• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,636 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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“What were they?” Pinkie asked urgently as Rainbow stopped, hanging off the edge of her seat but somehow not toppling it over.

“Hellspawn.” Rainbow muttered darkly, slotting her leg back into its slot, before grabbing hold of her wing. “Tyranids are beasts, these things are worse. God I wish you had Re’ka here.”


Verbatim VIII


Rainbow was paralysed by fear as a hand burst through the pool of blood, grabbing hold of the side and hauling itself up. The creature was huge, looking more like a Minotaur than a human. Its skin was bright red, matching the blood around it perfectly, only broken up by a few scales and jet black horns. It was as tall as a Space Marine, and yet was also lither, its legs being double jointed, one forward and one back. The sword it carried was what really terrified Rainbow however, the massive blade being covered in fire, and was easily as long as Rainbow.

The creature took a step out of the pool, licking the blood off its arm with a massive long tongue, its eyes sweeping across the room and locking onto Rainbow as if it was sensing weakness. She was going to prove it wrong.

“Daemon! Kill it!” Gabriel roared, getting back to his feet and charging forward.

Roaring, Rainbow grabbed hold of her sword and sprinted forward, even as more of the Daemons began to emerge through the blood pool turned portal. Diving forward, Rainbow flapped her one remaining wing, putting herself into a spin as the Daemon swung its sword at where her neck had been only nanoseconds before, but instead of passing through her neck it simply shaved the fur off her stomach, the scorching heat making her instantly break out into a sweat.

Her swords aim had not been thrown off however, and even as she spun, her sword imbedded itself in the Daemons chest, ripping through the flesh as she landed on her hooves behind the massive creature. Turning, she expected the Daemon to fall, but was shocked when the creature turned and swung its sword at Rainbow. She only just managed to get her sword up to block the attack, sliding back across the corpses.

The Daemon bellowed, before charging at Rainbow, swinging its sword wildly like some sort of animal. Diving forward, Rainbow narrowly avoided the strike, before spinning and kicking out, catching the Daemon in the chest and staggering it for just long enough for Rainbow to perform a Coup de grâce, severing the creatures head from his neck. Even as its head fell, the creature began to immolate, burning down like a candle until nothing but ash remained.

Panting heavily, Rainbow turned around, only to find herself confronted by yet another Daemon, this one almost identical to the last except that it was covered in dark brass armour. Behind the creature, Gabriel was engaging numerous Daemons, smashing them aside as if they were nothing more than dolls, his hammer easily breaking through their armour. Unfortunately, the rest of the Blood Ravens weren’t fairing nearly as well, and Rainbow could already see one of them impaled on a trio of Daemon swords. Even facing death, the Space Marine didn’t give up, grabbing hold of one of the Daemons and shoving his sword like combat knife through its eye before going limp.

“We need help!” Rainbow roared, knocking aside a Daemons sword before ducking under the blow of another one.

“Hroaldr is fighting here now!” Gabriel roared, head-butting a Daemon before plunging his fist into its chest and ripping out a chunk of flesh.

“Can we stop this?!” A Blood Raven shouted, grabbing hold of the fallen Blood Ravens combat blade and plunging both weapon into the ears of a Daemon, before being thrown backwards by another one.

“Maybe!” Gabriel grunted. “The sorcerer, he’s the locus!” He gestured wildly towards the last remaining Word Bearer. “Kill him and close the portal!”

“I can do it!” Rainbow screeched, rolling past a Daemons sword and lashing out with her own, gutting the creature.

Not waiting to see if the Daemon survived or not, Rainbow sprinted forward, careful to keep her footing on the slippery corpse strewn floor. Reaching the edge of the pool, Rainbow leaped into the air, wrapping her forehooves around the Space Marines waist and ripping him out of the air.

The pair crashed to the floor, breaking the Word Bearer out of the trance he had been in before. Springing back to her feet, Rainbow readied her sword as the Word bearer drew a sword from his back, brandishing the wicked looking glowing weapon at Rainbow. The Daemons seemed to sense the power the sorcerer wielded, avoiding both him and his prey of Rainbow.

“You have caused me great discomfort little flea.” The Sorcerer growled. “And I feel inclined to scratch.”

“Bring it on.” Rainbow snarled, before diving forward.

Letting out his own snarl, the sorcerer leaped forward, waving the hooked blade in figure of eights multiple times before gripping it in two hands. Baring her teeth, Rainbow leaped into the air, desperately trying to control her erratic flight with one wing. The only reason she even attempted to try such an unpredictable movement in the middle of a fight was because if she didn’t know where she was going to go, he enemy sure as hell couldn’t either.

