• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Pokemon Weekly

Ponyville, Day.

"Ah..." Twilight came out of her castle, taking in the fresh air of a new day. From how the wind was feeling at the moment, today could end up being smooth, calm with absolutely no sign of chaos whatsoever.

If the worlds hadn't crossed over that is.

The minute Twilight and her Pokemon had reached the beautiful streets of Ponyville, she saw that many ponies, mostly the mares, were moving around in a hurry all of a sudden.

Why they were moving around so rapidly in a hurry was a complete mystery to Twilight and her Pokemon, but one of her friends could have the answer since they were doing the same thing. That being Rarity.

"Rarity? What's going on?" Twilight asked.

"I don't have time to talk right now, Twilight! Where's my lip gloss?!" Rarity yelled in a panic, rushing off to her boutique.

"Okay...?" Twilight squinted her eyes. She didn't even get an answer. Things only got more confusing when she noticed Pinkie Pie sliding in with a trombone, drumset and accordion for some reason.

Normally, it's normal stuff when involving Pinkie Pie. But this time it was different. She was doing this just because. "Gotta hurry!" The pinky pony dashed past Twilight' leading her in the dust.

"...What's wrong with those two?" Twilight was just getting lost further. "What is going on today?"

"You didn't hear the news, Twilight?" Fluttershy flew over.

"What news?"

"Apparently today, a reporter from a magazine known as Pokemon Weekly is coming over to Ponyville to do an interview." She finally gave Twilight an explanation.

"Pokemon Weekly?"

"Yes, Pokemon Weekly!" Rarity had responded to Twilight's words, rushing over. "Look!" She held a magazine in front of Twilight's face, showing her what Pokemon Weekly was about. "It's a widely circulated publication involving both Pokemon and trainers. It features hot new moves, the latest gossip and the one I'm personally interested in, Miss Pokemon!"

"Miss Pokemon?"

"It is the magazine of my dreams!" Rarity squeed.

"Oh wow...that's...huh." Twilight shifted her eyes left to right.

"Amazing? I know! Now I have to go! I'm wasting precious time!" Rarity dashed off.

"I'm honestly surprised that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are interested in this." Fluttershy suddenly said.

"Rainbow Dash? She cares about this too?" Twilight turned to Fluttershy.

"Well, she wants to become the best trainer in the Equestria after all. So it makes sense that any opportunity to get her name out there would be perfect to grab."

"I suppose so. It does sound somewhat interesting." Twilight nodded. "What about you, Fluttershy? Oh, wait. It's not that interesting to you is it?"

"Actually...I am a bit interested in it." Fluttershy blushed a small bit. "I'm hoping to have the Pokemon House gain more traction. After all, I hear some foals are interested in helping out with the house. It'll be so great having more helpers come by every day."

"Oh. So it gives you opportunities too?"

"Mhm. I can't wait until his arrival. Come on, Audi." Fluttershy had left to return home.


"This Pokemon Weekly thing has everypony acting a bit differently, huh...?"

"Espeon." Eve nodded.

"Well, I'm sure it'll last a bit." Twilight shrugged it off, not thinking too much about it.

Little did she know how wild Pokemon Weekly interviews get. For the Pokemon World, these interviews are just normal business. But since Equestria's never experienced them before, everything will spiral out of control.

One hour passed. But that was enough time for the reporter to finally arrive. Ash and Goh stood near Town Hall, curious about why most of the ponies here looked like they were anticipating something big. Big Mac had told them everything so they got an understanding.

"Oh, it's that what is, huh?" Ash commented.


"Eeyup." He nodded.

"I didn't think this small town would be so interested in something like this." Goh scratched his head.

"Well, not everything is what it seems most of the time Goh." Ash laughed.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu had spotted the reporter arriving north. You could tell he was a reporter due to that grin he had on his face that just screams getting up close and personal for some information. Fittingly, he had a Chatot on his shoulder.

"Oh! Hellooooo Ponyville!" His voice was as loud as a reporter as it grabbed the attention of everypony here.

"Chatot! Hello Ponyville!" His Chatot mimicked him.

"I've been waiting for this moment!" He took off like a rocket, dashing to the first pony he saw. Which was none other than Mayor Mare. "Being here at the Ponyville! You're the mayor, right?!"

"Yes. That's me." Mayor Mare nodded.

"Great to be here at this town! My name's Eli!" He grabbed her hoof, shaking it aggressively. "I'm looking forward to seeing all the radical ponies here!"

