• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,636 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

  • ...

In Wonder

The ponies looked at Rainbow Dash in a mixture of shock and fear. They were so sure she wasn’t a monster when she came back, and while they still agreed that she wasn’t monstrous, but the things she had just described, the things she did to the Orks.

“I’m, sorry.” Rainbow said, looking down at her hooves.

“Rainbow?” Applejack asked, looking at the cyan mare.

“I…I didn’t want to say anything.” Rainbow said, looking at the cowpony nervously.

“Ya didn’t want ta say that y’all had feelings for me?” Applejack asked, her voice rising. “Y’all thought this was the best way ta tell me?”

“I didn’t…I…I’m broken, AJ. Mentally unfit for duty.” Rainbow said, her voice wavering slightly.

“No!” Applejack shouted, getting to her hooves and looking at Rainbow. “Y’all have been back for days, and y’all then decide to tell me?!”

“I’m sorry.” Rainbow said, looking back at her hooves. “I…I need to go. Spitfire said she wanted to see me.”

“Now wait just a minute!” Applejack ordered.

“No. I’ll give you space.” Rainbow said, not looking at Applejack directly, before she flapped her wings, turning in mid-air and darting out of the open door.

Instantly, Rarity turned to Applejack, anger flowing through her eyes, and almost feeling like a physical blow to Applejack.

“What?” Applejack asks, hoping to answer in the right way.

She didn’t.

“What was that?!” Rarity shouted, not sounding at all like the civilised pony that she always tried to emulate.

“What was what?” Applejack asked.

“You dare ask that after what you said to Rainbow?!” Rarity shouted, getting up and walking towards Applejack.

“Y’all are seriously saying tha ah’m in the wrong here?!” Applejack shouted, squaring up to Rarity.

“Oh course you are wrong!” Rarity screamed.

“So you’re sayin’ that if Rainbow had suddenly said that she loved y’all, after she killed those creatures like that, that you’d be ok with that?!”

“Of course not.” Rarity growled. “But if you had listened, you would know that you were the one that saved her. She would have died from, whatever the war mask was doing to her, but she didn’t, thanks to her love for you. If she had said my name instead of yours, and our roles had been reversed, I would be honoured to be the one who saved her. She did horrible things, I’m not trying to deny that, but we are her friends, and she needs us now, and in the next few weeks, or months, or however long it takes, to get her back on her hooves. That’s what friends do. That’s what we do.”

“But…” Applejack began, but was cut off by Twilight.

“Applejack. Rarity is right. Rainbow needs us, and no matter what she did, she must have a reason to do it. When she returns, you are going to make amends with her, and then we can find out the why. So far, all we know is the what, and it is wrong to base an entire assumption on that.”

“Well said, my faithful student.” Celestia smiled, looking at Luna for a split second, who gave a nod that would have been unperceivable to anypony other than an Alicorn, before turning to address the other ponies in the room. “I believe that while Rainbows methods may have been, different, from what we would expect here in Equestria, I do not believe that her motives are anything to be faulted for. If what she told us was true, the creatures that were killed on that planet would have gone on to kill more than we can even perceive.”

“I agree.” Luna nodded. “We must wait to hear what more she has to say. Wait for her to finish the story, before rendering judgement.”

Curiously, she picked up the helmet that rainbow had left behind in her magic, turning it over and inspecting it. It was heavier than its size would suggest, and she quickly wondered if she should study it, before dismissing the idea. Rainbow was in a volatile state as it was. Tampering with her belonging could be all it took to push her over the edge. She placed the helmet back on the table where it had been, before looking at the others.

The five ponies and two princesses stood in silence, reflecting on their own thoughts on Rainbow Dash, even as the pony herself hovered just outside the stained glass window. She had heard everything, and smiled slightly, before actually taking flight, and leaving to go and find Spitfire.


Rainbow grinned as she streaked through skies above Canterlot, looping and rolling across the sky. She grinned as she saw ponies glance up towards her, looking in awe at the sheer speeds that she was moving at.

This was where she truly belonged. No matter how much the Eldar told her that she was needed by the craftworld, or by the Exodites, or how much anypony said she was needed on the ground, her true place would always be in the skies. Here, nopony was here equal, here, nopony could judge her new looks.

