• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Celestia strikes

Author's Note:

In this chapter, Celestia does not mess around.

Canterlot. The Pokemon Festival. 19:00.

So far, there have been two attempts to stop Skyblue Shine that have failed horribly.

The first was Princess Luna, who had received broken bones by Empress Twilight and almost had her magic stolen while nearly being trapped in the alternate universe. She was thankfully saved by her Pokemon and was healed by her parents.

And the second were the Canterlot guards who had unfortunately been kidnapped and sent to the alternate universe by Skyblue Shine to serve under Empress Twilight. Only two managed to come back safely.

Now the third attempt, and hopefully the last, was about to commence. And it was going to be done by Princess Celestia.

Celestia had received everything. After what the guard had seen and heard back at Skyblue Shine's mansion, Celestia's attention had skyrocketed as now her worries were closing in.

She had decided to stop taking part in the Pokemon Festival for now and focus on this situation only. Some of her guards had been kidnapped and taken to the alternate universe and now she's just learned of what Skyblue Shine and Premium Polish truly are.

All of this information was given to her yesterday. And now, on this current day, with all the knowledge she had gained, Celestia herself was going to tackle this head-on. But she wouldn't be doing it alone as she already prepared to leave.

"Sister! You shouldn't go!" Luna exclaimed. "You're already aware of what happened to me when I went to the mansion remember?"

"I do. But I'm not heading for the basement that has the gateway. I will just focus on the mansion alone and not the alternate universe."

"I suppose that is safer but...be careful. I don't want you to suffer the same fate as I did. Or even the guards who had been kidnapped. Or even-"

"I'll be more than careful, Luna." Celestia interrupted. "No need to worry. Passion and Arcanine feel the same way after all."



"Tell mother and father that I'll be back soon. Possibly by midnight. Let them enjoy the festival without too much worry."

"I will." Luna nodded. "Good luck."

It was time to put an end to this. Arresting Skyblue Shine would mean stopping the entirety of the Umbrage Thieves since she is their leader.

Celestia was off to Vanhoover with her Pokemon by her side. But she also brought some other Canterlot guards along for the arrest. But she didn't bother to use the train, fly or walk there. She was simply going to teleport there and wait for Skyblue Shine to return.

She knows that Skyblue Shine is the most active at night and she's more likely to return home past midnight or more. Which is why Celestia is going to purposely wait at her mansion, playing the waiting game. Without wasting any time, she instantly teleported out of Canterlot as her sister watched golden sparks fly out the moment she used her teleportation spell.

All Luna could do now was hold her breath and hope for her sister's safe return.

Vanhoover. Skyblue Shine's Mansion. 20:00.

"Ponyville was fun, wasn't it?" Premium Polish said as she laid on the couch with her Pokemon.

"Swanna!" Swanna and her Pokemon agreed.

"I got to meet the mother of Ash Ketchum. I already feel lucky enough. Wait till everypony else hears about this when I head back to school."

Having a story to tell, albeit a very small one, Premium Polish was looking forward to boasting about it when the Pokemon Festival ends. From meeting Sweetie Belle to Delia Ketchum.

"But anyway." She rolled off the couch. "Let's practice for the next contest. If the next one only allows one Pokemon then-" But before she could finish her sentence, a knock on the door could be heard. "Oh! I'll get it!"

Running over, Premium Polish was yet again about to answer the door to somepony for the third time. Although, to her, this feels like the second time because of the new memory chip in her.

Premium's Pokemon were alerted by the knock of the door as they believed that someone else from Canterlot was coming here. After all, the three groups that visited and knocked on the door have all been ponies from Canterlot. First, it was Princess Luna and then next it was the Canterlot guards. And they were right. It was another Canterlot member.

This time, it was Princess Celestia who was knocking on the door as Premium Polish opened it to see the ruler of Equestria herself alongside her Pokemon Passion and Arcanine. The guards weren't here with her, surprisingly They were waiting on the train which was on standby as ordered by Celestia. Meaning that the train would not move until the arrest was made.

"Oh! Princess Celestia!" The little unicorn gawked.

"Evening. Sorry for the intrusion." Celestia greeted. "But I'm here on an important vocation."

"Oh, it's fine! If it's you, you're really welcome here! Princess Luna came here a while back. Are you also here for the basement?"

