• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Dream Eater

Author's Note:

This is gonna get weird fast.

The Dream World. A world where Princess Luna enters to protect ponies from nightmares. With the assistance of Darkrai, she now has double the help and can protect humans and Pokemon as well. But the two of them were not ready for the pandemonium that would ensue in the Dream World.

"So this is the Dream World." This was Darkrai's first time being in a world like this. He could see the dreams of everyone else and what they come up with whilst in their own state of mind.

"Yes. Everypony's dreams are visible to see. All we have to do is look out for- What is that?!" Luna had noticed something odd in here. To her, it was an unidentified creature. But to Darkrai, this thing looked familiar.

"That Luna.. is a Munna. It's a Pokemon that eat dreams and nightmares."

"Eats dreams and nightmares? That sounds-"

"Not dangerous actually. Munna are harmless. If they eat a dream or nightmare, it doesn't affect anyone. It lets out a pink mist if it eats a happy dream. Although they do forget what their dream was when Munna eats them."

"Oh. Well. It is fine then."

"Yes but not for long." The rift had appeared in the Dream World, here to spice to things up.

"The Rift!" They both said.

"Don't you wonder why a Munna is in here? I sent it here. They can't enter this world by themselves since they eat from the outside. But now they're in the inside."

"What are you planning, Rift?" Luna hissed at the rift.

"In order to make things more interesting... Munna can now influence others dreams. If it eats their dream... not only will it keep that dream... but that person, pony or Pokemon will no longer be allowed to dream ever again. Meaning they can never go to sleep again. Forever awake with no rest. And I also made it so that they all share a dream."

"How horrible! You dare!"

"Relax Luna. This is not out of ill-intent. I just want to see how this will all turn out. It's you two now. Go on Dream Warriors." The rift had vanished from the Dream World.

"We have to stop that Munna creature Darkrai!" Munna had found its first target. The dream of Rainbow Dash's Rufflet. Entering it, it had found itself in the skies.

Dream Sequence 1. Start.

The azure skies. Rufflet stood atop a cloud, looking at the distance. And over that distance, emerged the three Legendary Birds. Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. They stood before Rufflet as the Eaglet Pokemon eyed them down. They all fired an Ice Beam, Thunderbolt and a Flamethrower combination attack at Rufflet. However, the little bird flew over it and used a move that it cannot even learn. Dragon Pulse. It shot down Articuno with Dragon Pulse, defeating it. This was without a doubt Rufflet's dream. To pick a fight with any Pokemon and to prove it is the best! And right now it was sharing a dream with its trainer, Rainbow Dash.

Dash was standing next to Rufflet, giving it commands as it fought against a horde of Pokemon that had arrived, specifically flying types. The flying types and the legendary birds all attacked the two.

"Go Rufflet!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Rufflet powered through all the flying types in one single dash as it then fired another move it could not use. In fact, only one Pokemon can use this move. V Create. Its head had a burning V on it, crashing into Zapdos, sending it flying away. Rufflet then bit on Moltres's wings as it spun it around, tossing the flaming bird Pokemon into the ground with ease. It had emerged victorious. "Yeah! You showed em!" Rainbow Dash then had millions of trophies at her disposal.

This was a pretty strong dream. What made it so strong is the fact that it was not only a dream but it was something aiming to be achieved in the future. Making it twice as powerful. Munna had decided to go for this one first.

"It'll devour it whole! We can't let that happen!" Darkrai fired a dark void at Munna, however, the Dream Eater Pokemon used Psychic to control the dark void, sending it far away. Luna chased after Munna but was stopped by Psychic as well. The rift has increased the power of Munna greatly to make this interesting. This won't be easy, even for the combined force of an Alicorn and Mythical Pokemon.

"Not good! Rainbow Dash! Move!" Darkrai warned Rainbow to move. Rainbow Dash heard this as she avoided the incoming Munna who was about to chomp on her head.

"What the? What is that thing? Darkrai? Princess Luna? What's going on?"


"It is of grave importance. That creature named Munna eats dreams. If it devours any of your dreams.. you will never be able to sleep or dream again." Luna explained.

"That's horrible!"

"We have to keep it away from everyone no matter what. Its time we head to the next dream. Rainbow Dash. We share dreams right now. Follow us." Darkrai said.

"Right!" Now it was Darkrai, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Rufflet who went on to the next dream.

Dream Sequence 2 Start.

The dream of Brock. Currently being shared by Spike as they were both fighting over one mare. Rarity.

Both of them were in heroic outfits that you would see in fantasy books. And Spike's body has grown to a more muscular and chiselled look. They clashed swords, beginning their fight over Lady Rarity.

"You do not deserve Rarity! She belongs to someone with vast knowledge! Not some child!" Brock bellowed.

"She deserves someone who has been with her and known her much longer!" Spike rebuked. Their swords kept clashing over and over again as Rarity who had unfortunately shared their dream with theirs was watching this from a tall chair.

"This is just pathetic. But endearing really." She said. Munna came flying in, targeting Rarity first.

"Rarity! Look out!" Rainbow Dash cried out. She made it so that she was faster than light itself... this was a dream after all. However, Munna had still outpaced her. How? "No way! Its a dream, how is it faster than my endless speed?!"

Brock and Spike turned around to see Munna reaching Rarity as she was screaming.

