• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,597 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 106: Summer Sun Celebration

The morning came as the sun's rays were doing their best to dry up the puddles from the rain that fell the previous day. The morning dew on the grass allowed some of the animals a shower as they doused themselves with the water as it awoke their systems to start the day. The birds were out as they chirped to the start of the new day. The ponies were getting out of their homes as they avoid the puddles to continue on their day.

While others were already out and about, there was a pair of ponies that were still asleep. The light from the sun entered Twilight's room; Isaac who felt the warmth on his fur was the first to stir as he slowed opened his eyes. He still felt a slight pain as he saw that his waist was wrapped in the bandages. Isaac then turned his head as he looked at the sight that lay before his very eyes. Right next to him was the princess, the princess of friendship herself and she was cuddling in his arms. Isaac just let out a smile as he brushed some of her mane out of her face as he gave a quick peck on her nose. Twilight awoke from that encounter as she slowly blinked her eyes. Once she regained her vision, she saw Isaac there just smiling back at her as she felt happy.


"Hey." replied the princess.

"So how did you sleep?" asked Isaac.

"Honestly, that was the best sleep I've ever gotten. Can't remember the last time I woke up with a smile on my face." said Twilight. Isaac then leaned in as he captured her lips for a few seconds. Twilight just brought her hoof to his face as she enjoyed this moment for just a bit longer. "Well, we better get up." Twilight then slowly left Isaac's embrace as she rolled out of bed and stretched her limbs.

Isaac then sat up on the bed as he let out a yawn of his own and did a little stretch as he felt his body ache. "Ugg, still feels a bit sore."

"I told you, the spell I casted was to help stabilize you from suffering some serious injuries. Of course, you'll still need some extra rest before you fully recover." stated Twilight as she was brushing her mane.

"Well, I'm been known to be a fast healer." said Isaac.

"So, how do I look?" asked Twilight as she stood before Isaac as she had finished brushing her mane and stood there in her lovely stance.

"Perfect." said Isaac as he stared at the princess' natural beauty.

"Thanks." said Twilight as she had some red on her cheeks. She then used her magic as she put Isaac's jacket on him and then placed his cap back on his head as he stepped off of the bed. "And you look as handsome as ever."

"Thanks." Isaac stared at the pony in front of him as the memory of the previous night came rushing to him. "Listen, Twilight... about all this..."

"Let's... just take it slow." said Twilight as she placed her hoof on Isaac's chest. "I know you have your reasons and I respect whatever it is. But as for what's happening between us, well... just consider us snuggle buddies."

"Snuggle buddies?"

"You know, someone who you're close with and whenever they're feeling down or just not their usual happy mood. They can cuddle with someone and help to make them feel better." stated Twilight as she leaned her neck against Isaac's and began to nuzzle.

"Is that a real thing or did you just make that up?" asked Isaac as he also nuzzled against Twilight's neck.

"Maybe." replied Twilight as she retracted her neck and looked at Isaac. She was about to bring herself for another kiss when a knock came from her door.


"Ahh!" said Twilight as it caught her offguard. "It's Spike."

"Twilight! Are you up yet?" asked Spike.

"Yeah, I'm up Spike. Give me a second." said Twilight. The door was then opening as Twilight flung Isaac onto the bed and tossed her blanket on top of him as she sat on him as she tried to act normal as Spike entered her room.

"Oh, you are awake. I thought you would still be sleeping."

"Yeah, well... I wanted to get an early start. Plus, I had a pleasant dream last night." smiled Twilight as she tried to act innocent. It didn't help that Isaac was making some noises from under her as she kicked him in the muzzle to quiet him down.

"That's good, anyways I just wanted to see if you wanted anything special for breakfast. Plus, I wanted to remind you that the Summer Sun Celebration in three days." stated Spike.

"That fast?" replied Twilight as she had bits of sweats rolling down her face. "Well, then we better make sure we're all set."

"All right, then." said Spike as he started to leave. "Oh, was there anything you wanted for breakfast?"

"What you decide is fine with me, Spike." Twilight put on the biggest smile she could.

"Ok-ay." said Spike as he simply walked out of the room and closed the door.

Once Twilight made sure that Spike was gone, she then flung the blanket off of Isaac as he had a glare on his face. "Could you be any more louder than you were!?!" stated Twilight. "What if Spike saw you in my room?"

"Well sorry, princess!" shouted Isaac. "But it's kind of hard to be quiet when you've got a blanket over and a mare sitting on top of you. I was running out of oxygen, I could barely breath."

Twilight just rolled her eyes, "If you want some oxygen, then let me give you some CPR." Twilight then leaned down and captured Isaac's lips with hers. She placed her hooves on his chest as Isaac held her. Soon she broke away as she looked at the colt she had pinned down on her bed. "That enough air for you or do you need more?" said Twilight with some seductiveness in her voice as she had the bedroom eyes.

"I think that'll do for now." smiled Isaac as booped the princess' noise as it got a giggle from her. Twilight then got off of Isaac as he got off the bed. "Well, I better make my way to my room. Before Sunset or Spike suspects anything." said Isaac.

"You could just teleport." stated Twilight.

"Right. Just... don't know how to do that?"

"It's simple. Just picture the place in your mind and concentrate."

"Okay." said Isaac. He then closed his eyes as he pictured his room. Isaac was really doing his best but his horn wasn't allowing him to do what he wanted.

"Remember, magic is tied to your emotions. Use that to control your magic."

"I'm trying." said Isaac. He tried to get his magic to sync in with his emotions as the spark from his horn started up. Soon his horn produced an aura as it started to surround Isaac's body as he tried to teleport but it wasn't working. "Doesn't seem to be working." said Isaac as he opened his eyes as he was still glowing.

"Let me help." said Twilight. She then stepped forward and gave another kiss to Isaac on the lips as it shot a wave of emotion through the colt. It seemed that was all the stallion needed as the spell worked and he disappeared in a flash as it was just Twilight standing there. Once Isaac was gone, Twilight let out a sigh as she thought back on the previous night and the moments she experienced waking up. All she could muster was a smile on her face as she felt like floating on cloud nine. She thought about Isaac and as she did, her wings seemed to have stood up and she was fully embarrassed as she tried to get them to lower down.

Isaac teleported back into his room as the sound of knocking came from his door. After taking a quick second to look himself over, he opened the door and was welcomed to the sight of Sunset. She wanted to check up on Isaac as she was asleep for almost the entire day due to Rainbow Dash's extreme workout from the previous day. Isaac just told the orange mare that he took over her duties for the day and did the usual patrol. Sunset thanked Isaac and then noticed the bits of bandages that were wrapped around his waist. Sunset was concerned about Isaac's health, that he just simply told her that he took a nasty bump when he hit the ground too hard. It seemed to work as Sunset believed him and didn't ask anymore questions. She just simply said for Isaac to take it easy and let her worry about their duties for the time being. Isaac gave her a nod and Sunset gave him a hug before she headed towards the map room. Isaac then closed the door as sat back on his bed and decided to get some more rest.