"No." Celestia shook her head. "Something else entirely." Celestia then began to speak to herself in her own mind. "She won't remember the guards showing up because of that memory chip inside of her. Neither does she recall the truth about her mother. I'll let her know everything when this is all over."

"Gardevoir." Passion looked to Celestia as they communicated telepathically together. Passion already knew that Celestia was planning on telling Premium the truth after she apprehends Skyblue Shine herself. But Passion suggested that she told Premium Polish the truth right now.

"I suppose you're right, Passion." Celestia communicated back. "It could be a repeat of what happened yesterday, but that might be considered inevitable."

"So...are you going to come in? Because if so, that'd be great. Then I'd have even more to boast about back at school."

"I will be coming in. And I will stay for a while until your mother returns home."

"Oh! Lucky me! Is it a sleepover? Am I going to have a sleepover with a princess?!"

"No. It's..." Celestia took a deep breath. "Let me come in and explain everything."

Knowing that Premium had to know the truth about her mother, Celestia was ready to repeat what the royal guards said to Premium Polish when they came along. Although, her wording will be different while still being upfront about it. She would not add any fluff to it.

"Premium Polish." Celestia sat down with the little unicorn. "I have to say this immediately. I'm here to apprehend your mother." She went straight to the point and continued to speak what needed to be said. "She has been confirmed to be the leader of the Umbrage Thieves and has been stealing Pokemon from other trainers during the night."

"Huh?" Premium Polish immediately froze.

"Because of this, we cannot ignore it in any way. Your mother has committed crimes that are unacceptable and greatly harm others. I'm sorry, but I must do what needs to be done."

Compared to the royal guards, Celestia gave the quickest breakdown and explanation in just a few seconds. And compared to her little sister Luna, her hesitation was practically non-existent because of how upfront she was.

And unlike the guards, the reaction Premium Polish had was actually slightly different from the previous one from yesterday. The little unicorn looked at Celestia's face to see that she was not joking around and was 100% serious about what she meant.

And Celestia certainly does not hold back when it comes to situations that are concerning and crucial. At all. Everypony in Equestria knows this.

"M-Mom's a criminal?" Premium stuttered as she was starting to tear up. It was almost a full-on repeat of yesterday, only with different words. Her Pokemon also noticed this as they were now fearing the worst.

"You needed to hear it. I'm sorry. Honestly. But what she has done is inexcusable." Celestia shook her head. "Previous events have already cemented that. One that you yourself will no longer remember."

Premium Polish couldn't make any proper responses. All she could do was cry now as her tears resembled that of oil as Celestia observed. The little filly couldn't stop her crying after hearing what Celestia had said. Even when she tried to act strong and hide them. She could be like this for hours.

Thankfully, Celestia comforted Premium by putting her wing over her. She felt great sympathy for Premium Polish for more than just who her mother was. But even with what she revealed to the little filly, Celestia had a silver lining.

"She'll be put in the dungeon for her crimes. But, you will have the chance to see her again."

"M-Mmm?" Premium sniffled, looking up after hearing what new words Celestia spouted out.

"I don't intend to keep her there forever. Theft is a crime that lands a specific amount of time in the dungeon. Around seven or more. At some point in time, she will be let out. But considering her background, you cannot be with her anymore."


"Really. But, as for you, you cannot stay here. Not on your own."

"Why not?"

"A child should not live on their own. You will need somepony to look after you while your mother is apprehended. Somepony who can act as your caretaker in the meanwhile."

"Caretaker?" She wiped her eyes.

"This mansion as well. I'm afraid you can't stay here either. Not with what is connected here."

"Why? What's wrong with the mansion? What's here?"

"It has something to do with the basement that you are forbidden to enter. And there is a good reason why your mother forbids you from entering it. There exists a gateway that leads to a world that you would rather not interact with."

"A gateway in the basement?" By this point, Premium Polish was receiving many questions that were being answered by Celestia. The ruler of Equestria certainly knows how to make something complex and long sound simple and short.

"Sorry if this is too much for you to take in. But prolonging something as inevitable as this would only cause more complications and harm than good. I hope that you understand that your mother needs to be punished for her actions."

"I-I understand but..." Premium couldn't help but let out more tears as her Pokemon brought her more tissues. "Mother. She's not a bad pony. Is she?"

