• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 104: Jealousy

"There we go, that should be everything I need." said Rarity as she had just finished taking Sunset's measurements.

"Really appreciate you doing this, Rarity."

"Oh it's no trouble at all, Sunset. Besides it's my way of saying thank you for saving me and Sweetie Belle from that horrid monster."

"I'm pretty sure you would be making me an outfit even if that didn't happen." said Sunset with a sly smile.

"You're right." chuckled Rarity. "But the major reason is the Summer Sun Celebration. Of course next to Grand Galloping Gala, this is one of the biggest events for all of Equestria. Plus, we're all invited to attend the party being held in Canterlot. Not to mention that the princess will be wanting to see how you and Isaac have been dealing with these problems."

"Well, so far, we've been able to handle them. Granted some of the major and more bigger opponents we've had to duel against, but for the most part, we've gotten through it." stated Sunset.

"Indeed and we're lucky to have the two of you here to help us with this problem. Well, I'm now done."

"Thanks, Rarity." Sunset then opened the door and standing on the other side was Isaac. "Your turn, boy toy. I'll wait downstairs." With that Sunset left Isaac alone with Rarity as she got to work.

"Well now, it's been a while since I've had a stallion model for me. Before we start, mind taking off your jacket?" asked Rarity.

"Yeah, okay." said Isaac as he had gotten used to ponies not wearing clothes.

"Thank you, darling." said Rarity as she took Isaac's jacket in her magic and placed it on her work table.

"Just what do you plan on doing with it?"

"Oh, I just merely want to examine it and observe it. My, the clothing, the texture, not to mention the durability. I would expect something like this to have a couple of tears and cuts from what you've been through, but it seems to be in perfect condition." stated Rarity.

"Yeah, well. I take extra good care of it, plus it's my signature look, don't want to mess with it." said Isaac.

"But you have to tell me darling, just who is the individual who made such a fabulous outfit for you." asked Rarity as she couldn't take her eyes off of Isaac's hoodie.

Isaac was hesitant on answering but he knew he had to come clean. "It's..... you. Well, your version in my world." said Isaac softly.

Rarity heard Isaac's words as she let it sink in. "Oh... I see." said Rarity. She then began to hold the piece of clothing in her hooves as she looked at it and then back at Isaac who just stood there smiling sheepishly. "And I assume that necklace around you was also made by me?"

Isaac looked at his necklace as he brought his hoof to touch it. "Yeah, you... well your human version made this for me on my birthday. It really is something that I love." stated Isaac.

"Of course. I should have known." said Rarity as she placed the piece of clothing back on her table as she looked at it once more. "The texture, the specific colors that were incorporated. Not to mention just how much it highlights your personality and handsomeness. Only I could make something this special." She then looked at Isaac as she walked back towards him. "I just hope that I... I mean, she appreciates you taking extreme care of it."

Isaac placed his hoof on Rarity's shoulder as he looked at her. "I do, I really appreciate all you've done for me, Rarity." said Isaac as he brought the mare in for a hug. Even though she wasn't his version, she was still his friend and he was grateful for all that she had done for him in his life.

"Well, I'm glad to have you as a friend." said Rarity as she broke away from Isaac's embrace and looked at his face. She then placed her hoof on his cheek as she got lost in his eyes. She then leaned in and planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek as she broke apart and both had a bit of red on their faces. "Now then... I... should get to work on creating your outfit." stated Rarity. "Now then, just step on the platform and I'll get started." Isaac then obeyed Rarity's request as she pulled out her measure tape and put on her sewing glasses as she worked her magic.

"The good thing about being a pony is that I don't have to worry about wearing pants." stated Isaac as he felt more relaxed that he could just wear a suit and still meet the dress code.

Rarity was really determined on creating something special for Isaac. A part of her wanted to make something that would match Isaac's personality; also cause the fact that she now knew Isaac's clothes was made by her human self made her both happy and motivated. Seems even competing against your own work can be enough to motivate you to do better and possibly outdo it. Eventually, Rarity had gotten a lot of ideas as she kept taking Isaac's measurements. Soon she finished her research as she put away her sketches.

"Well, I think I've got some general ideas on creating your outfit." said Rarity. "I do thank you for your cooperation, darling." Rarity then grabbed Isaac's outfit as she trotted back to him. "I thought I could make a few improvements to this, but I can't. It means too much for you and for my human self."

