• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Stop for the Lights

Kalos. Couriway Town. Pokemon Center. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

"Curse it all...So quickly? How did we even get here?" Feeling bitter was Princess Luna, who was currently recovering her strength at Couriway Town, which was previously attacked by vampires. Luna managed to stop those vampires before things could get out of hand but at the same time, the sudden arrival of Ghetsis lead her to suffer an instant defeat despite being warned not to confront him.

"This fill-in of recent Pokemon Trainers and their Pokemon have been abundant lately." Nurse Joy added. "Everyone this month must be feeling daring. But anyway, your Aurorus is fully healed, Princess Luna."

"Many thanks." Equally recovered was her Aurorus."And what do you mean by this? Have there been more here?"

"Well, elsewhere. Every Nurse Joy stays in touch with each other if you didn't know. And right now, other places are suffering from what happened here. Minus you saving the day."

"There are other vampires?!"

"Apparently so. You can read the news to catch up since it's gaining traction. Oooh, Audino~" Nurse Joy whistled for her Audino to show up.

"Audino!" Along came Audino, holding a newspaper before tossing it in Luna's direction. With instinct, Luna caught it midair via magic, wasting no time heading straight for the headlines.

Soon, Luna would learn that this Dread League predicament spread faster than she expected. In just a few minutes, the vampires made their moves, attacking various locations in different regions under Rosa Maledicta's order to let them do what they wanted to do simply.

Only news about the Dread League was visible, describing how vampires suddenly appeared, attacking cities and towns. In addition, there was yesterday's news with the previous vampire attack as well.

"The Dread League might finally be making their first moves. But this doesn't look like it's based around Yveltal." Luna observed. "These just look like random attacks more than anything...something must be up. But do I go after them first or focus on Galaxy Master? Ahh...Why is the Pokemon Festival always filled with something crucial? I wish the only crucial things were the events in this festival." Luna groaned. Frankly, she was just wanting peace at this point.

"Well, that's why there's everyone else fighting the good fight. Like him." Nurse Joy added, holding the newspaper before flipping a few pages. "It's not all troublesome. You're not the only one trying to stop this, Princess Luna. Take a look."

"Hm? Oh!" After seeing this page, Luna gasped, slightly surprised but deep down, she was somewhat expecting this. The individual who was also in the newspaper was none other than Galaxy Master. "He showed up?"

"Apparently at the speed of light. Or at the Speed of Justice as he said. The second somewhere was being attacked, he showed up in little time and saved that town. Would you believe that there's always news about him going to the next location as soon as he could just for this predicament?"

"I would. And I do." Looking at this made Luna truly realize that her current enemy might not even be her true enemy. With what Darkrai shared, what Young Ash informed her about and what he's done now, her perception of Galaxy Master has changed drastically.

The special crystal was still a last-ditch ace-in-the-hole if things go wrong but the civil option was now top priority for Princess Luna. "Hm. Well, now I know how I can find him. Many thanks, Nurse Joy."

"Oh, it's nothing, Princess Luna. Just doing my job. But...maybe sending newspapers isn't one of them." She chuckled, making a slight joke.

"But...there's also Ghetsis? What could he be up to?" Luna focused on a third issue. Ghetsis. He was the one that led her to enter the Pokemon Center in the first place. She managed to recall his last words once he departed, wondering what he meant by that.

"I'm coming home. And I'll rebuild what I left and lost back there. And as for you Luna...I can't rush things now. Besides, you have friends by your side who will come for you. Won't they?"

Ah...so much to think about." She rustled her hair, agitated by all these issues. The only thing keeping her steady was the fact that Galaxy Master was tackling the vampire problem. That's when it hit her. "Ah. Of course! I can solve two problems at once with this. Yes...Galaxy Master. Here I come."

Hoenn. On the road. Late Afternoon.

On the road of Hoenn, Bertha's SUV was currently on the move with Ash's party still within it. Naturally, they would pick up on the news since it was spreading so fast.

"A lot happened..." Twilight looked at the newspaper. "The Dread League and Galaxy Master in the same category. So much is happening across the world right now."

"And we're probably missing out. That's a bummer." Hilbert crossed his arms, preferring to get into the action right about now instead of thinking about the severity of it.

"It's a good thing that character of Ash is helping stop these vampires though." Sci-Twi pointed out. "I guess being a hero is just natural for where he comes from. But why would the Rift let him do that? Isn't it against you and everything you love, Ash?"

"Hmmm...That's a good question." It made Ash ponder. But pondering too hard about it led him nowhere. Ash wasn't one to think deeply about things like this. He was more about finding out via action. "No clue."


"So, there are seriously vampires running around? Eeugh!" Cloudchaser shuddered. "Vampires...I hoped they never existed but..."

"Rest easy, my little pony," Bertha added. "You have someone out there handling that for you. But it's not out of the question to believe we'll see some vampires along the way. They might already be around us too."

"Don't say that..." Cloudchaser lowered her head from Bertha's last sentence.