"Gardevoir." Passion communicated with Celestia, telling her that it was best that Premium Polish should be left alone for a while.

"Alright." Celestia got off the couch. "Perhaps, head to your room until this is all over. And if you want to say anything to your mother before I bring her in, feel free to do so."

"Okay..." Premium Polish whimpered. As her Pokemon surrounded her, helping the little unicorn to her bedroom, Celestia and her Pokemon were now waiting in the living room for Skyblue Shine's return. They were not going to leave no matter what.

Celestia was determined to put an end to this once and for all.


Skyblue Shine had returned.

Alongside other Umbrage Thieves who were beside her. She had just gotten back from the Pokemon World with new Pokemon at their disposal via the cages that were made out of the same metal that the guards from Empress Twilight's world use.

"That should be a good amount." Skyblue Shine said as she took her mask off. The robotic parts that had been exposed yesterday seemed to be repaired as they were no longer sticking out.

"Are these Pokemon good enough for the empress?" A fellow thief asked.

"They most certainly are." Skyblue Shine took out a Pokedex, going over the Pokemon that she had stolen today. "Especially the Helioptile we obtained. That one Pokemon will be enough to power her ship as long as it's near the sun. And there's no closer place to the sun than space after all."

"Heliop!" Speaking of Helioptile, it and the other Pokemon were trying to break free as they all let out constant cries. Not even their Pokemon moves were capable of breaking through these aluminium cages.

"One Helioptile is enough. But if we can get multiple, then the empress's entire fleet will receive endless energy. Not just her main ship."

It was clear that the assumption that the Umbrage Thieves only steal Pokemon for their personal gain was somewhat false. In truth, it was all for the empress. But the rest of Equestria did not know except for a few.

Skyblue Shine and the rest of the thieves arrived at the mansion, ready to send the Pokemon through the gateway for the empress. But little did they know, a very special pony and her Pokemon were waiting for them.

"Remember. The empress will change the destination of the gateway soon. Time schedules will need to be altered understand?" Skyblue turned around.

"Yes." The thieves nodded in understanding.

"Good. Now, quietly. Time will still feel different for my daughter after the memory chip change. She might be still awake." Acting cautiously, Skyblue Shine gently used her magic to slowly turn the door handle, hoping to not wake her daughter up.

However, that should be the least of her worries.

Because the moment she opened the door, Skyblue Shine and the Umbrage Thieves were met with a very unexpected and frankly terrifying visitor. The light of the moon shined down on the visitor and her Pokemon as it showed their faces for a split second before passing by. But from the first glance, the visitor was immediately recognizable as they all said the same name in unison.

"Princess Celestia?!" She and everyone said as they pulled back.

"We finally meet," Celestia said with a serious tone as the purple eyes of Passion glowed in the darkness behind Celestia with fire being seen coming out of the darkness, most likely from Arcanine's fangs.

The Umbrage Thieves all moved back as they weren't expecting to see Princess Celestia standing in front of them. Naturally, they were prepared for almost everything, except for the ruler of Equestria.

Immediately, some of the thieves fell on their backs because of their reaction to Princess Celestia while others were frozen in fear. But Skyblue Shine wasn't too affected. She was stunned, yes, and certainly intimidated, but not terrified like the others.

"Umbrage Thieves." Celestia walked forward, forcing the thieves to move away from the approaching alicorn. "For your crimes against ponies, humans and Pokemon, you are all hereby under arrest."

"Enough with these surprise guests already..." Skyblue Shine growled.

"If you want to resist, go ahead. That will just add more time to the dungeon sentence I will give to you all. If I were you, I'd give up now and I may be a bit lenient." Celestia intimidated them as most of the Umbrage Thieves were actually thinking of giving up since they weren't anticipating going up against Princess Celestia of all ponies.

"So. What will it be?" Celestia's eyes flared as she clearly showing high levels of hostility. The one time she was this fierce was when she first encountered Ghetsis.

"Tch! Sorry, but I don't listen to you. I only take orders from a higher form of royalty." Skyblue Shine was referring to Empress Twilight as she used her magic to take out her Poke Ball. "I serve an Empress, not a mere princess."

"So that's your response..." A bit of Celestia's Royal Canterlot Voice was coming out.

