• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Special Haxorus

The Verdant Planet. 7:20 AM.

The Special Haxorus had finally been revealed. In all of its draconic and ferocious glory. Spike, the Team Plasma grunt and all the Pokemon nearby, all witnessed the transformation and appearance of the Equestrian Haxorus.

"Woah..." Spike gazed as he had finally seen the Special Haxorus for the first time. "The Special Haxorus..."

"A-A-Aaaah...!" The grunt himself was perplexed by this as he did not see this coming.


"Haxorus...!" With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, the Dragon-Type shot his eyes towards the grunt and Drapion with his eyes glowing green.

"E-Excellent!" The grunt grinned as he was shaking. "I'm definitely catching you without a doubt! A Pokemon like you deserves to be with Team Plasma!"


"Drapion! Ice Fang!"

"Dra!" Drapion was about to head in for another Ice Fang as it opened its mouth wide with an icy blue aura forming in its fangs.

But this time, Haxorus wasn't bothered. Instead, when Drapion approached him, he used both of his hands to grab onto Drapion's fangs, holding Drapion in place as Haxorus could barely feel the cold aura from Ice Fang.


"Xorus!" Haxorus got the first hit off by smashing his head onto Drapion's, creating a powerful shockwave from the impact.

"Drap-Drapion!" Drapion yelled in pain.

"Xo-Xo-Xorus!" Haxorus repeated the process by continuously smashing his head against Drapion with unrelenting fury.


"Haxorus!" Haxorus then used an overwhelming around of strength to lift Drapion off the ground before slamming the Ogre Scorp Pokemon back down on the ground.


"Xorus!" And he kept doing this. He raised Drapion once more, slammed him down yet again, and kept repeating the cycle over and over again.

"Kh! Use Iron Tail!"

"D-Drapion!" Drapion closed its eyes as it used its Iron Tail as a means to escape by swinging it towards Haxorus. The Iron Tail connected onto Haxorus's knees but the Axe Jaw Pokemon barely felt a thing. "Pion?!"

"Xor!" Haxorus, completely unmoved by Iron Tail, decided to change his approach of attack, by involving the grunt. He spun Drapion around, forcing the Ogre Scorp Pokemon to become dizzy. Then, after a short amount of time, Haxrous let go of Drapion, sending it towards the grunt.

"Oh!" The grunt gasped as he had been hit by his own Pokemon. He felt the bodyweight of Drapion fall on him as he had been pinned to the ground. The Poke Balls that the grunt had used to catch the Pokemon had fallen out of his pockets as they rolled on the ground because of Drapion crashing onto him.

"Haxo!" But Haxorus wasn't done yet. He ran over to the grunt and Drapion with his diamond patterns shining as if to intimidate them.

"Ah! I-Iron Tail!"

"Drap!" Drapion quickly got off its trainer as it hardened its tail, knowing that Haxorus might end up dealing massive amounts of damage if he lands a hit. So Drapion wasn't about to let that happen.

"Xorus!" Haxorus had used Dragon Claw as he swung it towards Drapion's Iron Tail, which had also been swung. The two moves had clashed, creating a loud clanging sound that shattered the wood of the trees.

The two of them went back and forth with their claw and tail, but Haxorus seemed to be the one getting the upper hand as his Dragon Claw's were much more ferocious and potent than the average Dragon Claw.

Drapion's tail was taking damage, even when using Iron Tail as it caused the Ogre Scorp Pokemon's hits to become weaker and slower, giving Haxorus the greater edge. "D-Drap! Drapion!"

"Amazing..." Spike gawked as he quickly snapped back to reality, realizing what he needed to do. Retrieve the Pokemon that the grunt had stolen. "Alright...Salamence. Let's get close to that Team Plasma guy."

"Sala!" Salamence saw Haxorus as an amazing Pokemon and even idolized him. Physically, Salamence was an adult, but mentally, he was a child because of his instant evolution months back. He quickly snapped back as well as he flew over to the grunt who was too fixated on Haxorus.

"How strong is this thing?!" The grunt growled. "If it's gonna be this difficult, then I'll-"

"You won't be doing anything!" Spike said as he made Salamence land down right behind the grunt. The grunt almost lost his balance as the shadow of Salamence was towering over him with eyes that could pierce through steel.

"Salamence!" The Dragon Pokemon snarled at the grunt.

