• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Past and Future Dreams

Hyperdream. Ash Ketchum's dream years ago.

The Hyperdream. The overarching and interconnected web of various dreams that have existed, currently existing and will exist. Made by the powerful Lunar Ire but with the expense of heavy magic cost.

Currently, Nightmare Rarity had moved on to another random dream after having a short scuffle with Luna. As for Luna, she found herself in the dream of a young Ash Ketchum from years ago. And from what she could tell, this was 5-year-old Ash Ketchum.

This dream took place in a beautiful verdant forest with a town, most likely Pallet Town in the distance. Pokemon resided in this forest. But only Pokemon that Ash at this age had seen before. Essentially only Rapidash, Rattata, Caterpie and a few other common Kanto Pokemon. His range on the Pokemon World was diminished in this. But since this was Ash's dream, that meant there was something larger lurking somewhere.

"Woah..." Ash gawked at the alicorn with star-struck eyes. "What kind of Pokemon are you...?" That confirmed it. This was the dream of an Ash at a younger time. At this point, the crossing of two worlds had never happened, meaning Ash's knowledge about Equestria and everything else was non-existent.

"Uh..." Luna was frozen for a bit before shaking her head, snapping back to reality. Luna then thought to herself for a moment. "I didn't account for this...Meeting a younger version of those I know...Oh, but it's so worth it! Ash is sooooo cute as a child! No, wait, Luna! You're not sure what would happen if something were to occur in this older dream. Why couldn't Lunar Ire just tell me the consequences before making this place."

"You look so cool!" Ash exclaimed before running over, dropping his soccer ball. "Your hair's like the night! Awesome! And you've got um...a crown?!" He was too excited to contain himself. But that was only natural for a child. And even more natural for Ash Ketchum as a while. Luna stayed still to try and not do anything drastic. "I wonder what your name is...?"

"Think Luna...What is the most obvious solution in this..." She thought before coming up with the perfect answer. "L-Luna. Luna-Luna." She acted like a Pokemon, speaking her name like every Pokemon does. "WHAT AM I DOING?! I SOUND RIDICULOUS!"

"Luna, huh...? Oh yeah, I see it. That mark on you." He nodded, noticing her Cutie Mark. "Oh boy. I can't wait to go out on my Pokemon Journey and catch a Luna one day. That'd be so amazing! Can you show me some Pokemon moves?"

"Luna..." Luna was nervous, but so far, nothing extreme had happened. To amuse and entertain Ash, she would mimic a Pokemon move. Or rather, just use her magic since Ash at this age knows nothing of Equestrian Magic.

Luna used her magic, firing a beam in the colour of her aura. The beam had struck a tree, leaving a hole through it to show its power. It even continued, shooting into the sky and breaking through some clouds. And Ash was impressed.

"Wow! Awesome!" He jumped for joy. "I wonder what move that was?!"

"L-Luna..." She chuckled nervously while still sticking to the Pokemon motif. But she found some enjoyment out of this. Mainly from being complemented by Ash, even if it was a younger version of him in the past.

"Oh, can you fly?" He then noticed the wings as well. "Are you a Flying-Type?!"

"Luna. Luna-Lu." Luna went with it, agreeing with the notion that she was a Flying-Type. This only fueled Ash's excitement. The 5-year-old then ran over to the soccer ball picking it up before rushing back to Luna.

"It'd be cool to fly through the air with you. But do you wanna play soccer with me?" He requested, showing his genuine interest in soccer to Luna.

"Lu-Luna." Luna would usually accept a request such as that. But she had a priority to stick by that resulted in larger stakes. "As adorable and embarrassing as this is, I have to pursue Nightmare Rarity still."

Another dream.

Meanwhile, something else was occurring in another dream. Nightmare Rarity was in the dream of a griffon, currently hovering near Griffonstone.

However, Nightmare Rarity was still searching for Manaphy's past dreams. And in a space such as Hyperdream where it's not so easy to find the dream that is desired, this became a challenge for both the Nightmare Rarity and even Luna.

Nightmare Rarity stood atop a mountain of gold coins, looking into the sky. She had an idea to try and manipulate Hypertime to her will. And it involved her Tantabus. Both of them.

"Only two of my Tantabuses can open holes involved in this strange zone." She said to herself. "But the magic of Lunar Ire can do that mostly. I can have some of that magic for myself when the timing is right. But to open the hole, I'll try something new."

