• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 102: First Duel

"So, you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" asked Sunset.

"Of course, Twilight wants to know a bit more about Duel Monsters. So I'd figured I give her demonstration seeing as how she's eager." stated Isaac.

"That's not the only reason she's so eager." said Sunset with a sly smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Just have fun with the princess." said Sunset as she gave a wink. With that she left through the door.

Isaac was trying to figure out what Sunset was trying to imply. He eventually gave up as he simply shrugged his shoulders and started to make his way to the map room. Isaac entered the place and saw Spike in his chair reading his comic as Twilight was in the chair next to him as she had several scrolls out in front of her.

"Let me guess, some royalty papers that need to be signed?" asked Isaac.

"A little. Mostly, Princess Celestia just wants me to go over some important documents for an upcoming meeting." stated Twilight.

"Yeah, yeah. Look can we just take care of them later." pleaded Spike. "I want to see Isaac give a demonstration. You promised, Twilight."

"All right, just let me finish this stack of papers." said Twilight. "You don't mind waiting, do you, Isaac?"

"Of course not." said Isaac.

He then sat on one of the other seats as he used his magic and pulled out his deck as he spread them out on the table. While Isaac was looking over his cards, Twilight snuck in a couple of glances at his direction as she noticed how attentive he was to his allies. It gave her a slight blush as she tried to finish up her work. Soon Twilight was able to finish her documents as she informed both of the boys. With that they all made their way to the back of the castle as both Twilight and Spike were eager to see how Isaac did what he did.

"So how do the monsters in your deck come to life? More importantly, can you just play any card you want?" asked Spike with excitement as he reached into Isaac's deck box and pulled out his deck.

"Spike." shouted Twilight as she used her magic to take the cards from him. "You know you need to ask permission before you take stuff that isn't yours." she said while giving her a stern mother look. "Sorry about that, Isaac. It's just that Spike is really excited, and I am too."

"It's fine." said Isaac as he took back his cards from Twilight. "Now then, are you both ready?" asked Isaac.

"Yup!" stated both of them. Twilight then had a scroll and quill appear as Spike sat on the floor ready to see some action.

"All right." Isaac then used his magic as he took out his cards as he sat in front of them and spread a couple of them on the grass. "So in my world, Duel Monsters is a game. A game that well, basically kind of runs the whole world in a way. What I mean is that everybody knows as it's sort of a way of life. So based on what you two saw when I took on that creature, the objective of the game is to be winner. That much is obvious; the way you win is by you draining your opponent's life points till they reach zero. Now that's the most common way, however there are a couple of alternatives. Now then a duel is consisted at the most of two players, sure there can be more, but in general you need two people to have a duel. And each person has a deck that they use to try to beat their opponent and win the game. Is this all clear so far?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah." said Twilight as she was scribbling stuff down on her scroll.

"And so this deck consists of what you call, 'Duel Monsters', right?" asked Spike.

"Correct. However, a deck isn't just based on that. A deck also needs to have some spells/magic and trap cards that can help it to give balance." informed Isaac.

"Makes sense." stated Twilight. "If you had a deck full of monsters, you practically lose everytime. I mean there's no way you can win with just monsters. Right?" asked Twilight.

"Well... yes and no."

"What?" said Spike as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, it's ideal to have cards other than monsters. But there are certain decks/archetypes that don't benefit from them and they can still function. But I'm getting ahead of myself, overall about 95% of decks do have some sort of spell/traps cards." said Isaac. He then used his magic to pick up a few cards as he showed them to the mare and dragon. "Now a monster card looks like this, it has its stats on the bottom right. And it shows how many stars it has on the top. And sometimes these monsters have an effect which can usually be found under the artwork."

"So this card is called... uhm, Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts?" said Spike as he felt like he was saying the name right.

"You're correct. So pay attention to its stats? What do you see?" asked Isaac.

"Well, it has two different numbers." stated Spike.

"Exactly! These two different numbers represent the card's attack and defense."

"Ahh, I see. So the number on that comes first is the attack power of the monster, while the number after it is the defense power."