The rest of the day went by as Sunset took her turn of scouting out the town of Ponyville in search of any trouble. Meanwhile, Isaac spent the time trying to not do any hard labor as he wanted his muscles and bones to heal as he wanted to get back into the action as quick as he can. As for the rest of the town, they were starting to get ready for the Summer Sun Celebration that was about to occur. Everypony was decorating the town as they prepared for the event. As for our main cast of ponies, they were getting ready to head out soon, as they were all invited to Canterlot. Every now and then, Twilight would check up on Isaac as she would apply some fresh new bandages around his waist. Of course, it didn't come at a price as Twilight gave a couple of kisses to the stallion to which he returned and they snuggled for a couple of minutes before she had to head out to avoid any suspicion.

The day of the Summer Sun Celebration came as everypony across the land was in full swing to celebrate this momentous occasion. As for Isaac, he had untied his bandages around his waist as he was nursed back to full health. He then did a couple of physical therapy exercises that Twilight had him do to help heal him; he found that all the pain was gone as his muscles and bones didn't hurt anymore.

"Seems I'm fully healed." said Isaac.

"Indeed, it's a relief to see you back in full health." stated Mahad.

"Yes, now I can hug you." said Mana as she scooted up Isaac and began to hug him tightly.

"Mana!!!" shouted Isaac. He knew his bones were fine, but if this kept up then he might need some even more time to recover.

"Mana! Be gentle with the master!" shouted Mahad as he pulled her ear which caused her to drop Isaac. "Don't you see what he had to encounter."

"Sorry." said Mana as she rubbed her ear from the pain. "I just can't help it, he's so cute as a pony." Mana then grabbed Isaac once more as she gave him a light hug as she nuzzled her cheek on his head as she gave him a pat.

"Story of my life." said Isaac with a blunt tone as he just accepted this from Mana.

Eventually, Isaac informed both of his magicians about how tonight was a special night. Mostly, cause it will be the first time they've met with Princess Celestia ever since she sent him and Sunset down to Ponyville to deal with these monster sightings. Both understood their mission and promised that they would watch from a far and should they report anything then they would notify him. With that they all gave a fist bump, or in the case of Isaac, a hoof bump as they were ready for tonight. He then exited his room as he made his way to the map room as he met with Spike and the two mares. They were going over the plan they had for tonight's event. Once they agreed they all made their way to Rarity's boutique as they needed to get dressed.

The girls all went upstairs as they needed to make sure they would look their best. That left Spike and Isaac to wait downstairs as they changed into their outfits. Rarity had designed a similar outfit for both boys as they wore a tux with Spike's undershirt being white while Isaac's blue. Isaac also was given a fedora to wear on top of his head as it had a yellow band wrapped around it. While the boys waited, they began to discuss their plan for tonight. Spike told Isaac that the only thing he hoped for was being able to spend some one on one time with Rarity so that he could talk with her. He even told Isaac that after the party, he would take him to Donut Joe's donut shop to get a taste of some delicious donuts. Isaac gave the little dragon a nod as he looked forward to that.

Soon the girls came down as they each wore their respective dresses for the event. The boys gave each of the girls some compliments as they all headed outside. Seems the way they were going to get to Canterlot was by carriage ride. So Twilight was able to turn an Apple into a carriage as it would serve as the thing that would carry everypony. Well... almost everypony. Seems it needed both a rider and someone to pull the thing, so it seems the boys would be pulling double duty. So with a disapproving sigh, Isaac attached the harness to himself as he made sure not to mess up his suit. Spike sat at the front of the carriage as the girls all piled inside and with a moment's notice, they were off.

The ride there took a while as Spike had to inform Isaac about the route to reach the city and from there they would then need to head towards the castle. Nighttime had fallen on the whole land as a full moon was out. Isaac noticed the castle as it had been a while since he last saw it. Eventually they all made it to the front gates as the draw bridge was down and allowed the ponies to cross the moat. Spike opened the door as the girls all stepped out in their regal attire and trailed inside with the boys following behind.

Inside the castle, there was music playing and tons of food being put out by the chefs. The ballroom itself was littered with ponies, some who lived in Canterlot and some who were elite. Regardless, everypony was seen mingling as they awaited for when Princess Celestia would raise the sun.

"So, what should I expect?" asked Isaac.

"Honestly, don't get your hopes up high. All these Canterlot parties are nothing but a bore." said Spike. "It's full of nothing but ponies talking about their status and whatnot."

"Wow, that actually makes me appreciate all the formal events back in our world." said Isaac as he pointed to him and Sunset.

"Yeah, these things are just for formalities. But that doesn't mean we can't make our own memories." stated Twilight as she got the group's attention. "Alright, everypony. Let's all split off for a while and come back in an hour." The rest of the group all nodded as they broke away. Twilight was hoping that Isaac was still there, but it seemed he disappeared in a flash. She was hoping to spend the night with him to discuss some stuff, but it seemed he had other matters to attend to.

"Man, this castle is big." said Isaac as he was now walking in one of the halls. He had just simply wandered in one direction for no more than two minutes and already he was inside the castle and away from the party. "Now I just need to find where the hell I am and how I can get back. Don't want to into any trouble." stated Isaac.

As he was walking, there was a shadow that was watching the colt from behind the pillar. They took a step forward as they made a sound; Isaac quickly turned around expecting to see what made the noise but there was nothing there. Isaac took a good scan of the area but he didn't see anything. So he turned around and bumped into a figure. The figure wore a dark black hood as Isaac couldn't see their face. Isaac got back up as he saw the pony standing in front of him as they were a bit taller than him.

"Who are you?" demanded Isaac.

The pony didn't say much as they simple lifted up a bit of their cloak to reveal a duel disk on their leg as it projected a moderate sapphire blue card tray. The figure then had their horn be reveal as they made a deck appear in their aura and slotted it into the duel disk.

"So, you're here to crash the party?" said Isaac as he took a step back. "Fine then, I knew to expect trouble, just didn't expect to find it this fast." Isaac then pulled out his duel disk as he put it on his leg and slotted in his deck; he then turned on his duel disk as a gold card tray projected. "Now then it's time to duel."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

???'s Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start this duel off, with my Magician Boy. And with him out on the field, I can summon his best friend to the field. Come on out, Mage Annette." Isaac now had a couple of his kid magicians out on the field. "I'll then throw a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: ???

The figure just looked at Isaac's field as they observed his monster and the colt himself. The figure didn't say anything as they carried out their move. They just laid a facedown and then played the monster...

Sunset had gone off in search of the princess. She didn't have to look far as she saw her greeting guests at the entrance of the castle as she stood at the top of the stairs and shook their hoofs and welcoming them.