To open the hole, Nightmare Rarity attempted to communicate with the other Tantabus that was on the other side. She commanded the Tantabus next to her to try and open a hole in Hyperdream while looking for a timing link between the other Tantabus.

And once the Tantabus interacted with the sky, Nightmare Rarity's theory came into fruition. The Tantabus from another dream heard the call of its owner, responding to her command. Both Tantabuses started interacting with Hyperdream in unison.

And by doing so, they began taring holes in it. And speaking of the other Tantabus, Darkari was still in the dream of the little boy, dealing with Nightmare Rarity's Nightmare Forces. He noticed how the Tantabus had managed to rip open a hole through Hyperdream, making the situation direr than it already was.

Once both of them ripped holes in Hyperdream, Nightmare Rarity could strike. She flew towards the open hole. But not to the intention of heading towards another dream. At least not yet. Nightmare Rarity was aiming to harness this mysterious newly discovered power for herself.

"This goes far beyond the Dream Realm. What an amazing creation you've formed, Luna. Unfortunately, it shall be mine for the taking. There is nothing dream-related that can escape from me!"

Standing in-between the zone and two dreams was a maniacal Nightmare Rarity. She made sure to stay in between them as to not enter another dream. Nightmare Rarity was a quick thinker. Much of Rarity still remained within her. If anything, this corruption had significantly boosted her intellect.

With the hole in Hyperdream being met with her magic, Nightmare Rrty struck at the zone's most vulnerable. The dream of the griffon was trembling as all of the gold mountains and piles were collapsing, falling into an abyss that was forming.

"Ah! My gold!" The griffon cried out, witnessing her gold formed into this sudden abyss. And it didn't stop there. By connecting to the dream with the little boy, the fields were met with an earthquake.

The boy, witches and Rillaboom felt the earthquake as they lost their balance. Darkrai on this side couldn't feel it since he was floating. But the Nightmare Forces, Rarity's allies minus the bats, could. "What now?" Darkrai wondered.

Nightmare Rarity began drawing the magic from the Hyperdream, using the same trick that Empress Twilight and even Ghetsis use. Only this was exclusive to Nightmare Rarity due to her affiliation with dreams.

However, the Hyperdream was so vast and grandiose in scope and size, more than anything that Nightmare Rarity had come across. Thus, she could try as much as she wanted, she could not absorb all of it. Not even a good majority of it as she could feel the impending threat of explosion.

"Oh!" She gasped as her heart skipped a beat. "That was close...I almost combusted into dream mist there. Whatever this magic is...taking too much of it is far too dangerous."

She took some time to catch her breath, feeling overwhelmed by her almost meeting her end in that instance. However, even if she couldn't get all of it, Nightmare Rarity still managed to grab some of the magic from Hyperdream. And the appearing smirk on her face was confirmation of that.

Some of what Lunar Ire had made now resided within Nightmare Rarity. And she could already feel the power of Hyperdream coursing through her, even if it may be minimal. "This much will suffice. Whatever this magic is...it's wonderful! The things I'm going to do with this..."

To test some of this bizarre magic out, Nightmare Rarity decided to try and rip a hole through the Hyperdream without the dual assistance of the Tantabuses. And with this new power, she could. However, even with a fraction of this magic, it was still hard to control for Nightmare Rarity.

Thus, her aim to open one hole ended up resulting in multiple holes through multiple dreams being opened. Nightmare Rarity could feel the strain of using this much magic. But, she could just barely keep it under check.

Young Ash's dream.

And once their dreams were affected by this was the dream of a Young Ash Ketchum. Another had emerged, alarming Ash and Luna as they looked to the sky. But it wasn't just the opening of holes. Nightmare Rarity's magic was leaking out of these holes due to her magic influence.

"W-What's that?" Ash stammered as Luna pulled Ash close to her, protecting him.

"Nightmare Rarity..." She thought to herself, still keeping the Pokemon act up. "Please don't tell me she has figured out the Hyperdream before me? I have to hurry. As soon as I can."

Just as she thought those words, the Nightmare mist that was oozing out affected Ash's dream on a deeper level. The Pokemon residing in this forest area had been wrapped by the Nightmare mist. And as a result, they had been twisted to Nightmare Rarity's will.

"!" Luna gasped seeing the affected Pokemon as a result of the oozing mist. The Rapidash and the others twitched before having their eyes exude out a night-sky aura. "Because of course this would happen..." She groaned in her mind.

