• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Beyond Chivalry!

The Pokemon World Championships.

Or the Pokemon World Coronation Series as an alternate title. A tournament to determine the top Pokemon Trainer. Ash aims to battle Champion Leon, the reigning Monarch and the World's Strongest Pokemon Trainer. Trainers from all over the world enter and those within the same rank class battle against each other.

The results determine each trainer's ranking among all who've entered. A while back, Ash and Farfetch'd had a battle a Gallade and his Trainer Rinto. But Farfetch'd lost to said Pokemon in the end. But that was just the start of his journey to becoming stronger.

Next, they had visited the Kalos Region, to train with Wikstrom of the Kalos Elite 4. While there, Farfetch'd and Ash formed a strong bond through, surprisingly, Farfetch'd's leek. Now ranking 273 in the Great Class, Ash still has quite a long road ahead of him before he faces Leon. And the daunting challenges he and his Pokemon must contend with will continue. On this very day.

Kanto. Vermillion City. Cerise Lab. Cerise Park. Day.

"Farfetch'd!" Currently, Ash's Farfetch'd was training with Goh's Scizor for better swordsmanship. He swung his leek from above, only for Scizor to block it afterwards. They separated before rushing in against each other.

"Scizor!" Both Pokemon went back and forth with constant clashes.

"Good work, Farfetch'd!" Ash cheered his partner on. "Now keep up the attack!"


"Alright, Scizor! Use X-Scissor!"

"Sci...Zor!" Scizor, instead of using X-Scissor up close, released it as a form of energy in an X-Shape.

"Now, Farfetch'd! Detect!"

"Far!" It's not like Farfetch'd to play defensively. But after learning Detect, Farfetch'd could become both an attacker and a defender. Best of both worlds. His eyes flashed blue as he swayed to the side, avoiding the X-Scissor.

"Use Night Slash!"

"Far...Fetch'd!" Farfetch'd then went on the offensive, swinging his leek and sending concentrated darkness towards Scizor.

"Scizor!" Scizor put up his arms to block the darkness. He had been promptly pushed back by it but managed to reduce the damage given to him. But, Night Slash's strength did show its power as Scizor got on his knee.

Farfetch'd was a bit fatigued after this fairly intense training as he breathed in and out to catch his breath. "Far. Fetch'd."

"Good stuff!" Pinkie clapped her hooves in applause. "Great stuff!"

"Now do me next!" Rainbow Dash flew over, holding her Poke Ball out. "Come on, Ash. Farfetch'd."

"Sorry. But Farfetch'd and Scizor need some rest first. Fluttershy?"

"On it. Audi. Use Heal Pulse." Fluttershy said to her partner.

"Raboot!" Raboot, who had evolved not too long ago, jumped in between Ash and Rainbow Dash. He wanted a taste of some Pokemon Battling and a way to see how much he's improved now that he's a Raboot. "Raboot! Boot!"

"Cinder." But Goh's Cinderace told him to slow down and wait for his chance. But Raboot was too hasty to start, tapping his foot on the ground repeatedly.

"Say, Ash. Maybe you still need a break but um..." Twilight flew over to him. "The Holon Region. I figured we should go when you've dealt with that Sea Temple problem. Maybe 2 months after Hearth's Warming?"

"Holon?" Ash thought for a moment. Going to Holon after Christmas/Hearth's Warming was a good call. Ash needed a break still. And there is no better break than the holidays. "Hm-Hm. Not a bad idea, Twi."


"Great. I'll mark it down for January 10th then." Twilight used her magic to remember this date. The 10th of January is when they will be greeted to the Holon Region.

"Farfetch'd!" Farfetch'd was back to full strength thanks to Audino. He slammed his leek on the ground to show his resurgence in strength.

"Nice-nice," said Ash. "Great that you're up to speed. Okay. It's time to eat. I hear Rarity made something delicious herself back home."

"Ooh! I wanna see this!" Pinkie bounced as Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Goh followed Ash outside of Cerise Park just to head back to Equestria.

But, minutes later, as they were walking through the streets of Vermillion City, Ash's Rotomphone started ringing. That ringing meant only one thing. A Championships Battle was near. "A battle challenge has been issued." The phone announced. He then took out his Rotomphone to see who it was this time.