"Thank you for coming." said Princess Celestia as she welcomed a couple.

"Still busy as ever, I see." stated Sunset as she appeared next to her mentor. "The more things change, the more they the same."

"Sunset Shimmer, it's so good to see you." said Princess Celestia as she gave her former student a hug. "How was your trip?"

"Pleasant ride, but I was hoping I could talk with you."

"I would love that, but it seems I've got other matters on my hooves. I was hoping Luna would be here so that she could take my place while I discuss somethings with you." said Celestia as she continued to greet guests.

"Yeah, such a shame. Too bad you can't just magically cast a spell on these ponies to make them think they've already met you." said Sunset with a smirk. She then used her magic as her horn lit up and she casted a spell that caused everypony in line to to think they already met the princess and were on their way. Princess Celestia was in awe at what Sunset chose to do while she had a smile on her face. "Seems I still remember the first spell you taught me."

"Honesty, I'm glad you showed up." snickered Princess Celestia herself. Soon he began to walk with her former student as they made their way to one of the room upstairs to discuss matters.

The pair ran into Twilight just as they were about to climb the stairs; it seemed she also wanted to discuss somethings with the princess that Celestia decided to let her tag along. She informed the guards that she would be busy for a while and told them that should they see anything usual happen, to report to Princess Luna and let her know. The guards received their orders as they fanned out and began to do their duty. So all three mares then walked up the stairs as Princess Celestia led them to the library as they sat on couches and had some tea all prepared for them.

"I was hoping to talk to both of you, but I guess this fine." stated Celestia as she took a seat facing both girls.

"Yeah, I wonder where Isaac went off to." said Sunset. "Oh well, can't blame him. This is his first party that he attends as a pony, probably just wants to get taste of how things are different from back home."

"Well then, I'm sure you can tell him of our meeting. Speaking of, it's been a while since I last saw the both of you. So how has your mission been going?" asked Princess Celestia.

Sunset then began to tell her former mentor about all the incidents that her and Isaac had to take care. Even Twilight chimed in with her own observations as she was able to add some bits of info about how Isaac and Sunset were able to properly dispose of the bigger threats. Overall, Celestia was impressed with what both ponies had done as she was glad they were able to keep everypony safe.

"It does me good to know that I picked the right group of ponies to handle this. I'm grateful for your help."

"It's no problem, Princess Celestia." said Sunset. "Though I will say that I'm stiff trying to figure out why these things are happening. What did that minion mean when he said, 'the five are at war?'. Sunset was remembering something that she happened to come across in the past few days.

"Did you say something, Sunset?" asked Twilight.

"Oh, it's nothing." said Sunset as she didn't want to tell everybody until she fully understood that statement. "I was just wondering how Isaac managed to get hurt? From what he said it had to do when he was on patrol?"

"Yeah... that's weird..." chuckled Twilight nervously. She was surprised that Isaac didn't tell Sunset about the incident with her and the Everfree Forest, but she was also grateful that he didn't say as she wanted to avoid any concerns.

"You wouldn't happen to know what might have happened, do you Twilight?"

"Me? Why me? I mean, you said he told you that he took a nasty fall." Twilight was now sweating hard as there was visible drops of sweats falling down her face. "He probably was just dealing with an incident or he was helping somepony; not everything he deals with has to be Duel Monsters related."

"I didn't say it was Duel Monsters related." clarified Sunset.

Twilight bit on her lip as she didn't mean to let something like that slip. Thankfully, Sunset just dropped the issue as she didn't press the matter anymore.

"Well, it's been wonderful talking with the two of you. My it warms my heart to see two of beloved students working side by side, I'm proud of you both." said Celestia as she gave a hug to both ponies. "Now then, let's return to the party." stated Celestia as she led the three of them back down to the ballroom.

Isaac was panting heavily as he was currently engaged against an opponent who had appeared out of nowhere. He was expecting something like tonight to be interrupt, but he wasn't expecting someone who was a pony to wield a duel disk let alone know how to play. As far as he knew, only him and Sunset knew how to play. The duel between Isaac and the mysterious figure had gone back and forth as they both had delivered some serious hits to each other's life points. Right now, Isaac had his Magician's Valkyria out on the field as well as Apple Magician Girl. As for his opponent they were still hidden as were giving him a hard fight.

"Now thanks to you I can bring back the monsters that I used to summon my great beast, but this time they're level 4." said the hooded figure as they had a pair of monsters on their field. "And now it's time, I overlay both my level 4 Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales to build the Overlay Network!" Both monsters then transformed into purple lights as a portal opened up and the two combined their powers to call upon a brand new creature. "Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons, appear Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!!" Out came a huge dragon as it let out a mighty roar.

"Now I'll activate Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's ability, now by using one overlay unit, Dark Rebellion cuts the attack points of your Magician's Valkyria in half and then Dark Rebellion gains those attack points. Now attack!" shouted the figure as they gave their dragon its command.

"I reveal my facedown, Shift. Now I'm switching the target of your dragon to my Apple Magician Girl, then her ability activates. So now I can summon a spellcaster from my hand and it becomes the new target, furthermore your monster's attack points are cut in half. So appear, Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as he had his star monster appear and counterattack.

"I reveal my facedown, Half Unbreak. So now my Dark Rebellion Dragon is safe and the damage I take is cut in half." said the hooded figure as the attack between the two monsters caused a smokescreen to appear.

Isaac let out a cough as he tried to avoid inhaling the smoke. Despite being blinded by the smoke, he could still make out his opponent by their silhouette. He was about to make his move when a bright light appeared causing him to cover his eyes. Once he opened them, he found himself in the same place he was, but all his monsters were gone. This confused the stallion as he didn't know what was going on.

"I've seen everything I need." said the figure as they stood in front of Isaac. They then pulled down the hood as they revealed their face to the colt. "You're a strong individual."

"Who are you, you seem rather familiar?"

"Forgive me, but we haven't been properly introduced yet. Thou shall call me Princess Luna, princess of the night and formerly known to all subjects as Nightmare Moon." stated Luna.

"Princess Luna?"

"Yes, well I'm not the Luna of your world. But we're quite similar in more ways than one."

"Well, I was wondering when I was going to meet you? Just how..."

"How did I know how to play your little game? The answer is simple, I took a glance at thy memories. Before thy stepped into the hallway, I casted a spell on you. One that teleported us to the dream world."

"Wait, dream world? Like the realm of dreams? As in where you can do anything?" asked Isaac. True to Isaac's word he thought about having being human and soon he started to glow as he was back in his usual form. "Cool." said Isaac as he switched back.

"Yes, in this dream world. I can access thy mind and thy past memories. So I looked back on the duel you witnessed with your Vice-Principal and was able to absorb all of her duels and playstyle and then implemented it in my mind for our battle. That explains why I was able to duel as if I knew how to play." stated Luna.