The Space Marine charged at her with the hooked blade upheld, slashing forward, before following it through with a vicious backswing. Rainbow dodged the first blow, landing back on her hooves in enough time to bring her sword up and catch the second. Her sudden recovery caught the Sorcerer off guard, and Rainbow thought for the briefest of seconds that she may have managed to knock the blade from his hands, but it was a foolish hope. This was not a man, this was a Demi-God, and he would not relinquish his weapon that easily.

Roaring, the Sorcerer lunged forward again, the blade opening a slit along the back of her armour, the blade only missing her flesh by the tiniest of margins.

Ripping her armour away from the sword, Rainbow leaped up, delivering a powerful four hoofed kick into the Space Marines armour before landing on the floor, rolling backwards and quickly getting back up. It felt like she had kicked a brick wall, but it had done the job, and she had managed to stagger the Marine.

Lunging with her own strike, Rainbow blade bit deep into the Sorcerers wrist, before continuing through, the hand flopping to the floor still clutching the sword. The Space Marine howled in pain, but if Rainbow thought that would do anything more than piss him off however, she was dead wrong.

An instant later, she found herself being grabbed and flung over the Sorcerers head, crashing into the floor and sending skulls and bodies flying. The Sorcerer advanced upon her as she scrambled back to her feet, frantically looking for her own sword in the midst of the dead. All around her were corpses, even some of the Blood Ravens who had entered with her. The room was filling up with Daemons fast, Gabriel and the Blood Raven with two knives fighting back to back as more and more of the Hellspawn pressed in on them. The pool had stopped spewing out Daemons by now, and Rainbow wanted to think that that was a good thing, but she knew that it would be anything but in this new hell she found herself in.

Scrambling away from the advancing sorcerer, Rainbow fled into a small dark room off from the main chamber, diving behind a huge pile of skulls. The chaos forces must have been collecting the dead from both sides of the conflict since the beginning to have so many corpses and skulls.

Holding her breath, Rainbow tried to make herself silent as she heard the door to the chamber scrape closed, sealing the pair off from the outside, and drowning out the sounds of battle.

“Come out little pony.” The Sorcerer chided, his voice sounding muffled as if he had his hand over his mouth. “Tzeench wishes to know of your secrets as well.” His voice didn’t sound muffled at all now.

When he received no answer, the Sorcerer chuckled in a deep, throaty voice.

“I see you wish to play games with me? Let us play hide and go slay.” The voice was getting closer and closer to her hiding place, so close that she could almost smell the Space Marine over the smell of death that pervaded the rest of the room.

Unable to hold in her fear anymore, Rainbow bolted, scattering the skulls as she dived backwards again, catching sight of the Sorcerer. He had removed his helmet, the massive piece of armour now secured at his waist, and revealing a horribly mutated face. Rainbow had thought that the horns that she had seen were on his helmet, now she saw that beneath that, this warrior was almost as twisted as the Daemons outside.

“There you are.” The Sorcerer grinned, exposing a maw full of far more teeth than there should have been. “You cost me my hand. I like that had, it took the lives of loyalist lapdogs during the heresy.”

“Fuck you. And fuck your hand.” Rainbow growled.

“Oh no little pony, I believe that when I give your broken deranged body to Slaanesh, that will be you.”

Screaming, rainbow dived forward, only to find herself being backhanded across the room, her helmet ripping itself from her head and skidding off into the corner. Blood poured from her muzzle as she staggered back.

The first punch glanced her chin, only just making contact, and yet still feeling like a freight train had hit her. Quick as a flash, a second punch slammed home, ramming into her side and splintering tha armour there. Rainbow chocked as the air was forced from her lungs by the force of the blow, flecks of blood indicating where she had bitten her tongue. She was sure her ribs were broken now.

Staggering back, Rainbow growled, shaking her head and trying to get her bearings. The Space Marine was bigger than her, he was more experienced than her, and his strength made Big Mac look like a new born foal. If she had any hope of surviving this, she would need to use everything she had learnt back on Saim-Hann, as well as a shit load of luck.

The Space Marine lunged forward, but this time Rainbow was ready. Pivoting around the punch, Rainbow used the momentum to transfer her weight onto her rear hooves, spinning around the Sorcerers guard and delivering a massive blow into the jaw of the Sorcerer, before falling back to four hooves.