Eventually though, all good things have to come to an end, and Rainbow arrived at the Canterlot Barracks, hovering over the fortress for a second, before diving and landing heavily on the stones just in front of the entranceway. Perhaps a bit too hard, as the stone cracked under her hooves.

“Oops.” She said sheepishly, looking at the guard in front of the gate.

“Oops indeed.” The guard said sternly, not that it fazed Rainbow. She had faced and seen worse than him. “I am assuming by your ensemble that you are the one Spitfire mentioned would be visiting?”

“I am. Rainbow Dash.” She said, introducing herself, trying to shake the frown off her face.”

“Something the matter?” The guard asked.

“Just a problem with a friend. Hopefully I can get it sorted out after this, but, I’m not sure. Don’t worry about it.”

“Very well. Follow me please, and stay close. Wandering off will not be tolerated.”

With that, the guard turned around and walked through the gate, leading Rainbow into the fort. With an absent thought, she noted that if she had really wanted to, she could take out everypony in the fort without breaking a sweat.

Pushing the thought from her mind, she followed after the guard, being lead into the main building.

“So…” Rainbow said, trying to break the awkward silence, “…how long have you been in the guard?”

“One and a half years.” He said tersely.

“Seriously?” Rainbow asked. “So what did you do before?”

“I wasn’t. The guard is my first job.” He admitted. “I did watch the Wonderbolts try out session two years ago.”

“So you saw that huh?” Rainbow asked. “What was it like after, you know.”

“Well, it ended just after you disappeared, but the Wonderbolts didn’t stop looking for almost three weeks. They only stopped when their duty called. What actually happened when you were gone? Spitfire won’t admit it, but she was heartbroken when you disappeared. Said it was her fault. I think she believed you died. There was even talk about her wanting to resign over it.”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know what happened.” Rainbow said with a frown. “All that matters is I’m back now. Permanently.”

“If you say so.” The guard said, before finally reaching a door and turning to face Rainbow. “Well, here we are.”

“Thanks…” Rainbow trailed off, realising that she didn’t know the guards name.

“Sergeant Pinpoint.” He smiled, snapping a salute off. “It has been an honour, Loyalty.”

Snapping off a salute of her own, Rainbow smiled at Pinpoint, who turned and walked down the corridor. Turning to the door, Rainbow knocked once on the door, before stepping back and waiting for a while.

“Yes? Who is it?” Came the voice of Spitfire from the other side of the door.

“Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow called, smiling at the sense of déjà vu she was getting.

“Rainbow?” Spitfire said from the other side of the door, and after a series of crashes, the door swung open to reveal the Wonderbolts Captain. “Please come in.”

“Thank you Ma’am.” Rainbow said, mock saluting, and causing Spitfire to smile.

“Knock it off. You aren’t at the academy now. This is just two ponies talking.” Spitfire laughed.

“Yeah, except one of these ponies is the most awesome pony in Equestria. The other one’s the Captain of the Wonderbolts.”

“Oi. Knock it off.” Spitfire said sternly, but couldn’t quite hide her smirk as she moved to let Rainbow into her office.

The room was relatively small, being perhaps four or five meters across. It was however, instantly familiar to rainbow, and she suddenly realised that it looked identical to Spitfires office at the Wonderbolt Academy.

“You know, a few years ago, just being in the same room as any of the Wonderbolts was my biggest dream.” Rainbow said wistfully.

“And now?” Spitfire asked, taking her own seat behind the desk.

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s still awesome being here, but, after everything I’ve seen, it puts things into perspective.”

“I understand. Celestia gave me her initial understanding on the situation after the Ponyville incident. Nice work by the way.” Spitfire smiled.

“Thanks. What would have happened if I hadn’t been there?” Rainbow asked in an interested tone.

“To be honest, I don’t know.” Spitfire admitted. “The Wonderbolts are a rapid response task force as well as being stunt fliers, but as for what we actually achieve when we get to the scene is, less than stellar usually. Remember the last time the Wonderbolts came to Ponyville?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash said, leaning forward slightly. “It was when Spike grew really large wasn’t it?”

“Yes. And did you see how effective my team were? We got there quickly, but we didn’t actually manage to do anything when we got there.”

“Well what are you supposed to do against a giant dragon or fifty Manticores anyway? It’s not your fault.” Rainbow said encouragingly.

