• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 27: A Generous Day/Evening

Well here I am, I'm lying down on my bed while looking at my ceiling. I just couldn't be able to wrap my head around what was to come. It was Friday evening which should be a good thing. School was done and it's basically the weekend which meant that everybody was off to do their own thing with their friends. However, that wasn't the case with me; despite the idea that I could be enjoying myself by either hanging out with the girls or playing some of my video games I had in my room. But no, here I was thinking about something.

"I mean I don't even know the first thing about dating. Ahh, I'm going to make Rarity look like a complete fool. If you gave me a test and told me to duel then I would have no problem, but dating? I don't even know the where to start. Why couldn't I just duel my way through this date?"

Isaac then sat up on his bed and saw Tigre hop up on his bed and began to rub herself against him.

"Hey girl, trying to give me advice on how I should handle my date with Rarity, tomorrow?"


"If only I could understand you." Isaac then petted her to which resulted in a calming purr. He then thought of a weird idea and pulled out his deck and looked through to find the card he was searching for. "Hey Mana, you there?" Just then the spirit of Isaac's Dark Magician Girl manifest and out came the female spellcaster.

"Oh, hey Isaac. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright. I was hoping to ask a question? You're a female and I was hoping that you could help me with some issues."

"Oh, what kind of issues?"

"Well, tomorrow I'm going on a date with Rarity. And to be honest I don't know the first thing about girls or dating in general. So any tips on what I should do, to make sure that she has a good time?"

Mana had a sly smile on her face as she was happy to see that her master was finally starting to get more involved with the girls. "Well master from the time I was a mortal, I had tons of young men trying to woo me. Of course I went on a fair share of dates but that was before I devoted my entire life to learning and studying magic under the teachings of Mahad. I'll tell you this, that you just need to be yourself. If Rarity is excited to be hanging out with you, then you don't need to worry about anything because she'll be happy to just be with you. Although I would bring some type of gift to show how much this date means to you."

"Some type of gift, any hints on what I should bring?"

"Well most girls, typically like flowers. But seeing how Rarity is more of a sophisticated women and has a fascination with priceless gems, jewelry could also be a good idea."

"Mana, I'm trying to find a reasonable offering, not trying to be in debt. I'll look into it, anymore advice?"

"Just show her a good time. As long as she has fun, then your date will be a success." Mana then gave Isaac a smile.

"Show her a good time? Does a duel count?"

Dark Magician Girl just simply laughed at how her master was so obsessed with dueling. "Oh, Isaac. Somethings in life aren't always about Duel Monsters. Just make sure that Rarity feels special."

"Alright, I think I understand. Thanks Mana, I feel like I'm ready."

"Very well then. Farewell, Isaac. Don't forget to tell me how it goes?" With that Mana's spirit disappeared as it returned back into her card.

Isaac then gave one last smile to his Dark Magician Girl before putting his deck away. He then got on his computer and began to do a bit of research. He figured he could probably look up some helpful insight on how he should be best prepared for his date. He was able to find some useful information and jotted down a few notes; once he felt like he had enough data, he turned off his computer and looked at the time. He then checked his message that he got from Rarity earlier in the day and it said that he would meet her at her place and they would take off from there. With that Isaac decided to get ready for bed and prepared himself for a rather interesting day. To say Isaac was scared would be lying, but a part of him was rather excited to be spending time with Rarity. The next day came by and Isaac awoke and took a shower to freshen up for his date with Rarity. After putting on fresh set of clothes, he then made his way down and ate some breakfast before heading over to Rarity's. He then grabbed his outfit that Rarity made for him, his wallet, and most importantly his deck. Isaac knew that he should be focusing on his date with Rarity but he felt safer if he had it with him.

Along the way, Isaac had stopped by a local flower shop and purchase a small bouquet that consisted of few flowers. According to what he looked up and what Mana had told him, girls seemed to generally like it when they were brought these things. With that he then continued on his walk to Rarity's boutique and eventually arrived as her door. He knocked on the door hoping to get her attention; the person who opened the door was not Rarity but rather Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, hey Sweetie Belle. Is your sister home?"