"Wow, no wonder it felt like I was actually battling Vice-Principal Luna. So, you said you wanted to meet me?"

"Yes." Luna then lit her horn as she returned them both to the real world. "Thou heard about you from my sister and how she asked a certain pair of ponies to help us with these sightings. I've been watching over the ponies of the land during the night as I've seen them talk about these 'monsters' and how you've been able to defeat them and bring peace." stated Luna as she stepped forward and looked down at Isaac. "I must say, you're much younger than I expected you to be."

"Thanks?" said Isaac as he didn't know if Luna was either complimenting him or disappointed.

"Well, now that we've properly met each other. Time to return to the social gathering." said Princess Luna as she began to walk in the opposite direction as Isaac followed behind her. "So, mind enlightening thou with some stories from your world?" asked Luna.

Isaac granted Princess Luna's request as he told her about some of his adventures. He was expecting her to have a stern, no nonsense type of demeanor based on how his experience with his version of Luna, but here she was giddy like a little filly as she pranced bout in front of him as his stories got her excited. Safe to say that was something Isaac wasn't expecting to come from the nighttime mare, especially given that she was a princess. Along the way, Luna told Isaac a bit about herself, one thing that really shocked him was that the princess was actually into video games. Which really shocked Isaac as he didn't expect this world to have that given that ponies had hooves instead of hands. Though it was still a mystery to him how he could use his hooves to grab certain things and do other stuff that would require hands.

"Here I thought you were the type to be all serious. But to think that the princess of the night is a gamer girl, that totally reeks of awesomeness." stated Isaac.

"Totally reeks... of awesomeness? I do not understand. I find smelling bad to be a most unpleasant habit and do not partake in it. As for this awesomeness, whatever you speak of, perhaps you could ask Rainbow Dash for some as she boasts how she had plenty to share." said Luna.

"No-no, what I meant was that I find it cool that you're not the typically stereotype that royalty always depicts. You're just a normal pony and someone who I would love to hang out with." explained Isaac.

Luna slowly processed everything Isaac was saying. Her grasp over common colloquialisms and slang was still rusty at best, but Isaac's vernacular was leaps and bounds more confusing that what she's heard from others.

"I see... Thou speaks in very strange and usual manner, said Luna.

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you."

The alicorn princess paused for a moment. Her face lit up with a newfound surge of joy, her lungs bursting with youthful laughter. The young colt had an eerily enchanting effect on the blue mare; one that she was enjoying thoroughly.

"Yes, I suppose that is true," she said; smiling warmly.

With that both Isaac and Princess Luna talked some more as he taught the princess of the night some of his speaking lingo from his world. Safe to say that a couple of phrases required Isaac having to clarify on what it meant and as Luna took the words too literal. Regardless, Isaac was enjoying his time with the princess as Luna too felt the same. Soon they made it back to the main floor as they witness many ponies were still talking and mingling with each other.

"Well, I thank thou for giving me some attentive time." spoke Luna.

"Anytime, princess. I had a nice time chatting with you."

"Yes, well I shall peace out, my main pony." said Luna as she tried to speak some of the slang that Isaac taught her.

"Yeah, don't do that." said Isaac as he cringed at Luna trying to speak like that. "We need more to work on that before you're ready."

Isaac just simply brought his hoof up as he showed it to her. Luna looked at Isaac for a second before she remembered this was a sign of expression that ponies did, so she brought her hoof as well and gave Isaac a bro hoof. They both smiled as they went their separate ways.

After his little meeting with Princess Luna, Isaac had decided to check up on how the others were doing. So he opened a door and found himself in the royal gardens as he decided to take a walk. He heard some birds chirping as well as some squirrels and other small creatures give off a noise. Soon he heard a lovely whistle as he followed it to the source. He turned corner and saw Fluttershy standing there as she was surrounded by the all the animals.

"Thanks everyone." giggled Fluttershy.

"So, you've been here all night?" said Isaac as he made his presence known.

"Oh, Isaac. Yes, I always like to come to the garden and meet all the little animals that live here."

"I see they really like you."

"Well, they didn't express that the first I came here." said Fluttershy.

"What do you mean?" asked Isaac. Fluttershy then told Isaac about the time she came to the Grand Galloping Gala and how she became obsessed with wanting to befriend the animals that she went insane trying to set up traps. Ultimately, Isaac burst out into laughter as he couldn't contain himself as he fell onto his back as he was dying which caused the shy pony to blush. "You? The gentle, shy-natured, Fluttershy turned into a big, scary, insane pony. All because she wanted to be friends with the animals when they didn't want anything to do with you."

"It's embarrassing." stated Fluttershy.

"Now I need to ask Twilight for a picture." said Isaac as he still cracking up.

"Don't you dare mister, or so help me." shouted Fluttershy.

"Why I should be scared of..." said Isaac as he looked at Fluttershy who was giving him the stare. Fluttershy didn't normally use this as she only used it on animals when they got out of line, but the stare was just as effective on ponies as Isaac could feel like she was staring into his soul and it scared him a bit. He then flicked his hoof on Fluttershy's forehead as it caused her to lose concentration and made her fall on her haunches.

"Ow!" said Fluttershy as she rubbed her forehead.

"Yeah, Twilight told me about that. Can't work if you don't concentrate." said Isaac as he found a way to get out of the pony's intense look.

He then took a sit next to the yellow mare as he too listened to the sounds of the small animals as they created some beautiful music. Both ponies then began to talk as they exchanged some stories from their lives. Fluttershy was shocked to find that her human counterpart was actually a decent duelist; she figured that given her shy nature, she would be someone who was easy to defeat given that they were scared of getting physical. Isaac told the buttercup mare about the first time he met her and how she was like that. He informed how when they first met her deck was so properly constructed that he took it upon himself to rebuild it from the ground up by offering her some of his cards and giving her some pointers. Ultimately, it paid off as he watched how much more confident she got when she wielded the deck and eventually made it her own.

"Wow, to think that I did all that. I know I'm willing to support my friends whenever they need, but I also try to stay out of anything that may result some violence. I just want everybody to have peace." said Fluttershy.

"I understand that. Still you won't believe how far you've come since I first met you." said Isaac as he gave her a compliment. "Especially, when you made it to the top 8 of the Fall Formal."

"Mind telling me about it?" asked Fluttershy.

Isaac granted her request as he began to tell Fluttershy about the time she along with him and their friends entered the Fall Formal to stop Sunset when she was evil. He told her that she shocked everybody by being able to rack up enough wins to make it to the finals. Then he told her about how they were selected to face each other in the first round; Isaac told her it was difficult given that he had to fight one of his friends who he helped to get better, but that her human self had reminded him of the promise that they made when he built her new deck. It was enough to get Isaac his mind straight as he was able to grant Fluttershy her request and the two had a fantastic duel that resulted in both having the time of their life.

