• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 101: Boutique Mishap

The entire town was grateful for Isaac and Sunset in getting rid of the monsters that terrorized them. They wanted to show their appreciation for them that Pinkie basically decided to throw a party as a way to welcome Isaac to town and for saving the day. Soon everypony was getting into the festivities as they all enjoyed themselves. Some of them asked Sunset and Isaac if they could entertain them with a duel, but both declined as they needed to be ready in case more creatures showed up. Still it was one rowdy party as everyone was enjoying themselves.

Soon nighttime had fallen on the quaint little town as everypony decided to retreat for the night. All of their friends all departed for their separate homes, while Isaac, Spike, Sunset, and Twilight all headed back to the castle. Spike had fallen asleep as Sunset was carrying him on her back. Eventually they all arrived back at the castle as they opened the doors.

"I'll take it from here, Sunset." said Twilight as she took Spike from her with her magic. "I'll put Spike to bed; you two get some rest. After an eventful day like today, I think you both deserved it."

"All right, goodnight Twilight." said Sunset. "Come on, Isaac."

"Have a safe night, princess." said Isaac as he tipped his cap to Twilight.

With that both Isaac and Sunset left together in the direction of their individual rooms. Twilight on the other hand was heading over to Spike's room to put the little drake to sleep.

"Man, what a day. Now I know what you were talking about."

"Told you. Stuff like this has been happening for a while, but I can't figure out why." said Sunset as she was thinking about all of this.

"Hey, don't sweat it. As long as we keep doing what we're doing, we'll solve this mystery in no time." exclaimed Isaac.

"Always looking on the positive side of things aren't you boy toy." smiled Sunset as they arrived to her room. "Well, I'll see you in the morning."

"Night, Sunset." said Isaac as he waved goodnight to his friend. Isaac then began to walk towards his room as he bumped into Twilight. "Oh, hey Twilight."

"Hey." said Twilight as both her and Isaac were blushing from bumping into each other. "Uhm... you did a good job saving those ponies."

"Yeah... just did what was right." smiled Isaac nervously. "Well, I... should probably get out of your way." said Isaac as he stepped to the side and began to walk towards his room.

"Do you mind?" called out Twilight.

"What?" said Isaac as he stopped in his tracks.

"Do you mind, if you could show me how you do it?" asked Twilight as she was referring to Isaac and his duel skills.

"Well, I mean... if you want to."

"I do!" said Twilight quickly in excitement.

"Then how about after breakfast?" asked Isaac.

"Sounds good." smiled Twilight.

"Then I'll see you then. Take care, princess." With that Isaac said goodbye as he was on his way towards his room.

The following morning came as Spike, Isaac, and the two mares were in the dining room as they were currently eating the breakfast that Spike had made for them all to enjoy. Once they finished, they all began to discuss their plan for the day. Sunset had decided that she was going to head into town for a while. Twilight informed her that she had some questions she wanted to ask for Isaac as she wanted to learn more about dueling and Duel Monsters. While some of that was partially true, she also saw how Twilight was blushing when she mentioned Isaac's name. So she just gave her a sly smile so that only Twilight could see it as she got her message.

"So, you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" asked Sunset.

"Of course, Twilight wants to know a bit more about Duel Monsters. So I'd figured I give her demonstration seeing as how she's eager." stated Isaac.

"That's not the only reason she's so eager." said Sunset with a sly smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Just have fun with the princess." said Sunset as she gave a wink. With that she left through the door.

It had been a while since she was last in Ponyville, in general, Equestria. Mostly cause when she first got the message from Princess Celestia, she had been so focused on dealing with these incidents that she never had the chance to actually see her old home. So with Isaac here and based on what happened yesterday, she was safe to assume that today was a day where she could relax for a bit. With that she wanted to see the town. The first place she stopped by was the Ponyville Day Spa as she wanted to get a bit of rest and relaxation. It did the trick as Sunset was able to let go of some stress that she didn't know she had, one thing she made sure was to bring Isaac to this place as she knew for a fact that he would have some hidden stress from all his dueling. Soon she exited the place as she felt years younger and continued on her trip.

She passed by the Ponyville Schoolhouse as she said hello to the little fillies. Seems they saw what she and Isaac did as they were overjoyed with excitement. They wanted her to show off her monsters, but she declined saying that they needed to get back to class. She did promise that next time she would bring Isaac along with her and they could put on a show for them. After that she visited the marketplace as she purchased some foods and treats for her as she placed them in her saddle bags. She made a quick stop back at the castle to drop off her stuff, seems that the other three were in the back of the castle as Isaac was giving his demonstration to Twilight and Spike. With that she exited out of the castle once more and went back into town.