"Ah!" The grunt fell on his back while looking up at Salamence. He noticed that the Poke Balls had rolled away from him after Drapion had fallen on him. All those Pokemon he caught were no longer on him as Salamence blocked him from reaching them.

"We'll be taking all those Pokemon back from you!" Spike hopped off Salamence's back as he went over to the Poke Balls. Salamence made sure that the grunt wouldn't try anything funny. "You guys! Come get your friends!" Spike held three Poke Balls up as he was encouraging the Grass-Types to help out.

The Grass-Types could see that Drapion was being overwhelmed and Salamence was keeping the grunt in check. So that meant that they had a golden opportunity to help retrieve the Poke Balls that their friends were all captured in. With that knowledge, they all ran off towards the scattered Poke Balls while Salamence intimidated the grunt with a Flamethrower burning in his mouth.

Spike released the first three Pokemon from their Poke Balls while the Grass-Type used whatever limbs they had to grab ahold of the remaining Poke Balls scattered across the ground. They didn't hesitate because of Haxorus and Salamence keeping the grunt and Drapion busy.

"Hey! You-" The grunt attempted to try and stop Spike, but Salamence breathed a Flamethrower near him, forcing the grunt to stay back.

The Pokemon who had been caught by Team Plasma had been released left and right by their friends. Soon, the planet was being filled with its original inhabitants once more because of their freedom. They even used their moves to destroy the Poke Balls, so that the grunt wouldn't have the chance to return their friends inside.

All the while, Haxorus had overpowered Drapion by using Dragon Claw to grab Drapion's Tail, holding the Ogre Scorp Pokemon in place. "Haxo!"


"Xorus!" Just like how Haxorus slammed Drapion up and down when grabbing its teeth, he then proceeded to do the same thing with its tail, but this time, in a different direction.

Haxorus slammed Drapion left and right, front and back on the ground repeatedly like a ragdoll. Each time Drapion was slammed on the ground, craters were being formed as Drapion was screaming. "P-Pion!"

"Hax!" Haxorus then dragged Drapion across the ground, slamming the Ogre Scorp Pokemon into a tree next, destroying the tree with one hit. Haxorus was ferocious and unrelenting now. Very different from the jolly and happy Axew from before.


"Haxo!" Haxorus then stepped on Drapion's stomach, driving the Ogre Scorp Pokemon into the ground and forming more craters. Haxorus repeatedly stomped on Drapion's stomach, making the hole in the ground deeper and deeper with each hit as Drapion was getting the pummeling of a lifetime.

"P-Pion! Drap!"

"Xo!" Haxorus then grabbed his foe's face, tossing Drapion into the air and getting ready to finish this once and for all. He was going to end this battle by using Giga Impact to do so. An invisible white aura formed around the Axe Jaw Pokemon as the rocks around him were rising and floating around him.

Drapion's eyes widened as it realized that if Giga Impact hits, that's game over. And with how badly it had been beaten, it could barely do anything to defend itself, except for firing a Dark Pulse from above. Out of Drapion's mouth, Dark Pulse had been fired, in hopes of stopping Haxorus from landing Giga Impact.

But it was too late for that.

With a sound equal to that of thunder, Haxorus bolted off the ground, shattering a large portion of it as it raced towards Drapion. It immediately destroyed the Dark Pulse with Giga Impact's aura as Haxorus let out a ferocious roar while approaching Drapion who was absolutely terrified.

"D-Drap!" Drapion closed its eyes, accepting its inevitable defeat as it was ready for Haxorus to crash right into it.

However, to its surprise, and the surprise of Spike and the grunt, Haxorus's body was engulfed by the golden light once more as he was slowing down all of a sudden. He slowed down to a point where he wasn't able to smash into Drapion at full-force. This was because, just like before when he was still an Axew, too much energy can be a massive downfall for him. And it was showing.

The light eventually faded away as it was revealed that Haxorus reverted to a Unovan Haxorus, no longer in its Equestrian Form. Too much energy had been drained because of his ferocious attacks. And Giga Impact just further drained the Axe Jaw Pokemon.

"X-Xorus..." Because of this, Haxorus stopped right in front of Drapion with his axe head just slightly poking the Ogre Scorp Pokemon. Not only did it burn a lot of energy out of Haxorus to a point where he was no longer in his Equestrian Form, but he even transformed back into a normal Axew instead of the Equestrian Axew. "Xew..."

