• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Vampire Resolve

The Human World. Canterlot Town. Sweet Apple Acres. Day.

The day had come. The radiant sun arose, breaking through the clouds. And here in Canterlot, everyone who was involved with the vampire attack last night had woken up. They found themselves in their homes. Thanks to Chrysalis using her magic, they were all able to return and not a single thing from yesterday had been recalled for them. All of them did get a good night's sleep which started as a total knockout from Zorua at first, so on the bright side, at least they were fully awake but with no recollection. That was for the best.

Ash and Pikachu stayed beside Twilight and the others while they were asleep the entire time. During the entire duration of the night, Chrysalis and Carlita had cleaned up the mess caused by the vampires.

"Mmm..." Twilight finally woke up, seeing Ash and Pikachu first upon her awakening. "Ash? Pikachu?"

"Morning." Ash greeted as she noticed that Zorua was still in her arms. She slept sitting up, which was a rarity. Speaking of Rarity, she and the others had woken up before Twilight, appearing in the view of their friend. Compared to everyone else here, Twilight was the only one who hadn't been knocked out during that event at nightfall, resulting in her having the best sleep out of everyone.

"You were soundly asleep, darling." Rarity said. "But it's great to have you alright."

"We all got knocked out strong by Zorua's attack over there." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Everyone did. Good thing you were still in one piece though."

"Oh, right! The vampires!" Twilight remembered last night's event.

"Fended off." Chrysalis walked over. "The moment they realized that robbing a part of your memory from your mind had been forfeit, they left immediately. You're safe, Twilight."

"Thank goodness..."Twilight sighed, relieved to hear this. "But I don't think I'll be safe forever. That vampire, Opal. We might've struck a grudge with her."

"Yeah, we did." Ash scratched the back of his head as that much was true. The vampires certainly wouldn't see her in a positive light anymore. "But no need to worry. They'll be occupied with us."


"You two?"

"The Dread League have one major goal to put an end to life on our world and rebirth it as a skeleton-paradise," Chrysalis uttered. "That won't happen unless we stop them. Your world will be kept safe."

"That's a relief." Twilight removed her glasses. "So how come I still feel tired?" Still feeling some exhaustion, Twilight forward. Ash and Chrysalis caught her before she could fall over.

"Sorry about hurting you all back there." Zorua apologized with a wimpy voice.

"Don't apologize for a thing. That...whatever that attack was saved Twilight." Fluttershy kneeled to face the Spiteful Fox Pokemon. "It would've been a loss if you didn't."

"Oh yeah! But it did hurt a lot." Pinkie rubbed her arm. "I think I can still feel it."

"But, Ash. Um...If I get the chance, I'd like to help you just like how you helped us." Twilight looked up at him. "After what happened last night, do you think we could support you next?"

"Always happy to have some help, Twi. We should get going now. Pretty sure Mellifera's gonna worry, right Chrysalis?"

"She will. But she won't show it." Chrysalis shook her head, knowing how her mother could be. "But...I would like to stay in this world a bit longer. This feeling of being a human is bizarre yet exciting."

"You're so bright too..." Rainbow Dash squinted. Even with the vampires gone, Chrysalis shined with immaculate light energy. A little bit of time would be spent here before returning to their respective worlds.

Hidden deep within Equestria's Outskirts. Magehold. The Black Castle. Day.

Returning to Magehold was not easy. Not for the vampires. After last night, they had failed in their mission. Knowledge about Yveltal had been stripped away from them again once more.

The most impacted by this was Opal Vivacity, who had high confidence in her plan. To say she was annoyed and frustrated was an understatement. But to say she was terrified of what the Lich Queen would do to her was a greater understatement.

"Welcome back." Fractured Note slid over, standing at the end of the corridor. "Judging by the look on your faces...it didn't go well, did it?"

"Quiet, brother." Opal grizzled her teeth. She wasn't in the mood to talk about her failure. At least, not to Fractured Note. Her brother was it was revealed.

"Ah, you failed!" Fractured immediately felt like laughing after piecing it together. "So much for working smarter and not harder. What happened, sister? The humans were a bit too much for you?"

"Not for a bit!" Opal roared, causing Fractured Note to back up. "I would've won. Knowledge about the book would've been ours. But it was that Pokemon that ruined things." She growled, thinking about Zorua, the one responsible for the vampires failing in the first place.

"Couldn't get the victory." Spectrum Shade sighed. "Had to deal with Queen Chrysalis to boot. Totally would've gotten the information if I joined you guys in that basement. Just saying."

"That Ash Ketchum also had to show up at the last second. If given the chance and if you had held him back a bit longer, Sweet Fang, we would've had the Smoke Demon recover and finish the job." Opal snarled in Sweet Fang's direction.

"Care to explain It in detail to me, Opal?" Speaking to Opal from afar, even past the end of the corridor, was Rosa Maledicta. The door to her throne room had opened up, causing Opal's heart to skip a bit.

"Your majesty!" Opal gasped with Sweet Fang and the others trembling. Fractured Note held in his laughter before stepping aside.

"I heard it all. You failed." The Lich Queen's tone already made it clear on how she felt about this failure. "The book containing information about Yveltai s gone...is it?"

"Destroyed, your majesty." Opal lowered her head. "It had been obliterated. We attempted to use one of the 100 Demons to enter the mind of the girl and see into her memory. But...there was a Pokemon that managed to stop most of us. I can't explain it, but I could feel so much malice from it. That is what dropped the rest of them. I could've won. Honestly! I didn't lose in battle either!"

"Save it." Rosa halted her. "All of you. You failed. And your excuse is a singular Pokemon?"

"I know, your majesty. But I'm being honest about this one Pokemon. It was unlike anything I've ever felt." Opal shook her head. The amount of hatred coming from it was enigmatic. Colossal, even!"

"How much hatred exactly?" Rosa's attention had been grabbed.

"All I got from the girl was that her Zorua was holding back unbelievable malice. All of that hatred manifested itself in that attack and it was targeted against everyone else except for her trainer. If it's anything of interest, I believe she may have magic similar to yours."

"Hoh? That does sound interesting." Rosa pondered about it. Opal's words managed to sway her. "That kind of malice is something that would attract the Wendigos. Especially the Wendigo Queen."

"Hah..." Opal felt like she was safe now, changing Rosa's focus on something else.

"But, you have still disappointed me." However, she was not off the hook as Sweet Fang behind Opal. "I do respect the accomplishments you have made in the past Opal, but I won't accept another failure in the future. Understood?"

"Yes, your majesty! And I will make it up to you! I swear!"

"Same to you, Spectrum Shade. Sweet Fang. The rest of you will not let me down again." Rosa was kind enough to give them a second chance. She still saw them as capable ponies. A failed mission was something that did bother her, but not enough to drive her over the edge.

"So then, your majesty. What now? How will we focus on finding Yveltal?" Fractured Note asked.

"All we still know is that a cocoon is the one thing that it resides in. You will all continue looking for Yveltal. I could care less about how it's done. As long as the cocoon is ours."

"Easier said than done..." Spectrum Shade muttered, but Rosa' being a vampire, meant that her hearing was enhanced. Sweet Fang forgot about this for a split second before soon remembering.

"But of course...that book wouldn't be the only copy of it, would it? Yveltal is a legend in the Pokemon World." Rosa looked outside the window, watching her subjects of vampires and skeletons roaming about. "Somewhere in the Pokemon World, someone out there knows where we can find Yveltal. Either a book that reveals Yveltal's location or how to summon it. We will not stop until we succeed."

"...I um..." Opal cleared her throat. "If we struggle to accomplish that, I do have one other plan that could work for us, your majesty."

"Is it better than what you had previously done?" Rosa summoned some thorns from the floor, wrapping them around her hoof as she admired the roses that grew on them.

"I believe it is. We can just have someone make the book for us."

"I beg your pardon? How?" Fractured Note and the other vampires turned to Opal Vivacity. Rosa raised an eyebrow as she wanted to see where Opal was taking this.