"Hey, Isaac. Come on in, I'll let my sister know you're here." Sweetie Belle then let Isaac in and then shouted out loud. "Rarity, Isaac is here for your date!" That caused Isaac to be a bit embarrassed as it was said out loud.

"Just a moment, dear. I'm just getting ready."

"Well, seems like she's just about finished."

"Yup, say why don't we have a duel to pass the time? Besides, I've dying to show you the new tricks I've found. What do you say, Isaac?" Sweetie Belle was giving Isaac the puppy eyes.

With that Isaac and Sweetie Belle sat at a nearby table where they began to keep themselves busy while they waited for Rarity. It was entertaining to say the least, Sweetie Belle had managed to show Isaac some new techniques she managed to discover. While Isaac was impressed to say the least, he still found a way to disarm Sweetie Belle's assault before she gained any momentum. Eventually it was Isaac's turn and he was about to finish off Sweetie Belle.

"Now that you're defenseless, I'll have my monster attack you. I'll then have my..." Just as Isaac was about to say he was going to attack, he looked up for a moment and there was a sight that caused him to be speechless for a second. There stood Rarity looking her usual self; she had on a bit more makeup but that didn't get in the way of her nature beauty. She did have a different outfit on; she now wore an outfit that was consisted of salmon/pink color. It also had a couple of musical notes and diamonds that was embroidered in her outfit. She also wore some high heels that weren't too tall but allowed her to walk efficiently. (Just picture her outfit from Rainbow Rocks). Isaac then stood up as Sweetie Belle turned around and had a smile on her face. Rarity then made her way over to Isaac as she stopped in front of him.

"Sorry for the trouble, hope I didn't keep you waiting." She then struck a pose with her hand at her hip.

"Not at all, in fact, you look gorgeous." Isaac had a bit of a blush on his face and looked away for a few moments.

"I always knew you were a bit of a charmer. It's one of your many handsome qualities." Giggled Rarity as she noticed how shy Isaac was becoming.

"Ohh, here you go Rarity. These are for you." Isaac then handed her the bouquet of flowers that he purchased to Rarity.

"My word, you didn't have to get me these. I do appreciate it; you're really thoughtful." Rarity took the flowers from Isaac and gave them a sniff. She then put them into a vase and grabbed her purse before returning back to Isaac.

"Well, it seems you two are ready, so time to get going. Don't worry about me Rarity, the rest of the CMC are coming over so I won't be alone." Sweetie Belle saw how happy/excited Rarity was for her date with Isaac that she started to push them to the front door and closed it behind them.

"Well that was unexpected."

"Indeed, now then are you ready for our outing, Isaac?"

"Of course, just what do you have plan for us today?"

"Some things are best kept secret, so just follow my lead." With that Rarity grabbed Isaac's hand and started to lead them to the many activities she had planned for their date.

The first thing they did was head to the Canterlot Mall. It should have been no surprise to Isaac that this was where Rarity had picked to go for their date, however this time it was different. When they first arrived they began to look through the different clothing stores; normally Rarity would be so focused on trying new outfits and looking for inspiration for her designs. This time she wasn't shopping for the sake of her; she was shopping because she wanted to have fun with Isaac. She kept picking out outfits that she felt would look good on Isaac; Isaac wasn't excited per say but the fact that Rarity was having a genuine smile on her face meant that she was having fun. Eventually Isaac modeled some new clothes for Rarity to which she simply said brought out Isaac's inner self. Once that was done, they then paid for the clothes that Isaac liked and told the cashier to deliver them to his house. Rarity then grabbed Isaac by the hand and dragged them off to the next part of their adventure.