"Rapidash" Rapidash neighed as it and the other Pokemon here turned their attention towards Luna and Ash. While opening holes and trying to find Manaphy, Nightmare Rarity hadn't forgotten about Luna and how much of a threat she can prove to be.

As such, those that she had controlled would attack Luna and potentially Darkrai as well. Rapidash galloped towards Luna, shooting a Fire Blast from its mouth.

"L-Luna?!" Luna screeched before swaying her head to the side, avoiding the Fire Blast. The blast of fire had obliterated a tree, turning it into nothing but ash.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Ash wondered, seeing the Pokemon suddenly attacking them. Rapidash came close to Luna, attempting to tackle her. Thinking quickly, Luna used her magic to grab Ash, placing him on her back for safety. The alicorn took the skies, evading the incoming bash of her fellow equine. But there was more.

The Caterpie had each used String Shot, wrapping overly sized strings that could only exist via a dream, right around Luna's hooves as she was in the air. "Caterpie!"

Luna suddenly trembled in the air, feeling the struggle of these combined String Shots against her flight. They were far stronger in a dream than compared to reality. At least for these Caterpie, she knew that Rarity's 12 Leavanny and all Leavanny general have absurdly amazing String Shot capabilities.

It didn't stop there. After having her hooves wrapped, the Rattata all leapt in the air, using Super Fang, Crunch and Quick Attack to attack Luna. Luna just noticed them, thinking of what to do at the moment.

But during that spur of the moment, Ash had a solution. After all, this was his dream. And under his dream influence, Ash dreamt of a giant bouncy castle appearing. And appear it did. Right in front of the Rattata. And while it was a bouncy castle, being soft, it had some toughness behind it, ripping apart the strings that connected to Luna's hooves. The Rattata had also bounced off the bouncy castle before tumbling on the ground.

Luna looked back to see the wide grin of a cheeky Ash Ketchum. "Don't worry, Luna. I'll keep you safe."


"I don't know what's going on, but it looks kinda fun." He laughed with his innocent grin, unaware of the circumstances. But why would he? He was a kid after all. Luna couldn't help but smile back at Ash. Even as a child, there was an aura of safety that exuded around him.

"Okay! Let's go, Luna! Full speed ahead!" Ash pointed at the hole in the sky. He had the right idea. Stopping Nightmare Rarity was priority number one. And if there was any chance of moving through a hole through Hyperdream it was now. Ash held on tight as Luna soared towards the hole.

She had also cast a protective magic coating around her and Ash, protecting them from Nightmare Rarity's mist as they had entered a new dream.

Another dream.

Luna and Ash had found themselves in a new dream. One that took place in a familiar and. Equestria. Still looked the same, even in a dream. Mostly due to someone's own dream. Specifically, this was Canterlot.

"Woaaaaahhh..." Naturally, Ash at this age had never seen Equestria before. Seeing this colourful and vibrant land was wonderful to his eyes

This was any child's dream. To see a fantastical land. However, Ash already lived in a fantastic land such as the Pokemon World but at this age, he had yet to see the wonders of it due to him not yet starting his Pokemon Journey. If anything, this was an early start.

He saw the massive castle of Canterlot near as well as the ponies inhabiting Canterlot. His first glance at the skies were met with Flying-Type Pokemon surprisingly, soaring through the air with pegasi. "What Pokemon are those?!" Ash looked at the Flying-Types and pegasi. "Are they all like you, Luna?"

"L-Luna-Lu." Luna wasn't sure if she could reveal the truth to Ash. Hyperdream and its involvement with Time was still a mystery. For all she knows, it could be similar to Time Travel and how messing with time could lead to a chain of altered events.

And as soon as she realized this, Luna then noticed that during Ash's encouragement and his wonderful smile, she had brought him along without fully meaning to. The Princess of the Night face-hoofed as she could've already messed with time at this point. "Luna, you buffoon! Ah, it's too late anyway...Perhaps I can ask my sister for assistance."

Since she was in Canterlot, there was bound to be a Celestia present here. At this point, she was bringing Ash along without even bothering to take him back to his dream. It also had some danger lurking around it too.

Luna quickly flew through the doors, swiftly greeting the Canterlot Guards who were resting on clouds that were on ground level. The guards quickly looked over, just missing Princess Luna from her absurd flight speed.

Inside, Luna saw a massive row of bookshelves randomly floating about. She navigated her way through this traffic of bookshelves. But not only were there were books in and out of these bookshelves, but Luna also noticed that some of these were Pokemon-related books.

