• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,579 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 45: Pinkie Pie v. Lemon Zest- Round 6

“Where did Sunset go?” Rainbow swiveled her head across the field. She paused as Sunny Flare marched past them, not even turning her head her way, and passing the Shadowbolt bench to head into the school.

“I didn’t see,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity swallowed heavily. “I hope she’s alright.”

“Oo, oo!” Pinkie jumped in place. “Maybe she ran to go get you the ‘Congratulations On Your Awesome Victory And Also Having Magic’ cake she had ready for you!” The rest of the group affixed her with annoyed looks. “What? It’s what I’d do.”

“If the assembled students will please clear the dueling field promptly, we will now choose the next two duelists,” Cadance announced.

On the display board above the field, the highlighted portraits of Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap began to flash in blue and violet borders. After several seconds, the outlines stopped and two portraits grew larger.

“The next duel is decided! Canterlot High’s Pinkamena Pie shall face Crystal Prep’s Lemon Zest!”

“Yay!” Pinkie jumped up into the air, a burst of confetti shooting from her shoulders. “My turn!”

Lemon Zest stood up from the Crystal Prep bench and stretched. “About time, I was getting bored.” She began to walk out onto the field.

"Will the Canterlot High students save for Pinkamena Pie, please vacate the dueling field?”

"We're kind of in the middle of something important!" Rainbow called over, directing a scowl at the principal table. She watched, her expression hard as Sombra placed a hand over the microphone and leaned to say something to Cadance. Cadance nodded as Sombra stood and withdrew his hand, and she leaned back to the mic.

“We will take a brief ten minute break while the duelists clear the field.”

"Does that buy us enough time?" asked Isaac.

“We’ll go find Sunset, Pinkie, you take care of things down here.”

“You got it, Applejack.”

"Rainbow, mind staying here and keeping any eye on Pinkie for us?"

"You've got it, Cap." Rainbow gave Isaac a thumbs up.

Soon the entire team began to file off the field as they began to search for Sunset. Applejack reached the stairs up to the parking lot. “Ah think she’ll be fine without us.” As she turned forward again, she froze, looking across the field.

Fluttershy turned her head, squeaked, and backed away when she saw what had gotten Applejack's attention. The four stepped aside as Sombra walked past them. The rival principal paused with one foot on the bottom step, and without moving his head, turned his eyes to look at Rarity. Applejack gasped and tightened her grip as Rarity suddenly became heavier to hold and her knees shook under her. After a moment of silence, Sombra looked forward and continued up the steps, approaching the Crystal Prep limousine.

Rarity swallowed heavily and put a hand on the railing of the stairs to steady herself. Applejack turned her attention back to her. “Rares, you okay?”

Rarity nodded. “Quite, dear. I think I may just need another moment to get my bearings.”

Isaac tilted his head as he watched Sombra climb into the back seat of the limo. “What was that about?”

The empty bathroom echoed with the sounds of clanging metal. With a continuous barrage of punches, the cover of the paper towel dispenser slowly caved in, the white now marred by streaks of silver where the paint had come off, and streaks of red where blood had been left.

Sunset let her hand rest in the sizable dent she had made. Breathing heavily, she glared at her own hand and gave a final punch to the metal. Wincing at the impact, she brought her hands back and stared down at her knuckles, the skin cracked and bloodied. Her hands shook slightly until she willed them to stop.


She moved to the sink and turned on the taps. She held her hands under the water and watched the red wash away. She ripped off a length of paper towel and pressed her hands dry; when she pulled the towel back the wounds were still raw and slowly seeping blood again. She twisted the taps off and inhaled.

Should visit the nurse.

Wrapping the paper towel around one hand and cupping it over the other, Sunset slowly pushed open the door into the hall and made her way to the stairwell doors. She descended carefully, unable to grip the railing. The walls resounded with her boots hitting the steps, one by one until she reached the bottom. She pulled the door open and felt her legs give out as she began to fall. She would have hit the ground if it hadn't been for someone to catch her.

"Sunset!?" Isaac had managed to get a hold of her before she fell down hard.

"Isaac!?" Her breathing was getting a bit heavy.

Isaac then picked her up in his arms as he brought her into a room and sat her down on a couch as he got her some water. "Here, drink this." Isaac held the bottle to her lips as he helped her to drink. Soon she felt her headache ease up as she was once again rehydrated.

"Thanks." Sunset then put her hand to Isaac's cheek.

"Anytime." Isaac then grabbed her hand to which he felt and saw the pieces of paper towel wrapped around her hand. Isaac then saw that the paper had some red spot showing to which he moved them aside and saw her hand was a bit bloody. Isaac then looked Sunset in the eyes. "Sunset, what happened to your hand?"

"Some idiot smashed it against a paper towel dispenser,” Sunset muttered, turning her head away.

“I see.” Isaac gently moved the paper towel away and looked at Sunset’s wounds. “How many times did she hit it?”

“I lost count.”

“Well, you let her know if she does anything like this to you again, I’m going to have some very choice words for her that I’d otherwise not use in public.”

Sunset looked back at Isaac and locked eyes with him; her eyes confirmed what was implicit from his words. Sunset tried to look away but found herself unable. “I’m sorry.”


"What happened to Rarity is because of me?" Sunset shrieked. "First I use it against Twilight and it nearly injured her, now Rarity is somehow affected by it. I can't help but think this is all my fault. If I hadn't awaken the power that I thought was long gone, we wouldn't even be in this situation." She sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in them. "This is all my fault."

Isaac then sat near Sunset as he wrapped his arm around her as he did his best to comfort her. "It's not your fault."

"How can you say that? Because of me I've put not only this school in danger, but I've also infected one of our friends" She then lifted her head full of tears. "So how can you tell me to my face that none of this isn't my fault?"

"Because that's not what Rarity told me." Sunset then turned her head to look Isaac in the eyes. "While we were searching for you, she began to tell us about the magical surge she felt in her duel. In fact, she said it was refreshing. Almost like she had just woken up from a nap."

“Isaac, please don’t joke.”

"I’m not.” Isaac put a hand over Sunset’s. "She said that she remembered everything. She remembers drawing her card, summoning her new monster, and winning the duel." He gave a small murmur. "Rarity says it was a bit hazy, but her memory reminded her of what she did while she was in her magical state. She said it felt like she was in control and stayed true to herself..." he grew distant and glanced away. "Rarity just didn't want to let her friends down and she wanted to win for CHS' sake."

“I thought I wanted the same thing during my duel with Twilight,” Sunset whispered. “But look what happened to me.”

“I won’t pretend to have all the answers. But I know that whatever it is you think you need to blame yourself for, one way or the other, you don’t.”

“I wish I could believe that.” Sunset shook her head. “It would be easier if we could actually explain how I suddenly got magic.”

Isaac nodded and pushed himself to his feet. “I agree entirely. But sitting here blaming yourself won’t help us figure it out, will it?” He held out a hand and stretched it into Sunset’s field of view. Sunset turned her eyes to the offered hand. After several seconds of hesitation, she reached out and took it, letting Isaac pull her up. Isaac carefully unwrapped the paper towel to look at Sunset's wounds and gently dabbed at them.

Sunset felt the tension in her shoulders lessen as Isaac rewrapped her hand. “Thanks, Isaac.”

He patted the back of Sunset's hand. “What are friends for?” He gestured his other hand to the hallway. “I believe Pinkie Pie is starting her duel soon, if you want to observe.”

"Yeah, we should get going." With that they began to leave the room; Sunset stopped for a second in the doorway as she was in front of Isaac.

Isaac was concerned on why Sunset had suddenly stopped until she turned back and pressed her lips to his. Sunset brought her other hand to Isaac's cheek as she leaned in a bit more; eventually Isaac brought his hand and cusped her cheek as he kissed her back. The kiss didn't last long as they soon broke away as they left hand in hand back to their friends and the duel field.

Twilight stepped onto the field and looked at the principal table. She frowned when she saw the empty seat next to Cadance. “Where is Principal Sombra?”

“Took off?” Lemon Zest held up a hand, leaning on her bench with her head tilted back. “Why?”

“I need to see him.” Twilight looked at the others. “Do you know where he went?”

Pacing back and forth in front of the bench, Sunny shook her head. “We have more important things on our minds right now! Not that you care, or you’d have been here earlier.”

Hands on her knees to support her head, Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you need a babysitter more than a principal.”

“Shut up!” Sunny jumped to her feet and glared down at the other girl. “I don’t need to be talked down by the likes of you!”

“Would you rather we go get Rarity?” Sugarcoat said, smirking slightly.

Sunny bristled. “She got lucky, nothing more.”

“She beat you, nothing less.”

“I’ll rematch her after!” Sunny practically snarled the words. She swiveled her head the other way. “Twilight, you wanna take down Sunset too, right?

Before Twilight could answer, Sour cut in. “Will you both grow up? You lost, get over it! I lost to Sugarcoat last week, you don’t see me whining and angsting about it.”

“I am not angsting!” Twilight protested, glaring at the other girl. “I am investigating! Sunset Shimmer is…” she stopped herself and took a breath. “She may not be what she seems.”

Sugarcoat sat up. “Meaning what?”

“I…” Twilight sighed. “I’m not allowed to say.”

“That’s not very much to go on.”

