• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The invasion begins

Equestria. Canterlot. Nightfall.

The invasion had begun. On both sides of each world. One was happening in Rota for the staff of Sir Aaron while the real main invasion occurs here in Equestria.

Near Canterlot, just far out in the distance, a gateway had opened up, startling all those that slept at night because of its thunderous sound. And the ones to be first made aware of this were Princess Luna, Darkrai and Xatu.

"It's starting now?!" Luna gasped as she gazed at the gateway in the sky. And just like that, after the gateway had opened up, the many ships of Empress Twilight Sparkle's forces passed right through, covering the stars and the beautiful moon in seconds.

The ships had flooded the night sky, casting shadows over the landscape. And from the direction they were all facing, each of these ships was tasked with invading practically everywhere in Equestria. The scary part was that despite these seemingly overwhelming numbers, this wasn't a full-on attack. This was minor, according to the Empress.

Luna rushed over to her sister's room. AKA, she just used teleportation there. But Celestia had already woken up from the sound of the gateway opening.

"Sister!" Luna cried out after entering Celestia's room.

"I know!" Celestia immediately responded as she was looking outside the window. "I didn't think it would happen now...Did she advance her plans further?"

"What do we do? Everything's not in place yet!" Luna was starting to panic due to how fast things were escalating.

"I know it's early but we have no choice." Celestia turned around. There was no time to waste. Even if it was early, actions needed to be made. A bright side was that the Canterlot Guards are always awake most of the time.

And that involves across Equestria. Ever since she learned about the invasion, Celestia had ordered a plethora of Canterlot Guards to reside in different cities and towns in Canterlot for when the invasion eventually happens. And that time was now. All across Canterlot, the guards had been alerted via a Psychic connection made by Passion herself.

Passion used her great Psychic abilities to communicate across Equestria, mainly with other Pokemon. Once the Pokemon received Passion's telepathic communication, they immediately prompted the guards of Canterlot to stay on high alert. Then again, there were so many ships that they could be seen from any distance really.

Flurry Heart had also woken up from the commotion as Skitty was laying next to her along with Premium Polish. "Mmm...what's happening?"


Sounds of hooves rapidly moving could be heard from the outside, most likely from the corridor. Many troops were moving out to deal with this sudden invasion as Flurry Heart and Premium peered their heads through the door.

"What's going on?" Premium grumbled.

"So many soldiers...Wait. Is the invasion happening?" said Flurry Heart.

"You two. Get to bed immediately." Luna passed by, facing the two younger ponies. "Right now, it's not safe to be awake at all."

"Wait, it's starting?!" Flurry Heart gasped. Of all the times it could begin, it had to be at nightfall with energy was low. Premium moved back into the room, already petrified and intimidated.

And for good reason. Because at this point, this is where the fate of this world will be decided. And to an extent, every other world out there.

Kanto Region, Rota Kingdom, Cameran Palace, Nightfall.

Just on the outside of the palace where all the commotion is happening, Ash, Pikachu and Lucario were making their way towards the Tree of Beginning. Or at least, near it.

The goal was to obtain the Time Flower to see what Sir Aaron did to eliminate Delayed Aura Ataxia. But, the other objective was to protect the staff of Sir Aaron from the Empress' forces. Ash was still holding onto it.

He looked back at the palace as he wanted to assist his friends and everyone within the palace. But he understood that his friends would handle everything there while he rushes to the flowers and protects the staff. Besides, he'll be back to help them anyway.

He was currently riding on the back of Dragonite to get to his destination quicker. Having an aerial view would certainly help to spot the Time Flowers.

However, after knowing about who had the staff, the soldiers had immediately alerted Skyblue Shine with their own communication. She was told that Ash Ketchum had the staff.

"Of course he would be the one to have it." Skyblue Shine said as she stood on top of a fallen Cameran Palace guard's back. Many Cameran Palace guards were currently down on the ground due to Skyblue Shine defeating them all. She even managed to defeat the Pokemon thanks to her Aggron.

