was casually taking a stroll near the school's gardens. She had already won a couple of duels and was taking a quick break. While she sat down, she let her mind wander for a bit.

"I'll say I've been doing pretty good so far. Of course, Rainbow Dash must really be racking up wins in record time. My word, that girl really needs to slow down or else she'll end up in deep trouble that she can't rely on her speed to escape. I do wonder how the other girls are doing, most of us know what to expect but someone like Fluttershy could get lost in the shuffle. I pray she's alright. Pinkie I have no doubt will be just fine, I just hope whoever her opponent is can handle all of her nonsense. Applejack is the most determined out of all of us, she's doing this to protect her sister from suffering under Sunset's tyranny; honestly I'm also doing it for Sweetie Bell. I can't bear to see what Sunset would do to her. Then there's Isaac."

As soon as Rarity mentioned Isaac's name, her heart kinda skipped a beat. Most people would see Rarity as one of those girls who would use their looks to get anybody to do things for her, mainly boys. While she did often get others to do stuff for her by simply giving a look, she still felt sad doing it. While it felt nice for the men to willing help her she wasn't happy to play with their hearts. In other words, she wanted to feel something when she looked at someone who caught her interest. Now what did that have to do with Isaac, well to Rarity she saw that Isaac wasn't like all the other boys she meant in her life. Sure he didn't immediately fall for her charms but that's what she found fascinating about him. The fact that he wasn't easily swane by a girl's look meant that he wasn't just after a pretty face.

"Isaac really is an interesting person. When I first met him, I'll admit he was quite charming, not to mention handsome. Of course I didn't make any advances toward him due to us meeting for the first time plus it would definitely be awkward to go up to someone and ask them about their love life."

So when Pinkie said that Isaac has never been involved in a relationship, apart of her felt a sense of happiness because she could finally have someone all to herself. It seemed like she was being selfish by claiming Isaac as some sort of property, but it wasn't anything like that. All she wanted was someone who would love her for who she was, someone who could look beyond her looks/beauty. She wanted someone who would accept her for all her strengths and flaws and she didn't care if he was famous or rich she would still love them all the more. Honestly, given what she was describing Isaac seemed to fit that description more and more. Ultimately she placed a hand over her beating heart.

"Goodness, all this talk about Isaac has my heart racing a million miles an hour. Be still my beating heart. I've always told the girls of how I've waited for that special someone to sweep me off my feet and take me away to a faraway land where we would live happily ever after, just like in the fairy tales I read when I was young. My parents told me that life wasn't anything like that and I should focus on finding someone with a lot of money, but here comes Isaac who disproves that theory in a way. He really is a knight in shining armour. Oh Isaac, it seems I've fallen for you." Rarity then put her other hand on her check which was a bright shade of red that was forming. "Well that's enough daydreaming for now, I'll figure out how to get Isaac's attention so I can tell him my feelings eventually. The only major challenge is if I can replace his first love and that's Duel Monsters, which isn't going to be easy." With that she dusted herself off and began to walk back to the tournament.

She didn't get far when she heard a sound rustling near her. Rarity was cautious as the sound started to get louder that she pulled out her deck and prepared herself for the worse. Ultimately, a head popped out from the bushes and when they made eye contact she let out a sigh and approached the individual.

"You nearly gave me heart attack, Vanilla Shine."

"Oh hi Rarity" said the girl as she got out of the bushes. "What are you doing her?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to get away from all the noise that the tournament has been causing. I felt like I needed a break. What about you, dear?"

"More or less the same thing. I hoped that I would find some duelist out here but if not I could at least enjoy a couple of moments of silence. I've only had a handful of duels so far, but even that's becoming a bit tedious. So I came to enjoy a bit of R&R."

"Well you certainly chose the right place, with all this lovely scenery it makes the perfect distractor. Care to join me on my stroll?"

"I'd be glad too."