Indigo stood up and put an arm over Twilight’s shoulders, then reached out to Sunny with her other hand but was slapped away. She looked at Twilight and smiled. “Look, Twi, these are the big leagues. It’s rough and it’s hard and it ain’t always fair, but that’s how the cards are dealt sometimes. But you can’t let it get to you like… like her.” She jerked her thumb at Sunny.

“Bite me,” Sunny hissed. “I think Twilight is right, that duel wasn’t legitimate. It couldn’t be.”

Sugarcoat slapped her forehead. “Give me a break.”

Twilight stepped out of Indigo’s hold. “Why, what happened?”

“I told you, she got a lucky draw! Do you want me to draw you a diagram of how she moved her hands as she played her cards?”

“Maybe.” Twilight looked over the group. “I can’t go into details, but I’ve been looking into something for Principal Sombra. Something about Canterlot and its duelists. And if Rarity’s win wasn’t legitimate, that might be part of things. So how did it happen?” Twilight looked at her duel disk and tapped to call up the tournament records.

“She got lucky!”

“You said that already,” Sugarcoat said.

“I need specifics,” Twilight said. She paused and squinted at her duel disk’s projection. “No recording of the duel?” After a moment’s thought, she raised her eyes to the four girls. “Sunny, what cards did Rarity use to beat you? Name them.”

Sunny opened her mouth. She hesitated and put a finger to her lip. “...It’s strange. I can’t seem to recall.”

Twilight turned her eyes among them. ”Do any of you remember?”

“Uh…” Lemon scratched her neck. “Sunny had an Xyz card out.”

“Hazy Flame Basiltrice,” Sour Sweet offered.

“Right. And Rarity had an empty field… she drew…” Indigo tilted her head. “I guess I wasn’t really paying attention. Did she summon Rainbow Dragon again, or am I misremembering the turn order?”

“I’m fairly sure she did…” Sunny said.

“This can’t be coincidence…” Twilight lowered her head, a hand to her chin. “But she wasn’t even here…” The sound of footsteps behind her caught her ear and Twilight looked over her shoulder. “Principal Sombra!” She ran over and stopped as he kept walking past her.

“Not now, Twilight,” he said sternly as he headed toward the principal skybox.

Twilight kept pace with him as she spoke. “I need to speak to you, sir. It’s urgent.”


“Sir, I think we need to cancel this duel.”

Sombra stopped and spun on his heel, green eyes boring into Twilight. She stopped in her tracks and leaned back.

Later, Twilight.”

Sombra turned back around and continued to his seat alone. Twilight swallowed heavily and debated approaching, but quickly decided against it when she heard her name.

“Twilight!” She looked over shoulder and saw Indigo waving at her. “You wanna have a seat and watch the duel?”

Twilight looked at the dueling field where Lemon and Pinkie were positioned.

“...Yes. I do.” She quickly walked to the other girls and sat down. She tapped her duel disk screen and a projection of the duel stats appeared above it.

Meanwhile, Isaac had just arrived with Sunset as they met up with Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy when they got out of the school building. He told them about how he got Sunset to calm down and told her she was feeling a bit better. The girls noticed Sunset's hand as they asked her what happened. Soon both Rarity and Fluttershy started to treat her hand as they all made it back to the duel field as the match was about to take place. Pinkie saw her friends come back and she had the biggest smile on her face. Lemon Zest was about to activate her duel disk when a blur pink and blue suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Hi there!” Pinkie grinned in Lemon’s face and grabbed her hand to quickly shake it. “I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“Uh, yo,” Lemon smiled back, grimacing as Pinkie shook her hand hard. “I’m Lemon Zest.”

“Cool. So like, on a scale of one to ten, how fun do you want this duel to be?” Before Lemon Zest could even open her mouth to respond, Pinkie held up a hand. “Trick question, the answer is always ten!”

Lemon grinned. “Dude, you’re totally speaking my language right there. I’m always tuned to ten. Sometimes even that’s not high enough.”

“I know, right!?”

"Anybody else thinking that if this keeps up, we'll have essential two Pinkie Pies on our hand?" said Rainbow to the group.

"Please, no! One Pinkie is hard enough as it is." said Isaac as he was pleading that they didn't have to deal with another person who was hyperactive as Pinkie.

“Will the two duelists please take their positions at the field?” Luna’s voice droned from the speakers.

“C’mon, let’s go.” Lemon nodded over Pinkie’s shoulder.

“Oh, yeah. Over there, gotcha!” Pinkie winked and skipped over to her spot on the dueling field. She held up her duel disk and activated it, projecting out a pink energy tray.

Lemon walked to the other end of the field, turned, and held up her arm. She pressed the activation button on her duel disk and a tray of bright green energy projected from the front.

“Hope you’re ready for this!” Lemon called. “Ya seem cool, which is why I ain’t gonna go easy on ya!”

