• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,569 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 29: Teach Time

It was another peaceful day, Isaac was currently helping Fluttershy with taking care of the animals down at the Rescue Center. At the moment, they were giving the dogs their daily bath.

"Uhh, now I know why I prefer to be cat person." Isaac was getting a bit soaked from washing the dogs. Thankfully, he took off his signature hoodie before they started, so it wouldn't get wet. Fluttershy was next to him wearing an apron and a little nurse hat as she too was washing the dogs. "At least with Tigre, I don't have to worry because she can just wash herself."

Fluttershy had giggled at Isaac's comment. "Still it's our duty to make sure that these lovely guys are kept clean and healthy."

"Arlight, time to wash these guys down." Isaac then went to get a bucket of water. He then poured it all over the dog that was covered in soap and suds. Once Isaac had poured all the water, the dog's fur was now drenched. "It's fine, he'll dry himself." True to Isaac's word, the dog began to shake himself as he tried to get as much water out of him as possible.

Sometime later, Fluttershy was putting the last of the animals away while Isaac was sitting down at a table. He was currently going over his duel disk performing a daily maintenance dueling routine to make sure everything was working. Fluttershy had just arrived from putting the animals back into their cages; she was still wearing that animal nurse outfit when she saw Isaac fiddling away with his duel disk. She thought back to how Rarity had managed to go on a date with Isaac and it kind of made her heart hurt for a bit. She was happy that her friend got to experience a good time, but she couldn't help to be a bit jealous. Prior to meeting the other girls, she was the first friend that Isaac had met. Even then she was the first person to get to know him and learn how special he was to her. From the moment he returned her lost card, to Isaac building her a deck and teaming with him, to even competing against him in the Fall Formal. Fluttershy then took out a flyer and looked at it before making her way to Isaac.

Isaac still had his mind on his duel disk that he didn't notice Fluttershy approaching him til she made her presence known.

"Uhm, Isaac."

"Yeah, Fluttershy." Isaac still wasn't facing her as he kept working on his duel disk.

"Uhm, I know you went on a date with Rarity a few weeks ago."

"Right." Isaac still wasn't facing her.

"And I'm glad that you showed her a good time. It makes me happy to know that she has someone who can bring her so much happiness/joy." Fluttershy was getting a bit nervous as she must trying to muster up the courage to ask Isaac out. Her heart was beating as this was probably the scariest thing she had ever done in her life. Eventually she blurted out what she was saying. "I was just wondering if you would like to go with me?" Fluttershy hid her face behind her hair.

At that moment, Isaac stopped what he was doing. The response from Fluttershy almost made him damage his duel disk while he was checking it over. He now turned to Fluttershy before blinking his eyes as he tried to wrap his head around what she was saying. It took a moment but Isaac asked Fluttershy to repeat herself.

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy. But could you repeat that again?"

"Well it's just that I got an invitation from the school to attend an aviary center. It's a place where people can watch tons of birds flying about and seeing how they act. It's sort of like bird watching; anyways some of the students are attending and they're allowed to bring one guest. As you know that my dream one day is to create an animal sanctuary, so I hope that I can some inspiration from a place like this. That being said, I was wondering if you would like to come with me as my plus one." Fluttershy had a bright blush on her face after she had finished asking Isaac.

Isaac too had a bit of red on his cheeks as he was listening to Fluttershy. It soon disappeared as he thought about Fluttershy's request. He didn't know what to do/say; I mean other than the date with Rarity, he didn't have anymore romantic encounters. Despite going out with Rarity, he didn't have any other dates besides that initial first outing. Isaac was a bit hesitant in responding to Fluttershy because he was afraid of what Rarity might think. As a result of going out with Rarity, it seemed to have ticked off Rainbow Dash because he hung out with her. He was a bit scared of what would happen if he now did the same thing with Fluttershy. After thinking about it, he turn gave Fluttershy his response.

"Look Fluttershy, I'm glad that you're still working towards your dream of trying to make predator and prey live in harmony. In terms of being your plus one for this school event, well... I'd be happy to attend with you. I just have to ask Rarity if it's alright. I mean you remember how Rainbow Dash felt about Rarity going behind her back and asking me out. Just want to make sure that there's no trouble this time around; if everybody knows then I don't have to worry about anything, right?"

