• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: The Beauty of Pokemon.

Cerise Laboratory, Day.

Twilight being the new assistant at Professor Cerise's research facility has prompted her to research on Pokemon further. Today she learns about moves. And how some of them work. It was easy to understand a few of them. Bite, Tackle, Scratch, Peck. All simple and understandable. But some of them are much harder to explain.

"Let's see. This one is odd. Swords Dance. Do some Pokemon have swords? And this one, Noble Roar. Some of these are so bizarre."

"That's the beauty of Pokemon, Twilight. How strange they all are." Cerise said walking to her assistant.

"Professor Cerise. Mind telling me how Pokemon moves even work?"

"It'd be difficult. To be honest, to understand how they work you'd need to see them for yourself."

"Are there some that you can explain to me at least?"

"Well, I can explain Grass Types, Fire Types, Water Types and Electric Types. But those ones are simple and easy because they are natural to the world. However, they aren't without their fair share of bizarre moves."

"I see. Guess I'll have to find out for myself."

"You do that. By the way Twilight."

"Yes, Professor?"

"Have you been seeing something odd in this lab recently?"

"No? Like what?"

"Must be a ghost type. Oh well. Good luck."

For Twilight's first mission on finding out on how moves work, she went over to SugarCube Corner. Slurpuff seemed like a Pokemon that would have bizarre moves.

"Pinkie Pie. Are your Slurpuff's here?"

"Right here!" Pinkie Pie and her Slurpuff were already planning on making the next delivery.

"Good. I need to observe them for a while. How they perform moves."

"Moves? Oh, you must mean their weird pink wind they can bring out."

"Weird pink wind?" That weird pink wind that Pinkie described was Fairy Wind. The Slurpuff used Fairy Wind as it went through SugarCube Corner. It stirred up had a nice feeling to it. "Oh. So that's what it is."

"Yeah. In fact. It's great for clearing out any thick air. It REALLY helps make this place much sweeter than it already is!"

"I see. Well, it's odd. A pink wind. I have to see if there's a move that describes that." Twilight scrolled through the moves book, looking for anything that would match until she found it. "Here it is. Fairy Wind."

"Fairies? Silly Twilight. Slurpys aren't fairies. They look a little like smaller bears actually." The nickname she had given them.

"That's the type Pinkie."


"Pokemon have types. 18 in total. Back with Rainbow Dash's first gym battle that was solely a Grass Type gym."

"Oooh. So what does that make Slurpy?"

"From what I can guess. The pink color scheme, move called Fairy Wind... that's a fairy type. Now to move on to the next move."

"Okay! Have fun! Oh, Slurpy! Do you think this vanilla pie is cooked enough?" She put a pie next to a Slurpuff.

"Slur!" It nodded in approval.

"Okay. Rarity has a ton of Sewaddle in her shop. I found out that they're Bug and Grass types. This should be straightforward."

Inside Rarity's shop, the Sewaddle's were sewing away.

"Oh Twilight, darling. Can I help you?"

"Yes, Rarity. I want to know.. what moves do these Sewaddle have? Or at least what they can do."

"I can refer to their wonderfully useful threads."

"Their threads huh? That move would be... string shot."

"Their threads have this perfect stick to them. Because of this, this removes any chance of my dresses falling apart if they were ever to be caught in a disaster. Why I don't think I would be able to rip them apart if I really tried."

"Sticky thread huh? This stuff is tough now is it?" Twilight went up, placing her hooves on one of the Sewaddle's threads. It stuck to her like glue. "Eugh."

"I said the same thing, darling. But really the disgusting part is hidden by the usefulness."

"Uh-huh. Well, this is actually natural. Most bugs have sticky strings. Come to think of it.. most Pokemon resemble that of already existing animals. What's up with that? Pikachu's a mouse, Minccy is a Chinchilla and most the flying types are all different breeds of birds. Could it be that Pokemon are just normal animals but embedded with magic in them that changes up their shape and form into something more mystical?"

Twilight was in one of those states again. Where she thinks too deep into everything.

"Twilight, darling. If you would like to know more, I would recommend going to Fluttershy. She already has a good grip on this."

"You're right. She managed to understand and bond with Pokemon in one day. She'll know something!"