"You got it, princess." stated Isaac. "Now as you can see Gazelle has 1500 attack points and 1200 defense points. So when you summon a monster there's different ways you can do it. For attack mode, you just simply play it like normally faceup. But when it comes to defense mode, you can either choose to play it faceup or facedown; regardless if you want to play a monster in defense mode then you just simply put the card sideways. Now that's what we call a normal summon, which is basically everybody's one free chance to summon anything they want. Now there's also a term called 'special summon', unlike a normal summon, there's no limit to how many times you can special summon in a turn. And when you special summon a monster, you get the choice of what position you want it to be in. Understand?"

"Of course, normal summon once per turn. Special summon is unlimited." stated Spike. "And depending on how you position the card determines if it's in attack or defense mode."

"Yup. Now the next step about monster cards is their star levels. So as you can see, Gazelle has 4 stars meaning that it's a basic enough monster that's neither too weak or strong." Isaac then used his magic to pick up some other cards as he showed them to the pair. "Now take a look at this card, how stars does it have?"


"Correct, Twilight. This here is my Jack's Knight. Now I can't normally summon it like I do with Gazelle. So if I were to play him, then what I would need to do is sacrifice my Gazelle and then I can play this card. Now what about this one?"

"It's your Dark Magician. And it has 7 stars." stated Spike.

"Correct, now for me to play this card, I need to sacrifice two monsters to summon him."

"I understand. Monsters that have levels 4 or below you can play normally. In the case of five or six stars, you need to only sacrifice one monster. And should it be seven or higher, it means you need two monsters to meet the summoning requirements." stated Twilight as she looked over her notes.

"Yes, however, there are cases when a monster above 7 requires 3 tributes. But that's not important for now. Okay, next item of business is moving on to spell and trap cards." Isaac then pulled out some other cards as he explained their functions. "In short, spells are cards that you can activate at anytime on your turn. Traps require you needing to set them first before you can activate them. Spells are what you mostly use to boost your monsters, while traps are what you use to counter your opponent's move."

"So just to reiterate? Each card type has subtypes. Spell cards, for instance, are divided into Quickplay, Continuous, Field, Equip, Ritual, and Normal, while Trap cards are divided into Continuous, Counter, and Normal." said Twilight as she was looking over her notes for reference.

"That's right. Now the next big thing about dueling is not just summoning high level monsters, but also trying to call out different forms of monsters using the more superior forms of summoning. Now the one you'll saw me use against that monster was Fusion. Basically it consist of combine monsters to bring out a combination of the two. The main card is called Polymerization as its the O.G. that people use to fuse; there are other forms of it that applied to their specific deck. The other ones are Synchro and Xyz. Synchro is all about summoning out low level monsters and then tuning them together to bring out more powerful monsters as fast as you can. And Xyz is about overlaying monster cards to create monsters that use overlay units to activate their special ability. In fact, Xyz is one of the trickiest summonings to pull off. Usually because it revolves around having monsters to be the same level and having cards that can manipulate a monster's level to get it just right for you to overlay." stated Isaac.

"Fusion, Synchro and Xyz?" said Spike as he counted his fingers. "Seems kind of hard to keep track."

"It's tough to take it all in at once, but once you get experience, it becomes second nature. Conveyance is something that everybody struggles with, when it comes to playing this game, I love it when things go into detail. But I also know that sometimes too many details can bog down someone else's brain because in my mind those details are normal but in someone else's mind those details do not matter in the slightest. That's why it's better to just play the game and learn that way." stated Isaac. "Now, normally when people create their decks, they usually try to revolve around one of those certain types of summonings. That being said, it takes a lot of time to master you're preferred form of summoning. So people generally stick with just one."

"Well, what about you. What's your preferred form of summoning?" asked Spike.

"Well, I like them all. Each one has their own advantages and disadvantages."

"All of them?" said Twilight in disbelief. She then quickly looked at her notes as she scrambled back and forth between them and Isaac. "Impossible, based on how time consuming it is to master just one form of summoning, two is just tiring. But with all three, you would have to be a master."

"Well, I'm no master. I just simply practiced a lot when I was young. Sure it took a while, but eventually I was able to understand and from there I worked on refining my skills as a duelist." stated Isaac.

