• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,595 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 43: Battle Break

Sunset coughed and let the cold water run down her face and drip into the sink. She cupped her hands under the faucet and splashed herself again. She sucked in a breath. Sunset shut off the faucet and reached up to the paper towel dispenser on the wall, grabbing a sheet and holding it to her face. She wiped herself off and turned to lean against the sink, staring down at her boots.

What the hell happened? My magic… She gripped the edge of the sink tightly. I should have known what it would do… why did I do it? You did it because you wanted to win. You wanted to keep your school’s hope alive. I didn’t want to hurt anyone! Then you should have played better, then you wouldn’t have needed your magic at all. I did the best I could! And it wasn’t enough. You weren’t enough. Sunset was really wrestling with her thoughts. After a long period of silence, she stood up and walked out of the bathroom. She shoved her hands in her pockets and began to walk down the hall, watching the tiles pass under her feet.

"Finally had enough time to figure things out."

Sunset looked up and saw Isaac in front of her as he was leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

"Isaac.... I.... don't what.... came over...." Sunset now looked at her hands as they were trembling she then put them to her face as she covered her face. She started to let a few tears cry down her face.

Isaac then moved from his position and made his way till he was in front of Sunset. He just put his hand on Sunset's shoulder which caused her to leap at Isaac and embrace him in a hug as she was seeking closure. Isaac didn't do anything but just let her cry as he just stood there with his eyes closed; eventually he brought his arms around her as he rubbed Sunset's back and stroked her hair. They stayed like that as Sunset was pouring out all of her emotions while holding onto Isaac's shirt as she was afraid that the power she tapped into would return if she let go of him. Soon they broke apart as Sunset wasn't crying anymore; Isaac still had his hands on her shoulder.

"Feel better?"

"Yeah." Sunset wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.

"Look, Sunset. I don't know what happened or why it suddenly occurred. But know that whatever it is, we'll figure it out. You're not alone this time; you've got me and the rest of the girls to help you. We're here for you Sunset. Now and forever."

"Thanks, Isaac." She gave a heartfelt smile to which Isaac returned. Soon they began to walk down the hall together.

"I guess an apology wouldn’t help much. Hey, sorry I used my forbidden magic on you to cheat and win the duel. Didn’t mean to hurt you though." She frowned.

"We'll figure it out, don't you worry." said Isaac.

“Sunset Shimmer. Isaac.”

Both of them raised their head. And stopped. One hand holding open a door to a classroom, the other gesturing them inside it, Sombra smiled at them.

“I believe the three of us should have a talk.”

Sombra grabbed a chair by the back of the seat and pulled it towards the desks Sunset and Isaac sat at. The metal squeaked as Sombra swiveled the chair around to face them, and then sat down in it, his hands clasped on the desk. While Sunset was a bit uncomfortable, Isaac just had a mean look on his face as he stared down Sombra.

Sunset looked around the room. I don’t think I have classes here. Which room is this? The posters and boards around the room seemed to indicator some sort of English class. When Sunset looked at the back of the room where bookshelves were lined up, she met Sombra’s green eyes and found herself transfixed. Sombra stared at her for several seconds. Sunset fought the urge to fidget in her seat. I should look away. This is creepy… why can’t I look away? The lights were on in the room and yet Sombra’s face seemed to be in shadows, his features obscured.

At last, he spoke.

"Impressive victory, Miss Shimmer. You've managed to reverse Canterlot High's fortune in this tournament."

Sunset swallowed heavily. “Thank you.”

"And you, Mr. Isaac. I dare say that your duel really caught my attention. Not many people can push out top duelist to his limit, not to mention to actually win against him."

"I appreciate your compliment, Mr. Sombra. And as for my duel with Shining Armor, well he was a formidable opponent. Still he managed to end the battle in a draw."

"On contrary, he actually lost. You see it was by sheer luck that he happened to draw the card he needed and activated it when he did. Had he been a second too late, then you've would have secured the victory with ease. In short, he may have won the battle, but overall, you won the war. That deserves the highest of praise."

Sombra sat back in his seat. He raised his eyebrows and gave a small incline of his head. “Tell me, how did it feel to pull the cards that you both needed to secure your individual victories? I am merely curious.”

No. Sunset felt a chill run up her back. “I… I got a few lucky draws. That’s all.” Sombra continued to watch her, his expression unchanging. Sunset nodded. “Just luck.”

"As for me, I just relied on my deck to put their trust in me and they listened to my request."