"It's fine, Rarity." said Isaac as he grabbed his outfit and put it back on.

"Once again, thank you. I'm really happy to have somepony like you in my life." Rarity then placed her hoof on Isaac's chest as she felt her heartbeat. "I know about my human self going on a date with you in the past. Yet, I'm sort of jealous in a way."

Isaac knew what Rarity was insinuating, but he also knew about what Twilight had told him. The fact that Spike had a crush on Rarity and here she was being fond of him. He didn't want there to be tension between him and the little dragon as he knew he didn't want to unintentionally break his heart. So he tried to ease Rarity's advances.

"Look, Rarity. I know what this is, and I don't want any trauma. For a certain reason, so..." trailed off Isaac.

"Oh, yes... I'm so blind for not realizing that you probably have someone back in your world that you're committed to." stated Rarity as she removed her hoof off of Isaac's chest.

"Yeah, that's the reason." said Isaac as he decided to go with that explanation. "But... I am technically a pony, right now. So, maybe if you want, just for one night we could..."

"I accept." stated Rarity. "One night. That's all I need."

"Okay then." said Isaac as he felt comfortable with that suggestion.

"But that's not a concern as of right now. What's important is you dealing with those monster sightings. Now then, I need to get to work on making the girls' outfits, and don't worry, we'll figure something out at a later date."

"Right. Well, thanks for everything, Rarity. Can't wait to see what you create for me." said Isaac as he tipped his cap to her and said goodbye. Isaac then opened the door and headed downstairs as he saw Sunset had fallen asleep in a chair as a drool bubble was coming out of her mouth. Isaac then used his hoof as he popped the bubble.

"Huh? What? What's happening?" said Sunset as she scrambled in the chair.

"Time to go, Sunset." stated Isaac.

"Already." said Sunset as she let out a yawn. She then looked out of the window of the boutique as the sun was starting to go down. "I guess it is getting late. So how did it go with Rarity?"

"It was... interesting." said Isaac as he exited through the door with Sunset following behind him. Both ponies then started to walk back to the Castle of Friendship as they turned in for the night.

The following days rolled by as there was a few more incidents occurring in Ponyville; you'd think stuff like this would be boring and getting rather repetitive. Well, it was but more importantly, it was actually kind of fun as Isaac and Sunset, along with the rest of the Elements of Harmony were taking on the horde of monsters that appeared. This time it happened to be a herd of Spiritual Beast Apelio who were causing mayhem. Soon all eight of them started to lay waste to the spirits as they were all having fun.

"What is this, like the fifth one this week?" asked Isaac as he dodged and blasted the creature.

"Seven, if you count the two incidents by the Castle of the Two Sisters." said Sunset as she too was dodged an attack.

"What does it matter? It just means we're good at kicking butt!" said Rainbow Dash as she delivered a right hoof that knocked out a Spiritual Beast Apelio.

"Hey, Aj. Head's up." said Isaac as he blasted a monster in the direction of the orange mare.

Applejack saw this and did a backflip as she landed on her feet and raised her hind legs as she bucked the monster with so much force that he went flying into the sky as he let out a puppy dog whimper.

"I give that a solid ten." said Isaac as he watched the creature go flying.

"Twenty from me!" said Pinkie as she pulled up a scorecard that had the number 20 on it.

"Can we please focus on saving the town instead of comparing scores?" said Twilight as she released a full blast that took out the circle of monsters that surrounded her.

"Ease up, Twilight. Just having a bit of fun." said Isaac as he had a smile on his face as he blasted another one with his magic.

"Everypony!" said Fluttershy as she pointed to the bigger Spiritual Beast Apelio who was the leader of this pride.

"Sunset, me or you?" asked Isaac.

"I've got him." said Sunset as she raced towards the beast and activated her duel disk. "Gearfried, give me a hand." Sunset's monster then appeared as it fought alongside its mistress as they both worked together to take down the giant creature.

"Well, we're just about done here, as long as..."

"Ahhh!" came a scream as it interrupted Isaac's statement. He looked to where the sound came from and it came from none other than Rarity who had been carried off by one of the monster spirits.

"Somepony help me!" shouted Rarity. "Watch the fur, you overgrown hairball." complained Rarity as she had given a good soak in the morning.