"That's amazing, wow, you're amazing." said Twilight as she caused both of them to blush as they turned their heads to the side for a bit.

"Yeah, yeah he's amazing. What don't we know?" interrupted Spike. "Now then, enough with the talking, just show us!" said Spike in excitement.

"All right." Isaac then slide on his duel disk as he prepared to show Twilight and Spike. "Now I'll use the Eye of Timaeus to combine my Dark Magician Girl, I Fusion Summon, Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight!" shouted Isaac as he called upon his monster. "Next I tune my Turbo Synchron with my Sonic Chick and Dark Magician, and when using Dark Magician as Synchro Material he counts as level 6 instead of 7." Soon all three of Isaac's monster were tuning together to call upon another one of his magicians. "I Synchro Summon Dark Sorcerer Magician!" Isaac's second magician came out as Spike and Twilight were in awe. "And then I'll overlay my two Magician of Dark Illusions and build the Overlay Network, I Xyz Summon Ebon Illusion Magician!" Isaac's other magician came out as it had its units floating around it. "And then I'll play the ritual spell card, Chaos Form. So now I'll tribute my Gaia the Fierce Knight and Kuriboh in order to ritual summon Magician of Chaos!" With that Isaac's last form of magician appeared as he stood along side his comrades and their master.

Spike and Twilight were just sitting there with huge eyes as they couldn't believe the sight in front of them. Sunset had entered the castle as she had purchased some groceries; she notice something from one of the castle windows as she got close to see what it was. When she looked outside, she saw that Isaac was giving his demonstration to Twilight and Spike. With that she exited out of the castle once more and went back into town.

Isaac and his magician all gave one final bow as Spike and Twilight applauded them all. With that they turned back to Isaac as they smiled at their master, soon they all returned back to his deck as Isaac slotted out his cards. "So, did you both enjoy the show?"

"Totally, I mean it had everything. Fireworks, spotlights, even magic." said Spike as he was the most excited of the two. He then climbed on Isaac's back as he looked at his cards. "Man, now I really want to know how to play."

"If you want, I could teach you the basics." said Isaac.

"You do that?" asked Spike.

"Well, seeing as how I'm going to be here for a while, I'd figured I got some free time on my hooves. So I could teach you the basics."

"That be awesome. Thanks Isaac." said Spike as he gave the colt a hug around his neck.

"What about you, Twilight? Do you... want to learn?"

"I'll think about it." said Twilight. She didn't want to answer right away, but based on what she saw her immediate reaction was yes. "Well, we've spent enough time. Why don't we head inside and get some lunch?"

"Time? Time!" shouted Spike as Isaac felt his ears ring. "I totally forgot that I was suppose to meet with Rarity to help her out today. How could I have forgotten, sorry guys but I need to go. See you both later." said Spike as he hopped off of Isaac's back and began to run as fast as his little legs could. Soon he disappeared out of sight as it was just Isaac and Twilight left alone.

"I guess, he really wants to help her?" said Isaac in confusion.

"Well, I mean he sort of has a crush on her." informed Twilight.

"Oh." said Isaac. Then it's probably good that I don't mention to him about me going on a date with the Rarity's human counterpart. I don't want to mess with the little's drakes dreams, especially if she feels the same way.

"Well, anyways, want to head inside. I'm kind of hungry."

"Yeah, me too." said Isaac as he followed Twilight back inside the castle.

They both entered the castle as both ponies began to discuss some options. Ultimately, Twilight had decided on ordering some food. "Hey, Isaac. How does takeout sound to you?" asked Twilight.


"Great. What do you feel about hay burgers, fries and some soda drinks?" asked Twilight.

"All that sounds good, just one question? What's a hay burger?" asked Isaac.

Twilight had a surprised look at Isaac's answer. That alone was enough to make Isaac worry, "You never had a hay burger!?! It's only the best thing ever, trust me you'll love it." she said.

"If you say so." replied Isaac.

Soon Twilight placed her order as she wrote it on a scroll and then used her magic to teleport it to the place. They replied with a scroll that said they received her order and would send someone to her castle. "Well, I already placed the meal, I made sure to get you the deluxe sandwich combo, that's the best way for you to get the full experience. Besides, it's been a while since I've had one as well." Twilight was now in a cheery mode.