"Rarity!" They both said. Putting their differences aside, they both leapt up as their swords grew to the size of mountains. They swung it down towards the Dream Eater Pokemon, however, the swords went through Munna like it wasn't there and instead destroyed the throne Rarity was in. Rarity jumped off the throne as the Munna was about to devour her dreams. Luna used her magic to send Rarity to her, making Munna miss.

"What is happening?! What is this dream?!" Rarity shouted. Munna may have missed Rarity but it didn't miss the next one. The first one to lose their dreams was Spike. Munna had chomped on his head, draining his dreams whole.

"Oh no!" Darkrai cried out. It was too late. Spike's had lost his dreams completely. He was now unable to sleep and dream once more.

In the outside world, Spike had woken up, feeling a bit of shock after what happened.

"W-What happened?! What was I doing just now?" Spike had no idea what to think. He couldn't bring himself to sleep anymore. This wasn't the end of Munna's rampage.

"It has already taken a dream of one. We cannot let it take more!" Luna's horn glowed as she created a force field around everyone else, protecting them.

"I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a Munna. Let it eat dreams. It's harmless." Brock said.

"That would normally be the case. But the Rift has altered Munna's dream eating. If it gets your dream... you will never be able to sleep or dream again." Darkrai explained.

"No way! But why would a Munna do that?!"

"It's not Munna's fault. It is naturally a peaceful Pokemon by nature. It would never do this. The Rift has also changed its actions as well."

"So what do we do, then?" Rainbow asked.

"The only way to combat a dream threat is to dream big of course. However... we may need to dream even bigger to defeat a foe like this." Luna replied.

"That can't be too difficult. Big dreamers are not uncommon really." Rarity said.

"It will be if we can't stop Munna even with the wildest imagination." Darkrai retorted.

Munna had flown off, heading to the next dream as they followed whilst being protected by Luna.

Dream Sequence 3 Start.

Cakes. Millions of cakes. Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate. Didn't matter. They were all good to the pony who loved them more than anypony else.

Princess Celestia.

She was in a paradise of cakes. Laying in a fountain of them. She had never been so happy before, even if it was a dream.

A single bite was bliss. She flew next to a flock of cakes, chomping on each of them as she went by. She then dived down, heading into a sea of cakes.

But that paradise is being threatened. By a small and cute Pokemon.

"Sister! Look out!" Luna yelled from afar. Celestia looked up as she avoided the incoming Munna who charged in like a rocket.

"Not my cakes!" Munna had powered through the cakes, spreading them apart as it turned around to face Celestia. "What is that thing?! What is happening?!"

"Dream Eater! No time to explain! Dream big!" Rainbow Dash quickly said. To halt the Munna, Rainbow Dash thought of a huge cage that fell into a deep hole underneath. "Yes!" But it didn't last. Munna blew away not just the cage but also the ground and cakes with a powerful psychic wave. "Oh come on!"

"It's growing even more! One of you has to dream of something unparalleled!" Darkrai yelled.

"...I know who most likely has the most absurd dreams! Princess Luna. Can you lead us to Pinkie Pie's dream?" Rarity asked.

"Very well. Stay on sister."

"But what about my cakes?" Luna guided them all to the next dream as Munna had followed them. The Dream Eater Pokemon used Psychic to hold the barrier that they were in, stopping them.

"It's got us in our clutches! What do we do?!" Brock yelled.

"I got this!" Rainbow Dash thought of a huge wind turbulent to blow Munna away. It worked for a little while, giving the group some time to into the next dream. With no time to waste. They were instantly in the next dream. Pinkie Pie's dream. It was exactly how they thought it would be. Sweets, parties and fun everywhere.

"Pinkie Pie! Over here!" Rarity called out.

"Oh, Rarity! Everypony! You here to join in on the fun?"

"No Pinkie Pie! We need you to dream of something absurd and unmatched in order to stop the Dream Eater!"

"What Dream Eater?"

"That one!" They said, pointing at Munna who had just arrived. The Rift looked down watching over this. It was entertaining.. but how it could it be more suspenseful. Just when things couldn't get any worse... The Rift duplicated the amounts of Munna.

"WHAT?!" They all said in unison. All the Munna's scattered, heading to other dreams. With so many around most of the ponies lost their dreams by the roaming Munna's. Even the Pokemon as well, along with some humans.

"I did not expect THIS!" Luna was taken aback.

"What now?! There's too many of them!" Rainbow said. Countless dreams were being stolen. Many waking up in the outside world. Everything was total chaos.

"I...I do not know!" Luna didn't know what to do. She had never dealt with a situation like this. "What do I do?!"

"Luna! You need to focus!" Celestia held her sisters face. "There HAS to be a way to defeat this!"

"There is one solution..." Darkrai said. It was something that he didn't want to do but it might be the only choice. "I shall give the ones who have had their dreams stolen, nightmares."

"Give them nightmares?! Darkrai! You-"

"Munna has already taken their dreams away. They are no longer capable of dreaming or even going to sleep. My Dark Void can change that. I can send them all into a nightmare. It is dangerous. But it is the only thing we can do for now."

"Darkrai is right. We have to do whatever it takes to stop this." Rarity agreed.

"You all focus on saving as many of them as you can. I will be outside." Darkrai floated off, leaving the Dream World.

"Okay. Now.... What do we do about this?" Brock said as they now had to deal with all these Munna's.

Chapter 32 END

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