"Tot! Radical!"

"Radical, eh? What a saying..." Mayor Mare chuckled.

"Who's the guy yelling all crazy-like?" Starlight questioned Twilight.

"I think...that's the reporter," Twilight answered. "Eli, he said his name was."

"Huh...Well, he sure has a personality, doesn't he?" Starlight laughed nervously.

"I've been wanting to learn all about the ponies from day one, but too many complications came up! I've heard a lot of stuff about this town and I just had to come here first!" He pumped his fists up and down,

"Chat! Come here first!"

"Oh. So this is your first time visiting our world?"

"You betcha! And I wanna know what's up with those things on your flanks!" He pulled out his camera, aiming it directly at Mayor Mare's Cutie Mark.

"These? Why they're our Cutie Marks. They essentially set everypony apart from each other, making us all unique. Everypony's Cutie Mark is special in their own ways. It helps to show just what their talents are and at times our proclivity.

"OOH! That's so radical!" He began taking pictures of her Cutie Mark. "A personality defining mark! What a find!"

"Chat! What a find!"

"Explore Ponyville as much as you want, Mr Eli. It's a nice starting town for those new to our world."

"Will do, can do!" Eli took off, ready to interview other ponies. He set his sights on one pony he recognized by name. That being Rarity.

The unicorn was standing there with a brand new dress on. She really prepared herself for this since she personally knows how reporters act.

"Oooh! Talk about a real beauty of a pony!" Eli gawked at Rarity's appearance. "Radical and beautiful!

"Oh, why thank you." Rarity flipped her mane.

"Perfect shade of white!" He started taking pictures of her, zipping around the place at light speeds. "Silky smooth hair and tail! Azure blue eyes! That's the look of a model right here! What's your name, my little pony?!"

"Tot! Look of a model!"

"How sweet. My name is Rarity, thank you for asking."

"Rarity? Oh, I've heard of you!" Eli gasped.

"Have you now?"

"Yeah! You and your six friends are some of the most popular ponies around! I've been waiting to meet one of you for long! It's an honour!"

"Chatot! An honour!"

"Well, I'm truly flattered. If you want, the rest of my friends are located right here in Ponyville."

"Oh! All of them?! The Mane 6?!" Eli stood up.

"Mane 6?" Rarity found that word to be new to her.

"That's what everyone over at my world calls your friends. Mane 6. It's a nice little play on Main and how the six of you are the most popular ponies!"

"Tot! Most popular ponies!"

"Hm. I quite like the sound of that." Rarity nodded.

"Wait...what about me?" Starlight pointed her hoof at herself whilst Twilight let out a little giggle.

"So that horn of yours. Is it true that it can do magic?!"

"Correct. All unicorns are capable of magic thanks to our wonderful horns. You won't believe how useful they are in certain situations."

"Radical! I've only ever seen magic with Fairy-Types! Never pony magic!" He took pictures of her horn. So far Rarity was getting the most attention out of the reporter. "Can you do spells? You've got spells, right?! If so how many?!"

"Of course I perform spells. But if you want to know of a pony who is truly versatile in a multitude of spells, look no further than my dear friend, Twilight over there." Rarity pointed her hoof at Twilight, making her visible to the eccentric reporter.

"Huh?" Twilight's eyes widened, realizing that she had been spotted. Judging by how hyper Eli is, the young alicorn was a bit nervous about how this would go.

Eli took a moment to pause, examining Twilight's appearance. He noticed how she had both horns and wings at the same time. That's a pretty radical combo according to him.

"Oh, you're one the princesses!" Eli ran over, appearing in front of Twilight in one second flat. "Horn and wings!"

"Uh...H-Hi..." Twilight said nervously. "Curse you Rarity for getting me caught up in this..."

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, right?! This is my first time seeing a proper princess!" He started taking pictures at rapid speeds, getting every side of Twilight. "So what are you called if you have both wings and horns? A super-unicorn? Unicorn 2.0? Unicorn Prime?!"

"Well...I'm actually an Alicorn. A mixture of a unicorn, pegasus and earth pony. But I used to be a unicorn once." Twilight explained.

"Oooh! So you evolved like a Pokemon?!"

"You could say that...I had to earn my status as an alicorn by working hard alongside all of my friends and solving friendship problems."

"Wait, that's how it's done?" Starlight turned to Twilight.

