• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Eeveelution Enigma


The one Pokemon that greatly confused Twilight.

How is it capable of having more evolutions than any other Pokemon. More than that, how can it evolve based on either stones or certain conditions.

And why is it only limited to 8 types? Why not all 18? Even when reading the book titled 'The Eeveelution Enigma', it still had her curious. But that wasn't the only reason she was curious about Eevee. You see...

"I want one." She blurted.

"Want what?" Spike asked.

"I want an Eevee!" Twilight declared.

"You?! Uhh.. wait what's an Eevee again?"

"It's that Pokemon with the irregular genetic code. This Pokemon has my interest piqued over a million. Not only that but it is super cute!"

"So you've finally decided on the first Pokemon you wanna catch?"

"Of course! No offense Minccy. You are still my first official Pokemon."


"Today. I'll catch myself an Eevee, figure out how it's genetic code works and evolve it into one of the Eeveelutions!"

"You're not gonna dissect it are you?!" Spike feared.

"What? No! Course not! Unless it comes down it... Anyways, I'm off to find an Eevee!" Twilight walked out of Golden Oaks, ready to set out for her future Eevee. "Now then. Where to start? Kanto maybe? They do originate there apparently."

"Morning Twilight. Where ya headed?" Applejack asked, walking up to her friend.

"Morning Applejack. I'm just headed to find myself an Eevee!" She said with a wide smile on her face.

"Eevee? That fox Pokemon thing?"

"That's the one! I was hoping to go to Kanto to find one."

"Why not try the Pokemon House? Even with the little fella's petrified, new Pokemon from the other world come along and live there. New ones every day." Applejack recommended.

"You're right! I might even find one of the Eeveelutions there! Thanks, Applejack!" Twilight then changed directions, heading towards Fluttershy's Cottage and the Pokemon House instead.

At said house, Audino and Fluttershy were still taking care of the petrified Pokemon. Grimer still being the only Pokemon who wasn't affected. However, more Pokemon started to arrive from the other world, living at the Pokemon House, so things didn't feel lonely here anymore. More Water-Types had appeared in the river, but then again they have the most Pokemon out of every type, and more Flying-Types, Normal-Types and Grass-Types came along.

Along came Twilight, seeing all the new Pokemon that had arrived.

"Hey, Fluttershy."

"Oh, hey Twilight."

"How goes the healing?"

"Well. Some of the Pokemon are starting to move a bit. Just barely though. So we're doing our best to make sure they still have some movement in them."

"How sweet. I hope that Remedy Roy has the cure very soon. So Fluttershy. I came here wondering if I could find and have an Eevee."

"An Eevee? Hmm. I think I saw an Eevee or two come here 4 days ago. Right inside the house."

"Perfect! I'll go check. Here I come my future Eeveelution!" Twilight pranced over to the inside of the house.

"Wow, she seems very enthusiastic about an Eevee."


Entering the house, Twilight spotted some small Pokemon scurrying about. She looked around but no Eevee on this part of the house. She then went upstairs and there they were.

Three Eevees. All just casually sitting down on the bed.

"There it is... Eevee." Twilight squeed. "They're just as small and cute as the books show!" She zipped on over to the two Eevee's, getting a good look at them.


"Hey, Eevee. My name's Twilight Sparkle. Want to be my Pokemon?"

"Eevee.." The Eevee's had hopped off the bed, not taking Twilight's offer.

"W-Wha- Wait! Where are you going?" Twilight had followed the Evolution Pokemon outside of the house as they were not paying her any attention. "I'll give you some delicious Pokeblocks! My friend Pinkie makes the best food for all species!"

"What's wrong Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's these Eevee. They're avoiding me. Do I smell? Was it something I said?"

"Oh no, Twilight. That's not it." The Eevee went over to Fluttershy, sitting next to her. "You see, some Pokemon only go with somepony else if they trust them. It's how Pokemon and trainers bond. By trust."

"I can be trustworthy."

"You have to earn their trust, Twilight. Simply telling them to be your Pokemon won't do." Fluttershy shook her head.


"I guess that makes sense. Ash and his Pokemon trust him more than anypony. Alright. Where do I start?"

"Well, a good place to start is by some Pokemon activities!" Fluttershy exclaimed.


"Pokemon activities?"

"Mhm. I've been laying out some activities for Pokemon and potential future trainers. It's a simple way of making both of them get to know each other and bond. Professor Oak had recommended it to me actually. So let's get you and Eevee started!"

The first activity.

Getting to know the Pokemon.