Soon both girls started on their way back to the school building, along the way they began to have a conversation. Rarity had been friends with Vanilla for a while now, in fact there first encounter was when she came to her boutique looking for a dress. Vanilla was looking for something nice to wear because she was having a date with someone that day. So when she told Rarity about her situation, she was ecstatic to say the least. She constantly insisted that she make her an outfit that would leave her date speechless. Vanilla had no choice as Rarity was hard at work making her dress. When she finished she showed it to her and she was grateful. Rarity was happy to help a fellow classmate that she gave the outfit to Vanilla for free. Vanilla thought it was wrong of her to give this to her without some sort of payment but Rarity insisted that she would repay her with all the juicy details of how her evening went. Sometime after that Vanilla came to her to thank her for not only making her the dress but for helping her to get a boyfriend; ever since that moment the two girls would often talk with each other discussing things involving romance.

After they had finished their conversation, Rarity decided to ask Vanilla something. "So Vanilla, how are things going between you and Silver?"

"Oh, well everything is going smoothly. He's always treating me with respect and always makes time for us to hang out. Honestly, I'm a lucky girl to have someone like him by my side, I still can't believe that he would fall for a girl like me. There are plenty of other girls in school who're way more prettier than me, like you Rarity, but in the end he chose to be with me."

"Well, I say he made the correct choice. You're right he could have chosen anybody else, but he chose to be with you because he sees something special. To him you are what makes his world go around, you have a good thing going don't ever let it go."

Vanilla gave a smile to Rarity. "I will. What about you anything been happening to you since we last talked?"

"Oh, nothing just the standard stuff. Me hanging out with the girls discussing normal things?"

"Just the girls? You sure you haven't forgotten anybody, maybe a certain boy?"

Rarity was a bit flustered by what Vanilla was implying. "Why whatever do you mean, dear?"

"Come on Rarity everybody at school knows about the boy you girls let into your little group. So who is here, what's he like? Do you have feelings for him?"

"Vanilla, that's no way to talk about someone like that. If you must know his name is Isaac and he's quite a damper looking fellow, really matured for someone his age."

"I hear you, if I wasn't in a relationship with Silver I too would be looking at Isaac from afar and figuring out how to get him to notice me. So have you told him how you feel?"

"We're just friends, Vanilla. Nothing more. We just happen to share a common goal in entering this tournament."

"Yeah that's not true. I can understand Isaac entering due to how much he loves Duel Monsters, even Silver wants the chance to see what he's capable of. But for you to enter this tournament is totally out of your element, so that means you must being doing this for something else, maybe to get Isaac to notice you or perhaps tell him how you feel." Vanilla was starting to had a sneaky smile on her face.

"Like I said Vanilla, we're just friends. He has his reasons for entering and I have mine, let's leave it at that and move on."

"Don't think that's going to happen, if I can't get you to tell me through talking well then maybe I'll have to force a confess out of you." said Vanilla who then popped her deck into the slot and activated her duel disk.

"I had a feeling it would come to this" said Rarity as she did the same and ready her duel disk.

"Still have one chance to tell me the truth, but then again it would be less fun."

"A lady never tattles! So let's duel!" shouted Rarity.

"Opponent detected. Streaming Data. Duel Mode Set. Initiating. Commence Duel" said both duel disks.

Vanilla's Life Points: 8000-

Rarity's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Rarity

"I'll start things off, I draw. I'll summon to the field my Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle(1400/800) in attack mode. Then I'll play the spell Crystal Bond, now I add 1 'Crystal Beast' monster from my deck to my hand and then place another 'Crystal Beast' in my spell & trap zone." Rarity then pulled out her deck and selected which one she wanted; she also picked which monster she wanted to place in spell & trap zone. "I'll choose to place my Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger(1600/1000) in spell & trap zone." Rarity played her card and instead of a monster appearing out came a shiny topaz jewel that twinkled. "I'll then place 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Vanilla

"My turn, I draw." Seems the stories about those Crystal Beast cards are true. Instead of sending them to the graveyard, Rarity can just put them in her backrow to use again for later. Not to mention that she might have multiple copies of the same card which makes this even as twice as hard. "I'll take things slow by summoning my Lady Knight(1600/1500) in attack mode. Then I'll give her the equip spell Sword of Justice now my knight gains 400 extra attack, then I'll have her attack your eagle." Vanilla's monster then charged at Rarity's monster who tried to evade the attack by flying but was struck down with a downward slash.
Rarity's Life Points: 7400-

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown. Your up, Rarity."