"Bronzong! Come out and use Hypnosis!" Skyblue Shine resorted to action as she tossed the Poke Ball, sending out her Bronzong.

"Bronzong!" Coming out, the Bronze Bell Pokemon was ready to put the princess and her Pokemon to sleep.

"Arcanine! Use Flare Blitz!" But Celestia was more than fast enough to react at the right moment.

"Arca!" With a gigantic aura of fire bursting around him, the Legendary Pokemon immediately bolted off the ground like a rocket, charging straight towards Bronzong while leaving a trail of flames behind.

"Zong?!" Bronzong was certainly not fast enough to react to such blazing speed which resulted in the Bronze Bell Pokemon being struck by a blitzing Arcanine with great force, causing the Steel-Psychic to be sent flying with smoke trailing out of it. "Broooon!"

"Ah! Bronzong!" Skyblue Shine turned around to see her Pokemon crash through many trees and tumble on the ground before falling into a nearby lake.

"Canine." Arcanine took a bit of recoil damage from it. But not that much.

"Don't just stand there! Stop her!" Skyblue Shine ordered the rest of the thieves to try and attack Princess Celestia as she backed away.

"R-Right!" They all followed Skyblue Shine's order as they stepped forward, sending out their own Pokemon to deal with Celestia.

"Don't try it. Passion! Clear them all out!"

"Garde...Voir!" Passion put her hands together, creating a mini-black-hole on the spot. The moment the black hole was created, a powerful gravitational force was pulling in the Pokemon that had been sent out as well as the thieves.

The gravity was being pulled downwards by Passion manipulating it as the thieves were trying to hold onto the ground and trees near them. But it was no use. The Pokemon and thieves didn't have time to react as with one hand, Passion's body flashed purple as she caused the black hole to implode, sending the Pokemon and thieves flying, just like Bronzong.

And similar to Bronzong they had all tumbled on the ground near the lake while some of them had even fallen in the lake. In just a few seconds, Celestia had defeated 99% of the Umbrage Thieves with barely any effort.

Naturally, Skyblue was flabbergasted by that as Arcanine went over to the cages, using his fire to try and melt them away and free the Pokemon inside.

Celestia then lit her horn up with magic, shooting a tiny spark into the air. That spark then combusted, creating multiple little projectiles of light that scattered. It was a signal for the guards to come out of the train and arrest the Umbrage Thieves, immediately.

"T-This wasn't supposed to happen...!" Skyblue Shine backed away while Celestia approached.

"You've already lost," Celestia spoke as her eyes were flashing, showing signs of her magic building up.

Premium Polish, who was still awake and crying, had witnessed most of the Umbrage Thieves getting defeated by Celestia and her Pokemon. She also saw how Celestia had come face to face with her mother, which was already a very conflicting moment for her.

The little unicorn looked at her mother, seeing how she was indeed wearing an Umbrage Thief suit. It was practically 100% confirmed at this point. And that just further hurt Premium Polish, who didn't want to accept her mother as a criminal. But her eyes don't lie.

"Mother...why?" A saddened Premium Polish uttered.

"I only answer to Empress Twilight Sparkle. Not to you!" Skyblue Shine gave a rebuttal as she sent out her next and second strongest Pokemon against Celestia.



"Aggron! Use Metal Claw!"

"Ggron!" The Iron Armor Pokemon ran towards Celestia with its claws lighting up. Celestia was not intimidated by Aggron approaching her whatsoever.

"Garde!" Passion slid in front of Celestia, standing before her trainer as she put her arm out, using her psychic mind to hold Aggron in place.


"I refuse to forgive you for what you, the Umbrage Thieves and to an extent, Empress Twilight have done. From stealing Pokemon of other trainers, kidnapping my royal guards just to force them upon a new rule and more importantly, involving yourself with harming my little sister!"

"Gardevoir!" Passion blew Aggron back with a psychic push, causing the Iron Armor Pokemon to crash into Skyble Shine as they both fell on the ground with the weight of Aggron resting on Skyblue Shine.



"Passion! Plasma Bolt!"

"Gardevoir...!" Passion spread her arms out, creating Mystical Fire on her left and Thunderbolt on her right. She then clapped her hands together, creating pure plasma as her hair was flowing because of the immense pressure being generated.