"But I already know a lot about Eevee. Its code is irregular, the stones, the conditions, etc." Twilight said.

"Not that Twilight. It's like what Rainbow Dash did with her Pokemon. Just casually talk to each other and see what you both like. Right Eevee?"

"Vee!" They responded.

"Now. These three Eevees are very different in personality or nature if you hadn't noticed. The one in the middle is Adamant. She's ab it on the tougher sider and harder to convince."

"Eev." The Adamant Eevee looked away from Twilight, giving her a 'Hmph' expression.

"I can see that..." Twilight replied.

"The one the right has a Hasty nature. He tends to do things excessively."

"Vee! Vee!" The brisk Eevee bellowed, scaring Twilight a bit.

"And finally the one the right has Lax nature. She's more of a slow-moving Eevee."

"Eevee..." The relaxed Eevee laid on its back.

"So. Getting to understand all three of them is a great place to start. You can connect with them despite their natures."


"Hm. Good point. I'll start with the Lax one. Seems easy enough."

"Alright. You're up first." Fluttershy said to Lax Eevee. The lazy Eevee had walked up to Twilight, letting out a huge yawn.

"So. What is it that you like Eevee? Any favorite spots to hang out?"

"Eev..." Eevee merely snuggled up on the grass, feeling like falling asleep again. Twilight sighed at this.

"How about some food?" Twilight used her magic to take some berries of the tree. "Eh? Tasty ripe berries?"

Eevee was up for these berries as it jumped up, biting and eating them whole and then heading back to relaxation.

"Well, it's a start. I guess. Oh! I know!" Twilight used her magic to grab the pillow inside the Pokemon House, bringing to the Lax Eevee. She placed the pillow on his little tiny fox head. This did end up making the Lax Eevee even more relaxed and happy.

"Good job, Twilight. You really knew what to give him."


"It was easy. Just make him feel relaxed. And he's happy." Twilight boasted. "Okay. I'll take the Hasty one. Can't be too tough right?"

"Alright. You're up next." Fluttershy said to the hyper Eevee.

"Vee! Vee!" The Hasty Eevee had run over to Twilight, scaring her a bit. "Eevee!"

"Eevee says, let's get this party started." Fluttershy translated.

"Uh-huh." Twilight laughed nervously. This Eevee was a bit on the intimidating side and considering how fast it moved. "So, what is it that you like? I bet you like to run a lot huh?"

"Eev!" The excessive Eevee replied, nodding its head. It ran circles around Twilight, eager to do something exciting.

"Seems like this Eevee wants to do something wild and exhilarating. What do you think Twilight?"

"I hope it's not anything too dangerous...How about we talk about...what you could race against!"


"Yeah. I hear there are some pretty fast Pokemon out there. My friend Rainbow Dash has a Whirlipede that gets faster every time it battles. Its ability is Speed Boost. So maybe you could race against that and see how fast you can go."

"Eevee!" The hyper Eevee jumped up, loving that idea.

"It gets better. Electric-Type Pokemon are generally the fastest of all 18 Types. So maybe one day, you can race against all the Electric-Type Pokemon you want and maybe even evolve into a Jolteon. That way you'll be able to outpace any Pokemon."

"Eevee! Eevee!" Eevee jumped around with excitement. It ran around the house, imagining itself racing against Electric-Types.

"Wow. You knew how to handle that one too. Amazing job Twilight!"

"Audi! Audino!"

"Well, it's actually pretty easy. These Eevees remind a lot of my friends. Old and new. The Hasty one reminds me of Rainbow Dash and the Lax one takes me back to an old friend back in Canterlot. So I can tell what they might be into. But this one's gonna be tough." Twilight looked at the final Eevee. The Adamant one.

"Eevee." The resolute Eevee had simply stood there, ready to resist whatever Twilight would try.

"She says to try your best. You won't convince me." Fluttershy translated.

"Oh, I'll try my best alright. I know how to deal with you. How about I show you Ponyville Eevee?"

"Eev... Eevee."

"She says sure. It won't change much though."

"Great. Come on. You're gonna be easily convinced."

"Oh. Wait, I wanna come too!" Fluttershy said, following them.

Twilight had led the Adamant Eevee into Ponyville, dedicated to impressing her. The first place to go? Rarity's boutique.

"Here!" Twilight had entered Carasouel Boutique, grabbing Rarity and her Pokemon's attention.

"Oh. Twilight darling. Can I help you?"

"Hey, Rarity. I'm just here showing this Eevee around, just to convince it to trust me.