"Just wondering how much have you eaten from that place?" asked Isaac.

"Oh, not much. Maybe a couple, okay several, alright fine a mouthful." said Twilight as she felt a bit embarrassed at her eating habits.

"Hey, I'm not judging. I'm just amazed that you can eat that much and well still maintain your form." Twilight blushed when Isaac mention her figure as he realized what he had just said. "Uhm, what I mean is, uhm... you must do a lot of exercise if you can consume that much and not gain any weight." chuckled Isaac sheepishly as he turned his head.

"I... I understand what you meant. And to be honest, I was never one for working out. I guess being an alicorn has some perks like not gaining any significant pounds." stated Twilight with some red on her cheeks.

"So... what do we do till then?" asked Isaac as he wanted to ease the tension between them.

"Well, I've been meaning to ask you something? If you don't mind me asking?"


"What was your first duel like?" asked Twilight as she made a table appear and pulled up a couple of chairs for them to sit on.

"That's something, I haven't told in a long time." stated Isaac as he sat down on the chair.

"You don't have too, if you don't want." said Twilight as she took a seat next to Isaac.

"No, it's fine." said Isaac as he looked at her. "Well, let's see... it all started when I was young."


A four year old Isaac was now walking down the street as he had a couple of card packs in his hands as he was staring at them with wonder in his eyes. He had managed to save up from finding some extra money lying around and was able to afford a couple of card packs as he hoped to get something good. He was so busy that he didn't pay attention in front of him as he bumped into another person as he fell down.

"Ow, that hurt." stated Isaac in a kid voice.

"That's why grownups always say look where you're going." said the little boy who was standing over Isaac. He then helped Isaac up by pulling him to his feet.

"Thanks, Eddie." said Isaac.

"Of course, we're friends." Eddie then looked at the card packs that Isaac had in his hands. "You actually got some cards?"

"Yeah, I saved up as much as I could. I went to the store and bought some, it wasn't much."

"We need to see what you got." stated Eddie.

With that both boys rushed over to Eddie's house as they entered the living room and put Isaac's packs on the table. They both started to open them as they wondered what cards Isaac had purchased. Safe to say they weren't the most known cards that the pros used on TV and stuff, but they were suitable cards that kids their age could understand.

"You got some awesome stuff, man." exclaimed Eddie. "Say, let's have a duel."

"What?" asked Isaac as he wasn't prepared for that answer.

"Come on, we need to see what these cards can do." Eddie then ran off to his room as he grabbed his box of cards and then brought them down. He placed it on the table and began to search inside of it as he pulled out his beginner deck. "Now then, let's do this."

"I don't know. I mean, I'm not that good." stated Isaac.

"Neither was he." said Eddie as he pointed to a poster that he hung on the wall. "They say the King of Games wasn't just master from the start. He practiced a lot and a lot till he became a great duelist; he's got super cool monsters. And not just him, all of them." Eddie then showed off another poster on the wall as it contained the Big 4 duelists, "I hope that when I grow up, I can face one of them. Don't you?"

Isaac looked at the poster of the Big 4 and then at the one they called "The Kings of Games". At this point, Isaac was a fan ever since he first saw his first duel on TV. He was amazed by what this person could do, not to mention his ace monster as the two of them looked like superheroes who were always putting smiles on people's faces and entertaining kids. Isaac took a long look at the poster as he had dreams of one day being just like those four.

"I want to be just like him." said Isaac in the most innocent voice.

"Then we have to practice. So come on." said Eddie as cleared the space in front of them as he sat on the other side of the table and began to shuffle his deck.

Isaac didn't have much cards to create a strong deck, but from what he got from the card packs, he had enough to actually put them together and it could be considered a deck of sorts. So Isaac then gathered all of his card together as he placed all into one pile as he did his best to shuffle them. Eddie then pulled out a piece of paper and had a calculator next to him as he wrote down both of their names and put their life total at 4000. They then flipped a coin and Eddie was going to make the first move.