“I believe the truly skilled make their own luck. And you, Miss Shimmer, are skilled.” Sombra then looked at Isaac to address him. "As for putting your faith in your cards, that is an ideal that some of the greatest duelists strive to uphold. See a duel is nothing if you don't have a special bond with your cards/monsters; if you don't have that then you won't make it very far. Yet, you understand that and more, even at your age, Mr. Isaac."

“I don’t think my dueling is going to change what I draw.” said Sunset.

“Is that so?” Sombra took a deep breath and looked away. He stood and clasped his hands behind his back, taking a few steps away.

Sunset bit her lip. He’s probing, trying to get me to reveal something. “Principal Sombra, what are—”

“May I call you Sunset?”

Sunset paused. “Huh?”

Sombra turned back at her. “Would it bother you terribly if I used your given name?”


Sombra nodded. “Then if I may, Sunset, I would prefer it if you dropped your pretenses of naïve innocence. I know what you did down there.”

He’s bluffing. He has to be. Sunset’s hand shook at her side and she clenched it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do.” Sombra raised his head slightly. “I do not think you are a fool, Sunset, and I would not treat you like one. I hope you will afford me the same respect. So when I say to you ‘I know what you did’, I expect you to respond with the understanding that you do not need to lie to me."

His eyes boring into Sunset’s, Sombra leaned forward. “If it will set your mind at ease, allow me to say the word first – magic.”

Isaac saw what Sombra was doing and he decided to defend Sunset. "That's preposterous, she couldn't have done that! You're just trying to scare her!"

"Pardon me, Isaac. But I didn't ask for your input! I was talking to Sunset and as her friend, you should know that she can speak for herself. Or does she only allow you to do the talking for her, seeing as how you're the one who beat her using some magic of your own."

Isaac's eyes widen a bit.

"Yes, I know all about what happened at the Fall Formal. I also know that you possess some hidden magical force of your own and that it helped you to defeat Sunset when she was still a bully."

Sunset’s heart skipped a beat. She closed her eyes and took a breath. “You know?”

“I have said so, did I not?”


Sombra waved a hand in the air. “Surely you did not think you were the only one in this world with power, did you? It is rare, true; I would not question it if you claimed to have never met another. But they are out there.”

He’s not wrong. Sunset had heard rumors and stories, but they’d never affected her so she hadn’t paid any attention nor had much interest. I was content to just wait for the portal to reopen so I could invade Equestria.

“But, yet…” Sombra tilted his head and narrowed his eyes slightly. “Your powers are different, somehow. I have met many duelists who can draw whatever card they may need, or create new cards from nothing. But I've yet to meet duelist who have the incredible power/potential that you two possess." His eyes fell on their forearm and their duel disk. "Would you both mind if I take a look at both of your decks?"

Sunset’s free hand moved to cover up her cards. “No.”

"There's no way in hell, I'll ever let you touch my cards." Isaac started to ball up his fist.

“Why not?”

“We don’t trust you.” said Sunset.

Sombra’s lips twitched down slightly. “You offend me, Sunset. Not once before have I ever lied to you, and I do not intend to start now. What cause is there to distrust me?”

Anger boiled up in Sunset at his words. She channeled it into a glare. “You’re the head of the school that has humiliated and pushed around Canterlot High for years.”

"Not too mention, have students that are constantly gloating about their victory every chance they get. All they talk about is how much better they are than us. That's not what dueling is about; it's about having fun and making sure that you push past your limits as a duelist." Isaac now stood up as he pointed a finger at Sombra.

“You deem me a scapegoat for your school’s ill performance?” Sombra snorted and shook his head. “I chose to take Crystal Prep to a higher level of competition, and Celestia refused to keep up. If you want someone to blame for Canterlot High’s loss of the tournament every single time, look to your own principal.”

Sunset paused and blinked, her glare fading. “What do you mean?”

"Don't you dare disrespect, Celestia's name!" Isaac's blood began to boil as he didn't like Sombra bad mouthing Celestia.