There were so many of them laying down. Thanks to the magic increase, Skyblue Shine was stronger than ever. Just as strong as an alicorn at best. And of course, Aggron was just Aggron and not many were getting past a Steel-Type.

"Chase him down. I'll follow you soon."

"Ugh..." The guards groaned. Nearby, hoofsteps could be heard, approaching this direction. Skyblue Shine turned to the side, expecting reinforcements to arrive. But these weren't guards of Cameran Palace.

Instead, arriving from around the corner were Twilight, Espeon and Togekiss. After showing up, their eyes had immediately locked on to two things. The littered floor of fallen guards and Pokemon and Skyblue Shine herself.

"You?!" Twilight gasped as she came to a screeching halt.

"Evening, Princess Twilight." Skyblue Shine smirked as her eyes met with Twilight. Aggron had also turned to face the young alicorn and her Pokemon.

"So it was you behind this?!"

"Right. But by the Empress' orders, of course." Skyblue pointed her hoof at herself. "All we need is that staff and we'll be on our merry way. And of course, assist the others in the current invasion."

"Current? It's already started?!"

"Oh yes. If I were you, I'd be back at Equestria by now." Skyblue Shine chuckled, knowing that she gave Twilight a scare. As if she already didn't have other problems to deal with right now.

Twilight's eyes moved to the side, offering of what could be happening over at Equestria. Her parents and the rest of her friends are most likely in grave danger. But the same can be said for here in Rota.

Twilight held her breath as she believed in Princess Celestia and the others to handle themselves back at Equestria. And Twilight and her friends will handle themselves here.

"They'll be fine." She chose to stay as Skyblue Shine raised an eyebrow. "As for you, if I stop you and your forces here, I'll still be helping to stop the invasion either way. And prevent you from getting that staff."

"Pah!" Skyblue Shine scoffed. "Maybe before but not now. Not after the improvements that the Empress has granted me. And I don't have time to waste on you. The staff is all I need."

"I won't let you! Dazzling Gleam, Eve!"

"Espeon!" By summoning a rainbow aura around her body, Espeon generated a blinding flash of light. The light flashed in front of Skyblue Shine and Aggron's eyes, blinding them for a few seconds.



"Now use Shadow Ball!"

"Eon!" After blinding them both with a flash of light, the Sun Pokemon summoned a purple blob of shadows from the gem on her forehead, launching at Aggron.

"Ggron?" Aggron's sight was returning as before he could do anything or wait for Skyblue Shine to recover and make a command, Shadow Ball had struck it, knocking the Iron Armor Pokemon back. "Agg!"

"Why you...! Aggron! Flash Cannon, go!"

"Ggron!" Recovering quickly from Shadow Ball, Aggron opened his mouth, summoning a silver ball full of metallic energy. Afterwards, he fired a silver beam out of the ball as it raced forward.

"Togekiss! I know I'm not your Trainer but help out here! Aura Sphere!"

"Toge!" Togekiss didn't need to be Twilight's trainer to assist. The Jubilee Pokemon opened her mouth, generating a ball of Aura. She then launched Aura Sphere as the blue sphere of Aura collided with the silver ball of metallic energy.

Upon collision, the two moves cancelled each other out as they were equal in strength. Reinforcements had shown up to assist their fallen guards and Pokemon from the ground.

The troops and Pokemon helped their allies up while looking over at the smoke that had been created from Aura Sphere and Flash Cannon's collision.

"Aggron's too defensive for us to pass through. Except..." Twilight took out two Poke Balls as the smoke was clearing. She threw the Poke Balls, sending out both Absol and Cinccino. Two Pokemon that she believed could deal with Aggron thanks to what moves they had in store.



"I don't need this..." Skyblue Shine backed away as her own reinforcements were showing up. From her smile, they had already appeared. And these reinforcements were a multitude of heavy troops along with those robotic-rhino vehicles. Plus, some aerial support, this time in the form of more of those orca-shaped ships.

Twilight and her Pokemon gazed at the sheer sight of these sudden reinforcements as Skyblue Shine was being guarded by them. The same went for Aggron even though he barely needed it.