"It's nice to just sit back and not have to worry about the forces of evil trying to ruin everything." said Sunset as she was walking. She happened to pass by someone who called out to her.

"Oh, Sunset Shimmer." called out Rarity.

"Oh, hey Rarity. Everything ok."

"Everything is fine, darling. I'm just off to mine for some gems. My supply has been getting rather low and I need all that I can to fill my orders. Say perhaps you could accompany me, I'm in dire need of an assistant and Spike isn't here like he promised." stated Rarity as she looked around seeing if the little dragon was nearby.

"Yeah, well. Spike is back the castle with Twilight and Isaac." said Sunset.

"Oh yes, Isaac. My is he a dashing looking stallion, quite charming. I wonder is he's seeing anypony."

Oh, you don't know the half of it. thought Sunset.

"Regardless, I was hoping that maybe you could help me. So that I can have someone to carry the basket and possibly deal with any of those 'monsters' should they appear." asked Rarity.

After some pleading by Rarity, Sunset had agreed to act as Rarity's personal 'bodyguard/assistant' as they were off to the gem cave. They brought along some hardhats as it had a flashlight on them so that they could see in the darkness. Sunset also showed that her duel disk had a built in flashlight of her own as it allowed them to have a bit more visibility in the darkness. Rarity then got to work mining as Sunset had to use her magic to carry the basket as she caught the gems that Rarity was tossing her. Overall, they spent the next hour or two inside the cave being very careful to not wake the bats that were sleeping. They soon emerged with a wagon full of jewels as they made their way back to the Jewelry store as she wanted to give some of the gems to the place. Soon she received her exchange of bits for the gems she gave the store as the two mares then made their way back to Carousel Boutique. From there they dropped off the rest of Rarity's gems as she refilled her collection. Rarity was thankful for Sunset in helping her that she decided to treat her to lunch.

Soon both mares arrived at Café Hay, where their waiter by the name of Savior Fare came to take the orders of the ladies. Once they knew what they wanted, he then left as the girls began to converse.

"So tell me Sunset, darling? How's life treating you in your new home? I know that you left in spite of Princess Celestia's teachings and how you ignored her request on learning about friendship. If it's not too much trouble?"

"It's fine, Rarity." said Sunset as she was eating the plants on her table as they served as the appetizers. "To be honest, it was kind of frightening. Running away from my problems when I should've face them. And that really translated when I crossed into the other world. All that rage and anger that I had caused me to become a bully that made everybody's lives miserable. I saw Duel Monsters and I saw power. Power that I thought I could seize and use it to get back at Princess Celestia for abandoning me. And the scaring thing is that I would have done that, I was this close to seeing that nightmare come true."

"And what stopped you, if I may ask?"

"Well... it was a boy who had a passion for Duel Monsters." said Sunset.

"You're talking about Isaac?" asked Rarity.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for him and stopping me when he did, I dare say Equestria would have turned into a war zone. Everything happening with these Duel Monsters coming to life and wrecking havoc. I would have done ten times that amount; all because I had a petty grudge, but mostly because I was blinded by my anger." said Sunset.

"Here you are, ladies." said Savior Fare who brought the ladies their lunch. He then left as he let them enjoy their meal.

"So enlighten me, dearie. What is he like?"

Sunset just chuckled a bit when Rarity asked that question. "Well... let's say that he's someone who won't give up. Someone who is always willing to lend a hand, and even stare danger in the face and stand his ground. He doesn't call himself a hero, he just does what he thinks is right. But the greatest thing about Isaac is that he's in love with Duel Monsters." said Sunset as she had taken a bite of her sandwich.

"I notice that." said Rarity as she took a bite of her salad. "I must say from what the others told me, when he battled that creature yesterday. It was like watching a masterpiece, the way he was technically outsmart his opponent and then be able to outplay. Overall, that's a bit eye catching for a girl. Tell me, is there a lucky girl in his life?"

"Uhm, well... kinda hard to explain this."

"Just tell me."

"Okay, it's like this..." Sunset then began to explain to Rarity about her new home and how there were human counterparts of them and how each one of them including herself had gone on a date and still had a bit of a crush on Isaac. Soon she told her human Twilight and how they had gotten together.