Turn 3: Rarity

When Rarity's eagle was destroyed by Vanilla's knight instead of being sent to the graveyard, she instead put it in her back row which manifested into cobalt jewel that was just as shiny as her other jewel.

"Unlike most creatures, my Crystal Beast still sticks around by placing them in my spell & trap zone. Now it's my turn and I draw. I'll play the spell Crystal Beacon now since I have 2 or more 'Crystal Beast' in my spell and trap zone, I can special summon another one from my deck and I choose my Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle(300/300). Now Ruby's affect kicks in because when it's special summoned I also summon my other beasts in my spell and & trap zone, so come out my pets." When Rarity summoned her cute little fuzzy monster, its tail started to shine a raybeam that touched the other crystals on her field and released the monsters in them.

"Vanilla say hello to Topaz Tiger and Cobalt Eagle. Now I'll have my Tiger attack your knight."

"Why do that, my Lady Knight has more points than that cat of yours?"

"Darling the beauty of my tiger lies in his special ability, allow me to demonstrate. My tiger gains 400 extra attack when he attacks a monster so now he's got enough points to take your monster down."

With that Rarity's tiger powered up and lunged its claws at Vanilla's monster destroying both in the process. However, Rarity's monster was sent back into her back instead of the grave.

"Sure my tiger may be destroyed but he's not gone because like before I can place him in my spell and trap zone to use again later. He did however clear the way for my other beasts to attack, now Eagle and Ruby show Vanilla what it means to be bedazzled attack her directly." As if on cue, both of Rarity's monster scored a direct hit on Vanilla as her life points started to drop. "I'll then end my turn."
Vanilla's Life Points: 6500-

Turn 4: Vanilla

"First since a monster equipped with Sword of Justice was sent to the grave I get to draw an extra card, then I draw. I summon Lady Squire(1300/1100) in attack mode, now whenever she's on the field I can summon her mentor. So make way for Captain Selena(2100/1700); now my ladies destroy her monsters."

"A lady always has a back up plan that's why I have my facedown Negate Attack. Now your attack is nuffield and your battle phrase comes to an end."

Vanilla was less than pleased at how Rarity was able to stop her push. "Fine I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Rarity

"My turn, I draw. Fabulous! I'll play my Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus(1800/1200), now my Pegasus' ability activates and when he's summoned I can place another one of my beast from my deck, hand, or grave into my spell and trap zone and I choose my Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise(800/2000). Then I'll play the spell card Rare Value and lets just say that it gives me more bling for my buck if you catch my drift. Now since I have 2 Crystal Beast in my backrow you select one of them to send to the grave and I get to draw 2 more card. So Vanilla what's your choice?"

"I choose your Topaz Tiger."

"Very well, sorry my precious topaz but don't fret. Momma going to make sure that your sacrifice won't be for nothing. Now then I draw 2 cards."

With that Rarity sent her monster to the grave and proceeded to pick up 2 more card from the top of her deck. When she looked at what she drew, she had a smile on her face.

"Once again, perfection. Now I'll play the equip spell Crystal Release and attach it to my Pegasus. Now he's not only going to shine more beautifully but he gets an extra 800 attack points which raise him to 2600. Now my Pegasus will lead the charge and attack Vanilla's Captain Selena, Eagle be a dear and take out her Lady Squire, and my dear sweet Ruby show Vanilla just how cuddle you are by attacking her life points directly. Go my beasts!"