They stopped by a photobooth where they took a couple of pictures together; Rarity even made an effort to have her arm around Isaac's as they took their shots. Once that was done, they then made their way to the food court where they decided to have lunch. They found a table that was pretty secluded from the other people and had a nice view of the outside. They then began to order what they wanted and started a conversation to get to know each other.

"So, Isaac. Are you enjoying yourself so far?"

"I definitely am. So far everything I've done with you has been amazing." Isaac's comment seemed to have given Rarity a bit of a blush.

"Well, I'm glad to see that you're happy." Rarity gave Isaac a smile before trying to hide the redness that was appearing on her face.

"Rarity. If it's not to much trouble, mind telling me something?"

"What would you like to know, darling?"

"I'm glad we're friends and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world, but why did you choose to go out with me? I mean a girl that's as gorgeous as you has probably tons of boys that fall head over heels for you every single day, so why go out with me of all people?"

Rarity's heart beated a bit faster at hearing Isaac call her gorgeous. She even started to play with her hair when Isaac asked about why she chose to go on a date with him. She wasn't sure if right now was the place to tell him about her feelings, but she knew that if she didn't at least let him know then it would be one mistake she would regret for the rest of her life. She then took a deep breath before addressing Isaac's question.

"If you must know, dear, it's because well I have developed something for you. A certain feeling, if you will. In other words, darling. For a while now I've been admiring you from afar."

"You've developed something for me? Honestly, I don't see how that can be possibly. I mean I'm not that big of deal; I'm just a regular old person."

"Don't you ever talk like that about you!" It seemed Isaac's comment seemed to have awaken something in Rarity. "You're anything but a regular old person. To me you're a strong, mature, independent young man who deeply cares about the people he loves. You're charming, not too mention very smart, and you're passionate. Everytime I look at you, I see somebody who's determined. Someone who's never afraid to speak their mind, who can look past someone who's more than a pretty face; someone who can see a person for what they truly are and not what they look like based on their appearances. That's why you're special to me; it's also why I've got feelings for you." Rarity then realized what she had just confessed and quickly turned her head to avoid eye contact.

Isaac was left stunned by Rarity's confession. He didn't know what to say as this was the first time anybody ever had feelings for him besides his family. He stared at Rarity who was still trying to hide from his gaze; eventually he did something that was rather bold and unknown to him. He reached his hand over the table and touched Rarity's hand. This caused Rarity to look as she saw that Isaac was holding her hand in his and was staring at her with his brown eyes.

"Rarity, I'm happy that you have feelings for me. You're the first person who's ever taken a romantic interest in me; in fact it kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. You're right because when I look at you, I don't just see a pretty face. I too see a strong independent women who got the most generous heart a person could ask for. When I see you, I look beyond your outer beauty and look at what's inside. And you know what I see? I see a girl who's even more beautiful on the inside; a girl who can always find a way to make things look fabulous. Not to mention a great duelist who's not only caring to her friends but also to her little sibling. To me that's what makes you stand out; it's what makes you so unique. I couldn't be more proud to have someone like you in my life, you will always hold a special part in my life and in my heart."

Rarity was silent after Isaac had finished saying what was on his mind. She was at a lost for words, everything she heard from Isaac was enough to make her heart melt. In a way she was happy to know that Isaac had similar feelings, to what extent she didn't know but she knew that he saw her as someone who was special. There was so much going on that her body acted on its own and she threw herself at Isaac who caught her as she gave him a deep hug. Isaac eventually wrapped his arms around Rarity and they just stayed like that for a few minutes. They wanted to feel each other's presence for a bit longer. After that they then continued on their date, Isaac had to excuse himself to use the restroom. After he came out, he saw a jewelry store nearby and remembered the conversation he had with his Dark Magician Girl.

"But seeing how Rarity is more of a sophisticated women and has a fascination with priceless gems, jewelry could also be a good idea."