Turn 1: Eddie

"My draw, I'll play Bolt Penguin(1100/800) in attack mode. And that's all for me. Your turn, Isaac."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Right." said Isaac as he picked up his card. What do I do? "I guess, I'll play this." The card Isaac had chosen to play was none other than Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress #1(1400/1200). "Now I'll attack your monster."
Eddie's Life Points: 3700-

Turn 3: Eddie

"Nice monster, Isaac. Now let's see what I get." Eddie then picked up his monster as he put it in his discard pile and then drew the top card of his deck. "I place this one monster facedown. That's all."

Turn 4: Isaac

Isaac was now looking at his opponent's field as they had placed a monster in defense mode and one facedown. That sight got Isaac to worry for just a little bit. "Okay, my turn. I'll attack your monster with my dragon." stated Isaac.

"Sorry, bud." said Eddie as he flipped over his monster. "You attack my Giant Soldier of Stone and it has 2000 defense points. Which means your monster won't win and you lose 600 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 3400-

"Aw man." pouted Isaac. "Uhm, then... I guess I'll play this card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Eddie

"My turn, I now play Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness(1800/1500) in attack mode." Eddie then played a powerful monster as it was higher than Isaac's dragon. "Now I'll attack your dragon with my warrior which means you lose your monster."

"Oh no." said Isaac in a scared voice as he lost a monster and some more life points.
Isaac's Life Points: 3000-

"I then end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn," said Isaac as he drew his card which wasn't something that could help him. This won't help me and if I don't have a monster that can take down his. What do I do? Isaac was struggling on how he could play, then he noticed the card he set down previously as he flipped it over to read its effect. "Okay, I'll activate my facedown, Swords of Revealing Light. Now thanks to this, you can't attack me for three turns." stated Isaac.

"What!?! No way." said Eddie.

"I'll just end my turn." said Isaac as he couldn't do much more.

Turn 7: Eddie

"That's a nice card you got Isaac." said Eddie as he drew his card. "Too bad I can't attack, oh well, I'll pass."

Turn 8: Isaac
(Turn count: 1)

"My turn." said Isaac as he put his hand over the deck. Give me something good. Gazelle, no. He's not strong enough take care of Eddie's monster. But I only have two more turns left and then I'll be open to an attack. Maybe I'm not meant to be a duelist, I can't do anything. Isaac just looked at his hand and put his head down as he felt like he was going to cry. He let out a few sniffles when he thought back to something his idol once said.

Remember, Duel Monsters is all about combining your monster cards with your other cards. Like spells, magic and trap card to increase their strength. That way you can unlock their true potential and call upon an even greater monster.

"Use other cards to increase my monster's strength?" said Isaac to himself. He then took another look at his hand and began to look through. He then saw a card that could help him as he hoped that he could pull it off. "Hope you're ready, Eddie. Cause I'm going to use my other cards with my monster cards to play an even more powerful one.


"Like this, I play Polymerization. And so I'll combine Gazelle and Berfomet to form Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast." Isaac then replaced his two weaker monsters with a much stronger looking one.

"Awesome." said Eddie as he was impressed by Isaac's move.

"Now that I have stronger monster, I attack Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness!" said Isaac as he got rid of Eddie's monster. I'll then end my turn."
Eddie's Life Points: 3400-

Turn 9: Eddie

"My turn, for now I'll play this card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 10: Isaac
(Turn count: 2)

"My turn, draw. Now I'll my Chimera attack your Giant Soldier of Stone. And now you have no monsters left on the field." said Isaac as he was a bit overjoyed. "That's all for me."

Turn 11: Eddie

"My turn, I'll play Pot of Greed and so I'll draw two more cards. Then I'll just play this card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 12: Isaac
(Turn count: 3)

"My turn, and since you don't have any monsters, I can attack your life points directly. Then I'll end my turn and that means my Swords' effect wears off."
Eddie's Life Points: 1300-

Turn 13: Eddie

"Time for me to win." said Eddie as he drew his card. "Now I'll reveal my facedown, Call of the Haunted. So now I bring my Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness. And then I'll play the Cost Down card, so I'll get rid of one card in my hand so that I can lower all of the levels of my monsters in my hand by 2. Then that means I only need to sacrifice one monster to play this, Slot Machine(2000/2300)."