"My word, that's a lot to take in. Now I see why he was... stunned when he saw Twilight."

"Oh, believe me. He wasn't the only one." said Sunset as Rarity seemed to figure out the hidden meaning in her statement.

With that both girls then continued to talk with one another about other things. Rarity even asked if her human counterpart was a duelist to which Sunset replied yes. She told her about the deck she used and it was no surprise that Rarity felt like her Crystal Beasts were the most fabulous deck she could ever ask for. Soon they finished their lunch as they started to make their way back to Rarity's house. Soon they heard a something.


"What was that?"

"Someone help me!" shouted the voice.

"Goodness, that sounds like Sweetie Belle." said Rarity in a worried tone. She then took off as she raced through town and turned the corner.

"Wait, Rarity." said Sunset. She then chased after the mare as she figured she was in danger. Sunset then turned the corner and was surprised by what she saw.

The scream did belong to Rarity's little sister, Sweetie Belle, who was being held captive. Turns out that Sweetie Belle was enjoying herself in her room as she was getting ready to meet with the other CMC, when she heard something downstairs. She thought it might have been Rarity coming home, but when she walked downstairs, she saw tons of little Dark Bats as they were flying about causing trouble and wrecking up the place. There was even some goblins that were raiding Rarity's collection of jewels as they started to put them into their bags. Sweetie Belle tired to a be brave pony as she used her magic and grabbed a broom as she started to whack the little bats and goblin as she wailed on them. However, she failed to realized the monster in charge as he snuck up from behind her and hit her with the back of his hand as she was sent down to the floor. The commander in charge was none other than the monster card, Dark Blade. He then order his minions to tie up Sweetie Belle and bring her along as they finished looting Rarity's place.

"We've got just about everything, boss." said one of the goblins.

"Good, bring the little one. We'll make sure to teach her a lesson not to mess with us." said Dark Blade as he pointed his sword at Sweetie's Belle throat.

With that they all started to leave Rarity's place. Soon Rarity saw the scene as she saw her sister being held captive as her older sibling instincts kicked in. She tried to rescue her sister by using her magic and even used some of her sewing supplies to tie up the goblins that were carry her gems. However the second she turned around, she was meet with the brute end of Dark Blade's sword as it caused Rarity to tumble to the ground. That gave the goblins and bats the chance to be able to tie her up and put her next to her sister.

"We got another one, boss."

"Stupid creatures, can't wait till they become extinct." said Dark Blade.

"Unhand us, you ruffian. I have half a nerve to..." Rarity was meet with a slap to the face as Dark Blade had struck her.

"Listen you prissy little bitch. If you know what's good for you, you'll shut the hell up and I may spare your life. Keep talking, and I'll kill faster than you can blink. And as for your little sister, maybe I should kill her as well, or should I start with her. Imagine the cold steel against her fur and with enough pressure you pop a vessel and then that vessel flows dripping, dripping stains and drops of red liquid and soon it ends with no one hearing you and no one finding you. All that will be left is your lifeless, cold, dead bodies." said Dark Blade in the most cold and evil voice the girls had ever heard as they were now scared for their lives.

"Finish them." said Dark Blade.

"With pleasure." said one of the goblins as a couple of them and a few bats started to zoom in on their targets.

Rarity had the one hoof she was able to get free and wrapped it around Sweetie Belle as she tried to do her best to protect her as they awaited what was about to happen. They both closed their eyes accepting what was to come. Soon a voice called out to them.

"Red-Eyes use Inferno Fire Blast." said Sunset as she had summoned her monster. Red-Eyes heard its master's command as it fired a fireball at the monsters surrounding Rarity and Sweetie Belle as they all were encased in fire and then disappeared into particles.

"What the?" said Dark Blade as he saw his minions getting beat up by a pony. He then looked over and saw a pony standing there. "You!" he said as he unsheathed his blades and started to charge at her.

Sunset noticed Dark Blade charging at her as she was holding a card with her magic. "Come on out, Gearfried!" Gearfried came out as he noticed the monster charging at his mistress as he blocked his swords with his own blade. The two exchanged a few attacks as they both dodged and tried to hit the others. Soon both collided with their attacks as they were pushed back by the collision.

"Hands off my friends!" shouted Sunset.

"Hmph, you're a strong one for something so small." said Dark Blade. "But know that you can't save your friends."

"Then how about we settle this in a duel. I win and you let my friends go." stated Sunset.

