• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,614 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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Grim Darkness

“The Eldar”, Elarique began in a slow almost trance like voice, “are the epitome of life in this universe, once rulers of the stars and everything under them. Soon, we will rise again, and destroy the upstart Mon-Keigh that believe themselves our superior, the universe once belonged to the Eldar, and it will do so again.”

Elarique stood in the middle of the room, with his chest puffed out as he spoke, making it clear to Dash that this was a definite source of pride for the Eldar.

“What do you mean ‘Once rulers of the stars’?” Dash asked suddenly, breaking Elarique out of his trance.

“To know that, you must first know one thing,” Elarique began, with what Dash assumed was a slightly mournful tone, “We Eldar once ruled the stars as I said, we wielded so much power that the very worlds we stood on could be transformed to our liking, no power in the universe could challenge us, and we became decadent because of it”

“Deca-what?” Rainbow asked with a slight smile, “Twilight's the egghead, if you want to use big words just talk to…her” Rainbow faded, once again remembering once again where she was, and how far away her friends would be by now.

“Decadent, it means corrupt, we stood as the undisputed masters of the universe, and assumed all its secrets belonged to us. Eventually, we got to the point of no return, Brother fought Brother, and Eldar stalked the streets of our once beautiful cities, killing in the name of sport and hedonistic pleasure. Few of us saw what was truly happening to our race, and what would become of us if we didn’t stop, but it was already too late.” Elarique spoke, in a soft whisper, as if afraid someone would overhear them.

“Why would you do that?” Rainbow asked, appalled that an entire race of creatures could turn on themselves, “What about the Magic of friendship?”

At these last 3 words, Elarique did something that Rainbow had not expected, he burst out laughing, as he stared at Dash, trying to gauge if she was being serious or not.

“The, the Magic of Friendship?” Elarique managed to stammer out between his fits of giggles. “What, if I may pry would that be, my Equine friend?”

“Well duh,” Rainbow said “it’s the most powerful source of Magic in our world, it’s about having friends so stand beside you and not letting others feel sad and things.”

“And how does this Magic manifest itself?” Elarique sniggered “Don’t tell me, the casters all get round in a big circle and sing songs to your enemies?”

“No, only me and my friends can actively wield it with the Elements of Harmony” Dash stated matter of factly

“I return to my original point, the what?” Elarique asked still giggling slightly.

“Do I have to explain everything to you?” Rainbow asked exasperatedly “The Elements of Harmony represent the six best qualities to have in a friend, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Kindness, Magic and, yours truly, the Element of Loyalty.” Rainbow jumped off the bed, attempting to strike a pose in mid-air. Unfortunately, her wing was still causing her pain, and with a yelp she fell to the floor, landing in a mangled heap at Elarique feet.

Elarique bent down to Rainbow and scooped her up in his arms with ease.

“What did you expect would happen if you jumped off the bed?” Elarique asked, slightly amused at Rainbows’ confused face.

“I was trying to hover, I guess whatever hurt my wing wasn’t a short term sort of injury” Rainbow sighed.

“Wait, you can fly?” Elarique asked, looking surprised.

“Well of course I can fly, what did you think these wings on my back were for, decoration?”

“But they are much too small to small to be able to produce uplift, at least without anti-gravity packs aiding you.” Elarique pointed out.

“Oh yeah, well I’ll have you know that I’m the fastest and most awesomest flyer in all of Equestria” Rainbow said, as she puffed out her chest, “I was the first pony in centuries to pull off the Sonic Rainboom” she said, slightly dejectedly, thinking back to Lightning Dust.

"Well, that is something I would very much like to see, you must show me when you wing is healed, it should only take a few more days.” Elarique said

The two sat in silence for a few moments, each considering the situation they were currently in, Elarique was busy holding an intellectual conversation with a blue pony, while Rainbow had apparently met an advanced alien civilisation, one that luckily spoke fluent Equish.

After a few moments Rainbow spoke softly,

“So what happened to your people, did you stop fighting?”

“Were it so.” Elarique said, “Eventually our perverse pleasures gave birth to something far more hideous than anything we could have ever imagined. Our acts caused a fourth God of Chaos to be born into our universe. In less than a day thousands of planets had been flooded with daemons, while trillions of Eldar across the Galaxy died as their souls were consumed by she who thirsts.”