However, Twilight also had assistance in the form of the Cameran Palace troops. After bringing their fallen allies in to be healed, more showed up to deal with the rest of the invading force.

"I need that staff immediately. Deal with them, why don't you? But only restrain them. The Empress wants some of this world's magic. Especially from a younger version of herself." Skyblue Shine ordered.

"Yes ma'am!"

"I don't think so! Besides, you're all in one good spot with all that metal! Minccy! Thunder!"

"Cinc...!" The Scarf Pokemon raised her arms as she shifted the clouds themselves. From the clouds, yellow sparks started forming with thunder rumbling. "Ccino!" Then, at the speed of light, a gigantic blast of lightning came crashing down with the sound of thunder going off

Thunder ended up hitting one target which was one of the rhino-like vehicles. However, by hitting that one target and reacting to the metal, the electricity immediately spread with a chain reaction, latching onto nearby targets. Very soon, all the land vehicles and troops had been struck by the furious volts of Thunder.

Within the vehicles, everything was starting to malfunction thanks to Thunder as well as each of them having their armour react to the electricity, causing them to stagger.

This allowed the Cameran Palace troops to strike. And strike they did. Thanks to Twilight, they all charged forward alongside their Pokemon, heading for the weakened forces that were just now starting to recover from Thunder.

Twilight also took the chance to go after Skyblue Shine. She had spread her wings, flying alongside Togekiss while the rest of her Pokemon ran. They each moved past the scuffle that was happening between Cameran Palace's troops and the Empress' forces, leaving the rest to them.


Rarity had ended up arriving at the same location where Applejack was after moving across the palace, ending up in the courtyard afterwards. Before that, she had taken the Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and her sister Sweetie Belle to safety since the last scenario a child needs to be is in an invasion. The CMC were currently leaving the kingdom along with Chloe and the rest of the citizens of Rota.

She found Applejack and some troops dealing with that titanic battle station robot. Flying-Type Pokemon had arrived for aerial support as they were doing their best to change the weather to their advantage. Even with a barrier of magic, the station can still move based on the weather.

However, it wasn't so easy. Not only could the station used magic to protect itself, but it could also fire rays of magic from the core on top of it, shooting down the Flying-Type Pokemon. But this also meant that it would need to lower its shield if it wanted to use the magic.

Due to this one weakness, Applejack and the others capitalized on it. When the shields went down, the Pokemon had used ranged attacks to strike the giant robot when it was defenceless. However, it was so sturdy that it was actually difficult to fully take it out in a few hits.

"Dragon Pulse!" Applejack ordered Sceptile as another Dragon Pulse was sent towards the robot. However, due to it being made out of metal, Dragon Pulse wasn't that effective. After the attacks had landed, the robot retaliated with more magic rays coming out of its core, forcing everyone to block or take cover.


"Applejack!" Rarity came over as she had been carried by Pheromosa.

"Rarity! Some help here! That robot's not going down so easily! It's got both that technological stuff and magic at the same time!"

"Does it now?"


"We can only hit that thing when its barrier comes down. But it keeps sending out more of those ships out." One troop said as more of the Empress' forces were heading this way to overwhelm Applejack's group.

"Our Charizard group haven't arrived yet!" Another troop said.

"We just need a few more good hits and that thing's good as dust." Applejack said. "But it's not making it easy for us with all that magic."

"Is that so...?" Rarity narrowed her eyes before looking at Pheromosa and the robot. "Then all we need is a Pokemon with brute strength to smash through that hunk of metal. Can Sceptile get Pheromosa up there?"

"He sure can." Applejack nodded as she understood what Rarity was going for. "Sceptile! Throw Pheromosa up there!"

"And Pheromosa! Use High Jump Kick!"

"Tile!" Sceptile unleashed his vines, wrapping them around Pheromosa. "Scep!" Afterwards, the Forest Pokemon launched the Lissome Pokemon into the air like pushing someone on a swing.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa then lit her leg up as she used the force of High Jump Kick to gain some extra height, essentially a double jump.