The monster just simply rolled his eyes as he was now regretting ever taking Rarity as a hostage. Soon the beast jumped onto one of the houses as it dangled Rarity in her mouth. Rarity was still complaining as the beast tried to drown the sound of her whinnying by covering its ears. The others were busy dealing with the other beasts while Isaac was the only one who was trying to come up with a plan.

"Okay, so... how do I do this?" asked Isaac.

"Don't worry, Rarity. I'll save you." shouted Spike as he leaped into action to rescue her.

"Wait, Spike." called out Isaac as he had yet to figure out a plan.

"I'm coming." This is my chance.

Spike was hoping that this could be his lucky break on getting Rarity to see his true feelings for her. Spike then somehow made it on top of the same building as Rarity was still driving the beast insane as he couldn't take much more of the mare's complaining.

"Hey, buddy." called out Spike.

"Spike!" shouted Rarity.

"Let her go!" responded Spike as he tried to sound tough. The beast jumped simply shrugged his shoulders as he did just that. Or rather he flung Rarity towards Spike with so much force that he wasn't expecting that. "Uh-oh." said Spike as he caught Rarity for a second but it caused him to stumble as he lost his footing and found himself teetering on the edge. "Woah, woah... Oh no!" With that they tumbled over the edge as they started to fall.

"Ahhh!" shouted both of them as they were plummeting fast.

"Well, I guess I have to improvise." said Isaac as he began to run towards his falling group of friends. "Mahad, give me a boost." said Isaac as he called his trusting companion. Mahad then grabbed Isaac in his arms as they started to float towards their friends.

"What's the plan master?" asked Mahad.

"Just get me as close as you can." stated Isaac.

Soon they were nearing both ponies as they were gaining more momentum with each passing second.

"Maybe I should have thought about this." said Spike as he covered his eyes and prepared to meet his fate. He was hoping to make contact with the ground but soon found himself in the other arm of Isaac's Dark Magician. "Am I glad to see you guys."

"I'm still falling!" shouted Rarity.

All three of them looked at Rarity; soon they heard a roar as the beast that had captured her was still on the roof and he had his sights set on the boys.

"What should I do, master? I can't defend and save Miss Rarity all at once." stated Mahad.

Isaac thought for a second as he tried to find a solution to this dilemma. Soon an idea came to his head. "Mahad, launch me!" stated Isaac.

"What!?!" said both Spike and Mahad.

"Mahad, do it now! Launch me! I'll be fine."

"All right then." said Mahad as he obeyed his master's command.

"Get Spike to safety and take care of the beast." said Isaac as his final order when Mahad launch him through the air.

Isaac tucked in his legs as he shifted his body so that he was pointing facefirst into the ground. Seems physics actually did teach him something useful as was now moving faster as he soon found himself on the same level of Rarity as they were about a few minutes from plummeting into the ground.

"Isaac!" shouted Rarity.

"Take my hoof." said Isaac as he reached out his hoof towards Rarity. Rarity reached out for Isaac as she wrapped her hooves around Isaac's neck as she clung for dear life.

"Please tell me you have a plan!" shouted Rarity.

"Maybe." said Isaac as he hoped that what he was thinking would work. Isaac's response caused Rarity to close her eyes as she prepared for the worst. Isaac then turned around so that his back was now facing the ground. "Kuriboh!" called out Isaac as his tiny monster came out. "You know what to do." Kuriboh heard Isaac's command as he touched the ground and then began to multiply as soon there was thousands upon thousands of little Kuribohs appeared as they all created a soft landing for their master to fall one. Isaac then landed on his soft pile of monsters as they cushioned his fall. "Well, that worked out well." said Isaac as he got off and stood on his hind legs. Kuriboh then started to shrink back down till there was just one. "Thanks, buddy."

"Kuri." said Kuriboh as he gave a smile before disappearing.

Isaac then looked at Rarity who still had her eyes closed and still had her hoofs wrapped around his neck as he held her in his forelegs. "It's alright, Rarity. You can open your eyes now." said Isaac.

Rarity did that as she expected herself to be dead, but found her to be alive and well. Even more so when she saw that she was currently in Isaac's arms as she looked at his face. She turned a bit red due to Isaac holding her. "Oh, it seems we're fine."

"I told you, I'll always be there to catch my friends from danger." said Isaac as he looked at Rarity. Soon they found themselves staring at each other. They were interrupted by Isaac's Dark Magician.

"Master, are you okay?" called out Mahad as he had just finish disposing of the monster.

"We're fine, Mahad." said Isaac.

