• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Taunt to convince them

Equestria. Canterlot. Day.

"What do you mean you quit?!" Rainbow Dash pulled back. Currently, after the defeat of Spitfire and Daylight Blazer under the hooves of Twilight Sparkle and Aria Blaze, in the biggest upset of the Canterlot Tag Battle Competition, Lightning Dust was distraught.

She expected Spitfire to win so that she could potentially face her later on. But to her dismay, that never happened. Her battle against Spitfire had been wiped out of existence due to that upset.

"What about the Washouts and getting them to be popular?! Aren't you gonna win for that?!"

"It was meant to go together with Spitfire's defeat! I can't go on with this!" LIghtning exclaimed. "I prepared my team to face Spitfire and everything and now it's all been turned upside down because of some siren and her Popplio! How did they even win?!"

"Well, Twilight's pretty good at protecting others, but besides that, you can't quit. We're a team. The competition's not over and we've still got-"

"I told you, I don't want to be your partner!" Lightning exclaimed, cutting Rainbow Dash off. "I don't know why you keep thinking that. You know I didn't come here to have fun or something like that. The reason I came here's been blown away thanks to...whatever her name is."

"It's Aria." Just then, a voice replied to Lightning, grabbing her attention and Rainbow Dash. Appearing above the skies was the older sister of Aria and the one here to laugh at Lightning's misery.

Adagio Dazzle.

"Adagio?" said Rainbow Dash.

"And my oh my...that was the best thing I've had to witness yet." Adagio chuckled. "What happened to all that bravado about my sister losing to the Top 3?"

"Y-You heard all of that?"

"I sure did. Pays to snoop. But honestly, you should've seen the look on your face when that happened. Ah, if I never stopped absorbing despair as magic anymore, I would've consumed all of this. It still feels delicious!"

"Come here to rub it in?!" Lightning growled.

"Yes!" Adagio was honest as her eyes widened with a devious smile. "Priceless wasn't it?! Hohohoho!" Her cocky laughter and taunting of Lightning Dust irritated the pegasus. "Honestly, I have a good feeling about this competition now. I wasn't too interested but if there's a chance my little sister could win this then why not? It'd also be impressive if she manages to outdo you two as an above-average trainer."

"What are you getting at?" Lightning narrowed her eyes.

"I'm just saying. She proved you wrong big-time. And she's probably more than an above-average trainer if I'm being honest. Seeing her work with Twilight Sparkle made me a bit sick in the mouth, but their teamwork is exceptional. Definitely better than what you two churned out yesterday. But that's to be expected from us sirens. We talk big and we can back it up too." Adagio snickered with a smug expression while laying her head on the clouds.

"No way!" Lightning exclaimed before turning around. She then recalled everything Aria said to her. It was Aria who made the challenge of beating Spitfire and shocked Lightning Dust. If there's one thing about Lightning Dust is that she can't let something go. And this was one of them. "There's no way I'm going to let her 1UP me!"

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" Adagio smirked before laying on a cloud.

"I'm winning this competition and beating that Aria Blaze. I may have lost my chance to beat Spitfire...but I won't lose my chance to beat her!"

"Then run along, my little pony." Adagio flailed her hoof in a shoo-mootion. "Can't wait to see you lose."

"I won't lose!" Just then, Lightning Dust flew back towards the stadium with high energy. Rainbow Dash looked at Lightning before looking back at Adagio.

"Uh..D-Did you?"

"I did. The only way to convince her to keep going." Adagio hopped off the cloud. "Us sirens are good at getting others heated, after all. Plus, I wouldn't miss out on this. Not one bit."

"So, you think we're gonna lose?"

"Meh. You, I have some hope for. Not for your partner there. Take some advice from yours truly." Adagio pointed her hoof at herself, showing off her superiority complex. "My sisters and I make an amazing team for various reasons. It's a bit like the team you have right now. We argue a lot as well. Well...not to that level."

"You know how to make and Lightning work together for real?" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Depends. She kinda reminds me of Aria. Just a tad bit." Adagio shrugged. "I know her types all too well. But she looks harder to reach than Aria."

"Gee...That's some advice." The pegasus sighed.

