• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,614 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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Dispute between Paths

Rainbow found herself once again walking around the temple alone, exploring its many nooks and crannies from the ground, before taking off and exploring the higher areas of the temple. It had become something of a ritual for her, and while she still enjoyed going around the Craftworld with the others, she preferred not to leave the temple on her own, not wishing to get more of the looks that she got for not being an Eldar.

She didn’t let that stop her doing anything that she wanted to do however, and if there was something that needed doing outside of the temple, she wouldn’t hesitate to go out. Unfortunately for her liver, one of the things that she considered essential was getting hold of alcohol. The one good thing that came from that, is she was now known there, and got less looks than anywhere else on the Craftworld. That is not to say she didn’t get any odd looks, but she usually was too far gone to see them.

Coming down from a particularly long fly around the temple’s aerial assault course, Rainbow found herself at the temple entrance. She already knew that the only other Eldar in the temple was Kaliden, and he didn’t like to be disturbed unless it was absolutely necessary.

Deciding that any plans she may have could wait for a while, and instead, she turned and trotted off in the direction of the showers. All the flying an running that the assault course had made her do had caused her to work up more sweat than an angry Commissar disciplining a new unit.

Reaching the showers, she quickly removed the empty spiritstone from around her neck, placing it on a small hook under the symbol of the Swooping Pegasus, the symbol that she had been assigned now that she had proved herself in battle.

Stepping into the cascade of water, she sighed as the hot liquid slewed over her body, washing off the accumulated sweat and dirt. After almost twenty minutes, she turned off the flow of water, and stepped into a small chamber just off from the shower. Pressing a rune on the wall, she felt a breeze of hot air pass over her body, and in short order, found herself dry once more.

Walking through the temple once more, she quickly made her way towards her chambers, and opened her footlocker, pulling out what was inside. It was the armour she had worn on Hannibal, and it always brought back memories, regardless of how many other battles she fought in, not matter what she saw, deep down, she knew that the battered and near destroyed armour would constantly make her feel regret. Regret for those she couldn’t save, and regret for those that she didn’t see anymore.

Replacing the armour in the chest, she pulled on the brown bodysuit of the temple, before heading towards the entrance once more. She always disliked the clothes she had to wear, but nudity was not considered ‘proper’ to the Eldar of Saim-Hann. Armour or aspect temple clothing was once thing, but full nudity was most definitely a social taboo.

Taking flight, Rainbow quickly angled herself towards the one place she enjoyed outside of the temple, and quickly found herself touching down in the courtyard she had first met Tar’nek in. Walking over to one of the merchants there, she placed her forehooves on the bar, and watched as the Eldar behind it walked over.

“Re’ka. Glass of.” She said simply, drawing a nod from the barkeeper.

“Sure you can handle it?” The barkeeper asked.

“I can.” She nodded with a smile.

Turning around, she surveyed the rest of the courtyard, looking at the other Eldar. Unlike the rest of the Craftworld, the Eldar in this place were laid back, usually drunk, and could actually be fun company, even to those who weren’t Eldar.

“Rainbow. Drinks up.” The barkeeper said, sliding a small glass filled with the brown liquid.

Nodding, Rainbow took the drink and trotted over to an unoccupied table. That was another perk about being in the Swooping Hawks, or just in an aspect temple in general, was the fact that drinks were on the house. From what she had heard, some Eldar stayed as aspect warriors just for that reason.

Smiling at how different Saim-Hann was to the other Craftworld, she took a sip from her glass, before remembering the first time she had seen an Eldar from a different Craftworld.


4 Weeks earlier


Rainbow was sitting with the other Floating Assault Eldar in the mess hall of a warship. As with the first time they had gone to battle, the mood was high, just like the songs that were being sung. The craftworld had once again been called upon to contain the spread of Orks, this time being called by another Craftworld. Alaitoc, to be specific. With the two Craftworld’s united, Rainbow and the others knew they would be successful, it was just a matter of time.

“…and then Juhani got up, and yelled, ‘that was awesome’!” Tar’nek roared with laughter, looking at the female Eldar. “After being thrown across the temple, that was her response.”

“Good response.” Rainbow grinned, grabbing a piece of fruit and biting into it.

They were still a week away from the battle, and had refrained from donning the war mask just yet, but they had donned their armour, as had everyone else on the ship.

“Oi oi.” Goroic called, pointing across the hall. “Looks like Starstriders have arrived.”

Following Goroic’s gaze, Rainbow looked over to see a group of Eldar, clad in the armour of the Striking Scorpions, walk into the main hall of the ship. Rainbow was already unnerved enough due to the presence of the Avatar of Khaine that was on board. The Bloody-Handed God walked amongst them, and Rainbow could feel its presence lingering on the edge of her mind, urging her to don the war mask, and dedicate herself in her entirety to the eradication of the Orks attacking Eileniliesh. From the look of every other Eldar on board, they felt the exact same thing.

“Who are they?” Rainbow asked, looking over the heavy armour that the Scorpions wore.

“From the look of their Exarch, and the small amount of warriors with him, and would say that they are members of the Deadly Rain shrine.” Kaliden murmured, not taking his eye off his weapon.