The Ultra Beast was now above the robotic battle station. But, the robot quickly put up a barrier around itself for protection. But Pheromosa wasn't about to let it defend itself.

"Phero!" By using its ludicrous strength, the Lissome Pokemon smashed her foot right into the magic barrier. Her amazing strength was actually capable of not just damaging the barrier but also breaking right through it. Her foot had smashed into the core of the machine.

A direct hit. The core had taken immense damage from Pheromosa's kick as the Lissome Pokemon jumped away. Due to this heavy hit and the core being the biggest weak point there is, the robot's magical defences had been obliterated as there was now a massive dent inside of it.

However, it still hadn't gone down. The battle station was still standing with its weapons intact as Pheromosa returned to the ground.

"It worked! That's the end of that barrier!" Applejack grinned as the troops applauded.

"Now all we have to do is just hit it a few times and that's it!" A guard said.

"Ah! I have a quicker way to end this! Milotic! Come out and use Hydro Pump!" Rarity sent out her Milotic for one specific reason.

"Milotic!" Once she was sent out, the Tender Pokemon opened her mouth, summoning an orb of water. Milotic then let out a beautiful cry before shooting a blast of high volume water.

When meeting with the robot, instead of pushing it back, all of the water from the Hydro Pump had started to meddle with the electronics and machinery of the robot.

Because of this, the titanic battle station was going haywire. And when it went haywire, it malfunctioned with all power shutting off, causing the robot to descend with no power.

"There." Rarity smiled as everyone cheered and applauded her. "It's just natural for water and electricity to not go well with each other."

"Sure is." Applejack nodded as the Cameran guards and troops ran off to continue fending off against the invading forces. "Come on. Let's get a move on elsewhere!" They then followed the guards and troops to assist them.

Elsewhere on the outside, every innocent had already been leaving Rota by moving through the bridge. The guards of Cameran were instructing them to move in a single file. Among this large crowd were Chloe, Yamper and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were all heading home.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Scootaloo asked as she looked back at the castle. A swarm of aerial vehicles could be seen attacking from above. But a group of Charizard were there to deal with them with their flames that scorch anything on the planet.

"I think they've got it. Hopefully." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Mhm." Apple Bloom agreed as they kept on moving.

"Yamper! Yamper!" But Yamper felt like getting in on the action to help everyone.

"I don't think this is the best scenario for you, Yamper!" Chloe held the Puppy Pokemon back from jumping in on the action as Rota was being cleared.


Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were also moving through the castle. They had just gained a new ally. The Cyborg Manticore which was once originally on the Empress' side. But not any more thanks to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy's group was just near Twilight and the other's. But in truth, it was Goh and Starlight who were the closest as they ran into Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Oh! Thank goodness! We found-" Starlight had a smile appear on her face before it quickly transformed into an open-mouthed frown of terror once she and Goh saw the manticore. "M-M-Manticore!"

"Woah!" Goh came to a screeching halt as he bumped into the hard metal exterior of the manticore, causing him and Starlight to fall over. The two of them then started screaming at the top of their lungs.

"It's fine!" Fluttershy flew up. "He's on our side now! Don't worry!"

"H-He is...?" Goh and Starlight both said as they stopped screaming.

"Turns out this was that same manticore from way back then. Just from another world. So we're cool." Rainbow Dash nodded as the manticore licked her. "Ew..."

"Okay..." Goh breathed in and out.

"Has Ash gotten out yet?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No clue." Starlight shrugged. "We haven't seen him. Maybe he's already heading for the Tree of Beginning."

"Maybe. Audi. Can you hear Ash, Pikachu and Lucario?" Fluttershy turned to her partner.

"Dino..." Audino closed her eyes, using her feelers to read everything around her, including the air patterns. She could hear all the constant commotion and battling that was happening everywhere in the palace.

Flames, metal, explosions and other sorts of sounds met her ears until she was actually able to find Ash's sounds. Just far from here, she could hear the sound of Dragonite's wings flapping while hearing the ringing of Sir Aaron's staff when it was moving through the air.

"Audino!" Audino confirmed that Ash was far from here and heading for the Time Flowers.