Mahad smiled as he was pleased that his master was safe. Spike was still in Mahad's arm as he had witness Isaac's magician do battle with the creature and defeated it. He then saw Rarity clinging to Isaac as he felt a tad bit upset. Soon Rarity let go of Isaac as Mahad landed next to his master and set the little dragon down. They didn't have time to talk as they all got back into action as they needed to take care of the last remaining forces that were still around. Soon all of the Duel Monsters that appeared were taken care of as the town was once again safe.

"Well, I'd say that should last us till... what do you think, two days?" asked Isaac.

"I'd say about a day." stated Rainbow.

"I'd say about half a day." chimed in Aj.

"Well, we'll place bets later." stated Twilight. "I just wish that these occurrings wouldn't happen so relatively close to each other. I just wish that evil could give us a day off."

"Yeah, right!" shouted everypony in unison as they knew that would never happen. All of them just laughed at how cliché this stuff was. Soon they all got to work on repairing the damage; it took a while but they were to assure everypony that the threat was eliminated.

Pinkie felt like they should celebrate their victory with a party as she invited them all to Sugarcube Corner. Everypony seemed to like that idea as they all were in the mood for something tasty. Everypony then began to follow Pinkie; Isaac was doing the same when he was stopped by Rarity.

"Everything okay, Rarity?"

"Of course, darling. I just wanted to say that I'm thankfully for what you did by risking your life to save me."

"Hey, it's no big deal. I was just doing what any good friend would do." stated Isaac as he tipped his cap to her.

"And I appreciate that. And, well... I was wondering, do you remember what we discussed days ago?"

Isaac took a while to think back as he tried to remember what Rarity told him. He soon realized what she meant as he started to look at her. "Oh, yeah... so about that..."

"I'm free tomorrow night. If you want, you can come over and we could have a simple dinner. Think of it as my way to say thank you for saving me." said Rarity with a bit of red in her cheeks.

"That... sounds nice." said Isaac. "I'll see if I can bring something so that you don't have to make a full meal."

"Then, we're on?"

"Yeah." stated Isaac.

With that both ponies then began to catch up with their friends. While both had made plans for their 'date', they didn't notice that a little drake had chosen to stay behind and listened in to their conversation from a far. Spike was feeling all kinds of moods; on one hand he was happen that Rarity was safe, but couldn't help that he could have done more. And then there was Isaac, with Isaac being here, it allowed Spike to have another male to whom he could chat with to discuss guy stuff. So when he noticed Isaac saving Rarity and holding her in his arms, he couldn't help but feel a tad bit angry. He knew that it was unintentional cause had he not done that then Rarity would have suffered an even more cruel fate. But the main reason had to deal with the crush he had on the white mare. Spike then decided to catch up with the rest of the group as he hoped he could drown his sorrows with sweets.

The party at Sugarcube Corner went for a while as it was nighttime. The group all disbursed as they had to head home, Rarity told Isaac about their plan to which she simply told him to come over to her place for their 'date'. Isaac agreed as Rarity had managed to give Isaac a suit that he could wear for their outing. With that everything was set as Rarity was looking forward to this event. Soon the four of them all arrived back at the castle as Twilight and Sunset departed to their rooms, while Isaac and Spike left to their rooms.

Along the way, Isaac was thinking on what he could bring to the dinner he had planned with Rarity. Spike had his head down as he was thinking about all of this. Soon he stopped walking as Isaac noticed this.

"Everything okay, little buddy?"

"Don't hurt her." stated Spike.


"Don't hurt her!" said Spike with a bit more volume. "Rarity, whatever you do, don't hurt Rarity!"

"I would never do that."

"Of course not," said Spike as he walked past Isaac and was a few feet in front of him before he stopped, "but if you do, then I will hurt you." stated Spike as he didn't look at Isaac.

"Spike, are you threatening me?" responded Isaac with the same tone.

"That depends on how you look at it." Spike then began to walk as he disappeared around the corner.

Isaac was left there as he observed the little drake's warning. He knew what he meant and he could only assume he knew about him and Rarity. So he left towards his room as he knew that this issue was far from over.

The next day was a tense one. Isaac was currently sitting in the map room as he awaited for someone. Both Sunset and Twilight had gone out for the day as they wanted to check up on the town from the incident the previous day. Soon the door opened as Isaac opened his eyes and saw the person who he wanted to talk with. Spike saw Isaac waiting there for him as he took a seat in another chair as he was now looking at the caramel colt.