"Maybe I can show Rarity how much I appreciate her with a gift." Isaac then made his way into the store and began looking around. There was a ton of things that were scattered about that it was hard to pick the right item to give to Rarity. Not too mention that some of the prices were pretty steep. Eventually after searching, Isaac found something that caught his eye. He asked the store clerk for it and he told Isaac that it was 30% off which helped Isaac as he could be able to afford it. The manager then wrapped the item up and placed it in a box; he then gave it to Isaac who paid for the item and put it in his back pocket to give to Rarity later. He then hurried back to the food court to make sure that he didn't cause her to worry.

Once Isaac returned, they then began to continue with their date as Rarity was now clinging onto Isaac's arm. Seeing as how they managed to do things that she liked, Rarity thought it was only natural that Isaac should have a say in what he wanted to do. To no surprise they managed to pass a card shop that was not only selling cards, but players could trade in cards they didn't want in hopes of gaining some new ones. While it certain caught Isaac's attention, Rarity was even intrigued with wanting to check this place out. Instead of Isaac dragging Rarity into the shop, it was the other way around as Isaac was suddenly pulled by his arm as Rarity was dragging him towards the shop.

Inside they began to explore the many things they saw. Thousands upon thousands of cards were being on displayed behind the glass as people could look at them and choose which one they wanted. There was even a mini tournament that was being organized with the winner getting a booster pack of cards. Isaac didn't felt like he should take part in it due to him being on a date with Rarity; however, Rarity was encouraging Isaac to take part because she wanted to see him have fun. Eventually after a few rounds, Isaac managed to win the event and was given his constellation prize. Rarity was cheering for Isaac during his duels and she even managed to trade in a few of her cards to which the shop owner gave her a good deal. After that, they then left the mall as they began to head over to the park.

Along the way to the park, Isaac had noticed a fabric store and told Rarity about it. Now it was Isaac's turn to encourage Rarity to go shopping as he knew that it would make her happy to shop for some new fabric so that she could make more clothes. After a couple of minutes Rarity had purchased a ton of new materials that she had a decent amount of bags; Isaac offered to carry most of them. After they left the store, they then continued on their way to the park. They took a nice long walk looking at the lovely scenery; they purchased some ice cream and they sat on a nearby bench while looking at the pond. While they were talking, Isaac felt the gift he got for Rarity and was wondering when the time was right to give it to her. The sun was about to go down as it was about to start dipping beyond the horizon. Rarity then decided that they should finish their date by having dinner together. So they picked up their bags and stopped by Rarity's place where they dropped off her bags and then went to find a place to eat.

Rarity took them to a restaurant that wasn't too far and it wasn't too expensive. It wasn't too fancy but it seemed like a place that many people often came to. They arrived and were greeted by the person at the reception desk and led the two of them to a table. Isaac pulled the chair out for Rarity to sit and then he himself took a seat. A waiter came by to give them some water and a menu and told them to call him over once they've made their decisions. At first glance, the wording was so formal that Isaac didn't know what half of it was saying or meant. Thankfully, Rarity saw that Isaac was having trouble and helped him to translate it.

"Hey Rarity, mind telling me about your parents? I mean, if you're not comfortable about it, then I understand." Isaac was starting to regret asking that question.

"Not at all, darling. Well as you know I have a little sister. But when it comes to my mother and father, well they're mostly out of town and are always away on business. So growing up it was mostly me taking care of Sweetie Belle; they do still keep in contact by checking in every now and then. That being said when I told them of my dreams they were judgement at first, but eventually warmed up to the idea."

"Well, what is your dream Rarity?"

"Glad you asked, dear. In short, my dream is build my own fashion empire and become the world's greatest fashionista. I'm sure you probably think that it's a silly dream."

"Not at all. Given how passionate you're about fashion and design clothes, I wouldn't expect anything less. In fact, it suits you."