"And well, you know the rest." said Isaac as he finished her tale.

"Wow, I never would have thought that I would be able to gain that much confidence and then get to make it that far." said Fluttershy as she was shocked at herself for changing so much.

"Yeah, it was a tough pill to swallow. But in the end, I overcame that challenge and I have you to thank." smiled Isaac.

"You're welcome, also..." Fluttershy then brought her hoof as she clocked Isaac in the head making sure that she didn't knock off his fedora.

"Ow, what the hell!" shouted Isaac as he felt the shy pony hit him.

"That's for beating me!" stated Fluttershy.

"I said I'm sorry. What was I suppose to do, just let you win!?!" complained Isaac.

"Yes." stated Fluttershy as she showed some brass. She then leaned into Isaac as she gave a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I can't tell if you hate me or you love me." said Isaac with a straight tone.

Eventually, both made their way back inside the castle as they headed towards the ballroom. Once they stepped inside they saw both Applejack and Rainbow Dash having a cider drinking challenge as they were trying to outdo the other. Both let out a deep burp as it caused the attention of the elites who just simply had disgusting looks on their faces. They both were arguing over who had won their little contest when Isaac and Fluttershy made their way to their table. Both mares asked Isaac on who the winner was, he just told them that they tied as he didn't want to get involved. Across from them at the buffet table was Pinkie as she was gobbling up everything in sight.

Isaac excused himself from the group. He eventually bumped into Spike as he was wondering how the little dragon was handling his crush.

"Hey, Spike."

"Oh, Isaac. There you are."

"Hey, you've seen Rarity?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, she's over there." pointed Spike.

Isaac looked in the direction as he saw Rarity with a stallion that had a light gray coat and light amber mane. But from what he could see, it seemed that Rarity was trying to get away from him.

"For the last time, Prince Blueblood. I'm not interested; you had your shot." said Rarity.

"You know that this is the best that you're ever gonna get. Do you think that you'll find another stallion better than me? Please." stated Prince Blueblood.

"Everything ok, Rarity?" asked Isaac as he appeared next to her.

"Oh, Isaac. Thank goodness you're here." said Rarity as she was glad her friend was able to save her.

"Pray tell, who is this commoner?" asked Blueblood.

"This is Isaac and I'll have you know that he's much better gentle pony than you will or ever be." said Rarity as she stood next to Isaac as she leaned on him.

"This stallion? Please, he's nothing than a lowlife. In fact, he doesn't even deserve to be here. I mean look at him, he doesn't have royal status, or money."

"True, but at least he's honest about who he is. He doesn't need any fancy title to show that he's a genuine person." stated Rarity.

"Please, he's nothing but a criminal. All mares need to be obedient and listen to what their stallion says. It's a lady's place to serve their man and to be at their beck and call. And this ruffian is a disgrace to all of pony kind. Why just being in my presence is affecting my worth? Nothing more than street rat and he'll die a street rat! I suggest you get out of my sight, commoner. Or else I'll have my..." Prince Blueblood didn't finish his sentence as he interrupted.

Before Blueblood could see it coming, Isaac reared back his right leg, and delivered a hard punch. He wanted to shut up the prince, and he did just that by clocking him straight in the moneymaker. And down he went like a ton of bricks as all the other elites and guests saw what had happen. Rarity had a surprised look on her face at what she saw; watching this happen, Spike couldn't help, but say...

"Oh, you got knocked the buck out!!" shouted Spike as he also watched this interaction and was impressed.

"ISAAC!" shouted Rarity.

"What!?! He was talking too much, so I just shut him up. Plus, he was getting on my nerves." stated Isaac.

"At least, let me have a chance to strike him." said Rarity. "But, thank you. He did deserve it." Rarity then awarded Isaac for his actions with a kiss on his cheek.

"My pleasure, my lady." said Isaac as he bowed to Rarity. With that he grabbed Spike as all three of them returned to join the others.

Together the six of them all met up as they began to talk among themselves. Soon Princess Celestia had arrived as she was accompanied by Sunset and Twilight. With that she needed to attend to other matters, so she gave the group a quick goodbye. Soon the music began to pick up as Pinkie jumped on the stage and began to do her thing. Isaac had manage to intentionally shove Spike into Rarity as they found themselves on the dance floor. From there Spike offered his claw as the two shared a friendly dance. Isaac gave the little dragon a smile as he watched him be happy.

"So, how has your first party in Equestria been?" asked Twilight as she pulled Isaac to the side.

"Honestly, rather dull." smiled Isaac.

"I see..." Twilight quickly looked away as she saw tons of couple dancing together. Soon an idea popped into her head, "Well, I may know something that could make it better."

"Pray tell, what did you have in mind?" asked Isaac.

"Take my hoof." said Twilight. Isaac did as he was told and she led the two of them to the dance floor.

Despite being a horse and walking on four legs instead of two, Isaac was still impressed that he could dance. Twilight and Isaac swayed side to side; hooves wrapped lovingly around each other's waists. Their friends saw this from their table and couldn't help but smile, especially Sunset.

"You know, I have to admit, when I first met you I never would have expected we'd end up here; dancing to a slow song during a party. But I'm sure glad we did," said Twilight; chuckling softly.

"Yeah. Talk about strange," commented Isaac.

Twilight smiled sweetly at her friend. She leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, both of them were blushing furiously as he placed her head into his chest. "Strange yet... wonderful," she said breathlessly.

Isaac leaned in and buried his muzzle into the crook of her neck. Isaac breathed in her lavender scent and sighed; visibly content. He then looked at the purple princess in his arms as he gave a smile. Twilight returned the smile as they both looked stared at each other. Soon they started to lean in and were about to connect their lips.


Just then a pair of windows was shattered as the glass fell to the floor. Two creatures emerged as they were Lava and Swamp Battleguard. All the ponies were frighten when they saw the two monsters that some backed away slowly. The guards saw this and tried to engage the creatures in battle but it proved to be a futile effort.

"Well, brother. Seems we made quite first impression." stated Lava Battleguard.

"Indeed, brother. Now then time to make these ponies suffer." said Swamp Battleguard.

"Well, I was wondering when this was going to happen." said Isaac as he still had Twilight in his arms. "Sorry, to cut our dance short, Twilight. But duty calls." Isaac gave the purple mare a quick peck on the lips as he stepped forward. "Sunset, you with me?"

"On it!" shouted Sunset as she too raced forward with Isaac.

The guards were doing their best to fight back the monsters who just had unamused look on their faces as they just merely flicked their fingers and sent the guards back. They both let out a yawn as they found this to be rather boring. Soon they would get some entertainment in the form of two duelists.

"Rather dull." said Swamp Battleguard.

"I was hoping for these ponies to put up a fight. They really are peaceful creatures." stated Lava Battleguard.