"A duel? Very well, but if I win, then I get to take you along with them." snickered Dark Blade as he sheathed his sword and had a duel disk appear on his arm.

"Like that's gonna happen." said Sunset as both of her monsters had disappeared back into her deck. She then activated her duel disk as it projected a red card tray. "Get ready, metalhead. You'll pay for messing with my friends."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disk.

Dark Blade's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Dark Blade

"My turn, draw. I'll play the spell card, Banishment of the Darklords. Now I can add a 'Darklord' card from my deck to my hand. Next I'll play my Darklord Nurse Reficule(1400/600) in attack mode. Then I'll play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Sunset

"Guess, it's my turn." said Sunset as she drew her card and looked through her hand. "To start I'll play The Black Stone of Legend and then I'll sacrifice it to summon out my Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" Sunset's stone then started to break open as bits of lights were coming out. Soon out came dragon that was colored black as its eyes were crimson red. Red-Eyes then let out a cry as it caused the minions to cover their eyes.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were in shock by what they as the creature that was in front of them was big and ferocious. They had seen dragons before, heck one of them was their friend but this was the first time they both felt scared. Sunset reassured them that this dragon was on their side by giving them a warm smile.

"Now Red-Eyes take out his monster." shouted Sunset. Red-Eyes heard Sunset's command as it opened its mouth and fired off a fireball as it took out its target with ease.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 7000-

"Nice shot." said Sunset.

Red-Eyes lowered its head till he was at Sunset's level as he was taking in his mistress' new form. Despite being turned into a pony, he could still see the fiery passion and desire that was in her eyes. It was that same fire that had drawn Red-Eyes to having Sunset as its owner. Sunset just simply petted her dragon to which he recognized the scent and gave a warm growl.

"Mind me helping me out, buddy?" asked Sunset as she gave her dragon a kiss. Red-Eyes gave a nod as it understood its mistress' request. "Good, now then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Dark Blade

"My turn," said Dark Blade as he drew his card, "I'll summon my Darklord Ukoback(700/1000) in defense mode. Now when my Ukoback is summoned, I can send a 'Darklord' card from my deck to my graveyard." Dark Blade then selected the card he wanted to get rid of as he slotted it to the graveyard. "Now I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunset

"Fine then," I have to be cautious, even though he just played a monster, all it did was force him to send a card to the graveyard. And he's yet to activate his facedown. "Now I'll play my Red-Eyes Wyvern in attack mode. Then I'll play the spell card, Cards of the Red Stone. So now I'll send a level 7 'Red-Eyes' from my hand and deck to the graveyard which allows me to draw 2 cards. Next, I'll activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend, so now I can add it to my hand and shuffle a Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' from my graveyard into my deck. Now I'll have my Wyvern take out your Ukoback and then Red-Eyes will attack your life points directly." Sunset gave her command as her dragons received their orders. They both took flight as they laid waste to the monster and took a shot at Dark Blade.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 4600-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 5: Dark Blade

"My turn, now then since my Darklord Marie is in my graveyard, during each of my Standby Phase I gain 200 life points." Soon Marie the Fallen one appeared as her spirit granted Dark Blade some extra health.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 4800-

"Now I'll play Darklord Contract, so now I can revive my Darklord Ukoback in defense position. And since Ukoback was summoned, its effect activates. So I'll send a 'Darklord' card from my deck to my graveyard. Next I'll play Indulged Darklord, now when this monster is summoned, I can take 2 'Darklord' monsters from my hand or deck with different levels and place one of them on your side of the field in defense mode and add the other to my hand." Dark Blade then selected the cards he wanted as he had a smile under his helmet. "I've chosen Darklord Superbia and Darklord Morningstar. So I'll add Superbia to my hand and give you Morningstar." Dark Blade then flicked the desire card towards Sunset who used her magic to grab it.

Why give me a monster? Especially when it had some high stats that he could use. Sunset then placed the card on her tray as out came the monster in defense mode.

"Now, I'll play the spell Super Polymerization and with it, I can combine monsters from either player's field. So I'll combine my Darklord Ukoback and Indulged Darklord, along with your Darklord Morningstar." All three monsters then were turned into energy as they jumped into a portal as they were being used to call upon a new monster. "I Fusion Summon, The First Darklord(4000/4000)!!" shouted Dark Blade as out came a powerful monster that wielded a sword and shield as it sprouted black wings.

"Now since I used Darklord Morningstar as a fusion material, my monster can destroy all cards on your side of the field."

"Oh no!" said Sunset.