"Ohh.. sure." While she was happy that Isaac had accepted her invite, she had hoped it would have been more special if it was just the two of them and not have the entire group talk about it.

The next day, Isaac managed to see Rarity as he was passing by him in the hallways.

"Hey, Rarity. Wait up, I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Oh, hello Isaac. What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I was helping out Fluttershy with taking care of some animals the other day. As we were finishing up, she approached me and asked me to attend a school event with her. The way it sounded it kinda of sounded like she was asking me out. I wasn't quick to say, so I told her that I could accompany her as long as I asked you."

"Asked me? Why darling, why would you need my permission to go on a date with Fluttershy?"

"I mean you saw what happened last time; you didn't tell the girls and well Rainbow was pretty angry. I got lucky that you'll were there to help me calm her down. I don't want something like that to happen again."

Rarity was trying to hold back a laugh at what Isaac's explanation was for asking her permission to go out with Fluttershy. "Darling, there no need to ask me. I'm not your mother and you're a grown man who can do what he wants and go out with whoever he wants. The only reason Rainbow threw a temper tantrum is because... well... let's say she had personal reason."

Isaac felt a bit dumb that he had to ask Rarity for permission, but he was new to the world of dating so he had to make sure that wasn't doing anything wrong. "Thanks, then Rares. I feel kind of stupid having to ask you; I mean it's not like your my girlfriend or anything." Isaac just gave a lighthearted laugh.

"Yes, you're right. I'm not your girlfriend. Ha. At least, not yet. Hopefully, I may someday be." Rarity made sure to turn her head slightly when she said that last bit. Thankfully, Isaac didn't notice this and just said goodbye as he left. Rarity was left to ponder her thoughts as she collected her mind on what had transpired. "So it seems Fluttershy is also making her move, it's nice to see that she's stepping out of her comfort zone. I always did find the two of them pretty cute; well nothing I can do but see how it goes and see how Isaac feels about her." Rarity tossed aside any selfish thoughts she had about Fluttershy trying to make Isaac be with her, she knew Fluttershy wasn't that type of person and hoped that she would have a good time with him.

Celestia and Luna were in their offices looking over some paperwork. They were also running some diagnostics on the new duel disks as they wanted to see how well they were performing and to see how much fun the students were having. Since the Fall Formal, a fair amount of things had changed. Not only did the Fall Formal crown a new champion, but it opened the pathway for new connections from many schools in the district. She even got a call from a familiar person who attended another school; she just merely congratulated Celestia for putting on a classic event and for crowning a new top duelist. The mysterious women just wished her luck and told her that they would meet in a couple of months for a special event. Celestia was happy with the sudden transformation happening to CHS.

"Well, sister. Everybody seems pleased with how the new duel disk are functioning. Our system is being filled with tons of new duels/scores that our computers can barely record them without overloading the processors."

"That's wonderful news, Luna. To think that Canterlot High is undergoing a sort of renaissance due to the events of the Fall Formal. I couldn't be happy to see the faces on these students filled with happiness and wonder. In a way, it thanks to both Sunset and Isaac. Sunset was once the most feared person in this place, but when Isaac chose to step up and challenge her authority, he gave new birth to hope. He gave these students something worth fighting for and as a result they supported him on his journey as he defeated the darkness within her. Since then he's been seen as the standard barrier of our school when it comes to dueling. Isaac helped to reform Sunset and gave her a second chance that not many would do."

"Indeed, Celestia. Isaac has proven to be the face of Canterlot High in terms of Duel Monsters; it's one of the many reasons why you chose him as your representative for those meetings you suddenly started." Luna had a bit of a sly tone in her voice at that last part she said. To which Celestia tried to deny that she made the meetings for her sake. It was just that she was so busy that she couldn't attend them all, so she picked someone to act on her behalf.

"Nevertheless, I've been getting reports that many of the students are really happy with Isaac being ranked as the champion because it's been encouraging others to step up their game. You don't want to know how many requests I get on a daily basis of students coming to my office and demanding for a shot at Isaac. There's only so much that I can do to say 'I'll take it under consideration'. It seems that if the future of this place is to exist, it must first go through Isaac as he doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon."