"But the point is, we put aside our differences to focus on one thing. It's how we've been so good at absorbing magic and causing negativity for a good time. Lightning doesn't look like she can. But maybe you with your weird friendship powers or whatever can do it."

"Can I?" Rainbow Dash wondered as she wasn't so sure of herself. But this didn't last long. She's not new to something like this. Mienfoo was essentially the catalyst for Rainbow to find some middle ground.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?" Adagio turned around, heading back to the balcony to watch the battle. "Good luck on your next battle. Hope my sister wins~"

"Uh, thanks." The pegasus scratched her mane before flying back to the stadium. The next matches were taking place now.

Equestria League Stadium.

It was time for the next match to ensue. One between Barry and Applejack against Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust. Thanks to Adagio, Lightning Dust had the strength to carry on.

Aria sat with confidence in the lounge after her win. She held her newly evolved Brionne with pride. And as she sat there, Lightning Dust had passed by.

"Off to win or lose?" said Aria, grabbing Lightning's attention.

"Just you watch! When I win this, I'll go against you soon!" Lighting pointed her hoof at the smug siren. "Don't get cocky with that Brionne of yours next time!"

Afterwards, Lightning ran off into the field. Rainbow Dash flew by, shrugging as Barry and Applejack followed suit. Aria seemed unphased by Lightning's words.

"I'm not even using Brionne next." She said.


And now, with both teams on the field, the next round of this section could begin. There certainly were an abundance of competitors, but gradually, they were being dropped down with each round. Either today or tomorrow could this Tag Battle Competition end.

"You looked pumped now, Lightning. Guess this means we can-" Rainbow Dash spoke to Lightning Dust, hoping that she would cooperate after seeing what she was up against now.

"Save it." But she didn't. Lightning still refused to properly team up with Rainbow Dash. "From now on, I'm doing things my way and my way alone. I work better with my Pokemon anyway than anypony else."

"Nice attitude." Rainbow Dash adjusted her Mega Evolution goggles, pouting. "Well, have it your way. I'll still try and help you in any way I can."

"Hahaha! Just watch us!" Barry chuckled with his arms crossed. "Applejack and I are gonna make history right here! Then I could be a hero here in Canterlot like Ash!"

"I dunno about that one..." Applejack scratched her mane. "But, you're eccentric alright, so I know you'll do something crazy like Ash does."

"Oh, you know it! Let's be eccentric together, AJ!"

"Me?" Applejack pulled back. "Eccentric? Hmm...Okay!" Applejack was actually all up for being eccentric. Barry rubbed off on her for sure.

"Pretty soon after this, we'll get to go up against you and Ash." Spike looked at Ash and Fluttershy. "Should I be nervous?"

"Is it okay to be nervous right now?" Scootaloo chimed in.

"No need to worry." Ash gave a thumbs up. "We'll have a blast all the way through it."


"Both sides. Please bring out your Pokemon." said the referee.

"Sceptile, it's all you." Applejack finally went for Sceptile considering her opponent was Rainbow Dash. Not to be taken lightly.


"Then for me, it's Empoleon!" And as for Barry, with a mighty swing of his arm, out came the Emperor Pokemon Empoleon.


"I know the Pokemon for this! Go, Altaria!" For this round, Altaria was Rainbow Dash's choice. Perfect against Sceptile being a Flying-Type. All Lightning had to do was choose a Pokemon to counter Empoleon and even Sceptile.

And she had the Pokemon for that.

"Toxtricity! Go!" She used her wing to send Toxtricity out his Poke Ball.


"Battle Start!"

"Empoleon! Ice Beam!"

"Poleon!" Starting off strong, Empoleon used Ice Beam towards Altaria. He had a move that was already super-effective against the Hummoning Pokemon.

"Oh! Altaria, fight back with your own Ice Beam!"

"Taria!" Acting quick, Altaria also used Ice Beam to cancel the attack out, resulting in an icy blue explosion mid-air.

"Kay, Altaria, use Pluck on Sceptile!"

"Tari!" Altaria's bean emanated a vibrant blue light with sparkles coming out. She then made her way towards the Forest Pokemon.

"Toxtricity! Boomburst!"