Nearby, Rinto was the trainer that was close to him. "Oh. It's Rinto!" He gawked as all eyes were on the phone.

"Rinto? The guy with the Gallade? Is he here in Equestria?" Twilight asked. They all then looked around to see if Rinto was near. Audino fine-tuned her ears for better hearing.

"Audino." Rinto had been found. Just nearby. Very near. He was just a few feet away from them as Audino pointed towards the east. Showing up was Rinto and his Gallade, sure enough.

"Huh?" Rinto's attention had been caught by the group as he looked ahead. "It's you. And your sidekicks too."

"Sidekicks?!" Rainbow Dash bellowed, growling at Rinto as she was about to go on a tangent in his face. But Twilight and Pinkie Pie promptly stopped her before that could happen.

"Kidding. Kidding." Rinto chuckled a bit. "We've battled before, haven't we?"

"Uh-huh. Nice to see you, Rinto." Ash greeted him.


"Gallade." But Gallade's attention was on someone else. Someone he had beaten before. He looked to the side to spot Galarian Farfetch'd eyeing him down with a narrowed glare.

"Oh. You're entered in the World Championships, right?" Goh spoke to Rinto.

"But I didn't get a message to battle back then," Ash recalled how there wasn't a notification for Rinto back then when he and Farfetch'd had finished battling Dozer and his Gurdurr.

"That's because I'd just entered," explained Rinto. "I was still in the Normal Class."

"Awesome. Now you're in the Great Class!" Ash exclaimed.

"Yes. You too, it seems. How has Farfetch'd been since then?" The Trainer of Gallade asked.

"Really good. A little while back, we went to the Kalos Region and we trained with Wikstrom!" Ash pumped his fist out.


"Wow. You went to the Castle of Chivalry?" Rinto was impressed by that. It seemed that any Pokemon Trainer that had some affiliation to blade-related things knew about this castle.

"You know it! Shining Armor included!" Goh exclaimed. "We worked hard and received knight medals too!"

"We went through some pretty tough training there as well." Rinto reminisced his time at the castle. "It sure brings back memories."


"Hey. Let's battle. Farfetch'd and I have sharpened our skills, so we won't be easy to beat." Ash requested. Farfetch'd gave a glare, anticipating the request to be accepted. He wanted his rematch immediately.

"Sounds like a great idea. I can see such great potential in both of you." He agreed to it.

"Thanks. Get ready for more!" Ash grinned, looking forward to a second battle with Rinto. Pokemon Battles always excite him but battling against someone who's beaten him before just increases that.


And this battle would take place at a nearby park. It was certainly wide enough and spacious for a Pokemon Battle to take place. Plus, it also had a battlefield for Pokemon Battles. Not all of Ash's friends were here to see it but they would certainly tell the tale. And as always, appearing to the scene to commentate was the Rotomdrone as it descended from above.

"You have been approved for an official Pokemon World Championships Great Class Battle! Competing...It's Rinto vs Ash!"

"Ace this like you always do, Ash! Counting on ya!" Rainbow Dash raised her hoof. "Win it!"

"Hurry so we can try what Rarity made!" Pinkie bellowed.

"I got it. Pikachu. You cheer us on, alright?"


"For today's battle, each of you is allowed to use one Pokemon. Will both challengers please bring out your Pokemon?" The Rotomdrone asked. "3...2...1...GO!"

"Gallade. Let's do it." Gallade was Rinto's obvious choice. He was his ace after all. Looked a bit like him too oddly enough.

"Remember! We're aiming to be Leak Masters!" Ash chose Farfetch'd for round 2 against Gallade. Both Farfetch'd and Gallade hopped forward, landing in the middle of the battlefield.

"How come it's only been one or two Pokemon for this Championship stuff? When are we gonna get to four or even six?" Rainbow Dash pouted. "Even Leon vs Lance was just one-on-one."

"Maybe we'll get those dream matches someday." Twilight could only shrug as a response to Rainbow Dash's words.

"Battle begin!"

"I look forward to seeing what's changed since our last battle, Ash."