“But it is. If we are supposed to be Equestria’s first line of defence, we need to know how to defend the country, but all the way from Canterlot to Ponyville, all I could think of is that I didn’t have a clue as to how we would deal with the problem. And then you stepped in.” Spitfire said dejectedly.

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. I had two years training, and I fought tougher things than Manticores. If you had been in my hooves, you could have cleaned shop to. Maybe not a quickly or as stylishly as me, but I’m sure you could have done it.” She finished with a smirk.

“Do I have to go drill sergeant on your flank to make you show me some respect?” Spitfire asked, but it was all in good nature, and was even punctuated by a smile, before her face fell again. “But back on topic. Like you said, if I had been in your hooves, but I wasn’t, and there is no way that I could ever get the experiences you had, nor would I want them.”

“I see where this is going.” Rainbow said softly.

“I want you to join us Rainbow. I know how you always wanted to join the Wonderbolts, and even went to academy, but the truth is, the Wonderbolts usually recruit directly from the air force. To be asked to join directly is a great honour.” Spitfire said proudly.

“Oh.” Rainbow said, looking crestfallen, and causing Spitfire to look concerned.

“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to join the Wonderbolts.”

“I did, I mean, I do, but, I don’t want to fight. Not anymore.” Rainbow said disjointedly. “I did that for two years, and if I had my way, I would never do it again.”

“But…” Spitfire started, but Rainbow raised a hoof, politely cutting her off.

“I know that it would help, but…I just can’t. Not as a job. I’m sorry.” Rainbow said sheepishly.

For a moment, Spitfire stared at Rainbow, looking as if she had just be slapped and called a stallion. Eventually, she came to her sense, and shut her mouth, which had been hanging open for the past thirty seconds.

“If you’re sure.” She said slowly. “This was your dream though.”

“Was. Times change.” Rainbow admitted.

“I guess I can respect that.” Spitfire relented. “You do realise this wasn’t just for you yes?”

“Oh?” Rainbow asked, interested in what the mare had to say.

“You disappeared during one of my try out sessions. That makes it my responsibility. I just…I just want to give you something, anything, to try and make up for what happened.” She said sadly.

“You don’t owe me anything.” Rainbow said kindly.

“But I do. I told you to push yourself. If I hadn’t maybe you would have done what you did and you wouldn’t have gone to…” She trailed off.

“Hell.” Rainbow finished simply. “But I promise you, what you said and did, in no way made you responsible. You couldn’t have known it would happen. If you still feel guilty, then I forgive you, but there isn’t really anything to forgive.”

“Thank you.” Spitfire smiled. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear that for the past two years. Let me make another proposal at least.”

“I’m listening.” Rainbow said, sitting forward and placing her hooves on the desk.

“You join the Wonderbolts. Strictly civilian role, and do a few shows with us. You won’t have to come on missions, and you won’t get paid as much as the others, or be allowed into military installations willy nilly, but you could at least live some of your past dreams.”

“I don’t…” Rainbow began, still uncertain.

“Please Rainbow.” Spitfire said, looking straight at the Cyan mare. “Call it a favour to me.”

“Alright.” Rainbow said after a moment of consideration.

“You will?” Spitfire asked in excitement.

“Yeah. So long as you promise that I will not be involved in any air force actions.”

“Deal.” Spitfire said, sticking her hoof across the desk.

Rainbow reached across the desk, and gently, two of the greatest Pegasi in Equestria touched hooves, and sealed the deal. It would have consequences in the future, Rainbow was sure of that, but for now, she decided to just go with it.

“What happens now?” Rainbow asked, sitting back down.

“Now, I have paperwork to do. Signing somepony up to the Wonderbolts is never a simple affair, and signing somepony up for just the civilian activities is going to be harder, I just know it. I can send you all the details once I have finalised them if you would like?”

“That would be great.” Rainbow smiled, standing up.

“Still live at the same place?” Spitfire asked, standing up as well.

“You know it.” Rainbow smiled, before turning and walking towards the door.

“Rainbow.” Spitfire called, just as Rainbow turned the door knob and opened the door.

“Yes Spitfire?” She asked, turning.

Spitfire didn’t say anything for a moment, before she came to attention, and snapped off a salute.

“It will be an honour to have you in the Wonderbolts Rainbow.” She said smartly.

“And it’s an honour to be asked.” Rainbow smiled, saluting back, before walking out of the room and letting the door swing shut behind her.