"Then how about taking us on!" shouted Isaac as he and Sunset stood side by side. "Nobody likes a party crasher, but I'll admit you two did do a better job at giving these ponies some entertainment."

"Well now, it seems we've got some ponies who do have some backbone." said Lava Battleguard. He then noticed that both Isaac and Sunset were wearing duel disks. "And they seemed to be duelists."

"Indeed, and based on what we've heard from the boss about two ponies who have been causing a nuisance, I say we found them. Now's our chance to take them out so that our boss can take over this land." stated Swamp Battleguard.

"Well, whoever this boss of yours is, is gonna solely be disappointed." replied Sunset. She then looked at Isaac as they used their magic and took off their dress code as they stood there with Isaac wearing his regular clothes.

"Darlings, watch it! I spent a lot of time preparing these." said Rarity as she caught the outfits for both of them, including Isaac's fedora.

"Finally, some excitement." said Lava Battleguard as he had a duel disk appear on his arm.

"Been itching for a fight, or a duel in this case." responded Swamp Battleguard as he had a duel disk appear two. "First some rules, this will be a tag team duel in which we're alternate taking turns. Each player takes one turn before we're allowed to attack, in addition, for this battle both players will share life points and the field!"

"Interesting," said Twilight as this was a brand new style of dueling that Isaac told her but had yet to see it in action.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's do this." stated Sunset.

Both Isaac and Sunset slotted on their duel disks and popped in their decks. "It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as he turned his disk on to project a gold card tray while Sunset's projected a red card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Lava and Swamp Battleguard's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac and Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

"All right, dinner and a show." said Pinkie as she pulled up a chair and some popcorn as she began to watch the duel with the others.

"We've seen both of them duel, but I wonder how well they'll work?" asked Fluttershy.

"This is gonna be wilder than a buckin' bronco." stated Applejack.

Turn 1: Lava Battleguard

"I'll start things off, draw. I'll start by summon my War Rock Fortia(1700/1700) in attack mode. Then since I summoned an earth warrior to my field, it means I can also call upon my War Rock Gactos(1900/1900)." Two warrior monsters then appeared as they came out of the earth and had a mean look on their face. "With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Guess I'm up, here we go. I'll start by summoning my Magician's Valkyria in defense mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Swamp Battleguard

"I'm up, I'll take a different approach than my brother. I'll activate the field spell, War Rock Mountain!" Soon the entire field start to change as a mountain that was shaped like a face appeared as all four of them were standing on it. "Hope you both aren't afraid of heights." chuckled Swamp Battleguard. "Now I can add a 'War Rock' monster from my deck to my hand."

The ponies watching this were amazed at what they saw, soon they started to stomp their hooves as they applauded the show they were watching. The main 6 and Spike all had different looks as they knew this wasn't a show. They just hoped that Isaac and Sunset could be able to take care of these two monsters.

"Next, I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunset

"Now my turn, draw. I'll start with a classic, Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in defense mode. Then I'll start with the spell card, Cards of the Red Stone. So now I send a level 7 'Red-Eyes' from my deck and from my hand so that I can draw two cards." Sunset then selected her Red-Eye Zombie Dragon and Red-Eyes Toon Black Dragon as she slotted them away and picked up her cards. "Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Lava Battleguard

"Now that we've each taken a turn, time to strike." said Lava Battleguard as he drew his card. "Now time to battle, so a couple of things happen. First my brother's field spell activates, at the start of the battle phase, since I control nothing but 'Warrior' monsters I can special summon War Rock Bashileos(2700/2700)." Soon a bigger, more powerful monster appeared as it wielded a mighty axe. "Now, I'll have my War Rock Fortia attacks Magician's Valkyria." Soon Isaac's monster was destroyed.

"Well, now my monster's effect activates. Since my War Rock Fortia battled, I can add a 'War Rock' monster to my hand. Then all my 'War Rock' monsters gain 200 more attack points until the end of my opponent's turn." With that all the other monsters then felt the power surge through their veins. Then, I'll have my War Rock Gactos attack Red-Eyes Baby Dragon." Sunset's monster was then destroyed as it created an explosion.

"Now my monster's effect activates, so now my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon allows me to summon a level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster. Then I can equip it so that it gains 300 extra attack points. So I choose my trusty monster, Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" Sunset now had her signature monster on the field as it let out a cry. Red-Eyes Baby Dragon then appeared on the back of the bigger dragon; the ponies watching were in awe based on how big their eyes were as they watched the spectacle.

"Now I'll activate the effect of my War Rock Bashileos, now during the battle phase when my Earth Warrior monster battles, it can attack your life points directly!!" War Rock Bashileos then dashed forward as it headed straight for Sunset and Isaac's life points as it brought it axe down on the ponies.
Isaac and Sunset's Life Points: 5100-

Both Isaac and Sunset were able to stand their ground as their friends had worry in their eyes. All the other ponies had calmed down and took a seat at the tables as they all were pleased by what they saw.

"Thanks for that, cause I activate my facedown, Dark Horizon! Now I can summon a spellcaster who attack points are equal to or less than the amount of damage I took. So I call upon, the one, the only... Dark Magician!" Now it was Isaac's turn as he had his ace monster appear on his side of the field.

"Now I'll end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn, watch out." said Isaac as he drew his card and looked at his hand. "Now I'll play Pot of Greed so now I pick up two cards. Perfect, now time for me to set the stage. Using the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and Scale 8 Mirage Magician, I set the Pendulum Scale." Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Pendulum Scale?" said all five mares and Spike as they didn't know what Isaac said aside from Twilight.

"But first, I'll activate my Sorcerer Swordsman's pendulum ability and it allows me to add my Magician's Valkyria back to my hand." Isaac's card then slotted out for him to grab. "Now time to pendulum summon. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hoof into the air as giant portal above him opened up. "She's certainly an eye-catcher as she's back for an encore, please welcome Magician's Valkyria. And she brought along a feather friend this time, it's Sonic Chick!" Isaac now had two more monsters appear as they were in defense mode.

Every pony watching was amazed by what they saw. They were impressed with what the stallion had managed to do based on all the fancy lights they saw. Their group of friends just had their mouths opened as they couldn't believe what Isaac had managed to do as he summoned multiple monsters in one move.

"Next, I'll play Card of Sanctity, so now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand." said Isaac. "Now, time to attack, Dark Magician attack War Rock Fortia!" Isaac gave his monster his command and he delivered his attack as it took out the card.
Lava and Swamp Battleguard's Life Points: 7400-

"Next, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Swamp Battleguard

"Now bad, but it's my turn. Now I'll reveal my facedown, War Rock Ordeal. Now during the turn this card activates, it gains 3 counters."

"And does it do?" asked Sunset.