"Well, I'm here. What did you want to talk about?" asked Spike.

"You know what this is about." said Isaac as he was already addressing the issue right off the bat.

"Again." said Spike as he didn't want to talk about it. "Look, I'm just saying..."

"Spike, I know about your crush on Rarity." interrupted Isaac.

Spike's eyes widen when he heard that. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, I didn't know. It was Twilight who told me."

"I see." said Spike as he traced his finger on the table. "I know what you're going to say. You're just like everybody else; I'm dragon and she's a pony, it won't work. Or maybe there's a slight age difference and that's the reason why it won't work. Or how about that it's just a puppy love crush that everybody goes through. Well, I'm telling you..."

"Spike, I never once said that." stated Isaac.

"What!?!" Spike was now all kinds of confused.

Isaac took a deep breath as he leaned forward on the table. "Spike, I would never do anything to hurt you or any of our friends. You know that."

"I do. It's just that with what happened yesterday, I felt like it could give me the courage I needed to possibly telling Rarity how I feel. And then you saw what occurred, I messed up and I ended being the one who had to be saved; then I saw how you swooped in and rescued me and Rarity. I'll admit I was kind of jealous, especially when you were holding her. And then to overhear you going on a date with Rarity, it kind of made me lose a bit hope." stated Spike.

"Spike, I didn't ask for this. Let me tell something, a few days ago when me and Sunset were getting fitted for our outfits for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration, Rarity approached me. I noticed she was flirting a bit with me, but I stopped her. I let her down cause I have someone back home who I'm committed to. But the biggest reason was because of you. Don't worry, I didn't mention your name."


"What I'm trying to say is that I'm not taking Rarity away from you. She just simply wants to repay me for saving her and so she decided to ask me out to dinner. We're just friends, nothing more. There are things you don't do in life, you don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't piss in the wind, and you definitely don't stab your friends in the back." said Isaac as that statement got the dragon's attention. "And I'm not betraying your trust, little buddy. I respect your decision to be with her, hell, I support it. I'm not like everybody else, sure I'm not from here so I don't know how things work here between different species, but I recognize when someone truly loves someone. I see that this crush you have on Rarity is more than that, you want to be there for her, you want to stand by her side whenever she's in trouble. Your feelings are without question: I can hear it in your voice when you talk about Rarity. You are in love with her. I respect that and I say go for it."

"Really?" said Spike as he wasn't expecting Isaac to support his decision.

"Of course, I'm not gonna use the excuse that 'oh it will never work' or 'that it's just impossible' like everybody has said. My response to that is: Why? Why won't it work, cause a pony and dragon? If that's the reason, then that is the stupidest and lamest excuse. More importantly, how will you know it won't work if you don't try? Like you said, everyone has already judged this obsession that you have with her. And to those that won't support this, well I say to hell with them. They're just some pricks who like to look at things and judge only on the negative side of things, to that I say they should disappear and never show their face." stated Isaac. "But I'm not like the others cause to me, the one thing that I could ever ask for is to see my friends being happy. And to you that's getting to be with the pony that you love. Like I said, I'm all for it and I will support you 100% of the way. I just don't want there to be any tension between us due to you thinking that I'm trying to steal your girl. That's the one thing you don't do as a guy and that's take away your buddy's girl."

"I see what you're saying. And I know... I know that you are the type of person who would never betray his friends." said Spike. "I just felt a tad bit jealous seeing the two of you together, it hurt me a bit. But like you said, you've got someone back home and I know you would never do anything to intentionally hurt your friends." Spike let out a deep breath as he felt a bit better about himself.

"Also some words of advice on how you can get closer to Rarity." stated Isaac.

"Like what?"

"Well, I suggested you stop trying to worship the ground Rarity trots on and just show a genuine interest in her and be true to yourself when you're with her. I can tell how important Rarity is to you and how much you truly care for her. ”

Spike took those words in as that seemed to resonate with the little drake. "All right, thanks for that." smiled Spike. "Just make sure she has a good time."

"I will." smiled Isaac.

"But like I said..." Spike then got on the table as he walked over to Isaac as he stared at his eyes, "You hurt her, and I will hurt you." Spike leaned in and pressed his claw firmly into Isaac’s chest; hammering in each and every word, “Don’t. You. Dare. Hurt. Her.”