"Yes! I must be in a current dream!" Luna was feeling optimistic now as Ash grabbed one of the books that passed by him. He opened it to find facts that would take him years to know about.

One of those facts involved the Bond Phenomenon.

"Bond Phenomenon?" Ash spoke the words on the book as he noticed a familiar face. Himself. "Cool...He looks like me!" Ash pointed at the picture of what was actually an older Ash standing next to Greninja.

"Luna?!" Luna paused after hearing Ash's words. She then halted her flight before also taking a look at the book. She also saw Ash and Greninja in the image, but more than that, there was the dual image of Celestia and Gardevoir plus Rainbow Dash and Braviary. "Images of the Bond Phenomenon here? But we have yet to make a book such as this...Did we?"

Luna was starting to contemplate things. This was indeed the world she knew, but it might not be a current dream. But then again, it is a dream so anything could happen. However, as Luna observed her surroundings, she noticed something else flying beside the bookshelves.

Hayburgers. The favourite food of Twilight Sparkle. Luna continued along her way, passing the Hayburgers while Ash kept reading the book. She was now approaching the throne room, ready to see her big sister. But instead, she was greeted with something else. Another alicorn. Still Celestia's height, but not her.

Once she opened the door, what she saw wasn't Celestia, but somepony that would raise red flags for her. It was an older Twilight Sparkle. Similar to Celestia's height and currently eating a hayburger.

"Mm?" She heard the door open as her mouth was full of ketchup, noticing Luna.

"!" Luna gasped as the first thing that came to her mind was Empress Twilight Sparkle. "Empress Twilight?! This is her Dream?!"

"Oooh. That Pokemon looks like you!" Ash soon noticed Luna as well.

"Ash? Luna?" Seemingly Empress Twilight had spoken.

"Wow And it can talk" Perplexed by sudden understandable speech, Ash gawked as his mind was being blown even further.

"Luna!" Luna was cautious, already having her magic active as she was ready for the worst. But that quickly ended the moment she saw someone else in the room.

Appearing next to the taller alicorn was an Espeon, floating aimlessly. This Espeon was recognizable to Luna. This was Eve. The Pokemon of the Twilight she knew that wasn't an Empress. "Espeon? Esp?"

"L-Lu..." Luna froze, still keeping the Pokemon speech pattern as she was putting the pieces together. Hyperdream was said to hold past present and future dreams. And since Twilight was an alicorn, Luna soon realized that one day, she would look like this. "Twilight?"

"Oh, I get it. This is Hyperdream, isn't it?" Twilight chuckled before floating towards Luna. "Sorry if I startled you, Princess Luna. It's been a while."

"So cool!" Ash hopped off Luna, running up to Twilight. "I got a lot of stuff to look forward to! I wish mom could see this with me!"

"Aw, little Ash!" Twilight squeed before picking Ash up, hugging him. "100x cuter as a kid!" She then spun around as Ash laughed.

"You know my name? Oooh, are you a Psychic-Type with super senses?!" Ash asked with his mind still in wonder.

"Lu-Oh, I can't keep doing this!" Luna ended the Pokemon speech pattern, alerting Ash. Now he could hear Luna's proper words. "Apologies, Ash. For lying to you. I'm not a Pokemon. Neither is she."

"You...aren't?" The 5-year-old uttered, looking back at Luna and then back to Twilight. But even after this revelation, he didn't care. Twilight and Luna were still amazing to him. "You're still awesome to me. I like your hair and it moves like that. Can I get my hair to look like that?"

"So...Are you the Twilight Sparkle of another universe or..."? Luna questioned.

"I'm your Twilight, Luna. This is me in the future." She properly introduced herself, standing gracefully. "The Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle. Just slightly below Queen Celestia."

"Queen Celestia?"

"Oops." Twilight put her hoof in her mouth. "You don't know about that yet, do you? The future is wild, I'll tell you this much. But I'm more surprised that you brought a younger Ash here. It's a good thing we're in a dream, otherwise, he would've seen himself and go wild, that's for sure."

"Ash is still here?"

"Still is. And boy, you should see how he looks today. I'd say we both shared a good interest in him." Twilight closed her eyes, nodding about something wonderful that Luna doesn't know about yet."

"Espeon! Esp!" Espeon started playing around with the younger Ash.

"I don't know what's going on about time and Eque-Equestri...Something. But I love it!" Ash raised his arms with joy.

"So you know about the Hyperdream in the future, do you?" Luna asked.

"I do. And it looks like you're having trouble, aren't you?"