“You got it!” Pinkie nodded.

“Let the sixth duel of the Friendship Games begin!”

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

"Let's party!" they both shouted.

Pinkie Pie's Life Points: 8000-
Lemon Zest's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Lemon Zest

On the display board the portraits of the two flashed, then stopped with Lemon’s lit up. “Crystal Prep will take the first turn.”

"Sweet.” Lemon drew her opening hand from her duel disk and fanned them out. She smiled wide and pumped her fist. “Already loving it!” She grabbed a card and slapped it on her duel disk. “I activate the spell card, One for One. This lets me discard a monster card from my hand, and then I can summon a Level 1 monster from my deck.” Lemon twirled a card in her hand and slotted it into her duel disk, then tapped a prompt on her screen. “I’ll get rid of Morphtronic Cameran and summon Morphtronic Celfon(100/100)!” A large yellow cellphone appeared in front of Lemon Zest. A sheen of light washed over it and it broke apart, transforming into a large yellow robot with bright pink eyes. The screen of the phone cracked down the center and swung back, forming a pair of wings.

"Isaac, care to explain this one darling?"

"Morphtronics are a machine-type deck. While they may be low in terms of level and attack/defense, they have many abilities that rapidly boost their stats and also special summon additional monsters. The deck also has the ability to perform many Synchro Summons in a single turn. Overall, Morphtronics are reliant on each other cause even though you may get rid of it. They'll find a way to help out their teammates by sometimes equipping themselves onto other monsters to make them powerful; in short you can never get rid of them that easily. Not to mention that they have different abilities depending on the mode that they're in."

Back to the duel, Lemon tapped her duel disk again. "I activate Celfon’s ability. Once per turn I can roll a die, and whatever the result is, I can reveal that many cards on the top of my deck and summon a Level 4 or lower Morphtronic monster among them.” Lemon snapped her fingers. “Go, Morphtronic Speed Dial!” Celfon thrust out its chest, made up of the top half of the phone form’s dial pad. The numbers lit up in rapid sequence before stopping on ‘4’. “Awesome!” Lemon grabbed four cards from her duel disk, looking over them, and nodded. “I’ll bring out Morphtronic Remoten(300/1200)!” A white remote control for a video player appeared next to Celfon. The screen blipped to life to show a pair of eyes as arms and legs cords shot out of its sides. Lemon nodded at Remoten. “Next I’ll use Remoten’s ability. By banishing a Morphtronic monster in the graveyard, a Morphtronic with the same Level can be added from my deck to my hand. I’ll get rid of Cameran(800/600) and get a second one out, and then I’ll summon him.” The card ejected from her duel disk and she swiftly slotted it on the card tray. A large red camera appeared in front of her and transformed into another robot, the flash of the camera mounted on the back of its arm.

Pinkie gaped. “Those monsters are so cool! Oo, oo, do they combine into one super-duper-awesome giant robot?”

Lemon held her hand up. “No. But they do combine into something even better! I tune my Level 3 Morphtronic Remoten with my Level 2 Morphtronic Cameran!” Morphtronic Remoten burst apart into three glowing green rings. The rings floated around Cameran and began to spin, while Cameran glowed yellow.

"She managed to Synchro Summon on her first turn?" said Applejack as she was gripped her hat.

"That's the power of Morphtronics; it's why synchro summoning is so easy to get monsters out." Isaac had his hands in his pocket as he looked on. Hope you can handle this type of pressure, Pinks.

Lemon smiled. “I align the frequencies of my remote control and my camera together, and home in on the signal of a high-tech prodigy!” She brought her arm back and raised her duel disk, her hand poised over the back of the device. A card snapped out from it and she grabbed it and placed it on her duel disk. “I Synchro Summon! Come on out, T.G. Hyper Librarian(2400/1800)!” The rings around Cameran contracted and then exploded out, revealing Lemon’s new monster. A tall, slim humanoid figure in a white and black robe stood in front of her, a white cloak trailing down its back. It raised its head, concealed by a military cap and glasses, and snapped an arm out, a book tracing out in green light and then popping into existence in its hand.

Lemon lifted a card in her hand. “Next, I’ll banish Morphtronic Remoten from my graveyard, to special summon Morphtronic Smartfon(100/100).” A slim smartphone materialized in Lemon’s line of monsters and snapped apart, the pieces within unfolding to form hands and feet. The top of the phone popped up, revealing a slim pair of red eyes. “I’ll activate Smartfon’s effect. It’s kinda like Celfon’s effect, but instead of summoning a Morphtronic monster from the deck, it adds a Morphtronic card into my hand. Go, Morphtronic Messenger!” Smartfon’s screen on its chest began cycling through numbers, stopping on a two.

"Just how many abilities, do these Morphtronics have!?" said Sunset.