"And like I said before, are you threatening me!" said Isaac with a stern tone as he stared back at Spike as he stood up.

Both boys were staring at each other trying to intimidate the other. Nothing was said as they just kept staring, soon they both broke into laughter as they just simply had fun with one another. Seems the issue with Isaac and Spike was handled successful as Spike gave Isaac a hug to show that he was alright.

"Well then, I better get ready for my night with Rarity." said Isaac as he looked at his watch. "And I've yet to decided on what I want to bring to our dinner."

"I think I can help with that." said Spike as he offered to lend his friend a hand.

Nighttime had fallen over Ponyville as the moon had just reached the sky. Isaac had put on the outfit that Rarity had given him. He was wearing a small black suit, wore a silver shirt instead of a white ruffled one. Adorning his neck was the red bow tie; Isaac had a small bouquet of roses and a sealed up box.

“What do you think? Too much, too little, should I lose the tie?” Isaac asked; still anxiously waiting for a reply.

"You're fine." said Spike.

"Okay, well better get going. Or else I'll be late." said Isaac as he began to walk out of the door.

"Make sure she has a good time." shouted Spike as he waved towards his friend as he closed the door behind him.

Isaac waved back as he began trotting over to his destination. His eyes were deadlocked on that beautiful little shop ahead of him; eagerly awaiting to greet the shop’s even more beautiful owner.


“7 on the dot, just like I asked” Rarity said with a giggle, “Such a punctual colt.”

Rarity used her magic to open the door. Isaac stood before her, offering flowers, dessert and the most charming smile his lips and cheeks could pull off.

“Good evening my lady, for you.” Isaac said as he bowed while trying to act like a gentleman. He offered the gifts to her, like a queen being presented with her crown. "Sorry, just a bit nervous." said Isaac as he rubbed his neck.

"It's alright, darling. Come on in." He looks like such a gentlemen, and he’s wearing the tie I made for him, how terribly sweet of him! I knew he was bringing over dessert but I didn’t think he was doing all of this too. Rarity took the flowers and dessert as she sniffed the floral.

Isaac looked up and he took in the mare's appearance. "Wow, you look absolutely amazing” Isaac said. He was almost too stunned by Rarity’s beauty to speak clearly. Her beautiful mane was shining like there were stars embedded in the strands, and that heavenly scent brimming off her snow white fur; it had to be Victoria Saddle’s: Love is Celestial perfume.

“Oh you.” Rarity giggled, she waved her hoof in a playful manner at Isaac’s compliment.

The seamstress welcomed Isaac into her home and closed the door behind him. Isaac was pleasantly surprised to see a cozy little table set up for just the two of them, complete with candlelight, a royal gold colored tablecloth, two chairs and two plates. He could feel his nose twitch from the smells wafting from the kitchen.

“Mmmm that smells good,” Isaac commented.

"That’s part of it darling but there’s certainly more,” Rarity explained.

Isaac looked around the shop and noticed it was fairly dark, aside from the candle light. Everything looked so secluded and fancy, like it was a private restaurant closed off for just the two of them. The seamstress smiled as she noticed Isaac was enjoying her cozy little dinner-for-two set up. She levitated the flowers into a vase filled with fresh water and placed the dessert off to the side.

“Now go on, please take a seat,” Rarity said as she winked towards the stallion. “I’m bringing out dinner as we speak.” Isaac nodded and sat down at the table, Rarity sat down as well; levitating several dinner plates across the table. Two glasses were added as well, Rarity’s had sparkling grape juice and Isaac’s had regular cola.

“Whoa, now THAT is what I call a spread.” Isaac exclaimed.

There were gemstones on numerous plates, each one coated with a different sauce, seasoning; or paired with oats and hay. Rarity had imported oats coated with cinnamon and a sweet, royal jelly like sauce. Her plate was surrounded by fresh rose petals from one of Isaac’s flowers.

“Why thank you Isaac,” she beamed, “I certainly do hope it’s to your liking. Being creative comes naturally."

“Are you kidding? If it tastes half as good as it smells and looks, I know I’m going to be blown away.” Isaac happily replied.

The unicorn blushed faintly at the colt’s kind words; it felt good to hear someone actually appreciate her hard work. With that they both began their dinner date. He took a bite of the food and nearly jumped out of his fur; Isaac greedily took several more gulps and stopped when he had to breathe.

“This is amazing; I love it!” he beamed.