"Gallade." Gallade readied himself, getting in the usual Gallade species stance.

"I'm right with you! Fury Cutter! Let's go!" Ash went first in this battle, giving the order to Farfetch'd.

"Far!" Farfetch'd lunged forward as his leek was coated with a verdant green light. He then started swinging his leek towards the Blade Pokemon.

"Block it, Gallade."

"Ga!" Gallade went on the defensive, using his powerful blades as protection against Farfetch'd's Large Leek. The Leek had been smashed onto Gallade's arms as he nullified the damage. Farfetch'd swung again with an overhead, only for that to be blocked as well.

"Use Night Slash!" Rinto sai while having his eyes closed.

"Ga...Llade!" Gallade's arms illuminated light blue and became surrounded in similarly coloured streaks of energy as he swung his arms. By swinging, energy was thrown out of them.

"Use Detect!"

"Far!" Farfetch'd went on the defensive too for a split-second. And in that split-second with his eyes flashing blue, the Wild Duck Pokemon managed to evade the incoming energy slashes with ease. However, noticeably, as he was dodging, Gallade slid closer to him.

"Psycho Cut!"

"Gallade!" Gallade's light blue coloured blades then turned purple as he swiftly slashed Farfetch'd, sending him flying back with a wave of Psychic energy being shot out. It was super-effective.

"Feeeeetch'd!" He cried out whilst being shot back. After a good distance and a few seconds of being flung, the Psychic wave blew up with Farfetch'd smack-dab in the middle of it.

"Ooh!" Twilight and the others felt that as they cringed while sitting on the bench. The smoke cleared as Farfetch'd was still standing even after that super-effective hit.

However, amidst the explosion, his leek had been burnt a bit with smoky parts around it. "Far?!" Farfetch'd gasped, seeing that his leek had been damaged. That was not a good sign but he kept his steely resolve. "Fetch'd!"

"Even though Ash and Farfetch'd have grown stronger, Rinto's just one step ahead of them, isn't he?" Fluttershy bit her hoof as she was getting a bit worried.

"Talk about fast retaliation," said Twilight. "And he only started in the World Championship's during their first encounter?"

"So. You used Detect," said Rinto. "But since this is a battle of strength, all I need is to strike that leek once and Farfetch'd goes down with it. You're not trained at all." He tapped on his head, showing that he was thinking ahead of Ash.

Twilight grizzled her teeth, not taking too kindly to Rinto's words towards Ash. "So then what do you think they are if they're not trained?! What are they lacking?!"

"Twilight please calm down." Fluttershy gulped.

"Hey, I'm no Gym Leader." Rinto put his hand in his pocket, closing his eyes. "If you want answers, find them yourself. It's our turn. Now Gallade! Close Combat!"

"Use Night Slash! Meet it head-on!"

"Gallade!" Time for Gallade to be the offensive one in this battle. Both lunged with Gallade's blades and Farfetch'd's Leek meeting. But after their first contact, Gallade gained the advantage, spinning around and striking the side of Farfecth'ds neck.

"F-Far!" After being hit, Gallade then delivered a frenzy of Close Combat hit repeatedly, pummeling Farfetch'd while he was still in the air.

"Galla-Galla-Galla!" Gallade roared before going for the final blow with a kick.


"Fetch'd!" Farfetch'ds eyes glowed as he evaded the incoming kick with a midair jump. Right on time.

"Use Feint." But Rinto had an answer to that evasion.

"Gallade!" Gallade moved quick enough to keep up with a move as swift as Detect. He swung his blade towards the Wild Duck Pokemon, only for Farfetch'd to use his leek to block it. Unfortunately, that was where distraught came.

As soon as he blocked it, Gallade's blade cut the top of the leek, the strongest part of it, in half. The top part went into the air as everyone gasped at this shocking sight.

"No way!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy put her hooves over her mouth, including her wings. Everyone paused as the cut leek had fallen to the ground.

"Feint...That means Detect is pointless..." Twilight shuddered.

"Not it's leek..." Ash gawked.

"Alright then. Whaddya got?" Rinto asked.