"In Equestria, there is a new species of ponies that are relatively new. And they come from the Rift. Very few of them, but they are still civilians there."

"The Rift Ponies." Rosa finished Opal's sentence, knowing o these new species of ponies.

"Exactly!" Opal nodded. "They have the power to create and do almost anything since they're connected to the Rift. There's only one of them that we can depend on. His name is Cold Colt. Student to Princess Twilight Sparkle. He's the only Rift Pony with the power to do almost anything. But not just him. There are the Rift Humans too who are being kept at Canterlot."

"Your eavesdropping is always so nice, Opal." Rosa smiled. Opal and her eavesdropping, along with getting around Equestria while playing herself off as a random pony had benefits. "Yes. Those Rift Creations can be useful. But...I suggest we only focus on Cold Colt. I don't want to risk getting into a massive confrontation with Canterlot."

"About that colt. His magic still isn't as grand as we would want it to be. Should we wait for his magic to reach a certain level, your majesty? And then maybe he could form the book for us. He and the other Rift Creations are blessed with Pokemon Knowledge."

"Or maybe, he already has the power to create a book." Fractured Note intervened. "You never know. How big does his magic need to be to make something as simple as a book? I thought you were the one who thought smarter, sister."

"Shut up..." Opal growled at her brother.

"I will say this, Opal. You always know how to reel me back in." Rosa turned away. "Cold Colt is a pony that lives in Ponyville. That is where my sister lives too..."

"I can go sweet-talk him like I always do." Sweet Fang raised her hoof. "Then we can have him make the book for us. Eh? Eh? Will that do, your majesty?"


"No?" They were all stunned to hear Rosa's response.

"Not yet. You have just returned from that mission and I can safely say that you have also grabbed the attention of the changelings. You went for their queen as well. Now you have made the changelings an enemy of the Dread League and you expect to already try something else so soon? Especially in Ponyville? Home to Celestia's friends and the closest to Ash Ketchum's own home?"

"Well, when you put it like that-" The vampires all collectively started chattering with Sweet Fang whistling.

"No. The concept is good. And we can make the execution stellar. But...we have to bide our time." The Lich Queen decided to play it slow, revealing to her subjects a prolonged approach. "We will wait."

"Wait? For how long though?" Spectrum asked. "We're not gonna wait for something big to happen just to get that kid, right?"

"Not at all, Spectrum. We aren't waiting for an opportunity. We will use all of our time to craft something. Something that will help the Black Crusade. Some of you will craft a weapon for a specific purpose. Simple yet efficient. Something that will nullify magic across the continent. Use that as a time killer. The rest of you will continue the search for Yveltal, but the Cold Colt plan is still up for grabs."

"Understood, Lich Queen." They collectively spoke. The vampires were dismissed at once with Opal being glad that she did not receive a punishment. But another failure could prompt a punishment the next time.

Opal felt like taking a break for a bit after last night. The rest of them did. They all made their way to the nearest room which was a lounge for other vampires to stay in. Being scolded by their queen was a possibility that never kicked off. That was the only positive in their eyes.

"I can't believe it. I never lose." Opal sat down near the corner. She felt humiliated, still letting that loss get to her. She even held out the Poke Ball containing Chandelure. "That Zorua. The malice it had was delicious but when used against us is a different story."

"We got so close too." Sweet Fang slumped her head on the table. "I had all those humans to boot. How'd it all go so wrong?"

"You said it yourself, Opal. It was Zorua." Spectrum replied. "Don't feel too bad girls. We technically didn't lose." Spectrum was the one who tried cheering them up. "So next time could be different, right?"

"Would you three like to sing a song to wipe away your woes?" Fractured Note joined them, taunting the trio.

"Must you always be so petty during my lowest times? Which is rarely ever." Opal asked.

"You've done it to me countless times. It's only fair, sister. So, you all lost the information to Yveltal. It isn't the end. But, you could learn from this. I doubt that you have shown those humans and even Ash Ketchum the full extent of your magic."