At Fluttershy's Cottage, The Pokemon House...

Dawn and Brock had stayed behind to help with the house. Like caretakers to certain Pokemon. Today, young fillies are visiting the Pokemon House as a trip.

"So Dawn. Where are you headed next after all of this?" Brock asked her friend.

"I'm off to the Johto Region next. They just got their own contest halls recently. I wanna compete there."

"I'm surprised Johto got one. They're more of a traditional region compared to the others."

"I also want to try the contests here. I heard that BigTime Ben had also helped make Equestria's first-ever Contest hall. I can't wait!" Dawn was already a big coordinator after so much hard work. But she wanted to advance even further than she already has.

"Look at this one, girls!" Applebloom was admiring a Fomantis which drew her attention.

"This one? It's not that interesting looking." Scootaloo wasn't impressed by it at all. "Now this one is more my thing!" The little pegasus went pointed over at a Luxio. The Flash Pokemon.

Diamond Tiara, on the other hand, was admiring a Pokemon that felt akin to her class. A Swanna that was in the water type section, whilst Silver Spoon grew a liking to a Beautifly.

Twilight had arrived to see the young ones on their Pokemon House trip as she headed to Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy. There you are."

"Twilight. Glad you're here. Have you come to help with some adjustments to the house?"

"Oh no. I came to ask you about moves. Specifically what Pokemon can do."

"Moves? Oh, I see what you mean."

"You're pretty good with Pokemon. And they're essentially animals but different. So you can tell me how some of the more obscure ones work right?"

"Oh yes. I do indeed."

"Great! Now... what can you tell me about the move, Water Pulse. How does that work?"

"Well, Concussive waves of water are pretty dangerous. Water can be disruptive, more than most things. Its why the word pulse is in there."

"Is that so? That sounds a bit dangerous. Which Pokemon can even use these?"

"Mostly Water-Types. But no need to worry. These lovable little ones would never do that out of nowhere. If they did then everpony's ears would feel that force and noise."

"Yikes. Well, that-" Twilight's words were stopped by Rainbow Dash who fell from the sky. "Rainbow Dash?!"

"Sorry. Came down too fast." The pegasi shook the dirt off her.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to sync better with Rufflet. I think if we both practice flying speeds then we're gonna blitz through every gym. The Pokemon won't even know that Rufflet moved." Rufflet had flown down, only seconds after Rainbow Dash.

"Uh-huh. Well, Rainbow Dash. Can you tell me about moves? At least your Rufflet's."

"Sure! Rufflet learned a new one even!"

"A new move? They can learn new moves?!" Twilight went over the book to see where it said that Pokemon can learn moves over time.

"Yeah! Check it out. Rufflet. Use Tailwind." Rufflet had kicked up a turbulent wind that blew on the opposing side. "This is what I need! With this move, my Pokemon will be able to move even faster! I can just imagine how fast Whirlipede would move with all the wind in our favor."

"Of course! A tailwind. How obvious. Well, it seems I can get a good breakdown on how moves really work, even the more strange selections."

"Like how?"

"Flying-type moves are the way they are because they mainly have something to do with the air, the wind and the sky. And even what birds naturally do. How didn't I notice it before? Everything has a reason for the way it is. Haha. That's another lesson done." Twilight had closed the book.

"All of this to learn about certain moves?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Mhm. I didn't understand it at first, but now it's all so clear and easy."

"Not all of it. Look." Fluttershy pointed over at a move that was tough to describe. A Corphish had broken a rock in half with its crab hands that lit up. That move was specifically Crabhammer.

"Did that crab's claws light up?" Rainbow Dash said.

"How can this be? Is there a light type that I'm unaware of?" Twilight opened the book up to find anything about this.

"I don't think so. I think it's just how some Pokemon showcase their energy." Fluttershy replied.

"Energy?" They both said in unison.

"Like how whenever Ash tells Pikachu to use the move Iron Tail, Pikachu's tail lights up and is just as heavy and hard as iron. From what I can tell, certain Pokemon improvise."


