• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,614 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

  • ...





“So, that’s what that…thing is then?” Twilight asked, looking at Rainbow, her eyes falling to look at Rainbows rear leg. Even though it was encased in armour, they all knew what was beneath it, well, all except for Celestia and Luna of course. They hadn’t been in Ponyville when she had first taken her armour off.

“Yeah. Wish it was just the leg.” Rainbow said softly, before continuing with her story, fighting to keep her tears at bay.


Verbatim VIII


Rainbow screamed as she came back to the waking world, not even moving as every fibre of her being sought to add itself to the scream, the sound nearly blocking out the frantic beeping sound that had been filling the room before.

“Damn it, she’s not ready.” Snarled a voice from beside her. “Give her another sedative!”

“I did! She’s already two times over the normal does!” Another voice called. “She’s got so much adrenalin in her system that the sedative won’t work!”

“Damn it, double the does and hit her again!” the first voice ordered.


“Just do it!” The first voice screamed, before Rainbow saw a face lean over her. It was blurry, and she couldn’t make out if it was a human face or an Eldar face, her mind too busy on the scream, and the pain that was coursing through her entire body like she had just be dropped into a pit of fire.

“Rainbow Dash! Listen to me. Calm yourself.” The voice said, trying to calm her down enough for the sedatives to work.

“HURTS!” She managed to scream.

Her entire body tensed up, her back arcing as she strained against the person now trying to hold her down. She could feel the scream reach a new height, before dying in her throat, leaving her with her mouth open in a silent roar of agony, before she fell back to the table, a single steady beep filling the room.


Rainbow slowly came back to her senses. She carefully opened her eyes to find a dimly lit, bleach white room. A medical ward of some description. She was still alive, but she didn’t need to see to know that, the pain kept her firmly routed to reality.

“He-he-hello?” She coughed, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Ka…liden? Tar’nek?”

As she spoke, a male human walked into the room, followed closely by a female human, neither of whom she recognised. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that they couldn’t possibly have heard her call out, but right now that was not even registering on her scale of problems, the pain in her body was occupying almost all of her thoughts. She tried to push herself up, but as a surge of pain flowed through her, she fell back onto the bed, a rasping moan of anguish escaping her throat.

“Lie still.” The first human said softly, placing his hand on her chest and softly pushing her back down.

“But…” She panted.

“No Rainbow Dash, you need to take this slowly.” The human ordered.

“Got…to…look.” Rainbow growled, pushing the doctor’s hand away with a forehoof and forcing herself up, ignoring the pain that shot through her.

Rainbows jaw hung open as she sought to find the right way to vocalise what she was seeing, the horror of what had happened to her body. Tears were instantly flowing down her muzzle, but her eyes stayed focused on her body. What was left of it anyway.

Her left side was covered in numerous cuts and bruises, most of which had almost healed, but it was her right leg that drew her attention. There wasn’t one, and instead of the usual cyan appendage, there was simply a metal crater in her body, covered in blood, but definably not hers. She had seen aliens, but this, this was more alien to her than even the Tyranids.

The metal scar that was cut into her body continued up her side, and she rolled her body slightly to get a better look at where it stopped. As her eyes rested upon where it terminated, she suddenly forgot completely about her lack of a leg, as her eyes fell on something far worse. Half way up her body, in between her fore and rear legs on her back was a stump. Her wing was nowhere to be seen.

Her scream was heard throughout the medical ward.




“I don’t get it.” Applejack said slowly, looking at Rainbow. “Y’all said that you had metal things in you, but ya didn’t have anything like that when we saw you, it was, eh what did you call it? Ghostbone?”

“It’s…complicated.” Rainbow admitted.

“I’d…I’d like to know, if that’s ok with you.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“But…I…uggh.” Rainbow stammered, before looking over to Celestia. “Is there anywhere I can get changed?”


It took Rainbow ten minutes to strip from her armour, placing it in a small locker in the guards changing room, before drawing a lock out that Celestia had given her and padlocking it shut. Honestly, she had been dubious about leaving her armour in a simple locker, but apparently they were all enchanted by Celestia herself, and once they were locked, they were next to impervious to damage. Something about ponies trying to steal guard armour.