"Tox...TRICITY!" Acting next, Toxtricity had strummed his electrical organs on his chest, releasing a blast of powerful white sound waves. They were highly widespread as they affected the ears of every Pokemon here. Especially poor Audino who had the most sensitive ears out of any Pokemon.


"Taria!" Altaria was hit by Boomburst too with how wide it was. It knocked her back including Sceptile and Empoleon. However, Empoleon resisted it thanks to his Steel-Typing as he slid back.

"Altaria! Are you okay?!" Rainbow Dash gasped as Altaria recovered herself through the air.


"Follow up with Sludge Wave on Sceptile!"

"Sceptile, Slam!

"Tile!" It was Sceptile's turn to make a move as he approached Toxtricity with his hands out. He wasn't going to hit him in the head, rather, actually slam him like a wrestler would. And Sceptile had the speed and strength to make it happen.

"Toxtricity, use Sludge Wave!"

"Empoleon, go for Steel Wing!"

"Empol!" Empoleon wanted some licks in. By covering his flippers in steel, he lunged over at Altaria. As for Toxtricity, a big wave of dark purple sludge formed around Toxtricity. The sludge was then hurled at the incoming Forest and Emperor Pokemon with the movement of his hands.

"Dodge it!"

"Tile!" Sceptile leapt over the sludge while Empoleon was unaffected thanks to his Steel-Typing. After jumping over, Sceptile used his vines to grab Toxitricity from afar.

"Tox?!" Toxtricity gasped before noticing the vines wrap around him. Sceptile then pulled him into the air with great force, making him gasp. "T-Tox!"

"Sceptile!" And to finish Slam off, Sceptile had slammed Toxtricity into the ground with his vines. The heavy impact caused some cracks to form as Sceptile pulled his vines away.

As for Empoleon, he went to swing at Altaria, only for the Humming Pokemon to narrowly dodge it. But Empoleon didn't stop there. "Poleon!" The Emperor Pokemon lunged forward, going for another Steel Wing to try and hit his mark. Altaria zoomed to the side, evading it once more.

"Tari!" Altaria cried out after evading twice, much to the chagrin of Barry and Empoleon.

"Now retaliate with some Dragon Pulse!"

"Altaria!" After evading the Steel Wings, Altaria went on the offensive, throwing out a quick Dragon Pulse from her mouth. Only for it to be deflected by Empoleon's Steel Wing.


So far, only Toxtricity had suffered damage from Sceptile's Slam. Sceptile, Altaria and Empoleon remained untouched as they were playing it safe. Playing it safe is never a bad approach as it helps to be defensive. Rainbow Dash had learned this through her months of battling. Before, she was an up-close and personal battler. Now, she's a mixture of good offence and good defence. What a leap.

The same can be said for Applejack and especially Barry. Barry's experience with Ash, Paul and the Sinnoh League had driven him to grow as a trainer. And Applejack has grown herself alongside her Sceptile.

"Hm-hm-hm." Barry chuckled, putting his finger over his nose. "Too bad for you two, it's not just Ice Beam that's good for this battle."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust both said.

"This won't do anything to Altaria, but it'll sure do something to Toxtricity! Empoleon, Earthquake!"

"It knows Earthquake?!" Lightning pulled back, knowing that Toxtricity was heavily weak to Ground the same way Altaria is heavily weak to Ice. Empoleon would channel the Ground-Type move into his wings.


"I don't think so! Counter it with Boomburst!"

"Stop 'em Sceptile!"

"Scep...!" But Sceptile wouldn't allow his teammate to fail using Earthquake. He put out his arms to quickly send out his vines to try and grab Toxtricity before he blows everything sky-high with Boomburst.

"Altaria, Moonblast!"

"Tari! But saving Toxtricity from that was Altaria after she gathered power from the moon. After doing so, she had blown away the vines with the sphere.

In sync, Empoleon and Toxtricity had both unleashed Earthquake and Boomburst. Two insanely powerful Pokemon moves had made contact. They equalized each other as none of them had taken any hit from their attacks meeting. But the force of them certainly shook the field. From Earthquakes tremor and Boomburst affecting the air itself.

"I told you I don't need your help, Dash!" Lightning exclaimed at Rainbow Dash.