The First Darklord then raised its sword as dark energy came out of it as it swept over Sunset's field as her monster and facedown card was destroyed. Now she found herself defenseless as her opponent had yet to call his attack.

"Now that you have nothing to protect your life points, time to strike. Now Darklord attack that pathetic little pony, show her what happens when you stick your muzzle in other people's business!" shouted Dark Blade. The First Darklord then raised its sword and then flew towards Sunset as she braced herself as the attack threw her for a loop. Sunset tumbled as she landed on her side.
Sunset's Life Points: 4000-

"This duel is but over, should you summon a monster, then all I need to do is activate my Darklord's effect and then I can strike. So take your final turn, there's no way you can win now." said Dark Blade as he ended his turn.

Turn 6: Sunset

Sunset then started to stand up as she was struggling a bit. She was looking at her opponent and then at Rarity who was hugging Sweetie Belle really close. Sunset knew that if she wanted to save her friends, then she would need to take down this monster in front of her and defeat her opponent. So she dusted herself off as she finally had gotten back to her feet.

"You think that you've defeated me, well I wouldn't count on it just yet. Now my turn, draw! I play Silver's Cry to bring back my Red-Eyes B. Dragon from my graveyard. Then I'll play The Black Stone of Legend and then I'll tribute it to summon out my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon." Sunset now had two dragons on her field as she looked to fight back. "Now I'll overlay my Red-Eyes B. Dragon and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon to build the Overlay Network. I Xyz Summon, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!" Sunset now had one of her powerful monsters as she slide her two cards on top of each other as she replaced it with another card that ejected for her to grab from her Extra Deck compartment as she placed it on her card tray.

"Next I'll activate the effect of my Black Metal Dragon to give my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon an extra 600 attack points. So now it has 3400 attack. Now I'll end my turn."

Turn 7: Dark Blade

"Seems you haven't learned. Now then, first off I gain 200 more life points due to my Darklord Marie being in my graveyard." Dark Blade then got another boost to his health.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 5000-

"Darklord, lay waste to that dragon of hers!" shouted Dark Blade. The First Darklord heard its orders as it looked to take out Sunset's monster.

"Not gonna happen. I activate my Soul Guard!" shouted Sunset.

"How!?! You don't have any facedowns to activate!"

"You're right, but I do have one in my graveyard. In fact, I should thank you. When you used your monster's effect to clear my field the first time, you actually did me a favor by sending my facedown to the grave. Now I can use its effect, so I banish Soul Guard and I can negate your attack!" shouted Sunset. A barrier then appeared as it protected Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon as it caused The First Darklord's attack to bounce off as it was repelled back.

"My Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon has some unique abilities, since it has overlay units, it can't be destroyed by card effects." said Sunset. "It also has an additionally effect, while it has Xyz materials, anytime you activate a card or an effect, you take 500 points of damage."

"You're starting to annoy me, I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Sunset

"My turn, draw. Now I'll play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. Now I'll play the Rush Recklessly spell card, so now I give my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon an extra 700 attack points till the end of the turn. So now my dragon had 4100 attack points which is more than enough to take down your monster. But before that I'll activate my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon's effect, so by using one overlay unit, I can target a 'Red-Eyes' monster in my graveyard, so return to the field my Red-Eyes B. Dragon." Sunset's mighty beast then appeared as it let out a cry.

"Now time to strike, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon take out The First Darklord! And then Red-Eyes follow up with an attack on his life points!" shouted Sunset. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon then opened its mouth as it fired off an attack that took out it's target. Red-Eyes B. Dragon then looked to the same as it zeroed in on Dark Blade's life points.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 4900-

"I reveal my facedown, Darklord Rebellion. So I send a 'Darklord' from my hand to the graveyard and as a result, I can destroy your Red-Eyes B. Dragon." Dark Blade then had its facedown shot out a beam as it made Red-Eyes give out a cry as it bursted into tons of little particles.

"My Red-Eyes may be gone, but you forget about the ability of my Flare Metal Dragon. So since you activated a card effect, you lose 500 points." stated Sunset.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 4400-

"Now I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 9: Dark Blade

"My turn, as per usual, I gain 200 life points due to Darklord Marie being in my graveyard during my Standby Phase. Next I'll play Monster Reborn and with it, I'll revive my Darklord Superbia!" Out came a creature that was covered in black armor for its body and had wings as it had a mean look on its face. "Now I activate the effect of Darklord Superbia, since it was special summoned from the graveyard, I can target 1 Fairy-type monster in my graveyard and special summon it to the field. So arise once more, The First Darklord!" Once again the might monster was back as it let out a war cry.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 4600-

"Don't forget that my dragon's effect kicks in, so since you activated two card effects you take 1000 points of damage." said Sunset. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon then fired off two fireballs as they connected with Dark Blade.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 3600-

"Well that monster of yours won't be around for long. Now Darklord the First, take out that annoying pest!" shouted Dark Blade as its monster went to strike down Sunset's dragon.

"I'll activate the effect of my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, so by using the last overlay unit, I can bring back my Red-Eyes B. Dragon." Sunset's monster then rose in defense mode as she looked to minimize the damage. Soon her dragon was destroyed by her opponent's monster.
Sunset's Life Points: 3400-

"You may have gotten another monster, but it still won't do you any good. Darklord Superbia, take out her second dragon!" Darklord Superbia then took flight as it brought its claws and took out Sunset's last line of defense.

"Now I reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Spirit. So now I can bring back my Red-Eyes B. Dragon once more. Rise my beast, in attack mode." shouted Sunset as she had managed to once again bring back her trusty monster. "And the effect of my Black Metal Dragon activates, so now I can add a 'Red-Eyes' card from my deck to my hand."

"My word, darling. Sunset's an incredible duelist. She just managed to avoid taking some huge bits of damage and was able to retain a monster on her field. And give herself some more options." stated Rarity as she was impressed by what she saw.

"Rarity, can I get one of those fancy things?" asked Sweetie Belle as she was overjoyed by what she saw Sunset do.

"I'm getting tired of this little exchange. I'll just place a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 10: Sunset

"My turn, to start I'll activate the effect of The Black Stone of Legend in my graveyard. So now I add it to my hand and shuffle my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon back into my deck." Two cards slotted out for Sunset to grab as she used her magic to put on in her hand and put the other on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. "Next, I'll play my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in defense mode. Then I'll play the spell card, Inferno Fire Blast. So now you take damage equal to my Red-Eyes attack points." Red-Eyes then fired off a fireball as it made contact with Dark Blade who felt the power and heat from the attack.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 1200-

"Due to me using this effect, I can't attack with Red-Eyes. But that won't matter cause I'm not gonna use him, now I play Polymerization and with I'll fuse together my Red-Eyes with Summoned Skull." Sunset's two card then floated above her as they were being fused together. "I Fusion Summon, come forth, the mighty Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!" Sunset's new monster let out a roar as fire shot out of its mouth.

"I reveal my facedown, The Sanctified Darklord. So now I send a 'Darklord' card from my hand to the graveyard to negate your monster's effects till the end of the turn. And then I gain life points equal to the monster I sent away." Dark Blade then slotted Darklord Amdusc to the graveyard as he received a life point boost.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 3000-

Clever move, by removing my monster's effect he was able to make sure that he didn't lose the duel this turn. "My monster may not be able to use its ability, but it can still deal damage. So Archfiend Black Skull Dragon take out Darklord Superbia!" shouted Sunset. Her monster then took flight as it opened it mouth and shot a massive pillar of fire as it took its target out.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 2700-

"With that I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 11: Dark Blade

"My turn, now I'll activate the other effect of Darklord the First. So now I pay 1000 life points and then I can special summon 1 Fairy-type monster from my hand or graveyard in defense position. So arise Darklord Edeh Arae(2300/2000)!" Dark Blade now had two powerful monsters on his field.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 2900-

"So now Darklord the First take out her Archfiend Black Skull Dragon." shouted Dark Blade. Darklord the First then brought its sword down as it created a line that cut Sunset's Archfiend Black Skull Dragon in half.
Sunset's Life Points: 2600-

"I'll activate my facedown. Return of the Red-Eyes! Now since I control a 'Red-Eyes' monster, I can bring back my original Red-Eyes Black Dragon back to the field." Just like that Sunset once again had her ace monster as it appeared on her field.

"Seems like your still trying to hang on, admirable that you've lasted this long. It means you've got incredible skills as not only a duelist, but a warrior." complimented Dark Blade on Sunset's willingness to not back down.

"Thanks." said Sunset.

"But it won't save you, now then take your turn."