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow walked back down the corridor, ignoring the looks she got as she moved swiftly through the castle, before throwing a set of doors open and walking in on the others, forcing herself to keep her head high as she strode towards the others. She hated everything about her body now, and while she knew that she couldn’t do anything to change it, the knowledge wasn’t enough to make her happy about it.

Even for the five friends who had seen her injuries, it was still a jarring sight, and they winced as they saw the shear amount of scars that covered her body, all eyes being drawn towards her wing and leg.

“Oh Rainbow.” Luna breathed softly.

“Get a good look.” Rainbow said, her voice taking on an icy tone. “There’s a reason I don’t take my armour off.”

“Do you need it?” Celestia asked, suddenly aware that they may have caused Rainbow pain by asking her to take her armour off.

“Only to hide my body.” She said, sitting down heavily and grabbing hold of her right leg with her forehooves. Closing her eyes, she let her mind wander free as she activated the psycho-reactive clasps built into the limb, before lifting it away with a soft hiss. Repeating the process with her wing, Rainbow placed the two appendages down in the floor, making sure to be careful with them as she looked around at the others, who were now staring at her with fear in their eyes.

“What is that?” Celestia asked in shock.

“The limb doesn’t just strap on.” Rainbow explained softly, looking at her removed leg and wing. “This port is attached directly to my nerve endings and the wraithbone linking, well, linking it to by brain.”

“You’re brain darling? But you said it was just a single shot.” Rarity said, unable to take her eyes off her mutilated friend.

“Yep, one shot.” Rainbow nodded. “One shots all they usually need. This thing though, bolts are huge, and they explode. It’s how they do so much damage.”

“Do you, want to go on?” Twilight asked.

“Might as well. I’m not going anywhere now am I?” Rainbow replied with a slight chuckle.


Verbatim VIII


Rainbow grunted in pain as she sat down in the wheel chair that had been provided for her. She had been allowed out of the bed a day ago, and so far, all she had seen were humans, and they were all giving her a wide berth, making sure to only go near them if they had no other choice, and leaving shortly afterwards. She hadn’t even been able to get any information out of them about where she was, or what happened to the others.

Forcing herself to her three remaining limbs, Rainbow hobbled over to the mirror in the room she had been given. It was barren of all but the most essential furnishings, a bed, a toilet, a sink, a shower and a footlocker which she had checked, finding her armour nestled within. Honestly, she had expected the Imperials to try and take it, but apparently they didn’t. Right now however, she didn’t care anything for the comforts of a true home, and just stared deep into the mirror.

She barely recognised the mare that stared back at her when she thought back to who she had been over a year ago. Her face was scarred, and her fur seemed to have lost its vibrant shine, being duller now, not to mention the burnt parts of her body, she still didn’t know when she had got those. But nothing even came close to those, things, that were set into her body, making it even more obvious that she had lost everything that was dear to her.

With a scream of rage, she punched the mirror, cracking it, but not dispelling the image of the monster that stared back at her. Rainbow screamed as she lashed out again, striking anything within hoofs distance, not caring when her hooves began to bleed, before collapsing on the floor, the blood now mixing in with her tears.

She was roused from her sobbing fest when a series of sharp knocks sounded from the door. Not waiting for an answer, the person on the other side opened the door, and Rainbow tried to prop herself up enough so she could see who it was.

“Rainbow?” Came a familiar voice, and her eyes set upon someone she had not expected to see ever again.

“G-Goge?” She asked in astonishment.

“Why are you on the floor?” He asked as he grabbed hold of her, hoisting her back into the wheelchair.

“I…fell.” She said weakly, looking over the human properly.

He didn’t look like he had escaped without his fair share of scars either, his entire face being a brutal red welt, one of the eyes being sewn completely shut.

“I’m getting a replacement tomorrow.” He said, noticing her gaze.

“Nice for some.” She said softly.

“As are you.” He said, a smile creeping onto his face.

“What?!” She asked, jumping up from the wheel chair and trying to put weight on her rear leg, collapsing before she remembered that it wasn’t there.

“What have you been told so far, so I know what to tell you?” Goge asked, lifting her up again.

“Nothing.” She admitted. “The humans won’t talk to me.”

“No surprises there.” Goge muttered. “Fine, let’s start at the beginning.”

Sitting down on the bed, Goge began to explain what had happened from his perspective after he had landed.