"That gives me an idea. You remember the talk we had previous, Lulu."

"You mean the one about us taking part in a duel one final time. I know what you're thinking sister and I have to disagree. I feel it would be too much to suddenly thrust this upon him. Perhap we should wait a bit; I mean there's no rush."

"You're right Luna. There's still plenty of time; now then, how have the younger students been progressing?"

"Well, there enthusiastic to say the least, but they could use some improvements. They're really invested when it comes to Duel Monsters, but they seem to struggle to understand some of the concepts."

"Is that so, then maybe I may have an idea to help?" Celestia had a big smile on her face as she thought of an idea.

The CMC were currently in class where they were learning about the history of radishes. Suffice to say that the students were bored and tired from listening Ms. Cheerilee's lecture.

"And that is how the name radish got its label. Any questions?" Once Cheerilee looked back at her students, she saw that most of them were tired and not fully paying attention to what she was saying. There were a couple of students who hand their elbows on their desks and were starting to fall asleep. Others had their mouths open and there was a bit of drool coming out; some of them just had blank stares.

"Right, then. Well class, it's time for our next lesson which involves Duel Monsters."

Once Cheerilee had said that everybody's attitude changed on the dime as they awoke from their slumber and were full of energy. The students then began to pull out some cards as they were eager to see what Ms. Cheerilee had planned. Before things got out of hand, Ms. Cheerilee wanted to address her fellow students as she had something that could help them moving forward.

"Now class, settle down. I know how eager you all are about dueling. It truly is a spectacle; but I need to talk to you about how you're all performing. Principal Celestia has brought something to my attention that while you're all eager to learn the game; the scores haven't been the best. She believes that you all have the potential to be a great duelist, so she's enlisted the help of someone who she believes can help you to understand and develop a strong foundation of the basics. Boys and girls, please welcome Isaac." Cheerilee pointed at the door and through it came Isaac.

The reception that Isaac got was expected to say the least. As soon as he set foot in the classroom, all the students began to talk amongst themselves and then started to crowd Isaac as they bombarded him with questions. Cheerilee saw Isaac was having a tough time, so she decided to help him by getting her class back into their seats.

"Now class! Let's give Isaac some space. Return to your seats!" It worked as the students had returned to their desks and jumping up and down in their seats as they were excited to see what Isaac was going to teach them.

"Thank you Ms. Cheerilee. So boys and girls, how are all of you doing? I hear that you're all learning about Duel Monsters and I'm excited to see what you'll know. Now as you probably know, my name is Isaac." Just then a voice interrupted Isaac as he was talking.

"Oh, we know who you are. Mr. Champion. Let be the first to say that victory of yours, was stellar to say the least. I talked with my father on your performance, although there was some things that you did that I believe were a waste but you did good nonetheless."

"Thanks you for that, Ms...."

"Tiara. Diamond Tiara, and yes, I am the best duelist here out of this pathetic bunch. And let me say that it will be an honor for you to have a someone like me as your personal protégé." Diamond Tiara had a smug look on her face, while the CMC just merely rolled their eyes at her statement.

"I look forward to seeing what you can do, Ms. Tiara." Seems she's one of those type of people, well this should be fun. Isaac then told Diamond Tiara to take a seat to which she happily did. Isaac then cleared his throat as he prepared to talk with the entire class. "Well, as Ms. Tiara put it yes, I'm currently ranked as the champion in CHS. But I don't want that to be the main distraction between us. I want you all to treat as an equal and not some famous celebrity; I want to help you guys to become the next generation of duelist, so as per Celestia's request I'll be serving as a teacher's aid with Ms. Cheerilee. On the days, that I have a free period, I'll stop by your class and work with you guys to improve your skills, so just think of me as your friend. And as for what you should address me by, just call me by my name or Teach is fine. Is that understood?"

All the students seemed to understand what Isaac was saying and they all gave him responses that they wouldn't see him as the big shot duelist that everybody else in the upper grades saw him as. Once the rules were set, Isaac was about to begin his first lesson.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, I'll like to begin with a few questions to grasp a sense of where you guys are at. First question: how many of you, know about the game Duel Monsters?". Almost all the students raised their hands. "Ok, now how many of you actually play the game and have some idea on how it works?". Once again, almost all the students raised their hands. "Alright, now how many of you have a deck or at least some cards?". This time the amount was fewer than the 2 previous questions. Isaac took a moment to see and made sure to make a mental note about it. "Lastly, who can tell me the main types of summoning that are in Duel Monsters?". This time there was no hands raised as the students were either confused or they didn't know the answer at all. With that Isaac then figured out where he should start his lesson.

"Thanks for the quick survey, I think I've got enough data to figure out where we need to start." Isaac then stood up from his seat and took out his duel disk and his deck from his backpack. The students were surprised to see Isaac's duel disk, but more importantly, his deck. Just as Isaac was about to talk about the different types of summoning, there was a student who raised their hand.

"Umm, Isaac?"

"Yes, mind telling me your name, kid?"

"My name's Featherweight. And I wanted to share a video with everybody that might help us to understand the different types of summoning methods. If that's alright?"

"Sure, Featherweight." With that Featherweight plugged in a flash drive into Cheerilee's computer. Ms. Cheerilee then turned on the school projector, while Isaac closed all the shades and turned off the lights to see the video. Suffice to say that the video did explain the different types of summoning; however, it mostly consisted of Isaac's duels. Isaac shouldn't have been too shocked as the expressions on the kids faces were full of excitement; some of the duels consisted of Isaac showing off his monsters and using his cards to their full potential.

"Watch as I demonstrate the power of teamwork between duelist and monster. I overlay 2 of my level 7 magicians to build the Overlay network. I Xyz summon Ebon Illusion Magician(2500/2100, OLU: 2). Now I’ll play the spell card The Eye of Timaeus with this I can conduct a fusion summon using this and my Dark Magician Girl. Now merge you two and unveil a new monster. Appear Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight(2600/1700). I summon my level 4 tuner Bri Synchron(1500/1100) and tune it with my level 4 Junk Warrior. Behold as the cosmos creates a monster of galactic might, behold as I Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon(2500/2100)!"

Once the video ended, Ms. Cheerilee turned off the projector and lifted up the shades while Isaac turned on the lights. He then made his way to the front of the class.

"Well, thank you, Featherweight for that unique presentation. Although I think you just wanted to show the class what I can do." Isaac's assumption was confirmed based on Featherweight just tried hide his embarrassment from his fellow peers. "Regardless, it did help us because it showed off the different types of summoning that are available when it comes to Duel Monsters. The 3 types are: Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz summoning. Fusion revolves around combining different monsters to create a new creature, sometimes an even powerful one. Synchro is all about summoning out low level monsters and then tuning them together to bring out more powerful monsters as fast as you can. And lastly, Xyz is about overlaying monster cards to create monsters that use overlay units to activate their special ability. In fact, Xyz is one of the trickiest summonings to pull off. Usually because it revolves around having monsters to be the same level and having cards that can manipulate a monster's level to get it just right for you to overlay."

The class was fascinated with what Isaac was telling them that they started to take notes on what he was saying.

"Now those are the big 3 but their are also some basic summonings that anybody can pull off. Does anybody know what they are?"

"I do, the basic summons consist of a tribute summon and a ritual summon."

"Correct, and your name young lady?"

"Silver Spoon, Mr. Champion."

"Alright then, Silver Spoon. In order to conduct a tribute summoning, what must you do?"

"Well, in order to summon a level 5 or 6 monster, you must sacrifice one monster. In the case of level 7 or above, you must sacrifice 2 monsters unless the monster you're trying to call out requires more."

"Very good, Ms. Spoon. You show that you really know your stuff." Silver spoon sat back into her seat with a smile on her face as she gave her best friend a high five. "Now can anybody tell me what the rules are to ritual summon?"

"I can, when you ritual summon a monster you must have the appropriate spell card to use. In addition, you must also have the monster you want to ritual summon. To summon them you need to sacrifice monsters who level will equal the same level as the monster you're trying to bring out."

"Correct, Ms. Scootaloo. Now that we've covered the basics; lets move onto the next part of the lesson. As a duelist you main responsibility is to have a deck that you can rely on, a deck that reflects on who you are as an individual. Your deck must also have a star monster to revolve around, a companion that you feel comfortable with, a friend that you know will always be by your side in tough times." Isaac then pulled out 2 cards from his deck and looked at them before showing it to the class. "For me these are my star monsters, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl." Isaac then passed them around, so that the class could see them.

The students were amazed with seeing Isaac's top monsters. They had heard tales of powerful cards and were lucky if at all to see these powerful monsters in action. Now that they had the opportunity to actually see and hold these cards, they felt honored to be in the presence of such incredible monsters. While they couldn't see it; Isaac could see the spirits of his monsters smiling at the students. Once everybody had a chance to see the cards, they passed them back to Isaac as he put them on top of his deck.

"Well, now that we've covered monsters, let's talk about spell and trap cards. Who can tell me what kind of type of cards are used?"

This time it was Sweetie Belle to answer. "I can Isaac, each card type has subtypes. Spell cards, for instance, are divided into Quickplay, Continuous, Field, Equip, Ritual, and Normal, while Trap cards are divided into Continuous, Counter, and Normal. Each of those subtypes determines when it can be activated and how it is played. For example, Field Spells stay on the field and affect all monsters in play until they get destroyed, while Equip spells attach to a monster to confer effects to only it and are destroyed if that monster leaves play."

Isaac gave her a smile as he was proud that Sweetie Belle had managed to do a bit of research on her own. "You are correct, Ms. Belle. Now that we've covered everything, how about we have a demonstration to show off everything we learned?" Isaac's response was meant with a loud noise as the students were really wanting to see some action.

"Well, then I just need an opponent. Ms. Cheerilee, do you mind if you help me?"

"Of course, Isaac. Alright class, line up and follow Isaac as we head outside for a class demonstration."

Once they made it outside, Ms. Cheerilee told everybody to sit on the grass as they watched the entertainment that was about to happen. Once everybody had taken a seat, she then made her way across from Isaac and activated one of the duel disks that the school staff used. Isaac then turned on his duel disk and slotted his deck in before looking at Ms. Cheerilee and confirming that they were ready to begin.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Intiaiting. Commencing duel" said the mechanical voice of their duel disk.

"Let's duel!" they both shouted.

Cheerilee's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Cheerilee

"Seems I'm starting off, draw. I'll play my Teacher's Knight in attack mode(1300/1200). I'll end my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Alright, looks like I'm up. Pay attention, class." Isaac drew his card and looked through his hand to figure out what he wanted to do. He then looked at the students who all had smiles and huge eyes as they awaited to see what Isaac would do. Isaac just gave them a thumbs up before playing his card. "I'll start things off with playing the spell Pot of Greed. Now I'll draw 2 more cards, now since I drew my Watapon thanks to my spell I can then summon him to my field."

"Hey, why did Isaac do that?" asked one of the students.

"Yeah, I mean Watapon doesn't have enough attack points to take down Cheerilee's monster. So why play it?" asked another classmate.

"It's because so he can activate Watapon's effect. See when it's drawn from your deck due to an effect you can special summon it to the field. This is good because it doesn't count as your normal summon; plus it means that Isaac can sacrifice it to summon out an even powerful monster."

"That's right Applebloom. Now I'll sacrifice my Watapon in order to bring out my Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac summoned out his ultimate female spellcaster who struck a pose and took a bow before appearing on Isaac's side.

Dark Magician Girl saw the group of little kids that were watching them and she couldn't help but smile at how cute they were. She ultimately gave them a wave, to which some just waved back. To the kids, she was like a god to them and justed wanted to have play and have fun with her. She then turned back to her master.

"Oh my, Isaac. Those kids over there are just so cute; I just want to have fun and play with them all day." She couldn't contain herself as she lost it at the sight of the kids being so adorable.

"Indeed, Mana. However, I'm teaching these students a lesson about dueling. Mind giving me a hand?"