Sombra spread his hands. “Under my careful eye, Crystal Prep has become one of the most prestigious dueling institutions in the country. When I first became principal, eleven years ago now, Crystal Prep was much like Canterlot High. I instituted a dueling ranking system, decreed school events utilize the advanced ruleset of professional play, and I changed entry into the Friendship Games to be based on merit rather than a student vote.” He turned his head to the wall, and Sunset followed his eyes to a poster for the Friendship Games. “I have told Celestia that her school could be the same as ours, if she would adopt my reforms. The benefits of my system are self-evident, but Celestia refuses. She once told me that it was the decision of her students, they wanted the Friendship Games to be about fun, and had little interest in advanced rulesets or ranking systems. She agrees with that sentiment, and has told me she doesn’t want her school to be ruled by competition and bitterness.” Sombra looked over at Sunset, stepping back towards her. “I have made Celestia offers of equality and fair competition, and she remains loyal to her students and to her ideals. Admirable. But misguided. Imagine what this tournament could be if Canterlot High would only rise to meet the challenge properly, instead of stagnating in mediocrity.”

"Like I'm supposed to believe that bullshit!" scoffed Isaac.

“Is that what you think we are?” Sunset replied.

“Yes. But there are always outliers. Like you two.” Sombra smiled at her. “I had often wondered about you. Canterlot High’s mysterious duelist who never duels outside of tournaments. But you never entered the Friendship Games, and what little I knew of you showed no higher ambition from you as a duelist than dominating your school. I brushed you off as a low priority, a probable false lead.” He stopped in front of Sunset, his smile widening. “And now today you demonstrate to me your magic is not only active, but powerful beyond compare. I cannot tell you how delighted I am to apologize to you for my erroneous presumptions.”

Sombra then turned to address Isaac. "And you, the rising star that has taken Canterlot High by storm. You appear and then in no time flat have the fastest rise as you shoot up the ranks and then become champion. Not to mention that you're the holder of the legendary Dark Magician; many people would do anything to have that card matched with your skill set. That is a powerful combo that would do well in the pro leagues."

Sunset stood, her chair squeaking, and looked up at him. “Well, you found us. So, what do you want?”

“To invite you both to Crystal Prep.”

Sunset faltered. “What?”

"Sorry, not interested!" Isaac quickly declined.

"So quick to judge without letting me explain myself. I'd expected more well-behaved manners from the champion of Canterlot High." Sombra reached into the jacket of his suit and withdrew a small pamphlet with a photograph of Crystal Prep on it. “Normally, tuition at our school is rather expensive, but it is worth the price for the caliber of instruction you would receive. I accept nothing less for my students than the best faculty and the best facilities, and we teach within the highest percentiles in the region for both Duel Monsters and conventional courses. Of course being such a prestige school comes with some secret perks. What you will not read in pamphlets like this, however, are the private dueling classes we host. In the safe environment of this closed setting, in a class only I may authorize admittance to, Crystal Prep students with the potential for magic can hone their abilities and awaken the full breadth of their powers. An opportunity you will never find at Canterlot High.”

“A free tuition to a private school with magic lessons?” Sunset looked at the pamphlet. “You just finished boasting about how you use Crystal Prep to track down duelists with magic and train them. But why? What do you get out of this?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Crystal Prep’s reputation speaks for itself. We have tutored champion duelists for years, not to mention professionals who enter other fields of dueling such as card and game design. Success breeds prestige and prestige breeds influence.” Sombra closed his eyes and gave a small chuckle. “You could not imagine how much money Crystal Prep gets from sponsors and donors every year.”

“Money doesn’t make your school or your students better than Canterlot.”

“No – being better makes us better.”

“And it makes you arrogant.” Sunset glared. “I used to use my cards to push people around and control this school. And you think running an entire school that way is how I should learn? That I’d want to re-learn how to be a bully?”

“Bully?” Sombra frowned. “The only inequality you suffer from is that which you afflict upon yourselves. If you and your fellow students tire of losing the Friendship Games, speak to Celestia about it. We could stop holding the tournament, or you may adopt my methods. Crystal Prep is proof they are successful. We have many students enrolled even now who hone their craft both magical and benign. Some have skill enough they could pose a challenge even to you.”

Suspicion bloomed in Sunset’s mind. “Twilight.” This also caught Isaac's attention.

“Proof of her latent abilities. She holds promise.” Sombra looked away and gave a small huff. “I have tried to encourage her to expand her horizons, but her mind is rigid and closed. She is intelligent beyond compare, and it has done her well in her classes, but she could be so much more if she could unlock her true potential. I have not yet given up hope for her, but if she did not awaken her powers when dueling you, I am uncertain what more it will take.”

“You expected her to awaken her magic dueling me?”

"Don't you dare lay a finger on Twilight! If you do, then so help me!"

"You seem to care an awful lot about that girl, Isaac. Is she really that important to you? But then again, how can that be? I mean it's not like you met her before this, right?" Sombra had a sly smile on his face.