“We were slower than you, as in everyone, human and Eldar. Honestly I thought you were crazy and probably dead, going in alone. Then those blasted traitor marines showed up. Nothing had been going well before that, they were ready for us, waiting, but those Space Marines changed a losing battle into a slaughter. I watched as my men died around me, but I found you, clinging to life, if only barely. My men and I managed to make a hole in the wall with some of their own ordnance. I dragged you back to base and demanded they fix you. Honestly, if I wasn’t a Major I think they’d have just let you die. That was two weeks ago. It was touch and go whether you’d pull through at all, when I first saw you on the operating table you looked like a hunk of meat, a corpse, rather than a wounded soldier.” He gave a slight laugh, trying to relieve the tension slightly, failing miserably. “You died on the table. Four times at last count, total of six hours.”

“I was dead?” Rainbow asked, her voice coming out as a tiny squeak.

“Your heart stopped when you first woke up, that was just after you were brought in. It couldn’t handle it, but they managed to bring you back again.” Goge explained.

“How many others survived?” She asked.

Goge didn’t answer for a long time, steadying his nerve, before finally replying.

“Seventy three. Only two Eldar. Near total casualties. That’s my command gone.”

“Seventy three?” She repeated, unable to contemplate the sheer loss of life that had taken place.

“Yes.” Goge nodded.

“Fuck me.” Rainbow said.

“Tell me about it.” Goge nodded solemnly. “Since then, there have been more and more sightings of Chaos Marines, all from the Iron Warriors legion. They’ve been leading attacks out against our position and personally overseeing the traitor defences. The Eldar have been pressed hard, I don’t think they know what to do with themselves with so many dead, and none of them have been recovered. I think that’s the worst part for them.”

“The soul stones.” Rainbow said hollowly.

“But I do have some good news.” Goge said, cracking a fake smile. “I managed to get hold of something for you. The cog boys didn’t like the idea, but I managed to get Sturnn on my side.”

“What?” Rainbow asked.

“You’re going to get a replacement, one at least. Techs are working on a leg for you.”

“Really?!” Rainbow asked in amazement.

“Yep.” Goge smiled.


“Now, take a step forward and put weight on it.” The mechanicus priest ordered, looking at Rainbow as she took a tentative step towards him.

She winced slightly as she placed her weight on the back leg, her new replacement taking the weight of her body with ease. It was an ugly thing, built for utility, not looks, the bare metal shining brightly as it bent like her natural leg.

Nodding to the tech priest in front of her, he reached over and unhooked a wire from the metal socket on her back, disconnecting her from the computer that had been feeding him information about her new leg, before he turned and left the room, allowing the person who had been waiting outside to come in.

“I’m sorry that they couldn’t make a wing.” Goge said apologetically, looking at the smooth metal on her back. “I tried, but even the cog-boys said no.”

“It’s fine.” Rainbow said, looking at her leg with a smile, before looking up at Goge.

Truth be told it wasn’t fine, she would have been able to stomach life without a leg, but without her wing, no longer able to soar through the skies at will, that was something she couldn’t get her head around. She couldn’t let Goge know that though, it wasn’t his fault, and he had tried so much to help her. She couldn’t just throw that in his face.

Looking up at the human, Rainbow focused on the box like attachment now attached to the side of his face, stretching over until it covered his eye, and displayed a single, brightly glowing blue orb. He had come out of surgery just before her with his new eye, and he seemed to be adapting to it quite nicely.




“Wait, hold on.” Luna said, stopping Rainbows story. “If you say that the humans could not build you a wing, then what is this? She asked, reaching a hoof towards the artificial wing, only to find it snatched away by Rainbow, who held it against her chest defensively, growling slightly.

“Don’t touch.” She said simply, placing them back on the ground. “Like I said, humans can’t build wings, not enough technology and no need to either, they don’t have wings. They Eldar though, they can build anything.”

“So you got them replaced when you returned to the craftworld then yes?” Celestia asked.

“The leg is the same underneath, its just got a new set of armour on it. They tried to give me a brand new one, a better one made of pure Wraithbone, but this was a gift. No amount of performance could make me change this thing. The wing though, that was made for me completely by the Eldar when I got back to Saim-Hann.”

As the others nodded at the answer, Rainbow launched back into the story.