"A lot, and it's only Lemon Zest's first turn." said Isaac.

Lemon Zest then picked up two cards and frowned as she held them out. "Seems the cards that I picked up were Power-Up Adapter and Air Cracking Storm’. Since neither is a Morphtronic card, I have to add them back to my deck.” She placed the cards on top and her deck automatically reshuffled.

“Aw, that sucks for you,” Pinkie pouted.

“Yeah…” Lemon held up her hands. “But don’t worry, I’ve got one more move anyway. I’ll tune my Morphtronic Celfon with my Morphtronic Smartfon!” Smartfon turned into another green ring that rose up and lowered over Celfon. Lemon extended a hand into the air. “I align the frequencies of my cellphone and my smartphone together, and home in on the signal of a high-tech speedster!” She grabbed her card from her duel disk and put it on the tray. “I Synchro Summon! Rolling out, Formula Synchron(200/1500)!” Lemon’s new monster was shaped like a race car, with legs emerging from below it and arms from the sides between the wheels. It stood next to Hyper Librarian and rested its hands on the car part that formed its chest.

"A synchro tuner, nice." Isaac had a smile on his face as he had plenty experience summon this card.

“When I summon Formula Synchron, its effect activates, letting me draw a card. Also, performing a Synchro Summon activates the effect of Hyper Librarian, letting me draw again.” Lemon picked up her two cards and folded them into her hand with the rest. “I think that’s good for now, so I’ll end my turn.”

Turn 2: Pinkie Pie

"Jesus, that was a lot for just one turn." said Dash.

"That's what Synchro Summoning is all about; being able to use low level monsters to bust out high powerful monsters really quick. Plus they have lots abilities to allow you to bring back a monster."

"You weren't kidding, Isaac." said Sunset.

“Cool!” Pinkie grinned as she drew. She looked at her card and held it out. “I'll start off with a classic. I pay a thousand Life Points, and activate the spell card Toon World! Let the fun begin!" A shower of sparks and a cloud of pink smoke billowed into the air behind Pinkie. A large green book with cartoon characters spun out of it and hurled into the air, landing in front of her and springing open to reveal a pop-up city rising from the pages. Pinkie turned back to Lemon Zest and looked down at her hand. “I'll then summon Toon Masked Sorcerer(900/1400)!” A circular portal in front of Pinkie opened and a purple and red mist poured out, solidifying into the shape of a humanoid figure in a purple robe with a long, bright red shock of hair. The figure shook its head, its face covered by a bright blue mask, and sat down in front of Pinkie. “I guess that’s it, so I’ll set three cards down and end my turn.”
Pinkie's Life Points: 7000-

Rainbow just facepalmed as she witnessed Pinkie's move. "Come on Pinkie. You've got have had something better that. We're losing for sure."

"Don't count Pinkie out just yet." Sunset was doing her best to reassure her teammate.

Turn 3: Lemon Zest

"Seriously dude? That’s it?” Lemon put a hand on her hip and frowned. “Come on, gimme something to work with here!”

“Sorry, bad hand.” Pinkie shrugged again. “I didn’t have any other monsters to summon yet. Maybe next turn!”

Rainbow’s eye twitched. “Does she even know this is a tournament!?”

"That sucks. Guess I've got to keep this party entertaining. Here, let me pick up the slack!" Lemon drew and reached to her hand. “I'll activate the spell card, Junk Box. This lets me revive a Morphtronic in my Graveyard, but it’ll be destroyed at the end of my turn. I revive Morphtronic Celfon.” The hologram of Lemon’s Spell card broke apart into scrap metal that rapidly reformed into the yellow robot. "Like before I'll activate Celfon's special ability, go Morphtronic Speed Dial!" The six numbers on Celfon’s chest lit up and stopped on 3. "Three, alright." Lemon picked up the three cards on her deck and flipped one out. “I summon Morphtronic Magnen(800/800) in defense mode.” A blue horseshoe magnet materialized in front of her and turned a pale blue, light gleaming on its surface. “And now, I tune my Level 1 Morphtronic Celfon with my Level 2 Formula Synchron!” Lemon held her hand up as Formula Synchron turned into green rings that encircled Celfon. “I align the frequencies of my cellphone and my speedster together, and home in on the signal of a musical marvel!” She placed her card on her duel disk with a grin. “I Synchro Summon! Rock on, Martial Metal Marcher(500/2200)! I summon you in defense mode!” A squat robot built of brass rose in front of Lemon, its body formed from old musical instruments, with arms made from horn pieces and the pipes of an organ mounted on its back. A screen on its chest lit up and displayed volume levels as it raised its arms and blasted a soundwave out.