"Grh...Aggron! Use Metal Burst to absorb it! Quick!"

"Aggron!" Aggron got off Skyblue as his body emanated a metallic light. Aggron then put his arms out, forming a white ball in front of its mouth. The white ball had one job. To absorb the attack.

But then again, absorbing Plasma is a very risky move.

"Gar!" With fury, Passion fired a raging beam of plasma that tore through the ground, melting the snow and burning away the grass nearby as the sound of the sun roaring could be heard.

"Agg!" Aggron held his breath in as the Plasma Bolt connected with the white ball of Metal Burst. However, for once, Metal Burst was having a hard time containing a move.

The sheer power of Plasma Bolt was so intense that the white ball was trembling and rippling, trying to contain the attack as Aggron was being pushed back because of it.

"G-Gron?!" The Iron Armor Pokemon gasped as he was struggling to absorb the attack. His feet slid on the ground as he could feel his focus slipping while the bolt of pure plasma was getting stronger each passing second.

"Voir!" With one small spurt of energy, Passion added some extra power to the Plasma Bolt, causing it to overwhelm the white ball.

With a heat greater than the sun itself, Aggron couldn't contain it any longer as the white ball of Metal Burst blew up in his face, causing the Iron Armor Pokemon to fall back. "Agg!"

"Accursed princess!" Skyblue Shine yelled. "Aggron! Get up and use Fire Punch!"

"Aggron!" Aggron immediately recovered since it was a highly defensive Pokemon which benefited him greatly in this scenario. The Steel-Rock-Type sparked his arms, gaining a fiery aura around them. Frustrated at Passion for 1UPing him, Aggron targeted all of his anger towards her by charging at the Embrace Pokemon.

"Passion, go!"

"Gardevoir!" A move command was not even given out by Celestia. It was just simply Go. The Embrace Pokemon ran forward before jumping over Aggron and avoiding his first Fire Punch.

"Agg?!" Aggron missed as he looked up to see Passion flipping over him.

"Voir!" Passion then landed on one hand, performing a handstand. In that handstand pose, she spun her leg around like a ballerina, repeatedly kicking Aggron in the back of his head.

"A-Agg! G-Gron!" Each hit made Aggron stutter as the back of his head was essentially a punching bag that was being repeatedly kicked.

"Grab her leg!"

"A-Aggron!" Aggron looked for a split-second of freedom and found it. He quickly turned around before getting met with a kick to the face instead of the back of the head. But after being smacked in the face by Passion's kick, Aggron then grabbed the leg of the Embrace Pokemon, finally putting an end to her frenzy of ballerina kicks.


"Aggron!" Aggron chuckled, even though he had been losing to Passion so far with very little sign of gaining the upper hand.

"Levitate with him!" Celestia ordered.

"Gardevoir!" And that disadvantage only continued as Passion let out her next attack. Her eyes flashed purple as she used her psychic mind to lift both her and Aggron into the air. Passion was strong enough to lift a Pokemon this heavy, surprisingly.

"A-Agg?! Aggron?!" Aggron obviously did not expect this as Skyblue Shine gasped, witnessing her Pokemon being levitated right now. The Iron Armor Pokemon's eyes scanned the area as he noticed that Passion was bringing him to a high level instead of a low one.

"Now! Send plasma through Aggron!"

"Gardevoir!" Passion then put her arms on Aggron, sending plasma straight through him. The Iron Armor Pokemon was being shocked as he screamed out in pain.


"Now send Aggron down!"

"Gar!" Passion had been freed from Aggron's grip because of her counterattack as she returned the favour to the Steel-Rock-Type by grabbing his arm and throwing Aggron over her shoulder.

Aggron was sent crashing down by a shoulder throw from Passion as he hit the ground, causing a crater to form while Skyblue Shine was almost blown back by the impact alone.

"Plasma Bolt!"

"Voir!" Passion wasn't done. She crossed her arms together before separating them, creating pure plasma once more as her body was surging with power.

"Aggron! Stop her with Hyper Beam!"

"A-Agg...!" But Aggron was still recovering after being shocked and slammed. He didn't have enough time to retaliate against Passion.

Thus, Passion fired the bolt of plasma as the Iron Armor Pokemon could do nothing but take it. Upon contact, an explosion of plasma occurred after Aggron had been hit. The sound of the sun roaring came out of the explosion as Skyblue Shine covered her eyes while Celestia just watched.