"Nice monster, but mine is still stronger." stated Isaac.

"Right, but I'm gonna do what you did and use my other cards to increase my monster's strength. I play the spell, 7 Completed. So now I give my monster 700 more attack points. Which means it's stronger than your Chimera."

"Oh no!" said Isaac as he knew what that meant.

"So your Chimera is destroyed and you lose life points. With that I'll end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 2400-

"Well your monster is not the only one with ability, my Chimera allows me to bring back either Gazelle or Berfomet back to my field." Isaac then looked at the two cards in his discard pile as he was trying to figure out which one he wanted. "I think I choose this one." said Isaac as he placed Berfomet back onto the table in defense mode.

Turn 14: Isaac

"My turn, I'll place this monster facedown and then play one card facedown. That's all."

Turn 15: Eddie

"I was expecting more, oh well." said Eddie as he drew his card. "Okay, I'll play another 7 Completed, but this time I'm increasing my monster's defense points. And then I'll play Trident Warrior(1800/1200) and this guy's got a cool ability, cause now I can play another monster for free. So I choose... this one. Achacha Archer(1200/600). And when I play this guy, I can deal you 500 points of damage."
Isaac's Life Points: 1900-

Uh oh.

"Now I'll attack your Berfomet with Slots Machine and then my Trident Warrior will take out your facedown monster." Isaac then flipped over his card to show that his monster was Beaver Warrior as he put it and Berfomet into his graveyard pile as he had no monsters left. "Sorry, bud. But I'll attack with Achacha Archer, which means you're almost out of life points." stated Eddie as he ended his turn.
Isaac's Life Points: 700-

What do I do now?


"Huh?" said Isaac as he realized that Twilight had gotten up. "Hey, Twilight? Don't you want to hear the rest of my story?"

"I do. Just that our food is here and I'd figured we'd could finish the story while we're eating." stated Twilight.

"That's not bad. In fact, this seems like the perfect time for quick intermission." said Isaac as he looked at the fourth wall. "All right, everyone go grab snack, or use the restroom. We'll resume after this quick break."

Twilight had answered the door and sure enough it was the delivery pony who had arrived with her food. She paid the pony and gave him a decent tip as she took it and closed the door. With that she made her way back to Isaac as she placed the food on the table and they began to eat. Isaac looked at his hay burger and was observing it like he was expecting it to come alive; it also didn't help that next to him he was watching something that he never thought a princess would do.

“Mmmmm. Mmm this is so good!” Twilight stated, her cheeks puffing out from the burger she happily munched on. Red sauce was splattered all over her purple cheeks.

“Man for a princess you sure-” Isaac started to say. One angry glare from the purple mare quickly stopped him from finishing; he needed to choose his next words very carefully. “Uh er I mean for a princess you umm s-s-sure do have excellent…taste! Yes, excellent taste in the uh b-b-burgers” he corrected; laughing weakly. Twilight soothed her scathing gaze and returned to enjoying her meal. Isaac then took a bite of his own burger to avoid feeling the mare's wrath. Safe to say that he found the meal to actually be really good.

"So... what happened next?" asked Twilight.

"Right... well...."

(Resume Flashback)

Turn 16: Isaac

There's nothing I can do, Eddie has three monsters and I have none. Maybe I should I give up, nothing I have in my hand can take down his powerful monster. I doubt even any of those guys could find a way to win, and if they did, well I guess it means that I suck at this game. Isaac was really starting to cry as he could feel tears starting to fall down his cheek. Every kid wanted to be great duelists, but given the situation he was in, it didn't seem possible. Maybe this was a sign that the universe was telling him that he would never grow up to be a good duelist.

Don't give up. Remember, a duel isn't over until the last card has been played. Remember, believe in the heart of the cards. Trust in yourself and you will always prevail.