Rarity's monsters obeyed the command their were given by their master and charged onto Vanilla's field leaving nothing behind. They then returned to Rarity's side of the field where before taking their positions showed their affection towards her by nuzzling against her. Rarity even let out a small giggle with her creatures showing her some love.

"That's enough guys. I'll end my turn, you're up Vanilla."
Vanilla's Life Points: 5600-

Turn 6: Vanilla

"Your monsters really are tough to beat Miss Rarity. Now I see why there are so hard to get rid of, especially if they have someone like you as their master."

"Well jewelry is a girl's best friend, besides the way they sparkle just fills me with inspiration. In fact, it was my Pegasus here who gave me the idea to design your dress."

"Well it's such a shame that I'll have to destroy it. Now then, draw!" When Vanilla looked at the card she drew, she then looked at her hand and began to hatch a plan to counteract Rarity's beasts. "To start I'll play the tuner monster Handmaiden(300/200), now when she's summoned I can resurrect a monster from my grave and I choose my Lady Squire."

Rarity was bit confused with what Vanilla meant by tuner monster. "Vanilla be a dear and clarify what you mean by 'tuner'?"

"I'll show you, now I tune my level 1 Handmaiden with my level 4 Lady Squire. I Synchro Summon my level 5 Swordmaster Catherine(2700/2000). But that's not all because I when I use my Handmaiden as synchro material I can bring it back in defense mode so long as it's abilities are negated. Then I'll play the spell Knight's Meeting with this I combine a monster in my hand and on the field, but instead of being sent to the grave they're banished. It's a small price to pay but it means that I can fuse them together; so now I fusion summon my Lady ArchBishop(2400/2600) in defense mode."

Out on Vanilla's field came a female swordmaster who wielded a sharp sword in her hand with another in it's sheath at her hip. Next to her was a priest like girl who had her hands folded as if she was saying a prayer.

"Next I'll activate my Swordmaster's ability now once per turn she can negate a monster's effect and destroy it, so say goodbye to your Sapphire Pegasus. Then I'll have her attack your Ruby. So go my swordmaster, attack with Astra slash."

Vanilla's monster obeyed her orders and got rid of both of Rarity's pegasus and her ruby while dealing some massive damage.
Rarity's Life Points: 5000-

"Then my archbishop will use her ability and restore my life to half of the damage you take. With that I'll end my turn."
Vanilla's Life Points: 6800-

Turn 7: Rarity

"Since my Ruby was destroyed it goes to my spell and trap zone instead of the graveyard, also the other effect of my Crystal Release activates since it was sent to the graveyard I can place another 'Crystal Beast' in backrow as a Continuous Spell and I choose my Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth(1700/1600)."

"Now then I'll take my turn, I draw. First, I'll activate my spell card Rainbow Bridge now I can add 1 'Crystal' spell/trap to my hand." Rarity then searched her deck and pulled the card she wanted. "Next I'll switch my eagle to defense mode and lastly I'll throw facedown and call it a turn."

Not much I can do this round

Turn 8: Vanilla

"Seems I've got you on the ropes, I draw. Now I'll have Catherine use her special ability so say goodbye to your eagle."

"Hold on Vanilla, in response I'm activating this continuous trap Crystal Concave. Now once per turn if a 'Crystal Beast is destroyed by battle or card effect I can then special summon another Crystal Beast from my deck. So taking my eagle's place is Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat(1200/400) in defense mode."

"So you managed to bring another monster to protect you, however you still lose your eagle in the process and his ability is rendered useless. Now then I'll switch my Archbishop to attack mode. First my Swordmaster will attack your furry feline and then my archbishop will attack your life points directly."

Vanilla's Swordmaster let out a powerful slash as it got rid of Rarity's monster which left her completely defenseless as she took the full force of the impact. She was even brought to her knees as she clutched herself.