Axew was now falling from above with Drapion falling next. "Ah! Axew!" Spike gasped as he ran over to catch Axew while Salamence turned his attention away from the grunt to see Axew and Drapion falling. With Salamence distracted, the grunt took the opportunity to kick the Dragon Pokemon in the face and dash out of there.

"Mence!" Salamence winced from the kick as he looked over at the grunt running off.

"Return!" The grunt made the wise decision to return his Drapion since at this point, the Poison-Dark-Type had taken way too much damage from Haxorus and to an extent Salamence who also damaged Drapion before Haxorus attacked. Drapion had been returned to its Poke Ball before it hit the ground as the grunt took off.

"I gotcha!" Spike managed to catch Axew, saving the Tusk Pokemon from hitting the ground as he held his fellow Dragon in his claws. "Phew...Too close."

"Xew...Axew..." That was it for Axew. "He was out of commission for the time being. It seemed that he has his limits. Very visible limits that hold him back from unleashing his full power. Axew was thankful to Spike for saving him and helping out yet again as he gave a grateful smile to his fellow dragon.

Spike sighed as he placed Axew down. He himself was exhausted because of this entire debacle. He sat down on the half-destroyed ground, breathing in and out as Salamence flew to his side.


"He got away, did he?" Spike looked at his partner. "It's fine. The Poke Balls have been destroyed, so he can't take them back anymore. Great job, by the way, Salamence."

"Mence!" Salamence licked Spike out of compassion.

"Xew!" Axew hugged Spike, regaining his jolly personality. When he's not a ferocious Haxorus, he's a lovable little dragon.

"Ow! Okay, thanks, Axew!"

It was finally over. The Team Plasma hunt had come to an end and everyone was safe and still on the planet. At least, it all looked fine at first.

The poison was still here. And the Pokemon who had been poisoned just to be caught easier by the grunt were still under the poison status effect as they felt highly ill. Spike himself could see that the Pokemon needed immediate care and healing, pronto.

And thankfully, the two who could cure them had arrived at the scene after witnessing all the chaos from afar. Fluttershy and her Audino, along with Ash, Drake and the others, had arrived and had just missed out on something special.

"Spike!" Twilight cried out. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine but...the rest of the Pokemon here...not so much." Spike pointed over at the poisoned Pokemon.

"We know. Sceptile came jumping over and told us what he saw," said Applejack. "Team Plasma did this, right?"

"Yeah." Spike nodded. "They were a real problem. But Salamence, this Axew over here and I dealt with the whole thing. No problem."

"An Axew? I thought this was specifically a Grass-Water and Flying-Type planet." Rarity replied.

"Oh right." Spike stood up. "You guys aren't gonna believe this! This Axew...is the Haxorus that Drake and I were aiming for!" Spike patted Axew on the back.


"Used to be?" Rainbow Dash squinted her eyes. "Uh, Spike. Pretty sure it has to evolve into a Haxorus first, but even then, how could've been a Haxorus then back to an Axew?"

"It de-evolved."

"De-evolved?!" Twilight let out a prolonged gasped. "Wait! That can happen?! Pokemon can de-evolve?!"

"Only one of them can," Ash said. "Slowbro can de-evolve but...I didn't know Axew could do the same. Unless..."

"Xew! Axew, Axew!" Axew was explaining everything for Spike as Fluttershy was ready to translate it all.

"What did it say?" Pinkie asked Fluttershy.

"It said that it can go in and out of its Axew and Haxorus form by will." Fluttershy translated. "That's how it's able to de-evolve. But this time it didn't do it on purpose."

"That's right. That's not all he can do. Show them, Axew."

"Axe!" Axew nodded as he was ready to show the entire group what he was capable of. With the golden light engulfing him, Axew transformed from his Unovan form to his Equestrian form, showing off Equestrian Axew. "Axew!"

"Ah!" Drake bellowed along with everyone else. "So, this is the Special Haxorus?!"

"Sure is! He can do a bunch of cool stuff. Form changing and evolution switching." Spike and Axew gave each other a high-five.

"Hm. Well, what do you know..." Drake took his hat off. "These waters will never cease to surprise us, will they?"

"Ah! Fluttershy! The Pokemon!" Ash reminded Fluttershy and Audino.

"Oh, right!" Fluttershy nodded. "We should probably do the entire planet too. And I know just the thing." She held out her hoof, showing her Mega Ring as she was ready to Mega Evolve her Audino. "Are you ready, Audi?"


"Okay. Let's make it an extra-wide Refresh. Mega Evolve!" Fluttershy activated the keystone, initiating the Mega Evolution process. Golden and blue lights flared out of Fluttershy's ring and Audino's neck ring simultaneously as they clashed together before engulfing Audino's body.

"Audino!" With a burst of energy, Mega Audino was here. And with no time wasted, she immediately used a radius-sized Refresh to cure not just the Pokemon, but the planet itself.

The Hearing Pokemon raised her arms as waves of green energy came out of her, pulsating across the ground, The Pokemon and the planet were being covered in the green natural light of Refresh.

The poison was being erased as its purple venomous colour had been overpowered by Refresh's green colour. The trees were being healed up. They were still wilted, but with Refresh eliminating the poison, they would eventually grow back to a healthier state over time.

The contaminated water was cleared as all the Water Pokemon inside could swim safely once more. The Pokemon were cured of their poisoned status as they could breathe properly, move properly and didn't have to worry about anything else thanks to Audino and Fluttershy.

Thus, the planet was healed as a beautiful green glow could be seen from the space of the Arcane Seas.

"Audino." Audino's work was done here as she reverted to her normal form.

"Great work, Audi." Fluttershy flew over.

"Axew! Axew!" Axew jumped around, pleased that everyone and everything was cured here. "Xew!"

"Hm?" Fluttershy's ears shot up once she heard what Axew had said.

"What is it now, Fluttershy?" said Applejack.

"He said...thank you for healing grandpa too."

"Grandpa?" Ash looked around. "There's a grandpa Haxorus here somewhere? I don't see him."


"Oh! An old Haxorus with a beard!" Pinkie Pie imagined a Haxorus with wrinkly scales and a scraggly old beard.

"Xew. Axe! Axew!"

"Your grandpa is...the planet?" Fluttershy gasped.

"I beg your pardon?" Both Twilight and Rarity said.

"What do you mean the planet?" Drake asked. "If you're saying that then would that mean..."

"Oh!" Ash's hat flew off his head before landing back as he finally realized something. "Now this whole place looks super familiar!"

"It does?" His friends turned to him.

"Yeah! We're not on a planet! We're on a Super-Large Torterra!"

"A Torterra?!" They all looked to the ground and the sky.

It was indeed true. This entire time, they've been standing on a gigantic Torterra, which would explain the giant tree that could be seen. It wasn't a Dynamaxed or Gigantamaxed Torterra. Instead, this was another case of the Arcane Sea changing a Pokemon into something different.


Torterra was clearly pleased with the healing. He had taken a lot of damage because of the battle. Craters were around him, holes had been formed and it was just generally not a pleasant feeling for him. Especially when he was poisoned. That was considered the absolute worst. But he was fine now that Audino healed him, so he would recover swimmingly.

"It was worth coming here, wasn't it?" Coco said. "I wonder if there are more Special Pokemon somewhere on this plan- I mean...Torterra."

"Honestly, I think I need a break from all these Special Pokemon." Rarity held her head. "We haven't even finished the festival yet. We're still on the...Wait. Is it the sixth day or the seventh day currently?"

"Seventh." Her friends answered.

"Right. Thank you. We're still on the seventh day. I'm both excited and worried about what the second week will bring."

"No time to rest yet. That Team Plasma Grunt is still running rampant, correct?" Drake said. "He has nowhere else to go but on the Royal Unova."

"Oh yeah." Ash nodded. "He's gonna wanna head back to Pyrestar's world."

"He'll probably hide somewhere in the ship too. It's a pretty big ship so he could be anywhere inside of it." Twilight replied.

"Right you are on that. The Royal Unova is massive. Much larger than what it used to be years ago. It could be considered a city." Drake uttered. "He'll be nervous to fully show himself now so he'll up his stealth, just to make sure no one finds him."

"Team Plasma's super known in Unova too, right?" Pinkie Pie asked. "They used to do bad stuff in the region, like you said, Ash."

"I say we just fly in there and knock him out!" Rainbow Dash smashed her hooves together. "Then send him flying back to-"

"Or perhaps...we try a different approach." Drake slowed Rainbow Dash down. "There are Officer Jenny's across the entire Pokemon World. If we head back to Nimbasa City, we'll have that grunt locked up with the Officer Jenny of Nimbasa City."

"And all we have to do is catch him, right?" said Twilight.

"Yes. But it won't be easy in a ship as large as the Royal Unova. My crew and I will immediately start searching for him. Even if it lasts until the end of the festival."

"Audi. Can you hear him?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Audino." Audino couldn't hear the grunt at the moment. There were far too many sounds going on and the grunt was making sure to keep quiet so that no one would hear him.

"We'll get him. He can't hide forever." Drake put his hat back on. "We should be on our way very soon. Back to the seas of Unova."

"What about your quest for the Special Haxorus. He's right here in the form of Axew." Fluttershy pointed her hoof at Axew.


"Hmph. I would take my chance but...it seems that Axew over here has found an attachment already." Drake was referring to Axew and Spike.

"Attachment? To me?" Spike pointed at himself.

"I don't know the details of what happened here with you and the grunt, but I can tell that Axew is grateful to you for helping him in some way."


"Oh. You're welcome, Axew! It was no problem." Spike had a proud grin on his face. "But wait...does that mean...?"

"I think it means what it really means." Drake nodded. "Spike. Axew has chosen you as his trainer. And I cannot take that away." Drake kneeled to face both Axew and Spike. "Do you accept Axew's offer?"


"Yeah, I do!" Spike bellowed as he dug into his small bag, searching for a spare Poke Ball. He found himself a Great Ball instead. "Alright! Great Ball, go!"

Spike tossed the Great Ball into the air as Axew looked up at its imminent capture. "Xew!" The Tusk Pokemon jumped up, smashing his head onto the Poke Ball as a red light pulled him inside. The ball was now on the ground as it was ready to shake.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Axew was caught!

Spike went over to the Great Ball, picking it up as he released Axew from his ball. "Good to have you with us, Axew."

"Axew!" Axew and Spike gave each other a high-five, solidifying their new friendship. Spike was now advancing as a Dragon Trainer.

But despite how happy everyone was at the moment, the grunt was still free and currently on the move. He had escaped from Spike, Salamence and Axew while losing all of the Pokemon he had captured.

Except for one.

He held out a Poke Ball that hadn't fallen out when Drapion landed on him. This Poke Ball was what he would bring back to the Harmonia Kingdom. But he knew that heading back would be a bit troublesome now that his presence is known.

"Accursed dragons..." The grunt growled as he hid behind a tree. "But it's fine...I've got all the knowledge I need. And one Pokemon with all that jumbled up magic inside of it."

He looked over towards the direction of where the Royal Unova was. Just North from here. He knew that his Team Plasma outfit wouldn't help at all. So he placed his trench coat back on and took his hat off. However, Spike, Salamence and Axew now knew what his disguise was.

But as long as no one else finds out, he could be in the clear. Before he could run off, the grunt heard some voices nearby, so he stayed behind the tree to be cautious. The voices were getting closer as they sounded like a group of 6.

AKA Team Rocket and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

They had just finished making the small dinghy and were ready to let it set sail. But first, they were highly curious about this planet, which was actually a giant Torterra. Everyone found that out very quickly when they heard the cry of Torterra. The grunt himself was planning on catching Torterra, but that would be a horrible idea since Torterra was the entire planet. And capturing him meant falling into the abyss of the Arcane Sea.

"To think this whole planet's a Torterra. How great is that?!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Marvellous!" James replied. "But also a bit nerve-wracking if you ask me. This goliath of a Grass-Ground-Type could spell our doom if someone were to accidentally drop a Poke Ball on it."

"Mhm..." Apple Bloom quivered as she held onto James' arm, terrified of the thought of Torterra being caught and them all falling into the abyss.

"Oh, but of course, no one's foolish enough to do that!" James laughed as he patted Apple Bloom on the head, reassuring her safety.

"So are you still gonna sail with that thing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"In a minute," Jessie grumbled. "I'm more interested in this place if anything. I wonder if a beautiful Special Pokemon is somewhere waiting for me!"

"Don't count on it." Meowth chided as they all continued on their way, exploring the forest for themselves. The grunt breathed deeply as he was in the clear for now.

Now all he had to do was get onto the ship and wait it out until the Royal Unova returns to Nimbasa. But he wouldn't be leaving empty-handed or even without intel. Thanks to the microphone and camera, even though he didn't catch the Special Axew, he still had a lot to offer Colress who had over see the whole event.

With Axew being Spike's new friend and Dragon partner and the grunt currently aiming to get back to the Harmonia Kingdom via a trip on the Royal Unova without being caught, the Pokemon Festival's seventh day is underway while the second week is creeping up on the corner as the journey continues.

Chapter 347 End.

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