Sombra looked back at Sunset. “If you are concerned I somehow arranged your confrontation, do not be. I have not influenced the randomly chosen duels of the tournament, you have my word. But I will not deny that when I saw the two of you matched, I grew rather excited. I had hoped at least one of you would spur the other into awakening.” He smiled again. “And so you did.”

“Yeah, well…” Sunset sat down in another desk and rubbed the back of her neck. “It’s not something I’m proud of. I could have seriously hurt her.” She looked at her deck. “I can’t control it. I didn’t even know I could summon it up like that. But I won’t use a power that I can’t stop from hurting others.”

“A fair assessment. I do not think Twilight was in any serious danger, if that will help put your mind at ease. And while your magic is unlike any I am familiar with, I believe the same tutoring techniques used for other duelists could help you hone and learn to control it.”

Sombra stood and held out the Crystal Prep pamphlet again. “Attend Crystal Prep, Sunset, Isaac, and I can help you unlock and master your abilities. You two could become a duelist unparalleled but for a handful of others like you.”

Sunset stared at the offering for several seconds.

I don’t even know why I can’t control it, much less how. And it made me into… that. “You really think you could help me?”

“I promise it. I think attending Crystal Prep would be the best thing for everyone, including yourself.” Sombra inclined his head slightly. “I would hate to think what may happen if you lost control of your powers while dueling one of your friends.”

Sunset’s head skipped a beat. My friends… She took a shaking breath and looked down at her duel disk.

"Now you've gone too far! Leave our friends out of this, they've got nothing to do with this!" Isaac had his hand on his duel disk as he was preparing to fight Sombra.

"And what will you do, if I don't?" Sombra then started to get a bit more evil in his voice as he started to get in the face of Isaac.

She looked up at the pamphlet in Sombra’s hand, and raised her arm to gently push it aside.


Sombra frowned. “May I ask why?”

Sunset inhaled deeply. “I can’t say I’m not at least a little curious. And I do want to learn how to control my magic. But I can’t leave Canterlot. I have friends here.”

“You could make new friends at Crystal Prep. And contact with your friends here would not be forbidden.”

“It’s not that simple.” Sunset took a breath. “I belong at Canterlot High. Crystal Prep may be great, but… all the things you said about how you reformed it, the way your students duel…” She stood firmly and locked teal eyes with green. “Like I said: I’m not interested in re-learning how to be a bully.”

"I refuse to go to a place that turns dueling into a place of survival. I duel because I love this game; and I won't ever turn my back on it. Not now and not ever! So make all the threats/offers, you want! But at the end of the day, this where we belong! And if you've got a problem, then let's settle it using our decks." Isaac had activated his duel disk as he was raring to go. Sunset stood up as she was behind Isaac getting ready to offer him some assistance.

Sunset looked back at Sombra. After holding her gaze for several seconds, he gave a brief bow of his head. “This is the second time today I have been disappointed.” Sombra sighed and tucked the pamphlet back into his suit. “You may consider my offer remaining open, at least until the end of the tournament. Think it over a bit more and we can talk again tomorrow.”

My answer will be the same. Aloud Sunset merely said, “Sure.”

Sombra extended his hand, now empty. “Once again I congratulate you on your win. Whatever you may choose, you have a unique gift, Sunset. I hope you will do what is needed to nurture it. And as for you, Isaac. Keep on impressing me with your skills and I do believe that we'll be in business soon enough.”

“…Thank you.” Sunset took the hand and shook it.

Once their hands stilled, Sombra withdrew his. “If you do not mind, I will take my leave. Good evening, you two. I will see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully, I can see some more results.” With a short bow and a nod, Sombra turned and calmly walked out of the room, leaving the door open behind him. Sunset waited, listening to his footsteps echo down the hall.

"He's gone." Sunset was now leaning against the door.

"Yeah, the nerve of that guy. Thinking he knows what's best for us? Telling us that we should abandon everybody here, including our friends? Kiss my ass if I'm going to do that!" said Isaac was he was letting out his anger.

"But what if he was right? I mean, what if he can actually help us? Help me figure out why my power suddenly appeared and the power he says that you hold? What if?"

"Even so, I doubt he'll let us be. I don't need someone telling me what I can and can't do; that's not who I want to become. If I have some sort of hidden power, then I want to figure it out on my own, I want to have my friends along side me."

Sunset took a moment to listen to what Isaac was saying. "Perhaps you're right. Still, we should probably focus on making sure that Canterlot High is still victorious. Everybody is still counting on us to win; hate to let down."

"There's the Sunny I know."

"It's been a while since I've heard that nickname." Giggled Sunset. "Come on boy toy, let's go find our friends." With that Sunset and Isaac stepped out of the room. Before they began walking, Sunset gave Isaac a quick kiss on his cheek and they were on their way. They eventually made their way back to their friends as they discussed the plan for tomorrow and then parted ways for the evening.

Inside a residential household, there was someone who was having a tough time on her computer. Twilight was busying trying to decipher something, but the results kept coming up empty handed. Soon there was a knock on her door.

"Twily, you okay?" said Shining Armor who was talking on the opposite side of the door.

"I'm busy!" came the muffled response.

Shining frowned and turned the door handle. “Twilight?” He pushed the door open and peaked his head into his sister’s room. Twilight sat with her back to him, working on her computer. Her duel disk lay on the desk next to her, a cable running from the disk to the computer.

"No, no, no! Come on, work damn it!" Twilight grunted and slammed a fist beside her keyboard. This caused her duel disk to jump and let a few sparks fly out as the scent of overheating let out. "It won't transfer! Why!?" Twilight then put her head down on her desk.

“What are you doing?” Shining asked, coming up to her.

Twilight turned to her duel disk and examined the cable connection as she spoke. “My duel disk doesn’t have any records of my duel with Sunset. Any time I try to access data from it, either the programs crash or the data is corrupted. The duel record is corrupted. The video and audio recordings are blank. Even the record of my opponents didn’t add Sunset to the directory.”

“Should run some maintenance on it, make sure it runs properly.”

It worked fine yesterday!” Twilight shrieked, her eyes snapping up at her brother. “But the after I dueled Sunset, everything went haywire!”

Shining leaned closer. “Twily, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” Twilight grunted angrily and clutched her hair. “Everything’s wrong! That duelist is something beyond just cheating, Shining! Her eyes were glowing! So was her deck! How do you explain that?”

“Error with the holograms?”

"Ahhh!" Twilight let out a scream as she couldn't believe her own brother was buying what she was trying to explain. "Why doesn't anybody believe me!? Not to mention that Isaac also managed to showcase a brand new monster while embarrassing you in front of the school. I know for a fact when I faced him he didn't have that card in his deck."

"Wait, what do you mean when you said 'when you faced him'?" Shining Armor noticed that Twilight was suddenly silent when she let it slip out she dueled against Isaac.

"Uhhh.... I mean when you faced." Twilight was smiley sheepishly.

"Alright, what's going on! How do you know about Isaac's deck?" Shining Armor now had a stern tone in his voice as he had his arms crossed while looking at his little sister.

Twilight knew that her brother was bound to find out one way or another, so she decided to come clean. "Let's say that a few weeks before the Friendship Games, I may have been snooping around Canterlot High."


"I wasn't trying to intrude; it's just that I've heard some rumblings happening at that place about how someone had recently become champion and were currently in possession of a rare card. So it peaked my curiosity and I decided to do some surveillance using my drone and then when the time was right, I decided to take a trip to the school myself to see who the students were talking about. I didn't get far as I just arrived at the front entrance; it was then that Isaac saw me and I tried to get away but that resulted in us engaging in a duel."

"So you knew? You knew all along who the final member of Team CHS was, and you didn't tell anybody else on the team?"

"I didn't mean it; it's just that for some weird reason, I kept it to myself." Twilight then had her head down as she awaited for what her brother would say.

"Twilight, I'm not mad. I'm sure you had your reasons for not telling us. What I'm real concern with is the fact that you were sneaking around Canterlot High without permission? Imagine what Principal Sombra or even Cadance would think? Let alone mom and dad. The last thing we want for you is to get in trouble; I know that you love science, but sometimes it can lead you to cause some mischiefs."

"I'm sorry, please don't tell mom or dad! I'm begging you." Twilight was pleading with her brother not to say a word.

"I won't say anything, wouldn't be much of a big brother if I snitched on my little sis. Just promise me that you won't make any decisions like this again."

"I promise." Twilight gave her brother a smile.

"Good." Shining Armor then gave Twilight a hug. "Now you said you collected some data on Isaac, right? Mind telling me what you actually recorded."