"Oh. That's great!" Fluttershy grinned. "Ash is already heading there for the Time Flowers so we should be-" All of a sudden, as Fluttershy translated what she had heard from Audino to the others, the ship that Skyblue Shine and her group arrived in had just descended to a lower level.

The sounds of the ship's engines interrupted Fluttershy as they caused high wind pressures all around. Everyone's manes, hair and fur blew in the wind. The ship had descended instead of staying in the air for one reason.

Skyblue Shine was off to pursue Ash. And speaking of which, she had just appeared via teleportation. Skyblue had already returned Aggron to his Poke Ball as she appeared right next to the ship.

"Huh? Hey!" Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at the android after being the first one to notice this.

"Hm? Were you all anticipating me showing up here? Ah, it doesn't matter." Skyblue Shine said as the hatch to the ship was starting to open up.

And at the same time, Twilight and her Pokemon were approaching here, after following Skyblue Shine's trail. "You guys!" The young alicorn called out to her friends. "Don't let her escape!"

"Persistent..." Skyblue Shine smirked as she backed away towards the hatch. But before entering the ship, the ship itself had attacked. By revealing its mechanical cannons, the main ship had fired a barrage of magic rays towards Twilight and the others.

"Dino!" Audino gasped as she quickly stood in front of everyone, using Protect to defend them all. Shots of magic came raining down as everyone stood behind Audino. The magic rays hit the ground, forming dome-shaped purple explosions to form as some of them hit the shield.

Audino's shield was just able to protect everyone from the rays successfully. But unfortunately, the air was a bit different as she couldn't use Protect on Twilight and Togekiss.

The magic rays had also been shot upwards, heading straight for the alicorn and the Jubilee Pokemon. Twilight gasped as she quickly put up a protective barrier around her, Togekiss and her Pokemon.

Furious explosions kept forming around the area thanks to the cannons. So much so that Audino was struggling to hold Protect together. Rainbow Dash couldn't even find an opening to fly out thanks to all these magic explosions going off.

The hatch to the ship was closing as Skyblue Shine had already left their field of view thanks to that distraction, heading off somewhere else in this castle ship. The ship's cannons retracted as they had done their job.

As the remaining explosions went off, the ship ascended, turning around as the engine kicked up some wind yet again. The wind had blown away the smoke of the explosions after it all ended. Afterwards, the ship flew off.

"She knows where the staff is!" Twilight descended. "If she gets to Ash..."

"No, she won't!" Rainbow Dash spread her wings out as she and Braviary flew towards the ship. But as they approached the giant castle ship, immediately, the ship's defences kicked in.

Those cannons reappeared, aiming directly at the two of them. Those same magic rays came flying out once more as both Rainbow Dash and Braviary gasped. Knowing that it was a bad idea to approach the ship like that, the two of them flew back, avoiding the magic rays that rained down on them.

"Bad idea!" They returned to the ground after averting the rays.

"Too late to enter.." Twilight looked up. "But we're not too late to stop them. Fluttershy. Audino knows where Ash right?"



"Then we'll get to Ash first. We'll have our own major aerial travel." Twilight nodded.

"Uh...Not all of us can fly though? And Audino's gonna be pretty hard to carry, ya know." Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at Audino.

"No. But there's one Pokemon that can." Sparking up an idea, Twilight got out her Xtransceiver. Their aerial travel wouldn't be by Braviary or even Togekiss. There were was one Flying-Type in mind that could carry every single one of them.

But that Pokemon could only be made possible by the Pokemon that belongs to Pinkie Pie. And speaking of which, Twilight had selected Pinkie Pie's Trainer number, calling her.

"Hello?" Pinkie Pie responded.

"Pinkie Pie! Are you okay?"

"Peachy! All the food here's great! Oh and we took care of some weird robots in the kitchen, that too." She had a plethora of food at her disposal while some defeated robots were littered across the floor.


"Great! We need Mew to do one thing for us."



Out in the wilds.

Dragonite was still flying out in the open, high above the skies. She wouldn't land until Ash had spotted a Time Flower. Luckily, Ash had a great memory of his past adventure here so he knew where most of the Time Flowers he had seen was.