"Oh yeah!" Spectrum sat up, banging her hoof on the table. "Ash doesn't know this, but my dark rainbows can do more than just appear as streams and mess with the clouds. If I had some more time, he would've seen what I was made of."

"I could've done more than just control the humans." Sweet Fang pondered. "Maybe I should've found some Pokemon too, you think? Or maybe they have strong resistance too. I hope not. That would make things tough on us."

"I should've heightened the pain receptors on those meddling kids when I still had the chance." Opal flipped her mane, thinking about Twilight and the others. "Perhaps summon a wide-range pain amplification to their hands. Each time they try and move it, they would feel an array of sensitive focused sparks. So much for being gentle."

"Gentle is what you do best, sister. It's how you've gotten around with your looks. But I can answer why you didn't consider that. How long has it been since we've had to use the extent of our magic and curses?" Fractured Note asked.

"Not that long. It's been like a thousand years." Spectrum replied. "Not much competition. Well, until now."

"We haven't had a reason to push ourselves, brother. For so long, we've been absent from any conflict. I hate to say it, but we have gotten...sloppy. And I'm never sloppy." Opal clenched her hoof. "How can this be?"

"But now we have something to go against. Her majesty was one day planning against Equestria. But now, we have more than just Equestria to prepare for." Fractured walked over. "Seems that you all have to stop feeling so relaxed now that there is something for you to worry about."

"Yeah." They could agree. All of the vampires. After years of being laid back without much to worry about, they now had something that could drive them to work harder. Especially after their defeat.

Spectrum held out the Poke Ball containing Machoke. In that moment of pondering, she thought back to the small exchange she and Ash had during their battle. Something that inspired her with perfect timing in this glum setting.

"That's that. You could grow some more as a trainer. But I gotta help my friends!" The voice of Ash Ketchum rang through her head. An inspirational spark came to her via the words of her enemy. An odd feeling, but something that was definitely needed.

"Let's quit with the doom and gloom faces right now!" Spectrum stood up, grabbing the attention of the defeated vampires. "We've got a chance to make things better for us! Let's have our Pokemon do the same."

"I'm not in the mood for Pokemon right now." Opal sighed. "I only intended to have them be used for yesterday."

"But, we can use them anytime. They're gonna become skeletons in the end so let's have them do whatever they can while we still have the time." She wrapped her hooves around her fellow vampires, pulling them together. "Come on. Gotta prepare for the worst, right?"

"Since when do you give pep talks?" Fractured Note. "Besides, do you honestly think these Pokemon can help that much?"

"I mean...we are searching for one and just one of them managed to knock most of these guys and gals out so...I'd say they help a lot." Spectrum grinned. "What do you say? Let's make it so that we're unstoppable with these weird creatures on our side."

"Sure." Sweet Fang was all for it. "I didn't get to use mine at all. The humans were a good substitute but...the Pokemon could be better."

"I said I wasn't in the mood. But I suppose in this day and age, having a Pokemon is a beneficial factor." Opal shrugged, agreeing to it. "So, from what I'm gathering, you will be the ones to teach us?"

"I battled against Equestria's heroes Ash and Pikachu. I think I can teach you a few pointers." The spectrum-maned mare, smirked, flipping her mane afterwards to appear cool. "Now, let's go!" They would all practice with their Pokemon and achieve greater heights.

So that they would never lose again. Their plans would never fail. And most importantly, they would be back up to speed after thousands of years of laid-back energy. Perhaps then, their next mission would make Rosa Maledicta proud.

Unova. Eindoak Town. Afternoon.

Ash, Chrysalis and Carlita had finished up their time in the Human World. Chrysalis got to experience some more time even when passing through the gateway. She had not yet returned to her world to enter her original form. And waiting for her there this entire time was Mellifera.

"W-What in the?!" Mellifera had seen her daughter's human form while still appearing bright as ever. "What is this!?"

"My human form. Do you like it, mother?" Chrysalis giggled. Being taller than her mother now, Chrysalis went to pick her up. Mellifera looked like a child being carried with her back legs dangling.

"Why in the Ambrosial Plane would I even like it for a second? Put me down!" Mellifera felt like gagging as Chrysalis had then placed her down. "Anyway. I assume you succeeded?"