“Music to my ears,” Rarity sweetly said after sipping her drink. The two sat there in comfortable silence eating their dinners. Rarity’s batting eyelashes never leaving Isaac out of her sight, watching his body movements and reactions; as if studying him.

“Is everything all right Rarity, do I have sauce on my face or something?” Isaac asked hesitantly. He raised his hoof towards his cheeks in search of any sauce stains.

“No-no nothing like that darling, I just had something on my mind.” she answered softly.

“Well, what is it? You can ask me anything. That is what you do on dates right, ask each other questions and talk?” he asked curiously.

“Yes, most dates go that way, though some can end up being a bit more,” her cheeks burned bright red, “Different, yes, let’s go with that word; different.” Isaac seemed to notice the hidden meaning behind Rarity's sentence.

“So then what’s on your mind?”

"I guess, I'm wondering is what will happen when you complete your mission?" asked Rarity. "I know that you and Sunset are here to rid Equestria of these Duel Monsters and find the source of this problem. And once you've completed that, you'll head back to your world. I guess what I'm saying is that I'll miss you when you're gone."

"Ahh." said Isaac. He knew what Rarity was saying, hell it was the first thing that was on his mind when he was given this mission by Princess Celestia when he first arrived. Of course it was going to be hard to say goodbye to his new friends, but he knew that he couldn't stay here. He had other people waiting for him back in his world as he knew that was where he belonged. "I know that it will come, I'm not denying it. But I'm not thinking about it, right now I want to spend as much time with you girls so that I can hold onto those memories, that way I can look back on it when I return home and remember all the fun I had." said Isaac as he smiled at the white mare.

"I see, well then, until that time comes. I look forward to spending as much time with you as I can." stated Rarity as she lifted her glass.

"Same here." said Isaac as he did the same. They both clinked and drank their respective beverage as they continued on with their dinner.

Sometime later both ponies were discussing as they talked a bit about their lives. Rarity was really fascinated by Isaac's story as he told her about all the amazing duels he's had; she was really amazed that she felt a tad bit jealous that she couldn't get to experience it herself, but was still entertained nonetheless. The colt and fashionista were sitting at the dining table enjoying the homemade dessert that Spike made for the both of them. Rarity looked at him with a slight, sheepish pink color to her cheeks; slightly embarrassed about Isaac’s sudden outburst.

“I don’t believe it, so you’re a closet detective fan girl?” asked Isaac.

“Well, I don’t know if I’d use those words but-” Rarity started to say. Her tone and manner was shaky and nervous, as if scared for revealing this secret to the young stallion.

“That’s awesome!”

Rarity blinked in surprise at that statement. Isaac wasn’t mocking her, no, he actually liked that she liked detective stories. “W-w-wait, you don’t think it’s s-s-silly that I like detective stories?” Rarity curiously asked.

“No, of course not,” Isaac quickly answered, “I always thought of detective stories like super hero adventure stories, but you know, without super powers.” Isaac wiped a piece of pie from his face with a napkin, “Like fighting crimes with their mind and stuff.”

“Ah yes, I guess that is one way of looking at it,” Rarity said as she giggled. “I just can’t resist the cunning charm of such intelligent and independent women like Shadow Spade and Nancy Horseshoe,” Rarity smiled contently as she rattled off her favorite detective characters.

“So why’d you think I would think your silly for liking detective stories?” Isaac asked as he chomped down another chunk of dessert cake.

“Well when I mentioned it to another stallion,” Rarity almost vomited just mentioning his name, “Uncouth cur, Slick Charmer, he said broads like me should worry more about keeping our bodies in shape; rather than keeping our brains sharp with pointless literature.” The unicorn felt like she needed a full day spay treatment every time that creep popped back into her mind.

“Awe, what does he know? That guy sounds like a total dick.” Isaac bluntly stated.

“Isaac! That is a dreadfully vulgar word that should never be mentioned in front of ladies.” Rarity huffed. She always kept an air of professionalism and grace; even when bad mouthing a womanizer who deserved it.

“Oh, sorry Rarity," Isaac weakly nodded and scooped more cake into his mouth. "Though really, if you would've heard some of the other things I've said in my life, this is probably the least vulgar thing I've said."

“But to be perfectly honest”, Rarity’s proper tone turned giggly and immature, “You’re absolutely right; he really was a dick!”