"I am." Luna nodded. "Nightmare Rarity might be figuring out how to harness the magic of the Hyperdream. But, I assume that since this is the future, you know of what comes next, correct?"

"Sorry, I don't." Shockingly, with her head shaking, Twilight had no idea what would happen next.

"You don't?! But you've heard of it, haven't you?! Unless...I've already messed with time?!"

"That's not it, Luna. Time is safe here. So you don't have to worry about anything confusing. Well...for the most part. The only side-effect is that only I can remember this dream. Cause you know...future. Plus, you never actually told me that much about what happened so there's that."

"Oh...Thank goodness...I wasn't sure I was ready for something complex. My head was already threatening to ache through all of this. Wait, I never told you?"

"Not at all. It had to do with how busy you were. I mean, the Hyperdream practically became the second part of your job in the Dream Realm. Makes me wish I could've seen it some more."

"That could change!" Luna gasped. "Perhaps in my current time, your younger self could interact with it more frequently. Would that create something new?"

"Oh, I'd like that very much. The Hyperdream has me so interested after all!" Twilight pranced on the spot, squeaking with joy as her knowledgable self still existed.

"I'll be sure to remember that. But in the meanwhile, could I have your assistance in this?"

"I can help. The Hyperdream could be in danger with Nightmare Rarity, no doubt. Can't have my dreams turning into nightmares."

"Or worse...she could end up changing everything about the Hyperdream. And I have yet to know all about it. And if she beats me to it, there's no telling what she could do.

"Then we should hurry. Luckily, in the future, I'm extra versatile." Twilight winked.

"I can believe that. You look like the spitting image of my sister. So...might I ask a bit about my sister in your time? Where is she?"

"I think that'll help." Twilight nudged her head over towards the stain-glass windows. Usually, these windows always tell of legends. And there were new legends. One of which seemed to be of an older Flurry Heart, similar to the one from another universe.

And there were two more than caught her interest. One window had the image of Celestia and Cobalion while another of Ash and the Mane 6. The windows told a story. One that Luna was eager to know about. But right now, Nightmare Rarity was the focus.

"If I can just find her..." Luna grumbled. "Lunar Ire...I know you're in there. Hopefully, your magic has recovered enough. Just give the magic to find Nightmare Rarity. Please."

She waited for a response from Lunar Ire. But while Lunar Ire did not say anything, there was a response. The sparks of Lunar Ire showed as the remaining magic she had left in her were emanating.

With the power of Sorrowful Rage Magic, she manipulated Hyperdream, searching for Nightmare Rarity's presence. And it wasn't that hard. Aside from Darkrai, Nightmare Rarity's presence stuck out the most, especially considering that she had a bit of the Hyperdream in her.

"There she is!" Luna exclaimed before ripping open a hole through the dream. However, this time, instead of it leading into another dream, it led to the zone of Hyperdream where all of the dreams could be found.

"We're going someplace new?" Ash, eager as always, hopped onto the back of Luna.

"Eve, let's hurry." Twilight looked at her partner.

"Espeon!" Espeon leapt, landing on Twilight's back. The duo of alicorns then flew beside each other, heading for the Hyperdream zone. Seeing Twilight fly beside Luna reminded her of Celestia. It was a strange feeling but a comfortable one nonetheless.


They had arrived at the Hyperdream zone. Ash's mind was ready to be blown once more. Unfortunately, as a child, he will not remember this. But that could all change in the current timeline.

Aside from that, within the zone was also Nightmare Rarity as she had just arrived once getting the hang of this mysterious magic of Sorrowful Rage origin.

"Nightmare Rarity!" Twilight and Luna cried out.

"You made it back?!" Nightmare Rarity gasped before noticing some extra guests. One that reminded her of Empress Twilight. "Empress Twilight?!"

"Sorry. Princess Twilight." The Princess of Friendship smirked in response.

"So much for backup." The Corrupted Fashionsita scoffed as she was currently facing the dreams of Manaphy. They were made to be front and centre after all. "But no matter. I've beaten you all to the punch so far. The magic of this strange zone wasn't easy to absorb. It felt like my body was about to pop from how overwhelming it was. But this much is enough."

"Neither you nor I know about what this is all capable of, Nightmare Rarity!" Luna exclaimed. "Whatever happens next could be detrimental to all of us. Everyone across every world. Even yours."