Twilight then began to tap something into her computer. Soon she brought up Isaac's profile from CHS's website and she began to talk it over to her big brother. She then tapped another button and she brought up lots of videos that contained Isaac's duels. Shining Armor even listened to how invested Twilight was as she kept talking about each of his battles and pointing out what he did well and what he could possibly have done differently. Soon the topic of his Dark Magician came up and Twilight went on a full 20-minute rant on how she was surprised that such a card existed and that she was fascinated on the many different ways Isaac used his monster. Soon their mother called out to them as it was time for dinner.

"Well, we'd better get going. Don't want to keep mom waiting." Twilight’s stomach growled to which she let out an embarrassing look.

"I just can't get that duel out of my mind. I know for a fact she cheated, or possibly used some magical force to beat me. I know that if Principal Sombra found out then he would disqualify CHS; I just haven't been able to reach him all night."

"Twily you need to let it go. If you believe something is going on, know that I'll be here. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your BBBFF; this is me talking as Crystal Prep's duel champion." Shining hugged her, patting the back of her head. "Besides, aren't you always saying 'A poor duelist focuses on beating what’s on the opponent’s field; a great duelist focuses on beating what’s in their deck."

"That's not exactly what I said."

"The point is, whatever is happening with that Sunset Shimmer girl, yelling at your duel disk and calling yourself crazy isn’t going to give you the answer. You’ll be free all day tomorrow, you can look around Canterlot and talk to people then if you need to.”

“...Yes.” Twilight inhaled. “You’re right, that’s fair... yes.”

“See?” Shining smirked and ruffled her hair. “Your bro is good for more than being a handsome duelist.”

“Stop that,” Twilight scowled and pushed his hand off her hair.

“I will, if you come get dinner with me.”

“Fine, but after dinner I’m coming back to work on this.”

“As long as you get to sleep at a proper time, sure.”

“…‘kay.” Twilight stood up and obediently followed her brother out of her bedroom, pausing at the doorway to look back at her duel disk, and then to her broken glasses folded up on the desk in front of it.

Why can’t I understand this?

Shining Armor was walking to the dinner table; he was also replaying the talk that just happened with his sister. The one thing that really caught his attention was how Twilight was so interested in Isaac and his Dark Magician. He understood her having tons of data on Isaac as that was how she prepared for a duel against someone by collecting info. However, the way she talked about him was more than informative, almost like she was fascinated by Isaac. "She couldn't be... no it's not possible... still. I'm probably being overprotective; maybe I should ask Cadance about this, she seems to have a natural talent for this type of thing.

Isaac was currently laying on his bed as he looked at the pamphlet Sombra gave him in his right hand with his deck in his left. Soon Isaac stood up as he put his deck on his night stand and put the pamphlet in the trash can. He then made his way to his window as the spirits of his magicians manifested.

Isaac was still staring out his window, but he could sense his magicians presence. "Mahad, Mana."

"Good evening master, is there anything troubling you?"

"Troubling me? Whatever could trouble me?"

"Pardon me for speaking out of turn master, but we overheard your conversation with Lady Sunset and Mr. Sombra."

Isaac let out a sigh as he turned to face them. "So you know?"

"We know and we'll support you in whatever decision you choose." said Mana. "Our duty is to make sure that you're safe; and if you feel attending Crystal Prep is the right call, then we'll be with you all the way."

Isaac just gave them a smile. "I appreciate your concern and loyalty, Mana. You too, Mahad. But I meant what I said to Principal Sombra. There's no way in hell, I would ever turn my back on my friends. Not after what I've been through; plus, dueling constantly to just show everyone why I'm the best. No thank you. I duel because I love this game; if I don't feel that love then what's the point. If you don't love something, then why do it at all?" Isaac then sat on his bed and picked up his deck. Each of his magicians were on his side as they all looked at his deck.

"I made a promise to not just myself, but to mami and papi. I want to make them proud and I know that this deck is the key. They've had to sacrifice so much for me to become the young man that I am today; the least I can do is make sure that when they're old and gray, they can relax knowing that their son can take care of himself. That is what I strive for as an individual; as a duelist, I just want to keep having fun duels and maybe one day find someone who can always give me a good time whenever we step foot on the duel field."

"Well I think that may be closer than you think." smiled Mana.

Both Mahad and Isaac just gave her a confused look on what she was saying. She just put her finger to her lips to show that she wasn't going to tell. Eventually, Isaac and Mahad both shrugged as they gave up trying to figure out Mana's riddle. Soon it was time for bed and Isaac bid his magicians farewell as he got himself ready for another day of dueling tomorrow.

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