Both Isaac and Rarity burst with laughter. Rarity laughed so hard she even snorted like a pig, she held a hoof to her lips; slightly embarrassed by such a crude reaction. Isaac simply laughed harder as a result and seeing that made Rarity laugh even harder and louder. The fashionista couldn’t remember the last time she enjoyed another colt’s company this much; this was the best date she’s ever had. The seamstress stood up from her seat and approached Isaac. He watched her curiously; unsure of what she was doing. Rarity embraced Isaac in a warm and tender hug; wrapping her hooves around him and nuzzling him close to her frosty white chest. Both of them remained speechless. Isaac felt his cheeks redden; being this close to Rarity was mesmerizing; he felt completely at peace and completely on edge at the same time. His tensed up, the mare could feel all of the colt’s stresses and anxieties melting off his body.

"Thank you for this date, Isaac. I'm glad to have a bit of happiness in my life that I can hold onto. You've made me feel like the happiest mare in all of Equestria."

"My pleasure, Rarity." said Isaac.

The two separated from their hug. They started cleaning up the dishes and clearing off the table. Rarity insisted Isaac didn’t need to help clean up since he was the guest, but the stallion said it would be most “un-gentlemen like” if he didn’t help out. Isaac let loose a hearty yawn as he finished drying off the last dish. Rarity took a quick glance at her nearest clock and saw it was getting rather late.

"It looks like a certain somepony needs to get his beauty sleep,” Rarity pointed out.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I guess it is pretty late,” Isaac said as he yawned once more.

“It’s been a long and wonderful night darling,” Rarity leaned in and nuzzled Isaac’s cheek, “And I think I could also benefit from a good night’s sleep.”

Isaac nodded and gave Rarity one more tight hug before heading towards the door. He pushed the door open and was about to exit the boutique.

“W-w-w-wait just a minute dear,” Isaac stopped and turned, still holding the door.

Rarity’s cheeks were slightly flushed; her once composed and regal like demeanor had been replaced with a shuffling, nervous demeanor that made her look like a high school filly trying to make a speech in front of a classroom. Rarity was never nervous or antsy unless she was meeting some big fashion designer she admired, or meeting a pony she had a major crush on.

“Yeah, what is it?”

“It occurred to me that you did most of the sharing tonight. A proper date requires that both parties contribute personal stories and discussions, and it would be unfitting for a lady of my stature to not share something personal after you’ve shared so much.”

“Umm okay, what would you like to tell me?”

“Well, since we were talking about detectives being like superheroes, I thought I would tell you who my favorite super hero is.”

“Wow, I didn’t know you liked super heroes enough that you had a favorite! So who’s your favorite hero?” asked Isaac.

The mare hesitated answering for a moment. Her eyes sparkled luminously in the star studded night sky as they stared at her caramel friend. She bit her lip and grinned to the confused stallion. Rarity then planted a soft, yet, powerfully sweet kiss on his cheek. The soft smack of her lipstick coated lips crackled like thunderstorms in Isaac’s ears.

“You are, Isaac,” Rarity said; in her sweetest, most seductive voice. It sent shivers up and down Isaac’s spine and through his tail tip. “Goodnight darling, this has been a most wonderful evening.” she said with a sultry purr.

Isaac nodded and waved to Rarity; his best effort to wish her a goodnight and a fond farewell. Rarity let loose the most adorable little chuckle as she watched him make his way back to the castle.

She closed the door and locked it shut. Every part of her felt tingly, so refreshingly warm and content. Rarity sighed as she leaned back against the door; letting her purple curls slide up the door as she dreamily smiled. “Now that…was a lovely date.” Rarity blissfully cooed.

Isaac arrived home as he pushed past the door and closed it behind him. He then turned around and was meet with the little dragon who had been up all night waiting for the colt's return. Isaac blinked several times as he saw Spike standing there with his arms crossed as he stared at him. Both boys stood there in silence as they stared at one another not saying a word, each not backing down from the other trying to be intimidating.

"So... did you give her a good time?" boomed Spike.

"Yeah." responded Isaac.

"Good." Spike now had his face soften as he had a smile. "Well, goodnight bud. See you in the morning." Spike then gave Isaac a hug as Isaac wrapped his hoof around his tiny body.

"See ya, Spike." said Isaac as he let go of the hug and watched the little dragon make his way to his room. Isaac then untied the bow tie around his neck as he let it dangle and made his way to his room for a well deserved sleep.

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