Verbatim VIII


“Come on, I’ve got something to show you.” Goge said, turning and walking down the corridor, leading her out of the medical ward and into the courtyard. She flinched as she got odd looks from the humans, but powered on, following Goge closely. Eventually, the pair of them reached a small building, and Goge held the door open, allowing her to go in first.

“Welcome to my humble abode.”

A quick look around and she got the sum of everything. Weapons lay on top of a chest in various stages of assembly. A makeshift table held a map, a couple of books, and an assortment of scrolls. Goge had obviously been keeping himself busy with studying and planning before being moved to the new base in preparation for the battle, for all the good it did them.

“Cosy,” She remarked.

“It suits me just fine. Now, what kind of military education do you have so far?”

“Pardon?” rainbow asked in confusion, trying to work out of her had heard him right.

“I told you before the battle that if we survived, I would teach you about the human art of war. I’m planning on fulfilling that promise, just don’t tell anyone. I’m not sure how well they would take it, they don’t like us talking to xenos, let alone teaching them.

“You really don’t have to, you know that right.” Rainbow said.

“Yes I do.” Goge insisted. “Now, what kind of military knowledge do you have?”

“Not much strategic knowledge.” Rainbow said, thinking about what she knew. “I was taught how to fight, not how to lead.”

Goge nodded, more to himself than Rainbow. “So basics and rookie stuff. Okay, square one it is then!”

The man walked over to one of the shelves around his room and grabbed hold of two large books, tossing them onto the table with dual resounding thuds. Rainbow’s eyes scanned the titles. The Imperial Munitorum Manual and the Tactica Imperium. Volume 1.

“Start with the Tactica. It’s the groundwork of all military tactics and actions. What you learn there, you’ll take with you forever,” Goge said, opening to the first chapter. “There’s more to war than just killing. A lot more. Let’s get started.”

Rainbow looked down at the book, and read the heading out loud. “Chapter One: Initial Estimations… What?”

“It means laying down plans and ideas,” Goge clarified, before quoting directly from the book. “Being able to read the lie of the land is arguably the most important skill an officer can have. On the attack, a wise commander can use the terrain to mask advances from the enemy. On defence, you need to occupy positions that provide cover for your troops and a clear view of the routes along which the enemy is likely to attack. Using terrain well can give even an inferior force the chance of victory, while using it badly can lead to the defeat of all but the strongest attacker.”

Long into the night, Rainbow read the text with Goge. She would finish a section, and he would then explain it to her again in simplified terms, giving him practical uses and mock situations where he would employ each lesson learned, showing her that it could actually be applied. That said, he did make sure to impress upon her the fact that the book would not explain everything she would need to know, as no book in existence could cover every eventuality, like some believed.

“I think that’s enough for one night, maybe we can do this again sometime. You need to get some rest though, you’ve gone through a lot in the past three weeks. You look bloody shattered.

“Thank you Major. I really appreciate the help.” She smiled, getting up from where she had been sitting.

“It may not be Major for much longer. Sturnn told me that himself. I guess there’s no need for a Major for seventy odd men.” He chuckled. “Anyway, good night Rainbow.”

“Goodnight.” She got about halfway out the room, before stopping and turning around. She had to know something.

“Why are you helping me so much?”

Goge turned around, staring at here in confusion. “What?”

“Why me, I mean, I’m an alien, and you’re teaching me human battle tactics. That can’t be something that happens often, and I’m sure some of your men would benefit more from your teaching.” She said slowly.

“Because Rainbow, I can help you.” Goge said simply. “You’re lost, far from home. Speaking as someone who loves home, that’s harsh. If I can teach you things that will keep you alive until you can get back there, then I will die a happy man.”

“You’re not going to die.” Rainbow said with a half-hearted smile. “You survived that drop, you can survive anything.”

“Maybe your right Rainbow.” He chuckled. “Maybe one day the reaper will come for me, and I’ll fight him off and stay right here.”

“Don’t rough him up to badly. I want a fair fight when he comes for me.” Rainbow laughed, and realised that it was genuine. Somehow, despite all she had lost, and all she had seen recently, she was happy.

“I’ll do that Rainbow.” He laughed. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Goge.” She said, closing the door behind her, before making her way across the frozen ground back towards the room she had been given.