"No leek. This is gonna be tough..." Ash said to himself before thinking. But then, as always, his crazy ideas sprung into action as he saw the cut-off leek lying there. "Wait a sec..."

"Hm?" Rinto squinted.

"Oh, perfect timing. Ash's ludicrous ideas are about to come into play again," said Twilight with a hopeful smile.


"Hehe!" That's when a cunning grin formed on Ash's face. "Farfetch'd! You can still work with your leek!"


"Remember our training with Wikstrom?" Ash held his hat, holding it out as he put it in front of him. He used his hat as a shield, giving Farfetch'd pointers. "Like Aegislash!"

"Um...Okay, what's he doing here?" Rainbow Dash wondered. "Is the hat meant to mean something?"

"No clue." Goh shook his head.

"Like Aegislash..." Twilight thought for a moment. "Oh! I think I get it!"

"Interesting. Aegislash, I see. Hey Gallade. Let's watch this strategy." Rinto was curious, allowing Ash to play out his new strategy.


"Remember? The Sword and Shield!" Ash then held his other arm out, swinging it around like a sword.

"Farfetch'd..." That's when Farfetch'd understood Ash. He was even brought back to when he battled against Aegislash. Not only could Wikstrom's Aegislash defend itself with King Shield, but it could also fight back with Sacred Sword. A perfect mix of offence and defence, making it truly a powerful Pokemon.

Farfetch'd knew what needed to be done. Even with a broken top, he went would still use it as he walked over to it. The Wild Duck Pokemon then picked the broken part of the leek up from the ground, facing Gallade as he was using it as a shield while the lower part was the sword. "Farfetch'd!"

"That's the ticket!" Ash snapped his finger.

"Can it even battle like that?" Goh wondered.

"Ash makes the impossible possible. So let's see," said Twilight.

"Hmph. There's no way you can beat Gallade like that. Pretending to be a knight." But Rinto wasn't impressed at all. "Gallade! Use Psycho Cut!"

"Gallade!" A quick Psycho Cut was thrown from Gallade's blade without a windup.

"Block it, quick!"

"Fetch'd!" Farfetch'd ran ahead, using the shield leek to defend himself. The Psycho Cut hit the shield with a purple explosion following afterwards. But the leek indeed acted like a shield as Farfetch'd jumped high into the air. "Far...!"

"Night Slash, let's go!"

"Let's use Night Slash too, Gallade!"

"Gallade!" Gallade and Farfetch simultaneously used Night Slash. But Gallade did in a more frantic manner. He started swinging his blades around so fast with Night Slash that it looked like a whirlwind was surrounding him. Farfetch'd slammed his leek down, unable to break through as he jumped back. Gallade then moved in for another slash, only for Farfetch'd to successfully block it.


"Look at that. Still relying on sheer strength." Rinto shrugged with his hand behind his neck. Gallade then swung rapidly once more. This time, sending Night Slash as a projectile. Each projectile went towards the Wild Duck Pokemon but Farfetch'd managed to dodge every incoming one.

"Amazing! Even with the leek cut in half!" Fluttershy gawked.

"Good going, Farfetch'd!" Ash balled his fist as Farfetch'd move in for a decisive strike. He slammed his leek overhead but Gallade was still quick enough to block it. Not only did he block it, but he caught the leek with his blades, holding it in place. As well as Farfetch'd.

"Look at that. He can't move now." Rinto smirked.

"But neither can Gallade, can he?" Ash retorted.

"Not even close. Gallade is in the perfect position to attack. Psycho Cut!"

"Ga...Llade!" Gallade's blades turned purple as he put so much force with his push that he caused Farfetch'd to roll about.

"Faaaar!" Farfetch'd cried out as he crashed into the Ash from the distance he received.

"Ough!" Ash cried out as he sat down from the initial crash.

"Ash!" Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy cried out as Pikachu ran to Ash's side.


"What's with this?!" Rainbow Dash bellowed. "Farfetch'd's still out of Gallade's reach! He's hardly received any damage at all!"

"Wonder what Wikstrom would say? If he could see you battling now." taunted Rinto to Ash.

"Farfetch'd are you alright?" Ash asked.