"Mhm." Twilight nodded.

"So what kind of spells can you do?! What's your favourite?! Why's your horn so long?! Is your entire family's last name Sparkle?! If so then what is Rarity's family name?! Can you be born an alicorn?!"

"Uh, hold on! You're asking a lot of questions too fast!" Twilight tried to slow him down.

"Ah, sorry, sorry! I'm just so excited! This is my first time experiencing this world after all! Everything about it so far is so radical from the colours to the way the sun shines! Oh, that sun is extra shiny!"

"That would be Princess Celestia's doing. She raises the sun while her younger sister Princess Luna raises the moon." Starlight explained.

"Hold on..." Eli's jaw dropped. "There are ponies who can control the sun and the moon...? This day just keeps getting better and better! Could you show me a tour of this entire town while I take pictures and write notes?"

"Love to!" Along came Pinkie Pie with her instruments. By hearing Eli's request, she was more than ready to give the reporter a tour.

"Ah! Pinkie Pie is it?!"

"Yeah! How'd you know?"

"That pink appearance of yours gave me a wild guess. I can't believe I'm getting to meet each of the Mane 6 one by one in just a few minutes! Can this day get any better?!" He grinned.

"Well come along with us! You're gonna love Ponyville! There's a lot to see! Right, Twilight?"

"It's a small town, but sure. There is a lot. Ash can even help. He's the one human who's been here the most. Right, Ash?" Similar to what Rarity did, Twilight had made the reporter aware of Ash.

"Sure. I can do that." Ash nodded. "Human to human."


"Oh! Ash Ketchum!" The reporter's attention quickly went to Ash and his Pikachu. "Champion of Alola?!"

"Yeah, that's me. Guess there are still some people who remember that, huh?"

"That's right! I even hear you made a name for yourself in this world! Ash Ketchum the Hero and Pikachu the Noble, right? Such lucky names!"

"Oh yeah. We did get that, didn't we Pikachu?" Ash just remembered those nicknames that Celestia gave both of them.


"Princess, ponies and champions all in one day! Radical! And the day hasn't even ended yet! But, Ash. I need to ask you something. Why is it that you're more popular in this world than our own? Even more than your champion status."

"No idea. But I know one thing's for sure. When I become a Pokemon Master, everyone's gonna be shouting my name someday across the world!"


"That's the kind of determination I love to see! So come on! Show me around this place more!"

"Tot! Show me around!"

Starting his tour, Eli was shown SugarCube Corner first. Getting to experience food from another world was already getting him psyched up like crazy.

"Pony exclusive food?!" Eli went up to the table with a huge selection of food. Mostly leftovers from Hearth's Warming.

"Try one." Pinkie held a Cindercake in his face.

The reporter and his Chatot took a bite out of the custom cupcake, getting a good taste of its specially made warmth that was meant to counteract the cold.

"Mmm! Feels like a fireplace! Tasty and warm!"

"Chatot! Tasty and warm!"

"My he sure has an eccentric personality, doesn't he?" Mrs Cake said to her husband.

"Is it really surprising to see somepony with that personality nowadays?" Mr Cake was referring to Pinkie Pie.

"This'll gain great traction from my world when I tell everyone about this SugarCube Corner place." Eli wrote down information about SugarCube Corner.

Hearing that made Pinkie, Mr and Mrs Cake shoot up in shock. From what he said, it sounded like SugarCube Corner was about to gain more customers that weren't just limited to ponies from now on.

"Y-You mean...humans will be coming over here more often?" Mrs Cake stammered.

"Well, yeah. I'm also kind of a promoter in a sense. If I like something I'll let everyone else know about it and see if it piques their interest too. That way, they'll decide if it's also radical!"

"Human customers..." The Cake family thought for a moment. They could see it now. How many other humans could enjoy all that they have to offer. SugarCube Corner might be going big soon.

"What's next?!" Eli stood up, eager to continue.

Next, he visited Sweet Apple Acres, interviewing the Apple Family plus Cold Colt

"Oh! So you founded Ponyville?!" Eli spoke to Granny Smith.

"Better believe it. Had to collect new seeds while selling the old to make a living." Granny Smith replied.

"Radical! I can't believe I'm talking to the founder herself!" He began taking pictures of the old pony. No matter who or what they are, he'll take pictures either way. He truly loved his job and was dedicated to it.

"Chat! Founder!" And so did his Chatot who was always by his side.

