• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,636 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

  • ...

The Craftworld

Much later, Rainbow, Scootaloo and the rest of Rainbows friends walked back into Ponyville together.

"Not bad scoots. Maybe one day I'll have to watch myself."

"You got that right Rainbow." Beamed the Pegasus. "Although, you are flying and I'm on the ground, so it’s slightly unfair."

"Yeah, I was meaning to ask you about that. Can you fly? Or do you just prefer your scooter?" Rainbow asked, and immediately regretted it as Scootaloos’ face dropped.

"I. Can't fly." She said glumly. "Apparently I've got some disease that affected me in ute-rion or something."

"In utero. It means before you were born." Twilight instantly said, before suddenly looking appalled by what she had said.

"Don't be sad Scoots." Rainbow said, putting her wing around Scootaloo, "I may be able to help you with that."

"How are y'all going ta do that RD?" Asked Applejack from the back of the group.

"By cheating." Rainbow grinned back. "Gimme ten minutes, then come meet me at the town hall." And with that, she took off, leaving a Rainbow trail behind her.

"What do you suppose that was all about?" Asked Rarity.

"I don't know, but I've got to be there in ten. Will you guys come with me?" Asked Scootaloo, giving the group the patented CMC puppy dog eyes.

Needless to say, nopony there could say no. Not that they would have anyway, but the look Scootaloo gave them just sealed the deal.


Ten minutes later.


Exactly Ten minutes later , Rainbows five friends, as well as all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were just as eager as Scootaloo was to see what Rainbow had in store for them, approached the town hall.

As they reached the centre of town, they could see Rainbow Dash waiting for them, holding a strange object in her hoof, and grinning widely. Almost immediately, the familiar orange blur shot from the group and collided with Rainbow.

"What’s it? Huh? Huh? What, what what?" Shouted the little filly, trying hard to contain her joy.

"Easy there Scoots. If you could just get off me for a sec I could show you."

Reluctantly, Scootaloo moved, and allowed Rainbow to get back up, brushing bits of cloud off of her armour as she did so. Holding up the object she was holding so everypony could see it properly, she started to explain her idea.

"There are a group of aspect warriors used by the Eldar who use things like this to be able to beat gravity. Usually, they need big metallic wings that use vibrating plates of Wraithbone to actually give them propulsion, but obviously, some species don't need them."

Most of the group looked a little shocked by the eloquence of the speech Rainbow gave. The two exceptions were Twilight, who was positively drooling at the idea of new alien technology, and Scootaloo, who was looking at Rainbow with a strange expression.

"You mean, with that thing, I would be able to, fly?" She asked hesitantly.

"I'm not saying you'd be able to fly." She replied, before quickly continuing as she saw her fans face drop, "I'm saying you'd be able to soar."

Rainbow reached forward, and gently moved the little filly in front of her. Slowly extending Scootaloo’s wings, she reached down and placed the device in the gap on her back where the wing bones joined her spine, before taking the four straps and wrapping them around the filly, securing the device in place.

"Is it. Is it done?" Scootaloo asked excitedly.

"Almost squirt, just one...more...thing." She said, slowly flicking a switch on the device. Immediately, there was a low hum, and Scootaloo could feel the device move ever so slightly on her back, before the hum stopped again, leaving the entire group in silence. Eventually, Sweetie Belle spoke up.

"Did it work?" She squeaked, looking expectantly at Scootaloo, who in turn looked at Rainbow.

"We'll don't look at me squirt, it's your wings it's attached to." She said with a broad smile.

Cautiously, Scootaloo began to flap her wings. She tried harder than she ever had before, scrunching up her face and squeezing her eyes shut in concentration. After only a few seconds, she heard a gasp from the group, and opened her eyes.

What greeted them was one of the greatest sights she had seen in her life.

The ground was almost seven meters away from her, and the distance was growing even now, her tiny wings were beating so fast that they were a blur. Eventually, Rainbow flew upwards, and gently began to nudge the filly down to the ground. At least that's what she was trying to do. What actually happened was more along the lines of Rainbow missing and Scootaloo flying off into the distance, whooping with joy as she did so, and leaving a faint orange trail behind her.

"Hey, Scootaloo, wait for us." Shouted Applebloom, as her and Sweetie Belle ran from the group, and followed the trail if the last Crusader.