"This little fox Pokemon?" Rarity looked down at the Evolution Pokemon.

"That's right. I've decided to get myself an Eevee but I need its trust first."

Eevee looked around as it saw nothing that caught its eye. It was greatly unimpressed.


"Eevee says that all of these dresses look tacky and threadbare." Fluttershy translated. Those words hit Rarity like a truck. She felt greatly insulted. By a Pokemon of all things. The Sewaddle were struck too, huddling up in the corner after Eevee just insulted their hard work. "Ooh. Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have translated that."

"TACKY?! Listen here you miniature fox!" Rarity went towards Eevee, looking down at her in disdain. But the Adamant Eevee simply looked away not being intimidated by Rarity.

"Now Rarity calm down. I'm sure Eevee means well. It's just a bit on the hard-nosed side. It is Adamant after all."

"Well, you tell your ADAMANT Pokemon over here that she wouldn't know what fashion was even if it hit her tiny little muzzle!"

"Vee." Eevee had a smug look on her face, swishing her tail back, showing a sign of dissing Rarity. Rarity grit her teeth as her horn started to glow. She wanted to toss this thing across the room.

"Alright! I think that's enough! We'll just go now." Twilight stopped the imminent chaos as they left Carousel Boutique.

"Sorry, Twilight. This Eevee is a bit on the cynical side too. I should've mentioned that as well."

"No need to worry. We still have other places to go to. How about SugarCube Corner? Even she can't resist food."

At SugarCube Corner, the Slurpuffs were helping Mr and Mrs Cake out along with Pinkie Pie.

"See? Get a look at all the yummy stuff here, Eevee!" They had entered.

"Eevee..." The Adamant Eevee walked forward, looking at the excessively pink place. She jumped up the table, looking at the pastry on it.

"Oh. Does this little fella like what he sees?" Mr Cake commented.

"I betcha. No Pokemon can resist food of all kinds!"

Eevee placed her paws on the frosting of a cake, licking it. She had come to a conclusion.

"Eevee. Vee, vee."

"Eevee says that this cake is too sweet. Not everyone enjoys excessively sweet frostings, or else their life will be put in danger. How do you expect anyone to know the sweetness level of it?" Fluttershy translated. "Oops. I did it again."

Mr and Mrs Cake had felt that. They didn't take it as hard as Rarity though.

"Oh. T-T-That's fine. We can just make a cake that has a good amount of sweetness so that no pony can be in danger." Mrs Cake stammered.

"Is it me, or this Eevee very judgemental. More than anypony I've ever met." Twilight whispered to Fluttershy.

"Oh come on! Who cares about that? Sweet cakes are the best!" Pinkie Pie popped out of the cake, eating a bit of it. "You'll love it once we add some extra stuff on it. Like cherries and fondue! Sweet melted Fondue! I bet you'll never want to stop eating it."


"Eevee says that she doesn't like this hyperactive pony. She's worse than the hasty Eevee and already gets on her nerves." Fluttershy translated once more. She covered her mouth with her hooves as Twilight looked at her, shaking her head. "Sorry."

"W-Wha?" Pinkie tilted her head. "Oh come on. I know I can be a bit on the fast side but you don't think I'm annoying do you? I mean we just met. I'm sure we can get to know-"

Eevee had hopped off the table, not listening to Pinkie Pie as she walked off. Pinkie Pie felt hurt by that. She just turned her down that fast and judged her character so easily.

"Sorry Pinkie! Sorry, Mr and Mrs Cake!" Twilight said, walking out. "What is with you?! Why are you so rude to my friends?!"

"Eevee. Vee."

"Eevee says that she judges everyone based on what they do or how they act. That's how she comes to trust others."

"Well... It's a horrible way to trust others!" Twilight bellowed. This had grabbed Eevee's attention. "The way you do it, you'll never be able to trust anypony else! I bet that you'll end up distancing everypony from you due to your stubborn personality!"

"E-Eevee?!" She was shocked. Twilight was really letting her have it. No one has ever criticised her before. Even Pokemon haven't.

"You're the one Pokemon I'd never choose!"

Eevee took that hard. The same impact that was felt on the ones she dissed earlier. The Evolution Pokemon started to tear up a bit, preparing to cry.

"Oh, dear. She's going to cry now!"

"Well, it's not my fault." Twilight crossed her hooves. Eevee had suddenly fired a Swift at Twilight's face, running off. "Ow!"

"Oh! Eevee, wait!" Fluttershy called out, but the Evolution Pokemon had headed into the Everfree Forest. "Oh I wish she wasn't so Adamant."