At this, Rainbow turned pale, such death, in such a short period of time, it was unthinkable,


Twilight and Celestia looked at each other, Twilight turning almost pure white to match her mentor, while the other six ponies in the room stared disbelief.

“Did you say Trillions?” Celestia gasped, unable to process death on such scale

“Yes, Trillions of Eldar died in less than a second all across the Galaxy.”

The ponies looked at each other in utter shock, as Fluttershy let out a single ‘Eep’ and fell to the floor, quivering.


“How did you survive, if your whole species died?” rainbow spluttered, still looking pale.

“I wasn’t there, this was ten thousand years ago, I may be old, but I'm not that old” Elarique stated with a slight smile “Some of my people did have enough foresight to see what was happening to us, and fled on the Craftworlds, planet sized space ships, others, my ancestors included were far enough away from the heart of our empire to avoid most of the damage, and we became known as the Exodites. Even so, there are less than half a billion Eldar left, with even the greatest minds in the Galaxy at our behest, the Eldar are dying.” Elarique finished, finally letting his emotions show, and looking crest fallen as he contemplated the Eldar and their fate.

“An entire people dying? Why don’t the other species do anything?” Dash asked incredulously.

“They do, especially the humans,” Elarique replied with a slight chuckle “they kill us on sight in an attempt to kill us off quicker”

“What?!” Rainbow shouted “Why would they do something like that?”

“They wish to own the Galaxy and we stand in their way” Elarique stated simply.

Rainbow looked stunned that an entire species could try to kill off an entire species just to get their way, things like that just didn’t happen. Even the Griffons hadn’t wanted to kill everypony when they had declared war on Equestria.

“I would like to ask you a question Ms Rainbow” Elarique said suddenly, breaking Rainbow out of her inner Monologue.

“Sure, you answered mine” Rainbow replied

“How did you get here? I’ve never seen a talking pony anywhere on this planet, and you don’t know anything about us, or space travel for that matter, so how did you manage to get from one planet to another?” Elarique asked

Rainbows ears fell as she thought about home once again, “I don’t know. All I remember was doing a double sonic Rainboom for the Wonderbolts, then I ended up here.” Rainbow said glumly.

“The Wonderbolts?” Elarique asked, raising an eyebrow.

“The most awesome flying group ever, they’re so awesome” Rainbow said, while putting her hooves onto her cheeks and making a face that even Elarique had to admit was adorable.

“I swear, everything in your world sounds as if it should be in an old vid show” Elarique sighed exasperatedly. “OK, get some rest now, tomorrow I’ll introduce you to the rest of the village.

With that Elarique turned and let, the cat like creature Hrythar following closely. Rainbow walked back to the bed slowly, contemplating all she had learned that day. She jumped up onto the bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling her thoughts drifted to her friends. Tears sprang to her eyes as she thought of what her five best friends would be doing now. They were probably frantically searching the whole of Equis for her now, knowing them they would search for weeks before accepting that she wasn’t their anymore.

Slowly, Dash drifted off into a fitful sleep.


“And that was my first day with the Eldar, some of them are even more arrogant than Blueblood, but most of them are OK once you get to know them” Dash said

The others were silent for a moment, taking in all that Dash had said in the last hour, most of them were still pale from hearing about the fate of the Eldar. The first one to recover and speak was Luna.

“We are glad thou art back Rainbow, but I must excuse myself, as it is time for the moon to rise.”

With that Luna left, while Celestia also spoke up,

“I too must go Dash, I suggest you get some sleep, we will continue this in the morning in Canterlot Castle. Welcome home, my faithful subject” Celestia smiled, as she to left the room, leaving Rainbow and the other five girls alone in the room.

“It’s so good to be back guys” Rainbow smiled, “you have no idea what it was like without you guys.”

“We’re here for you Dashie” Pinkie said, in a surprisingly normal and non-bouncy voice.

The six mares exchanged another hug, this one not breaking off quickly, as once again Rainbow broke down into tears, swiftly followed by Fluttershy and Rarity. Before long all six of the ponies were crying into each other’s fur, though these were not tears of regret, those had long since been used up after excessive overuse, but rather, these were tears of joy, the tears only six true friends could truly could share with each other.

Rainbow sighed, and thought back over the last two years. She shuddered at some of the memories, and hoped that when she revealed some of them, her friends wouldn’t hate her for it.