"Don't forget thanks to my Bishop's ability I gain half of the damage you took as life points. With that I'll end my turn."
Rarity's Life Points: 2600-
Vanilla's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 9: Rarity

Rarity was on just recovering when she looked at the situation in front of her. Her entire field was completely empty with almost all of her back row filled with her defeated monsters. The one drawback of the Crystal Beast not going to the grave was they take up a spot in her spell and trap zone. So even if she could defend herself, she didn't have room to. The big issue was dealing with Vanilla's Swordmaster who was the perfect counter to her Crystal Beasts and then her ArchBishop could heal her any damage that she took. No matter how she looked at it, Rarity kept finding herself in a tough spot. She almost considered giving up that even she started to shed some tears.

"There's nothing I can do, Vanilla has me backed into a corner. Without any space to fill my spell and trap zone, I can't defend myself. It's hopeless, I'm sorry girls I've let you down. I wanted to truly help you; I wanted to rid this school of Sunset's reign but it seems I can't even help myself, what kind of friend does that make me?"

Rarity's heart began to crack as she was thinking of how disappointed her friends would be if they saw her in this state. Just as she about to surrender, she heard a voice all out to her.

"Giving up already, come on Rarity I taught you better than that." said the mysterious voice.

Rarity opened her eyes and to her surprise was Isaac. Well not physically, but rather a figment of Rarity's subconscious. It actually looked like Isaac as it matched him down to a tee.


"Come on Rarity, you know a duel isn't over until the last card has been played and as long as you have life points there's still a chance to turn things around."

"But what can I do, Vanilla has me completely outmatched and I have no room to make any moves. Face it, I've lost!"

"Well when you say it like that, you're right."

"Thanks for the boost of confidence, coach." said Rarity with a sarcastic tone.

"You're welcome" replied Isaac back with just the same amount of sarcasm that it caused Rarity to create a pouting face to think that he was mocking her. Isaac just let out a small laughter at how Rarity was behaving.

"Well nice to see you find humor in my given situation, but that still doesn't help me."

"I'm being serious Rarity. Remember what I told you and the girls, if you put your trust in your deck then it will trust you. Always remember that you're not alone you have me and the gang here with you in spirit, not mention your monsters that are a part of your deck they believe in you too."

Just then images of her friends started to form around her giving encouraging smiles/support. They then changed as the images morphed into the creatures of her deck; all around her Rarity's Crystal Beasts were looking at their master with hope in their eyes. They knew she could never let them down and they were here to remind her of that. No matter what challenge they would face, they could be able to overcome it as long as they did together. Rarity's was starting to find herself filled with a feeling that was warm and comforting. She knew what she had to do and she looked at Isaac and her monsters and gave them a nod. They all returned with a nod of their own and disappeared.

Rarity was now looking at her deck with a sense of pride.

"It's just like Isaac said, believe in my deck and it will believe in me. I just needed to be reminded of that, thanks everyone I can't thank you enough. Now Vanilla, it's time I turn this duel into my favor so prepare yourself."

"I'm ready, give me your best shot Miss Rarity."

"With pleasure, I draw." When Rarity drew her card, she had a sort of purple streak of light that followed behind it. "First I'll activate the other effect of my Crystal Conclave now by sending it to the grave I can select 1 'Crystal Beast' I control and 1 card on the field and return them to the hand, so I'll choose my Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat and Amber Mammoth."

"Why do that, you could have use that effect to get rid of my Swordmaster why waste it on your own cards?"

"I'll explain but first I activate another spell Graceful Charity, now I draw 3 more cards and discard 2." With that Rarity drew her cards and sent her 2 Crystal Beast to the grave. "Now Vanilla the stage has been set because since I seven different monsters with 'Crystal Beast' in their name, I can now call upon my mightiest creature. Now my monsters lend me your strength and call upon the might Rainbow Dragon(4000/0)."