Rainbow watched the pair go, and sighed, dropping back down to the ground and walking over to the rest of her friends.

"That was a good thing you did there Rainbow." Rarity smiled. "And to think, I'm supposed to be the generous one here."

"Ah don't think I ever saw that filly so excited. Not even when she got her cutie mark."

"I couldn't just leave her flightless." Rainbow smiled at her friends. "I mean, I could rebuild her confidence easily. I had the technology."

"But if you didn’t need that to fly, how come you had one in the first place?" Twilight asked.

"Oh I need it all right, this armour may be light, but not that light. Nah, every suit has a couple of backups in case the main one fails mid-flight."

"You mean you have more?!" Twilight shouted, jumping up and down with joy. "Can I get one?"

"You could, but I kinda need this one or I don't have one. I don't think you could study it either, its pretty advanced compared to anything here."

Twilight looked crestfallen, but before she could say anything, Fluttershy spoke up.

"So, are you going to tell us more about what happened?"

"I could, but I think the princesses deserve to hear it. It will have to wait until we're back in Canterlot. Besides, I need to see Spitfire anyway."

With that, the group began to walk towards the train station, and were soon on their way to Canterlot.


Eventually, the train pulled into Canterlot, and the six ponies, and one dragon, disembarked. As they stepped onto the platform, they were greeted by a contingent of Royal Guard.

"Ms. Dash and accompanying friends?" The lead guard asked.

"That's right. Where's Shining Armour? The Princesses said he would be greeting us." Rainbow said

"He was unexpectedly called away. Now please, if you could follow us, we will escort you to the castle."

With that, the group of guards turned around, and began to march perfectly in step towards the castle, forming a rough square around the girls, and shielding them from the views of other ponies.

"Pfft. Imperial posers." Rainbow muttered to herself.

Eventually, they reached the castle, and the guards filed off as the seven friends entered. Standing just inside, were Princesses Celestia and Luna.

"Rainbow. I trust you found your stay in Ponyville, refreshing." Celestia asked.

"Are you joking?" Rainbow asked, looking at Celestia’s blank stare, she assumed she wasn't. "A pack of Manticores attacked...How did you not hear about that?"

"Manticores?! Tia, we must go at once."

"Princesses...the Manticores are gone." Twilight said slowly.

"Ah. I should have expected as much from the Elements if Harmony." Celestia nodded.

"Not all the Elements. Just Rainbow." Pinkie said proudly.

"What?" Luna asked incredulously.

"I'm sure the Wonderbolts will fill you in princess." Rainbow smiled.

"Right you are. Follow us, and we will get away from prying ears." Celestia said, turning and leading the group down the corridor.

Eventually, the group reached the room they had been in a couple of days ago, and began to make themselves comfortable.

"Well Rainbow Dash, I believe you were telling us a story before." Luna smiled.

"Yes. And it's not finished yet."


The 41st Millennium. Somewhere in the Galactic west.


Rainbow awoke from her nightmare ridden sleep, a clammy sheen of water clinging to her body, and sticking the sheet she was lying on to her body. Shoving the sheet away, she got up and scanned the room. Looking around, she could see that she wasn't alone, and from the bumps in the beds, there were four more figures in the room with her. Trying her hardest to not make a sound, Rainbow creeped towards the door and walked out of the room.

"What's that?" Came a voice to her left.

Looking round, Rainbow saw a couple of Eldar standing against the wall.

"I think that's the creature that we rescued from Hannibal." The other one replied. "It supposedly took out a Trygon on its own."

"You know I can understand you, right?" Rainbow asked.

"Whoa. You weren't kidding, I didn't think it could actually speak."

"We've been informed to tell you that once you and your compatriots that as soon as you are awake we are to take you before the seer council."

"No." Rainbow said simply. "I need to find Elarique."

"You mean the Eldar who lead the Exodites?" One of the Eldar asked, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he didn't..." Rainbow cut him off.

"Don't you think I know that?!" She sobbed, collapsing at his feet. "He stepped in front of a shot meant for me, and I, I." She sobbed, before the Eldar put an arm round her.

"If he did that for you, he must have seen something worth saving. Tell me, is this why he saved you? So you could wallow in your grief?"

"No, sniff, he wanted me to get home. That's all he ever wanted me to do."

"Maybe you still can." The Eldar said cryptically.