Before he could recover, Rainbow was already lashing out again, smashing her hooves into his chest armour. She knew this wouldn’t do anything against him, but the kick was not to damage him, it was to send her skidding away. Pushing off from her opponent, Rainbow slid across the blood soaked floor just in time to avoid a wild haymaker thrown by the Sorcerer. Approaching the wall, Rainbow kicked off from it, flipping over the head of the Space marine and landing on his back pack.

Holding in a roar of pain as a Spike ripped through her armour and sliced in the meat of her leg, Rainbow delivered a blow into the back of the man’s head, staggering him, before Rainbow kicked off from him again, once more avoiding the retaliation strike. Her blows were like ant bites to a pony, on their own useless and inconsequential, but when chained together could weaken her target enough to allow her to finish him off. His blows on the other hand would be deadly with just one or two blows, her armour already threatening to come apart under the beating she had taken, but he was slow, and as long as Rainbow kept moving, he wouldn’t get a blow in.

Diving forward, Rainbow rolled to the side, expecting the Space marine to try to hit her where she wasn’t. Instead however, she felt an immense pain in her rear as she suddenly stopped moving, before being flung backwards at the door. As she flew through the air, she saw the Sorcerer snarling as he sprinted after her, a wad of Rainbow coloured hair from her tail still clutched in his hand.

Rainbow slammed into the stone door, hardly slowing as she passed through it, rock splintering as she crashed to the floor. Her armour was cracked ad broken, her new leg felt was kicking out weakly as it sought to turn the signals being sent to it into movement, but only being able to register about half of what was required. Blood poured from all over her body, and she realised that she wasn’t going to get up at this rate before the Sorcerer was on her.

Grinning, the mutated Space Marine reached down, grabbing her by the neck and squeezing, just tight enough to cut off her air supply, but not enough to break her neck. He wanted her to suffer, to watch as the Daemons finally overran Gabriel. The Chapter Master was on his own now, his armour torn and rent in many places as he swung wildly with his Thunder Hammer. More Daemons had appeared now, and not all of them were red like before. Now there were all kinds of Daemons, far too many to count or to differentiate between.

“Watch pony, watch as all you have fought for is silenced in front of you.” The Sorcerer growled, turning her to face the carnage. “Chaos cannot be stopped by you, and now this world shall be sacrificed to Chaos undivided.”

“Fuck…you.” Rainbow chocked, struggling in the vicelike grip of the Space Marine.

“No, little pony. I will give you to the Daemonettes, they will take you to their master, and he will break you in. Then you will die.” The Sorcerer sneered. “Or maybe I will give you to my master. I am sure the Changer of the Ways will enjoy picking your brains apart. You are already a part of his plan. Perhaps that is already in the plan.”

Rainbow continued to writhe, but it was hopeless. He vision was already darkening, and she was struggling to hear what was going on in the rest of the room as she fought for air which she couldn’t get. This was it. She had no way of escaping the grip of the Space marine. Soon she would be unconscious, Gabriel would be killed, and the entire planet would be overrun. More than that, Saim-Hann would be hurt too, the Daemons that spawned here would attack the Craftworld, and Slaanesh would feast on more Soul Stones than it had since the Fall. All because rainbow had been too weak to beat this Sorcerer.


Rainbow felt herself falling, before hitting the floor hard, gasping for breath as she coughed violently. Her visions slowly became clearer as she rolled over to look at the Sorcerer.


Rainbow was splattered with fresh blood as another bolt slammed into the Chaos Marines armour, joining the first hole in his abdomen. Falling to his knees, the Sorcerer looked helplessly at the entrance, and Rainbow followed his gaze, her heart lifting as she saw what was happening.

Space Marines of all colours were pouring into the room, led by Hroaldr and Varagol. Behind them came their own men, firing their pistols or laying into the horde of daemons with chainswords and axes. They were less important than the other who were with them though. Through the throng of Space Marines, Rainbow caught sight of Eldar, and at the front of it all, Tar’nek.

The Eldar looked as battered and bruised as rainbow felt, his helmet looking as if it was only just being held together and protecting him, but he was there none the less. He was the only Swooping Hawk that Rainbow could see in the throng, but there were more than enough Eldar to back him up. Dark Reapers stood beside Devastator Marines as they poured fire into the horde from the edge of the room, while Howling Banshees fought back to back with Blood Claws in the furious melee that developed.

Getting back to her hooves, Rainbow looked at the Chaos Sorcerer as he fell to his knees, before placing his hands onto the floor, bringing him to the eye level of Rainbow. Suddenly, Tar’nek was by her side, followed by a host of other Eldar, all brandishing their weapons.

“Wait!” She shouted, turning to look at the others.

“Now isn’t the time.” Tar’nek growled.

“Let me.” rainbow growled back, before catching sight of the Sorcerers fallen sword.

Quickly snatching it up, Rainbow approached the Chaos marine, placing the blade on the back of his neck, smiling wickedly.

“What was that about your plan?” She snarled, forcing herself to stand on two legs. She didn’t know what it was, but this new bionic seemed to help her to balance much easier. “It looks like you’re out of favour with your Gods.”

“Go to…” The Chaos Marine began, but got no further.

The blade passed effortlessly through the man’s neck, flesh parting as the power field split apart the molecules, allowing Rainbow to get a clean cut.

The result was instantaneous and devastating to the Daemonic forces that were still in the room. A wave of energy erupted from the Chaos Sorcerer as the blood he had ingested spewed out from the stump of his neck, covering Rainbow in the liquid from head to hoof, but it was the Daemons that were really effected.

Now that the portal connecting the worlds together was no longer open, they were weaker, slower, and more susceptible to damage. Now, instead of being able to shrug off wounds that would have killed even a Space Marine three times over, they were acting like Guardsmen, and falling like wheat before a scythe.

Dropping the hideous sword that the Sorcerer had wielded beside the corpse of its owner, Rainbow looked up at Tar’nek. Behind his helmet, Rainbow knew that he was smiling as he drew his secondary sword from his back, passing it down to Rainbow, before drawing his own and holstering his Las-Blaster.

Grinning and licking her lips, shuddering as the bitter liquid flowed down her throat, before sprinting forward, roaring at the top of her voice. Beside her, Tar’nek let out his own roar, a roar that was taken up by the other Eldar, before sprinting after Rainbow.

Rainbow slammed into the horde of Daemons like a wrecking ball, slashing to the left and right as she clove limbs from bodies. These Daemons were nothing to her now, just annoyances as she found herself lost in the blood lust that filled the room. There was a whine in the back of her head, but she didn’t care about that. All she cared about was that she was able to kill anything that stood in her way. Beside her stood Tar’nek, the Swooping Hawk lashing out at anything that got close, or drawing his Las-Blaster again and unleashing blistering hails of fire, before attacking with his sword again.

Rainbow caught sight of the form of Gabriel, the Chapter master bleeding from hundreds of wounds, but still he was fighting. Hacking her way towards him, Rainbow stood beside him as she protected his flank. The venerable Space Marine spared her a glance, before nodding and turning to place his back towards Rainbow. Tar’nek had disappeared into the throng, but Rainbow knew that he would be fine. Together the Chapter Master and the pony clove their way through the horde, eventually reaching the blood pool and finding the eye of the storm. It was ridiculously quiet here, the Daemons all staying away from the place as if there was some sort of shield that stopped them from approaching.

Reaching down, Rainbow grabbed hold of a battered but functional lasgun while Gabriel drew a bolt pistol from his waist. A second later, the pair unloaded their weapons into the horde, firing point blank into the faltering Daemons.


Ten minutes later, the Daemons were gone, their bodies immolating after they were destroyed. Gabriel had told her that they hadn’t truly won anything, that the Daemons would simply reappear in the warp again, but they had stopped this incursion, and that was all that mattered.

The casualties had been high amongst everyone, especially the Guardsmen before they decided to retreat. Goge was still alive, although he was looking at losing his other eye to shrapnel damage from a stray bolt. The Space Marines had taken few loses, but every battle brother lost was a heavy burden, just like each Eldar life lost weighed heavily on the heart. The only consolation to the Eldar was that this time, they could collect the soul stones of their fallen comrades.

Slumping against a wall, Rainbow fought the urge to sleep as she inspected her helmet again, Tar’nek having retrieved it and was now sitting beside her. He hadn’t said anything yet, who else survived from the squad, where the Eldar had been since the drop, but that suited Rainbow fine. She was too tired to remember anything he said anyway.

The last thing she felt was Tar’nek’s arms encircling her body, cradling her close to his chest as he rocked slightly. Wrapping her arms around the Eldars chest, Rainbow allowed herself to sleep in his secure embrace as the Eldar carried her towards the exit.