At least, he was hoping that they were still in the same spot after all these years. Pokemon still roam around the wild after all so their movements might've moved the flowers themselves.

They needed to hurry so that they could assist Cameran Palace and their friends. Little did Ash know that right now he was being pursued by a gigantic ship that was fast enough to keep up with even Dragonite. The ship itself was blending in with the clouds of the night sky, using some sort of camouflage system.

In the distance, the ship was closing in. And the ponies within the ship had spotted Ash, Pikachu, Lucario, Dragonite and the staff up ahead.

"There they are." The pony commanding the ship's movements said to Skyblue Shine.

"Good. Only focus on that staff. And be careful. Since he shares the same Aura Pattern as that Sir Aaron human, who knows what he can do with it? That is...if he even knows how to use it." Skyblue Shine smirked as she gave out an order next by saying, "Send out the Soundgliders."

The hatches of the ship opened up once more, this time deploying some new creations from the Empire. From the hatches, troops were strapped onto large gliders that descended from the ship. These troops had special helmets on them that were separate from the rest. And it was for one reason.

"Lu?" Lucario's Aura immediately sensed that something was off. His dreads flared as the staff had also reacted to Lucario's Aura sense.

"Huh?" Obviously, Ash took notice of this.

"Luca!" Lucario was able to sense the ship even if it had camouflage. Not even camouflage can hide from Aura as Lucario turned around, spotting the gliding ponies.

"What the?!" And soon, Ash and the others took notice of them. At least 20 droves of these gliding ponies were heading for them.


Just then, once the gliders were close enough, they had activated the soundwaves that were coming from the gliders themselves. Soundwaves that went up to 60 hertz of sound.

The waves travelled through the sky and immediately towards Ash, Pikachu, Lucario and Dragonite, only affecting them. The gliding ponies weren't affected because of the special helmets they wore. They blocked out the soundwaves and hertz that came from them. The same went for the ponies inside the ship.

"Ah!" Ash covered his ears along with his Pokemon as Dragonite was slowing down. She couldn't concentrate with all this noise. It was too sensitive to her ears.

And with Dragonite slowing down, that prompted the ship to speed up as they were approaching at a quicker pace. The gliding ponies kept the soundwaves up, not turning them off until the staff is retrieved.

Once the ship was close enough, something else came out from the hatch to retrieve the staff. More aerial units. This time they were robots. They had a circular appearance with red eyes in the middle. But their main usages were the large claws on the side of their bodies. Made perfectly for grabbing, like those claw machine games at the arcade.

These grabbing robots flew towards Ash and the others, travelling through the air as they were immune to the soundwaves. A perfect combo.

"L-Lucario! Block out your ears and use only Aura!" Ash turned to Lucario. He knew that Lucario wouldn't need to hear to use his Aura. After all, Sir Aaron's Lucario was once blind and all he needed was Aura to see.

"Ca!" Lucario understood as he used one palm to block out his ears while the other would be used for attacking. The soundwaves were still travelling through his other ear due to it being vulnerable.

The Aura Pokemon then closed his eyes, letting his Aura take over. He focused as hard as he could as he was blocking out most of his hearing senses. Afterwards, the Fighting-Steel-Type relied only on his other senses and Aura.

The robots closed it, holding their large claw-like arms around, snapping them as they were ready to snatch the staff away from Ash's clutches.

"Luca!" Lucario's Aura picked up on the Soundgliders and robots. While the robots didn't have an Aura, the gliding ponies certainly did. After that, Lucario held his palm out, using Aura Sphere.

Out of his one palm, multiple spheres of Aura came flying out as Lucario read their movements. The multiple Aura Spheres had struck the gliders, destroying them and the sounds they made. Not only that but since the gliders were keeping the ponies in the air, with them destroyed, falling from above was up next.

"W-Woah!" The ponies screamed as they immediately activated their parachutes to save themselves. With the soundwaves gone, Lucario and the others can focus clearly.