Isaac was reminded of that as he knew that it was one of his idol's most famous line. Isaac then started to wipe his eyes as those words had given him the confidence he needed. Isaac then looked at his hand and to his field. He had one card that he placed facedown; he then looked at Eddie's field and saw that he had three monsters and had 1300 life points. So Isaac knew that if he wanted to win then he would need to summon a powerful monster. So Isaac took a deep breath as he looked at his deck as his hand hovered above it.

Okay, believe. Believe that I can do this. Isaac then closed his eyes as he put his hand over the top card as the spirit of his idol also put his hand on top of him as he prepared to draw the card with Isaac. Heart of the cards, guide me. Isaac then picked up his card as he looked at it and then saw the end goal.

"Okay, I'll play facedown card, Graceful Charity. So now I draw three cards and discard two." Isaac then picked up the cards he wanted as he set his plan into motion. Now I'll set a card facedown and play Celtic Guardian in defense mode." said Isaac as he ended his turn. Just got to play this right, it's about timing.

Turn 17: Eddie

"My turn, hate to do this buddy. I'll play another 7 Completed and give my Slot Machine another 700 attack points, now it has 3400 attack points. Next, I attack your Celtic Guardian with my Trident Warrior. And that leaves you wide open. So I'll attack you with Slot Machine."

"I activate my facedown, Defense Draw. Now I negate your attack and I get to draw a card." said Isaac as he picked up another card from his deck.

"Okay, but I can still attack with Achacha Archer." stated Eddie.

"I'll send Kuriboh from my hand so that the battle damage becomes zero." said Isaac as he sent his favorite little guy to the graveyard as it had done its job. Thanks, little buddy.

"Nice, you held off all of my attacks. Well I got nothing else I can do, so I'll end my turn."

Turn 18: Isaac

"Time for me to win, let's go." exclaimed Isaac as he drew his card. "All right! Now time for me to win, and it starts with these three monsters." said Isaac as he showed them to Eddie.

"Huh? What do you mean, Isaac? Those are some cool monsters, but they can't beat my Slot Machine."

"Sure these little guys aren't powerful enough on their own, but their true strength is the bond they share. The bond they have as brothers and together they form a powerful monster. So I'll send my Alpha, Beta, and Gamma the Magnet Warrior so that I play Valkyrion the Magna Warrior!" stated Isaac as he place his three cards in the graveyard as he placed another one from his hand. "And my Magna Warrior has 3500 attack points."

"That's such a cool looking monster, oh but wait." Eddie realized just what it meant.

"Yep, that means my Valkyrion has enough strength for me to win this duel. So I attack your Achacha Archer with Valkyrion." said Isaac as he pointed at the card.
Eddie's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Man that was a fun duel. Thanks Isaac."

"Thank you, Eddie." smiled Isaac. "But I couldn't do it without my friends." said Isaac as he looked at his cards. He then looked at the poster as he saw his idol, "And I couldn't without you."

(End of Flashback)

"And that's the story of my first duel." stated Isaac as he finished his telling his tale.

"Wow, that's a fun tale." said Twilight as she was invested. "But wait, you didn't play your Dark Magician?"

"Yeah, well... I didn't really get him until I was bit older. I went to the card shop one day and bought an old pack; when I opened it up I was able to obtain a copy of him and well, since then we've become friends. And my Dark Magician Girl, well I got here not too long after. And from there the rest is history." Isaac then pulled out his deck as he took out his two magicians and looked at them. "I'm so lucky to have monsters that are willing to stand by my side. It kind of makes me happy." Isaac then started to shed a few tears of happiness as Twilight noticed this. "I can't begin to tell you just how much they mean to me", he said as he wiped his eyes.

"I can tell." said Twilight as she approached him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. Her lips curved into the sweetest, most genuine smiles Isaac had ever seen. His heart felt like it melted into a pile of warm butter.

“Thank you," he exclaimed. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at seeing Isaac so cheerful and optimistic. He leapt forward and embraced Twilight in a passionate hug. Her cheeks flashed pink, eyes widening a bit, she certainly wasn’t expecting that.

“Um you’re very, very; VERY welcome” she nervously replied. The mare looked down at her colt friend. It was so strange. Though the sudden hug took her off guard, the longer she remained in it…the better she felt.