“Summoning Martial Metal Marcher activates the effect of my Hyper Librarian, letting me draw a card. I also get to use my Metal Marcher’s own ability, which is to revive a Tuner monster in my graveyard with its effects negated. So Formula Synchron is coming right back.” Lemon drew as Formula Synchron rose next to the Metal Marcher. "Now, time to attack!" Lemon pointed across the field. “T.G. Hyper Librarian, take out that Toon!” Hyper Librarian brought its hands together and formed an orb of pale blue light. The orb sparked and shot a beam of energy across the field.

“I don’t think so!” Pinkie called. “I activate my continuous trap card Toon Defense!” A long wooden crook extended of the Toon World book and hooked around Masked Sorcerer. “When you try and attack a Level 4 or lower Toon monster, I can change it to a direct attack instead!” The crook pulled Masked Sorcerer into the book, leaving Hyper Librarian’s energy attack streaming towards Pinkie.

“So now you’ll just take the full force of the hit!” Lemon cried.

“Nope! I use my second continuous trap Spirit Barrier!” A glowing field of yellow energy encircled Pinkie. Hyper Librarian’s attack struck in a shower of sparks and dispersed. “With this trap, as long as I control a monster, any damage I take from your attacks is reduced to zero!"

Lemon grinned. “So I can’t attack your monsters with that first trap, and my attacks don’t hurt you because of the second. Not bad.”

“Thanks!” Pinkie smiled back as Masked Sorcerer emerged from Toon World, dancing from either foot.

“Time to step it up then.” Lemon Zest held out a hand. “My battle phase may be over, but I'm not done. Watch as I perform one more Synchro Summon. I tune my Hyper Librarian with my Formula Synchron!” Formula Synchron’s twin green rings floated over Hyper Librarian. The monster inside sparked as metal began to gather around it and circle it. “I align the frequencies of my librarian and my speedster together, and home in on the signal of a mechanical powerhouse!” The metal condensed around Hyper Librarian and lit up. Lemon pumped her fist. “I Synchro Summon! Get ready to meet the star monster of my deck. Take flight, Power Tool Dragon(2300/2500)!” The metal shell shattered, revealing a large, gold, mechanical dragon with silver plates of metal running down its back to its tail. Its right arm was an electrical screwdriver bit, and its right a large shovel claw. Red eyes flashed to life and it flew over the field, circling behind Pinkie to return to Lemon and alighting beside her.

"Awesome!" Pinkie cheered. “I was hoping you would summon a powerhouse monster like that!"

“You were?” Lemon replied, confused.

“Yup, because now I get to activate this! My trap card Toon Mask!” Pinkie’s Trap shimmered and turned into a large mask of a cartoon ogre. “This card lets me choose a monster on your field, and then I get to summon a Toon monster from my deck with the same level!” The mask oozed black ink from behind it, and the ink swelled and grew into a monster’s shape. “Since your Power Tool Dragon is Level 7, I’m gonna summon the Level 7 Red-Eyes Toon Dragon(2400/2000)!” The mask shattered and the ink dripped away, revealing a cartoon black dragon with stubbed wings, an oversized mouth, and large red eyes. It flapped into the air in front of Pinkie and let out a high-pitched roar, flexing its claws.

"Nice, now Pinkie has got a monster that's even more stronger than her dragon."

"Don't think so Applejack. Lemon Zest has yet to use Power Tool Dragon's ability." said Isaac.

“Cool.” Lemon nodded. “I’m not quite done, though. I activate Power Tool Dragon’s special ability. Once per turn I can take three Equip Spell cards from my deck, then you randomly pick one of them and it gets added to my hand.” Lemon reached to her duel disk’s screen and tapped through the display. The holograms of three cards appeared in the air over Lemon’s head. “Okay, go for it.”

Pinkie scrunched her face and murmured, her eyes turning back and forth. She put her hand out to point as she spoke. “The left one! No, the right! No, the center. Ah, no, wait, the right again! Can I use my phone-a-friend?”

“Here, lemme make it easy for ya,” Lemon chuckled. “It’s three copies of the exact same card, so it doesn’t really matter.”

“Ooooooh. That’s kind of a clever trick, actually.” Pinkie smiled. “Okay, take the middle one.” The cards vanished and Lemon took the card that ejected from her deck. Pinkie brushed off her forehead. “Phew, for a second there I was kinda worried!”

“Oh you should be. For now, I’ll set a card and end my turn.” Lemon smiled. “Your move again.”

Turn 4: Pinkie

Never thought I would say this, but come on little sis. You've got to get back in control of this duel. Isaac was just looking on and assessing the situation in front of him.