The scene that Rainbow had made had woken the rest of the Eldar in the room, and they now all stood by Rainbows side, bleary eyed and bedraggled.

"Good. Now you're all here, we can get to the seer council." The second Eldar said, turning and leading the group towards a strange sky chariot type thing, although this one wasn't pulled by Pegasus.

The group piled into the vehicle, and almost immediately it took off, speeding through the spires of the city they were in. At least, Rainbow thought she was in a city. That thought was dashed when she actually took a glance upwards.

Instead of the sky that Rainbow had expected, and hoped, to see stretching out above her, she was greeted by a vast expanse of nothingness. A vast sea of black stretching as far as her eyes could see. Perforating the endless void were twinkling stars, shining constellations and other celestial objects that Luna would have been proud of if she had been here.

Rainbow was engrossed in the spectacle that she saw above her, she didn't notice that the sky chariot she had been had stopped until she was poked by one of the Eldar, breaking her out of her trance.

"Rainbow? Let’s go. Apparently their seer councils want to see us."

Following the rest of the Eldar, Rainbow exited the vehicle and walked down a small, tight corridor. Eventually they emerged into a cavernous room, and stopped, Rainbow standing behind the rest if the group. In the middle of the room were four Eldar, all of whom looked down at the group.

"Seer council. We have brought the survivors from Hannibal as you commanded." Spoke one of the craftworlders.

"Then you are dismissed." One of the seers spoke.

The two craftworld Eldar bowed slightly, before turning and exiting the way they had come in, leaving the remaining Exodites and Rainbow alone with the seers.

"So. This is all that remains of a once great Exodite world. It saddens my heart to know that it has fallen." The same seer spoke.

"And what of our own men? Surely some of our Wind Host helped you escape the planet?" Another seer asked.

"Your Wind Host was slaughtered in a single battle." Spat Egarion.

"Pardon? I must have mistaken what you said." The third seer said. "A single battle? Are you sure? Ren'lof was one of our most experienced Autarchs’.

"Well it didn't do him much good against a bio-Titan." Aranel muttered.

The council chamber was silent. The seers were all looking at each other intently. Rainbow leaned over to Aranel and asked him what they were doing.

"I think it's some kind of psychic communication. Whatever their saying, they don't want us to hear."

Eventually, the seers stopped their silent conversation and turned back to the group.

"Exodites of Hannibal. We have decided among ourselves that, if you so wish, you can stay on Saim-Hann. Failing this, you can travel to another world and live there. The decision is up to you."

The four Eldar looked at each other, while Rainbow simply looked around at the room they were standing in in awe. Not looking where she was going, she wondered out from behind the Exodites, who were still discussing their options, and straight into the eye line of the seers.

"So. It is true? The last member of your group is another creature. An unknown one at that. Tell me creature. Where do you hail from." One of the seer council asked.

"Equestria." Rainbow said simply.

"And what was your purpose in coming to Hannibal and Saim-Hann?" Another asked.

"What?" Rainbow asked, caught off guard by the question. "I didn't exactly choose to come here. It just happened."

"And yet, fate has brought you here for a reason. You were, and are, intertwined with the lives of those few Eldar who survived on Hannibal, but looking into the future, I see only darkness." One seer said.

"She casts a shadow in the warp. She has been touched by she who thirsts. She will bring the wrath of Slaanesh down upon us if we do not act." Another proclaimed.

"I do not believe that this creature, this pony, is in the service of the ruinous powers. I do not believe that she intends us harm." The third seer spoke.

"Of course I don't. Why would I want to hurt any Eldar?" Rainbow asked incrediously.

"You are not Eldar, therefore you represent a threat. It is we who will deem if you are a threat to our species, not you." The final Eldar spoke.

Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, but the first seer cut her off.

"Words will not help here. To gauge your true worth, we must delve deeper. Will you surrender your mind to our investigation? If you are found free of taint, you will be released with your Exodite companions. If you are found to be in the service of she who thirsts however, you will be expunged from Saim-Hann immediately."

Rainbow thought for a moment, before steeling her mind and giving her reply.

"Go ahead. I've got nothing to hide. I don't know what a 'shadow in the warp' is, or who 'She who thirsts is', but if you won't believe words, then you can find out your own way."

As one, the seer council stepped forward, descending from the pedestal they had been standing on, until they were all directly in front of Rainbow.