"Far..." Farfetch'd looked over at his broken leek on the floor for a moment. "Farfetch'd..."

"I'll admit. I'm disappointed, Ash. I misjudged your potential. You're still far too untrained to beat any kind of opponent." Rinto dismissed Ash's skills. "Like my Gallade."

"This guy's getting on my last nerves here...!" Twilight twitched as she was the one needing to be held back by Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Fluttershy now.

"Will you continue the battle?" The Rotomdrone flew over, wondering why Ash wasn't given a command right now. Ash then looked at Farfetch'd who was still gazing at his leek. "Hmmm..." The drone waited patiently.

"We're in! It isn't over yet!" Ash stood up. "We've got a lot of fight left!

"Really? Aren't we being defiant?" Rinto chuckled.

"I know Farfetch'd tries his best every single time. This isn't how Farfetch'd usually is! I know more than anyone he can do better! Let's get stronger and stronger together, buddy!"


"You and I, we're both inadequate sure. But that's why we're gonna get stronger! I believe in you, Farfetch'd!"

"Far...Farfetch'd!" Farfetch'd gripped his leek after Ash's words.

"You good to go, Farfetch'd?"

"Farfetch'd!" Indeed he was. He stood up tall, holding both parts of his leek as a sword and shield once more.

"Verified that Farfetch'd wishes to continue battling!" announced the Rotomdrone.

"Here we come! Rinto! Gallade!" Ash pointed at them.

"You leave me no choice then. Gallade! Night Slash!"

"Lade!" Gallade rushed in as always.


"Far!" With a flash of his eyes, Farfetch'd managed to evade the swift wings from Gallade's Night Slash, jumping from side to side.

"Fury Cutter!"

"Farfetch! Far!" Farfetch'd's leek glowed green as he started using Fury Cutter as projectiles as well, switching it up a bit as it forced Gallade to block them. However, Farfetchd's swinging speed had increased, especially with Fury Cutter. With all these rapid swings, one of them broke through, hitting Gallade's chest.

"Gal!" Gallade gasped as a strong pressure came from the initial hit, blowing Rinto's hair.

"!" Rinto was surprised by that as he realized he needed to get serious for this, or else it was game. "Close Combat!"

"Gallade!" Gallade jumped back before rushing back in. He and Farfetch'd started clashing with consecutive and lightning-fast swinging from their respective weapons. However, Farfetch'd seemed to be moving faster each time as he landed another hit on Gallade's stomach. And then another on his leg, forcing the Blade Pokemon back. Gallade was showing signs of struggle at last.

"Look at that speed! Awesome!" Rainbow Dash squeed.


"You're a dangerous character, Ash. Finish this with Close Combat!"

"Gallade!" Gallade was ready to seal the deal as Farfetch'd breathed in and out from this rigorous battle. But as Gallade advanced, he noticed something happening to Farfetch'd. Everyone did.

The Wild Duck Pokemon's body started glowing, radiating swirling and pulsating lights. He panted as the lights enveloped his exhausted body. Everyone paused to look at this. Even Gallade. That's when they knew what was coming next.


The visage of Farfetch'd stood up instead of being hunched over via exhaustion. He closed his eyes, allowing this moment of energy to flow through him. And with a spark, his leek, both of them, flashed blue, transforming into something greater than what he had before. The light faded away as Farfetch'd had reached his final stage. Something that not even the original Sirfetch'd was capable of.


"Sir! Sirfetch'd!"

"No way! This Farfetch'd can evolve?!" Ash was shocked as he never expected this. He and the others took their Pokedexes out for this.

"Sirfetch'd. The Wild Duck Pokemon. Only Farfetch’d that have survived many battles can attain this evolution. When this Pokémon’s leek withers, it will retire from combat. After deflecting attacks with its hard leaf shield, it strikes back with its sharp leek stalk. The leek stalk is both weapon and food. They are calm and collected, and they make a point of always battling fairly. They are so noble in battle that they are often chosen as a motif for paintings."

"So. It seems that he evolved in response to your feelings," said Rinto. "Now that is a knight. Surpassing himself to protect his lord. He has my respect. But...Night Slash!"