"Fine, be my guest and get double-teamed." Rainbow Dash gave a snarky retort.

"Whatever! Toxtricity, Overdrive!"

"Tox!" Now, Toxtricity had utilized his signature move. Overdrive. By using his organs, he strummed them with the equivalent of a guitar or bass guitar, causing a huge echo and strong vibration with electricity flowing out.

"What move is that?!" And being that this was Toxtricity's signature move, it was now to him, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Ash and many others within the crowd.

"Block it with Steel Wing!"

"You too, Sceptile! Dragon Pulse on it!"

"Empol!" Empoleon and Sceptile defended themselves against Overdrive with Empoleon using Steel Wing and Sceptile holding it back with Dragon Pulse. However, the force of it was so great that it managed to stagger Empoleon and even result in a slight shockwave that pushed Sceptile back. "E-Em!"


"That Sceptile's just delaying things! It should be down and out by now! Toxtricity, Fire Punch!"

"Tox!" Toxtricity then moved in with yet another super-effective move, rushing in with hands of flames balled up into a fist.

"Leaf Blade!"

"Pluck! Go!"

"Counter with Steel Wing, Empoleon!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile also approached with his strongest physical move. Both Sceptile and Toxtricity had clashed Leaf Blade and Fire Punch with sparks flying out. They butted heads, trying to break through each other's attacks. Both Pokemon jumped back afterwards.

"Tox!" Toxtricity ran in, trying to push Sceptile with Fire Punch, only for the Forest Pokemon to move to the side. Sceptile's evasion allowed him to strike with Leaf Blade. He struck his blades onto Toxtricitiy's head, giving him a good whack.


"T-Tri...!" Toxitricity gasped as even though he resisted Leaf Blade, Sceptile's strength was nothing to scoff at. Afterwards, Toxtricity returned the favour turning around and slapping Sceptile in the face. "City!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile cried out, gaining a burn mark as he stepped back. Sceptile then swung his tail, whacking Toxtricity to the side. The same went for Altaria. Empoleon's physical strength overpowered her as Steel Wing knocked the Humming Pokemon aside.

"Tari!" Altaria cried out before she and Toxtricity bumped into each other after having a dual knockback from different Starter Pokemon. Both had taken some damage.

"Watch it!" Lightning Dust exclaimed, irritating Rainbow Dash.

"It was an accident, okay?! Let's switch our target now! Altaria, go for Sceptile with Ice Beam!"

"Altaria!" Altaria switched from Empoleon to Sceptile. FIghting Empoleon was difficult after all, considering that he resisted all of Altaria's moves.

"Tile?!" Sceptile gasped before using Leaf Blade to block Ice Beam. His bladed arms felt a bit chilly as he moved back.

"All we need is one hit! Earthquake! Hard and fast!"

"Poleon!" Empoleon smashed his wings onto the ground with Earthquake, forming gigantic white shockwaves that went towards Sceptile.

"Jump on Altaria, Toxtricity! For safer ground!"

"T-Tox...!" Toxtricity held his head before looking over at Altaria. He didn't have enough time to use Boomburst. But he did have time to dodge and jump. And so he did. By lunging into the air, and jumping on Altaria's fluffy back.

"Tari?!" Altaria grimaced for a spit second as Toxtricity had avoided Earthquake. But by using Altaria as a platform, he ended up forcing her down. And by doing so, she had almost been hit by the shockwaves of Earthquake, despite her being immune to Ground-Type attacks. Altaria flapped her wings for safety.

"Now, Boomburst midair!"

"TRICITY!" While in the air, Toxtricity had used Boomburst, blowing Sceptile and Emploeon back. As well as Altaria. This move was certainly dangerous to use when in a double battle.

"Watch it! You almost hurt Altaria!" Rainbow Dash roared.

"Pah! It's not like she was gonna be affected by it anyway! Fire Punch!"

"Tox-Tox!" Toxtricity had landed on the ground before rushing over to Sceptile, who was still staggered by Boomburst. But not Empoleon. Being a Steel-Type helped greatly.

"Be his shield, Empoleon!"

"Empol!" Standing in Toxtricity's way was Empoleon. Toxtricity's Fire Punch met with his body. While being a Steel-Type a bonus for defence, unfortunately, he was now neutral against Fire-Type attacks. But the Emperor Pokemon could still stand strong even after being struck in the chest by Fire Punch.


"Grab Toxtricity!"

"Empoleon!" And after taking the hit, Empoleon had put his massive flippers around the Punk Pokemon, giving him a bearhug. And he had the strength to do it.


"Sucker!" Lightning Dust grinned. "Overdrive!"

"T-Toxtric...!" Toxtricity's eyes started glowing after being given a bear hug. This was a perfect time to use Overdrive. Except for one small problem.

Toxtricity needed to strum its organs to perform its attacks.

"Ah!" And soon, Lightning Dust realized that. Toxtricity was now stuck with no way to attack. All of his attacks required movement of his hands after all. "Find a way out of there!"

"It's all you, AJ!" Barry snapped his fingers.

"I hear ya, partner! Sceptile, go for it! Dragon Pulse!" Applejack exclaimed as her hat almost fell from her head.

"Scep!" Sceptile quickly used his vines to adjust Applejack's hat while also jumping into the air. He huffed and puffed, building up more draconic energy than he usually does.

"Oh, no you don't!" But that's where Rainbow Dash stepped in for assistance. "Intercept with your Dragon Pulse!"

"Alta...!" Altaria did the same, huffing and puffing as well as she unleashed the same attack Sceptile did. The first Dragon Pulse from Sceptile was heading straight for Toxtricity. Empoleon would be fine since he resists Dragon. He was essentially using himself as both a meatshield and a way for Toxtricity to stay still for some damage. And the second Dragon Pulse from Altaria met with the first.

Both Dragon Pulses ended up crashing against each other, blowing up beside Empoleon and Toxtricity. With that explosion, Empoleon and Toxtricity had been knocked back with Toxtricity taking the most damage.


"T-Tox!" Toxtricity got on his knees afterwards. He's certainly taken some punishment in this battle.

"Oooh!" Barry pulled his hair, growling. "If I could just land Ice Beam and Earthquake, it would be done faster than Paul's battle with Cynthia!"

"Slow down there, Barry." Applejack calmed him down. "It ain't over yet. We just gotta be faster than 'em to really catch 'em off guard."

"My Empoleon's not that fast, but your Sceptile's got great speed," Barry said before realizing what Applejack was planning. "Unless..."

"Got that right." Applejack put her hoof on her hat. Within her hat was the apple hairpin that contained The Sceptilite for Mega Sceptile.

"Great! You hurt my Pokemon too. Guess we're even then." said Lightning in disdain.

"Only have to save you from being double-teamed. I've only got Pluck and Ice Beam for Sceptile, but he's way too speedy for Altaria. Plus, Empoleon's too big of a threat with that Ice Beam it's got.

"Then use that Mega Evolution of yours already if this is so difficult."

"Altaria still won't be faster than Sceptile." Applejack put her hoof on her aerial goggles which contained the Altarianite. "But she'll be stronger enough to overpower his defences. Moonblast and Ice Beam will also do a lot and Dragon Pulse won't do a thing to Mega Altaria."

"Just do it already and let's get this battle over with. I want to get to that Aria Blaze as soon as I can."

"Okay!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack both knew what was coming as did Ash and everyone. They were excited for Mega Evolution to finally show itself in this competition. "Altaria!"

"Sceptile!" Applejack held up the hairpin.

"Mega Evolve!" Both Trainers cried out, allowing for Mega Evolution to take place. In unison, golden lights flared out of the keystones before surrounding their Pokemon. A red and blue light coated both Sceptile and Altaria. Everyone watched in awe as Mega Evolution was occurring before their eyes once more. it never gets old.

And emerging out of the lights were Mega Sceptile and Mega Altaria. Two Mega Hoenn Pokemon were on the scene. Similar in types but different in what they could do.



"Finally! Mega Evolution! Go, sis!" Apple Bloom cheered along with others.

"Go! Ice Beam!" Rainbow Dash made the first move.

"Energy Ball it, Sceptile!"

"Altaria!" Altaria's boost in Mega Evolution allowed her to form instant Ice Beams that flew out of her mouth. But the same went for Sceptile. He had used two Energy Balls with both his hands, throwing them at Ice Beam. The two of them were enough to stop the chilling beam of ice.

"Sludge Wave!"

"Counter with Hydro Cannon!"

"Tox-Tox!" Toxtricity then made a wave of sludge around his body like some sort of shield. He spun around, causing multiple sludge projectiles to fly around. And at the same time, Empoleon opened his beak as a blue flash of light appears in front of it.

"Empol!" Then, a glowing light blue ball of water appeared in front of Empoleon's beak where the flash was as Hydro Cannon's giant ball of water got in the way of Toxtricity's Sludge Wave.

The multiple sludge projectiles met with the ball of water. And Hydro Cannon's strength certainly showed itself as it had depleted the sludge and went straight for Toxtricity. The Punk Pokemon's Poison Shield had been broken through by Hydro Cannon.


"Leaf Blade!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile then rushed towards Altaria with extended blades. Longer than what he normally has.


"Tari!" Altaria would get physical as well. Sceptile was tough to keep up with naturally. But as Mega Sceptile, he was faster than ever, appearing right in front of Altaria. But Altaria was no slouch either. Her beak glowed as she thrust her head forward.

Her beak had met with Sceptile's blades. And with equal strength too. Altaria pushed Sceptile back before chasing after him. She went for another Pluck, only for Sceptile to duck his head. "Tari?"

"Sceptile!" After ducking, Sceptile struck the lower body of Altaria with an upwards Leaf Blade, pushing the Humming Pokemon back.

"Let's get this over with already! Overdrive!"

"Tox!" Toxtricity strummed his organs, sending out his signature move once more. But while it would do something to Empoleon, Mega Sceptile was a different story.

"Steel Wing to block it!"

"Empol!" Empoleon used Steel Wing as a conductor. Once Overdrive came his way, he used the metal around Steel Wing to absorb it, nullifying the damage.

And that wasn't the only thing nullified. Sceptile had phased through the attack as his special attack had been raised, much to the dismay of Lightning Dust.

"What the?!" LIghtning Dust gasped. "How?!"

"It's Lightning Rod! Just like Flash Fire and Water Absorb!" Rainbow Dash explained instantly before focusing on her next attack! "Moonblast!"

"Tari!" Altaria ascended into the air, drawing the power of the moon with her biggest Moonblast yet. She then hurled it like she was hurling food as it came rocketing down like a bomb.

"Leaf Blade and then Energy Ball!"

"Scep...Tile!" Sceptile easily cut the Moonblast in half with Leaf Blade as it fell into two separate positions. He then put one of his hands out, summoning an array of vines to grab Altaria. And with his speed, he succeeded as the vines wrapped around Altaria's wings.


"Scep!" Sceptile then dragged Altaria down, aiming to hit her with Energy Ball with his other hand already having the attack.

"Freeze it with Ice Beam!"

"Altaria!" Altaria quickly froze the vines with Ice Beam. After causing a flash-freeze, she had headbutted the vines, shattering them before flying away. Just in time to dodge Energy Ball.

"Empoleon! Earthquake!"

"Boomburst, Toxtricity!"

"Dragon Pulse on Toxtricity!"

With one final Hail Meloetta attempt, Empoleon and Toxtricity were looking to end this. All at once, they had unleashed these dual hard-hitting moves. But not without assistance.

"Ice Beam on the ground, Altaria!"

"Aria!" With assistance from Rainbow Dash, even though Lightning kept denying any help, Altaria had unleashed Ice Beam on the ground. And by doing so, caused a flash-freeze that had frozen the battlefield. Not only did it trap Sceptile's legs, but it also promptly stopped Earthquake from happening due to Ice's advantage of Ground.



And Boomburst was exempt since it travelled through the air. Not just the ground.
And with that, Boomburst had struck Empoleon and Sceptile. But while Sceptile remained steady, even after having his feet frozen, Empoleon did not. With that final Boomburst, Empoleon had fainted. But not without someone going down with him.

Dragon Pulse also travelled the air as it had struck Toxtricity, unable to be stopped by Ice Beam on the ground. Both Toxtricity and Empoleon received damage, in the long run, fainting.

