• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,614 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

  • ...

Blood, Guts and Lictor Brains

Rainbow and Talvan continued to argue about everything from the ability of an Alicorn to raise a massive ball of combusting plasma, to how if the Eldar were better than the other races in the universe, how come they had not managed to reclaim it yet. The others finally decided that the argument was over when Talvan threw a psychic blast at Rainbow, propelling her across the street. Rainbow however was having none of it, and flew at Talvan at speeds that the other Eldar did not think possible. She flew directly at Talvan who cocked her head slightly just before Rainbow hit her as if amused by what was going to happen. What happened next caused the group to gasp in shock, Rainbow hit Talvan full force in the stomach, smashing her back into the building behind her, unlike Rainbow however, Talvan was not as used to crashes, and did not recover as quickly as Rainbow. This was when the rest of the Eldar decided to end it once and for all. With half of the squad restraining the now screaming Rainbow Dash, and the others helping Talvan up. The argument had been going on for so long by now, that Rainbow could only just make out the outline of Talvan in the darkness.

“You take that back about my friends!” Rainbow screamed at Talvan,

“Why? I do not see what I said that was wrong, if your friends truly were the intelligent ponies you claim they are they would have already abandoned you, ergo they are dumb brutes, much like the rest of your race.” Talvan snapped back.

Rainbow once again tried to fly at the Eldar, but was held back by the remainder of the squad. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream echoed around the village.

“You two go that way” Elarique shouted, immediately taking charge of the situation, “Talvan, you take Dorgolmar and Egarion and check our perimeter, I want to know if anything is happening that I don’t know about yet. Rainbow, you're with me.”

The entire squad smoothly broke down into the groups assigned to them, forgetting completely about the argument between Rainbow and Talvan, Rainbow on the other hand was shocked by how quickly Elarique could formulate a plan of action, it took Twilight hours just to decide when to right her checklist for making a plan.

“Rainbow,” Elarique shouted as he ran off in the direction of the scream “with me I said”

With her mouth still agape Rainbow flew after Elarique, wincing slightly as she flapped her still damaged wing. The two of them ran through the village until they found the area the scream had come from, although Rainbow wished they hadn’t. Lying in an alley way off the main street was an Eldar corpse, mutilated to the point that it was hardly recognisable as an Eldar at all. Its entire chest had been split open down the middle, and guts were spilling out to join the growing pool of blood that was around the body.

Rainbow Dash looked at the corpse for a second, before vomiting, adding her bile to the blood on the floor.

“Wh…what could have do...done this?” Rainbow asked in a voice that even Fluttershy would have struggled to hear.

“Do you remember the day that I found you in the jungle?” Elarique asked, not taking his eyes off the corpse. “The creature that I killed was called a Tyranid, the creature that caused this was also a Tyranid, although I am not sure if it is simply a lone Lictor, or a precursor to an attack. Either way, we must find this creature and eliminate it”

“W…we?” Rainbow stammered, “You’re the solider, why do you need me to help?”

“Because even with training, a cornered Tyranid is more dangerous than most other creatures."

Another scream filled the air, and wordlessly Elarique sprinted off, putting his helmet on as he ran. As Rainbow flew after him, the rest of the squad joined them.

“No sightings of anymore Tyranid organisms attacking, I believe we are dealing with a lone creature” Talvan said as they ran.

“Good, at the very least we know what to expect now.” Elarique said.

“We found four more bodies in the west” Elensar reported “by the size of the wounds and the swiftness of the attacks I believe we are only facing a lone Lictor, not a Genestealer infestation."

“Good” Elensar muttered as they rounded the corner.

In front of them was another corpse, and Rainbow had to fight to keep the contents of her stomach from spilling onto the body again.

“There” Talvan suddenly shouted, “I saw something moving on the rooftop”

The squad rushed off in the direction Talvan had indicated, leaving Rainbow at the scene of the murder. She wanted to follow them, to stay in the relative safety a group would provide, but instead, she found herself rooted to the spot, paralysed with fear. Slowly Rainbow regained her senses, and began to back away from the corpse in the street. Slowly she turned around, and with a burst of speed flew from the dead body. Rainbow frantically flew through the town, looking for anyone that she could be with for reassurance, ideally she was looking for Elarique, but at this point in time, she would be willing to stay near Talvan for protection, no matter how much she dis-liked the pompous warlock.

As Rainbow flew, she started to see more and more blood on the floor, what was even scarier than the fact Eldar were being slaughtered quickly by unseen foes, was that the squad had said there was likely to be only one creature behind this, and that thought chilled Rainbow to her very core. In Equestria, very few creatures were able to cause this much damage, and none of those creatures were subtle, as they were usually large creatures such as Hydras or Ursa Majors. This creature however had killed more than a dozen Eldar, and still not been caught. Rainbow gulped, and silently thanked Celestia that the creature hadn’t found her.