"You'll see in due time. But for now, I'll summon my War Rock Orpis(2100/2100) since we control nothing Warrior monsters, I can summon this guy without tributing. Then I'll enter my battle phase and have Orpis take out your Magician's Valkyria. So now my field spell, allows me to special summon a 'War Rock' monster from my hand, so I summon my War Rock Skyler(2200/2200)." Out came a female warrior as she wielded a sword. " War Rock Skyler gains 100 attack points for each monster that you both control. So it gains a temporary 400 attack point boost. Now time for War Rock Orpis to take out your Magician's Valkyria. And then War Rock Skyler will take out your Sonic Chick!" commanded Swamp Battleguard.

"You may have taken out my Magician's Valkyria, but my Sonic Chick isn't going anywhere. Thanks to its special ability, it can't be destroyed in battle by monsters with 1900 or more attack points. Looks like this bird isn't going to be roasted so easily." said Isaac as his tiny monster took the attack and was flung back as he caught her with his magic. He then brought his monster down as she gave a happy peck and rubbed against Isaac for saving her as she took her position.

"Very well, but I can activate the effect of my spell card. So by removing one counter from my spell, I can draw one card. I'll end my turn with a facedown. And my War Rock Skyler loses 100 attack points so it drops to 2500."

Turn 8: Sunset

"My turn." Sunset drew her card and began to formulate her plan. "Now I play Red-Eyes Fusion, so by using monsters from my deck, I can be able to conduct a fusion summon. So I combine my Summoned Skull and Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon to call upon a monster with incredible power, I Fusion Summon, B. Skull Dragon!" Sunset now had a powerful monster on her field as it gave out a powerful cry. "Now time to attack, B. Skull Dragon take out War Rock Bashileos!"

"Hate to interrupt you, Sunset. But I'd figured I'd figure I give you a hand, I reveal Dark Spiral Force, now with this card out I can select a monster on the field and double its attack points for the duration of the turn." stated Isaac as he helped Sunset's monster to gain even more power.

"Thanks, boy toy. Now B. Skull Dragon's attack rises to 6400. So go, Molten Fireball attack!!" shouted Sunset as he monster opened its mouth and fired off its attack.

"I activate the effect of my field spell, so by sending it to the graveyard, I can protect my brother's monster from being destroyed." said Swamp Battleguard.

The attack made contact as it caused smoke to appear as the rock that they all stood on slowly started to crumble as they all return to the ground level.
Lava and Swamp Battleguard's Life Points: 4300-

"Very well, but I still have my Red-Eyes. So now Red-Eyes take out War Rock Skyler, it may have gotten an extra 100 points when I summoned my B. Skull Dragon, but it's still weaker than my Red-Eyes!" stated Sunset. With that her monster took out its target as it dealt some more damage.
Lava and Swamp Battleguard's Life Points: 4200-

"Now I'll end my turn with a facedown and my monster's attack returns to normal."

"Awesome, now they both are in the lead." cheered Rainbow Dash.

Turn 9: Lava Battleguard

"My turn, draw! I'll play Fusion Sword Murasame Blade and equip it to my War Rock Bashileos, so it can gain 800 more attack points to raise it up to 3500." War Rock Bashileos grabbed the weapon in its other hand and felt even stronger. "Now I'll play Riryoku!" said Lava Battleguard.

"Riryoku!?!" said Isaac as he was surprised by that card.

"It's all greek to me, Isaac." said Sunset as she didn't know what the card did.

"Riryoku, it's a rare and mighty card, Sunset." said Isaac.

"The pony is right, Riryoku legendary power allows me to take half of my monster's attack points and I get to add that to my monster, so B. Skull Dragon drops to 1750, while my War Rock Gactos rises to 3650!" Both monsters felt the effect as Sunset's got weaker while Gactos got much stronger. "Now War Rock Bashileos, take out B. Skull Dragon and War Rock Gactos will take out Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" With that both monsters brought their weapons down as they cleared Sunset's field and dealt damage to both ponies.
Isaac and Sunset's Life Points: 2400-

"Now the other effect of my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon activates, since it was attached to a monster that was sent to the grave, I can add a Level 1 Dragon from my deck to my hand." Sunset then grabbed her monster card. "Then I'll reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Spirit and with I'll revive my Red-Eyes Black Dragon in defense mode."

"In that case, I'll end my turn and my Gactos returns to his original attack."

Turn 10: Isaac

"I'm up, so stand back. To start, I'll play Graceful Charity so I pick up three cards and get rid of two." Isaac drew from his deck and then selected which cards he wanted to get rid of. "Now once again, I'll use my Sorcerer Swordsman pendulum ability, so I'll add my Magician's Valkyria and Junk Synchron back to my hand. Next, I'll play a couple of spells, Fissure and Hammer Shot. So now my Fissure allows me to destroy your Gactos and Hammer Shot gets rid of your Bashileos." Isaac's two spells then did their magic as they managed to clear the way for what he was about to do. "Now it's time and once more, I'll use the scale to pendulum summon." A portal opened up as this time two different monsters came out. "Say hello to Junk Synchron and Magician Boy!"

"Those two little weaklings don't have enough fire power to help you both win this duel." stated Swamp Battleguard.

"True, but I'm about to show you the power these guys have. Now Level 3 Junk Synchron tune with Level 1 Sonic Chick and Level 3 Magician Boy!" Junk Synchron then changed into three rings as both monsters jumped in. "Now from three come one, and powerful one at that! I Synchron Summon, the Junk Archer(2300/2000)!" Out came a new monster from Isaac as it wielded a bow.

"You really do love showing off." said Sunset with a smug look on her face.

"That monster is still weak." commented Lava Battleguard.

"Then let me activate Junk Archer's special ability, now once per turn, it can banish a monster until the end of the turn."

"What!?!" shouted both brothers.

"So let your arrow fly, Junk Archer. And take out War Rock Orpis with Bullseye Banishing!" said Isaac. Junk Archer then pulled back the strings as it fired off an arrow as it got rid of War Rock Orpis. "With your monster gone, you're wide open to a direct attack by my two monsters. Now Mahad, attack his life points. Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Isaac as his magician dealt a devasting blow to their opponents.
Lava and Swap Battleguard's Life Points: 1700-

"Now time to end this, Junk Archer take out the remaining life points!" said Isaac.

"I reveal my facedown, Counter Gate. Now I can negate your attack and in addition, I draw a card. And if it's a monster, then I can summon it in attack mode." Swamp Battleguard drew his card as it turned out to be a monster. "I've drawn another War Rock Fortia." chuckled Swamp Battleguard.

"In that case, I'll end my turn. And so your monster comes back." said Isaac as War Rock Orpis appeared.