"Lade!" Gallade threw the Night Slashes ahead.

"We'll use Night Slash too!"

"Sir!" Sirfetch'd's leek had been surrounded in light blue streaks of energy and it slashes the opponent with it. But while also throwing it, he leapt in for a close-quarters attack. So did Gallade as both their blades met. Gallade was starting to be pushed back as the ground below him was cracking.

"Still feeling the damage from before...Then Gallade! Lower your guard!"

"Gallade!" Surprisingly, Gallade, a very concentrated Pokemon, dropped his guard in front of everyone. But that allowed his ability to kick in.


Only activates when hit by a Dark-Type move. And Night Slash was just that. It brought back memories of Spitfire and Daylight Blazer doing the same with Gallade and Araquanid's bite. Gallade's blades started giving off an orange glow as his attack had been boosted.

Not only that, but the blades extended, reaching new heights. He was stronger than ever thanks to Justified and had greater reach too.

"Let your sense of justice flow! Close Combat!"

"Here he comes!" Ash cried out.

"Sirfetch'd!" Sirfetch'd kept his guard up, instantly using his shield to block Gallade's swing. He was now on par with Gallade's impressive speed at last. Evolution truly does wonders. Galladep rushed on the shield, trying to break through it as Sirfetch'd held his ground.

"Sirfetch'd!" Ash called for him as Sirfetch'd turned his head. "Let's get stronger and stronger! Leon's waiting for us!

"Sir." Sirfetch'd then closed his eyes, thinking of how he could bring Ash to the top. As well as himself. Becoming the World's Strongest Blademaster there is, surpassing all Pokemon that use blades. Even the Swords of Justice. "Sirfetch'd!" He roared.

"Night Slash!" Both Ash and Rinto said.

The two Fighting-Types prepared for the final blow, pulling their weapons back for better power and speed. With a mighty swing, they clashed their weapons onto each other. But with just 1 second, Sirfetch'd managed to break through, hitting Gallade and launching him. "Sir!"

"G-Ga!" Gallade cried out before landing face-first. That final hit from the might Sirfetch'd did the trick. He had finally fainted. "Gallade..."

"Gallade is unable to battle! Sirfetch'd wins! As such, the winner is Contestant Ash!"

"Alright!" Ash roared. "We did it!"


"Ash! Way to go! Yay!" Fluttershy flapped her wings frantically. as the others cheered.

"Based on the results of this battle, the Pokemon World Championships rankings will be updated." As always the drone left, flying off. Ash quickly checked to see his ranking now.

He was now Rank 184.

"184th! Great job, Ketchum!" Rainbow Dash nudged Ash on the head, causing him to laugh.

"You've shown me your resolve, Ash." Rinto walked over, carrying Gallade on his back. "We clashed with everything we had and we couldn't win. Looks like we have ways to go. We're still inadequate. Thank you very much."

"Here's hoping we'll both keep getting better," Ash said as he and Rinto shook hands.


Ponyville. Carousel Boutique. Afternoon.

"How inspiring!" Rarity said as everyone was eating the food she made at last. Thyme Olive Loaf was the name of it. "Evolving into Sirfetch'd! That's just one part of my many beloved stories! Excellent job on winning that battle!"

"Thanks!" Ash said with his mouth full of the food.

"The true strength that Wikstrom mentioned. You really showed it off there, Ash." Twilight spoke.

"Now. How about more of that loaf? This time, for celebration." Rarity went to make another one, only to almost knock over a glass of juice. "Oh!"

"Sir!" But acting as a knight, Sirfetch'd moved in, saving both Ash and Rarity from the juice with his shield. It ended up falling on his shield and body instead. "Sir."

"Oh, what a gentleman. How chivalrous." Rarity giggled.

"Now that's chivalry!" Twilight pointed her hoof while sitting up.

"It is?" Ash still had no idea what true chivalry was. But, little does he know, he's been chivalrous for years now. But perhaps heroic is the word he's familiar with.

The ardent bond between Ash and Sirfetch'd led to this evolution. The Pokemon World Championships is still ongoing. Ash's fierce battle to the top is just getting started as the journey continues.

Chapter 591 End.

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