“And what a move it’s gonna be.” Pinkie drew and looked at her card, and gasped. “And it just got even better! I activate the spell card, Toon Rollback!” A film reel appeared from her card and wound around her dragon, then shimmered and was absorbed into it. “This card lets me select a Toon monster I control and attack twice with it this turn!” Pinkie tapped on her duel disk. “Next I’ll use my Red-Eyes Toon Dragon’s ability to summon any Toon monster from my hand. This is for you big bro. Come on out, Toon Dark Magician!” The Toon World book billowed with purple smoke. A small wizard in bright blue and red robes flipped out and posed, pointing a staff at Lemon.

"Let me guess, a new card that was added to your deck." said Lemon Zest.

"Yep, and it's all thanks to my big brother." Pinkie looked at Isaac as she waved at him.

"I'm not your big brother!" shouted Isaac.

The Canterlot crowd cheered as Pinkie put a hand on her hip. “How’d ya like that?”

“Nice!” Lemon nodded. “Too bad Toons can’t attack on the same turn you summon them.”

“Yeah, that’s a bummer. But on the upside, they get to attack you directly as long as I have Toon World on the field! And it’s only one of my Toons that have to wait to attack. As for the others…” Pinkie spun and thrust her hand out. “Red-Eyes Toon Dragon, double direct attack!” Red-Eyes Toon sucked in air, its jaws glowing orange. Its wings flapped quickly as it rose into the air and snapped its head down, shooting two fireballs toward Lemon Zest. She grimaced and raised her arms as they collided. “Next, my Masked Sorcerer attacks!” The Masked Sorcerer stretched its hand across the field, its fingers crackling. As the smoke cleared around Lemon it thrust its palm into her face and exploded the energy. The Sorcerer wagged its tongue and drew its hand back, flashing a ‘V’ sign.
Lemon Zest's Life Points: 2300-

"Alright, Pinkie actually managed to land the first hit of actually damage." said Sunset.

"And as long as she has Toon World out, her monsters will bypass Lemon's field and go straight for her life points. Yeehaw!" Applejack was quick to celebrate with the others, except for Isaac who had a straight look on his face.

"Hope you liked that because I've got a few more things, like my Toon Masked Sorcerer's ability. Since it dealt damage to you, I get draw one card." Pinkie picked up her card; she looked at it and shook her head. “This card’s no good, so I’ll use it to activate my Dark Magician’s ability. I can discard a Toon card from my hand to summon a Toon monster from my deck. I discard Toon Dark Magician Girl and summon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon!” Sorry for doing this Isaac, but I need a monster that can stand up to her Power Tool Dragon. The Toon World book closed, spun, and opened on a cloud of silver smoke. A silver-blue dragon flew out, bright blue eyes glaring at Lemon as large white fangs shone in its mouth.

"With that I'll end my turn."

"Pinkie actually did it; all she needs to do on her next turn is just have one of her monsters attack Lemon Zest and it's all over." Dash was excited that they were about to take the lead in terms of points.

Turn 5: Lemon Zest

Lemon Zest took a deep breath and rolled her neck. “Okay, you got some skills. So tell me, playtime is over then, huh?”

“Sorry, but when I play, I play hard!” Pinkie said with a stern look.

“I can work with that. Besides, what's a party without some excitement? And I've plenty of things to liven it up, time to turn up the dial.” Lemon then lifted her headphones to listen to the music playing. "Crank up the volume!" Lemon smirked as she drew. She reached to her hand to put the card aside and took hold of another. “I’ll start by activating the spell card, Morphtronic Accelerator. This lets me return Morphtronic Boomboxen from my hand to the deck to destroy a card on the field. I’ll get rid of your Spirit Barrier!” Lemon’s card fired an orb of orange light across the field; it struck Pinkie’s Trap and shattered it. “Then, I get to draw again.” Lemon drew and looked down at her card, then went back to her hand.

“Since I control a Machine-type monster, I’ll activate the spell card, Iron Call to revive my Morphtronic Smartfon. And then I’ll summon Morphtronic Vacuumen(0/0).” A green and yellow vacuum cleaner appeared in front of Lemon. Its suction head swiveled around to reveal a pair of eyes, and the suction hoses on its side rose as limbs. “Now, I’ll tune my Vacuumen with my Smartfon.” Lemon put her hand over her duel disk and leaned forward as Smartfon turned into a green ring that hovered around Vacuumen. “I aligned the frequencies of my smartphone and my vacuum together, and home in on the signal of a flying scout machine!” She grabbed her card and held it out. “I Synchro Summon! Reporting in, T.G. Recipro Dragonfly(300/300)!” A small red and green insectoid robot appeared in front of Lemon, a propeller blade set into its midsection spinning to keep it in the air.

Lemon licked her lips. “And now everything is in place.”

Pinkie tilted her head. “What do you mean? That thing doesn’t look very nasty.”