The third area in Ponyville ended up being Twilight's Castle plus her lab. There was a lot to see here this time.

"So this thing entire castle came from a tree?!" He started taking pictures of the castle, getting every spot. "That's just as interesting as the Kingdom of the Vale's castle! So radical!"

"Kingdom of the Vale. That takes me back." Ash said.

"At first, I wasn't too fond of this castle in the beginning. I kept trying my best to avoid it. But thanks to my friends, I decided to make new memories here and-" Twilight went on about her experience with the castle, but was quickly cut off when Eli snapped his attention to something else.

"Another alicorn!" He had spotted Nyx, mesmerised by her tall stature. "And a pretty tall one too! Let me-" Eli dashed over to the alternate universe alicorn like he does with everyone, but this time, Nyx had stopped him by using her magic to lift the reporter.

"Who are you?" She narrowed her eyes at the reporter.

"I'm being held up by actual pony magic! Radical!"

"Uh, Nyx. He's just a reporter here to interview and take pictures." Twilight went up to her fellow alicorn.

"Oh," Nyx placed the reporter down, giving him something new to write about.

"Sorry. He gets a bit elated over practically everything." Twilight chuckled.

"Which is why he is the perfect reporter Twilight," said Rarity. "It takes an immense amount of hard work and dedication to be able to write for a magazine. More than you can imagine."

"Does it though...?" Goh wasn't too sure about that.

"What's with all the noise?" Spike came through a door, wondering who was doing all that shouting.

And just like Twilight said, Eli gets elated over everything. Once he saw Spike, there was a new target to interview. He could immediately tell he was a dragon. No matter what universe you may be in, you can tell what a dragon looks like.

"Oooh! This world has its own dragons?!" Eli lunged over at the baby dragon.

"Eeugh!" Spike winced as he fell on his back, unsure as to why this random human is coming at him like a wild animal.

"It looks so much more different from our world's dragons!" He took pictures of Spike. "Definitely the shortest dragon I've ever seen!"

"Twilight...who is this guy?" Spike asked.

"Just a reporter Spike. Don't worry about it." Twilight sighed.

"Hm?" Eli noticed the room where Spike came out of. The throne room was now in his sights. And the first thing inside of the room that caught his attention was the Cutie Map. Likewise, he rushed inside. "What's this?!"

"This is our throne room." Twilight went up to him. "The map you see here is the Cutie Map. It reacts to our Cutie Marks for a friendship problem. It's a perfect replica of Equestria, so the map always tells us where we need to go."

"Magic maps?! Radical! I don't even think we have that in our world! At least I haven't checked." Eli snapped his camera at the Cutie Map.

"How long is this guy gonna be here for?" Starlight asked.

"Long enough, Starlight." Rarity placed her hoof on her fellow unicorn's neck. "Long enough.

Thus began a series of interviews on practically everypony in Ponyville. Eli didn't waste any time whatsoever. He managed to interview every single member in Ponyville.

"So, Big Macintosh. I asked if you were the strongest physically here. And you said Eeyup. What a way to respond! I haven't heard that since I went to the countryside to visit grandma! Radical!"

"Diamond Tiara. Your father actually shares the same name as your actual wealth. Really? Talk about a lucky destiny!"

"So DJ-Pon3. Is it true you have vampire eyes beyond those glasses? No comment? What a scoop of a mystery!"

"So you're known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders and you share identical Cutie marks?! I didn't even know that could happen! These marks are so radical!"

"So Pinkie Pie. Why are you pink?"

"Because I'm always happy!" Pinkie squeed.

It didn't 'stop at just Ponyville, he even dashed over to the Everfree Forest, completely evading every threat there until he reached Zecora. And of course, he interviewed her as well."

"So you always speak in rhymes?! Holy Arceus! That takes a lot of skill and consistency! Is every Zebra capable of it?! I gotta know!"

And of course, Cloudsdale as well. He took a ride on Ash's Dragonite to reach the area. There, he got a good look at this pegasus utopia. And the one pegasus waiting there for him was Rainbow Dash of course.

"OOOH! Your entire mane and tail are that of a rainbow?!" Eli gawked.

"Yeah. Take it all in." Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves, showing off herself to the reporter.

"Is it true that you can create an equivalent to a sonic boom but with rainbows?!"

"Totally true. It's what brought all of my friends together. And I don't mean to brag but...I'm kind of a big deal because of that."