"We'll be at the airport soon and we'll head to...wherever's best. I hope none of you gets travel sick." The Elite 4 Member chuckled.

"Oh, I should check on them at this time." Now, Twilight got out her Xtransceiver, getting in touch with the rest of her friends. She had them all in alphabetical order with Ash and Applejack sharing the top spot. Going for Applejack first, she gave her earth pony pal a call. "You know...with all the vampires."

"Call Princess Celestia while you're at it." Flitter leaned in. "You know...for the show. I mean, all the princesses have each other on speed dial, right? Am I getting that right?"

"Howdy, Twilight." Right then, Applejack answered, speaking to Twilight. "Glad to see another friendly face right about now."

"Hi, Applejack. How goes things? Is your Pokemon Festival going great?"

"Uh, for the first three days. Then today, not so much." Applejack sighed as she wished it was all good from here. But alas, she's learned by now that can never be the case. Not yet at least. "Vampires happened."

"Oh, they already got to you." Rainbow Dash added. "But you look completely fine."

"I do. I do. Everyone does. Well...except for Bayleef. She's recovering after a shock went through her system. Some vampire took her special ability for herself and it freaked the poor girl out."

"What did you say?!" Ash, Twilight and Rainbow Dash consecutively gasped. All three of them knew what this meant. Bayleef's special ability was too important not to know about due to how powerful it can be and how many times it's saved some of them.

"Yeah. I don't know if she's lost it though. Audino had the same thing happen to her but she can still hear as if nothing happened. Bayleef took a heavy hit from that shock though. But she'll recover. Eventually..."

"She got her blood sucked?!" Cloudchaser assumed the most common trait of the vampire and that's how legends say they suck blood, but that was not the case. Though, some could consider it similar.

"Where are you now?" Ash asked.

"We're leaving Alola right about now, heading to Kanto next by boat. On the bright side, we got away from those vampires. My partner Riolu sure could get past that ability with that Aura of his."

"Hm? Are you saying that Riolu bypassed that ability?" Twilight questioned. "That sounds like what you're implying. But then again...it does come from the Rift."

"Pretty weakened too. Riolu just couldn't let everyone get hurt after all." Applejack added, chuckling. "What a guy!"

"In a weakened state? That's impressive..." Rainbow Dash nodded slowly.

"But it's to be expected." Bertha had something to say. "You may already know this but Aura can be tied to your emotions as well. Specifically around those you care for. The thoughts of those you love and the bonds you share with them can heighten your Aura. Ash already knows about this, doesn't he?"

"Sure do. I've felt it a lot when I battle. But I never thought that my emotions had to count for something too. Sweet..."

"We'll meet you back at Unova at a later time then. Best Wishes to Bayleef and the rest. Stay safe from vampires while you're at it. Since uh...we met one but we didn't know. Well, Pinkie Pie knew."

"I sure did!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, finally joining in on the conversation.

"Right. Catch ya later!" Applejack hung up the call, promising that they would meet up at Unova at a later time. But right now, they weren't set to go to Unova next. Not before the PokeStar Studios Equestria Film begins production. Their next location would be ambiguous.

With the late afternoon slowly coming to an end, that meant the moon was beginning to rise once again. And at this time, it would be beautiful considering the area the group would be in. Far beyond the setting sunlight out upon the sea, the last hours of the Golden Sun had come before it made way for the Silver Moon to appear.

When heading to the airport, they witnessed various buildings and how they responded to the night. City lights glistened, each of them having aesthetically pleasing colours that could bring some warmth and solace. From blue, purple, pink, red and more.

Riding an SUV was the best vehicle at the moment as Ash and the others could take in the scenery and the beautiful air itself. Seein all the signs and restaurants and how they appeared during this downtime. And this was especially special for Victini, Meloetta and Hoopa as this kind of view was tantalizing to them.

Victini rested on Ash's head, feeling tired just by looking at these city lights. The cars passing by only added to it as every form of light bounced off each other. They couldn't fall asleep now. Not until they reached the airport but they certainly weren't the only ones feeling this way.

To Sci-Twi this was also special considering she's not one for big cities at all. But with what she's gone through so far, she was getting used to it already and this sight only added to it. She marvelled at this sight which she previously used to view on her computer. But being here in person made it lightyears better. There was no comparison.

On top of that, there was the remaining piece of the Sun that decide to stay along even when the moon was up. Amidst these night skies with beautiful stars everywhere, there was a ray of light on the horizon, lingering. These starry skies were slightly pierced by the superior star that was always around, no matter which universe it may be. The Sun. The way its orange and golden glows hid within parts of the starry skies, sticking around for a bit before it would leave was magnificent.

The same went for everywhere else. The Sun still showed itself across the world, mildly being there amidst the beautiful darkness. Celestia, Cynthia and Premium Polish all marvelled at this sight as Celestia wishes she could be the one controlling that Sun right about now. But of course, this world's Sun acts on its own.

The Energetic Light and the Gentle Darkness were in harmony with each other, reminding Celestia about her sister and even everything else. It reminded her of how both forces are equal at the end of the day, despite what happens. This sight was proof of that.