Rarity just had a smile on her face as she was glad Isaac was very supportive of her dream. "Well, it's nice to know that you are pleased with my destiny. My parents however didn't really approve of it at first. When I first mentioned it to them, they were less than pleasant. They told me that I should just focus on getting my education and start looking for a suitable partner in life. They told that it was my duty to find someone who was not only wealth but had a huge influence with society. Of course it's every girls dream to find their Prince Charming and be whisked away to live happily forever after. But my parents told me that life wasn't like that at all; they were right to an extent. Some people aren't who they say they are; and sometimes when you think you've found someone you start to lose interest in them after a while."

"Well, I can't really say they were wrong. There are some people in life who have evil intentions. As for relationships, sometimes you think you belong with someone, but your heart says otherwise."

"But I don't feel like that with you. You're true to yourself; you never pretend to be someone you're not. That's what I find so attractive about you." Rarity had a blush on her face that Isaac noticed it and he blushed a bit himself. "Anyways, that was when I was just a little child, as I got older they started to open their minds and became a bit more supportive of my dreams. They still want me to find partner that will allow me to have a good financial status. I doubt I'll find a man that matches that description, but maybe I can find a close second." Rarity then reached over and put her hand over Isaac's.

"I hope that you find the lucky person." Isaac did the same and put his hand on top of hers and they looked at each other giving heart warming smiles.

After their little interaction, they both ordered their food and began to enjoy their dinner. Once they finished, they asked for the check to which Isaac offered to pay for their entire meal. Rarity was going to suggest that he didn't need to do that, but was too slow as Isaac made his way to the counter and paid the check. They then left as it was already nighttime and began walking to Rarity's house. They enjoyed the silent, cool night as they walked. Rarity was a bit cold due to it being a bit breezy to which Isaac just took off his hoodie that she made for him and gave it to her. Rarity could feel the warmth of it and how comfortable it felt, no wonder Isaac enjoyed wearing it. They approached her house to which she simply gave Isaac back his hoodie and was about to enter her house.

"Well this is it, thanks for spending today with me. I hope that you had a good time on our date."

"I definitely did. Thanks for showing me a good time, Rarity."

"My pleasure, darling." Rarity then opened the door and was about to enter her place until Isaac stopped her.

"Hold on, Rarity. I forgot that I got you something." Isaac then pulled out his gift from his back pocket and handed it to her.

Rarity took it and began to inspect the gift Isaac was giving her. It was a small box with a cute red ribbon on the top of it. When she opened it and looked inside, she was left speechless. Inside was a piece of jewelry; it was a triple-sapphire hair pin. It was the most beautiful thing Rarity had ever seen and couldn't believe how much it cost.

"I wanted to get you something as a way to say thanks. I know it may not be something you..." Isaac was unable to finish his thought because at that moment he felt something on his lips.

Rarity was just so touched by Isaac's gift that she couldn't contain her emotions. She leapt at Isaac and planted a kiss right on his lips. She poured everything she had into the kiss as she brought up both of her hands to Isaac's face. Isaac was unprepared for what Rarity was doing that he didn't know what to do. Eventually, he was able to kiss her back as he brought up his hand and cupped Rarity's cheek. They stayed like that for a few moments as the world around them had disappeared; there was no sound, no people in sight. It was just them and the what they were doing that truly mattered in that moment. Soon Rarity broke up the kiss as she had to take a breath and looked at Isaac while their foreheads were touching. They just stared into each others eyes while still processing what had just happened. It was soon interrupted when Rarity said her parting words.

"It's a lovely gift. You really made me feel special today." Rarity then started to leave Isaac's arms as she began to open the door to her house. Before closing she said one last farewell to her date. "Good night, Isaac." With a wink, she disappeared behind the door and with a click the door was locked.

Isaac was left to ponder his thoughts on what just occurred. He brought his hand up to face and touched his lips with his fingers. He was totally unprepared with what Rarity had done, but it felt nice in a way. With that he began walking as he started on his way home. Even though he'd never been on a date before, Isaac felt like he did his best to make Rarity feel special. Not to mention that he found out that Rarity also harbored some secret feelings for him. What this meant he was unsure, but regardless Isaac knew for certain that Rarity would always have a special place in his heart.

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