"A pony that can fly at sonic speeds! Man, this was worth the wait!"

After interviewing a plethora of pegasi, he finally came across the Pokemon House. A sanctuary for Pokemon of all kinds, run by Fluttershy herself. But the first thing that caught his eye was Fluttershy.

"Oh! What a beauty!" He moved around, taking pictures non-stop. "You've got all the makings of a perfect idol! And your colour palette matches your partner!"

"Tot! Matches your partner!"

"Why thank you..." Fluttershy blushed.

"So you came up with this entire idea yourself?" He zipped around the Pokemon House, snapping pictures.

"I wanted to make a place where Pokemon could come and relax and have fun. That's all."

"Well, you did a great job! Look at all these Pokemon! Not even the Safari Zone compares to this!"

"He's certainly a very interesting person," Fluttershy said. "It's a bit endearing."

"Interesting is right..." Goh nodded.

"Are there any rare Pokemon here?!" He dug his head in the water.

"Well...I do have two rare Pokemon if you're interested." Rarity spoke.

"Yeah- wait, you have a rare Pokemon Rarity?" Spike turned to Rarity. "Since when."

"Behold." Rarity sent out possibly the rarest Pokemon in Ponyville. A Shiny variant of the Ultra Beast known as UB-02 Beauty, Pheromosa.


"OOOH! An Ultra Beast!" Eli shot up. "I've only seen pictures of them! I can't believe I actually get to see one in person!" He got all giddy in front of the Lissome Pokemon, taking pictures.

"Mosa..." Pheromosa showed off for the camera, acting like she was a model.

"R-R-R-Rarity..." Twilight stuttered as her hoof was shaking uncontrollably, pointing at the Ultra Beast. "W-W-W-Why do you have that?"

"HOW do you have that?!" Pinkie gulped as she and the others hid behind Twilight.

"Oh, there's no need to be afraid you all. My Pheromosa is an absolute darling who wouldn't hurt a fly. Right Phero?"

"Mosa!" Pheromosa turned to Twilight and her friends, noticing how they knew Rarity. Any friend of Rarity is a friend of Pheromosa. "Pheromosa!" And thus, she rushed over, picking them all up for a lovely yet heavy hug.

"Ugh! Oh no...she's a huge hugger too..." Starlight whimpered.

"Yeah..." Pinkie's eyes widened. "Dragonite's got some competition.

"Bummer...I thought my Salamence would be the Pokemon that surprises everypony." Spike sighed.

"Salamence?" Fluttershy turned her head to Spike. "Spike, you have a Salamence?!"

"Yeah." Spike sent out his newly caught Dragon-Type.

"Sala!" The Dragon Pokemon roared.

"I was hoping that Salamence could shock the rest of you. But I can't compare to that." He pointed at Pheromosa.

"Sorry..." Rarity squeed.

"Pika-Pika." Pikachu laughed.

"Yeah. He is a pretty fun guy, isn't he?"

"Hm? Did you just understand your Pikachu!" Eli went up to Ash. "You can do that?!"

"Yep. Pikachu and I understand each other super well. Just like Fluttershy's ability to speak to every creature and understand them. Well...except Ultra Beasts. She can't speak alien."

"Seriously?!" Eli turned back to Fluttershy. "You can talk to creatures?!"

"Mhm. Animals, Pokemon and more. I wish I could speak alien actually..."

"Radical! You're by far my favourite pony!"

"Chat! Favourite pony!"

"Well..." Eli stood up. "I think I've gotten all the information I need for now."

"Wait. You're leaving?" said Twilight.

"Yep. I've still got a lot of this world to explore. But so far, this Ponyville place has really impressed me, big time. When I return to my world, I'm gonna go crazy and write about how good this town is. Plus this world will get the first taste of our magazine."

"Oh. That's wonderful! Can you please talk about the Pokemon House so it gains more attention for the little ones?" Fluttershy requested.

"Of course, I will! How could I not? Thanks for everything my little ponies."

"If you want, when you come back, we can tour you around the rest of Equestria." Pinkie suggested.

"That'd be radical! I'll be looking forward to it!"

"Chatot! Looking forward to it!"

And with that, the reporter had finished up here. But he left a lasting impression on Ponyville. The charisma he brought and how much of a pro he was at his job was something special for sure. The connection between both worlds is only going to get bigger thanks to this man as the journey continues.

Chapter 241 End.

Author's Note:

I had so much fun making this character.

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