"You've got it Isaac." Mana then gave her master a thumbs up to which Isaac returned as well.

"Next I'll play the spell Double Summon and summon my Magician's Valkyria in attack mode. Now since she's on the field, she's the only one you can attack. Now time for battle, Magician's Valkyria take out that monster and then Dark Magician Girl attack Cheerilee directly with Dark Burning Attack! Class, mind helping me out with basic arithmetic? How much life points will Ms. Cheerilee lose?"

"I can answer that, since Valkyria has 1600 attack points and Ms. Cheerilee's monster only has 1300 attack, she'll lose 300 points due to the difference in their stats. In additionally, Dark Magician Girl has a total of 2000 attack points and is attacking her directly. Therefore the total amount of damage is 2300 which means, Ms. Cheerilee will have 5700 life points left. Anybody should know basic stuff." said Diamond Tiara who had a sly smile on her voice.

"Correct." Isaac then snapped his fingers and true to Tiara's word, Ms. Cheerilee's monster was wiped out and Dark Magician Girl then pointed her wand at her and fired a spell that made contact.
Cheerilee's Life Points: 5700-

Turn 3: Cheerilee

"Well, the class seems to be into this duel. Now then lets see if I've still got it in my old age. I'll play my spell card: Scroll of Teaching. Now I can add a level 4 or below monster from my deck to my hand." Cheerilee then picked the card she wanted and added it to her hand. "Next I'll play Floral Guardian(500/2000) in defense mode. Then I'll play 1 card facedown."

Turn 4: Isaac

"Nice job, Ms. Cheerilee. Class, mind telling me why Ms. Cheerilee did that?"

"It's obvious, due to Isaac's monster having high attack points. She needed to have a monster that can not only defend her but cause Isaac to play an even stronger monster to get through her life points."

"Spot on Silver Spoon, now watch as how I can turn a negative into a positive. Draw. I'll activate a nifty little spell called Sage's Stone now since I have Dark Magician Girl on my field, I can call upon her teacher." Just then a spotlight shined on Isaac as he was about to put on a performance of a lifetime. "Ladies and gentleman, welcome one and all. Time to amaze you with some show stopping skills, however we seem to be missing our star attraction. Well all will be revealed because I have his lovely apprentice to help me out. Watch and be amazed as the stone breaks and reveal the one and only, Dark Magician." Isaac snapped his fingers and the stone cracked and out came his ultimate spellcaster.

The students' breaths were taken away as they got to see the sight of Isaac's most loyal companion. It was an honor to be in the presence of such a legendary card; not to mention that they were all getting a kick out of it. Isaac then looked at his monster as it descended on his field. Mahad looked to his side and saw that they weren't battling under normal circumstances.

"Aren't you excited, Mahad?"

"Forgive me for being rude, master. But it feels a bit weird being summoned when it's to demonstrate for little kids."

"Oh lighten up, Mahad. Those kids over there are so adorable that I just want to pinch their cheeks. Loosen up, besides our master is doing this to help teach those children about the mechanics of Duel Monsters. You wouldn't want to break their little hearts now, are you really that serious and heartless that you can't think of the children?"

"That's not true... if it's for teaching purpose then I suppose it couldn't hurt to enlighten the younger generation."

"That's the spirit buddy."

Meanwhile in the crowd of students they were a bit confused on what Isaac was doing or who he was talking to.

"Umm, does anybody know who Isaac is talking to?"

"Yeah, he just seems to be taking to someone invisible?"

"Mr. Isaac, mind telling us who're addressing?"

"Don't worry, kids. I'm just talking to my monsters." Isaac gave a smile which was convincing enough for the students as they thought they understood what he was saying. "Now time to wow you guys, Dark Magician take out Cheerilee's Floral Guardian, Dark Magic Attack." Isaac's wizard raised its staff and pointed it at its target and got rid of it. "Then I'll have the rest of my monsters attack her directly!" The rest of Isaac's field heard their command and dealt a hit to Ms. Cheerilee.
Cheerilee's Life Points: 2100-

"I'll then end my turn with a card facedown."

Turn 5: Cheerilee

"Well done, Isaac. It seems you've got the students invested more than I could have teaching them in a classroom."