"Try to relax. Let go of the threads that bind you to your physical form." The first seer whispered, her eyes phasing out.

"Every action we take will send ripples through the universe." The second seer spoke.

"Every idea must touch another to truly begin." The third seer intoned, closing his eyes.

"We are all connected through Asuryans' Devine grace. Let go of yourself Rainbow Dash." The final seer spoke.

At this, all the Eldar eyes closed, before flying open, as they spoke as one.

"Open your mind, and see the universe."

Rainbow instantly felt herself slip into her own mind, slowly delving into a black void within her own head.


Eventually, Rainbow found herself floating in an empty void in her own head. As she looked around, she saw a shimmer in the air, which eventually materialised into a familiar shape.

An orange, Stetson wearing, familiar shape.

"Applejack!" Rainbow shouted, running towards her friend and swooping her up in a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Why are you here?" She asked back.

"What? What do you mean?" Rainbow asked, stepping back from 'Applejack'.

"Why are you here?" She repeated, advancing towards Rainbow.

"I don't know. I just appeared. Now answer me. Who are you?!" She shouted, backing away.

"Lie!" 'Applejack' shouted. "Why are you on the craftworld?!" She shouted, preparing to run towards Rainbow.

"I. Don't know!" She screamed, as Applejack jumped at Rainbow, pinning her to the ground, and beginning to shimmer.

"Lie!" The illusion screamed again, slowly turning purple, and slowly shifting into an illusion resembling Twilight instead. "What do you want?" She asked Rainbow, placing her horn against Rainbows forehead.

Instantly, Rainbow felt her head burning under the touch of the horn, in a stark contrast to the warm sensation that Twilights horn had brought when she had saved Rainbow from Discords influence. She also felt thoughts that were buried deep within her own mind being pulled to the fore front of her head, being sucked towards the burning epicentre that the 'not Twilights' horn was creating.

"I..want...to...get...home." Rainbow gasped, screwing up her face from the pain the horn was causing her.

Once again, the form of Twilight shimmered, reforming into the less familiar form of one of the seers from Saim-Hann. The seer’s hand, that was currently placed on Rainbow forehead, and was the source of the burning sensation, was slowly withdrawn, taking the pain with it. With a small nod, the Eldar disappeared, and Rainbow felt herself being pulled back to reality.


Rainbow fell to the floor, losing her balance and ending up landing on her flank. Opening her mouth, she spewed up everything she had eaten in the last few days, covering the gleaming council chamber in foul smelling vomit, and drawing withering gazes from the Eldar in the room.

"Uhhhh. What. Was that?" She gasped from the floor.

"You are clean." Said one of the seers, walking back to the pedestal with his fellows. Once they reached it, they turned and addressed the group again.

"Rainbow Dash. Pegasus of Equestria. We have decreed that you are not in the service of She who Thirsts, or any of the ruinous powers. Furthermore, we assessed that you do not mean harm, nor will you ever intentionally bring harm, to the Eldar, both of Saim-Hann, and the species."

"We have deemed you worthy, and may follow your Exodite companions if you so wish." Said another seer.

The Exodites turned to face the council, coming out of their conversation and standing by Rainbow, who steadily rose to her hooves.

"We have made our decision, seer council of Saim-Hann." Aranel began.

"We have chosen to stay here, and assist the craftworld in any way we can." Egarion continued.

"Yeah. That and we don't want to be dropped off like human waste." Smiled Dorgolmar.

"And is this your decision as well?" The seer council asked, turning to the remaining Exodite and Rainbow.

"It is." The Exodite said simply.

"Until I can get home." Rainbow answered with conviction rife in her voice.

"So be it. I pronounce the Exodites of Hannibal, honorary members of the Saim-Hann craftworld. You are free to act as its citizens, and will be bound by the code of the cosmic serpent." The seer spoke.

"You will be free to act as you wish, and after you have passed the rite of the passage, will be able to join a wind rider family, if any will accept you." The final seer spoke.

With that, the seer council stood stock still again, as the door the group had entered through open again, admitting the two Eldar who had accompanied them before. Without a word, they gestured that the group should follow them, and ushered the group out of the council chamber.

Chapter once again edited by SpacleLordVen.
I'm not even going to start any more chapters for the next three weeks, so a bit of a break.
Hope you enjoyed it though.