She immediately wished she hadn’t, as thinking a thing like that was essentially asking the universe to come down, and buck you across the room.

Rainbow suddenly felt the breeze she had on her back for the past hour vanish, only to be replaced by a slow, rhythmic flow of hot, stinking air that was blown into her mane. She shakily turned around, and almost fainted at the sight before her.

The creature towered over Rainbow Dash, and although Dash could be sure, was easily twice as tall as both the princess’s, and was darker than Luna’s night, making the creature that now stood before her almost invisible. Dash may have missed it, if it wasn’t for the fact it was mere meters from her, and had the same piercing yellow eyes that the creature that attacked her on her first day on Hannibal. What struck Rainbow even more than the creature’s eyes however, was its lower face. Instead of a mouth the creature looked like it had worms dangling over its lower face, and each one seemed to writhe with a life of their own.

For the second time in her life, Rainbow forgot that she was the fearless element of loyalty, as her pupils reduced to a size that made pinpricks look like dinner plates, and let out another ‘Eep’ that put Fluttershy to shame, and bolted. The creature took off after her, relishing the opportunity for a hunt.

Rainbow flew back through the streets in a blind panic. She was no longer even searching for a place to hide, or even for another living creature to produce the feeling of safety, all she wanted to do was to put as much ground between her and the monster that was still following her. Rainbow looked back to see the thing gaining on her, even as her injured wing burned like someone had put a boiling kettle underneath her skin, the creature still gained. Rainbow blindly turned a corner and careened headlong into a wall, knocking her out of the sky. She silently cursed her own stupidity, if she had only looked where she was going she may have been able to dodge the creature for a while longer and escape, although she knew that was probably never going to happen. She looked up just in time to see one of the creature’s claws rending through the air towards her. If Rainbow had looked round a second later, she would have been killed. As it was, she managed to move to the side and into a corner at the last second. Even so, the creature’s claw still struck her face, leaving a trail of pain across her muzzle. To say it burnt was an understatement. Her wing now felt like a cool breeze compared to what her face was now feeling.

Backed up into a corner, with a creature that would have to go on a diet just to be called massive looming over her, Rainbow finally realised something. She was going to die. Surprisingly that thought didn’t bother her nearly as much as she thought it would. What did bother her however, was the fact that she would never see her friends again. The thought of that brought tears to Rainbows eyes as she stared up at the creature, and waited.

“RAINBOW!” Screamed a voice from the other side of the street.

Turning towards the voice, Dash saw Aranel running towards her. He had some sort of sleek object in one of his hands, and threw it towards her.

“POINT IT AT THE LICTORS HEAD AND PULL THE TRIGGER!” Aranel shouted, just as the Lictors’ tail sent him flying into a nearby building, breaking through a window in the process. However, in the creatures’ momentary lapse of concentration on her, Rainbow managed to catch the strange object in her hoof, and pulled the strange lever thing on its underside, while pointing it into the creatures gaping maw.

The result was a beam of pure white, followed by a wave of heat. What happened to the Lictor however, was much more impressive. Its entire head had been in the path of the beam, but now, there was nothing left. In front of her was a now a headless corpse, spraying small amounts of blood onto Rainbow. Slowly, the creature fell, pinning Dash to the floor, and covering her in blood and ichor. Rainbow didn’t even scream. Covered in blood, and sitting in a warm liquid that she could remember sitting in before, Rainbow mercilessly passed out.


“You…you killed it?” Asked Fluttershy

“Well yeah, it was either that or be eaten, I was lucky, all I got was this scar.” Rainbow replied calmly, gesturing to the ugly mark that stretched across her face.

“Well, it can’t make ya any uglier” Applejack said with a smirk

“Well I thought I’d give you a chance for a change.” Rainbow replied with a slight smile.

“If you two are quite finished flirting” Luna interupted with a slight smile

“We weren’t, I mean I wasn’t,” Applejack stammered. Rainbow for her part looked unphased by the comment.

“How in the hay are you so calm Rainbow, ever since you got back nothing seems to phase ya.” Applejack asked quizzically.

“Let’s just call it training for now.” Rainbow said, “Now where was I?”

“You just stopped that big meanie monster from attacking anypony, or is it anyeldar? Oh my gosh” Pinkie began to mumble away in the corner to herself, wondering if she would have to change the way she spoke to encompass a whole new species. The party possibilities were endless.

“OK,” Rainbow said, with a look of exasperation, “anyway…”

Author's Note:

The Lictor is supposed to look something like this picture: