• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,614 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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Sequel is up!

Guess what everybody/everypony/creatures of the deep.
The sequel to this story just got approved by the site, hooray. :pinkiehappy:
You will be able to find it here: The Descent into Madness

I hope you enjoy this one as much as Swooping Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash has been back in Equestria for four years, but the planet has not been idle. The knowledge that they are not alone has catapulted Equestria forward. Reverse engineered technology has pushed the world into a new golden age. Leading the way in new Arc-tech developments is Twilight Sparkle, her discoveries and inventions seeing use across the length and breadth of Equestria. Her latest invention is set to be the most influential yet, the crowning glory in the Element of Magic’s scientific career. When something goes wrong however, and Applejack is forcibly teleported from the boundaries of the world, only one pony has any knowledge about where she might be. But even she can’t do it alone, not this time. Luckily, she won’t have to.
Enter the Swooping Pegasi, and watch their descent into the darkness.

Comments ( 183 )

Most intriguing....

4238188 hehe u joker you xD

My one problem with this story is its lack of Tau xD

Would you believe no? Ithi k I've got a bit better further on in the story, and I really need to rewrite the earlier bit, but I just have no drive to do it at the moment. :twilightblush:

She is, mistake soon to be changed

Damn it, are they really screwing with the fandom this much?

4254616 Sadly Yes, ThePonyArchive received multiple e-mails telling them they are in copy right violation... They responded multiple time saying that they were based out of Sweden, so US copyrights don't apply, but after threatening a court lawsuit they gave up and allowed their site to be shut down. Other sites are being attacked as well. On Youtube all MLP Episodes are being removed along with tons of fan made content(JanAnimations was the first to go) But yeah its gotten real bad... :fluttershysad: :fluttershbad: :fluttercry: :flutterrage: :rainbowwild: :unsuresweetie: :raritydespair: :ajsleepy:

Are they really so dense tht they realise that for better or for worse, we make up the majority of the fanbase? Getting rid of us will seriously harm the show.

One Word... Money. If people can watch for free they lose money... Thats why they are doing this... Money, I fact, right after they wiped Youtube clean, they started uploading the episodes to the hasbro channel and you can watch each one if you pay a dollar to watch each one...

Damn. I watch all the episodes through youtube. :applejackconfused:

In others words... Hasbro is screwing us over for money...

Great. That will go well for all parties involved.

No really? :rainbowhuh: Thanks HasNObro, Hasbrosifstalin... Get it I combined a dictator and hasbro! Im genius! :facehoof:

Currently Hasbro has lots of bros. keep this up, and they'll see the fandom die. It just takes hitting the music, or god forbid the cons, and people will go crazy

4255046 Like you wouldn't believe

Take the uproar over Twilicorn, and multiply it by a billion.

Yeah, I guess it would be way way way worse.:ajsleepy:

Think the sun just up and exploding taking out earth while it burned out... All out war...

Bronies, prepare for battle!

You know whats funny... If we do go to battle, I have played Pro Airsoft for years, Work with my local Sheriff Dept RRT(Rapid Response Team) And Special Weapons And Tactics Team through my explorer post...This will be fun... :pinkiecrazy:

And I'm in the Marines CCF, and know how to handle a rifle. Fun times indeed. :pinkiecrazy:

Lol, Im going straight to the Navy, Family tradition...Dad was a Petty Officer 2nd , grandfather a LT Commander and a nuclear engineer for the Navy

4255149 Are you having as much fun as I am bouncing back and forth between comments on 2 differn't stories? :rainbowlaugh:

Yes, especially when both conversations are completely different.

See, I'll be the first one in the family to join the RM.

4255186 Awesome! All I can say is the military is a job, just do your job and excel where you can... And try not to be the greenie for too long... xD

Comment posted by LtCWest deleted Apr 19th, 2014

4255122 4255149
Count me in, I was a six months conscript in the Austrian Army, I still know every piece of my Steyr AUG/Stg. 77 :rainbowdetermined2:

4257457 Eeyup, "Kill it with fire" always works. :twilightsmile:

Dat picture.
Its Awesome!

No, but you are in luck, I have just started a sequel where everyone's favorite space commies feature.

That comes from actual facts from combat with the Tyranids on Taris Ultra. Tyranid bio acid does cause permanent scaring.

4257483 gimme an M4A1 Navy Variant and I will show you a good time... xD

God damn it. I'll changed that now

Well. I spent entire week reading this.
In my country there is a saying: "Мыши плакали, кололись, но продолжали жрать кактус". (Pricking themselves and crying, the mice kept on eating the cactus through). Well, this is the case. I just do not know why I read it to the end, and did not give up in the beginning.
But now, I can confidently assert:
This fic is big one hundred fifty thousand piece of worthless SHIT. Good idea and nice start, but it was the only good thing that it is. Bad stylistics, bad dylogs, bad attempt to make readers feel sorry for Rainbow, uncanonical Eldars, and awful ending.
Don't repeat my mistakes. just tap on dislike and pass by. There are much better stories in fimfiction than this.


Wow, huh, well this is just slightly harsh, but still, your opinion and all that jazz. Do you mind explaining a bit more though? I mean I know it's far from perfect, and maybe some parts are a bit contrived or cliche, but I'm not sure it's quite as bad as you make out.
Uncharacteristic Eldar? I don't think they are out of character. If you read some books, Eldar, especially the Exodites, can be a bit more compassionate and tolerant.
Bad ending? Why? Please explain more on this point, I'd like to know.

Also, for future reference, it's dialogue, not dylogs. I realiseEnglish is probably not your first language though, so just a friendly heads up.

Yeah, the UM have a lot of battle honours no doubt, but the amount of blunders is also high. Ventris saves a planet from the. 'Nids? Banishment, resulting in the largest invasion of the Ultrama system since the hersey. Duri g the heresy, the UM were the largest, but what did they do withit? Get deverstated at Calth. After the heresy, the legions were clearly loyal, so the UM primarch decides that 1000 marines ismore than enough for no good reason. As for Behemoth, the nid hive fleet, it was the largest single tendril, but Leviathan is much, much larger. The UM have their good moments, but they also have their shitty moments. Personally I'll chose Space Wolves evey time.

Let's look at why the wolves killed Grey Knights. They were responsible for killing innocent civillians and soldiers for no reason, so they rightly so said fuck that noise and defended the innocent as Space Marines should. The wolves are one of the most human chapters out there, only eclipsed by the Salamanders


Leviathan is a net, where Behemoth was a Hammer Blow that the Hive Mind had used to take other Galaxies. It was the single largest 'tendril' the Imperium has faced, and the Ultramarines defeated it. A single Company of Ultramarines destroyed another hive tendril - while it broke with the Codex Astartes, and Ventris is one of the mary sues of the Black Library, it was still a single company holding the line that managed to defeat the Tyranids. (Also, in the 6th Edition Codex, the entire book was retconned out and it was Chaplain Cassius that carried the day.)

Tigurius had foreseen that Ventris needed to go onto his Death March. After all, the daemon engine that he destroyed to return back to the Ultramarines would have given the Traitor Legions - specifically Honsou - the capability that the Traitors had lost. The ability to create more Space Marines. This, coupled with the burgeoning threat of the 13th Black Crusade, would have pushed the Imperium over the brink. Honsou's invasion of Ultramar was repelled, with Honsou being 'dead' and the Ultramarines still in fighting form.

The splitting of the legions were required, especially after the Heresy. The Red Corsairs are a prime example of this; a single man, beloved by his men and all of those he works with, decides that he has had enough of the Imperium and thrusts the Imperium into a bloody Civil War. While Lufgt Huron had already been quietly building his Chapter into a Legion, him and three Space Marine chapters and the local Imperial Guard forces thrust the Imperium into one of the most bloody civil wars since the Age of Apostasy. What if he had the power of a Space Marine Legion? With all of the Primarchs being dead or missing, a single corruptible Space Marine would be in charge of a Space Marine Legion. When the might of a Legion is required on the field of battle, multiple chapters band together and fight alongside one another to bring down whatever it is they oppose. Don't forget, that both Corax and the Khan supported Gulliman's vision; it wasn't Gulliman alone that decided that the Chapters needed to be split. Even Rogal Dorn, after spending a week in the Pain Glove, realized the truth in Gulliman's words. (Though, Dorn backing anything isn't really a good thing for that cause, as he went a bit crazy after the death of the Emperor; see his 'brilliant' idea to throw himself at Perturabo.)