Turn 12: Sunset

"All right, here we go." Sunset then drew her card as she looked to the side and saw Rarity and Sweetie Belle having some hopeless looks on their faces. She knew that if she was going to save them then she need to end this duel now. "Now I'll play the spell card, Red-Eyes Insight. So I'll send 1 'Red-Eyes' from my deck to the graveyard to add a 'Red-Eyes' spell/trap card to my hand. So I'll send my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon from earlier to the grave." Sunset then sent her card away as he used her duel screen to select the card she wanted as it slotted out for her to grab. "Now time for me to win this, I'll now sacrifice my Red-Eyes B. Dragon to summon my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon!!" shouted Sunset. "Now my dragon's effect activates which means it gains 300 extra attack points for every dragon that's currently in my graveyard. Right now I currently have five dragons in my graveyard, so my Darkness Dragon gains 1500 extra attack points. Which raises its strength to 3900. But I'm not done, cause now I'll equip another Black Metal Dragon to give my new monster another 600 attack points which puts it at a grand total of 4500." All the dragon spirits of Sunset's graveyard appeared as they transferred their power to their comrade as he spread out his wings and let out a huge cry that could be heard.

"Time to end this, I reveal my last facedown, Red-Eyes Fang with Chain."

"It's not gonna work, my monster's can't be targeted by your card effects." stated Dark Blade.

"This card isn't affecting yours, it's affecting mine. Cause with this, it allows my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon to conduct 2 attacks in this battle phase."

"What!?!" shouted Dark Blade as he realized what was about to happen.

"Time to end this battle, Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon take out both of his monsters!" shouted Sunset. Darkness Dragon then had its fallen comrades appear next to it in spirit form as they all opened their mouths and fired off an ultimate team attack as they destroyed both monsters. Soon their was nothing left as Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon was now staring Dark Blade in the face. "You shouldn't have ever messed with my friends, and now time for you to pay the price. Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon, finish this duel!!!" shouted Sunset. With that her last monster fired off a huge fireball as it collided with Dark Blade who was flung onto his back as the duel ended.
Dark Blade's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sunset Shimmer

"Game over." said Sunset as she flipped her mane. "Now release them!" demanded Sunset.

"Who said anything about that? I never agreed to set them free if you won." With that Dark Blade then rushed over to where Rarity and Sweetie Belle were tied up as he had them both in his arm as he brought out his sword and pointed it at their necks ready to slash their throats.

Sunset noticed this and was about to order her dragon to take the shot when she realized the predicament her friends were in.

"Seems like I've outsmarted you pony. You may beaten me, but I won't leave empty handed. Now call off your monsters and I may leave them with a slight chance of being alive." said Dark Blade with a sinister tone. "Do it!!"

"Don't listen to him, Sunset!" shouted Rarity. "Take the shot! Don't worry about us!"

"Call off them off, or they die! Do it!! Do you want their blood on your hooves!" shouted Dark Blade as he applied a bit more pressure from the sword.

"Sunset! Take the shot!" called out Rarity.

Sunset was now struggling with her predicament. She didn't want any harm to come to her friends, but she knew that she needed to stop this guy or else other ponies would suffer a similar fate.

"I'll give you till the count of three. And whatever happens after that is on you! One..."

Sunset then raised her hoof.


Sunset still had her hoof raised as she was trying to get a clear shot.

"Rarity!" screamed Sweetie Belle as she was scared.

"Three!!!" shouted Dark Blade as he went to do the deed. He started to move his blade when he felt something bump into him as he lost his balance for a bit and released his grip from the two ponies.

"Huh?" said both Belle girls. They both were then pushed out of harm from Dark Blade as the person that saved them was none other than a little drake.

"Spikey-wikey!" called out Rarity. She had never been so glad to see her friend save her.

"Hand offs of my friends!" called out Spike.

"You insolent, little son of..." stated Dark Blade as he got back up to his feet. "Fine, want to be a hero. Then die like one." shouted Dark Blade as he rushed towards Spike at high speed.

"Spike!?!" called out the girls as he just stood there.

Sunset saw this and she had to act fast. Dark Blade then brought its sword for a side swipe as Spike stood there with his eyes closed. Soon the sound of metal was heard. Spike opened his eyes and he expected to not be standing; what he saw was Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight had blocked the attack and protected the three creatures. Spike turned his head and saw Sunset giving him a smile as she wiped her forehead for cutting it close, literally. Gearfried then fought of the attack as it started to trade blows with Dark Blade as both went at it with lightning fast reflexes. Soon Dark Blade was attacked from behind as Sunset's Red-Eyes B. Chick had fired a little fireball at him as it wanted to help his comrade. That bought all the time Gearfried needed as he brought his sword in a diagonal slash across Dark Blade as he dropped his swords and fell to his knees. Soon he was kneeling as he looked up and saw Spike being surround by Sunset's Darkness Dragon, Alternative Black Dragon and Red-Eyes B. Chick as they backed up the little drake.

