• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,614 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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Angels Descend

It had been almost a week since Rainbow had woken up again, and in that time, she had rarely been from Goge’s side, less by choice however, and more by necessity. After getting her replacement leg, and still devastated about her lack of wing, she had tried to wander around the camp without the Major, but had quickly been intercepted by someone who identified themselves only as a ‘Commissar’. The human had been disgusted by the very presence of a Xenos, and if it had not been for the timely intervention of a trio of Elysians, Rainbow was not sure what he would have done. She had learnt one thing from it however, Elysians were much more tolerant than the rest of the army, although that may have been because of their shared bond after the drop. Most of them shared the lack of limbs and the replacement bionics at least.

Since that day, Rainbow had made sure that she was never on her own, usually with Goge, but not always. The major had even managed to secure transport back to the base that they had organised the drop attack from, the Elysians being granted its sole use, most of them no longer being fit for combat.

The war itself was going badly now, the Chaos forces slowly but steadily pushing the Imperial forces back, retaking the ground that had been hard fought for. In a way, the drop attack, something expected to break the enemy and win the war, had back fired, forcing the traitor’s hands and causing the Space Marines to join the fray in earnest. Wherever the Iron Warriors attacked, fortifications that should have held for days were torn down in hours, troops slaughtered with barely enough time to react, and when they were on the defensive, nothing could breech their walls.

Lying in the bunk room that Rainbow had claimed, the Pegasus stretched out her one wing, preening it as she resisted the urge to scratch tha phantom wing she could still vaguely feel attacked to her back.

“Rainbow?” Came the voice of Goge as the Major walked into the building, scanning the empty bunks until he saw the cyan pony.

“Goge.” She nodded, sliding off the bed and looking at the human. “Have you…”

“Heard anything about Eldar intervention?” He finished, knowing what Rainbow question was, what it always was. “Nothing. As far as I can tell, they haven’t been seen by command for the past five days. Either they’ve gone back to stealthy raids, or…”

“They won’t have left me.” Rainbow said, although after a week of the same response, her will was beginning to falter.

“I’m sure they won’t.” He said, although Rainbow could tell he didn’t believe it either. “But that is not what I have to discuss today. Sturnn is here, he wants to see everyone, which includes you.”

“Did he ask for me?” Rainbow asked.

“No, he asked for my men to be paraded for his arrival.” Goge replied. “You survived the drop attack, to me you’re one of my men.”

“I’m honoured. But I don’t think the General would see things differently.” Rainbow replied with a slight frown.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” He nodded. “Offer still stands though.”

“Fine.” She smiled.


Rainbow looked at her armour and sighed. All things considered, the armour had survived remarkably well, dings and scratches pockmarking the surface of it, but for the most part it was simply cosmetic damage. Of course there was one massive part of the armour that had been ripped off, most of the right side being completely destroyed.

The damage was better than it had been when she had first looked over it, the edges no longer being sharp and jagged, and the hole no longer being quite as wide, thanks to the naturally repairing properties of the Wraithbone. If there had been a Bone Singer anywhere around, she wouldn’t have been even been able to see the damage.

Pressing onwards, Rainbow began to slip the broken armour on, slipping her new leg through the hole in the rear of it and making to slide her right wing into the wing guard, before kicking herself as she felt nothing there.

Scowling, she left the room, walking over to where Goge stood, replete in his own armour, his lasgun held in an easy grip and his chainsword sheathed on his back. Rainbow had lost her own weapons in the attack, the sword and her las-blaster being left with the piles of dead.

“Are you ready then?” Goge asked.

“I am.” Rainbow nodded. “When does Sturnn arrive?”

“Scouts reported that his convoy will be here in a few minutes. The rest of my men are already stood on parade, it’s just us.” Goge replied.

“We should get going then.” Rainbow said softly, following after Goge.

The pair quickly made their way to the parade square, once designed to allow thousands of soldiers, looked really small now that there were only seventy on it. The soldiers, no matter how well turned out they were, and how the bionics glinted in the fading sunlight, couldn’t fill up the space, and it just went on to reinforce the amount they had lost on the field of battle. The lack of Eldar just went to further dishearten Rainbow.

Goge had mentioned that there were a few survivors from the Eldar strike force, and Rainbow had hoped that they would be in the Imperium’s care as well and come to find her. They hadn’t.

Goge took his place in the centre of the small contingent, Rainbow standing next to him. It did not take long before she saw a tank, a Leman Russ if she was not mistaken, the massive metal behemoth cresting the hill, followed swiftly by a chimera. Both vehicles slid to a halt, and the rear of the chimera transport slammed down, allowing a group of storm troopers to fan out, securing the area from any potential threats, quickly being followed by a pair of Catachan warriors, the two men following the storm troopers with apparent disinterest as the snow fell onto their bare arms.

“212th Elysian Drop Regiment remnants! Atten-tion!” Goge roared, snapping to attention as Sturnn exited the transport, snapping off a salute as the man stopped in front of him.

“Major Cusatis.” He said, saluting back. “You may stand your men at ease.”

“Thank you sir! 212th Elysian Drop Regiment remnants! Stand at ease!” He roared.

“Rainbow Dash. You are counted amongst the Major’s men?” Sturnn asked, turning to the pony.

“He does.” Rainbow nodded.

“No matter.” He said, before turning back to Goge. “You are required.”

“Required where sir?” Goge asked back.

“We received a signal from the systems edge.” Sturnn said, gesturing for one of the storm troopers wearing a large back pack with antennae sprouting out of it to come forward. “Listen to this.”

“Attention Imperial forces currently engaged on the planet of Verbatim VIII, this is the Battle Barge Invocation of Fury, conveying the first company of the Blood Ravens to your position. My forces are prepared to stand by and provide assistance.” Came a deep voice.

“The message has been going on for a day now. We are meeting the commanders of the reinforcements in two hours, you are to be there.” Sturnn said after turning the message off.

“I’m a Major of a near totally destroyed Regiment.” Goge deadpanned.

“Not a Major.” Sturnn shook his head.

“I’ve finally been demoted?” Goge said with a slight smirk.

“You can’t do that!” Rainbow shouted.

“Peace.” He snapped back. “You’re not a Major, Cusatis. Confirmation came through from Elysia, Colonel Cusatis.”

“Promotion?” Goge asked. “I lost my Regiment.”

“You survived.” Sturnn replied.

“Colonel.” He breathed softly.

“We need to go. An honour guard will accompany you, the rest of your men will stay here.” Sturnn ordered.

“Rainbow.” Goge said, looking down at the pony.

“Sure.” She nodded, knowing the meaning behind his words.

“I am not sure a Xenos is prudent.” Sturnn pointed out.

“I survived, I got promoted. She survived, she can be my honour guard.” Goge said simply.

“Very well.” Sturnn said, gesturing towards the waiting transport.


Rainbow stood stock still outside a large building in the Imperial encampment, bracing herself against the bite of the icy wind that blew across the flat parade square. Beside her stood the other Imperial commanders and their own honour guard. Goge was directly beside her, while to his left was Lieutenant-Colonel Samstag, still sporting her war paint and sleeveless top, making Rainbow wander if she actually felt the cold at all. Beyond the inhuman citizen of Catachan stood Sturnn, his eyes fixed upon a trio of small specs in the distance, while just beyond him stood a human who had been introduced as Commander Bran, leader of the 3rd Valorian heavy armour Regiment, and apparently commanded all the tanks under Sturnn’s command.

As Rainbow watched, the three dots in the distance sped forward, coming into view as three boxy aircraft, each one painted in a completely different colour. The middle craft, the one leading by at least a ship length, was a deep red colour, contrasting against the blue crafts that followed it. The other two craft, while both shades of blue, were still visually different, the one on the right being closer to a grey colour, while the left ship was a deep blue.

“Ultramarines?” Goge groaned.

“Quiet.” Hissed Sturnn, although Rainbow could tell he shared the sentiment.

A few moments later, the three ships touched down just in front of the assembled soldiers, the ramps slowly lowering and allowing the warriors within to disembark. At the sight of them, Rainbow almost balked, thinking that this was a chaos trick, but Goge steadied her, keeping her by his side as the Space marines disembarked from the transports.

The first of the space marines that Rainbow saw, the one disembarking from central ship, looked old, older even than Sturnn, his face wizened and riddled with bionic replacements. In his hands, he clasped a massive hammer that flickered with a powerful energy that Rainbow had seen surrounding the power swords of the Eldar. On one shoulder pad was a raised double headed eagle, the symbol Rainbow recognised as the Imperium of Man, while on the other was a black bird, a single drop shape picked out in red in the centre.

The next space marine also caught rainbows eyes, but for different reasons. When compared to the first warrior, this one seemed smaller, less physically imposing, not to mention wearing a beaked helmet. His armour was a deep blue colour, but it was the central strip of rainbow colours that drew Rainbows eye, even more than the pelt he wore as a bandoleer or the odd sword he carried. Instead of just one single, uninterrupted blade like normal swords, this one five smaller blades alongside each other, fashioned to look like stone, but Rainbow could see the energy arcing around these as well.

The final space marine however was the strangest of all, not least because of the, interesting, companion that was beside him. The warriors grey armour was pitted and dented, inscribed with small runes of some description. Rainbow had thought the other marine had worn a lot of fur and pelt, she hadn’t seen anything yet. It was however the massive wolf beside him that really caught her eye, the creature easily being larger than Celestia, its teeth probably being the same size as one of Rainbows legs.

The three massive figures were followed by several similar soldiers, each one taking after one of the first three marines as they formed up behind what Rainbow assumed were their commanders.

“My lord Astartes.” Sturnn said, saluting. “I am Lord General of the 453rd Cadian Regiment, commander of the Imperial forces of this world.”

“Lieutenant-Colonel Samstag. Catachan 9th.” The woman said tersely.

“Colonel Cusatis, commander of the 212th Elysian Drop Regiment remnants.” Goge said, bowing slightly.

The final commander of the Imperial Guard simply pointed to his neck, before shaking his head. Rainbow realised why she hadn’t heard the man speak.

“Lord General.” The red marine said, nodding slightly. “I am Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos of the Blood Ravens, first company. Beside me stands Wolf Lord Hroaldr, commander of his great Company of Space Wolves, and Brother-Captain Varagol of the 5th company, Rainbow Warriors.”

Hroaldr snarled slightly, and the wolf beside him snarled to, looking down at Rainbow. Varagol however pushed his way forward, removing his helmet and crouching down to look at Rainbow, revealing a dark tanned face with blue war paint covering the top half of his bald head.

“Xenos. Bad omen. Rainbow. Good omen.” He said, his voice rough and disjointed.

“Who and what are is the alien?” Angelos said, placing a hand on the massive pistol on his belt, and Rainbow flinched as she remembered the damage that one of those shells had been done before it was even aimed properly. If the Chapter Master aimed properly, she would be dead.

“R-Rainbow D-D-Dash. Swooping Hawk of the F-Floating Assault shrine.” She stammered, flaring her one wing in an involuntary fight or flight reflex.

“She is in my care.” Goge said, stepping forward, and squaring up to the crunching space marine, even if he was barely even able to look over the top of his helmet.

“What is a xenos, in service to the Eldar, doing with you Colonel?” Hroaldr snarled.

“The Eldar were here, they assisted us in a drop attack that failed miserably.” Goge said, keeping his nerve even as the Rainbow Warrior stood up, the two feral warriors bearing down on him. “She lost a leg and a wing. She earned my respect.”

“Lord General Sturnn. You approve of this?” Gabriel said smoothly, looking over towards the old human.

“Approve? Not entirely. Allow. Cusatis lost almost all of his Regiment in attack, Rainbow was the only survivor we recovered from the Eldar force. They deserve something.” Sturnn replied.

“Hroaldr. Varagol. Stand down.” Gabriel ordered.

“We are the Wolves of Fenris, not your personal lap dog.” Hroaldr growled, but stood back all the same, Varagol following the larger marines lead.

The massive wolf continued to growl, before Hroaldr grabbed hold of it by the scruff of his neck, bearing his fangs at the massive creature. “Down Geir.”

“Now, Lord General, we have plans to make.” Angelos said, turning to Sturnn.


“What is the remaining strength of your army?” Angelos asked, leaning over the large table, the wood creaking slightly.

“The Cadian 453rd has been slightly depleted from its strength of ten thousand to seven thousand. The Catachan 9th has just over three and a half thousand seasoned jungle fighter veterans, and Commander Bran commands two hundred and sixty three Leman Russ battle tanks, as well as a super-heavy detachment of thee Baneblades and a Stormblade.” Sturnn replied quickly, not needing to look at the data slate an attendant proffered him.

“Naval forces?” Angelos continued.

“Two battleships, enough transporters to carry my men.” Sturnn said, glancing over to Goge for a second. “We had a large supply of Vultures and Valkyrie gunships, as well as a large detachment of drop troops, but…”

“Between the three of us, we have over three hundred marines, as well as our own fleet and armour. Now, what have you discovered about the enemy?” Angelos asked.

“Samstag, reconnaissance is your area of expertise.” Sturnn said.

“Sir.” She nodded. “The chaos forces are mostly renegades and armed workers lead by Enforcer Hakon, a survivor of the Vraks campaign. They have few tanks, but more infantry than us. Now however, we have identified that a large force of chaos space marines from the Iron Warriors traitor legion are now active in this theatre, complete with their own armour.”

“Iron Warriors.” Hroaldr said softly.

“We need to work quickly.” Gabriel said. “A quick strike.”

“We tried that. Cost me my eye, and most of my command.” Goge said disgruntledly.

“‘We’ didn’t.” Varagol said darkly.

“My little-spoken friend is correct.” Angelos nodded. “Sturnn, you will be reinforced by Varagol and Hroaldr’s companies and will make an attack at this point.” The Space Marine said, pointing at a point I the enemy battle line. “Meanwhile, I will lead the Blood Ravens in an attack on this point here.” He said, pointing to another point. “My Librarians have pinpointed this as the area where the most warp energy is converging. Whatever’s happening, it’s happening there.”

“My company will not sit this out.” Hroaldr growled. “We’re coming.”

“No, you are not.” Gabriel replied.

“I’m coming, or I’m marching my company home.” Hroaldr replied with a savage grin.

“Fine.” Gabriel relented.

“Sir! Permission to lead my remaining men in support of Chapter Master Angelos’s attack!” Goge said, snapping to attention.

“You won’t survive.” Gabriel cut in before Sturnn could reply.

“My duty is to die in battle for the glory of the Emperor. Allow me to do my duty.” Goge pleaded.

“General?” Angelos asked.

“It’s the Colonel’s decision if you will have him.” Sturnn replied.

“As long as Rainbow can come with me, if she wants to.” Goge nodded.

“I’ll stay by you.” Rainbow nodded.

“Fighting with a pony. That’s a first.” Gabriel said, a slight smile creeping onto his face.

Author's Note:

The Space Marines are here. :pinkiehappy: Sorry if any of you are disappointed with the chapters chosen.

Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos. Blood Ravens

Wolf Lord Hroaldr. Space Wolves (With his trusty companion Geir)

Brother-Captain Varagol. Rainbow Warriors

Facial tattoos