As for the Grey Knights, they did what they had to - the taint of Daemonic Incursion upon the mind of a mortal man is typically too much - and the mere knowledge of Daemons could threaten any world that those Guardsmen walked on next. While it's brutal, it was necessary for the well being of the Imperium as a whole.

The Space Wolves haven't been declared Excommunicate Traitorus because of their plot armour. Destroying an Ecclesiarchy Fleet is inexcusable, they do not pay their Gene-Tithe to the Ministorum, and they have killed Inquisitors and Grey Knights (Grey Knights, who, in the ranking of the Imperium, are worth more than any Space Marine). They have even brought Aliens (Eldar) into their Fortress Monastery on Fenris.

The Space Wolves don't even get rated on the same level of 'Human' Chapters like the Salamanders. I'd put the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, and maybe the Raven Guard over the Space Wolves. The Space Wolves 'honorable' deeds do greater harm to the Imperium than simply doing what they are told.

And that's not even getting into their gigantic flaming pile of hypocrisy that they ran around with during the Heresy. "Librarians are bad, but my Wolf Librarians are good!"

EDIT: I'd like to point out that I'm happy to have someone around here that actually knows more about the story then "Hurr Durr, X Faction is teh best cause i bought the minis!"

Huh, I didn't kow about the retcon of the Ultramarine series.

To be fair to Honsou, he used a force with less marines to attack an entenched force. They managed to deverstae the first, second and four companies with mostly Imperial Guard and a few marines and DE, nt to mention that he killed a planet just to piss of Ventris.
Oh, and Ho sou isn't dead. He escape the planet after fucking shit up on uis own for six months as shown in The Beast of Calth.

Yes Space Marines are more corruptable, but the primarches generally weren't, the loyal ones would have stayed loyal. Sure you had some of them die off in the heresy, but still. I can actually see the splitting down of the Legions in some ways, although I have always wondered what happened to the other wolves? They didn't form another chapter, so where are they?

Daemonic influence may be terrible and could lead to ruin, but the survivors of Armageddon weren't corrupted, so the Space Wolves wanted to protect them from being killed for defending their homes, and were willing to risk excommunication for that belief. Just for that reason, they are a more 'human' chapter. Others do seem to roll over and do what they are told with no thought, whereas the Space Wolves question orders and follow their gut feeling. The UM do that, the Blood Ravens do the same, and almost every chapter either goes to far with their alligence to their orders, or disregards them co pletly. IMO, Space Wolves and Salamanders, possibly the Blood Angels as well, are the oly ones to creatuvly interpret their orders.

It is likewise nice to meet someone who knows fluff, but doesn't just bitch about it and tongue bath a specific faction.

4264507 Honsou only got as far as he did because of the Daemon Prince he had released to divert Calgar's attentions away from his main goal. That, and Ventris is a terrible character, and a very poor example of an Ultramarine. While I dislike Sicarius as well, because he is a glory hound and something an Ultramarine shouldn't be, he got his comeuppance at the second Battle of Damnos when Tigurius and Calgar bitch slapped the Necrons and showed him he wasn't in their league yet.

Didn't see that Honsou lived; hadn't read the Beast of Calth, and I try to avoid the Ventris series, like, I said, a poor way of representing the Ultramarines. After all, the fluff states that the Codex, and the Ultramarines (mostly) strict adherence to it is why they've been one of the, if not the, most successful chapter in the Imperium. Then, they write Ventris, who is pretty much 'lawl I do what I want' and then mary sues his way to victory.

The other wolves either died and were not replaced due to the restrictions on recruitment (which the Space Wolves ignore, seeing as their chapter strength is roughly between 1500 - 2000), left with Leman Russ when he decided he was going to go hunt some bitches and became the 13th Company/Wulfen, or got purged horribly when their one successor Chapter went down the tube in a burning mass of failure.