"Time to end this!" shouted Sunset as she gave the nod to her monsters.

Her dragons understood their mistress orders as they opened their mouths and blew some powerful fire at Dark Blade. Even Spike helped out as he inhaled and blew out his own flame as it combined with the other dragons as they all combined to reach an intense heat as they collided with Dark Blade who felt the intense flame as he felt himself being defeated as he turned into thousands of particles.

"Glad that's over." said Spike.

He then looked behind him as he was now looking up to Sunset's dragons as they looked at the little one. Despite not talking, both dragons understood Spike's bravery for protecting the ones that matter to him as they gave a commerative and honorable roar for showing incredible courage. Spike had a smile on his face; he then turned to his side as he saw Sunset's B. Chick looking at him as they were fairly the same height. He then snuggled next to Spike as he just simply petted the little thing on its head. Sunset then made her way to her monsters as she said thank you. All of them then nuzzled their mistress as they bent their head down to her level and showed their affection. Red-Eyes B. Chick jumped into Sunset's arms as it caused her to sit down; he then snuggled into her chest as he let out a cry that said 'Momma'. Sunset just gave her baby dragon a kiss as they all gave one last roar before disappearing back into her deck.

"Thanks for showing up when you did, Spike."

"Anytime, Sunset."

"Uhm, not to ruin this happy moment. But can you untie these ropes?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oops." said both the mare and the dragon. With that they both untied Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

"You girls alright?" asked Sunset.

"Well, considering that we had our lives threatened and were just seconds away from perishing, I think it's safe to say that we need sometime to relax." informed Rarity.

"That's good to hear. By the way, Spike. What are you doing here? I thought you were back at the castle with Isaac and Twilight." said Sunset.

"I was, until I realized that I was suppose to help Rarity." Spike then turned to face Rarity. "I'm sorry, Rarity. I completely forgotten about you asking for my help. If I had just shown up, then maybe you wouldn't have been captured. It's my fault that you were in trouble." said Spike as he put his head down in shame.

"Oh, Spike darling. It's not your fault; everybody forgets things from time to time. I could never get mad at you, besides had you not come when you did, who knows what might have happened with that brute. I'm thankful for you saving me and Sweetie Belle, you really are considerate." Rarity then planted a kiss on Spike's cheek as it caused him to brighten up.

"Rarity's right, Spike." spoke Sunset. "If you didn't help them, I might not have known what to do when he threatened them. In a way, you were kind of the hero today." smiled Sunset.

"Thanks, Sunset. But to be honest, you took care of most of the work. So really you were the hero." replied Spike.

"Guess we both did our part, agree?" said Sunset.

"Agree." said Spike as he shook her hoof in a handshake.

"Well, despite this touching display, it's getting rather late. And I for one would like to forget about this encounter for a while." said Rarity.

"I certainly will." said Sweetie Belle. "Thanks for saving us Sunset, you too Spike." she then gave both of her friends a hug as she disappeared back into the boutique.

"Thanks again, both of you." said Rarity as she entered her home and closed her door.

Both Spike and Sunset then decided to head back to the castle as they got there in time as the moon was just barely starting to rise in the night sky. They entered through the doors as Isaac and Twilight were in the main hall chuckling when they saw the two of them enter the place.

"So, how'd your day go?" asked Isaac.

"It was rather boring." said Sunset as she gave Spike a sly smile.

"Boring? How so?" asked Isaac.

"Ehh, not much happened." said Sunset.

Spike then let out a yawn as Twilight noticed this. "Seems like someone needs his nap."

"Yeah, you're right. Well, I'm off. See you guys in the morning." said Spike as he left to his room to get some rest.

"I think we should all turn in for the night, thank you for helping me today, Isaac." said Twilight.

"My pleasure." said Isaac as he tipped his cap to Twilight. Soon she left as Isaac and Sunset were left alone. "So... nothing happened?"

"Yep, nothing happened."

"Huh? Weird. Well, I guess even evil forces need a break from time to time." stated Isaac.

"I guess. Anyways, I'm kind of beat. See you in the morning."

"Night, Sunset." said Isaac as both parted ways as they all headed to their rooms to get some shut eye.

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