"Awesome! Now, Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt! And Lucario! Aura Sphere!"

"Pika...!" Pikachu jumped into the air, rolling a few times before generating an aura of electricity around him.

"Luca!" Lucario raised both his palms over his head before summoning a giant Aura Sphere. "Rio!"

"Chu!" At the same time, both of Ash's Pokemon unleashed their attacks. 100,000 volts of electricity went straight for the claw robots while a giant ball of Aura rolled through the air.

First, Pikachu's Thunderbolt had struck one robot as the electricity had spread out, affecting the other nearby ones, messing with their electrical systems by overloading it. And then after that, Lucario's giant Aura Sphere engulfed them all, consuming the robots in a giant blue explosion and destroying every last one.

"Pika!" Dragonite flew back, catching Pikachu and saving him from falling all the way down. "Pikachu!"


"Awesome job! Now everyone, hold on tight! Dragonite! Hurricane!"

"Dra!" Dragonite's eyes flared as she faced the ship that was approaching her. Ash and the others held on tight to Dragonite's back as the Dragon Pokemon flapped her wings, releasing a powerful gust of wind that stood in the way of the ship.

Afterwards, Dragonite flew off, leaving the castle ship to deal with this problem.

"A Hurricane!" One of the ponies cried out as the others onboard were very rightfully so starting to panic. If their ship gets caught up in this hurricane, it could spell disaster for all of them.

"Tch!" Skyblue Shine kissed her teeth, narrowing her eyes. "Get us away from that Hurricane immediately!" Not really knowing how to deal with something like this, the obvious choice was to just try and evade it.

The ponies commanding the ship began putting all their focus on moving away from the powerful gust of wind. A hard left was made as everyone else on board the ship could feel the whole vessel starting to tilt as some of them even fell to the side, losing their balance.

The power of the Hurricane was great enough to affect the ship even from a far distance. It was a good thing that the ship was purely made out of aluminium or else it would've been obliterated the moment the gusts of Hurricane even got near.

The ship's engines were rapidly beeping as the force of the Hurricane was starting to affect the inside as well. All of this turning had definitely given Dragonite all the time in the world to get a good distance.

Everyone held tight as the ship had managed to successfully turn around. They couldn't move directly forward with Hurricane in the way. But they could fly to the side and pursue Ash from there.

The ponies put the ship into full-throttle as they were starting to move back from the pull of the Hurricane. With full speed, the caste ship managed to escape the Hurricane with its boosters doing most of the heavy lifting.

"We're safe!"

"Good! Now, get a different side and continue pursuing them!" Skyblue Shine ordered.

"Wait!" One pilot halted them as she pointed her hoof at the radar screen. "Look. There's something else coming this way. Right towards us."

"Something else?" Skyblue Shine looked at the screen.

"It's gigantic. And moving at high speeds." She explained. "It's-"

"Lugia!" Multiple ponies exclaimed as they had all looked outside the window. Skyblue Shine rushed over the windows to see this for herself.

And lo and behold, with a giant shadow that was cast over the entire ship and wings flapping at a high frequency, standing at a total of 5.2 and 17′01″, it was the Diving Pokemon Lugia.

More specifically, it was Mew that had transformed into a Lugia. And on his back, Twilight and the others could be seen. But not Applejack and Rarity. They were back at the palace helping out.

"You...!" Skyblue Shine growled as she stared at Twilight and the others.

"Alright, Mew! Use Aura Sphere!" Pinkie Pie commanded. Mew, disguised as Lugia, opened his mouth as he generated a large ball of Aura, ready to fire it.

"Put up those shields!" Skyblue commanded. The pilots nodded as they had immediately registered the ship's shields to come online. Just like the battle station, a magical veil covered the whole thing.

Mew fired Aura Sphere as the ball of concentrated Aura met with the barrier. With one hit, Aura Sphere was enough to shake the barriers, even weakening it a bit.

"Eve! Use Shadow Ball! Absol, Dark Pulse! Minccy, Focus Blast! And Togekiss, you use Aura Sphere!" Twilight commanded.

"Mew! Aura Sphere again!"