As for Armageddon, just because they didn't immediately exert signs of Daemonic Influence did not mean they were not at risk. It wasn't even that they were corrupted at all; the sheer fact that those guardsmen knew about the Daemons was, at that time in the Imperium, a great enough risk to warrant their execution. Daemons and the true stuff of the Warp are things that is a closely guarded secret by the Inquisition - they even Mind Wipe/Scrub entire Space Marine chapters to remove the knowledge of a Daemonic Incursion from their mind. And, seeing as the act of wiping their minds is an expensive and taxing process, wiping a million Guardsmen wasn't on the table. It might be inhuman or needlessly cruel, but, at the end of the day, a million men means nothing to the Imperium as a whole, when trillions of lives could be at stake if even one of those Guardsmen cause a problem down the line.

Doesn't explain why Cadians are allowed to send troops abroad, considering they live in a place that deals with Daemonic Incursion all the damn time, but, hey, the Cadians get a lot of leeway because Cadians.

I wasn't going to bring up the Blood Angels, and, while the Angels are generally 'decent' people, they almost have it as bad in the mutation department as the Space Wolves. Nothing overt, but, as the Flesh Tearers attest (who skate the line of being excommunicated), the Black Rage is a pretty heavy threat to anyone they fight alongside.

And, while I agree that the Primarchs at the time were not corrupt, I'm sure after the fall of Sanguinius, Ferrus Manus, and the disappearance of the Lion all were weighed into Gulliman's decision. And, for the Legions that didn't support Gulliman, well, they've all either pretty much ignored the Codex (Leman), or found a way around it, (Dorn w/ the Black Templar) or gave in (Vulkan). But, examples like Lufgt Huron still stand, and many other Chapter Masters throughout the ten millenia since the Horus Heresy have attested, the power of a Legion is to much for one man. It would be wonderful if every Chapter Master was like Marneus Calgar, Tu'shan, or even Grimnar, but for every heroic Chapter Master that is adored by the masses of the Imperium, there's a Lufgt Huron to ruin it for everyone.

For the Primarchs: Sanguenius died at the hands of Horus. Ferrus Manus died on Istavann along with most of his legion. The lion died after the whole civil war things with the fall...BLAM heresy. The Dark Angels did not fire upon each other. Vulcan is a perpetual, and is such immortal (go figure :pinkiesick:) The Khan chased the DE into the webway. Russ chased the Thousand Sons into the warp. Guilliman got poisoned and is in stasis. Dorn actually survived, and died in the first black crusade. Not sure about Corvax.
Ok fine, I see your point about possibly needing a cut down, most of them were after all fairly dead.

To be fair to Huron, there are a lot of arguments for why he was in the right. He wanted to protect the Maelstrom sector, and he needed marines to do that, so he began building up past chapter strength. The Imps didn't like that, but because no side would back down the war started, and from there it was a foregone conculsion.

I guess Armageddon makes some brutal sense, but I can see why the Wolves said screw that, and for that I will always respect them.

The UM are effective due to the codex, and I guess that as almost all SM chapters use it, it must be fairly effective, but even the UM have proved that it's not always effective. One of their greatest victories was when they almost destroyed the Alpha Legion by going against the codex asatrtes. Yeah they lost a bit later, but that's because of the Alpha Legion having 2 Primarchs, and they thought they killed one, but to be honest they could have just killed a random legionnaire.

4266818 Yeah, unfortunately for the Codex, it was written ten thousand years ago. Tyranids, Necrons, and Tau all don't have things about them written in it by Papa Smurf. Chapters have to wing it when it comes to fighting foes that don't die, don't care about dying, or have guns that make Eldar blush and look away in embarrassment. Which is why even the Ultramarines are starting to make changes to the Codex; see Chaplain Cassius and the Tyrannic War Veterans. It's not perfect, but it's pretty much a better version of Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

Corvax decided that sticking around the Ravenspire wasn't emo enough, so he took a shuttle and flew directly to the Eye of Terror.

On Huron, the war only started because he broke off and declared himself the Tyrant of Badab. Now the Mantis Warriors are nearly extinct and the Lamenters about to eat a different Hive Tendril somewhere else in the galaxy.

Yeah, but the Badab war gave us the Space Sharks, so it's all good there.

4269481 I was actually going to say that.

Any war that gives you bloodthirsty marines that fight for the Emperor, as well as a terminator who can't decide between lightning claws and chain fists so uses both is awesome, no exceptions.

I really should get around to re-writing it. The thing is I know it's crap, but I'm a lazy bugger who's already juggling way too much stuff to start going back as well.

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