Okay, this is certainly a new development. I’ve been hugged by my friends lots of times, but none of them ever made me feel like…this. I feel warmer; his fur feels so comfy I swear I could fall asleep like this. And what’s up with his chest muscles? They’re amazing! They’re strong like diamonds and yet they’re as comfy as pillows, how is that scientifically possible? Are these romantic symptoms? Is there a book I should read that tells me if this means I’m attracted to him or not?

“You smell nice,” Isaac murmured tenderly into Twilight’s ear. The colt realized what he said and immediately stepped back from the hug. “S-s-s-sorry I um that was uh a-” he started to say before being interrupted by Twilight.

“Mistake?” she interjected. She looked at him with concerned eyes, like she was worried he was going take what he said back.

“Yes, NO, ugh I mean no,” he slapped himself in the face and groaned, “I meant to say that was my brain talking.” Sweet Celestia what a stupid excuse! He did genuinely thought she smelled nice, just like lavender flowers.

“Oh I see.” she replied; biting her lip with uncertainty.

The princess sighed hopelessly. She really didn’t know why she played along with Isaac’s lie, or more importantly, why his words held such power over her. Everything was numbers, figures and magic with her. Nothing she was experiencing made a lick of sense. These feelings, these thoughts; none of it could be measured or documented into a scientific form; it was just like when she first experienced the concept of friendship. And just like with friendship, love felt like an alien concept she couldn’t get her head around. Like a test she wasn’t ready to take yet.

Suddenly Isaac and Twilight realized how close they were to each other. Their cheeks had inadvertently rubbed together; smearing sauce on Isaac's cheek as well. The two ponies found themselves trapped in the simple beauty of each other’s eyes. They didn’t speak, didn’t move, they just stared and felt the world seemingly dissolve away into the background.

It was just the two of them…alone.

“Here you got a little something on your” they both said in unison. Twilight and Isaac simultaneously lifted their hooves to the other’s cheeks; they slowly and softly wiped the sauce off each other’s faces. Though the gesture was simple, the skin on skin contact sent both of their hearts into a feverous flurry of raw, intoxicating emotions. Their hooves simultaneously stopped at the edge of each cheek, they felt the heat of their mutual blushing warm the tip of their hooves.

It felt so good, sweet Celestia it felt so unbelievably good. They stared at each other like they wanted to remain in this moment for all of eternity. The ponies slowly started to lean closer, their eyes closing as their lips began to purse. Just as they were about to make contact, a thought ran through Isaac's head as he placed his hoof on Twilight's shoulder which caused her to stop.

"Uh, we should... probably stop... before we do something that..." trailed off Isaac.

"Yes... we should... Spike is probably home... maybe we should check up on him." said Twilight with a bit of sadness in her voice as she left Isaac's touch.

Isaac just stood there as he was wrestling with some thoughts in his head. I'm not a cheater. I'm faithful to Twilight, just... is it okay to kiss her, even if she's a pony counterpart of my girlfriend? Isaac put those thoughts to the side as he grabbed his deck and put it back into his box as he left to catch up with Twilight.

He found her as they began to talk about other stuff. Twilight even answered some questions that Isaac had like her and her friends each represented an Element of Harmony and how they saved Equestria on multiple occasions. Ultimately, Isaac began to tell the princess some more tales about his duels as she each one she grew more fond of. They both let out a chuckle as Spike and Sunset had entered the place.

"So, how'd your day go?" asked Isaac.

"It was rather boring." said Sunset as she gave Spike a sly smile.

"Boring? How so?" asked Isaac.

"Ehh, not much happened." said Sunset.

Spike then let out a yawn as Twilight noticed this. "Seems like someone needs his nap."

"Yeah, you're right. Well, I'm off. See you guys in the morning." said Spike as he left to his room to get some rest.

"I think we should all turn in for the night, thank you for helping me today, Isaac." said Twilight.

"My pleasure." said Isaac as he tipped his cap to Twilight.

He watched her leave until she was out of sight. Isaac thoughts still plagued on his mind about what happened with Twilight and whether or not he made the right move in stopping them from doing something that could prove disastrous. All in all, this was something that was weighing on his mind as he tried to do his best to be faithful to his relationship.

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