"Castform! Weather Ball!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"Audi! Hyper Beam! Chikorita! Magical Leaf!"

"Espeon!" Eve and the other Pokemon all used their far ranged moves all at once. From fairy rainbows, beams of darkness, mental blasts, spheres made out of Aura, a sphere of fire, a giant orange energy beam and some mystical leaves. Each raced towards the ship.

All at once, the multitude of attacks had struck the barrier of magic. One hit from all of them and immediately the shields had been weakened to the point where they couldn't go on.

The shields had reached critical mass as they had each failed, lowing the ship's defences. It was now vulnerable to all of the attacks.

"Kh! All of them are downright irritating...!" Skyblue Shine let out an aggravated grin. "Fine then! We'll just shoot them out of the sky! Fire the main cannon!"

The castle ship had then turned around, facing Mew and the others instead of pursuing Ash and the staff. Once it faced them, the ship revealed its best weapon so far.

A giant cannon had sprouted from the front of the ship, just underneath the main command centre. The cannon already had something within it charging up. Most likely more magic.

"Not good! Everyone! Do what you did again! Go!" Twilight ordered. Everyone would use the same moves that they had done seconds ago to try and stop this incoming blast.

All except for Audino, who needed to recharge after using Hyper Beam. But she had one other option that could help either way. All Fluttershy had to do was wait for the right moment.

Once more, they used their ranged moves, shooting them towards the ship. And this time, they had all merged as one to create an even stronger attack.

But the cannon had just finished charging up impressive speeds. After the charging had ended, the cannon then unleashed a grandiose beam of magic from the outside shooting it forward.

The giant beam of magic had met with the merged attacks, creating an immediate struggle between them. But there wasn't a prolonged struggle at all. Despite having their attacks being merged as one, the magic cannon was somehow able to match them on equal terms despite being only one attack.

"More power!" Skyblue Shine ordered as she wanted Twilight and the others blown away for good. With that command, the ponies had increased the power of the cannon.

And that one single power increase was just enough to overpower the merged attacks. So much so that it consumed them before racing towards Twilight and her friends.

"No way!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Audi! Protect, go!"

"Audino!" Now was the time. With enough time to recharge, the Hearing Pokemon ran in front of her friends before putting her arms out. She summoned a circular protective screen in front of everyone else while closing her eyes.

The giant beam of magic raced through the sky as it met with Audino's Protect. The beam was so massive that it managed to engulf everyone, starting from Mew's giant stature as a Lugia.

But, even when being engulfed by it, Audino's Protect was still holding it back. Everyone ducked for cover as Twilight and Starlight used their magic for extra protection.

The beam of magic raged on with Audino trying her best to hold it back. The circle of Protect was starting to weaken as the Hearing Pokemon was starting to get on her knees.



Yet again, more power was added, increasing the beam's power and size, making it harder for Audino, Twilight and Starlight to even contain it. All three of their shields were cracking as they were on the verge of losing control.

"Chiko!" And Chikorita noticed this. For the first time, without sleepwalking, Chiokrita's special ability was kicking in desperation of saving her friends.

The leaf on her head was starting to come off. But this time, instead of small bits, it was a gigantic part. In fact, most of Chikorita's leaf had come off, leaving only a few bits and the stem that's connected to her head.

This giant leaf had touched Fluttershy's back as the shields had failed. Thus, the beam had broken through. And that same time, a bright light, coming from the leaf had engulfed everyone all around.

The magic beam blew up afterwards, causing a bright purple explosion to occur in the sky, blowing the clouds away as purple sparkles went falling lightly. After that, the purple smoke cleared as Mew and everyone else was nowhere to be found. They were completely gone.

Seeing that, the ponies applauded, believing that they had gotten rid of possibly the biggest threat in this world. But Skyblue Shine could sense that something was off.

The magic beam didn't cause that bright light to occur. Not at all. Even though it looked like they had been obliterated by the blast, the android could suspect that it wasn't as easy as it looked. But either way, she pressed on.

"Keep moving. Let's get that staff."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 449 End.

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