"Yep. Everything's been sorted out just like that." Ash gave a thumbs-up.

"Good. And that will be the only time I will give you my assistance." Mellifera turned around, trotting off.

"Wait? The only time?" Chrysalis stepped forward. "What do you mean by that, mother?"

"I mean, I only gave you this one favour. No other favours will be done. You should know that I am still going on my own way, daughter."

"But..." Chrysalis lowered her head. "I thought that you did it because we were finally understanding each other as a family. I thought that you would choose to come and stay at the new hive with me."

"You thought wrong. I never came to you for good intentions in the first place. My word is final, Chrysalis. Even if you are the current Changeling Queen with authority over all of us."

"Hey, come on!" Carlita spoke. "She's your daughter, so what gives?"

"It's fine, Carlita." Chrysalis halted her. "If my mother wants to do so, I won't stop her. But, we could meet again, mother. Like we have before a few times. Even if you are to go on your own way, we will always end up appearing next to each other."

"Perhaps." Mellifera was not doubting it. It has been happening for a bit.

"Well...Say goodbye to your grandmother, Anthophilia." Chrysalis held Anthophilia out to Mellifera.

"Aaah..." She opened her mouth to Anthopilia. "Grandma!"

"Good girl! Look at you, learning fast." Chrysalis patted the baby changeling on the head.

"Goodbye." Mellifera bid farewell to her as well. Along with Ash and the others. She was back on her own path as always. Where she was headed was unknown. Mellifera closed her eyes, wondering what the future entailed with how things were changing.

But suddenly, walking next to her were Ash, Pikachu, Chrysalis and Ribombee. They caught Mellifera off guard, causing her to almost trip. "I said I was going on my own path!"

"Yeah. But Chrysalis, Ribombee and Antohpiliha gotta go through the same gateway, remember? I've got my home back at Kanto too." Ash laughed. "Gonna also have to tell Celestia and Luna about the Dread League. So it's you and us spending a bit more time, huh?"


"Indeed. Thank you for everything, Carlita!" Chrysalis waved goodbye to Carlita of Eindoak Town along with Ash, Pikachu and Ribombee.

"No problem! See you around!" Carlita bellowed out. "Maybe soon, I can come over to your world if I've got the time! Ah, who am I kidding? I've always got the time!"

"Well, come along then!" Ash encouraged Carlita to come with him.

"Will do." Carlita adjusted her hat before strolling on over. Another jolly individual had joined them in their walk. "So. Equestria. What's up with it?"

"You gotta experience it yourself instead of me telling you." Ash spread his arms out. "You're gonna love this place. It's kinda similar to Unova when I think about it."

"I agree. Being in the Unova Region does not feel different to being in Equestria." Chrysalis could agree with that. "When the two worlds stay connected, I will bet that Unova and Canterlot will be the closest to each other. Perhaps that Castelia City."

"That'd be neat, wouldn't it?" Ash grinned, picturing that imagery. Mellifera had to endure all of this talking from these happy individuals.

"Get used to it, Mellifera," Sombra spoke through Ash, looking at Mellifera with a cocky grin. He surprisingly had a human face after being transported to the Human World thanks to Ash. Though, he hasn't noticed it yet. "I have to endure something like this every day. And the best part is...they could've just used the portal back in the Human World
that leads to Canterlot. But alas, that isn't the case is it?"

"Urgh..." Mellifera could only groan as it was back to Equestria with hours of chatter. Mellifera would have to endure it until she was home sweet home. As for Carlita, she couldn't wait to enter the next world.

Information about Yveltal will forever remain rare. This dangerous Pokemon's existence, while known, was better kept away from library books. However, that didn't mean information about it didn't exist. Somewhere out there, as Rosa Maledicta stated, someone had knowledge about Yveltal. And possibly its cocoon.

The Dread League would no longer be a mystery. The Changeling Queen herself has become aware. And soon, with she and Ash had to share, soon all of Equestria would know as the journey continues.

Chapter 762 End.

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