Taking a van across the road were the sirens, joined by Paul, who got a good look at this. Most of them, anyway. Aria and Sonata fell asleep while Paul and Adagio were the only ones to look outside. Adagio also had Kricketot look outside who dozed off just by looking at it. Paul only looked at it briefly before closing his eyes, dreaming about the next battle that would come.

Ponies who came to this world glanced at this, wondering if there was someone out there much like Celestia and Luna who raised the Sun and Moon. They could only think about Arceus, believing he was responsible for this. Either way, they would still admire it for what it was. From the beginning, they were never concerned about how there was another Sun and Moon out there. Pegasi who took the skies had the glory of seeing the lights from above but even at ground level, unicorns and earth ponies were just in love with the view.

Princess Luna, who took the skies, took the time to stop and view the light and darkness in unison, much like her big sister. She stopped by a mountain which was the best place to have this view. In the middle, the sun peered through the mountainous horizon as Luna chose to see this as a sign. A sign that she can persevere past her worries, just like how Darkrai wanted as she continued on her way, taking flight.

And then there were Fluttershy and Applejack. Taking a boat instead of a plane gave them the chance to see the rest of the Alola Seas at this time. Bayleef was resting right now, still recovering from the shock to her system. Fluttershy comforted the Leaf Pokemon at this time, gently caressing her head with her hoof.

Bayleef seemed to be at peace when sleeping, instead of writhing and twitching like before. As for her leaves, they did end up healing thanks to the Sun and the leftovers were restored because of the mild orange glow. Fluttershy still worried about what could become of this ever since Opal attacked but for now, she could let the skies stave her fears off for the meanwhile.

For now, all was calm.

But the vampires wouldn't let that happen at all. At this time, they would come out to play. Amidst this peace, there were still locations that were threatened by the vampires. Lavender Town was a big victim of it after the shadows of the crowd managed to restrain them all.

Officer Jenny tried what she could but the numbers beat her out. Thus, Jenny's shadow held her down too as this entire city sunk into despair. And the vampires were loving it. While the Sun shined everywhere else, here, the darkness covered the sun, masking the shadows.

The vampires, being cocky as they were, took the time to partake in the Pokemon Festival while everyone was restrained. And with insult, did it to their faces.

"Mmm! We've been missing out!"A vampire said, scarfing down all the delicacies here while the crowd was powerless to do anything. Petty as they can be, some of the more fashionable vampires took accessories from a few humans and ponies just to dress themselves.

"This isn't a bad place to settle down at some time. Especially when it becomes a part of Magehold." Another vampire added, casually sitting down while innocents suffered. "I would say this is paradise but...no. Let's head somewhere in this world that is considered paradise."

"I think not!" Someone responded to them, echoing a voice across the skies. The vampires looked around, wondering what that sound could be. When looking up, they saw something in the night skies.

A golden light came zooming down. Two of them. Those two lights belonged to certain individuals who responded to the attack of the vampires as their appearance was too visible to ignore in the darkness.

And that's when Luna came in. She already remembered how she found Galaxy Master that way. She was waiting for Galaxy Master to appear once again in the night skies, hovering high up in the air for minutes on end. She waited long enough at this point as those two golden lights were a good sign.

"It's him," said Luna before following the direction of those lights that greatly resembled shooting stars. Bringing the crystal along with her, she intended to try and make this the last encounter with Galaxy Master.

But of course, much like the recent encounters, there was always the Rift. And at this point, after receiving some energy back from Galaxy Master, the Rift felt a bit more confident to get involved instead of staying back for a while. It still didn't have everything it needed back but it had something it could use. Refusing to have its chances of restoring its energy vanish, the Rift was already expecting Princess Luna at this point.

But back at Lavender Town, Galaxy Master and Pikachu made their entrance, sticking superhero landings which had blown away the accessories from the vampires just from the pressure alone.

"W-What is this?! Who are you!" A vampire bellowed after losing her stolen accessories.

"Hm? That is a good question! Allow me to introduce myself!" He spoke before he and Pikachu struck their poses yet again. It was a tradition at this point for them to do so."A flash in the cosmos! A light appears before the world to heed its sorrow and plea! From spacetime itself, I appear! "The Superstar! Galaxy Master!"


"And I appear as well." Luna came to a screeching halt, landing on atop the nearest building instead of fully showing up to the scene. After all, Galaxy Master could be considered on her side due to how he sought out to stop the vampires as well. Why try and stop a good deed, especially with what has happened here?

But in Luna's case, perhaps she could get involved with something. Aside from confronting Galaxy Master later on, the shadows of these victims were not to be ignored. Those mystical mirrors from Magehold and the malevolence they possessed were already present to her. Luna knows a thing or two about the shadows after all. She would make her move and so would Galaxy Master. But there was a third party involved. The Rift and the ace-in-the-hole, the crystal.

Both Luna and the Rift had the same idea in mind. The same goal but with a differing path. This would indeed be the last encounter and they were going to make sure of it as the journey continues.

Chapter 893 End.

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