"Yes, Twilight. See that Wooper over there?" Fluttershy pointed at the little Water Fish Pokemon. "They only have feet and a tail. No claws, appendages or paws. But it can use a move called Dig. Because it doesn't have any upper limbs, it uses its hard head and feet to dig underground. Ash taught me this by showing me what his Pokemon can do to get creative.

"I still don't get it.."

"Look Twilight. I think Pokemon are a bit out of your reach for now. We still have no idea what they're capable of. So don't worry about it too much." Rainbow Dash said to her friend.

Twilight sighed, taking Rainbow's advice. "You're right. I shouldn't worry about it too much. It's just that. Pokemon are just so interesting to me. They're like nothing we've ever seen before. They can do so much and there so many of them with something that makes them stand out."

"In that case. I can show you the beauty of them." Fluttershy suggested.


"Alright, every-pokemon!" Fluttershy called out for all the Pokemon in the house. "Why don't we all show Twilight, how wonderful you can all be."

On the other side, Ash was at Sweet Apple Acres, helping Applejack out as he was pulling some logs.

"Come on Ash! Put your back into it!" Applejack yelled. Granny Smith and Big Mac were also watching from afar along with Pikachu.

"This is nothing! I've pulled heavier things!" Ash was to take these logs which had filled up the Orchard and place them away from Sweet Apple Acres. The trainer had reached a good enough distance, placing them down. "Whew."

"Good job there, Ash. I gotta say, you're might strong for your build. If I didn't know any better I'd say you come from a line of hard workers."

"Thanks, Applejack. I guess all that journeying improved my natural skills as well."

"Natural is right. Sonny, you could fool a feller with just your appearance alone." Granny Smith said. "I mean look at you. Your hair's all scruffy." She rustled his hair by taking his hat off. "Your clothes look like they haven't even been washed or taken care of for weeks. And you're built averagely."

"Uh...gee thanks, Granny Smith." Ash felt stung by those words a bit. Granny was a bit too honest there.

"No problem sonny. Now, are you gonna help for a little while?"

"Sorry, no can do. I promised I'd help Rainbow Dash train today. Me and Pikachu gotta get going now."

"You have fun then. Oh, by the way, Ash. Some feller came over to tell you that I should give you this." Applejack lent a purple bracelet over to Ash. "Didn't say his name, but apparently you might need it."

"Alright." Ash placed the bracelet on his hands as he felt a slight flash in his eyes. It didn't bother him too much. "Woah... freaky. Come on Pikachu. We gotta get going!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu hopped off Big Mac's back, heading off with his partner.

Back at the Pokemon House, Twilight was shown just how wonderful Pokemon can be. A group of Florges had used petal blizzard and magical leaf as they soared in the sky, creating a spiral of beautiful leaves. Next, a flock of Staravia's flew around the leaves, creating a wind current around them. Then, one Staravia set apart the leaves by spreading its wings out. The leaves beautifully flew onto the ground. The next beauty was introduced by some Floatzel's who rose into the air via Aqua Jet. 10 of them in total were in the air as they made a perfect line full of Aqua Jets. It was like watching multiple fountains go up. A Gorebyss swam up through the Aqua Jet's rising into the air. To make them stay up there a longer, a Kadabra had used psychic to keep them still. The Aqua Jet's were then radiated in a beautiful light by a Lanturn letting out its bright light. Golden lights surrounded the Aqua Jet's, giving them a golden outline. The Water-Type Pokemon were really putting on a show. Kadabra had then let go of them as they were falling back into the water. Before they hit the water, A Lumineon had shown off its luminescent light from underneath. Lanturn joined in as both blue and golden lights shined from above and below. The Water-Types returned to the lake as the aftermath was a beautiful light show of blue and gold water spouts rising up, giving everypony a wonderful sight.

"It is beautiful..." Twilight was stunned as everypony applauded. Even Diamond Tiara could get behind it.

"See Twilight? Pokemon are amazing creatures. We may not understand them... but I think that's the beauty of them. That they are so mysterious and full of wonder."

"Yeah... I guess so. I've been so caught up on trying to figure out how they work and what they can do... I didn't take into account how majestic they can be without any explanation."

Twilight had realised it all now. Pokemon were on another level of mysterious. Maybe one day she'll figure them out. But for now, she can just sit back, relax and enjoy this world for what it is.

Chapter 34 End

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