Once the smoke cleared, Aggron had fainted after an attack that powerful. Passion landed down with grace as she dusted the smoke off herself.


"C-Curses...Return, Aggron!" Skyblue Shine returned her Aggron as that was one of her strongest Pokemon by a margin.

"Arca." Arcanine had managed to free all of the Pokemon trapped within the cages by successfully melting them away with his fire.

All the freed Pokemon, naturally overjoyed, went over to Celestia's side since they felt safe around her after seeing what she had done to the Umbrage Thieves.

"I win." Celestia declared. And just as she said that the Canterlot guards had arrived to arrest the knocked out Umbrage Thieves after they received the signal from Celestia's magic.

Skyblue Shine was now surrounded from all sides as her eyes observed. Her team was down, the Canterlot guards were here and she was currently being stared down by Celestia and a group of not-so-happy Pokemon that they had stolen as well as Celestia's own Pokemon who were extremely powerful in their own right.

By this point, it seemed like a losing scenario for her. She was outnumbered and overpowered. And yet, despite that, she refused to give in.

"You may have won but I still won't submit to you!"

"Hoh?" Celestia narrowed her eyes. "Don't be a fool and try to fight back."

"My work cannot end here. Not until I've satisfied the Empress!" Skyblue Shine then decided to resort to something that was full-on risky and life-threatening. "I'll take you all out in one blaze of glory!"

"What?" Celestia pulled back.

Just as Skyblue Shine uttered those words, her eyes were suddenly glowing blue. The same colour that her robotic eye had when exposed. And once those eyes were flashing, these specific words could be heard.

Self-Detonation Imminent

"Oh!" Celestia and everyone else gasped.

"Scared now?" Skyblue Shine smirked as a countdown was going off with constant beeping. "The explosion won't destroy me due to the wonderful robotics that I have been given. But they will certainly obliterate you all sky-high! Including all of Vanhoover in one go!"

"Are you insane?!" Celestia exclaimed. "You'll destroy your home and your daughter as well!"

"You think I don't know that? My mansion may be gone, but my daughter? She can just be rebuilt."

"Re...built?" Premium Polish uttered.

"My daughter and I will continue living on in harmony under the rule of the Empress. But I cannot say the same for you, princess!" The beeping was getting faster as the explosion was almost ready.

Celestia started to panic as the Canterlot guards immediately got a move on while having the Umbrage Thieves restrained. All the Pokemon as well decided to get away from this area before the explosion consumes them all.

All except for Princess Celestia and her Pokemon.

"Your Majesty! Get away!" A guard exclaimed.

"Garde!" Passion communicated with Celestia, giving her advice that might prevent the explosion from going off.

"You think that Thunderbolt will do the trick?"

"Voir." She nodded, knowing that the electricity can override it.

"Alright. Use Thunderbolt!"

"Gardevoir!" Passion put both her arms out, sending 100,000 volts of electricity towards the unicorn.

"W-What are you doing?!" Skyblue winced as her body was being affected by Thunderbolt. Right now, the volts of Thunderbolt creating an emission of electromagnetic energy.

This energy was actually powerful to mess with the inner workings of Skyblue Shine's body. The unicorn's eyes widened as she was starting to jitter uncontrollably.

"S-S-S-Stop it!" She yelled while jittering.

"Gar!" But Passion didn't stop. She added more power to Thunderbolt, however, the maximum limit was 100,000 volts. So, to amp it up, she added Mystical Fire into the mix, using plasma to override her.

And with just plasma itself, an electromagnetic pulse was created as everything inside of Skyblue Shine had been disrupted. Her eyes were constantly flashing red as the beeping had stopped. The pulse was so great that it actually blew Passion back.


"Passion!" Celestia caught her partner.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-" Skyblue Shine was trying to say something but her body was letting out sparks of electricity as her robotic parts were being revealed. The attack had been a success.

So much of a success that Skyblue Shine's glowing red eye faded away as she fell to the ground without saying another word. The sound of something powering down could be heard as well.

"Mother!" Premium Polish gasped as she had witnessed her mother fall to the ground.

Seemingly lifeless and unresponsive.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 358 End.

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