Rarity held up her card as it started to shine brightly with all the colors of the rainbow and the all the different gems on Rarity's field began to form together and created a blinding light that it caused Vanilla to cover her eyes. When the light faded, there stood a creature of majestic beauty as it led out a mighty roar that the trees/shrubs around them began to shake. As it unfolded its wings the gems that shined all over its body let out a radiant light that made the dragon look even more colorful. Rainbow Dragon then landed on the field as it looked back at Rarity. Both locked eyes with each other and the message that was being sent was clear.

"Now I'll activate my Fifth Harmony card, now I can return 5 monsters from my grave and return them to my deck." Rarity's duel disk then slotted out her other Crystal Beast and and shuffled them into her deck. "Now I'll have my Rainbow Dragon attack your SwordMaster."

"I don't think so, I activate my trap Mirror Mail now when a monster of my becomes the target of an attack it becomes the same attack points as your Dragon, so now both of our monsters will be destroyed."

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, darling. My Rainbow Dragon has an ability that allows me to send all faceup 'Crystal Beast' I control to the grave and it gains 1000 attack points for each card. So I'll send my Ruby and Emerald to the grave to give my dragon even more power. Now his attack rises to 6000. Go my beast, attack with Rainbow Refraction."

Rarity's monster then powered up as the jewels on its body lighted up and then it led out a powerful rainbow blast that destroyed Vanilla's monster. Vanilla put her arms up hoping to protect herself.
Vanilla's Life Points: 6000-

"But I'm not done because I'm activating a couple of spells from my hand, first up my spell Rainbow Refraction now since my dragon activated it's effects I can special summon any number of 'Crystal Beasts' from my deck. So please give a warm welcome to Crystal Beasts: Sapphire Pegasus, Cobalt Eagle, Amethyst Cat, Topaz Tiger, and Amber Mammoth."

"Wait, how you summon out 5 monsters when you already have your Rainbow Dragon on your field?"

"Because of my other spell Crystal Offering, now I send my Dragon to the grave but in exchange I can play a card from my grave and one of your monster loses all of its points. I choose my Crystal Release and attach it to my Pegasus."

Rarity's dragon then started to faded into a thousand of shining particles as it gave Rarity the card she needed. Rarity gave her dragon a warm smile.

Thank you, my lovely dragon. You've given me the strength I needed to win this match. Now time to secure our victory.

"Now Pegasus take out her archbishop and then the rest of my creatures take out Vanilla's Life Points."

With that Rarity's monsters charged at Vanilla as they depleted the rest of her points.
Vanilla's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Rarity

As the duel ended, the lasting images of Rarity's monster turned to her and gave her a nod of satisfaction. She even saw Isaac give her thumbs up and a reassuring smile before they all faded away. Rarity then made her way to Vanilla who was just getting back to her feet.

"Now that was a magnificent battle. I can't tell you how amazed I was with how your monsters sparkled."

"Well they do have a good master who has exceptional taste when it comes to fashion." Both girls laughed at Rarity's comment.

"Well I did learn something, you really do care about your monsters. The way they put their trust in you shows that they're glad to have a duelist like you commanding them."

Rarity was thankful of Vanilla's comment. "I appreciate your praise, in fact I was about to give up until they reminded me that I should always keep fighting till the last card has been played. I can't express how much grateful I am to them."

"I get it, just like how I get you have feelings for a certain someone. As someone in a relationship, I'll tell you it's best you tell him how you feel sooner rather than later. If you really want this guy, then make sure you express your feelings before he's taken. People say that girls won't wait around for their special someone, but neither will boys. Do not throw away your shot."

"I'll do my best. Well we've spent enough time in this garden, why don't we get out of here and I can offer some suggestions of dates for you and Silver?"

With that both girls started to make their way out of the school garden just as the sun was about to set on the first day of CHS tournament. Meanwhile in another part of school, Isaac had just finished wrapping up a duel and was about to call it a day with the sun going down. He then felt a weird feeling in him.

"Why do I have a feeling that Rarity just thanked me? Oh well, must be my imagination."

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