Turn 11: Swamp Battleguard

"Time to end this, now. I'll sacrifice my War Rock Orpis to bring out another War Rock Skyler. And as you know, Skyler gains 100 extra points for every monster that my opponents control. So since you both have 3 monsters, Skyler gains 300 extra attack points." Skyler raised her sword as she felt herself getting stronger. "It may be much, but it's enough to seal the deal. But first, I'll play Monster Reborn to bring back War Rock Bashileos. Now War Rock Skyler, take out Junk Archer." Skyler then brought its sword down as Junk Archer tried to use its bow to block but it broke in half and destroyed him.
Isaac and Sunset's Life Points: 2200-

"Now my spell card activates, so I remove a counter and draw a card. Then War Rock Bashileos' effect activates, so now it can strike directly at your life points. So say goodbye!" War Rock Bashileos then appeared as it looked to strike the final blow to the pair of ponies.

"I reveal my facedown, the trap Final Offering! Now the battle phase ends and in addition, I can give one card in my hand to another player. So here you go, Sunset." said Isaac as he threw his card to her.

Sunset looked at the card Isaac gave her and her eyes widen. "You sure?"

"Positive." smiled Isaac.

"Doesn't matter, my brother will finish you both off." said Swamp Battleguard as he ended his turn. "Make your final move!"

Turn 12: Sunset

"With pleasure, draw." Alright, time to close this duel. "Hey, Isaac. Cool if I piggy back off of your play?"

"Of course, we're a team. And my cards are your cards."

"Thanks, now I'll play card that my partner gave me, Polymerization. And with it, I'll fuse together my Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Isaac's Dark Magician!" Both monsters then jumped into a vortex as their energies were being combined as they brought out an invincible monster. "I Fusion Summon, Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon!" Out came a powerful monster as it wore black armor and took an striking pose.

"Awesome monster!!" shouted Rainbow as she was had her tongue out like a dog waiting for treats.

"Darling, watch the dress. I used high quality cotton to make these outfits." complained Rarity as she got bits of drool on her outfit.

"Well, it still lacks power." said Lava Battleguard.

"Guess, I should inform you about my dragon's effect, once per turn he can destroy up to the total number of 'normal' monsters used to summon it and then you both take damage equal to those monster's attack points." smiled Sunset.

"Oh no!!" shouted both Battleguards.

"Which means since both of the monsters I used were 'normal' monsters, that means I can destroy your two monsters at once and end this duel." replied Sunset. She then used her magic as she pulled Isaac close to her as she gave him a flirty look. "Now how about we end this together, boy toy?"

"Let's, Sunny." said Isaac.

"Now Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, take out both of their monsters and end this duel!" With its order given, Dark Dragoon took out its target with ease.

Sunset then gave Isaac quick peck on the lips as she gave him a wink. Isaac then followed her lead as he grabbed her hooves and twirled her around for a few seconds; he then caught her as she was facing him as he dipped the orange mare. With that their monster lead waste to the creature and the others soon fell as everything was covered in a blinding light.

"AHHH!!!" shouted both Battleguards as they were defeated and disappeared.
Lava and Swamp Battleguard's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac and Sunset

The attack faded a few fireworks went off and petals started to fall down from the sky. Isaac grabbed a rose with his hoof as he still had Sunset dipped. He then looked at the orange mare as he gave her a wink and pulled her up and gave her another kiss as he put the rose behind her ear. With that their duel had ended in them being named the winners.

"Awesome job, guys." shouted Rainbow Dash.

Soon they were surrounded by their pony pals as they too were impressed by how well the duo worked together.

"It's no big deal." said Isaac.

"Besides, this was probably the only thing that I actually was glad to come to." replied Sunset with her own smart comment.

Soon both heard an applause coming from the other guests and patrons as they loved the show the two put on. Isaac and Sunset just rolled with that idea as both just gave a simple bow and wave.

"My word, I dare say, that was quite a show." said a gentlepony.

"Where did the princess get all the extra effects for this grand display? And those costumes were so life like?" said another mare.

"Are you two trained actors?" asked another pony.

"Uhm, do they know it wasn't an act?" asked Spike.

"Let's just leave it at that, no need to cause a panic." whispered Isaac to the young drake.

"Stellar performance, I must say." said as both Princess Celestia and Luna came through the crowd.

"Princess Celestia." said Sunset.

"What's up, Princess Luna." said Isaac as he gave a quick salute to the blue alicorn.

"Isaac!" shouted Sunset and Twilight as they tried to get him to show the proper respect.


"It's quite all right. No harm, no foul." stated Luna. "As long as the vibe wasn't ruined, I think we can kick back and chill, won't you agree, Isaac." said Luna.

"You're speaking my language, princess." said Isaac as he gave Princess Luna a bro hoof to which she returned. Isaac looked at the others who all had their eyes wide open and their mouths hanging as they couldn't believe Luna's new language/mannerisms and how Isaac just basically was buddy-buddy with the princess of the night.

"I just want to thank you for taking care of tonight's intrusion. I'm glad to have you two on the case."

"Happy to lend a hand princess, or hoof." chuckled the caramel stallion.

"Yes, by the way, I found this in the hallway." said Luna as she pulled out a scroll. "It seems to have belonged to one of those creatures you just disposed of." She then handed the letter to Isaac as he opened it and began to look at it with the others.

"This... is a drawing. A really bad drawing, it's in canyon." said Twilight.

"Yeah, but look there's writing on it." pointed out Fluttershy.

"It says: Be the last one of the five standing?" said Isaac as he read that out loud. "Anypony know what that means?"

"Of course, now I think I'm understanding it." said Sunset.

"What? Do you know something, Sunset?"

"Well, you remember how you were injured and spent the day recovering? Well, during my patrol, I took care of some small sights. But I also overheard of them talking about how they needed their side to win this race of global domination. I didn't figure out what he was talking about, but now seeing this scroll makes sense. These five drawings seem to be the head of their faction. And they seemed to be fighting against the other factions to see who can conquer them all." stated Sunset.

"That all? Please, that's nothing." said Rainbow Dash. "It just means we got to find take these five leaders out and bam, the day is saved."

"You make it sound like it's easy." stated Isaac.

"Well, is it not. As long you take the one in charge all the others fall." replied Dash.

"Yeah, but... well... you've got a point." said Isaac as he couldn't argue with that logic. Based on their previous encounter, whenever they took out the monster in charge of the group, the others usually disappeared alongside them or they just retreated all together.

"Well, looks we've got another adventure on the horizon." state Applejack.

"I hope you two can handle this; we'll assist in any way we can." stated Celestia.

"Of course, but can it wait for another time?" asked Isaac. "I don't know about you'll but I'm in the mood for some donuts. Spike?"

"Way ahead of you, Isaac." said the small dragon as he and the colt began to walk toward Donut Joe's donut store.

All the others just rolled their eyes as they couldn't believe the stallion's mentality. Eventually they along with the princess all let out a laugh as they all decided to join the boys in getting some victory donuts. Now that they had a new objective in dealing with these Duel Monsters. They had to switch focus, but for now, they wanted to celebrate the Summer Sun Celebration with some delicious tasty treats.

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