“I fought with them at Re’quolt.” Juhani said, looking over the members. “Who’s the new guy?”

“Let’s ask.” Jolee said, getting up and making his way over towards the Deadly Rain shrine-hall. Quickly getting up, the members of the Floating Assault made their way after Jolee, with the exception of Kaliden, who remained in the trance like state, checking his weapon, before checking it again.

The exarch of the shrine looked as they approached, his deep blue eyes darting between the Hawks, alighting on Rainbow for a fraction of a second longer, before moving on again. His hair was a rough, dirty brown colour, and was cropped close to his head, with the exception of a single long braid that snaked down his back.

“The Floating Assault shrine, children of the Hawk Kaliden if I am not mistaken.” The exarch said, rising and bowing regally. “Down one member, and up another? What happened to Makhutar?”

“Dead, fallen against the Orks of Unotipa IV.” Jolee said, bowing himself, before turning to point at Rainbow Dash. “Exarch Kenainath, may I present our newest member. This is Rainbow Dash. She is a pony, but do not let her species fool you, she is a sister in arms now. You are not without new members yourself. Who is this?” He asked, pointing at one of the seated warriors.

“This is Korlandril.” The exarch said, pointing at the Striking Scorpion, who rose from his seat. “Our own babe at arms. This shall be his first mission.”

“It is nice to know I am not the only one who will be seeing combat for the first time this expedition.” Korlandril said, bowing to Rainbow.

“First time?” Rainbow asked indignantly. “Try second as a Hawk, and more in general.”

“Seems like you are the only one to be facing combat for the first time.” Juhani grinned. “Point, Saim-Hann.”

“Barbarians.” One of the Scorpions muttered.

“Puritanical idiots.” Faren shot back.

“And on that, I think we should leave.” Jolee said. “I wish you all well in the fight, and I hope you get back whole.”




Laughing softly at the memory, Rainbow quickly downed the glass of Re’ka, before holding it up and catching the barkeeper’s eye.

“Rainbow?” Called a voice from behind her, and she turned around to see a familiar Eldar approaching him, specifically, a group of Exodites.

“Egarion.” Rainbow smiled, rising and walking over to the Exodite. “What are you doing here?”

“We heard that this was the favourite place for a non-Eldar to get drunk on Saim-Hann, figured that it was you.” Dorgolmar grinned, sitting down at the table that Rainbow had occupied moments ago. “What are we drinking?”

“Re’ka.” Rainbow smiled as the Eldar from behind the bar walked over with another glass in his hand.

“You actually drink that stuff?” Aranel asked, scrunching his nose up at the smell of the drink. “Three wines, please.” He said, addressing the barkeep.

“Coming up.” The Eldar nodded.

“So come on, what have you guys been doing for the last five weeks? I haven’t seen you since…” Rainbow began.

“Since you decided to go and fight the Orks.” Egarion said bitterly, looking at the pony with a stern glare. “What happened to the pony who hated fighting?”

“She died on Hannibal.” Rainbow said, as if she was talking about something as simple as the weather. “I have nothing else to offer. Flight teams don’t exist in Eldar society, and the weather is controlled naturally. What else was I going to do? It all makes sense now.”

“You could have come with me.” Aranel shot back, taking a sip from the crystal glass in front of her. “Merchant navy.”

“I’m not somepony who can sell things well, that’s Applejack. I’m not an artist, or a sculptor, that would be Rarity. So tell me, how would I fare if I had become an artisan like Egarion, or a trading merchant like yourself?” Rainbow growled softly, downing her own glass.

“What did Elarique say to you? Just before he died?” Egarion asked.

“Don’t bring him into it. Don’t you dare.” Rainbow snarled.

“What. Did. He. Say?” Egarion insisted, punctuating each word.

“He said promise me you won’t lose yourself out here.” She said bitterly. She saw where they were trying to steer this, and she didn’t like it.

“Exactly. He didn’t want you to keep on fighting, and now look at you.” Dorgolmar said simply.

“You are failing…” Egarion began sternly.

“No.” Rainbow growled, hitting the table with her hoof for emphasis. “What do you actually know about Elarique? Before he came to Hannibal. How much did you actually know about him?”

“That’s not…” Egarion began.

“That is the point!” Rainbow roared. “The armour that was modified to fit me? Elarique’s old armour! The temple that I am now a part of? Elarique’s old temple! Before he came to Hannibal, he was a Swooping Hawk, so don’t give me this buffalo crap that I’m betraying his memory!”

“He didn’t want that life for you!” Dorgolmar roared back, getting up and looking straight at the cyan Pegasus, anger filling his eyes.

“And I didn’t want this life for me either!” Rainbow shot back. “I want to be at home, with my friends, not fighting wars! But as I’m here, I’m going to do all I’m good at.”

“We’re your new friends!” Dorgolmar growled.

“No.” Rainbow said, getting up. “Elarique was my friend, Talvan was my friend. In fact, all of you were my friend.”

“And now?” Egarion asked, getting up as well.

“Were.” Rainbow said simply, before flaring her wings, and taking flight, angling herself back towards the temple.

As she flew, a single tear threatened to roll down her cheek, but she caught it before it dropped. She would not shed a tear for any of them.

Author's Note:

Any mistakes, please point them out.