Just like how Empoleon fainted against Paul. Standing up as his feet were stuck. Toxtricity just fell on his back as defeat.



"Empoleon and Toxtricity are both unable to battle!

"Ah! Not my Empoleon!" Barry got on his knees gasping. "Curse that Ice Beam! Wish I got mine off on Altaria!"

"Guess that's it..." Lightning Dust sighed before lowering her head. "I couldn't knock out a single Pokemon..."

"Lightning." Rainbow Dash looked at Lightning Dust and her disappointment. She desperately wanted to get through this and hopefully face Aria to get some form of revenge. But that wouldn't happen. Even if her reasons were petty, Rainbow Dash could understand her as she faced forward with determination.

"Don't worry about it, Barry. I'm ending this." Applejack adjusted her hat before carrying on Barry's will to avenge his Empoleon. "Sceptile! Spin your tail!"

"Tile!" By spinning his giant tail, Sceptile shattered the ice with ease, despite his heavy weakness to Ice-Type attacks.

"Go! Leaf Blade!"

"Altaria! Ice Beam!"

One last attempt. Sceptile slashed the ground with Leaf Blade, summoning large chunks of ice to float up. He then jumped on the chunks of ice, using them as a platform to get higher. At the same time, Altaria was preparing one final Leaf Blade to end it off.

Both Pokemon approached each other with Sceptile facing Altaria's open mouth with an ice ball inside. And in a flash, Sceptile had used his vines to grab Altaria's beak, closing it shut.

"Tari?!" Altaria gasped as her beak had been shut off, causing the Ice Beam to backfire on her. It backfired so hard that it ended up freezing her body, placing her in an ice prison.

"What the?!" Rainbow Dash pulled back.

"GO!" Applejack exclaimed, boosting Sceptile's confidence with that scream as everyone looked up in awe.

"Scep...TILE!" And with his strongest swing yet to date, Sceptile had slashed past Altaria and her ice prison, cutting it in half. Beautiful snow droplets fell from above as Sceptile stuck a superhero landing with style.

And after that, having her own attack backfire on her and taking Leaf Blade, the result had been made. Altaria fell from above, unable to battle as she had fainted. Thankfully, her fluffy body cushioned the fall.


"Altaria is unable to battle! Thus the victors of this battle are Sceptile and Empoleon!"

"Woah! I didn't see that one coming!" Pinkie Pie freaked out as Applejack's family, all of them, cheered with their highest voices that they could muster. Everyone thought Sceptile was a goner for being Grass-Dragon now. But thanks to those vines, he turned it around.

Ever since Roserade and Roseluck, Applejack has really relied on those vines. And they certainly haven't let her down for a second as she went over to hug Sceptile. "Sceptile! We did it! You're the best partner I could ever ask for!"


And just as the battle ended, Applejack's Pokedex started ringing. She took it out to see what was happening. And before her eyes, Sceptile had the potential to learn two new moves.

Frenzy Plant and Thunder Punch.

"Sceptile wants to learn Frenzy Plant and Thunder Punch. Would you like to get rid of two moves?" The Pokedex asked.

"What do you think, Sceptile? What's good for you?" Applejack asked.

"Tile." Sceptile pointed at Energy Ball and Slam. "Scep-Scep."

"You got it." Applejack nudged the Forest Pokemon.

"Boy..." Rainbow Dash sighed. "We lost. But ah, what can you do? That just means my friends are strong too. That's great. I've got a bigger reason to grow as a trainer if they can go hoof-to-hoof with me."

"I'm out of here." After that defeat, Lightning Dust returned her Toxtricity before flying back to the lounge and potentially out of Canterlot.

"Lightning, wait!"

"Best leave her, Rainbow," said Applejack, halting her friend. "She ain't in the best mood right now."

Rainbow Dash watched as Lightning Dust left the scene. Not angry, just upset. Arguably, that was worse than being frustrated by Spitfire's loss. Her own loss got to her as she would not make it into the final round.

The Canterlot Tag Battle Tournament was nearing its end as Rainbow Dash still chose to follow Lightning Dust. Without Applejack watching of course as the journey continues.

Chapter 573 End.

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