Meanwhile on the side, Isaac had eyes widen as he took a closer look on Lemon Zest's field. He knew what she was about to do and he looked at Pinkie with the most worried expression. "Oh no." said Isaac softly.

“It isn’t, but I really don’t have much use for it. I just needed a Level 2 Synchro monster. The one you really wanna be worried about is my Martial Metal Marcher.” Lemon jerked her thumb at the machine. “See, he’s a Synchro monster, sure, but he’s also a tuner monster. Which means everything is in place for this!” Lemon spread her arms out. “I tune together my Level 3 Martial Metal Marcher, Level 2 T.G. Recipro Dragonfly, and my Level 7 Power Tool Dragon!”

Pinkie’s jaw dropped. “All three of them!?”

Martial Metal Marcher turned into three golden rings that began to spin. Dragonfly and Power Tool Dragon flew into the middle of the ring, sparks shooting between them as they hovered closer. “I align the frequencies of my scouter, my musician, and my dragon together, and home in on the signal of the ultimate battle mech!” The three monsters lit up yellow and sent a column of light up into the sky. The sky, already getting darker in the early afternoon, turned overcast. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. Lemon looked up and stretched out her hand. “I Synchro Summon! Seek and destroy all in your path! Descend, T.G. Halberd Cannon(4000/4000)!” A bolt of lightning struck the ground behind Lemon. From the flash of light, a massive robot stood up. Streamlined black limbs were covered in orange and yellow armor, glowing brightly. Its head, silver and sculpted in an expression of stern determination, rose from its main body and its eyes flashed to life. It raised its hand and the image of a gigantic polearm appeared as a green wireframe, before it materialized for real. The robot gripped it tight and twirled it over its head, then planted it in the ground.

Pinkie stared, her eyes wide. “T-that’s a big monster!”

“You think he’s big now, wait until you see him up close!” Lemon pointed across the field. “T.G. Halberd Cannon, attack Toon Masked Sorcerer!”

Halberd Cannon leapt up into the air, spun its halberd to point down, and then began to descend. The blade began to glow and crackle with energy.

“Wanna activate Toon Defense now, or are you gonna let it connect?” Lemon asked.

Pinkie frowned. “I’m gonna take a lot of damage either way, so I’ll make it a direct attack! Go, Toon Defense!” Toon World stretched its crook out and pulled Toon Sorcerer into the book.

“Cool. Though, if I’m being honest, I was just being polite and letting you pick first. It really doesn’t matter.” Lemon shrugged.

“Why not?”

Lemon pressed a prompt on her duel disk screen. “I activate my face-down card, Limiter Removal! At the end of this turn all of my Machine monsters will be destroyed, but until then, their attack points double!”

Across Halberd Cannon’s body, sparks flew and wires and gears popped out of its joints. A pair of rocket boosters on its back activated and shot it toward the ground faster.

Pinkie’s face fell. “Crud.”

Halberd Cannon’s polearm stabbed into the ground in front of her and erupted in a massive shower of lightning.
Pinkie's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Lemon Zest

Pinkie let her arms fall to her sides. “Well, that didn’t work.”

“Hey!” Lemon ran up to her and held out a hand. “You still pulled out some great moves there! That was fun!”


“Yeah! I mean, ya know, not to be mean but I knew I was gonna win anyway, but it was cool playing it out.”

“Thanks!” Pinkie grinned and shook her hand vigorously. “Maybe I can lose to you again sometime!”

Rarity rested her cheek on her fist. “This is either very infuriating or very endearing and I’m not sure which.”

“Ah am,” Applejack muttered, her arms folded.

Once Lemon Zest started to make her way to her bench, Pinkie started to walk as her smile fell and her hair started to deflate a bit. She then made it to her friends who noticed her sudden mood change as they did their best to cheer her up. Soon Isaac stepped forward as he stared down Pinkie.

"I'm sorry big bro. I couldn't get us the victory." Pinkie wiped some tears from her eyes. "Even with those new cards you gave me, I couldn't get a point for CHS."

Isaac just put his hand on Pinkie's shoulder. "It's alright, you did your best and that's what matters. I couldn't be more of proud of how you dueled.... little sis." Isaac's acknowledge caused Pinkie's expression to change on a dime as her smile returned and her hair regained its puffiness as she gave Isaac a hug but not too tightly. With that they all looked at the screen to see the final pair of competitors.

“We will now begin the final duel of the Friendship Cup! Crystal Prep’s Indigo Zap will face Canterlot High’s Rainbow Dash!”

Author's Note:

Just added this note to wish, happy holidays to everybody. According to the schedule, by the time you're reading this, I have the next 16 chapters already done for this story, just have to do one final edits before I publish them. As well as continuing writing even more content; also the next chapters for this 'arc' will wrap exactly by the end of the year. So until then, stay safe and I'll see you then.

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