"I'd appreciate the compliment, but it's you who introduced these kids to dueling. I'm just teaching them by showing rather than telling. Sometime the best way to learn is to experience things firsthand; at least, that's how I learn and got interested in Duel Monsters."

"I'll take that into consideration, now then draw. I activate my facedown OverRule, now since I took damage I can summon two monsters who attack is less than the damage I took. So I'll play two copies of my Daisy Dancers(900/1300). Then I'll sacrifice both of my monsters to tribute summon my Calliope Diva(2750/2000). Now I'll have my monster attack Isaac's Valkyria, Melody Attack." Cheerilee had finally managed to score a hit on Isaac's life points as she destroyed his monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 6850-

"Next, I'll activate Textbook of Law, with this I can have my monster conduct a second attack and when she destroys a monster you take damage equal to its attack points. So time to take out Dark Magician." Cheerilee gave her command and her monster was ready to strike again.

The students were scared that Isaac was about to lose his best monster.

"Watch out, Isaac."

"Don't worry, Scootaloo. My magician is not going anywhere, reveal Magical Hats. Time for a little disappearing act; alright kids and Ms. Cheerilee, see if you can figure out which hat my monster is under but remember you only get one shot?"

Round and round the hats spun in a circle until they stopped and then spread themselves in a line. Both the kids and Ms. Cheerilee were confused as they were trying to figure out where Isaac's monster was hiding. Isaac tapped his foot as he waited patiently for Cheerilee to make her decision.

"Tick tock, Ms. Cheerilee. We haven't got all day? What's it gonna be?"

"Uhm... I... choose the hat on far right." Cheerilee wasn't too sure with her decision as she commanded her monster to attack the hat. It exploded and produced smoke as it popped. It was nothing but dead silence as everybody looked on with interest to see if Cheerilee had made the right choice. Isaac just had a smile on his face as he already knew the result. Once the smoke, cleared there was still 3 hats which served as the sign that Cheerilee chose wrong.

"That's a miss, better luck next time."

"I'll end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Now then, draw. Time for my magician to reveal himself, come on out buddy." Isaac dispelled his hats and it revealed his magician. He then drew his card and prepared to give the kids one final lesson. "Well folks, it seems we've reached the finale. We hope that you'll have enjoyed the show thus far, now time to unveil our final trick ready my magicians. Now I'll play the spell Dark Burning Magic, now with this card since I have both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl then I can destroy all cards that my opponent controls." Once again, Isaac snapped his fingers and his spellcasters obliterated Cheerilee's field. "With that gone, the curtain now falls and so we must say good night, now attack her directly." With that final attack Cheerilee's life points were reduced to zero.
Cheerilee's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel was over both Isaac and his monsters took a bow as the group of kids applauded them for a very entertaining duel. Isaac thanked his monsters as their spirits returned back to his deck. Just then Isaac felt himself get tackled by three little people as he fell to the floor. The CMC were really impressed with how their dueling teach had performed that they all ran up to him to give him a hug. Unfortunately, they had so much force that when they collided with Isaac they caused him to stumble and fall on his back. Isaac had managed to convince them to let him up.

"That was amazing, did you see how awesome you were?" shouted Scootaloo.

"I was on the edge of my seat just watching you!" Sweetie Belle was ecstatic about Isaac winning.

"That was more fun than square dancing, y'all."

"Well I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Now mind letting me get up?" Once the girls realized their mistake, they let Isaac stand up. "Thanks and to you too, Ms. Cheerilee. I couldn't do it without a partner."

"It was my pleasure, Isaac. Besides I think it's safe to assume that I'm more comfortable teaching rather than actual dueling. Besides, the way you kept entertain the children showed that they really paid attention to what you were saying in class. These students are learning more than I've taught them in class."

Isaac turned towards the children and saw tons of smiles on their little faces. He just gave them a smile as they started to head back inside. As they were making their way, Isaac had tons of questions from the kids. From up above in their office, both Celestia and Luna had smiles on their face as they had just finished watching the duel. They were happy to have made the right choice and hoped that the kids would be grateful to learn from CHS's top duelist.

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