Twilight did feel slightly bad. Not too much anyway. "Hmmrgh. I'm not going to apologize for what I said. I won't let anyone insult and be rude to my friends!"

"What's up you guys?" Ash had arrived, unaware of what just happened.


"Oh, hey Ash and Pikachu. Well.. a lot has happened recently.."


"What happened was an Eevee was rude to my friends. I couldn't let that go. And now it wants to act all sappy."

"Oh yeah. I know a lot of Pokemon like that!" Ash and Pikachu started to laugh.


"Eevee's are pretty judgemental. But they mean well. Every Pokemon is different from each other. Some are harsh, some are impish, it varies ya know." Ash explained. Throughout his journeys, he's come across many Pokemon with all sorts of personalities. He's had his fair share of cynical Pokemon like Lucario and Volcanion.

Twilight thought for a bit after what Ash had said. Eevee was at the end of the day a young Pokemon. Still unevolved. And it was hard to tell what it would become later on. Celestia's Pokemon Kirlia was a timid Ralts, but once it evolved, it became more confident in itself and open.

"I have to go and talk to her." Twilight flew towards Everfree, off to find Eevee.

The now sad Evolution Pokemon was wandering Everfree. Unaware of what was lurking behind it. The Cragadile. It had spotted a tasty meal just standing there. Eevee turned around to see the Cragadile licking tongue, ready to chomp on it. Eevee would use a move but it was too terrified to do so.

"Ee..Eevee!" It started to run as the Cragadile chased it down through Everfree. Eevee was lucky to be a fast Pokemon, outpacing it. But its luck ran out once it came across a dead end. A cliff to be exact. The Cragadile had cornered her with its massive size.

"You get away from her!" A voice was heard. Twilight was flying in the air, getting a better hang of her wings this time. She used her magic to lift the Cragadile, sending it back. "Eevee! Are you okay?" She went up to her. Eevee was shaking and cowering uncontrollably. To think that the same stubborn and rude Pokemon could be so afraid and unable to defend itself.

"Eevee..." It huddled up in the corner as Twilight stood by her. The Cragadile had gazed at Twilight, recognized her. It had unfinished business after last time. Twilight gulped as the two had a staredown. Twilight then looked at Eevee, gaining the idea of battling with her.

"Eevee. Will you trust me to battle with you?"

The Adamant Evolution Pokemon looked up at Twilight after she said those words. And in that single moment, her trust had been put in her. Even after all she said, Twilight came back to her. Just to save and protect her. Eevee nodded her head in response, finally putting some trust in the young alicorn. She jumped up, standing in front of Twilight and looking at the Cragadile.

"Alright! Eevee! Use that move you used on my face earlier!" Eevee had unleashed Swift as magical stars pelted the Cragadile's face, pushing it back even. "Go and use whatever move you know to flatten it!"

Twilight was finally having her first battle. Even if it wasn't against another Pokemon. Eevee had used Quick Attack, racing forward and smashing its head on the Cragadile's face. When a trainer and a Pokemon battle, the Pokemon's fears disappear. As it knows that it is safe with its trainer. Eevee kept unleashed Swift on the Cragadile. The giant beast couldn't take any more of this so it decided to retreat for now.

"Alright! Way to go Eevee!" Twilight cheered. Eevee had a smile on her face as she lunged at Twilight, hugging her.

Ash, Pikachu, Fluttershy and Audino were watching from a distance. Seeing the whole thing go down. They were all proud of Twilight and Eevee.

Eventually, once they returned to Ponyville, Eevee had apologized to Rarity, Mr and Mrs Cake, Pinkie Pie and their Pokemon as well. They had gladly taken the apology. After all, they couldn't stay mad at a Pokemon as cute as Eevee.

"So Twilight. What Eeveelution are you gonna have?" Ash asked.


"I was thinking of... Espeon!"

"Oh, Espeon! That's a great choice! You're gonna need to bond with Eevee a lot in the day. That way, Espeon will be yours in on time."


"I'm so proud of you Twilight. And you too Eevee. For finding your first trainer." Fluttershy said.



"Thanks, Fluttershy. I can't wait to see where we go from here. Right Eve?" Twilight had given her a nickname.


With a new partner Pokemon on Twilight's side, this large group of friends grows even larger than ever. Who knows how large it's going to get. Perhaps larger than the world can even handle. But as long as they're all together. As the journey continues.

Chapter 77 End!

Author's Note:

Now Twilight has her own Ace Pokemon.

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