"So what? Do you expect me to just stop? Not a chance, Luna. Not when I've just attained this. Although I will admit, it is risky and volatile." Nightmare Rarity's horn started sparking some of the Hyperdream magic. "Anything I do is just full of risk. Never before have I come across a high-risk-high-reward power such as this. Without any care, the results could be saddening."

"All the more reason for you not to use it. If even I barely know anything about it, what makes you think you can know what it entails? I mean just look at the vast number of dreams! It far surpasses the Dream Realm." Luna exclaimed.

"Oh, but that's exactly why we exist, Luna. To learn new powerful things that our minds struggle to learn. Whatever is there, we, mainly unicorns, yearn to learn about it. Wouldn't you agree? I know you do, Twilight." Nightmare Rarity then turned to Princess Twilight.

"I do. But I know my limitations. I know those who've taken risks with magic they can't understand. And even when learning about them, it put their lives in danger." Twilight agreed but with more to it than just agreeing with Nightmare Rarity.

"Hmph. Disappointing." Nothing but disappointment filled Nightmare Rarity's face. "I expected more from you, Twilight. Especially in that state. But no matter! This'll be quick! I'll be out of your mane once I keep Manaphy's dreams for myself!"

"That's not very nice!" Suddenly, interrupting the conversation was Ash. He dreamt that he could fly, jumping off of Luna's back and floating in Hyperdream. "Taking dreams isn't a nice thing to do!"

"Hoh?" Nightmare Rarity squinted. "A younger Ash Ketchum? Really? Are mocking me by having a child give me a lecture? You're too young to understand something like this, darling."

"I totally get it!" He shouted back. "I've got dreams of my own. I wanna become a Pokemon Master! The very best like no one ever was!" He closed his eyes, deciding to dream of this Pokemon Master he spoke of. This would be the first time someone had dreamt within the space of Hyperdream instead of their dream.

However, Ash's dream was so grand in scope and size that even Nightmare Rarity was alarmed by this. The bubbles that all had younger and older variations of Ash were all corresponding to the dream of the young kid from Kanto. Luna and Twilight soon noticed this connection.

"So that's what happens when someone dreams here...?" Twilight gawked.

"All of his dreams are responding to him. And they're massive!" Luna gasped, witnessing the increasing size of the bubbles.

"Perhaps if I get rid of Ash Ketchum as he is now, that will fix a lot of problems. Though I do enjoy teasing my enemies..." Nightmare Rarity pondered for a moment before making up her mind. "Ah, whatever. I can make an exception!"

She aimed to take out Ash, firing a beam of Nightmare magic mixed in with some of the Hyperdream towards him while he was vulnerable. Luna acted quickly, protecting Ash from harm as always. And this time, she would use Lunar Ire.

"Lunar Ire, I need your strength once more!" She cried out as part of Lunar Ire flashed out of her with the little magic she had in her. The magic of Sorrowful Rage collided with the magic of Hyperdream via beams.

Twilight quickly pulled Ash away from any harm as the bubbles stopped glowing. However, the bubbles started rippling. Not because of the current clash, but because of Ash's dream.

Speaking of the clash, Luna moved in, making her beam come closer towards Nightmare Rarity while diminishing her beam. Once more, the two night experts clashed horns with their beams being reverted to light rays.

"This time, I'm ending it!" Luna suddenly put her hooves on Nightmare Rarity while their beams were stuck together. Nightmare Rarity was taken aback by this as Luna would also go for the high-risk-high-reward of the Hyperdream.

But she trusted in the magic of Lunar Ire, using more of it. And for this, made a random bubbe appear above herself and Nightmare Rarity. It was about to come down on them both as Luna didn't plan for this. Everything was too unstable for her.

"Tantabus!" Nightmare Rarity cried out to her Tantabus. "Deal with everything else here!" That was her last request before she and Luna were caught by the dream bubble, pulled into a random dream.

As for the Tantabus, it turned its attention towards Ash, Twilight and Espeon. The three of them would be occupied by it. But thankfully, even though Ash was small, he had an older Twilight and seasoned Espeon by his side.

"Stay close to us, Ash!" Twilight got in front of him, staring down the Tantabus. "You've helped and saved my life a lot before in the past. Now it's my turn to do the same to you."


Nightmare Rarity now possesses parts of the Hyperdream. But with Luna relying more on Lunar Ire and the assistance of two individuals from different timelines, the difficulty of reaching Manaphy's past dreams just spiked. All of this still was connected to the Sea Temple.

No one said it would be a simple adventure there. It never is As the journey continues.

Chapter 610 End.

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